• Published 7th Jan 2012
  • 29,096 Views, 2,767 Comments

Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Epilogue - All Good Things...

Princess Celestia’s Private Quarters
June 25th, 10:05 PM

“Good evening, Your Highness,” Celestia was greeted by the thestral night guards stationed by the doors of her private quarters, who bowed their heads and spears as she passed.

“Good evening to you both. I am retiring for the night and do not wish to be disturbed,” she told them, awaiting their nods of confirmation.

The doors closed behind her, leaving the Sun Princess alone in her chambers. Finally able to let down her ethereal mane a bit, she removed her royal vestments, including her crown, collar and gilded hoof covers, settling down on her big cushioned reading lounge in front of her fireplace, which she lit with a single flare of her horn. Sipping some tea, she read through Twilight’s latest friendship report, nodding and grinning at intervals as she did so. Stretching out languidly, she suddenly blinked, and to a casual observer, would have seemed to be speaking to herself.

“Oh, you’re still here…” Celestia’s voice broke the silence, followed by a pause as if she was receiving an answer. “No, I’m quite glad, just a little surprised. I had thought you would depart once he did.”

She smiled following another pause. “Well, I’m grateful you came back to say goodbye. And let me say again that I’m very sorry for summoning you here without warning. It’s not like me to misinterpret a spell like that.” She shook her head and chuckled softly. “Perhaps I let my concern for Rainbow Dash get to me. But it happened just like you said; he accepted and won.”

A few seconds later, the Sun Princess’s smile seemed to turn sly. “Yes, I suppose that was just as I said. Do you object?”

Celestia awaited the response, and then nodded in approval and relief. “I’m glad, then. And yes, that was my reading as well. I knew from your description of him Twilight would find him to at least be intriguing, and from the novels she’d been reading, I judged there was a good chance it could turn into something more...”

The silent partner in her conversation spoke again; several seconds passed before Celestia gave a small nod. “Perhaps, but that is their choice, and I speak from long experience when I say it can work. That she can help him, and he can help her in turn,” the Sun Princess replied with surety. “Our worlds will unite one day, and I can already sense they will play a role in it.”

Celestia listened intently to the other party’s silent reply, then closed her eyes and smiled. “Fear not. I respected your wishes and didn’t say a word—though you’ll forgive me if I did have a little fun with him before he left. I just wish I could see the look on his face when he gets his real payment.” She chuckled again. “Whether he is the ‘Greatest Defense Attorney’ or not, he still performed magnificently. He saved three mares, helped expose a corrupt judge and restored the integrity of one of our most celebrated athletic events.”

Celestia cocked her head as she listened again. “Well, yes, I could have had you do it, but under the circumstances, it would have been very difficult. Not without raising more questions than even I could easily answer. My sister already thinks I’m crazy for talking to myself. But from what she’s saying, she will get something out of this whole affair as well.”

A longer reply followed. “That’s good,” Celestia acknowledged, then seemed to steel herself. “I have wondered, though. I fear I’ve been avoiding this question ever since I met you. But can you tell me… what is it like?” Her eyes went sad and distant for a moment. “I’m sorry to ask, but many I have known and loved have long passed from all but my memory, and I would give up my ageless life in a moment to see them all again. I know it’s wrong of me, but, in truth, I’m quite envious of you.”

Celestia went visibly startled at the answer she received. “It’s boring?”

Another few seconds passed before the Sun Princess closed her eyes and chuckled. “Oh, that was a joke.”

Another pause. “Really? It looks just like Equestria?” Celestia echoed in some surprise, then smiled. “Well, perhaps I was wrong, then. Maybe, just maybe, it’s a little closer than I thought.“

With that, Celestia rose and walked over to her full-length mirror, looking into it before speaking again. “Well, I understand if you will be departing now, given he and his friends went home earlier today. I elected to not be present myself for their departure, as I did not wish to take the focus away from them. So on behalf of myself and all my little ponies, I humbly thank you for helping us in a time of such dire need.” She bowed low before the mirror, flaring her wings in deep respect.

“But before you go…” With that, she raised her eyes to the image in the reflection, which was not of her, but of a brown-haired human woman wearing a short-cut business suit and a small comma-shaped pendant around her neck, which she had recognized as also being worn by the young spirit medium she had met earlier. “I would really like to know your name.”

At that moment, another voice was heard coming from the mirror, one both motherly and mischievous. “My name?” Its owner closed her eyes and crossed her arms, giving a coy grin that was the equal of Celestia’s. “My name is…” she trailed off, an amused gleam in her eye as she faded from the mirror’s sight.

Border of Everfree Forest
June 27th, 5:15 PM

Lieutenant Flash Sentry and Sergeant Major Delta Strike trekked around the edge of the Everfree Forest, searching for signs of anything unusual.

As the race was over, their human guests departed, and the trial of Rainbow Dash and all subsequent trials had been resolved, this was to be the last day that the Guard would be stationed in the secret chamber beneath Ponyville. Consequently, this would also be the last opportunity to locate the disturbance on the ethereal plane that had given both Princesses such foreboding.

“I still wish we knew what to look for,” Flash Sentry grumbled as he held a crystal scanner in his hoof, flying just over the treetops. “We’ve been here for over a week, and we still haven’t found anything out of place.”

“Well, sir, the Princesses themselves don’t rightly know what’s going on,” Delta reminded his superior, holding an identical crystal scanner beside him. It was attuned to detect ethereal and magical disturbances but so far had picked up nothing—or at least, nothing out of the ordinary for the Everfree. “It’s kind of hard for us to know what to look for if our leaders don’t.”

“I know that, Sergeant Major,” Flash Sentry all but sighed. “But any sort of clue would be useful.”

But no clues were forthcoming as the two flew in silence for a bit. Finally, Delta looked at Flash. “So, there’s been something I’ve been wanting to know for a while, and maybe you can tell me, sir—are the rumors about the Captain true?”

Flash Sentry looked back at him, arching an eyeridge. “Which ones? Keep in mind there’s a lot of rumors floating around about Shining Armor.”

The Sergeant Major chuckled at that. “True. I meant the ones regarding him having a special somepony back home.”

Flash Sentry snickered. “Oh, those? Well, didn’t his little dust-up with Twilight Sparkle the other day confirm that?”

“Well, yeah, but since you’re a bit higher in the Royal Guard hierarchy than I am, I thought you might know some details,” Delta explained.

