• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,764 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Peace Maker

A gleaming spire of mirror-smooth crystal stretched toward an artificial sky, and beneath it, a thousand gleaming crystal ponies roamed about their day. The echoes of laughter, salty tears, and sporadic music rang along the hard surfaces, forming a song of life and love.

A mother gently cut off sandwich crusts and snipped flower stems, arranging her daughter's lunch just as she liked. A husband turned to give his wife a long hug and kiss while running late for work. Friends chased, taunted each other, and fought in the small streets, faces grinning all the while. An old couple closed their front door before trotting off to their flower cultivators' meeting, their marks pressed together.

Friends, lovers, mothers, fathers, and children all swirling about in a harmony of connections. Love, in Cadence's humble opinion, was the beating heart of her kingdom.

And the focus of that love was the crystal heart.

In her castle, Cadence sat upon her crystal throne. The rooms seemed to almost breathe with light; Great streams flowed faintly in the crystal. To those with patience, it was possible to follow lines of love's power to the crystal heart where it pooled.

From that pool, a river flowed up the tower and to the throne, to the barrier which drew up moisture, and concentrated light and heat. Creating an environment for the ponies to live as the energy was expanded into the interior space.

There it would circle again, renewing its strength as it worked to keep all the ponies warm and fit. It filled her with warmth, love, family, and a sense of belonging.

Her kingdom, a pocket of life in the freezing wasteland. A sense of place, of peace, home.

It was at times like this she needed that feeling more than ever.

"My family has lived on that soil for over a thousand moons, a thousand years ago! We have farmed crystal berries there since before the founding of the Empire! Our nectar has been served on your very table, Empress—"

The green maned mare shouted, her eyes tipped with tears. Her name was Berry Shine. A long-rooted family of the empire and friend of the court.

"Princess," Shining cut in, glaring down at the pony.

"Yes, well… I'm just not used to the new title. I meant no disrespect."

The small mare gave a quick bow, making a little bell in her hair jingle as she did. Cadence's eye glanced to see the crystal berries there, her heart clenching as it stood as a reminder of what was a stake to the mare. Even using herself as an advertisement for the quality of her products.

"Let us get back to the matter at hoof," Cadence softly spoke, leaning forward, "Celestia."

"Present!" Celestia smiled, sitting on the left side of the rug. Beside her stood an Equestrian maid balancing a platter on her back that held a cup of tea. "Oh! Thank you." Celestia floated the cup from the tray with her magic, careful not to spill any.

"Celestia," Cadence leaned back in her chair stiffly, "thank you for coming. It is my understanding that you are here… As the CEO of the Celestia Royal Railroad, correct?"

"Yes," Celestia chuckled with a small smile, taking a sip.

"And you have filed the appropriate paperwork. Waited the allotted time. Paid the appropriate fees as the treaty demands. Twice the market rate, as I understand."

"Yes," Celestia looked down, ears drooping slightly.

Cadence breathed in, letting that feeling of peace and belonging flow through her as she considered things for a moment. After a few moments, she glanced down at the mare petitioning her. "My little pony, Berry Shine. I understand your argument. Your family HAS served the Empire well."

The mare smiled, her ears perking up. A flicker of hope in her eyes.

"Which is why I'm asking you to do so again. I don't want to take this land from you, but it would be for the good of the Empire. Without this new train line, how will we be able to reclaim the waste from the cold of Sombra? Do we not need a connection to Yakyakistanto to purchase their wool? Without the line to Griffonstone, how are we to sell them our gems and jam? Please… For the good of the Empire…" she looked the mare in the eyes, pleading with her to accept. Even now, she could feel the connection with her through the heart. Her love of the Empire was great, maybe even blinding in the past. Now though, that love wavered. Shaking as a candle in a great gust of wind.

"Princess Cadence," she pleaded shakingly in a low tone, "that land belongs to mine. You are sworn as my liege. Have you not found mine tribute in order? Have our vows ceased to echo? Do the ancient rights of my family mean nothing?! WHAT OF THE HEART?!"

Cadence stiffened, wishing she had a copy of these supposed rights again. Apparently, writing things down a thousand years ago was not in fashion. It was a simple thing, but it meant the world to the crystal ponies. No, it is more to say it was the world to them.

From it, she derived authority and the magical law binding her to the heart. A contract of protection and security. As Celestia had cooed to her as a little filly, it was something to be envied, a physical representation of the social contract, worked into the very fabric of the crystal ponies' lives and flesh. Born out of time unmeasurable.

"...Indeed. Your rights do have meaning in this court, and I have a duty to uphold them. But, I have an even greater duty, a duty to the Empire as a whole." She thrust her hoof into the air, cutting off the mare. "After consideration, I have decided to grant the land request. For the good of the Empire."

Berry Shine's connection in the fabric began to tremble even more, reflecting the burning rage pouring from her eyes.

"How can ceding land to- to a company be for the good of the Empire? It undermines everything that it has stood for since time immemorial! Eminent domain," she spat on the ground, glaring up at Cadence's frown, "no such law has ever existed since before you. It is not the proper law of any Empress. How can we maintain the heart if our promises can be so undermined?"

"Princess," Shining snapped, his brow furrowing. "That is the second warning."

Princess,” She spat again.” Maybe I should just call her queen if she is going to act like Sombra!"

The guards shifted, their spears scraping slightly against the stone as they prepared to charge Berry Shine's. However, before they could, Celestia turned and looked down at her. "If she was like Sombra, as you say, then you would not be still standing and speaking so easily."

"Don't you say anything! An equestrian princess has no right to be here! No right to say anything! Only an Empress! Only one of the Empire!"

She stomped around Celestia, looking her up and down like a piece of driftwood found on the side of the road. Celestia's ears wilted, her gaze falling into her cup.

"What? Do you think I won't say anything to you, Daybreaker? Queen of Equestria? Jumpstart, daughter of a Southern Duke? Equestrians may have forgotten, but we remember. The Empire fought your Combined Equestrian Forces many times. Each time you were driven back! To unify ponykind, you said, and unify you did. A bloody warpath. So great was your thirst for power you even raised yourself above your sister. Kinslayer!" She roared, shoving a hoof accusingly at the alicorn. "I've read the papers. They now say you banished her to the moon, just as you banished us! You never could take us, given time we would have dealt with Sombra and then have pushed south, driving you from the lands you—"

"ENOUGH!" Cadence slammed her hoof onto the crystal throne with a reverberating boom. The whole room froze as ripples of light cascaded down from where her hoof struck. Playing all over the room until flowing up through Berry Shine's hooves.

"Lady Shine. Have you forgotten I am an Equestrian princess? Do you think that I do not have the right to speak here?"

She turned, her eyes locked with Cadence, and at that moment, she felt something in Berry Shine snap. Her connection to the heart broke, and just like that, a dullness came over her mane, the shine leaving her eyes along with her vitality.

