• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 49 - The Great and Powerful Revival

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom No. 2
June 11th, 12:49 PM

“Last chance, Mister Wright,” The Judge warned as he raised his gavel, preparing to end the trial once and for all. “Once again, I ask: Do you have any evidence that places the witness in the woods at the time of the murder, or a theory as to how she ended up outside Miss Fluttershy’s cottage without being seen leaving the forest?”

“No,” he admitted in a voice barely above a whisper, unable to look at an equally despondent Twilight. So is this it? Is THIS how it ends, over such a simple question I can’t produce an answer for?

The Judge looked disappointed. “Very well, then. I hereby declare this post-verdict inquiry complete, and the trial of Ms. Rainbow Dash concluded.” He pronounced final sentence. “Court is now adjour—“

An unexpected voice rang out just before the gavel came down. The entire courtroom turned to the source of the cry, where they beheld… a revived Trixie with her head held high, a smile on her face and fire in her eyes.

“Ms. Trixie?” The Judge looked at her in surprise. “What’s the matter? Why are you objecting to this trial’s conclusion?”

“Because once again, you were about to make a fatal mistake, Your Honor,” the mare magician stated easily, her violet eyes glittering. “In fact, there is a perfectly reasonable and simple answer as to how the witness could have left the woods unnoticed, yet still ended up where she did.”

“I thought I shut you up earlier,” Sonata said, a wary note in her voice.

The Judge blinked. “And what is that?”

Instead of answering the pair, Trixie turned towards Phoenix. “My, my, my. Foundering already, Mister Wrong? For a moment, Trixie actually thought you had her,” she said in a tsk-tsking voice that once more made Phoenix think she was channeling Franziska von Karma. “But yet again, it falls to Trixie to provide the explanations you cannot see for yourself!”

Sonata gave Trixie a shocked look. “Why are you helping the defense?” she demanded to know, trying to glare the mare magician silent again.

However she had overcome what Sonata had done to her, Trixie was having none of it. “Because you need to be taught some manners, you backstabbing, magically-impotent hussy!” She snorted, leaning over the rail to pin Sonata with her fiercest stare, the air around her chilling as her eyes glowed blue for a moment. “Nopony—and I mean nopony!— double-crosses the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!”

Sonata put on an unimpressed air, but the tightening of her lips and a twitch of her tail told Twilight that Trixie’s insult had struck home. “This is exactly why she shouldn’t be prosecuting,” Sonata stated, though Phoenix could tell by her tense demeanor she was genuinely worried by what Trixie’s revival meant.

“It looks like the Trixie we all know and love is back,” he told Twilight in a dry tone, uncertain what the showmare’s intervention portended.

“I guess. But why is she helping us?” Twilight whispered back as she looked over the rail at the other unicorn, her head turned fractionally towards Phoenix.

“I don’t think she’s doing it to help us so much as to salve her wounded pride,” he replied cautiously in an equally quiet tone. “Either way, I’m not complaining—she just bought us more time. So let’s see where this goes,” he said as he picked up his coffee cup and stood back to watch. Whatever Sonata did to Trixie cut her pretty deep. And knowing Trixie, she’s about to hit back twice as HARD! he thought as he took another sip.

“Very well, Ms. Trixie,” The Judge spoke up again. “What is your theory as to how the witness could have appeared outside the forest without having been seen leaving it?”

“It’s quite simple, Your Honor. Mister Wrong’s marefriend was in fact correct.” She leered at Twilight, causing her to blush and Phoenix to wince—great. Now SHE’S going to pile on! “The witness teleported. Or rather… she tried to.”

“I… don’t follow.” The Judge looked lost.

“Trixie will be more than happy to explain, Your Honor,” she promised. “But first: the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie—!the mare magician reared up and announced theatrically as she teleported out, rematerializing just five seconds later. “—wants some peanut butter crackers,” she finished as she re-appeared, ripping open a paper package from Sugar Cube Corner and munching on the contents quite happily.

“What?” she asked as the Judge stared at her in disbelief. “Mister Wrong got his coffee. So it is only fair that Trixie gets her snack.”