The Lieutenant looked skyward for a moment, considering the question. “Well, it’s nothing official, but… I have noticed him spending a lot of his off time around Princess Cadenza. He seems to go to a lot of trouble to hide knowledge of it, too.”

Delta’s eyes widened. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? Wow. He’s got his sights set high, doesn’t he?”

Flash shrugged. “Well, ever since she ascended, Princess Cadenza hasn’t really done all that much. My best guess is that Princess Celestia crowned her just to keep confusion to a minimum. Really, at this point she’s a princess in name only.”

Delta frowned at that. “Kinda like Blueblood, then?”

His Lieutenant gave a grimace of distaste. “Yeah, but nowhere near as obnoxious and conniving. I mean, she has some power and authority, but nowhere near as much as, say, the Court Bard.”

The Sergeant Major smirked. “Oh, yeah; that dark-colored pegasus who’s also named Delta. A real looker, that one.”

His superior gave him a dour look. “Might wanna keep that to yourself, Sergeant Major. Lady Requiem has an uncanny ability to find out things you don’t want her to know.”

The red stallion paused, then nodded. “Point. But getting back to Princess Cadenza, why would Princess Celestia crown her, but not give her the full authority of being a princess?”

Flash Sentry shrugged again. “Good question. My best guess is that since Princess Cadenza doesn’t have a true kingdom to call her own, she doesn’t get the full power and authority just yet.”

“Makes sense,” Delta mused after a moment. “Wonder if she’ll get her own realm someday?”

Flash chuckled. “Please. Most cities and towns in Equestria are perfectly fine without a local princess overseeing things. And I really doubt a kingdom for her is just gonna pop up out of nowhere.”

Delta nodded at that. “True. Eh, she’s probably happier without all the to-do and whatnot of being a full princess.”

“Probably. I know I would be!” his Lieutenant said emphatically. He glanced around, and then up at the sun. “Well, I think that’s it for our patrol, and our time in Ponyville. There’s no ‘ethereal disturbance’ or anything else out of the ordinary here,” he concluded after checking his scanner one last time.

Delta followed the same pattern. “Yeah. Guess it’s time to report back, then. I need to get moving anyway; I’m meeting Twilight Sparkle for dinner,” the Sergeant Major announced.

Flash Sentry gave him a look of envy. “Lucky,” he said, and then his voice went wistful. “That filly’s a bit of a looker herself. You don’t suppose her and a pony like me could…?”

The other pegasus arched an eyeridge at him. “With all due respect, Lieutenant, she’s already spoken for. And that also begs the question of exactly why she would fall for you?” Delta teased. “Despite what you may see in the movies, mares don’t randomly fall for guys they’ve just met.”

“Excepting Phoenix Wright?” Flash Sentry countered, a note of resignation in his voice.

Delta rolled his eyes. “Well, you defend her best friend from a murder rap out of the goodness of your heart, and then maybe we’ll talk,” the older stallion answered mildly, to which the younger one could only chuckle.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Sergeant Major. That’s probably setting my sights a bit too high myself,” Flash admitted as the two pegasi left, veering away and heading back toward Ponyville.

With their departure, the edge of the Everfree became quiet. Had either pegasus been paying attention before the left, they might have realized that it had grown a little too quiet in the area. There were no birds chirping, no animals chittering. Even the wind itself had gone unnaturally still.

Had the two remained, they might have noticed a shimmering in the air. It lasted mere moments before disappearing. A keen observer may well have heard something before it vanished, however: a light, tinkling laugh, filled with gleeful malice.

North Mountains
Nine Months After Rainbow Dash’s Trial

How had she come to this point?

Even now, months after her search had started, Trixie Lulamoon still wasn’t sure. She had been performing with her father, going from town to town, slowly working their way towards Las Pegasus. Her grandfather’s visit had reached her in a way nothing ever had before, convincing her to try to make good on her hard-won second chance,

And with her father’s help, she was. She was finally ready to leave Twilight Sparkle and all her pain behind, finally ready to embrace her second chance fully…

And then whispers had reached her ears of a powerful magical artifact; one that could give her all the power she could ever want or need. Power enough to defeat Twilight Sparkle. Power enough to make her the best there was at everything, as she had always claimed to be…

Power enough to truly be Great and Powerful, and for all of Equestria to know it.

Even from afar, she had sensed its power calling to her, a siren song she could not ignore. After asking her father for some time ‘to think things over’ and going off on her own again, it had taken all her investigative skills to locate the artifact and its current owner. Weeks more to track down the caravan the gypsy pony belonged to. She had purchased it with the remaining money left over from Phoenix Wright’s gift, ignoring the guilt and pain it caused her. She had then taken it deep into the North Mountains near the former Crystal Empire, where winter was never far. Her powers a reflection of the icy environment around her, the cold temperatures and wind did not bother her as much as the strange chill that was growing inside her heart.

She should have been happy. She should have felt eager. She should have put the artifact on immediately, and yet she hadn’t, taking it to where she now lay to contemplate. For even now, after all her plans had finally reached fruition, the showmare was consumed by doubt. In her hooves was the potential answer to all her prayers; the key to taking vengeance on Twilight Sparkle and all who had wronged her:

The Alicorn Amulet.

She could feel its dark magic calling to her, sensed the immense power it could offer her, its pull on her wavering psyche redoubled for proximity. With it, she could take all comers without breaking a sweat. When combined with her own natural abilities, it would give her power the equal of any alicorn. And all she had to do to gain such power was don it… accept it… give in to its dark magic…

All she had to do was throw away everything she had yet again.

But at what cost? something kept warning her. Throwing my life away once more for another chance at revenge, when my last one almost cost me EVERYTHING? Disappointing my father and grandfather AGAIN? And for what? she asked herself, but it was the amulet itself that answered.

Vengeance, a male voice replied. It is no less than she deserves. She raided your mind and memories. Pried them out of you when you were at your most vulnerable, the voice whispered to her, causing Trixie’s jaw to clench and her lip to quiver. She deserves to be punished. She deserves to know the pain she caused you. Don us, and she will be helpless before you! the amulet all but cooed to the showmare, its tone seductive and silky. Don us, and you will have the power to command respect from all you see.

For who needs the applause of a crowd when you have an entire world cowering before you?