She swayed for a moment but recovered and glared at Cadence with fiery tears in her eyes.

"The only pony that deserves to sit in that chair is an empress… I thought you would be it. An alicorn, the first to sit on the Empire's throne. A force that could match her. I thought it was your destiny." She choked and sat down, tears falling to the floor. "But you're just an Equestrian Princess… The Empire is lost. Gone. Gone like Crystal cove, Radialoft, Oven Hien…Like so many. Dead, then swallowed by the snow."

She turned and walked out of the throne room with slow steps.

Cadence wanted to run after her, to embrace her. Insist she was their Empress first, that what she said was wrong, but the connection told her faithful. This mare would never forgive her.

The reverberations of her leaving rippled through the crystal connection like an icy wave. Her words were given the weight of a mountain. Crystal ponies needed the heart's connection; it was a part of them. Without it, the pony would begin to age and fade and slowly waste away.

Cadence knew she would feel the shockwaves of this throughout the empire over the next few days. Nothing could be a stronger condemnation of her rule.

"Court… Is adjourned."

The courts broke, the guards moved to the exit, and Celestia rose from her chair.

Cadence turned to Shining, mouth open to say what she was feeling, but he had already started down the steps to speak with Celestia.

He thanked her for taking the time to come for such a small matter as he practically beamed at her apologizing for speaking out of turn in the court.

As Cadence stepped up beside him. It struck her again with what she knew. Shining loved her, but he adored Celestia.

The hours slipped by as meeting after meeting ground by. For such a small kingdom, there was more than enough of it to grind the whole place to a halt if she didn't constantly grease the wheels. Despite her constant efforts, the consulate always found more to inquire about and give her insight into.

That evening Cadence found herself sitting on the dining hall patio with Celestia, sampling a collection of Crystal Empire and Equestrian dishes and drinking quietly.

“Do you enjoy the Manehattan souffle? I've heard it's divine." Celestia sputtered between inhaling a few more sweets.

"Of course it is. Didn't it get invented a few hundred years ago and introduced at a gala?"

"Was it? I don't remember. Those galas really run together," Celestia floated a puff treat into her mouth.

Cadence giggled, floating up one for herself. "I love those as well. Shame the cream is rising in price…."

"Well, perhaps if the Empire made room for a few cows…Shining seems tired of thanking me for the special shipments."

Cadence shook her head, frowning slightly, "You know as well as I that there isn't enough land for that yet. Every single meter is accounted for, and what isn't growing crops or being lived on is resting for next year. I literally have nowhere to give them and no grassland for them to graze."

Celestia sighed, shaking her head. "Careful Cadence, your Empire is getting a reputation for xenophobia, you know."

"I know," Cadence massaged her temple. "But this is not Equestria. The Empire is founded on the heart and its binding magic. It's in that they trust… And the bovines can't join. The magic was never made for them."

Celestia said nothing, simply swirling her cup as she looked into it. Cadence sat forward, leaning over to her mentor.

"I agree with Equestria. I do! Harmony is the correct path, not order. Defining who can join the social contract so narrowly is a holdover from the early Empire. It's not something I can change, not yet. That would take every single pony in the Empire to agree… And a mage who is skilled in such magic."

"Seven thousand years," Celestia said. "Seven thousand years of history. This contract… If the Empire was not so declined, I believe many would see it as the model of civilization."

Cadence looked out over the lights of the nighttime crystal empire. The small market district still had a few lights burning bright in the windows of its buildings.

"It's hard to believe though, That this used to be a true empire. But you remember that, don't you." Cadence looked off into the distance, not really expecting a response.

"I do." Celestia quietly placed down her drink after a few moments. "It was… Long ago, before Equestria, before the fires of friendship were lit. It was when Star Swirl was young. But even then, the Empire was in decline. That was a thousand moon— No. It would be better to say it was about one thousand four hundred years ago. Near when I was first born."

She looked off into the distance, her eyes growing foggy as she saw things no mortal could see or dream of. Cadence's breath seized in her chest. Aunty Celestia never spoke about the far past. She joked that it made her seem like an old mare, but Cadence thought it might be so she wouldn't ramble.

"Our ponies had arrived on this new continent but one generation before. The cold had driven our nations away from the continent of Almera… A vibrant, magical land over the southern ocean, from what I was told… Or is it called the frozen ocean now? Even the southern ocean is wrong. It used to be called the vibrant strait in eons before I was born." Celestia swayed a bit as if physically searching through a vast library of memory. " Back then, the tribes were still divided, fighting was common. Princess Platinum and her City of Herridon, Chancellor Prudence and the city of Toe," She smiled as the memories played out in her mind. "Pudding Head was what commander Hurricane called him. The two hated each other, and of course since Commander Hurricane's Cloudsdale still exists..."

"Cloudsdale is that old?" Cadence asked softly, pretending to not be that interested, trying to draw out even more as she had subtly activated a precast recording spell rune.

"Even I don't know how old the city of Cloudale is… But I can confidently say it is the oldest city in the world. Even this one was made later. Little Garnet, I believe they called it. A trade city at a crossroads… Still, it is the whole of the Empire now, and even so, it is shielded from the cursed snow." Celestia started off into the distance, her regal air falling away as her wings sat limp behind her. She tightened her jaw, and for a moment Cadence saw a flash of anger in her eyes only to quickly fade and be replaced with a bit of moisture.

"I was a little more," she paused, looking for the right word, " fiery back then. After receiving my mark, I mean. I was such a silly filly back then. My father had been sick you see. Discord had taken on the rot after a skirmish with the Empire. The Equestrian alliance was in shambles, with no help for the Northern Lords…Discord's return had ripped us apart…but it was the Empire who truly suffered when we defeated him. The chaos destroyed so much of the Empire's ponies' faith in their contract. Their crystals could no longer hold back the cold... I had to repel the Empire lines again and again as they desperately tried to claim Equestrian land. Only to invade north in return, still desperate we were for land of our own…so few remained afterward. That unified the Northern Lords under our banner….and a few years later Equestria Kingdom was founded, Our father the king… I was a national hero, a powerful ruler..but my father did not live long after…."

She bowed her head, her eyes seeming to desperately look for something.

"Discord sowed Chaos into the Empire's system of perfect order. He had to support its existence with his power…Even then, he was no killer. But with him gone... and their hearts were already broken. The snow crept over the Empire; their perfect order wavered. Its system, so rigid, could not survive its most basic building block being unsettled. Its contract, which chained it together, acted to pull the whole with the part into the abyss. The enhancement of the barriers, the fortifying of the population, and as the cold encroached, so did fear. Their hearts began to waver one by one, and as they went out, millions were plunged into the cold."

She shook her head, coming out of a daze.

"Oh, please make a room available," Celestia said flatly. "I've sent for Griffon representatives through my contacts. I'll clear the last hurdle for the rest of this rail line, don't you worry. The Empire will reclaim some of its lands. That much is required."

