• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 39 - Kindness and Loyalty

There are two things that I consider inexcusable: Poisoning, and betrayal. Only a coward would hurt people using either of these tactics…

Phoenix Wright, Recipe for Turnabout

Turnabout Storm - Part 4/4

Ponyville District Court
June 11th, 10:20 AM

It was well past time for court to convene, and Phoenix and Twilight were getting anxious.

The trial should have resumed twenty minutes ago, Twilight noted, reading the clock over an adjacent wall from where she was lounging on one of the low sofas in the defendant waiting area. Why the wait? she wondered, glancing at Phoenix sitting on the other end of the couch.

Phoenix himself was wondering the same thing as he stared down at his feet over crossed arms, thinking it was not like The Judge to allow such a late start to a scheduled session. Knowing him, he was probably out late sightseeing or something, he decided, suppressing a grin at the image of The Judge loaded down with tacky souvenirs and wearing an ill-fitting top beneath his robe that read ‘I visited Equestria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’.

There’s nothing tacky about this place, though! he admonished himself, having experienced firsthand much of what Ponyville had to offer earlier that morning. He even wished he could bring Maya to visit someday, but… if there’s no TV or hamburgers, she might not be happy here.

As the wait dragged on without explanation, their nerves began to grow again and the pair found themselves starting to brood, lost in their own thoughts and worries. Several times, Phoenix found his gaze drifting past the two pegasi security guards to the picture of the odd dark mare on the back wall, his brow furrowing as he studied it.

I swear I’ve seen her before… he couldn’t help but think, but the memory was elusive and he couldn’t pin it down. At other points, he found his eyes falling on Twilight’s sprawled-out form beside him. He found it a little disconcerting to see her laid out on the sofa in an animal-like manner, fighting off a strangely compelling need to know if her cutie mark felt the same as the rest of her fur.

He shook his head at that, imagining how she might take putting a hand on her hip to find out. She could break your fingers with a thought, Phoenix, he reminded himself, though deep down, he didn’t believe she would ever hurt him. Hell, if she didn’t even after what happened with Fluttershy yesterday! He shuddered at the memory of her glowing red eyes.

For her part, Twilight found her thoughts oscillating between worry over the trial to anxiety about what would come after, finding herself glancing at Phoenix repeatedly. She was still a bit jealous over his treatment of Rarity but decided she couldn’t begrudge it. She certainly earned it, Twilight reluctantly acknowledged, uncertain if Phoenix even understood the significance of a kiss to the hoof or knew just how many of Rarity’s buttons—or her own!—he’d pushed with his display.

Are all human males such… gentlemen? Or is that even the right word? she couldn’t help but wonder, glancing at him again only to find that this time, he was staring back.

They both blushed and looked away at that. “Back here again,” Twilight said to break the growing tension, distracting herself by looking back on the previous day’s fiasco and remembering how they had both made one huge mistake after another. Shivering as she recalled how it had nearly cost them the case, and how close it came to costing Phoenix his life.

Phoenix noticed her unease and tried to reassure her. “Yeah. But you know what? I’m confident we’ll win this time,” he reiterated with a soothing smile. “I made a promise to you, Twilight. And I will keep it.”

Twilight’s cheeks warmed at that, remembering him giving her that vow during their hug the night before. “I know. I’m still worried, though. Do you think we have enough evidence?” She nodded to the large sealed satchel sitting in front of Phoenix.

“Yes,” Phoenix stared with surety as he hefted the bulging evidence bag, forcing himself to focus on the trial and not Twilight herself. “We’ve got plenty. Things only went so badly yesterday because I was under-prepared and we didn’t have any alternate theories of the crime,” he replied, putting the bag back down. “But that’s all changed now. We have plenty of evidence to fight back with this time, and better yet, a new suspect.”

“You mean Cruise Control, right?” Twilight guessed, sitting up on the sofa.

“Yes. Him.” Phoenix leaned over and took on his pondering pose, his elbow resting on his knee as he scratched his chin. “He had motive and opportunity—being a pegasus, he could have set off the cloud himself, and you yourself said he could have killed Ace to protect his sister. And why else would he attack me and steal my evidence but to cover up his own guilt?” he asked in a rhetorical tone as he turned towards Twilight, all business again.