The showmare was sorely tempted, yet still troubled by the thought. She remembered how much she enjoyed performing with her father and the genuine cheers from their crowds, cheers she had earned, and how they felt all the better for it. She remembered the words of her grandfather, channeled by the human mystic, telling her she could have everything she wanted… if only she would let her past go.

And then she remembered little Pearly, the young human girl. Her biggest fan; the sheer delight on her face as she watched Trixie perform. She wasn’t a sycophant like Snips or Snails; she genuinely enjoyed Trixie’s talents, and the thought of hurting her gave the mare magician the most pause of all.

But… she liked me. What would she think of what I’m about to do?

She saw again Pearly’s crying face at Zecora’s hut, before Maya Fey had channeled the spirit of her grandfather, how she begged for Trixie to accept the help and friendship offered her. She had only known the showmare a short time, yet she had always been there, always been happy to see her, never said a bad word about her even when the others did…

Inexplicably, she truly loved her.

My one true fan. How could I do this to her? Trixie shook her head, then stared away into the frozen lake, her power scraping the surface clear and polishing the ice to a shine so she could look at her reflection in it.

But instead of her own visage, she beheld an image that made her flinch—an evil red-eyed shadow of herself who was not the amulet’s master, but its slave. She saw herself lost in its power, consumed by it, her own power and personality slowly subsumed and forgotten. And in the images that surrounded her, she saw where it could only lead:






All her chances gone. Her grandfather’s hopes for her dashed; her father’s love defiled and help defied. No more shows. No more audiences. No chance to ever make right her wrongs. And even worse…

She saw Pearly’s crying face again, turning her back for the final time after she learned what the mare magician had done to her friends.

Something primal and powerful, even somehow sisterly rose up within Trixie—a desire to not hurt the one little human girl who had loved her despite all she had said and done. No! she shook her head sharply, her hooves beginning to shake, the urge to rid herself of the amulet now growing. No… this is not who I am! I am NOT a monster! she told the amulet.

But if everypony thinks you are, why not become one? The amulet shook in her hoof even as it tried to tempt her again, showing her visions of herself on the very throne of Equestria, the Celestial Sisters themselves lying chained at her hooves.

Far from being tempted, Trixie recoiled. I can’t! This is NOT who I am! she clenched the amulet hard in her aura, feeling her natural power resisting its darker one, trying to drive the images it was feeding her away. I don’t want this! the thought rose up again, even as it showed her a vision of Twilight Sparkle defeated and made her own personal slave, a servant to the throne of her ice palace.

She wavered, but only for a moment. “I am a showmare—not some evil ice queen!” she told it out loud, and in a moment of insight, she saw the truth. “It’s all a lie! You don’t want this for me! You just need me for yourself!” she was only too certain.

You will be NOTHING without me! The amulet shifted tactics, the alicorn’s single ruby eye glittering malevolently. Forgotten and worthless; second fiddle to what? A librarian? An undeserving Element of Magic who never knew your pain or want? It mocked her.

Tears welled in Trixie’s eyes as the words struck home, only to finally realize beyond any shadow of a doubt they simply weren’t true. “Trixie is a magician and prosecutor, an entertainer and elemental, a daughter and an idol to one little girl! That is not nothing!” she proclaimed angrily. “Trixie is not your puppet! Trixie doesn’t need you…” she told the amulet, the wind and snow intensifying around her in reflection of her growing anger.

But… you can’t! You WOULDN’T! the amulet seemed to sense her intent.

“I can and I will! I reject you!!!!” She bared her teeth at it, gathering her power and considerable will to overcome its remaining thrall, until finally…

“BEGONE!” Her eyes glowed blue as she encased the amulet in ice and sealed its power with a spell, magically flinging it as far away as she could, sending it rocketing off on a burst of icy gale. She watched it fly off into the deepening night until she could no longer see it, not caring where it went, and then…

The amulet’s evil influence and temptation gone, she sat back and smiled, feeling her spirit still and the wind and snow along with it, reducing itself to a flurry and bare breeze. The amulet’s hold broken, she felt warm and happy, even giddy despite her cold surroundings, sensing she had passed a great test. She remembered her father’s plea and her grandfather’s final request to embrace her power, remembered again little Pearly’s delight at seeing them.

Embrace it… she repeated to herself as she felt her ice and weather magic rising rapidly within her, seeking voice and expression…

Seeking her final acceptance. Just… let it go… the words suggested themselves. And finally…

She did.

She released her powers into the night air, not the anger-driven explosion of the trial, but an exhilarating rush and flow of elemental energy that invigorated her; left her feeling more alive than she could ever remember. Snow and multicolored magical sparkles suddenly swirled around her, as if dancing with the same joy she felt. She laughed and reveled in the full release and expression of her power, her frosty mane whipping in the icy breeze, one that wrapped her like a warm blanket, knowing its source, lover and master.

Finally resolving to leave her old self behind, she threw her hat into the gathering wind and released the clasp on her cape, watching as they were carried away into the night. Snow laden clouds, white and pure materialized around her and she unleashed from them… not a blizzard, but a gentle, swirling snowfall, like a million glittering diamonds that danced about her.

She laughed. She cried. She had never felt so free! She felt no conflict or fear, just sweet, sweet release. But I can do more! she knew instinctively, inspecting the snow field around her, sensing for the first time that she could draw power directly from the icy environment that surrounded her. And that means…!

She slammed a hoof down, turning the snow beneath her feet into a circular sheet of ice etched with her cutie mark, its lines glowing the very same blue of her eyes. She next reared up and made a raising motion with her front hooves, causing pillars of ice to erupt out of the ground and air around her, transforming her surroundings into a great amphitheater, with circular stepped seat benches all facing the joyous mare that now stood reveling in her released power at the center.

Her stage complete, she began making sculptures of ice at the stage corners. One was of her father, another of her grandfather… and then a third, of Pearly applauding her; her joyful expression and clapping hands captured in the crystalline water she was so lovingly carved out of.

This is for YOU, Sweetie! a happily crying Trixie told the young human girl as she materialized a new cape and hat out of the snow itself, flakes fusing and transmuting into a sheer dark blue-and-white fabric studded with iridescent stars and snowflakes; a matching hat to replace her old one constructing itself right on her head.