Before The Judge could comment, Pinkie Pie popped up again, this time from behind Trixie’s bench, causing Phoenix to do a spit-take. “Heeeeyyyyy… are you gonna pay for that?” she asked the startled showmare with a peeved look.

Trixie stared at her in disbelief, as did The Judge and the rest of the courtroom. “L-later! Just put it on Trixie’s credit for now!”

“That’s what you said yesterday!” Pinkie reminded her, giving Trixie the stink-eye.

“Fine!” Trixie threw some bits at the other mare with her magic. “Keep the change, and do not trouble Trixie again!” she ordered, vowing she would one day find a way to silence the incredibly annoying and impossibly persistent earth pony.

“Thanks for your business!” Pinkie said as she gathered up the coins and, all smiles again, bounded up the stairs and out for the second time.

“Uh… who is that?” The Judge wanted to know, wide-eyed.

“Her name is Pinkie Pie, Your Honor,” Twilight announced, rubbing her hoof behind her head. “And she’s… known for such things. Nopony knows how,” she added before The Judge or Phoenix could ask.

“Yes, well… annoying pink pieheads aside…” Trixie said as she finished her first cracker and wiped her muzzle with a napkin held in her magic. “Allow the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie to enlighten and entertain you all!” She teleported herself into the center of the pit and magically dimmed the lights as if in preparation for a performance, though she kept the overhead light at full power to make a spotlight on herself, leaving her unable to see all the eyerolls in the gallery.

“During the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie’s EXTRAVAGANT magic show, the grand finale involves a series of rapid-fire teleports,” she announced, doing just that around the courtroom pit in an apparent effort to upstage Twilight’s earlier show.

“At the very end, Trixie would use her UNEQUALED magical powers to teleport behind the audience, letting off a grand display of fireworks and other visuals to put her already-dazzled crowd in a state of sheer awe!” she said grandly, demonstrating by teleporting to the back of the gallery, her virtual fireworks causing Phoenix’s ears to ring.

“Well. Aren’t you special.” Sonata sneered in disgust once the racket had died down, though Phoenix thought he heard a note of jealousy in her voice as well.

Trixie went on as if she hadn’t spoken, teleporting back into the pit. “However, since the advent of a certain… ‘Lavender Loser’…” she paused and glared at Twilight. “Trixie has received some… tough crowds,” she finally growled out.


“’Twilight… Snarkle’?” Phoenix repeated as he turned towards Twilight, who looked more annoyed than insulted.

“Yes, I know… it’s the worst insult I’ve ever heard,” Twilight rolled her eyes and stated in a sarcastic tone. “But what’s worse is she keeps attacking my bangs!” She sounded genuinely offended, running a hoof through her mane. “And just what the hay is wrong with my bangs? They match my tail!” she demanded an answer of Phoenix, propping herself up on the bench with her forelegs to present her hindquarters, flicking her tail at him in emphasis.

Phoenix flushed again, not knowing how to tell her that she was taking what would be for a human woman a very provocative posture. “Uh… I don’t know. I actually think your fringe looks kind of… cute.” He swallowed, trying to avoid looking at her. Real smooth there, Phoenix!

She looked up at him in surprise. “You do?” she blushed and gave a shy smile.

“Uh… yeah.” Phoenix rubbed the back of his head with his hand. “I… really like your mane?”

“If you two are done flirting,” the mare magician broke in with a mocking grin, causing the pair to flush anew. “Ever since a certain… incident… Trixie has had tomatoes and an assortment of other fruits and vegetables tossed at her during her show,” she snarled, glaring at Twilight again.

Despite the other unicorn’s glare, understanding suddenly dawned on Twilight’s face “Oh! Of course!” she suddenly exclaimed, her eyes wide.

“What?” Phoenix asked.

“I know where Trixie is going with this,” Twilight told him quickly.

“And… care to enlighten me?” Phoenix prompted when she didn’t immediately.

“Remember how I said it takes both power and focus to teleport?” she whispered. “A lack of power wouldn’t explain what happened, but a lack of focus might! Just listen,” she instructed, turning back towards Trixie.

