• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,767 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

An army marches on its stomach

Two weeks after leaving Shoplifter, Stalkers brother, behind Mordane and Child Stalker near the army camp. It was high noon and clear skies all around. In the distance Mordane could hear the animals as they scurried around the woods looking for food to survive. The trees were sparse and throughout you could see stumps from where some had been cut down. A deep soreness had settled into his hooves despite the hard layer set there to protect them.

Figuring out the camps location had not proven difficult as High Rise's terrible management skills predictably forced him to move directly from water source to water source. Just do the same but in opposite order and finding them was inevitable.

Coming into range of the camp, Mordane kept an eye on the sky and saw a scout come gliding over them, riding a hot current, before banking and nodding his head toward Mordane.

Turning from them he headed in what Stalker and Mordane assumed was the direction of the army walking for about an hour through brush, thorns and streams before a stallion in light armor stepped out of the brush. He wore a scowl that quickly turned into a smile once he recognised him.

"Mordane! The scout thought it was you sir. Just making sure." he seemed nervous to Mordane. Something was off.

"At ease. What is the state of our forces?" Mordane replied with a smile.

"Moving just a mile south of here. If you will follow me sir." He said smiling enthusiastically. Looking into his eyes, Mordane tried to judge if this was a trap. His smile seemed genuine enough though Mordane could feel something else as well

Ah, respect. If I remember he wielded that sword of his like a mad pony and followed me around most of the time afterward.

"You should not state openly the direction our forces to one you don’t know is the enemy or not soldier. I could be a different pony than I appear they appear."

The pony paused a moment before smiling again.

"That makes sense. I'll try to remember that."

"I'm sure that you will." Mordane said returning the smile." Please lead us through the brush."

"Of course sir."

With him leading on, Mordane turned and looked at Stalker who raised a single eyebrow. The unspoken question about their escort came across clear. Mordane nodded his head in the direction after the pony as Stalker raised his hoof and traced a little circle. Mordane nodded his head yes in return.

During their excursion the two had learned each other's little signals for subtle meaning. Well, at least Mordane tried to learn Stalker’s. That pony seemed to know what he meant all the time.

That little hoof movement meant Stalker wanted to sneak around and make sure it was safe.

To Mordane it was a simple question of being safe instead of being foolish. He watched the guard intently ready to react at the slightest indication of a trap. However, within ten minutes, the guard had lead him to a valley the army was moving through and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that there had been another with Mordane.

"You did well, go take a break before getting back on your patrol."

"Yes sir." he nodded vigorously.

Mordane walked out into the open smiling to himself about what was to come before putting on a blank expression.

High Rise was leading the army when he gave a momentary look of shock at the sight of Mordane. This quickly through fury before a neutral expression slammed down.

Hmmm he does not like to show weakness.

"Sir High Rise, I have returned." Mordane said as soon as he was close enough.

The commander stopped and raised his hoof before shouting.

"Set up camp!"

The ponies moved to obey even as Mordane grabbed one and ordered him to bring Steady Gaze, the head magic user. Being so close to having his freedom made his wings itch and horn burn; It took nearly all of his will to not show this to High Rise who was staring at him. They looked into each other's eyes, Judging.

Mordane could practically see the gears turning in High Rise’s head as his thoughts turned over calculating what he could and should do to him. Mordane himself was making predictions as well, trying to think how he would react to whatever choice he made. Would he have to attack? Rip the binding himself and crush the commander? Could he hope to do it fast enough?

"Mordane?" said steady Gaze walking up from the rear of the line "Well hmmm let me check these bindings." His horn glowed for a moment before the restricting binds popped off "Yes...yes he kept them on. Otherwise they'd would not have done that."

"I see," said Rise flatly "Well...second. It is good that you have returned unharmed. I'll leave the unpacking to you then."

Mordane broke the eye contact smiling at the old necromancer.

“Thank you for releasing them so cleanly.”

The old stallion smiled in return. “ It is of no consequence.”

"That pony has a grudge against you." spoke up Steady Gaze " I'd be careful."