When it was finished, she stood on a stage spotlit by the moon, announcing her presence to the world with celebratory fireworks and a show of iridescent, prisming ice crystals. Fillies and Gentlecolts! Please welcome for the first time… the GREAT! The POWERFUL! And the REAL Trixie!!!!” she called out in a joyful voice, wishing young Pearly was there to see her now. If only she was, then I could—

“AN IMPRESSIVE DISPLAY!” a deep and thunderous female voice broke into her thoughts.

Trixie started, letting out a surprised yelp. “What? Who’s there?” She looked around in surprise, shocked and alarmed to feel control of her clouds—of the very wind and air around her—being taken from her; her snow clouds turning dark and stormy, crackling with incipient electricity.

“A friend,” the voice replied. “One who can appreciate thy talent and trials. Great is thy power, Trixie Lulamoon. But thy control is still crude; thy weather energies unfocused. We can teach thee to fully master thy magic! To realize thy true potential!” the words were punctuated by a series of rapidly shifting winds and sharp display of lightning, the clouds forming sculptures and bolts traveling in geometric patterns around her, creating various shapes and starlike constellations, leaving no doubt in Trixie’s mind the mysterious mare’s words were true.

“But how?” she called, frantically scanning her surroundings with her eyes and magical awareness, but the voice’s owner was somehow invisible to both. “How do you have this ability? And why would you do this for me?” But I thought I was the only living weather elemental!

“Because thou hast known our pain, Trixie Lulamoon,” the voice pronounced, seeming to echo from everywhere, leaving her unable to pinpoint its source. “Thou hast known what it is to be shunned for thy power. Thou hast known what it is to suffer in the shadow of another. Thou hast known what it is to fight that shadow and to lose. Thou hast known temptation. And finally, thou hast known redemption.

[color=#35c46ff]“And thus, we find in thee a kindred spirit, if still an immature one. Accept our offer of apprenticeship, and in time, thy skill with the sky will be second only to ours!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is nopony’s second!” she stated haughtily, trying to bite back a surge of fear—any pony with the power to take control of the weather away from her had tremendously strong magic and was not to be trifled with. So cut the corny Shakesponian accent and show yourself!”

She was not reassured when she heard an amused chuckle. “In another time and place, we would either have taken thee as our disciple… or simply slain thee for thine insolence,” the voice told her, causing Trixie’s heart to stop. “But those times—and that version of us—are long past. ‘Tis said that when the student is ready, the master will appear. And in rejecting this evil power and embracing thine own, thou hast proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that thou art indeed ready, Trixie Lulamoon,” the voice proclaimed.

“Long have we watched thee. Long have we tested thee. And in the end, we have found thee… WORTHY!”

With that, there was a sharp burst of wind. The storm clouds that surrounded Trixie parted in its wake to reveal a descending figure; a dark-furred winged pony backlit by the moon and starry skies behind. She was a large but slender mare, her ageless and flawless appearance belying her long life and recent resurrection. Her glowing white eyes were piercing even without visible pupils, giving Trixie the impression they could see into her very soul.

No longer silhouetted, the showmare could see her large unicorn horn and coat that was the color of the very night sky; her ethereal mane consisting of the twinkling stars that filled it. She possessed a prominent crescent moon cutie mark and wore a small tiara and royal garb, silver collar and hoof coverings that only emphasized her stature and status.

As she flared her large and beautiful wings to land in front of Trixie, the showmare fell quickly to her knee and bowed her head low, finally recognizing she was in the power and presence of…


As the Lunar Regent descended to the stage, the glow in her eyes ceased and the clouds around them dissipated to reveal the full glory of the night sky, the light of the stars and moon reflected and made all the more beautiful by the stage of ice around them.

“Arise, young scion of winter,” the powerful Princess of the Night commanded, no longer in her royal speaking voice. “We would speak with thee.”

“A-about wh-what?” Trixie stood but struggled to stop her shaking, uncertain if the former Nightmare Moon was truly there to take her as a pupil, or slay her as a potential threat.

She smiled. “Destiny,” came the simple, succinct reply. “We have learned much of this new era, and now wish to enter it fully. And to that end, we seek a student of our own…”

Los Angeles
Wright and Co. Law Office
July 31st, 11:45 AM

Early afternoon found Phoenix Wright where he was most days, sitting at his desk awaiting the call of a client. Maya was there as well, lounging on the office sofa reading something on her phone as Pearly, still on her summer break from school, played a videogame and munched on corn chips in the other room.

It had been five weeks since their return from Equestria, and all was back to normal... for better and for worse. Phoenix couldn’t speak for Maya and Pearls, but to his surprise, he’d actually had some trouble readjusting to back home after two weeks in Ponyville, getting used again to all the hustle and bustle, noise and smells of the city. After the perfect weather and the pristine atmosphere of Equestria, he found the midsummer heat and smoggy skies of Los Angeles to be particularly jarring, and more than once wished for a squadron of pegasi to come through and clean it up.

Heck, even a little rainstorm would be nice once in a while. But since when does it rain in L.A.?

He shook his head at that. The more removed from his time in Equestria he got, the more like a dream it seemed. Talking ponies in a magical world… a trio of cases I can’t tell anyone about… a unicorn mare I may have fallen in love with… it couldn’t truly have been real, could it?

Though time and distance had dimmed his memories of Equestria, the one thing he still could recall clearly was Twilight Sparkle, especially the unexpected kiss he’d shared with her just before being sent home. The feel of her lips paired with the silky strands of her mane running through his fingers. The equally soft lavender fur under his hands. The warmth and blush on her cheeks as the surprise and delight had registered on her face much as it had on his. Her happiness turned to sadness as she finally sent him home, possibly never to see him again.

It was a sadness he shared. He had wondered many times since whether what he felt for her was real or just some magical artifact of Equestria, and yet: I miss her! he was increasingly surprised to realize. Not having her here is like I’m missing some magic from my life!

He shook his head again, considering the question of their unexpected attraction once more. There’s no magic like hers here, so anything she could have done to me before would have worn off long ago. Then does that mean what I felt for her… it really WAS real? He fingered the purple iris she’d given him, still sitting in a small vase on his desk. It had lasted much longer than the flowers he could get from his local shops but was finally starting to wilt despite his efforts to preserve it.

To preserve his memories of her.

What if it was the flower that was somehow doing it? Does that mean my feelings for her will disappear when it dies? he fretted, finding the thought more than a little depressing, but had little time to consider the question before his phone rang.