“During one of her shows, Trixie was preparing for her teleportation-and-fireworks-finale—” she began, her expression going angry as she projected a new three-dimensional wireframe illusion of herself giving a show. “—when a wretched tomato hit Trixie in the head and interrupted the casting of her spell!” She then showed a red dot hitting her blue-outlined form just as she flashed white.

“Then what happened?” The Judge, at least, seemed enthralled by her magical displays.

“To her surprise, Trixie ended up in the middle of the crowd instead of behind them!” she replied, showing her doppelganger suddenly in the midst of the grey-outlined ponies watching her. She then teleported herself into the middle of the courtroom gallery for emphasis, reappearing in the row directly behind Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike and Rarity.

A badly startled Spike hiccuped fire while Fluttershy leaped for the ceiling in fright at the mare magician’s sudden appearance; Trixie then magically yanked Applejack’s hat down over her head and caused Rarity’s coat to comically floof; the latter giving a shriek as she started frantically trying to fix her fur.

“Wh-WHAT? How did that happen?” Phoenix suddenly leaned forward over his rail as an immensely satisfied Trixie teleported back down into the pit, leaving the foursome of Twilight’s friends glaring at her and trying to put themselves back to rights.

“Well, as dorky bangs mentioned,” she replied, causing Twilight to look angry again. “When a unicorn is distracted or somehow loses focus of a spell while in the middle of casting it, the result is a magical misfire sometimes known as a ‘rebound’.

“In such an event, your magic goes off but you do not get the results you intended. In the case of a teleport, your destination becomes random—you’ll end up anywhere on a line between your starting point and intended destination,” she proclaimed as Twilight nodded in agreement, the mare magician showing her doppelganger in the middle of a line between her stage and the back of the audience, with blinking “A” and “B” labels on the line ends marking her intended start and end points.

“Now all that said, let the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie be clear…” she paused as she dispelled her illusion and brought the lights back up. “Trixie isn’t saying that weak and sorry excuse for a unicorn on the witness stand bumbled it up,” she took pains to clarify, making Sonata glare daggers at her and leaving Phoenix wondering if their back-and-forth was just a continuation of some old schoolyard rivalry. “Just that it’s a possible explanation for why she ended up where she did.”

Sonata was visibly shaking in what Phoenix took to be a mixture of anger and fear. “I don’t believe this! You’re doing everything wrong!”

Trixie gave the other mare a gleeful look. “Am I? But speaking of ‘Wrong’…” she turned to Phoenix as she re-took her place behind the prosecutor’s bench. “The ball is in your court now, Mister Wrong! Whether a disrupted teleport is what happened or not, Trixie leaves up to you and Miss Dorky Bangs to prove!”

Despite her annoyance at the repeated insults to her mane, Twilight couldn’t help but shake her head in amazement. “I’m still a little shocked Trixie just did that,” she admitted to Phoenix.

“Me too,” Phoenix agreed, taking another sip of his coffee. “But it’s useless unless we can prove that’s what happened.”

Twilight nodded ruefully. “The problem is, Sonata’s right. Even if we could somehow prove she knows the spell, how can we prove she used it?” she asked in frustration.

Phoenix scratched his chin as he considered the question. “We just need a working theory for now. And actually, I think I’ve got one!” he announced, turning back to The Judge and slapping his hands down on the rail hard. “Your Honor! I know what could have startled the witness!”

“And what is that, Mister Wright?”

“The answer is obvious—it was the lightning bolt!” he announced triumphantly. “And if so, that puts her in the forest at the time of the murder!”

Oh! That makes sense!” The Judge’s eyes went wide in understanding. “That sound would have startled anypony, especially if they were in that dark, spooky forest at the time.”

“Exactly!” Phoenix agreed, only to feel his guts clench as Trixie gave her trademark chuckle.