You don't say?

"Thanks for the advice. If you'll excuse me."

"Sure, sure...got to wonder what kind of army this is now though." He asked while scratching his chin.

"Excuse me?" Mordane said while raising an eyebrow.

"You know with you being one half of pegasi and unicorn. We have the same amount of each race in leadership."

Mordane nodded before walking off to locate the ponies he had made responsible earlier for the setting up of camp. Even as he walked away he saw ponies beginning to set up wherever they pleased. He went about ordering them to fix it and whenever he saw one of the ponies he was looking for, only a short reminder was enough to get them working.

What really surprised him was that nopony questioned his orders. It seemed news had spread before him or perhaps it was just the air he carried. Mordane did not know nor care. Heading about he searched out Boulder who he found setting up his tent in the correct spot for it.

"Hey Boulder."

"Mordane! Good to see ya. So are you..."

"Yes, High Rise acknowledged that I'm second."

Boulder smiled and stepped closer while raising his eyebrows.

"Hey I guess that means you’ll earn more money ehh?"

With a chuckle Mordane put his arm over Boulder.

"I suppose...The real thing I worry about though is convincing High Rise to not get us killed."

"Do you think that is a possibility?" Boulder said shifting to a serious tone.

"Yes, though I'm sure we can manage. I'm surprised that the scouts are still going though."

"Oh that." Boulder rolled his eyes before replying sheepishly " It was simple as most of them were under you. I might have also… said a few things."

"Really? good. Well I have to go Boulder. Come by my tent tomorrow evening."


Mordane left Boulder to set up his tent. Looking around he went to work.

After organizing dinner, food storage, wood supply, water supply and a system of reporting what the scouts observed to Mordane’s personal tent he took a stroll around the camp taking mental note of the lack of ...well anything. Calling up a nearby guard he had them bring in a regular cot and a writing table before dismissing them and laying down to think.

High Rise is probably the worst commander I've ever seen. Err, the only commander I've ever actually seen, but that's not the point. I find it hard to believe he would just leave food and such up to his men ...ponies. I'll have to talk about that tomorrow.

Well at least I won't have to put up with him forever. All I need to do is make sure High Rise isn't going to kill me.


The following day Mordane woke and prepared himself before heading out. His body odor was starting to become noticeable after a month without a bath.

I'll need to fix that the next time I have a chance.

Heading out he went to High Rises tent. Trying to project a way to find peace with him and setting up a strategy , as well as learning what exactly the mercenaries had been hired to do. One of the two guards, seeing him coming, leaned his head into the tent before pulling it back out and nodding to the other guard. When he got to them they simply let him pass through.

"Mordane! Good to see you up this early." Said High Rise sitting at a table and drinking a glass of water, a fake smile plastered across his face.

Mordane took note of the cleanness of his suit and how he seemed clearer than before.

...Must be worried about what I’ve been doing.

"Good morning to you as well sir. Its fine weather we're having today. Did you sleep well?" Mordane replied with a smile that seemed genuine.

"Oh dreadful. Yet that is not really the issue." He leaned forward." The real question is why you want to see me."

Now Mordane took extra notes; There were no cracks in the commander's eyes and his gaze was not only clear, it was piercing.

He seems to be clean. Odd. Best to be frank and friendly, act like I respect...or fear him if needed.

"Oh" Mordane began taking a seat across from him. "I'm just seeing what you want me to do and tell you what has already done with the tents and the scouts."

"Really, been busy?" he said in a tone that very well knew he had been and was not entirely happy with it.

"A bit. The tent organization had to be reinforced and I've set individuals responsible to see that it's done. The scouts have not been organized and some have not even been reporting. I made sure to set a pony to that as well. Besides, it's just been reinforcing my new authority and making it clear that I was your second....not your equal."

High Rise raised a single eyebrow as if to say isn't that obvious. His eyes however showed confusion at Mordane’s bluntness until an understanding sparked in his eyes.

"I see you clever pony. I was wondering how you were able to command such respect so easily." He laughed as Mordane joined him.