Maya beat him to it, quickly darting up from the sofa where she’d been reading an article about some pop star, and snatching his cellphone right out of his hand. “Wright and Co. Law Offices, defending you like it’s nuttin’, baby!” she used her slogan again, making Phoenix groan, certain she’d just cost him another potential client.

But to his surprise, she broke out in a huge grin as she talked. “You do? And you are? Yes, we’re here!” she said at intervals. “Yes, please come over immediately, and we’ll see about taking your case!” she promised, hanging up the phone before turning decidedly smug.

“Well, Nick. Looks like you were wrong about my slogan after all! We’ve got a new client! She says she needs you and that she’ll be here in ten minutes,” Maya said, her tone chipper as she straightened his tie. “Now clean all that Equestria crap off your desk and get ready! We need to look professional!” she instructed, proceeding to tidy up the rest of the office, picking up some scattered newspapers and magazines around the waiting area.

The promised knock at the door came almost exactly ten minutes later, quickly admitted by Maya to reveal… a young dark-haired woman. “Ph-Phoenix Wright?” she asked him with a trembling voice, her eyes holding an odd mixture of fear and excitement as Maya looked at her funny.

“Yes. May I help you, Miss?” he immediately asked, inviting her inside. Phoenix shared Maya’s confusion, thinking something was both familiar and off about their prospective client. She was a rather well-built woman with dark hair and brown eyes, attractive by most measures he knew, except for her attire—her clothes were decidedly gaudy and even tacky, consisting of a set of mismatched skirt, boots, vest and blouse as if she’d been dressed by someone who had no idea what constituted proper personal apparel or fashion.

She entered at his invitation, stumbling once over the threshold like she was unsure of her footing and looked around his office. Her eyes, she noticed, immediately locked on to the violet iris on his desk.

“You… you kept it!” she said almost giddily, making Phoenix’s brow furrow. Her voice and mannerisms all seemed familiar, somehow, and judging by the look on Maya’s face, he wasn’t the only one to think so. “Excuse me, but… do I know you?” he had to ask, even as his heart was screaming that he did.

Far from taking offense, the mystery woman’s grin got broader as if she’d been complimented. “I guess my spell is working perfectly, then! Here’s a hint, Phoenix...” She grinned and closed her eyes, and Phoenix was startled to see a faint purple glow surrounding a narrow area of her forehead jutting out conically from it; when he looked close he could see what looked like the outline of a single spiral horn in the swirling energy. The glow of the phantom horn faded and she opened her eyes to reveal her irises had turned an impossible shade of purple…

A shade he had only seen on one other person—one other pony—in his life.

Her eyes! Her voice! It…it CAN’T be! His mouth went dry and he felt himself going weak in the knees, but there was no doubt left in either his mind or his suddenly thudding heart, the shock of her appearance leaving him leaning heavily against his desk.

“Tw… Twilight?”


The Storm has passed… but the story of Twilight and Phoenix has just begun! The last section was a preview of the promised side story, titled The Lawyer and the Unicorn, of which you have your choice of a T-rated or M-rated version. The T-rated version is here:

If you want to read or downvote the M-rated version, go through this blog post. Yes, I am going to make you read something first. :twilightsmile:


Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on December 10, 2018.

Update added 4/6/2018: Congratulations; you made it!!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading. This was a multiyear effort that involved many different people, and for myself, an effort that is still ongoing as I’m now going through the entire novelization and editing/updating/expanding each chapter in turn with the help of my prereading team.

If you enjoyed the story and the effort put into it, I invite you to hit my new tip jar at Patreon. Note a new bonus chapter for Turnabout Storm is offered as a goal!

There’s a long list of thank-yous for this chapter and this whole story. First and foremost to Raven Regios for starting this enormous undertaking, for writing all but one of the first 43 chapters, allowing me to edit and later write for it, giving me free reign over the story. To Leo Archon, who won the “bad end” contest, who became a prereader and later a co-writer, particularly for the last ten chapters. He lent a lot to the story, and will continue to do so in the side story and sequel to follow.

To the voice of Phoenix Wright himself, TheGoldCrow, for his willingness to help and preread, for offering honest feedback and for making his own contribution in the form of writing a couple very touching scenes for the story. I also very much thank him for getting me touch with NeoArtimus, who in turn granted me the incredible privilege of editing video part 5, weeks before its official release. I make no claim of her endorsement of this story, but do thank her from the bottom of my heart for the recognition she granted me. I consider that opportunity one of the greatest honors of my life, and thank her as well for the wonderful story she brought to life, for the two universes she improbably merged.

To prereaders AJ_Aficionado and of late KeybladePony, who gave me all the feedback I could ever want, catching and pointing out things I might have missed otherwise, and the encouragement to keep going.

To James CyberLink and his confused boner for an editing pass on the epilogue and coming up with a good music selection for it.

And of course, to all of you for reading, for following, for commenting, for telling us you enjoyed the story. Positive feedback is what sustained us this whole way, and we got plenty of it.

I get that not everybody liked everything we did. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned it’s impossible to please everyone in a story like this, and if you try you end up pleasing nobody... least of all yourself as a writer. But regardless of what criticisms are out there, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I have no regrets, and make no apologies. This is the story we told. It’s loud, it’s proud, it was bold, it took risks, and if you didn’t like it, why did you follow it for 67 chapters and 436,600 words? :ajsmug: We must have done something right, then...

So on behalf of myself and the entire Turnabout Storm writing and reviewing crew, thanks for coming along for the ride! Hope to see you for the side story and sequel! This is Firesight... signing off!

Psst, Leo Archon here. It has been an honor and a joy to be working on this novelization, and I wish to see as many of you as I can on Firesight’s side story, as well as the sequel.

Comments ( 233 )

Hard to believe this was 3 years in the making.

5911777 THREE years old now?! I didn't even notice the darn time...

This was a good read.

So here I was thinking this was simply a conversion of the YouTube series into fan fiction form, but I decided to read the epiloge and discovered it's not and now I have to read the whole thing......BANZAI! *dives right in.....After going to bed as it's currently 5 AM*

I know it's a dumb question, but is there any chance of an eBook version of this fic?

5911947 there's a youtube animation of it, with all of the voice actors

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah~!
Tho I do always get a little sad when a great story ends, I enjoyed the journey.