“Are you certain you want to suggest that, Mister Wrong?” the showmare asked with a note of amusement in her voice. “Previous testimony established that the first bolt struck at 8:40 PM. But our four-eyed witness wasn’t spotted outside the forest until after that yellow-bellied featherbrain reported seeing her as she left her chicken coop, some fifteen or twenty minutes later,” she pointed out.

“Even a disrupted teleport is instantaneous, so little-miss-eye-butt here would have been seen by our winged witness right when the lightning hit if that was the case—not twenty minutes later!” She raised an eyeridge, giving Phoenix a smirk. “That is, if you’re truly trying to pin this on her.”

“Hmm….” The Judge considered her argument. “She is correct, Mister Wright. It would seem, therefore, that even if Ms. Sonata was in the forest, we still cannot place her at the scene.”

“But she had to have been there! Just look at her!” Phoenix pointed at Sonata, who was standing unnaturally stiff, a light sheen of moisture visible on her fur underneath the courtroom lights. “She’s sweating bullets right now!”

“You’re attempting to pin a murder on me. Why wouldn’t I be?” Sonata bit out.

“Trixie agrees with Miss Eye-Butt, Mister Wrong.” The showmare couldn’t resist another slap at Sonata. “If you had a blue baboon with a goofy haircut and an evil purple-furred nerd lobbing false accusations at you, would you be sitting there with a happy smile on your face?”

“She and the witness have a point, Mister Wright,” The Judge concurred.

“Yes, Your Honor,” Phoenix acknowledged, scrambling to come up with a new theory. Okay. It wasn’t the lightning; it had to have been something that occurred at the top of the hour. But what…? he asked himself as he reviewed the first day of trial in his head, sensing several pieces of testimony and evidence trying to click into place.

Abruptly, his eyes went wide. “I’VE GOT IT!” he shouted as he slammed his hands down hard on the bench, startling Twilight and causing Fluttershy to reflexively cower in the stands. “Your Honor! I know exactly what disrupted Sonata’s teleport! And if I’m right, I can not only place her in the forest not long after the murder, but I can clear up some other mysteries as well!”

“Indeed?” The Judge said in surprise, noting his change of demeanor. “Do go on, Mister Wright.”

“Let’s think back to yesterday,” Phoenix began, flipping through a stack of transcript scrolls until he found the sheet he was looking for, “when we had a certain young witness testify.”

Oh! You mean that adorable little filly?” The Judge asked, his eyes lighting up as he remembered her.

“Yes, Your Honor. I mean Apple Bloom!” he confirmed with a nod. “You may recall that after the first bolt hit, Apple Bloom testified she was frightened and ran off the path, ending up lost in the woods for twenty minutes.”

“Yes… and she was the one who confirmed the time of the first lightning bolt striking,” Trixie noted. “So what’s your point, Mister Wrong?”

“But do you remember what else she said?” Phoenix asked Trixie, waving the transcript sheet at her. “That she bumped into something in the dark!”

“So she did. We’ve already concluded that was irrelevant information, though,” Trixie countered, wearing yet another smug grin.

Phoenix shook his head, taking a triumphant pose as he thought he was finally about to wipe the smile off Trixie’s face. “Not exactly,” he began mildly. “Because I think the ‘thing’ that Apple Bloom bumped into… is right there on the witness stand!” he announced loudly, pointing directly at Sonata.

Sonata made a strangled sound as a general murmur of surprise wafted down from the stands.

“On what do you base this theory, Mister Wright?” The Judge asked.

“On yesterday’s testimony, Your Honor,” he said, picking up the next sheet of transcript scroll. “Apple Bloom was lost in the forest and bumped into something she couldn’t see, making it jump at her contact. She also described it as being ‘alive’, as I recall,” he further noted, turning to his right. “Twilight, instead of me reciting this line-by-line, is there any way you could…?” he trailed off and motioned to the relevant sheet of transcript.

“My pleasure,” Twilight grinned, pleased to have her powers called upon as she closed her eyes and flared her horn, projecting her memories of the previous day’s trial into the middle of the pit like a video replay.

PHOENIX WRIGHT: Alright, Apple Bloom. Just like I asked you to think of a different way about how long you were lost, let’s think about what you bumped into in a different way as well.