Damn...He has to know that's not true. Maybe he thinks I don't know I can make others follow?

"Well of course. I mean I'm a little young for them to follow.... You don't mind,do you?"

"No no not at all. You aren't bad at command Mordane you just, uhh, what is it again?"

"Charisma?" Mordane asked perplexed.

"Err...the stuff. The thing that makes others follow you."

Or the effect of understanding a crowd and using that along with confidence to manipulate them.

"Ah,that makes sense. Anyway, there is a few things I would like to ask you about."

"Ask away." High Rise said leaning back in his chair.

"We are low on food. Taking it from the locals is cheap but the ponies hiring us might not appreciate us causing mass starvation among their farmers if we run out....Most ponies are on their last week's worth. We were able to restock from those peasants we defeated but that was about three weeks ago....as you know most soldiers carry a month's worth with them."

"Your point?"

"We should make all haste to our destination. In order to do this one of us will have two options. Either we hop water to water source and still be within the nation that hired us when food runs out or we head straight there at haste."

"If we do that then ponies will have to go onto half rations." he frowned. “ Pillaging our employers land though….”

"Aye, If we did not send a group ahead to secure food for us from the enemy's farms and from several sources in order to prevent starvation."

"...good plan but why worry about peasants starving?"

Thought you would think that.

"Leaving a path of starving farmers once we attack their land does not sound exactly covert to me sir. I was planning on putting us off as bandits and striking at several places along the border."

"...You?" he said with a frown

"Yes. I thought I would take the riskier command."

High Rise stared at Mordane rubbing his chin seemingly trying to understand his motivation for doing this.

He still thinks I'm up to something...at least he'll think I'm nice.

"Fine we'll do it your way."

"Thank you sir....If I may ask, what is our overall objective?"

"Capture the town of Trans and build a bridge across the river there. Then we hold it until the Cabistien forces show up."

"Sounds simple enough. They want to flank the enemy?"

"Yes, It’s good work I'll need you to take the town and secure its resources for the construction." He glared into Mordanes eyes "That includes the native population. We will need them to build the bridge."

"...Of course sir." Mordane felt a wrenching in his gut. "Should I prepare my force and leave sir?"

"Yes. Take about a hundred it should be enough."

"Of course."

Mordane saluted and quickly pulled out of the tent. His pace quickened after he left the tent. Rushing to behind another he spewed his breakfast on the ground and shivered.

He remembered reading of ancient warfare and he had now seen the battle half firsthand. Yet he knew that was not the real toll of death. Usually civilian casualties would outnumber soldiers three to one. That was not even considering those that died from starvation. To feed an army without causing such destruction would take an immense effort. He sighed thinking how humans could avoid such things now because of trucks that could follow the army.

Now he was receiving orders to enslave a population. Was he willing to do this? It only made him feel sicker when the answer came back yes, yes he was.

It will happen with our without me. All I can do is make sure it's as light as possible. Just like George Duckwitz. Some things I cannot change but I cannot allow that to prevent what I can.

High Rise will be moving north. He will need food. He will take it. All I can do is make sure it's as clean as possible.

The mind always rationalizes what it must.

Trotting quickly he made his preparations and sent some ponies to go and ask for volunteers. Then one of the ponies over the tents to reorganize so that he could take thirty five tents with him.

Then there was the lack of wagons and some food needed taking with them. He decided to take the twenty empty ones and they would take some more once there.

After sending different ponies off to the various tasks he went to his old tent. Inside Mordane was met with Boulder and Stalker both sitting idly.

"Boulder, Stalker, get up were moving out."

"So late?" asked Boulder jumping up and looking at the sun that was past noon.

"Yes, We’re going on a foraging mission."

"The Cabistien won't like that." Stalker said while picking his teeth with a knife.

"That's why we're moving ahead to Derrena territory for our foraging."

"Foraging!" Boulder shouted "You mean scouring the land?" A sick look came across his face.

"Calm down Boulder I intend to make it as undestructive as possible. Why do you care anyway?"

"The land must always be protected."Boulder snorted " It is the way of harmony."