To his surprise, Twilight seemed uncertain. “When I spoke with him last night, Cruise didn’t confirm or deny he killed Ace, but we know for a fact he was being blackmailed by him, and that he was the anonymous tip Trixie mentioned on the night of the murder,” Twilight recalled, her eyes going distant as she remembered the pain in Cruise’s eyes as he talked about his stricken sibling.

“And there’s one other thing you have to remember about Cruise Control, Phoenix—everything he does, he does for his sister, not himself. I could see him killing Ace to keep her in Canterlot Hospital, but how would turning around and pinning the crime on Rainbow Dash help? That doesn’t make sense to me.”

Phoenix was caught short by that. “I haven’t figured that out yet,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his head and giving the goofy, self-deprecating grin Twilight noted he seemed to wear in times of uncertainty. “But don’t worry, I will.”

She nodded, but still seemed concerned. “I know. There’s one other thing that really worries me, though,” Twilight told him, moving over and sitting down beside him.

Phoenix turned to her. “And what would that be?” he asked from the unfamiliar position of looking up at her; she sat taller than him when they were both sitting on the same surface.

“That feather,” Twilight revealed, looking away and wearing a troubled expression. “You said they let Fluttershy go because it didn’t belong to any of her animals. That was the only thing preventing a guilty verdict from being handed down, and without it…”

“And without it, this trial could be over in the first minute,” Phoenix agreed grimly, reminding himself that no matter how confident or prepared he was, there was no margin for error and he had to come out swinging. “You’re right; it could be over before it even begins. I gotta start off strong before The Judge hands down the verdict,” he knew, war-gaming the trial in his head for what seemed like the hundredth time.

“So what’s your plan?” Twilight wanted to know.

“It should go like this,” Phoenix began as Twilight listened closely. “First, The Judge will ask about the feather. In response, Trixie will announce it didn’t match any of Fluttershy’s animals and demand an immediate guilty verdict. That’s when I’ll cut in, citing the fact that the feather remains unidentified implies another witness at the scene, and that a verdict cannot be handed down until that question is resolved,” he outlined as much to himself as to her.

Twilight gave him a dubious look. “Trixie will challenge that,” she was only too certain. “If it was me, I’d question the relevancy of a single unidentified feather in the face of all the other evidence.”

To her surprise, Phoenix grinned at her observation—you’re thinking like an attorney now, Twilight! “Exactly. And in doing so, she’ll give us the opening we need for a classic bait-and-switch move,” he told her. “When Trixie objects, I’ll counter with something she can’t dismiss as irrelevant—Cruise’s attack on me. I’ll name Cruise Control as a new suspect and provide an alternate theory of the crime, the initial proof being his theft of my evidence, implying he was trying to cover up his own guilt,” he explained.

“Regardless of what Trixie says, that’s too big a loose end for The Judge to ignore, so he’ll have no choice but to call Cruise to the stand. And once he’s there? I’ll pick apart his testimony and squeeze the answers out of him,” he concluded.

Twilight considered that, slowly nodding to herself; lost in thought, neither she nor Phoenix heard the side door open nor noticed a new figure creeping up beside them. “But what if he doesn’t talk?” she asked at length. “The police said he stayed silent during interrogation.”

“If he refuses to talk, that’s fine too; it just casts more suspicion on him and forces The Judge to order additional investigation of his possible role in the murder,” he replied easily, though he knew there were risks to such a scheme.

If The Judge or Trixie challenges me on Cruise’s motive, I’ll have no choice but to reveal the blackmail scheme and perhaps even name Sonata as the mastermind. It might get me arrested, but it should be enough to get Cruise on the stand, or buy another day of investigation at least. Ample time for Twilight to pry the truth out of him, he concluded, confident she could pull off such a feat after her successful solo investigation the previous day. But hopefully it won’t come to that. For now, I just have to focus on—

“HEY!!” A voice boomed behind the two, making them both almost leap up to the ceiling.

“Gaaahh!!” “NYAAHH!!” Twilight and Phoenix cried out together, instinctively grabbing the other for protection.

And who could make them jump like that, but the one and only Rainbow Dash herself! “So what’cha doin’?” she asked with a broad grin, looking very pleased at the results of her prank. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting a make-out session or something?” she leered at the sight of the two clutching each other, leaning over the side of the sofa beside Phoenix and propping her head on her forehooves while teasingly puckering her lips; the pegasus guards at the courtroom door watching out of the corner of their eyes and looking like they were doing their best to suppress smiles as well.