Cadence tsked, her horn sealing the recording spell for later review and duplication.

"Like I'd stop you, if you would just ask." Cadence exhaled sharply. "Why can't you and Shining be more careful?"

"Hmm?" Celestia turned, looking Cadence in the eye, who flushed suddenly, realizing what she had just said. "I'm sorry, that was inconsiderate of me. If I should ask, it's in your best interest, but this is your kingdom. I meant no offense."

"It's okay. I—no, that was stupid," Cadence mumbled, her cheeks cooling off. Celestia sat up as well, her wings opening as she looked into Cadence's eyes. That loving motherly bond thrumming between them.

"No! It was honest. Tell me, Cadence, what's wrong? What was that about Shining?"

Cadence sat quietly for a few moments, looking out over the city before mentally cursing herself and turning back to face Celestia.

"After the hearing. When that mare was cut from the heart. I felt terrible. But Shining didn't seem to notice. How you asked for that reminds me of it." She snorted suddenly, smiling. "I'm sorry, that is silly of me. I love Shining, and I know he loves me."

She paused for a moment before her eyes widened slightly.

"And I've done worse to you! The things that mare said. I knew many of the Empire didn't like you, but the things he said…." Cadence covered her mouth. "Why would you come here knowing something like that could be waiting for you? Those exaggerated insults… You must have not heard them for a thousand years."

"Exaggerations, but…" Celestia hung her head, "the core is true nevertheless. I did declare myself Queen. I led armies against the Empire and conquered the east and west, bringing much of modern Equestria into the fold."

The two mares sat in since for a few moments. A cool breeze ruffled their hair.

"Oh Celestia… I know you've changed. That was a thousand years ago. You were young, brash, and Equestria was in chaos. You unified the Equestrian alliance into the Equestrian Republic with your actions!"

Celestia sat up a little more, her mask sliding back into place, returning the distant mentor Cadence knew and hated to see.

"Thank you, dear. I know that, but how can the citizens from that time understand? I ripped two vassal states from the Empire. They won't forget that." She touched her cheek. "That's why I came, to give them a chance to face me. It seemed… Right."

Cadence stood up and rushed over to give Celestia a hug. They sat together, pressed close to one another for a minute before Cadence spoke again.

"And the… Other reason you came?"

"What?" Celestia asked, looking at Cadence with wide eyes. "What do you mean?"

"The other reason. You are sweet, Celestia, but you're a ruler first. The negotiation, the mare, both of these could be done by your aides."

Celestia sat quietly for a moment before smiling. "You're learning,"

"If you want your lies to stick," Cadence softly whispered, "Always lie with the truth."

"So I did. Now come Cadence. It should be obvious."

Cadence turned her head away from Celestia, thinking, before shaking it and looking back at her. "No, it isn't. What is it?"

Celestia looked her in the eye for a moment before tilting her head. "I've not been getting as many letters from you recently. Twilight, I can understand, young mares need to get out and… spread their wings. Especially when they have a relationship like Twilight and I do. But you? Dear, we are well past that phase. Tell me what's wrong."

"What? I'm just busy. I've not been avoiding you. You know that with the baby and the coming trade, I've been—" She stopped and turned to Celestia. Her worry turned to irritation. "You DO know that. Don't lie to me. You know I'm just busy."

Celestia smiled, covering her mouth. "You just get so flustered. But I wasn't lying. I was telling the truth… With the roundabout way of a lie."

"So… Telling the truth with a lie?"

"Best policy," Celestia said.

"Agh!" Cadence groaned, standing up and moving to the railing before turning and shouting. "Why can't you just be straight with me?!"

Celestia sat still. Her smile slowly faded as she looked into Cadence's eyes. After a full minute of silence, she answered. "All right… I'll be straight with you. Let's see if you can take the truth when it is given."

She breathed deep and set down her cup of tea before standing, her back straight as she looked down at the smaller alicorn.

"I am here to ask Shining Armor for a favor… I need to track Twilight. To make sure she is safe. I want to use a spell to track her magic signature, but I don't have any on hoof. Shining is close enough to her though. Combined with my familiarity with Twilight's magic, I should be able to use it to locate her."

"...Why would you need to locate her? Didn't you announce that you had sent her on this mission to find Mordane?"

The silence stretched on for a moment as Celestia stood up, trotting to the railing.

"I did…But that was a lie. Twilight left on her own after commandeering a blimp. I forged the story so the newly formed Equestrian Aliarchy would not seem to be already losing cohesion."

Cadence tsked, her face twisting in disgust. "This is why I couldn't stay part of Equestria, Celestia! I would never lie to my subjects like that."

"Sometimes, for rulers, lies are necessary."

"Not here, not in the Empire." She glared at Celestia for a moment before relenting, her eyes going soft. "Why can't you just be honest with us, Celestia?"

Celestia continued staring into Cadence's eyes for a few moments before she puffed up her cheeks and pointed her nose to the sky. "Well, I am more honest than anypony! I always tell the truth, even when I lie! Besides—" her cheeks reddened. "—I never was the bearer of the element of Honesty anyway."

The dinner returned to pleasant company and petty talks for the rest of the evening before Cadence dismissed herself, promising to make more time before Celestia had to leave. Thirty minutes later, Cadence was tucked tight in her bed, hair tied up from the shower as she waited for Shining.

"Of love, my dear, most true, of love is what I speak. For my heart burns with passion, and my mind turns with glanced visions of you. What drug, what curse, what vile seduction have you wrought on me?" Braveheart turned back, grasping Marygold's hooves. "No! No, not a curse, a blessing. A graven image sent on heralds wing by Cadences holy blessing bearing her godly countenance—"

Cadence spat her coca across the room, her eyes bugging out as her face flushed red.

She glanced at the book's title again, 'A Becker's Romance'.

"Oh Stars! This author is bold! Celestia and Luna I understand this being in a post-Equestria future , but why do they have me, Twilight, and Flurry as gods! What could I have possibly done to become part of the same level in a pantheon?!"

She looked down and blushed again after reading the line. While she did consider herself beautiful, goddess level she did not reach. Nor would she dare to. She had stomped that right out after the Empire's refounding brought up a few cults.

As she placed the book down, she swallowed, the lump in her chest jumping up again. She sighed and floated up her pillow to fluff. Then quickly straightened out of her bed as a yawn echoed down the hall as Shining approached the room.

"Shining, dear! How was your day?"

"It was average. There was a dispute about the quality of imported goods on the train." His head hung slightly as he stepped into the door.

Cadence shook her head before giving a small smile. "Thank you, Shining."

Shining floated his armor to the nearby stand, Shining and ready for the next day before he even came to bed. Slipping under the covers, he slid over and gave her a kiss as she curled up next to him. "So, how was your day dear?"