"Right.. Gather your things and prepare to move out."

Mordane left to prepare his things as well.

Within two hours the foraging party was prepared to moving out. Double checking everything he saw Boulder and Stalker coming up to him.


With that they moved out.

With an internal shudder Mordane watched as a pegasus came flying toward their position.

The army set within the crux of the mountain in the forest in the south of Derrena and its mountain range.

He sat outside of a cave they planned to use for storage. Inside was a network of caverns that would provide plenty of space. Even now his army of a hundred was hiding in there quite comfortably.

The trip back into Derrena had gone by without incident save for some difficulty in going undetected.

As the pegasus neared Boulder trotted up and stood beside him.

"So what's the plan?"

"Small groups. Multiple locations. I'll be putting you over another group." Mordane replied without feeling.

"...I'm worried about this Mordane. In the guard we never had to do such things." he said frowning.

"Well down here they don't have trains and war is a constant."

"Does that mean we should give up what makes us civilized?"

"...yes. If we want victory."

The six Pegasi landed softly and the leader walked over to him.

" They’re three villages in the area you talked about sir."

"Good" Mordane stood up at the mouth of the cave. "Listen up! Prepare to move out ponies! Three Groups! Bring only your battle gear!"
The ponies in the large cave collected themselves even as Stalker trotted up to him and nodded.

Once they were ready, he assigned Boulder and Stalker a group then shouted his orders.

"I will only say this once so pay attention! You will obey your group leader. You will not steal anything save food. You will not rape, burn or murder the farmers unless they attack you. Do you understand!"

"What I a load of pig shit!"

Many of the ponies turned stunned toward the individual who had spoken up before anypony could respond.

He was a grizzly large earth pony stallion and the face seemed familiar to Mordane.

Ah that's right he was the one who was executing those prisoners.

"Are you challenging me."

He angry look was replaced with a bit of fear but he answered anyway.

"Err no. I'm just saying taking loot is one of the reasons I joined this shindig."

Many of the ponies around him grumbled In agreement.

Darn it I forgot these weren't soldiers for a minute.

A few moments of consideration, and remembering they were suppose to appear as bandits, he made a decision.

"Fine, You all may loot what you can carry yourselves. Leaders make sure no pony takes to much. Also we will not be taking all the food. Leave enough for them to survive. If you understand say aye!"


Mordane nodded to the other two leaders and the groups headed out.

The attack on Tripton, one of the villages, was swift and bloodless.

Only a few of the residents were able to run off into the woods before being caught.

Though it was called a village the reality of it was a collection of homes around a trading post with fields all around.

Many times homes were a mile out from the town which made collection difficult. After six hours they had found most of the residents and taken their food storage of apples and grain.

Both of which would provide the large amount of calories needed to conduct a war.

"Take the wagons to the town center."

"Yes sir!"

Walking around Mordane checked that the farmers were not being abused. Walking into the town hall. He looked at the dozen odd families crowded into the small area. Several of the Stallions and mares glared at him with accusing eyes.

Making a mental effort he resisted the urge to apologies. Instead glared all the harder in return. His eyes locking with each one in turn devoid of pity or remorse. They seemed to dare the ponies before him to resist. That he would enjoy putting them down.

Many of the farmers shuddered and averted their eyes.

"Beat any who try to leave."

"Yes sir."

God, I hope none try.

Surprising the sickening sensation was becoming easier to suppress.

Mordane left the building and walked around the town again.

Something was bugging him though.

This is taking far longer than it should. The ponies are dragging their feet with the raiding. If we don't hurry. One of the ponies could’ve gotten-

"Enemy! I see the enemy!"

A pony soldier ran out from behind a building and spotted Mordane.

"Sir! The enemy is nearing!"

If the ponies voice had been loud Mordane’s was deafening as he yelled as loud as he could.


Doors burst open and ponies ran from all over the village. With Mordane’s quick orders he made them prepare a defensive line even as he listened to the ponies report on the enemy.