Twilight and Phoenix flushed bright red. “Stop doing that!” they demanded in unison as they disentangled, wondering how they kept ending up in each other’s arms.

Once they were separated, a still-blushing Phoenix cleared his throat and re-cinched his tie, trying to settle himself after the startle by answering Rainbow’s initial question. “We’re just talking about how you’re on the edge of the knife right now!” he informed her in a flustered tone.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked at him in confusion, her mischievous smile dropping.

Phoenix took a deep breath to steady himself, rubbing his eyes as he took a more direct approach. “That claim I made with the feather yesterday bought us time and kept the trial going. But once Trixie declares that it didn’t match any of Fluttershy’s animals, suspicion on her will be dispelled and the only thing that was keeping The Judge from giving you a guilty verdict will be gone,” he explained, his cheeks slowly cooling.

“D’oh!” Dash yelled with a pained look, her exclamation making Phoenix vividly remember a cartoon he’d watched with Maya a few times involving some yellow-skinned people and ridiculously random plots.

“Don’t worry though; Phoenix and I gathered a lot of evidence this time around,” Twilight assured her friend, nodding at the stuffed evidence bag, her own blush lingering as well.

“She’s right,” Phoenix confirmed. “Oh, and that ‘Super Awesome Evidence’ you were asking for? I think we found it,” he added, making Rainbow Dash smile brightly.

“You did? That’s great!” she shouted in glee, rearing up and pinwheeling her hooves in a manner reminiscent to Phoenix of Pinkie Pie.

“I just can’t let Trixie get the upper hand this time—” Phoenix caught himself too late. “Er, upper ‘hoof’,” he quickly revised.

Upon hearing Trixie’s name, Twilight remembered something, her eyes going distant and embarrassment suddenly forgotten. “Speaking of Trixie…” she began, sitting back down on the tiled floor. “Phoenix, I didn’t mention this to you yesterday. Since you know all about the Magatama, maybe you can tell me what it means?”

“Magma-what-a?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion.

“Something happened involving the Magatama?” Phoenix inquired, noticing Twilight’s freshly troubled expression. Looks like it’s really bothering her, whatever it is.

Twilight shook her head. “Yeah. I saw those psycho… er, psyche-locks a few times, mostly around Cruise Control,” she continued. “But they also appeared around Trixie and they were—”

“Oh, look who’s back for an encore!” A familiar mocking voice echoed throughout the room, cutting Twilight off in mid-sentence. “The law firm of Sparkle & Stupid, together with their client, Rainbow Trash!”

Speak of the devil! Phoenix’s lips tightened as the mare magician entered. Great. Prosecutor ‘Hammy’ von Ding-a-ling has to come give her complimentary pre-trial trash-talk, he thought to himself, vowing to keep his cool and not be riled by her again.

“Trixie, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t want to fight with you!” Twilight begged, having no time or patience for the other unicorn.

But Trixie just smirked at her. “That’s funny—you were more than ready to yesterday, and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing when we go through those doors over there!” She noted, nodding towards the entrance to the Courtroom guarded by the two pegasus sentries, who didn’t look any happier to see Trixie than they were the previous day. “Once we go in, it’s just you against me!”

The corners of Twilight’s mouth crooked up. “I’m afraid not,” she replied evenly.

Trixie’s smile dropped. “What?” she asked as Phoenix remained silent, letting Twilight handle the showmare.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but Phoenix is going to be leading the defense—not me,” Twilight announced, moving to stand beside him. Phoenix couldn’t help but stand taller himself at that, vowing once more to be worthy of her faith and trust.

Trixie was caught off-guard, her mouth falling open. “What? But you said—“

“I changed my mind,” Twilight said succinctly, cutting Trixie off just as she cut Twilight off earlier. “I have faith that Phoenix will win this trial and prove once and for all Rainbow Dash didn’t kill anypony.”

Rainbow Dash raised her eyeridges in some surprise, looking back and forth between the two unicorns in confusion. “Uh… did I miss something here? Wasn’t he my lawyer all along?” she asked, falling silent when Phoenix shot her a warning look.

“This is supposed to be between you and me!” Trixie insisted, ignoring Rainbow and turning her full attention on Twilight.