"It was okay…." Cadence said, looking away.

"That's good to hear," Shinings head nodded as he started to slip away to sleep.

They sat in the quiet for a few minutes, Cadence facing away from him, her mouth pursed into a frown. "...Shining?"

"Hm?" He said, eyes opening partially.

"Has Celestia asked you to help her yet?"

"Hm?" he asked, surprised, shifting in bed to look at her. "No, will she?"

Cadence smiled tightly. "Well, she is hoping to track Twilight. To do that, she would need a magical sample… Yours, combined with your parents, should be enough to estimate. With that, her location could be tracked." Cadence paused, waiting for the next obvious question.

"That's good. Yeah, I'll help her, don't worry."

Cadence bit her lower lip for a moment before answering. "Well… I thought that Luna and Celestia agreed with her going."

"No. Twilight left on her own," Shining said matter of factly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to worry."

"Oh… Well, it's okay. Twilight is a big mare. She doesn't need permission to go after her own student."

"...Well, that's true. It's good to track her. You can't be too careful."

"I suppose not," Cadence whispered quietly as she turned from Shining. "Good night."

"Good night dear."

Shining's horn flared, turning off the lights.

Cadence lay in the dark, her eyes open and staring into the distance, a small tear rolling down her cheek.

"My little ponies, it is my pleasure to come together with you today in order to officiate this wedding between Crystal Punch and Bubbling Wind. May their union bring Equestria and the Empire into an ever closer alliance."

The crowd cheered as the crystal pony stallion and pegasus mare kissed, accompanied by the stomping of hooves.

The wedding was taking place under the castle, the Crystal Heart glowing in its center as streamers were left waving in the wind. Large tables filled half the courtyard as the food was served straight from the royal kitchen.

This stallion was no one 'important' by political standards, but Cadence had habitually participated in these small weddings. This gave a sense of satisfaction on top of the joy she felt on seeing the binding of love between them.

Cadence and Shining's table was placed to the bride's and groom's right. Cadence couldn't help feeling that it was a bit of wasted space with how large it was. However, it was traditional so it had to stay.

She turned and dabbed Flurry Heart's cheeks with a napkin, cooing at the giggling little filly.

As the party built into full swing, the happy attendees singing and dancing, she leaned over to Shining. "Shining, I wanted to just ask you something…."

"Yeah, what is it dear?" He turned away from the couple and raised a glass of wine to his lips.

She motioned for him to lean closer before whispering what had been on her mind all day. "I've been thinking… You should reconsider helping Celestia with tracking your sister."

Shining's head jerked to look at her, eyebrows raised slightly before turning back to put on his public smile. "Hmm, well I thought about it, but I think this is for the best."

Cadence frowned, shuffling in her chair. "Celestia's anxiety is always suspicious to me. If she was so concerned, she should have asked before Twilight left."

Shining rubbed his brow before turning to her, "Let's talk about this later babe."

Cadence looked him in the eyes for a few moments before nodding. They turned, and both smiled, putting back on their 'public' faces, hoping no one saw their slip.

Cadence bit her lip in frustration. Her heart hurt, and the crystal heart reflected this, its typically bright surface turning dark.

Nopony had commented, but their looks said enough. They were afraid, concerned, and glancing at each other unsure of what to do. She could feel this as an impression through the heart, but that was nothing next to the gnawing cracks in her own. Not to mention the headache.

She had cleared her schedule for the rest of the day, deciding to spend it with Flurry Heart. Her daughter was finally exiting her surging and babbling phases.

Unfortunately, it hadn't helped. Flurry Heart had picked up on her feelings, reflecting them. In the end, she had hoofed her over to the nurse to coo and soothe while she went to the royal chambers and prepared for bed. Sitting there now, she waited, eyes closed.

Shining came twenty minutes later.

"Hey Cady, it's been a rough day. How are you doing?" He floated off his armor.

"Fine. Just fine. I, uh, just wanted to talk about that thing… You know, from earlier?"

"Oh, that?" he slipped into the covers. "Yeah, I hear you dear, but Twily doesn't really know what she is getting into going south."

Cadence frowned, touching Shining's hoof. "Shining, don't you think it would be better to trust Twilight? She has her friends to help her and tracing her without permission is a bit… Captain Guardy of you. Not so much BBBFF?"

Shining returned her frown. "Well, I guess it is a little bit. But I know what I'm talking about, Cadie. "

They looked pensively at each other for a few moments, a tension settling into the air.

Shining sighed. "Cadie. I know you don't like me to talk about my work in Canterlot, but… You know the work I did."

"Yes, I do."

"Then trust me when I say that Mordane colt is dangerous."

Shining waited as Cadence looked away, her heart beating like a woodpecker.

"I think Twilight would know best about that… She sent enough letters. She loves that little colt. He has to have a good heart."

"Cadence, I promised."

"Well! Tell me then. Forget that promise this time."

Shining's eyes hardened. "...Fine. I'm no longer an Equestrian citizen anyway. Those oaths can't hold me, and my wife is more important anyway." He took a moment to collect himself before beginning. "The first thing you should know is that much of the knowledge about Mordane is censored. His history is obscured, and not by us but by the simple lack of information. His family was Anti-Monarchy, strongly so. His foalhood was filled with seeing ponies wearing Equestrian royal guard uniforms enforcing excessive taxes, working in illegal markets, and tragedy."

"I didn't know that… He must have had it rough."

"We have no record of him from the time he left his home village and arrived in Ponyville, but we know that he made contact with a necromancer."

"A… Necromancer?" she asked softly. Her face paled as she pulled the covers a bit closer.

"Well…that is classified. Officially there is no such thing as zomponies, but this isn't true. Necromancy is the manipulation of dead flesh and souls. It is among the top forbidden magic fields."

"So. Mordane… Met this Necromancer?"

"Was attacked by him. Exactly what happened, we do not know. Twilight and he were able to defeat the necromancer a few years after he arrived in Ponyville… at least, we think he did. I'm not certain about that. His behavior was too strange. It was after that event that we put eyes on him."

"You spied on Twilight's student?!"

Shining was quiet for a few moments before answering. "Yes. Constant observation for a year. Even so, we did not discover he was an alicorn… Nor that he had learned to use necromancy."

Cadence looked away again, her hoof slapping over her mouth. She sat quietly for a moment. "...Do you know if he only started to use it after they fought him?"

"...No. In fact, it's not the only forbidden spell Mordane had been working with. War magic, time travel, universal illusions. We detected the residue of many of those kinds of spells, including dark magic. Based on this, we know he lied consistently for at least two years."

Cadence looked across the room, thinking about what she had heard before speaking again.

"Until he saved Ponyville."


"Would an evil pony do that?"

Shining huffed, rubbing his neck before turning back with a frown.