"It was about fifty ponies I saw." He said gasping." I was standing up on a nearby hill watching the road. You know, because I had already gotten all I could and thought we should watch the road. Then I saw them marching."

"That's good." he said absentmindedly as he drew on the local energy in the area. Too late he found himself reaching into an empty amulet for more.

Damn it, I forgot to fill it. From what he said they will be here in a minute.

"Archers. Hold your fire until I say!"

He took one more moment and prepared.

With a deep breath he listened to the world around him.

The earth beneath my hooves. Burning at its core.

The air above it. Swirling continuously.

The moisture that flies collects and runs through it all.

This is mine to comm-

The unexpected blow caused him to shake his head before instinctively pushing back.

Mordane did not know who but there was a magic user in the approaching force.

Already he or she had taken nearly half of the energy in the area. Mentally slapping himself Mordane fought back. Gaining ground inches at a time. Surprise emanated from the other side at his sought resistance. Even as Mordane’s physical eyes saw the first of the enemy come into view.

"Prepare to fire!" he shouted.

The magical war now shifted to the other pony as he took away some of his attention to command his ponies.

Once in range Mordane let out a shout.


The arrows flew through the air piercing the enemy. A dozen fell to them.

Shock emanated from the pony on the other end at the ponies fallen.

As the local energy was split near fifty both began pulling in the energy preparing to cast their spells.
Mordane began muttering the verbal formula for his shield. It was a trick he had learned from Twilight.

"Charge!" Bellowed a unicorn commander. Paying attention Mordane saw his horn was glowing.

There he is.

"Charge!" Mordane yelled "Archers fire again!"

As arrows pierced their enemies flesh Mordane's troops charged to meet them.

Ponies screamed out in agony as bones were broken and armor was twisted from the impact.

Throughout it all Mordane prepared. Then struck.

His enemy was still preparing his aggressive spell when rock shards began striking his shield.

He panicked and began rushing to cast.

Mordane continued to batter on the unicorns mental and physical defenses as the distance between them became smaller and smaller.

Why is he using verbal spells for something so small?

The pony was untrained or improperly trained. Mordane didn't know, but he was sure it would be his undoing.

As the barriers fell the stones began to rip him to pieces. The look of fear barely had time to form before Mordane summoned a spike and pierced his throat.

The gurgling as the pony drowned in his own blood did not reach Mordane's ears.

I must end this quickly. What is the fastest way to kill them?

He thought of boiling their blood but knew that affecting them directly would be too difficult with their natural magic field. Next he considered a wave of sound but that would affect his men as well. Then he Considered spikes, ice blades, mental attacks and fire.
Dang it they are just too intermingled by this point.

He looked around seeing his men and the enemy fighting to exhaustion. Already some of his had fallen and soon there would be far more.
Then it hit him.

He took all the energy he could and channeled

The strength of a magic user was determined by how much energy they could move at a time, the number of bindings they could manage and how much energy those bindings could handle.

Like the water input valve to many faucets. Too small a input with many valves would result in only a trickle coming out each. Too few faucets and the size of the valve would not matter. Then there was those who could pull on a lot of water, had plenty of faucets, but they were too small. They could not handle the water pushing through them. This could change as the caster grew older. Mordane was of the latter category.

Whenever he reached for the power it was easy to hold but his body always felt too small to handle it. Much of the power was splashed back as he pushed.. Except when he was angry of course..

That is why this was so difficult as it would require many bindings of high power.

Looking at each enemy in turn he made and individual binding to a button, scabbard or something on their body.
At six he began to feel the strain on his will and spirit.

Ten his legs began to tremble.

Twenty his sight began to dim.

All he had was his mind's eye once he finally got the last one at thirty four. He could not breath as all of the bindings pierced like hooks into his mind.

This is far more than I should have pulled on....The strain is killing me.

He felt fire and ice role like waves through his veins as his mind expanded like a balloon from the force it was moving. His horn was an inferno.

Yet he did not allow himself to pop and break his mind even as he pushed more than he thought possible.

Even as he stretched to his max Mordane cast the spell.