5912046 Thanks, but I already knew about it. It's thanks of this animation that I stumbled upon this fic.

That title reminds me of Mother 3. (The final chapter of the game also has that title.)

That she can help him… and him, her

What were you trying to write here?

Okay, one question that I'm not sure about. What was that thing that listened to Flash Sentry in the Everfree and vanished? Was it something we know or will it be revealed in the next story?

5911835 Time sure does fly when you're having fun.

5911777 I haven't even been a brony for that long. This was quite an achievement: A crossover on the level of Fallout Equestria.

Congratulations everyone!

5912184 All will be explained in the sequel, Ace Attorney: Sonata for Two Worlds. Rest assured, that listener will come back.

5912386 Seriously, there is going to be a sequel?

Okay. Another quickie is that I saw on youtube that there was going to be a sequel already and I'm sure some of the people from the youtube group helped make this too. So is Ace Attorney Elements of Justice going hand in hand with your story or is this something entirely different?

Why is human Twi blonde?


To look like Tara Strong. :twilightsmile:

Wow... This was amazing!~ :D Hot damn I'm glad I found this story, it was awesome!
Had me begging for more, and wanting to grapple it into a tight hug because of all the feeeeeeeeeeelings~ DAMN IT!
HOT DORITOS, I love it!

Good going to you guys, awesome work on this whole thing through and through! I enjoyed this story and I am so going to read both the side fic and the sequel baby! //squees

Stay frosty baby!

5912459 Its the same, but with a lot of new things and subplots, or a very extended version, I saw the videos and they were wonderful, but this is waaaaaaaaayyyy better and complete.

5911835 Yup. Even though I haven't read any of the chapters in a long time due to how long the story was getting, I remember when the story had just begun all that time ago.

5912453 5912459

Yes, there is going to be a sequel to this story, but an entirely different one than whatever NeoArtimus is planning. This sequel will be canon to the novelization and side story, not the videos, and is in no way official. But it does join a long list of other Turnabout Storm fan sequels out there.

No spoilers except to say it's going to be ambitious, and the villain was hinted at here at the end. :scootangel:

At that moment, another voice was heard coming from the mirror, one both motherly and mischievous. “My name?” its owner closed her eyes and gave a coy grin that was the equal of Celestia’s. “My name is…” she trailed off, a mischievous gleam in her eye as she faded from the mirror’s sight.


The two flew in silence for a bit. Then Delta looked at Flash. “So, are the rumors about the Captain true?”
Flash looked back, arching an eyeridge. “Which ones? Keep in mind there’s a lot of rumors about Shining Armor.”

With his high rank, not surprise.

The sergeant rolled his eyes. “Right. I meant the ones regarding him having a special somepony back home.”
Flash grinned. “Oh, those. Didn’t his little slip-up the other day verify that?”
“Well, yeah, but since you’re a bit higher in the hierarchy than I am, I thought you might know some details,” the lower-ranked pegasus explained.
The lieutenant looked skyward for a moment. “Well, it’s nothing official, but… I have noticed him spending a lot of his off time around Princess Cadenza…”
Delta’s eyes widened. “Wow. He’s got his sights set high, doesn’t he?”

You have no idea.

Flash nodded. “Yeah. I mean, she has some power and authority, but nowhere near as much as, say, the Court Bard.”
Delta smirked. “Oh, yeah, that dark-colored pegasus who’s also named Delta. A real looker, that one.”
The orange stallion gave him a dour look. “Might wanna keep that to yourself. Lady Requiem has a tendency to find out things you don’t want brought to light.”

Smart pony.

Flash shrugged again. “My best guess is that since Princess Cadenza doesn’t have a true kingdom to call her own, she doesn’t get the full power and authority just yet.”

Since this is before Season 2, I'd say give it a season and a two parter.

Flash chuckled. “Please. Most cities and towns in Equestria are perfectly fine without a local princess overseeing things. I really doubt a kingdom for her is just gonna pop out of nowhere.”

This is hilarious due to how wrong he is.

Flash gave him a look of envy. “Lucky,” he said, and then his voice went wistful. “That filly’s a bit of a looker herself. You don’t suppose her and a pony like me could…?”
The other pegasus gave him a look. “With all due respect, Lieutenant… she’s already spoken for. And that also begs the question of exactly why would she fall for you?” Delta teased. “Despite what you may see in the movies, mares don’t randomly fall for guys they’ve just met.”

She's right.

“Excepting Phoenix Wright?” the orange pegasus countered, a note of envy in his voice.
Delta rolled his eyes. “Well, you defend her best friend from a murder rap out of the goodness of your heart, and then maybe we’ll talk,” the older stallion answered mildly.

He's right.

And then whispers had reached her ears of a powerful magical artifact, one that could give her all the power she could ever want or need. Power enough to defeat Twilight Sparkle. Power enough to make her the best there was at everything, as she had always claimed to be…
Power enough to truly be Great and Powerful, and for all of Equestria to know it.

The Alicorn Amulet.

The Alicorn Amulet.

Called it.

She could feel its dark magic calling to her, sensed the immense power it could offer her, its pull on her wavering psyche redoubled for proximity. With it, she could take all comers without breaking a sweat. When combined with her own natural abilities, it would give her power the equal of any alicorn. And all she had to do to gain such power was don it… accept it… give in to its dark magic…
All she had to do was throw away everything she had yet again.


She saw again Pearly’s crying face at Zecora’s hut, before the human Mystic named Maya had channeled the spirit of her grandfather, how she begged for Trixie to accept the help and friendship offered her. She had only known the show mare a short time, yet she had always been there, always happy to see her, never said a bad word about her even when the others did…
Inexplicably, she truly loved her.

Indeed, just take the moral high ground. Please.

She wavered, but only for a moment. I am a show mare… not some evil ICE QUEEN! she told it, and in a moment of insight, she saw the truth. It’s all a LIE! You don’t want this for ME! You just need me for YOURSELF! she was now only too certain, and now she sensed the power almost pleading with her.