“Wrong. This is about clearing my friend’s name,” an unruffled Twilight countered calmly, at peace with her decision and having made up her mind that she would not let Trixie get under her fur again. “And I believe Phoenix is the one to do it. So why are you getting so angry anyway?” she asked the other unicorn, raising an eyeridge in her direction.

“I’m NOT angry!” Trixie snapped back, but a stomp of her hoof and a sudden chill in the air around her belied her claim… to say nothing of Twilight’s vision going dark and the five black locks appearing around the mare magician once more, the intensity of the emotions they contained causing her to recoil. “It doesn’t matter anyway! I’m going to mop the floor with this stupid human like I did yesterday and Rainbow Trash is going to be banished! Mark my words, Twilight!” Trixie threatened.

Her attention on the locks, Twilight didn’t react, but Rainbow Dash did. “Bring it on, you WASH-UP!” she goaded, lowering her head and taking a step towards the unicorn mare, provoking an already-incensed Trixie further.

“Shut your mouth!” Trixie snapped, her horn beginning to glow beneath her hat. “You’re so stupid you don’t even realize I could have had you packing your bags for the sun yesterday!”

Rainbow was really seeing red now. “Oho, you wanna take this outside, you has-been?” she suggested with a lowered head, flaring her wings and pawing the ground with a hoof, looking ready and eager for a fight. “For trying to send me to the sun, I’ll buck you straight to the MOON!

Phoenix had been content to let Twilight deal with Trixie to that point, but he finally spoke up as he saw Rainbow’s temper flare, stepping forward between the pair and folding his arms. “That’s enough,” he told them both sternly and was surprised to see the two mares shrink from his presence; Trixie instantly de-charging her horn and Dash stepping back from him as well. Twilight would later tell him that by interposing himself like that, he triggered an ingrained mare instinct to not endanger stallions, but at that moment, he was just surprised and relieved they had listened.

Putting yourself between a unicorn and pegasus ready to fight? Probably not the smartest of moves, Phoenix! “Is this just a game to you, Trixie? You’re treating an innocent life like a pawn to get back at Twilight. I don’t know all of what went on between you two, but this isn’t the way you deal with it.”

Shaking off her surprise, the blue mare turned her icy glare on him. “Don’t you dare lecture me, you weak and worthless ape! You’re going to see exactly why you should have just stayed in your stupid little world! I wanted to beat Twilight, but if I have to settle for thrashing a third-rate human defense attorney, fine! Prepare to lose, Phoenix Wrong!” And with a whip of her tail and a thwack of her hooves, the infuriated showmare stormed out into the hallway, leaving the three behind.

Phoenix wiped the sweat off of his brow and sighed, wondering why the air around them suddenly felt so cold in the wake of Trixie’s departure, though it did feel good against his wet forehead. “Phew! She was furious,” he commented to Twilight, sitting back down heavily on the sofa.

When she didn’t immediately answer, he glanced over at her and found her looking down with a sad and troubled frown. For her part, Twilight found she was shivering less from the lingering chill the mare magician had left in the air than the effect of the black locks on her.

So much sadness… so much hate and rage… and all directed at ME! She felt herself starting to tear up again. How am I supposed to help her in the face of all… THAT?

Phoenix’s expression softened as he noted her watery eyes. “Hey. Don’t let her get you down. She’s just mean-spirited and doesn’t understand friendship,” he said, putting a comforting hand on the back of her head. Twilight perked up at that, taking strength from his touch and giving him a grateful smile.

“Yeah, Twilight. She’s just an all-talk-no-talent loudmouth!” Rainbow Dash added with a snort, telling herself that if Nix hadn’t stopped her she’d’ve kicked Trixie’s flank, no matter if she was a unicorn or not.

“You’re right.But as I was saying...” Twilight cleared her throat and continued her earlier thought as Phoenix removed his hand and sat back on the sofa to listen. “When I spoke with Trixie yesterday—and again just now—these locks appeared and they were—”

“Hello everypony,” a very slight, soft voice interrupted Twilight’s explanation yet again, leaving her wondering if something was trying to keep her from revealing it.

Phoenix lit up when he saw the new arrival poke her head into the room and immediately stood up to greet her. “Fluttershy! You got my message and came down here, I see.” He welcomed her warmly and with great relief.