At first there was no effect then in a few seconds the enemy began to stumble and fall. The objects he had bound to caught fire as they pulled heat from his enemies flesh. Steam began to emit from their bodies even as they began to freeze.

The effort was tremendous butt he knew that only a drop of ten degrees could prove fatal.

He did not even have to wait that long as the sudden chills caused his enemies to stumble which allowed his men to strike home.
As each opponent fell he cut the binding to them down to the last.

Gasping as his hooves were planted firmly into the ground his growing horn slowly faded.

When the last enemy fell his will and physical strength was nearly spent.

Feeling like a deflated balloon he turned and ordered his soldiers to take what loot they wanted from the fallen foes and to bring their dead back with them as they prepared to move out.

Going back he saw that the guards over the villagers had been able to hold them back.

"...Were pulling out." he said addressing the villagers." There is enough food left for the winter and seeds for crops. We may be bandits but were not savages. Stay inside for the next few hours and we will be gone.."

The march back to the cave was grueling for Mordane even as his men jarred the whole way. Enjoying their spoils.

Taking what little gold and money they had left a bad taste in his mouth but if that is the only way to maintain control then he would have to let it be.

Arriving at the cave he saw Stalker coming out and nodding at him. Mordane grunted a reply before taking a trail near the caves to a spring some ponies had told him about.

He kept on his cloak. Not knowing if any pony was around.

The water was cool and he had no soap but even so he sighed as his body slid in and rested on the rocks.

Soft currents left him dozing even as his wings stayed open to the sun stretching and clinching as the bones popped.

Peace entered him for a time and he let down his guard.

Boulders expedition had gone by without a hitch. He had even snagged a bag of gold coins from the mayor's office before leaving.
Stalker had made it back before him and was staring out over the forest.

Over the time that he had known him Boulder had come to grudgingly accept the skills of Stalker and his growing closeness with Mordane. Even the way he seemed to calm the stallion sometimes or focus his thoughts. If Boulder did not know better he would say the stallion was molding Mordane.

The exact reason why such a character would put so much time into this young stallion was barely understandable to him.

From what he had overheard Stalker had been following Mordane for years. What would drive some pony to that? Then there was his enslavement at the hooves of highway robbers. He was sworn to defend the weak! Yet he had taken from them.

I just don't know anymore... Ever since I left Celestia's service things have just gone wrong. About the only good things that happen are when Mordane is around. What do I do with my life?

He went around the back of the cave entrance and found a small clearing.

This time I will try Luna... Her and I at least have more in common. That will behind there. Not to mention Nightmare Moon.

She at least had honor

He winced as memories long sealed away came back to him... Pushing past all his attempts to block them.


Boulder trotted up the steps in Canterlot castle onto a platform reserved for the princess and her guests. Its garden seemed the picture of serenity as it hung high above the land below.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Captain Boulder. It is so good to see you this beautiful evening."

Celestia sat on her favorite chair in the castle gardens. Hair waiving despite the lack of wind. Beside her a small filly and even younger dragon sat reading among balls and measuring tools. She could not of been older than ten.

"Celesia I don't understand this..."

"Hush now, Twilight. I need to talk with the Captain of the Guard."

His heart still beat so hard whenever he saw her. The glory of the sun filling him.

"Why have you come to visit Captain?" She said in a motherly tone.

"I'm sorry to bother you Princess but it came to my attention that my request to move some troops to the changeling border has not been approved. I intended to construct outposts along it to prevent further incursions. Surely there is no problem with protecting the nation?"

"Of course not."

Boulder smiled and sighed with relief.

"I understand princess, these things do happen. I'll move my troops at the end of the week. It will be good to know that the changeling menace will not go unanswered."

"...I see." she replied before placing down her cup. "There has been a misunderstanding."

She stood up and motioned for Boulder to follow.

"Come. We have much to discuss my little pony."

Boulder felt confusion but his face remained passive. The two of them walked away from the central clearing over to a balcony.

"I love the view from here. It's so peaceful. Serene. The hills bending slightly into the distance. A river flowing unending to the sea. Through my feet I can feel the mountain behind and beneath me. When I spread my wings I can sense the direction of the wind..."