"I don't think Mordane is evil. I think he is an anti-monarchist with a mean dark magic streak and too much power for a pony his age." His eyes narrowed. "And he is an alicorn to boot. A rogue alicorn."

"So it comes back to Celestia then. Does Mordane have to stay in Equestria? What he needs is love to be shown that Twilight cares about him. Twilight believes in him!"

"Twilight is going off what she knows! She has never dealt with a pony like him before! He is irrational!' Shining stood up out of bed, beginning to pace. "He lied and manipulated everypony, under every nose! Under the elements! He lied right under the nose of the element of Honesty without her catching a whiff! Twilight can't seem to get that!"

Cadence sniffed, and her snout scrunched. After a moment, she took a deep, shaky breath. "I believe in Twilight. You and Celestia are just thinking the worst of him. You're just jumping at shadows. You're just driving him away. Maybe that is why he was so cautious."

"You're overthinking it."

"Am I?" Cadence snapped. "Maybe I can understand why an alicorn might just think Celestia would control their life!"

"What are you saying?" He stopped, his mouth hanging open as he looked at his teary wife.

Cadence slipped out of bed, Shining following as she walked up to the window. She let out a small sob before speaking again.

"When Mordane… Died. Twilight was broken… And I was one of the first ponies she came to. She spoke for hours, going over every detail. Every moment of that day. I learned Mordane was afraid of Celestia, that he had tricked her. The colt is scared and paranoid… and clever. [i[But, he is a good colt. I know!"

Shining moved to her side, slipping under her wing as he pulled her close. "How do you know, dear?"

Cadence felt the bands between them. The love Shining feels for her ringing painfully with the same for him, "I saw them once together. Twilight and him. They have a connection… I thought it would go great! But Twilight confided in me her struggles every time we spoke. How she tried to open up to him. To pull him in, but there was just something she couldn't cross. She must have come crying to me a dozen times. I know Mordane is paranoid and probably too smart for his own good."

"Paranoid doesn't cover it, Cadence. I don't have any idea how his mind works. It must be painful."

She sighed, leaning over him.

"...I understand Mordanes feelings. I share them."


"Celestia is kind, diligent, and loving, but she is also controlling. Very controlling. You never know what she is planning. I had to watch as she had Twilight running in circles. She anticipates your actions, engineers your life lessons, and plans for your grandchildren."

Shining shifted slightly, looking worriedly at her.

"Do you remember how we met?" Cadence turned back to him with her leg covering her eyes.

"Of course I do. It shocked me when I walked in with you in my living room." He embraced her.

"Shocked you? It felt like I had stepped into a sauna. Your crush flared like a nova as soon as you saw me." Cadence shakingly laughed.

Shining grinned. "So you knew immediately."

"No, I felt panic! You know I had my eye on you."

"Hey, it was a free garden no one visited. How was I supposed to know it was the rumored princess' private place?"

Cadence laughed. "Do you know how distracting it was to see you from my study desk practicing your sword swings there? How couldn't I have fallen for the young fast rising Captain?"

Shining chuckled, leaning into her again.

"But that's the thing," she said softly. "If you think about it, it's strange."

"What is?

"That garden had a locked gate on it."

Shining stopped and looked at her, frowning some. "Well, it was locked a few times but mostly…."

"No, Shining. It was locked almost ALL the time. But Celestia would often visit me before you arrived and come through the garden."

"What are you saying?" Shining grew a little nervous. Turning, he held onto Cadence, his eyes full of worry and ears low.

"Shining. Why did you train in my garden?"

"The former Captain of the guard pointed me to it. I thought it was a reward for performing so well." He frowned before a spark lit in his eyes. "Oh, Celestia, you clever old mare."

Cadence nodded. "And I was studying at that time under Celestia… It was also Celestia that asked me to pick up babysitting jobs. She even helped me select the right foals to babysit for 'security reasons'." Cadence chuckled.

"...So what you're saying is, our love was some kind of diabolical plot—"

"No! Not diabolical. Loving… Celestia knew who the bearers were going to be. I know you know that."

Shining nodded a little. "I saw the prophecy from our parents' generation. She identified them when Rainbow Dash performed her first sonic Rainboom." She sniffed. "Or maybe earlier…."

"Cadence… She isn't all seeing." Shining whispered.

"She makes a good act of it though, doesn't she?" Cadence laughed darkly. "But those prophecies. It makes you think. She was waiting for me in that magical realm. Like she knew I would be there and she came to the village, despite me never telling her where it was… I sometimes wonder if she was the one who had me abandoned on the edge of that town. Did she banish the Empire, knowing I would one day be there to reclaim its throne?"

Cadence shook her head. "But it's not like the prophecy is the core of her power. It just enhances it. Her real ability comes from meddling in lives for thousands of years. She has plans in plans." Cadence whispered. "How can you move against her when she laid the stones you walk upon?"

The two sat in silence, Shining and her staring at the glistening lights below, holding each other as they thought through their lives and how much had been shaped by one mare.

"Cadence. I love you." Shining kissed her, leaning in.

"I know, Shining. I love you too. And… Even if this kingdom is just a cage laid for me, I love it as well."

She hugged Shining as he rocked her for a few minutes. The two of them watched as the lights of the small city shield dome dimmed.

"Shining… I think you should trust Twilight… I know Celestia wants you to help her. But can you not, for me?"

Shining sat quietly for a moment, chewing over what she had said.

"I trust you, Cadence. And choosing between you and Celestia? You. Anyday." Shining leaned forwards and gave her a kiss.

The knot in her chest shriveled away, letting the warmth of Shining's love and the crystal heart fill her.

The dull light flared to life. The stars shone a little brighter. The streets swirled with a calming pulse.

Cadence sighed happily.

Later that same night, Celestia sat in a meeting room; She had been requested to arrive early for the meeting with the griffon ambassador. Luckily a hole had been in the schedule due to her canceling a luncheon with a local noble mare to secure a supply of crystal berries for Canterlot Castle.

Shining arrived a minute later. Small bags under his eyes from being up past when he typically slept. "Thank you for seeing me this early, Princess."

"It's quite alright. I've not yet had the chance to sleep myself." She sighed " And I'm worried about Twilight."

"Yes… Well, I suppose I'll have to get to the point." He straightened up, standing nearly at attention. "As the Prince of the Crystal Empire, I feel I should no longer be associated with the intelligence operations of the Equestrian Monarchy… err, aliarchy."

"...I see," Celestia replied curtly.

"As such, I will not be participating in the plan to track Twilight Sparkle."

Celestia took a sip of her tea, giving Shining a blank look. "I understand… Perhaps it was a bit too much. Don't worry, Shining." She broke into a smile. "It is just an old mare being overly cautious. You know how I worry."

"Yeah, I'm worried myself." He replied softly, "but I trust my sister."

Celestia's smile softened. "Do not worry. I sent an agent to watch her. Sweetie Drops?"