“I… REJECT YOU!!!!” she bared her teeth at it, gathering her power and considerable will to overcome its remaining thrall, until finally…
Her eyes glowed blue as she encased the amulet in ice and sealed its power with a spell, magically flinging it as far away as she could, sending it rocketing off into the night on a burst of icy gale. She watched it fly off into the night until she could no longer see it, not caring where it went, and then…


Seeking her final acceptance. Just… let it go… the words suggested themselves. And finally…
She did.
She released her powers into the night air, not the anger-driven explosion of the trial, but an exhilarating rush and flow of elemental energy that invigorated her, left her feeling more alive than she’d ever been. Snow and multicolored magical sparkles suddenly swirled around her, as if dancing with the joy she felt. She laughed and reveled in the full release and expression of her power, her frosty mane whipping in the icy breeze, one that wrapped her like a warm blanket, knowing its source, lover and master.
Finally resolving to leave her old self behind, she threw her hat into the gathering wind and released the clasp on her cape, watching as they were carried away into the night. Snow laden clouds, white and pure materialized around her and she unleashed from them… not a blizzard, but a gentle, swirling snowfall, like a million glittering diamonds that danced about her.

Let it go, let it go! I am one with the wind and sky! (What? Someone was bound to make the joke eventually.)

She slammed a hoof down, turning the snow beneath her feet into a circular sheet of ice etched with her cutie mark, its lines etching and glowing the very blue of her eyes. She next reared up and made a raising motion with her front hooves, causing pillars of ice to erupt out of the ground and air around her, transforming her surroundings into a great amphitheatre, with circular stepped seat benches all facing the joyous mare that now stood revelling in her released power at the center. Her stage complete, she began making sculptures of ice at the stage corners. One was of her father, another of her grandfather… and then a third, of Pearly applauding her, her joyful expression and clapping hands captured in the the crystalline water she was lovingly carved of.

*plays clip of Elsa building her ice castle.* And reveling. One L.

This is for YOU, Sweetie! a happily crying Trixie told the young human girl as she materialized a new cape and hat out of the snow itself, flakes fusing and transmuting into a sheer white fabric studded with iridescent stars and snowflakes, a matching hat to replace her old one constructing itself right on her head.

I'm never going back, the past is in the past! LET IT GO! LET IT GO!

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is nopony’s second!” she stated haughtily, trying to bite back a surge of fear—any pony with the power to take control of the weather away from her had tremendously strong magic and was not to be trifled with. “So cut the corny Shakesponian accent and show yourself!

Am I the only one who finds it hysterical how clueless she is as to just who she's mouthing off to?

She was not reassured when she heard an amused chuckle. “In another time, in another place, we would have taken thee as our disciple… or simply slain thee for thy insolence,” the voice told her, causing Trixie’s heart to stop. “But those times—and that version of us—are long past. It is said that when the student is ready, the master will appear. And in rejecting this evil power and embracing thy own, thou hast proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that thee art indeed ready, Trixie Lulamoon,” the voice proclaimed. “Long have we watched thee. Long have we tested thee. And in the end, we have found thee… worthy.”

Wait, long has she watched and tested Trixie? Guess she takes after her sister in that respect.

With that, there was a sharp burst of wind. The storm clouds that surrounded Trixie parted in its wake to reveal a descending figure, dark-furred winged pony backlit by the moon and starry skies behind. She was a large but slender mare, her ageless and flawless appearance belying her long life and recent resurrection. Her glowing white eyes were piercing even without visible pupils, giving Trixie the impression they could see into her very soul. No longer silhouetted, the show mare could see her large unicorn horn and coat that was the color of the very night sky; her ethereal mane consisting of the twinkling stars that filled it. She possessed a prominent crescent moon cutie mark and wore a small tiara and royal garb, silver collar and hoof coverings that only emphasized her stature and status.
As she flared her large and beautiful wings to land in front of Trixie, the show mare fell quickly to her knees, bowing her head low, finally recognizing she was in the power and presence of…

Called it.

She smiled. “Destiny,” came the simple, succinct reply. “We have learned much of this new era, and now wish to re-enter it fully. And to that end, we seek a student of our own…”

So Celestia gets Twilight, and Trixie gets Luna, sweet.

But to his surprise, she broken out in a huge grin as she talked. “You do…? You are…? Yes, we’re here…” she said at intervals. “Yes, please come over immediately, and we’ll see about taking your case!” she promised, hanging up the phone before turning decidedly smug.

Well then, this should be fun, by her grin, I'd say it's not a murder/death case, but still one that requires Phoenix Motherbucking Wright.

The promised knock at the door came ten minutes later, quickly admitted by Maya to reveal… a young blonde-haired woman. “Ph-Phoenix Wright?” she asked him with a trembling voice, her eyes holding an odd mixture of fear and excitement as Maya looked at her funny.

If not for the blonde hair I'd say she'd be Fluttershy.

“Yes. May I help you, Miss?” he immediately asked, inviting her inside. Phoenix shared Maya’s confusion, thinking something was both familiar and off about their prospective client. She was a rather well-built and buxom blonde woman with brown eyes, attractive by most measures he knew, except for her attire—her clothes were decidedly gaudy and even tacky, consisting of a set of mismatched skirt, boots, vest and blouse as if she’d been dressed by someone who had no idea what constituted proper personal apparel or fashion.

Sounds like a cross between Fluttershy and Discord.

She entered at his invitation, stumbling once over the threshold like she was unsure of her footing and looked around his office. Her eyes, she noticed, immediately locked on to the violet iris on his desk.
“You… you kept it…” she said almost giddily, making Phoenix’s brow further. Her voice and mannerisms all seemed familiar, somehow… and judging by the look on Maya’s face, he wasn’t the only one to think so. “Excuse me, but… do I know you?” he had to ask, even as his heart was screaming that he did.

Apparently. Twilight maybe?

Far from taking offense, the mystery woman’s grin got broader as if she’d been complimented. “I guess my spell is working perfectly, then! Here’s a hint, Phoenix…” she grinned and closed her eyes, and Phoenix was startled to see a faint purple glow surrounding a narrow area of her forehead jutting out conically from it; when he looked close he was could see what looked like the outline of a single spiral horn in the swirling energy. The glow of the phantom horn faded and she opened her eyes to reveal her irises had turned an impossible shade of purple…

Twilight, well, I can't believe I called it.

“Tw… Twilight?”



Why you little-

The Storm has passed… but the story of Twilight and Phoenix has just begun! The last section was a preview of the promised side story, titled The Lawyer and the Unicorn, and new parts will be posted in quick succession as the first half-dozen chapters have already been completed.