"Over a thousand years ago this was a plain. Flat as far as the eye could see. The great divide was called the Diamond hold. Home of the Diamond Dog empire. To the north a vast crystal pony civilization stood. On the west along some of the few mountains was a colony to the griffin kingdom. The western ocean was impassable as the sea ponies would drag any ship to the bottom....This was the state of things when me and my sister came to power."

She had spoken in a kind and controlled tone but Boulder felt as if she had slapped him across the face.

"Discord had no inclination to expand his borders and the power he held could of turned any invading army to ash. After overthrowing him however our enemies began to prepare...."

Her eyes grew distant.

"My sister and I gathered our magic. We pulled this mountain from the earth and set the hills in place. The land bends like a giant fortress. The mountain is the keep. For the next two years we prepared and reinforced it's base with crystal. This mountain would have to hold the entire pony race and all they would need to live."

Boulder stood with his mouth hanging open. Listening about a time before recorded history.

"They came. In their tens of thousands. For Thirty long years we fought them. Pushing the griffins to the sea. The dogs came in such number and greed that not enough where left to hold their civilization together. We pushed them back and back. Over the great divide. Down through the peninsula. We Broke the crystal ponies backs. At the height of our power all of the lands form the frozen north to the southern tip belonged to my sister and I."

"I'm sorry princess, but your sister?"

"Yes...my sister. Luna but you would know her by another name. Nightmare moon."

He gasped. Shock and awe filling him. That such an old legend had been based on truth.

"But princess...what happened to that kingdom?"

"... My sisters rebellion happened." A single tear fell freely form the monarchs face. Dripping down onto the ground." I was blind to her pain that over the centuries had turned to madness. She claimed I was a tyrant. That I sought to rule all the world. For many years we fought and our armies spilled their blood against one another. In the struggle the southern land were cut off. They formed their own nations. In the end I was able to win but only after banishing my sister to the moon...her madness had begun to show on her physical form. Fangs and reptilian eyes stared at me....I had no choice."

"Princess...Why tell me all this?" Boulder whispered.

" I tell you this because of what happened next. In the ashes of war I rebuilt our nation and in an effort to stave off their invasions I forced dialog with our neighbors. It was with words not swords that I achieved the peace we enjoy today. Now another threat has arisen... and you want me to build up defenses again? Close off dialog? I'm sorry Boulder but I won't."

He stood there stunned. Unable to comprehend what she had said.

"But...my princess. The changelings cannot be reasoned with. To them we are but food. The peace you have made like a juicy apple. They will come in mass as they are starving. They cannot resist the temptation."

"And we will turn them back." She replied resolutely.

"Yet they will come and thousands could die. More if we should loose. They will continue to grow from feeding off the agents they send among us."

"They are far too weak to attack. Building those bases would be expensive. Also the dry desert air would make it very difficult on the average guard. My ponies do not know of the threat and telling them so could cause panic. Destroying the very peace you wish to protect." She paused before nodding her head "We must endure until dialog can be established"

"There will be no dialog with the changelings whether we want it or not...My princess they will invade. We MUST prepare a defense. For our nations honor and glory if nothing else."

The princess paused and looked at him. Raising a single eyebrow.

"I will not send ponies to bake out in the desert to defend against something that can never attack and would likely just sneak past if it wanted to."

"I'm sorry princess I meant-"

"Your desire for glory on the battlefield is well known to me Boulder. However I would of thought that you would not let your judgment be clouded it." she said curtly.

Boulder stood there looking her in the eye before saluting.

"Princess...I have not let my desires for glory cloud my judgment. If this is your final decision that we not act... then I must ask to step down as captain of the royal guard."

Celestia blinked. Confusion evident.

"Step down! Why would you-"

"You and I know that there are ponies clamoring for my demotion...the Canterlot nobles prefer a unicorn." He coughed and rubbed his head "If you will not listen... Then all I can do is command the troops after they attack and report to you when the kingdom has fallen. It would be better to have a captain that could use strong defensive magic in such a case. He may provide the leverage you will need to survive when they catch you off guard."