"Oh, that makes me feel better." He gave her a small smile before bowing. "Good day, Celestia."

As Shining left, Celestia waited alone, a small smile still gracing her lips. Curious, she wanted to know who it was that she was really meeting. The Griffon ambassador she supposedly had an appointment with wouldn't be till an hour later, despite what the itinerary said.

It gave her no end of mirth to see Berry Shine trotting in, pushing a cartful of products and wearing a maid outfit.

Celestia pretended to not notice her, waiting as she replaced the teapot and still mostly intact platter of delicacies with crystal berry jam, obviously from her own stores. The mare didn't make it two steps before Celestia spoke up.

"Is this letter for me, Berry Shine?" She asked while silently casting a spell over the refreshments to check for poison. "I'm free if you would like to just speak with me directly."

The mare froze for a moment before turning slowly to sit in the chair. Her dull color stood out more as she took off the cap.

"Celestia Solar. I suppose you wish to toy with me before hoofing me over to the princess guards?"

"Not at all." Celestia replied, floating over a new glass of tea and biting into a jam treat, " I expected you would come. You seem the dedicated matriarch."

She quickly scanned the letter. Not surprised to see an honest plea for mercy and an offer. A tempting one.

"So your farm rights extend beyond where the current barrier stands." Celestia summarized. "And you want me to build there."

"Yes." The mare replied curtly. "I know...it would be difficult. But in time, the barrier will extend that far, and the profits I'm making from selling to your nobility...well, I can afford to offset any inconvenience."

Celestia chewed. Pretending to think it over. Before frowning and looking down at the jam.

"This is perfect crystal Jam, the best I've had in fact. Equestrians just can't grow them like you can. Or your sire."

The mare stiffened further, eyes glaring at Celestia.

"This is so good that I would say it would be fit for our royal table...if you would be willing to secure a supply, I could change the designated space. Indeed, the way the law is written, I'd not have to change anything in the legal documents. The exact chunk of your land stolen is meant to be designated at this stage anyway."

The mare's eyes twitched at the use of the word.

"I have her just where I want her"

Celestia's ears drooped.

"I...only call it what it is, Miss Shine. " She looked over mournfully, drawing shock from the mare. "I want to help your ponies. Your empire. That's why I saved a little crystal mare. Why I sequestered her and other survivors in a small village and why the Cadenza line still exists in the modern day...Because I'm sorry."

The mare's mouth hung open now, her ears perking up.

"Cadence loves the empire...and she will help you in ways I cannot. Should not." She smiled bitterly. "She is your Empress now. Not my little princess."


"Please." Celestia cut her off, "I'll pay whatever you ask. Equestria needs a stop on the line, and I had to nearly destroy my relationship with my little Cadence to make it happen...forgive this stupid old mare who couldn't see the obvious." She held up the jam biscuit. "Until a mare literally shoved it into my mouth."

The mare's eyes teared up as color began to return.

"I forgive you."

The two hugged, sharing stories of the old empire, Celestia cursing what happened, the mare warming up and promising to apologize to Cadence.

It went on long enough that once she left, now a bright color again, the griffon plopped down unamused at the delay. But he kept his peace, his claws pressing firmly together the only indication of his displeasure. He was adorned in a suit and tie, a brooch gleaming brightly on his chest.

"I apologize for the short delay," Celestia turned steadily to the griffin.

"There is no apology necessary. A few minutes is not long to wait after such a ponderous journey."

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time," she chortled.

"Indeed. I'll cut to the chase then. What will the rail line cost the Griffon Kingdom?"

Celestia sipped her tea before continuing. "Many hundreds of years ago, your Griffon Kingdom colonized land rightfully held by the Equestrian Crown. This land is the region called Faun, in the Southern Lands."

The griffon bristled, but Celestia held up her hoof, silencing his comment. "I am not here to argue if it is rightfully held. I'm here to purchase its return."

"...Griffon land is not for sale."

"I imagine so. Land is at a premium these days. The cold encroaches ever closer I hear. In a few years, your homeland's primary growing region will be unusable… Oh, don't look at me like that," she frowned slightly while leaning toward him, "I warned your ancestors. The wendigos are very real, and they would seek out new food after starving on Equestrian peace. The various griffon nation wars have seen to that."

The griffon clicked his beak. Snorting a little before answering. "We have detected no such creature. Our magicians state it to be a breakdown of the magical flux."

"Either way, you will need Equestrian food imports. You don't have the military to expand in the Southern Lands, and the small piece you have has no arable land… You need this line. We need that colony."

The griffon sat silently, his eyes boring into Celestia, who met his gaze evenly.

He gave first. "A rail line is not enough for a colony,"

"Then how about this? Low-interest loans to finance the moving of your population south. A military defensive contact and instead of just food… Fertilizer. You can make new agricultural land in Dryland Heights. It won't be easy. But you have the time," Celestia poured more tea into her cup.

"...That is tempting. Aqueducts would need to be built. New cities. Roads… The old lands would be emptied, but no one would dare attack… With the encroaching cold, we would only have to wait for the other nations to collapse or offer…Compromises."

Celestia considered for a moment, taking a sip of her tea.

"I would hope that you could offer a token of peace to them. After all, it has been far too long since your people have been united. King Gravenclaw should look to be a unifier more than a Warlord."

The griffon nodded slowly. His brow furrowed as everything he had hoped for was handed to him. But something caught on his lip. A gritting need to make this mare pay something she didn't want to. "We, of course, cannot turn over the land in a single day. It will take time… A few years."

"Well… How many years then?" She said curtly, almost glaring at him.

"...Two. We will need two," he stated matter-of-factly.

Celestia frowned, then ruffled her feathers a little bit. "Very well."

The griffon's smirk as he left didn't annoy Celestia. She instead made a note, marking off the five to six years on her note and writing down two.

Cadence waited for Shining. She had ordered a late-night dinner for the two of them, or was it early breakfast by this time?

As she stared out at the beautiful night city, she smiled, lovingly looking at the few still lively places this late in the night.

Slowly, her smile faded from her lips as thoughts pervaded her mind. She had had these feelings about Shining and his loyalty to Celestia for some time. Wouldn't she have picked up on it? Perhaps she would then contrive a way for the conflict to come out. A harsh request of Shining like he was still the Captain of the Royal Guard.

A request that, now that she thought of it, did not make sense. Would Celestia really not already have a tracking spell on Twilight? Wasn't Twilight communicating regularly? How could she send replies if she didn't know where Twilight was?

Her brow furrowed, and she frowned as her eyes looked at her small kingdom. An echo of an empire long gone, brought low by Celestia, but preserved… For her.

A place she was fit for, like a ponyshoe

She breathed deeply. Accepting it.

She thought of her subjects, her husband, and their new child. She thought of the separation from the soul-crushing Equestrian politics. Slowly, the frown softened and faded to nothing, leaving only a gentle smile.