There currently is not, sorry. :applejackunsure: I suppose if there's enough call for it, one could be made.

5911886 5912096 5912577 5912615

Thanks from all of us!!! :pinkiehappy: It was a hell of a ride for us too, and seeing the journey come to an end is a bittersweet experience given how long we've been working on it. But as the title says, all good things... regardless, hope to see you guys on the sequels!


Yes, yes it does. :heart: And working on this was certainly fun. Thanks for being a regular commenter.

So obviously you have Noe's approval but is it possible that you can divulge anything as of yet?
Are we still having a case or will it be cases?

5913867 Ace Attorney: Sonata for Two Worlds is planned to be a 4-case epic. There will be two cases on Earth, and two cases in Equestria.

Sweet. Well, since you've guys have remain committed to this story, I can't wait for the next one.
Out of curiosity, how many of you guys were working on this thing? I'm kind of confused by who responds to the comments and then having it posted on Raven's profile as the main writer.

5913922 Raven was the primary author until around after the first trial portion. Real life began to interfere with her ability to write, and so she turned creative powers over to Firesight. I later became a prereader, then an outright co-author for the last several chapters. However, since the story is under Raven's name, we were at her mercy for when she decided to publish each chapter. This epilogue was supposed to go live on Friday, coinciding with the release of the side story.

Well here's a You're Welcome! from all of me and my clones! :D
And my OCs, just cause.

Damn straight one hell of a ride, I loved it! I really did.
I want to play the games now cause of this story, even though there's no cases like these in it x3
Hell yeah you can expect me to be there baby! :D


A very well done reinterpretation. Approved for The Goodfic Bin.


5914563 I know what you mean about Gyakuten Kenji 2 (and I'm still mad at Capcom for not exporting it officially).

As for Sonata, it's quite clearly established, in the story, that she is Mia's Equestrian counterpart. It's even revealed in one of the last chapters that the reason she acts so differently from Mia is because she lost her sister (Maya's counterpart) at a young age, and her mother disappeared as well. She basically started shutting herself away, using her power of perception to keep others out, just so she wouldn't be hurt again.

The parallel to Lana Skye is an interesting, if unintended, consequence.

Out of curiosity, on whos account will the T rated sequel be posted?


Leo Archon's. Give him a watch if you want information on when it's coming.

Congratulations on finishing!
I truly Enjoyed this story and want to thank you for all the hard work you've all put in. I will be eagerly waiting on the sequel.

Once angain good work and thank you.

And in rejecting this evil power and embracing thy own, thou hast proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that thee art indeed ready, Trixie Lulamoon,

Respectively, those words should be "thine" and "thou".

“You… you kept it…” she said almost giddily, making Phoenix’s brow further.

I think you missed a word there.

Then said Griffin would have either attacked you, gotten confused as to why you were comparing her to a dog, or corrected your gammer. (Gilda you're a such and such.)


Corrections noted, and thank you. They will be posted along with some other edits in a few days.


We decided it was squicking too many people, sorry. :unsuresweetie: It will return in the side story.


I dunno about if they farted, but, yeah, most of them are absurdly powerful, except Yamcha, he's just absurdly powerful by normal human standards, by Z Fighter standards, significantly less.


I'm re-reading more slowly and I'm finding so many neat little worldbuilding details like this!

That's high compliment, thanks! :pinkiehappy: Plenty more tucked away in there...

And an obligatory Cupcakes reference... :pinkiecrazy:

No Pinkie! Resist the powers of darkness! :fluttershbad:

Fear not, good sir. I have an explanation for it. Pinkie being Pinkie, she can momentarily channel alternate versions of herself, sometimes triggered by certain words or events. She's not really aware of it and would never act on it, but it happens. :pinkiecrazy:

Pinkie being Pinkie, she can momentarily channel alternate versions of herself, sometimes triggered by certain words or events.

So, if Pinkie said something about Lauren Faust, would she turn into Surprise?

5914583 Wait, so a character's motivation was hinted at... subtly?... DANG IT!! NOW YOU'RE MAKING ME COMPARE HER TO DEE VASQUEZ (Because they manipulated someone due to the death of a loved one and all.)! QUIT IT!!!


Sweet. May not be my favorite Disney movie of all time, but damn if it isn't fun!

The other pegasus gave him a look. “With all due respect, Lieutenant… she’s already spoken for. And that also begs the question of exactly why would she fall for you?” Delta teased. “Despite what you may see in the movies, mares don’t randomly fall for guys they’ve just met.”

Also Trixie as Luna's student :pinkiehappy:.

as I was luck to have just found this story and yes I was lucky,
I got to read this from start to end.
Positive feedback I just cant say enough good about this story so rather then clutter this post with a bunch of driver Harts Fire will just say it the simplest way I can.
One bucking good story.
I will be watching foe all the sequels.
Harts Fire

5923308 Even Yamucha is pretty powerful by the time they face Cell. He's just so far below a Super Saiyan that it's basically irrelevant.

He did manage to withstand 300 times normal gravity briefly when trying to copy Vegeta's training, and Goku initially had trouble with 100 times gravity (which was after he almost died fighting Vegeta... which if you read the Saiyan handbook means he was already much stronger once the sweet saucy magical beans healed him).

So, even the weakest of the Z fighters is at least up to a power level of 100,000 by the Cell Saga. And most of them trained on the Kai planet during the Buu Saga... so heck if I know how much more powerful they got after that!

It gets too crazy to even try and estimate, since there's just no frame of reference. They're STILL shocked every time the radically more powerful guy than the previous guy they beat blows up a planet. :rainbowlaugh:


Pretty much, it's less "Yamcha and the other are that weak" and more "The Saiyans and Piccolo are just that strong." Since if memory serves, once he fused with Kami, Piccolo was able to fight 17 toe to toe, I suspect he could have won were 17 not an android/cyborg, and well, infinite ki and stamina compared to Piccolo who, while awesome, doesn't have either. Makes me wonder, why don't any of the Z Fighters wish for immortality? Goku could wish for immortality for him and his family so they could have all the time in the world. I wonder though, if Chi Chi kept training, how strong do you think she could have gotten?

5960850 Because that would mean Goku wouldn't be a dimwitted goodie two-shoes anymore.


See, if you think ahead like that and take all the advantages you can get, then at best you can be an anti-hero, cuz the heroes have to be stupid.


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