She nodded, giving him a shy grin; neither Phoenix nor Twilight noticing Rainbow’s eyes narrow in anger as she came in. “Owlolicious delivered your letter to me last night. Of course I forgive you, Mister Phoenix.”

He bowed his head and clasped his hands before her. “I apologized in the letter, but let me do so in person—I’m sorry about… what happened outside your cottage. I didn’t realize what I’d done wrong until Twilight explained it to me. Forgive my ignorance. I’m very sorry,” he told her again.

She visibly blushed at that. “It’s all right, Mister Phoenix. You just… surprised me.” She got very quiet for a moment, bashfully retreating behind her long bangs as her wings seemed to momentarily stiffen. “But, um… would you like to try again?” she suggested shyly, rearing up on her hind legs and flaring her wings to offer him an embrace once more, her head at his chest level.

Now how can I say no to an offer like that? Phoenix couldn’t help but smil at her adorability. He leaned over to accept her hug but was afraid to touch her after what happened the day before, holding his hands well away from her as she wrapped her forelegs around him, looking at Twilight helplessly.

Giving them both an amused smile, Twilight flared her horn and positioned his hands over her, one halfway up her long neck and the other on the back of her head, well away from her wings and flight muscles. When they were over safe territory, Twilight gave him a reassuring nod and Phoenix finally embraced the pegasus mare properly, hugging her head to his chest and burying his head briefly in her gorgeous and subtly perfumed pink mane.

His cheeks warmed at that, reminded again how lovable, beautiful and truly wonderful she was. Careful, Phoenix, or you’re going to end up with a crush on Fluttershy too! he told himself, half-thinking it was already too late after all she’d done for him the previous day. “So are you going to watch the trial?” he asked after they separated, not catching Rainbow’s low and angry growl.

She nodded. “Spike, Rarity and Applejack are already up in the gallery, so I’ll be watching with them. I don’t know where Pinkie Pie is, though.”

“She probably has to help the Cakes again.” Phoenix sighed in resignation, surprised by how much he wanted her there. After spending the afternoon with her, he knew full well how spontaneous and delightfully unpredictable she could be, and though she took a little getting used to, she was certainly a good pony who wanted to do right by others. And for all the help she was, I really do wish she was here!

“That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” Twilight agreed with a smile. “At least Rarity made it this time.”

“Yeah.” Wow, she must have cleaned up quick to get over here so fast! he thought to himself, hoping he hadn’t gone too far in his efforts to express his appreciation back at the boutique.

Express appreciation? You just about FLIRTED with her! part of him accused, but he ignored it, not needing any more distractions right before court. “By the way, thanks again for saving me in the forest last night, Fluttershy,” he said, offering her his gratitude anew. “You’ll understand if I, uh, wasn’t ready to be reborn…” He gave Twilight a knowing and nervous look. I’ll wait until after the trial is over to tell her I’m not really a phoenix. Best not say so now, since there’s at least a slight chance I might need her on the stand again?

Twilight visibly cringed at that. “It’s mostly my fault, because I left you all alone,” she said in some guilt, accepting the bulk of the blame on herself. “I should never have abandoned you.”

Phoenix sighed a bit, slumping over in his seat briefly as he was reminded of one of his more major missteps the previous day—and that’s saying a lot. “You wouldn’t have done that if I had explained why I did what I did to Fluttershy yesterday. Again, I’m very sorry I had to do that,” he apologized to her once more.

In response, Fluttershy laid a hoof on his knee. “It’s all right, Mister Phoenix. It worked, and they let me go, right? So everything is fine now,” she reassured him. Phoenix squeezed her hoof in gratitude, only then noticing that Rainbow Dash was glaring at them.

“’They let me go; everything’s fine now,’ nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh, nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh!” Rainbow Dash mocked in a deliberately bad imitation of Fluttershy’s voice.

Phoenix, Twilight and Fluttershy all looked at her in surprise. “That’s good for you! But what about me?” Rainbow Dash yelled at her friend.

“I—” a confused and uncertain Fluttershy started to speak only to be cut short.

“Do you realize what you’ve done, Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash shouted at her.

“W-what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked with a suddenly shaky voice, starting to cringe at Rainbow Dash’s angry and ominous tone.

Rainbow gave her fellow pegasus a disbelieving look. “What do I mean? My neck is still on the line because of how you testified against me! Why would you say you saw me in the forest?” she demanded to know.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and her lip began to noticeably tremble. “I-I’m s-sor—” she began, only to be cut off again.