"That won't be-" Boulder cut her off.

"I advice promoting Shinning armor to my place. He is a good commander and is strong with defensive magic. You will need him when the invasion comes."

Boulder turned and walked away from the stunned monarch. His face hidden it took on the rage that he had felt boiling inside.

"Boulder... I'm sorry."

He turned around for a moment. A calm expression on his face lying about what he truly felt inside.

"Don't be... You are the avatar of the sun. Spirit of Day. Keeper of the eternal flame." Celestia's mouth opened in shock as she had not heard those honorifics in centuries. "I am just a mortal who was once blessed by your flame."

"Boulder... I had no Idea that you followed that religion. Yet you must know I did not give you your strength and will. I did not give your natural war magic. The flame is simply part of your nature."

"Oh Celestia, you are wrong." He said quietly walking away. "Faith is everything."

Boulder snapped back to the present and sighed. That had been the point where his life had turned for the worst. Seven years later and the invasion he had predicted occurred. By then he was a drunk guard in a backward town.

He was never able to use his natural war magic since that day.

"Remembering your past Boulder?"

He snapped his head around glaring at Stalker who was standing in a tree.

"Not intentionally. I intend to commune instead."

"Commune? I did not know anyone else followed that old religion."

Boulder raised an eyebrow as his comrade jumped down and sat across from him.

"You don't mind if I join you?"

"Not at all."

At that moment however both of them heard a splash.

They could both see Mordane clearly from their position, standing firmly on a small stone sticking out of a pound. He saw Mordane close is eyes. A moment later Boulders ears tweaked as the wind in the area slowed noticeably. Then his mouth opened as the water began freezing all around the stallions rock.

War magic. He has learned it well. Such knowledge is hidden in Equestria. Few have it naturally occurring and never is it this strong unless a spell is involved. Wonder what his focus is.

Boulder reflected slightly on how his loss in faith caused him to lose one of his best advantages even as he continued to watch.

The ice grew for about eight feet before Mordane started gasping. The only thing Boulder saw was how the amulet jewel had looked pale pink before but was now blood red.

Boulder watched as Mordane left the pound. A frown on his face as he noticed something odd.

"Why does Mordane never take off his cloak?" he asked Stalker suddenly

"The same reason you keep on your armor perhaps. Some ponies just don't want to give away that much information about themselves. Some ponies have secrets." Stalker replied curtly.

"What is Mordane's I wonder?"

"What is yours Boulder....I still have not seen your cutie Mark."

"Nor I yours."

Stalker and Boulder stared at each other before Stalker turned his flank to him and lifted his saddlebag.

A blank flank cause Boulder to raise his eyebrow.

"I can't say that I've ever seen a blank flank on one as old as you. "

"My family does not get Cutie marks but I showed you my flank. Now you must show me yours." he smiled.

Boulder shrugged and reached behind himself to unbuckle a strap. His flank armor slid off revealing his cutie mark.

A circle of fire surrounding a sword stood in stark relief on his pale coat. Its meaning was clear.

"A fire mage? But..."

"War magic. I'm sure you heard of it?"

Stalker nodded.

"I was immune to fire. In a way I felt I was the fire so it just seemed like it shouldn't hurt me. Useful war magic."

"Did you ever get it supported by a spell?"

"No. Then I lost it after leaving her service. Now...there is no way I could afford it."

"So you left." Stalker said. "I was not sure. Why not ask Mordane?"

"I would only accept the blessing of a spirit."

"...It is a spell, not a blessing."

Boulder glared at Stalker.

"You know that in our beliefs there is no difference."

With that they grew silent as Boulder reattached his armor.

"Your strong for such an old drunk."

"Aye...that's what a life in the army will give you. A strong body and scars."

"Ha... I was wondering Boulder. Why have you not asked me which spirit I commune with."

"Because I'm not sure I want to know."

The two of them sat down smiling as they prepared to commune with their respective spirits.