APPLE BLOOM: How do y’ mean?

PHOENIX WRIGHT: You might not have been able to see, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use your other senses. So let’s start with this: what did the thing you bumped into feel like?

APPLE BLOOM: How’d it feel? Hmmm… Oh! That’s right!

JUDGE: What is it, witness?

APPLE BLOOM: It felt alive. Ah mean, it wasn’t a rock or a tree!


JUDGE: It was ‘alive’? Please explain how you were able to deduce this?

APPLE BLOOM: Well, Ah reckon Ah definitely felt fur when I bumped into it. And Ah could hear it breathing heavy like it’d been running for a good while and was really tired.

PHOENIX WRIGHT: It was breathing hard? Could it have been a wild animal?

APPLE BLOOM: Ah’m not sure, Mister Lawyer. Ah know Ah heard it breathing heavy though.

PHOENIX WRIGHT: How did it react when you bumped into it?

APPLE BLOOM: When Ah bumped into it, it kinda jumped a bit.

PHOENIX WRIGHT: I would probably jump too if something bumped into me in the dark.

JUDGE: As would I!

TRIXIE: Trixie wouldn’t. Trixie is brave and courageous!

APPLE BLOOM: Almost right after that there was another bolt of lightning.

TRIXIE: That must have been the second bolt.

APPLE BLOOM: But the thing is, it didn’t scare me. Really, honest this time!

PHOENIX WRIGHT: And why didn’t it scare you then?

APPLE BLOOM: Well, 'cause there weren’t any thunder that time, just a flash. And Ah know this will sound strange, but after it flashed, Ah was dizzy and mah eyes kinda hurt for a bit.

PHOENIX WRIGHT: That’s not strange. Anyone’s eyes would hurt if there was a sudden burst of light in pitch black darkness.

APPLE BLOOM: No, not that part, Mister Lawyer. Ah mean after that. Ah stumbled around for about a minute or two because Ah was real dizzy and couldn’t open mah eyes. The flash of lightning made mah eyes sting, but when the hurting in mah eyes went away… Ah was outside the forest just like that!

It was a slightly surreal experience for Phoenix seeing Apple Bloom—and himself—through Twilight’s eyes. The latter seemed to be glancing at him quite frequently, he noticed, and her view suddenly shifted to the ceiling when Trixie boasted in what he guessed was an eyeroll.

When the replay had finished, Phoenix stared at her, very impressed. “Memory playback spell,” she told him with a grin. “Hard to master, but can be quite useful!”

“Very well, Mister Wright,” The Judge acknowledged. “I thank you and your co-counsel for refreshing my memory. But just what are you trying to say here?”

“Don’t you see, Your Honor?” Phoenix began, knowing in his gut that this time, he had it right. “Apple Bloom bumped into the witness! Bumped into her just as she was teleporting! he proclaimed confidently, causing Twilight’s eyes to go wide in startled realization. “It fits her testimony perfectly! That has to be how both Sonata and Apple Bloom got out of the woods unnoticed by Fluttershy!”

The Judge considered his theory carefully, stroking his beard as he thought. “That is a very interesting assertion, Mister Wright,” he admitted at some length. “But can you prove it?”

Can I…? Phoenix asked himself, only to shake his head as he realized the answer. “There is no way to directly prove that, Your Honor. However, I believe we can provide enough circumstantial evidence to cinch it.” Or at least get me close enough there that I can then force Sonata to admit it by threatening to reveal her blackmail scheme!

“Hmmm… the bar for circumstantial proof is quite high, Mister Wright,” he reminded Phoenix. “But if you think you can meet it? Proceed.”

“Thank you, Your Honor,” Phoenix acknowledged yet again. “With this court's indulgence, I now have an unusual request: can we please turn off the lights in the courtroom?”

The Judge blinked. “What for, Mister Wright?”

“To provide the circumstantial proof you seek, Your Honor.”

“Uh… okay,” The Judge agreed, though confused. When it was done, he turned to Phoenix in the darkness, seeing a few unicorn horns light up in the gallery. “Now what, Mister Wright?”