"Celestia would for certain have some of Twilight's magic… She lied. It was another move by her. She didn't need Shining's magic. Another small step in her grand plan." she sighed, smiling still, "Well, if this is a cage, then it is one I am glad to have."

Turning as the door opened, she gestured where to place the meal, putting out of her mind her troubling thoughts.

Comments ( 58 )

New chapter sweet. Good to see the story is still alive.

Hey Everyone, just letting you know that the rewrite is going well. I honestly believe it is a lot better. It's currently about 70% done.

Rewrite? What rewrite? Why have I not heard of such a thing? Heresy I say, absolutely heresy that I shall purge in the Emperor's Holy Pire!

Thank you Mr Stargazer.... just, thank you for sticking with this wonderful saga.

It's alive.... it's alive! :trollestia:

Nice to see an update on this gem, might reread this to remember everything but other than that its nice to know its still being worked on.

Me gustó mucho el nuevo capítulo 😁👍

....request that Mordane does not kill Celestia, but destroys her millenia of manipulations and shatters the status quo beyond repair, not neccesarily for the better, but to simply usher in a future not controlled by a "for the greater good" immortal alicorn with good PR.

D48 #9 · Dec 31st, 2022 · · 2 ·

This was a good chapter that did an excellent job showing off how manipulative and controlling this interpretation of Celestia is, especially the way you subtly highlighted fact that she's sabotaging Twilight's attempt to reach out to Mordane by sending in Sweetie Drops (who Celestia must know is almost certainly going to get herself killed to boot). One thing I'm particularly interested in seeing is future interactions between Cadence and Mordane because I'd expect his reaction to her genuine empathy for his distrust of Celestia to be fun. That said, there are two hiccups I want to point out.

First, the way you handle things with Berry Shine makes Cadence come off as callous. The introduction makes it seem like she's someone Cadence knows personally, so their falling out should have had even greater impact than shattering the obviously critical magical bond had. In spite of that, she's largely forgotten until Celestia sorts things out in a relatively abbreviated way and Cadence does absolutely nothing to hold Celestia accountable for her actions, so the impression I'm left with is that Cadence seems like she doesn't really care that she destroyed Berry Shine's life. Since I don't think this is what you intended, I recommend adding a bit more to the meeting where Berry Shine tries to negotiate another location (likely on the road past her property), a few more lines after it showing Cadence is not happy with either Celestia or herself about the outcome, and a new section to the beginning of her conversation with Celestia where she confronts her with the consequence she's going to have to live with.

The second is much less significant and probably something you're already aware of, but this is a terrible place to fit this chapter into the story since it's the middle of an obviously critical arc. Fortunately this is an easy fix, so I'd recommend waiting a week or two for the new chapter comments to die down and then move this chapter back to the section break so it won't break up the flow when the story is being read through in the future.

I might take your suggestion on moving the chapter.

As for Cadence I wanted to indicate she has a certain lack in terms of leadership. She was so consumed by the moment and feelings she couldn't step back and look at the situation objectively. The shrewd business mare Berry seeks an alternative solution. Celeatia seeing this opened the way for her. Pretending to be surprised and swayed by guilt. Guilt that is real mind you. Its hard to lie with false guilt better to use real one. Cadence is fine right now as a glorified mayor. But leadership requires objectivity.

Any idea how I could have conveyed that better?

Well, if this is a cage, then it is one I am glad to have."

the difference between mordane and Candace, he not willing to live in a cage even one that is gilded and full of creature comforts even if it means defying destiny itself and bring about a path of unending hardship and the loss of those he cares about.

Praise the Emperor i see an update and happy new year to everyone


Yeah, that's sounding like what I was thinking so I stand by my original comment and three change suggestions.

The first change is in the dialog which should be easy enough to address with a few lines where Berry tries to push for alternatives and Cadence can't think of anything. This shows Cadence's lack of leadership and inability to step back and think through options, especially if you focus the narrative on her emotions instead of the problem. You could also add a bit of testing from Celestia to this by having her observe that there's nowhere else inside the dome to see if Cadence can realize outside is an option on her own, but instead it just builds her emotional pressure and further blocks Cadence's rationality.

The second is at the end of the meeting when Berry storms out. As is you basically let the audience know what happened and then move on which comes across as Cadence brushing the confrontation off because of how much insight you give into her thoughts and feelings elsewhere (i.e. the lack of information here comes off as confirmation she has no strong feelings about it). This is where you need to twist the knife to really sell how much this situation hurts Cadence and how it's impacting her judgement. That said, this should be easy to fix with another paragraph or two exploring her emotional state, reflecting on the relationship with Berry she just destroyed, and deflecting some of the blame onto Celestia who she's understandably angry at for putting her in this situation in the first place.

The big change is the explosion at the beginning of Cadence's conversation with Celestia. With the first change solidifying her inability to think under emotional pressure and the second driving home the fact that she cares, Cadence will be set up to snap at Celestia. She'll let her emotions rule her rather than anything rational and chew Celestia out, blaming her for the mess and not thinking about the consequences of that hostility. This is where Celestia will get to look less terrible by using it as a teaching moment to try to help Cadence improve as a ruler, and then this section of the conversation will end with Celestia promising to try to patch things up with Berry, thus setting up the later resolution so it feels more planned.

You'll probably also need to do a bit of rework on the final resolution of Berry's thread so it ties in with Celestia's promise, although the details there are less critical. After all, we already know Celestia is a chess master and has decided to fix the relationship, so we don't need to be convinced she'll be successful. We can trust in the character's abilities and fill in anything you gloss over, so filling in Celestia's motivation earlier gives you a fair amount of leeway here.

Its not tyehe focus of the chapter so giving it that would be to much I think. Its apso a bit off, she didn't struggle to think what to do. She didn't even try. Its more to say she is passive and not thinking about it.

If the mare had not believed she was unconcerned then she would have asked. Going to Celeatia was only because Celestia expressed regret for war in the past

Thanks for yet another awesome chapter!

So Cadence is starting to see just how much of a scheming control freak Celestia truly is. I wonder if the more Cadence thinks about how much Celestia has manipulated her life since foalhood. The more she'll start to resent Celestia and try everything she can to break free of her "aunt's" machinations.

If that does end up happening. I think that there's a very good chance that the Crystal Empire will side with Mordane's kingdom when the war with Equestria happens.



Yes and no. This chapter is fundamentally about exploring Cadence's character, and Berry is one of the primary tools you use to do that. If she had only gotten a few lines to set something else up she would have been set dressing you could ignore, but as written she's the lens we see Cadence's relationship with the Crystal Empire through. That makes Berry's treatment vitally important because it shows us how she sees them, how they see her (or more accurately how they will see her once they get a better feel for her leadership), and how she runs things. As written, it shows that Cadence cares more about Celestia and Equestria than her ponies and country because she prioritizes Celestia over Berry and shows no remorse for hurting Berry. That's especially damning because this chapter also shows us that Cadence is not thrilled with Celestia, thus implying even less compassion towards her ponies and eventual rebellion when they inevitably decide her demonstrated apathy for their wellbeing puts her in the same camp as Sombra. Thus, it's critical to get Berry's arc right because it's how the readers are assessing Candace and contrasting her with the much more Machiavellian Celestia and colder Mordane.