’I’m sorry.’ Is that what you’re going to say? Well ‘sorry’ isn’t going to cut it! I have a good chance of being banished and all because of YOU!!!” Rainbow erupted. “Friends don’t DO that to each other, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy was stunned silent upon hearing that, tears welling in her teal eyes as Rainbow Dash continued to berate her, Twilight and Phoenix likewise struck speechless at the display.

“Here you come in all happy-go-lucky when I’m about to be put on trial for murder! You know, I was really hoping that feather matched one of your animals. You’re the one who deserves to be banished after what you did to me yesterday!” Rainbow Dash paused, and then said something that Twilight never thought she’d hear from her:

“I hate you…”

Fluttershy’s eyes shrank to pinpricks after hearing that, hoping against quickly fading hope she had heard her friend wrong. But Rainbow’s next words confirmed her worst fears. “You heard me! I hate you! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!” she shouted at the top of her lungs… wings flaring in anger and taking a menacing step towards her former friend.

Phoenix could all but hear Fluttershy’s heart break into pieces when those words were said. She burst out sobbing and bolted out of the room before Twilight or Phoenix could stop her, hiding her face behind her pink mane as she ran. Twilight started to follow but Fluttershy was already gone, running down the hallway and taking flight as soon as she reached the lobby, exiting the building through an open window.

“Rainbow Dash!!” Twilight stomped her hoof down from the room entrance, incensed at what she just witnessed.

“You’re being WAY too hard on her!” Phoenix yelled as he looked at Rainbow in disgust and disbelief, his good mood ruined.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes were glistening as well; she looked on the verge of crying herself but was trying her hardest not to let it show.

“She… She…” Rainbow sniffed, doing her best to hold her emotions out of sight. “Just forget her! She’s gone and I’m glad!” Rainbow shouted, though Phoenix could tell she was directing the statement more at herself than him or Twilight.

Before either could reply, an earth pony guard entered through the courtroom doors. “The trial will begin in five minutes. The defense and its co-counsel should make their way inside the courtroom immediately,” he announced, exiting again and leaving an open door behind him.

Hearing that, a badly torn Twilight knew she had to make a choice: either go find and comfort her heartbroken friend, or stay and support Phoenix with his defense… sighing when she realized what her heart and her friendship required her to do. “Phoenix, I know this is probably a bad move, but I have to go find Fluttershy. Do you think you’ll be okay without me for a bit?”

Phoenix hesitated, taking a deep breath and trying to get his anger at Rainbow Dash back under control. “Twilight... I’m a lot better prepared than yesterday, but still... as Rainbow’s ‘out-of-town’ attorney, I really wouldn’t recommend you leaving me alone in there,” he began, only to remember… you don’t want to come between her and her protective instincts, he had learned only too well the previous day.

“But, as your friend… I understand. I’m sure I can hold down the fort until you get back,” he told her confidently, standing up straighter. “I did some studying last night and have a much firmer grasp on how Equestria works now.”

Twilight’s ears perked up, looking up at him interest. “Oh? You studied?”

Phoenix grinned—he’d been waiting all morning for this, though he did regret it was coming on the heels of such a sour note. “Last night, before I went to bed, I left some instructions with Owlowiscious to deliver my message to Fluttershy, and then wake me up at 2:30am and have some reference materials ready,” he informed her. “With his help, I spent the next four hours until Rarity arrived studying Equestrian law, history, society, mythology, and—just because I was curious—basic theory of magic,” he recited as Twilight broke out in a huge and happy grin. “For the record, I haven’t crammed like that since law school.”

“Great. Two eggheads,” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath.

Phoenix gave her a glance, nothing more. “Also, I stumbled across something very interesting...” he trailed off, going for his jacket pocket and pulling out a rolled-up scroll which he opened to show:

“An old college professor once told me that to truly understand an unfamiliar culture, you should study their myths and legends. Along those lines, I was perusing a book called Predictions and Prophecies where I read about some artifacts called the ‘Elements of Harmony’, and their role in the defeat of Nightmare Moon,” he began. “This artwork was there as an addendum, said to be the living embodiments of the elements themselves. There are no names or labels on these ponies, but… these are you and your friends, aren’t they?” he asked her.