“Is this so you and dorky bangs over there can make out unseen, Mister Wrong?” Trixie’s voice called out, to an eruption of whistles and whinnies.

Phoenix ignored her, grateful the darkness hid his burning cheeks. “Please wait a minute, Your Honor. And I also ask all unicorns in the gallery to dim their horns for this demonstration. I’d like for everypony to have their eyes adjusted to the darkness,” he added.

When he was satisfied they’d waited long enough, he spoke up again, turning to his right. “Okay, we’re ready! Twilight? Please teleport into the center of the room,” he instructed in a voice loud enough for the entire chamber to hear.

“If you say so…” Twilight replied uncertainly, but did so.

There was a bright, almost painful burst of light that accompanied her jump in the darkness, causing eyes to water and Phoenix to see spots in his vision. “There! You see?” Phoenix pointed out as the lights were slowly brought back up. “A teleportation produces a camera-like flash that would be blinding in pitch-black darkness! That has to be what Apple Bloom saw!

“And further, when she bumped into Sonata, she not only disrupted her teleport, but she was taken along for the ride!” he asserted, only to belatedly worry… “That is possible, right?” he turned to Twilight, who was staring at him in amazement.

“Yes! Yes! YES!!!! That’s IT!” she jumped into the air off all four hooves, her giddy manner reminding Phoenix of some of Maya’s more excited moments. “You figured it out, Phoenix!”

“Uh-oh! Looks like he found you out, four-eyes!” a grinning Trixie told a visibly rattled Sonata, who was holding herself rigid, a bead of sweat now rolling down the side of her cheek.

“This is what happened, then,” Phoenix started to summarize. “Sonata was indeed trying to teleport to her hotel room. But her spell was disrupted by Apple Bloom bashing into her out of nowhere, and she lost her focus. Apple Bloom was accidentally pulled along for the ride, ending up outside the forest and blinded by the flash of the teleport, as the disrupted spell sent them both not to Sonata’s hotel room as intended… but to just outside Fluttershy’s cottage!”

He drove the point home by going up to the map of Ponyville and drawing a line between the forest clearing and the town center, putting an X where the line crossed the road not far from the cottage.

“Drained after using such a difficult spell and finding herself next to a blind and disoriented filly, Sonata had no choice but to leave the scene immediately before Apple Bloom’s vision cleared enough to see her. She fled eastward along the road with the golf club in her mouth, as with her magic exhausted by the teleport, she had no other way to carry it!” Still don’t know WHY she was carrying it, though, he mentally amended his statement, certain the answer was significant somehow.

“Remarkable,” was all The Judge could say, still blinking to clear his eyes from the aftereffects of the flash.

“Indeed, Your Honor,” Phoenix acknowledged, scarcely believing it himself. “And the final part of the story is that once her vision cleared, Apple Bloom went home to Sweet Apple Acres, arriving there at 9:10 after a ten-minute walk from just outside the forest.”

“This is ridiculous! You have no proof—none—that any of this happened!” Sonata insisted, an audible tremor in her voice.

On the other side of the courtroom pit, Trixie just laughed. “No point in denying it, four-eyes. We all know you were in that forest now!” she noted, looking strangely pleased at the turn of events.

“It does seem more and more likely,” The Judge agreed, sounding genuinely impressed with Phoenix’s reasoning. “But I must ask—assuming this turn of events, would young Apple Bloom have really been pulled into the teleport along with her?”

“If they were in physical contact? Indeed she would, Your Honor,” Trixie spoke up before Twilight could. “For example: when Trixie was hit with a tomato when she teleported, she took it along for the ride. And it was still plastered all over her face when she rematerialized!” She glared at Twilight again before her expression turned all but wicked. “And further… there is in fact one more piece of corroborating evidence for Mister Wrong’s theory. One additional side effect a teleport has,” she added, a growing gleam in her eyes Phoenix could only describe as impish.

“And what is that?” The Judge asked before Phoenix could.