As for the rest, I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to say, especially the last part, but the biggest point I'm getting from it is that Cadence is feeling instead of thinking which makes sense, but there are two big problems with it. First, all feeling seems to completely shut off the moment Berry walks out the door, and that in turn implies the emotions weren't particularly strong in the first place, making Cadence seem apathetic to Berry's concerns. Second, even if Cadence doesn't think about alternative solutions and Celestia decides to amuse herself by fucking with Berry, Berry is still an active participant in the conversation and should be trying to come up with solutions that don't screw her, thus injecting that thinking into the conversation.

I am ready for not Mordane


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

So we finally see more Grand Chess Mistress Celestia. Plans within Plans, Moves within moves. She sees the whole boards and moves the pieces to dance to her tune. Not all seeing, not All knowing...but using the ponies own predictability against them. It makes sense when you think of the overall idea. She can't see everything yet it seems like she knows exactly what to say and when in order to get anyone to react like she wants them too.

Actually...could this be why she's scared of Mordane? Because he's a rogue element in her plan? A pony she can't predict nor manipulate? And with the knowledge of his previous life and early life, he has shown that his mind is beyond that of Celestia's ability to predict.

Prediction & Deduction time! And some Theories... Don't read further if you don't want the possible spoilers.

In GoW:R, one of the best lines I've heard to describe this went like "There is no grand Design, No Script. Only the choices you make. That your choices are so predictable makes us seem prescient." So if we apply this same logic to Celestia & Mordane, Celestia has been influencing the world to create predictable paths, predictable people. Thus allowing her to plan around their predictability. Mordane could be uncontrolled factor, impossible to predict. Not only a male Alicorn, but one who hold no allegiance to her. Who knows spells that she forbid (some most likely for decent reasons) and even before, when she first met him, he was on guard against her. Always cautious on what he would reveal. Which is anathema for her.

Take what happened to Shining in this chapter. Celestia wanted some of his magic, telling him it would be used to track Twilight. But she already had an agent tracking Twilight. Why would she need his magic then? The only reason he rejected giving Celestia his magic was due to Cadence convincing him not to, to trust in Twilight. Thus being less predictable.

Mordane on the other hand was raised with knowledge of both his human side and the experiments he did as a foal (Dude, you need therapy) and used that to great effect along with the skills later taught by his experiences and by his Mentor. Combining it all into a Stallion who knows how the world works in a finer degree than most unicorns.

Funny note, the plan wasn't to use the magic. She never needed it. If you think back to previous chapters Celestia already has a spell tracking Twilight.

Her actual motivation was to repair her relationship with Cadence. She did this by fixing Cadences marriage.

Notice she tells Cadence the Shinning story only after she reveals the frustration at Shinnings following her. She knows deception isn't liked by Cadence and doesn't assuage her concern. Instead a joke is used. Letting it fester.

It was clear cadence would react by tying her frustration with Celestia and Shinning into her dislike of how Celeatia does thongs. Like the tracking.

She would try to get Shinning to stop because it would assuage her duel frustrations. The result is clear. Shining already chose Cadence over her. Celestia just had to have him more directly do so.

Its, after all, predictable

aye a new chapter! what a great start to the new year!

Once again, Celestia proves just why Mordane is correct to despise her active involvement and interest in his life. Cadence may be okay with her gilded cage, but, fundamentally, it's abhorrent to anything or anyone that values free will, in and of itself.

Cadence's acceptance of the situation, ultimately, makes this all worse, not better, because it shows how deep Celestia's hooks go in the end.

It's all pretty horrific from my point of view. I'd be right there with Mordane and refusing such an existence with every fibre of my being.

Well, this is another reason why Morgan is correct in staying away from celestia, great chapter, can’t what for the next chapter

Ya know I think that this song would go well with this storyhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TnlPtaPxXfc

Man l. It's been so long. I barely remember what's even going on at thing point. I vaguely remember something about Mordane climbing a spire or something.

TBH, I mat just wait for the rewrite, I need a refresher anyways.

Still, happy to see this wasn't abandoned.

I await the rewrite with much anticipation.

That was quite the rollercoaster. Poor Berry - at least she learned from the experience, I suppose?

A great display of chessmaster Celestia. It's a good thing she's nice. I'll still root for her anyway - who cares if she's manipulative, if those manipulations are well-meaning?

Whatever happens, Cadance knows that Celestia is well-meaning. She's manipulative, but getting mad at a well-meaning (but competent) manipulator is a whole different ball game to declaring war on your old home, and ordering ponies to their deaths.

man, i do love me some political manipulations, very well done, i deeply look forward to more politics

The song itself doesn't particularly interest me, not really my type of genre, but it the thought that counts
(ಠ ‿↼)

I've been thinking about going back and re-reading this. I suppose I'll wait for that rewrite of the begining.

I think this is a good example of the 3rd law of power

“Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.”

She guided shining down the path she wanted him to by saying the complete opposite and by the time cadance realized it it was too late

I like last 20 chapter,case those show Mordane own traits,strong and brave,instead of just letting his anger control him.Now he's not like a marionette, he's like a real person standing in front of you.Good work.
And i must say,mordane said can stand up,celestia looks so.... danger.

Wow. You nailed this chapter. Very clever.


It’s pretty cool. Celestia is a manipulative but well meaning ruler.

And I also see why mordan and his parents didn’t trust celestial considering the brutal kings and governments of the south kingdoms and the corrupt nature of their local governer at the fringes of equestria.

Though that paranoia kinda also made him a little to paranoid of her

Mordant lies. Tips his hand a short bit later. That's my story officer.

MC and Cadence haven’t been shown to have many or any interactions yet. Seems like they might be allies given the right circumstances.

Hope Twilight is able to help him if only to help his alignment. Doesn’t have to be under Celestia’s hoof necessarily.

Maybe his Mark will be revealed in the next chapter? I imagine many will take notice when the change ripples through the matrices.

still patiently waiting for our standard one chapter a year post. it's getting close i can feel it :D

suffering can only last so long before it's over :D

Hear all! Hear all! The Promised Day is near! Rejoice! Rejoice! All hail the Messenger of God!

(I really hope the update is coming soon.)

Only three more months! Also, a reminder this fic exists so we can both suffer knowing there are three long months left.

just 3 lil months, just think how close that is! we are almost there! i believe in him!

Welp. Time to go reread this a few more times! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI

Jus' two months left!

Will this story ever continue? 😓🙏😭

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