Twilight’s smile answered for her, deciding at that moment she was well and truly smitten. He’s smart, he’s selfless, and he studies! Rarity’s right; what is there NOT to like about him? she thought as he went on.

“Applejack said something yesterday about being the Element of Honesty. I didn’t realize what she meant until I read this and now it makes perfect sense to me! Applejack is honesty. Pinkie Pie… laughter. Fluttershy… kindness. Rarity… generosity. Rainbow Dash… loyalty!” he punctuated the last word with an angry glare at his pegasus client, who had just enough sense of shame to look away. “Together, you and your friends are the Elements of Harmony, and you yourself, Twilight Sparkle, are the Element of Magic?” he concluded. “It fits you well.”

By the time he finished, it was all she could do not to kiss him. “Phoenix? There is so much I want to say, but now is not the time,” she reminded herself as much as him. “Are you sure you’ll be okay in there?” she asked, gently putting a hoof against his side.

“I’ll be fine,” he promised her, holding her hoof up with one hand so he could pat it with the other. “Just go find Fluttershy.”

Her cheeks warmed anew at that. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Twilight vowed, and with that, she trotted out the door in search of her heartbroken friend.

Once she departed, Phoenix was left with a sour-looking Rainbow Dash, who, to his great disgust, didn’t seem to show the slightest remorse for her treatment of Fluttershy. Phoenix was not amused by that and gave out an exasperated sigh at her sullen look, crossing his arms and turning back towards her. “Rainbow Dash, we need to talk.”

“Oh yeah? About what?” she looked at him suspiciously. “You gonna lecture me about ‘loyalty’, Nix? If so, you can save your breath!”

His eyes narrowed. “Not now, no. I really don’t like what you did to Fluttershy, but we’ll discuss that later. There’s not enough time left before trial to dwell on it.”

“That’s if there’s a later!” Rainbow Dash reminded him bitterly.

He shook his head. “Trust me, I’ll win. I’m going to keep Ace’s blackmail scheme as my trump card though. I know how much you don’t want that whole mess with the pictures getting out more than it already has, so I’ll do my best not to use it unless absolutely necessary,” Phoenix promised.

Though expressing gratitude was not in Rainbow Dash’s nature and she was categorically not in the mood, she offered it anyway. “Thank you ” she grudgingly acknowledged in a still-sour tone.

He gave her a curt nod. It’s in MY best interest, too, otherwise Sonata will have me arrested, Phoenix reminded himself, then outlined his instructions to Rainbow Dash before they went in. “But—what I want in return from you is to keep your temper under control in there,” he admonished, waggling a finger at her. “I know it’s hard—she got under my skin too, yesterday—but just ignore what Trixie says. This is my best chance to get you exonerated, and we’re going to be off on a rocky start from the get-go.

“Displays of temper and bad attitude don’t endear you to The Judge, so please behave yourself. Just sit quietly in that chair, and I’ll work my defense attorney magic,” he promised, wishing at that moment he did have magic he could tap with a thought or a flare of a horn like Twilight. Then I’d show YOU who’s weak and worthless, Trixie!

Rainbow Dash thought for a bit before agreeing to his condition with a nod. “Okay, I won’t say a word,” she swore, saluting like a Royal Guardspony.

Satisfied, Phoenix nodded back at her. “Good. I’m going to hold you to that, and in return I’ll do my best to get you a not guilty verdict.” Okay. I have my pretty strong suspicion of who’s behind this all; I just have to follow my plan and prove he did it! Phoenix started to think to himself, reviewing his strategy one final time. Looking at the evidence, though… nothing directly links Cruise to the murder that night, he recognized, a point Twilight had made to him as well.

Why did he go after my evidence? Was there some piece in particular he was worried about? And how did he phone me? He made a mental list of the questions he had to answer. I have most of the puzzle pieces; I just need to fit them all in the right places, Phoenix told himself, expecting that he would be able to do so as the trial progressed and more information and testimony became available. Nothing I haven’t done before!

With that, Phoenix took a deep breath and led Rainbow Dash into the courtroom, vowing anew to both get her acquitted and find the truth behind Ace’s murder that yet lay hidden within the deepest shadows of the case.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on July 10, 2018.

Art by Shadowkixx, used with permission. Special thanks for whipping up a version with a wingless Twilight!


(A nice piece of artwork if I do say so my self~) X3

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