“Allow Trixie to borrow Mister Wrong to demonstrate!” She had no sooner said that than she teleported beside Phoenix and put a hoof on him before either he or Twilight could react. There was a bright flash and Phoenix suddenly felt like he’d been punched in the gut. His innards felt like they’d been turned inside-out as he suddenly found himself in the center of the courtroom pit, very dizzy and on the verge of throwing up, falling to the ground as the room spun around him.

She… she teleported WITH me??? he had just enough cognizance to realize.

Trixie caught him in her aura before he hit the ground—just barely, leaving him doubled over and shaking, his knees and palms against the tiled floor as he tried desperately not to vomit. “You see, Your Honor, when you take somepony along for the ride on a teleport, that somepony tends to be very disoriented by it. Particularly when they’re not a unicorn themselves and unused to magical energies,” she stepped away as a shocked Twilight teleported to Phoenix’s side.

“That would also explain why our young witness reported being so dizzy afterwards. Of course, it’s even harder on Mister Wrong here, since his race doesn’t have so much as an iota of magical ability or walk around on four legs like any civilized species.”

“Trixie…” Twilight all but growled as she stood over Phoenix protectively, her head lowered and ears flattened, pawing at the floor with a forehoof angrily.

“Oh, don’t worry, dorky bangs. Trixie didn’t hurt your coltfriend,” she leered, her grin faltering when she saw Twilight’s eyes glow red and mane start to smoke for a moment in warning.

“Uh… it might be best to restore the magic suppression field now, Your Honor,” the unicorn bailiff mare suggested in a dry aside. If those two cut loose in here… she didn’t want to think, but knew an active suppression field would restrict their spells and dampen their powers somewhat.

“Agreed,” The Judge immediately acceded, watching as the four unicorn bailiffs quickly took positions at the courtroom corners and reactivated the enchantment, blocking any further teleport attempts by both Twilight and Trixie. “Are you okay, Mister Wright?” The Judge asked as Twilight helped him to his feet and led him back behind the rail, supporting him with her body and aura.

“I will be…” Phoenix grasped his cup of coffee with a shaking hand and took a large swig, letting it soak into his system, using its bitter bite to steady himself. He took a couple breaths before continuing, giving Twilight a grateful nod. “So, Your Honor—with the additional corroboration provided by the prosecution, the defense submits that there is now sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove the witness was in the forest not long after the murder, and did, in fact, teleport out, with a young stowaway accidentally in tow.”

“The prosecution agrees,” Trixie spoke up, looking very pleased with herself while Sonata stared at her, completely agape. “Miss Eye-Butt was there. She teleported out of the forest with Apple Bloom at 9 PM.”

“But… I…” Sonata looked completely stunned. “Why are you undermining your own case?” she finally demanded to know.

“Oh, you’ll see,” Trixie promised, never losing her smile. “So why don’t you just be a good little pony and come clean about why you were in there, Sonata? With so much circumstantial evidence, there’s no longer any point in denying it!” she told her old school rival with a smirk and a mild, mocking tone.

Sonata’s glasses went askew again. “I… I…” she stammered as Twilight felt several quick bursts of mystical energy.

Turning her mystical vision back on, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face when she saw that three more psyche-locks had broken and a fourth was just barely hanging on, visibly cracked and trembling against the chains that held it. Almost halfway there! she thought excitedly, some part of her noting that the dominant emotion of the fresh-broken locks had been fear.

“I must say, this theory does explain everything!” The Judge said in some wonder. “How the filly escaped the forest undetected… the mysterious flash she saw… her dizziness afterwards… and even why Miss Fluttershy saw neither her nor the witness leave the woods!”

“Exactly!” Trixie said In an immensely satisfied tone as she picked up another cracker and popped it in her muzzle. “This is the best explanation we have!”

“You’re caught, Sonata! Time to face the music!” a nearly-recovered Phoenix piled on, feeling all the momentum turning in his favor. “Now answer this question: what were you doing in the forest that night?”

Sonata’s lip trembled, but she drew herself up straight. “I refuse to answer!” she announced in a loud, clear voice, her ears laid back. “By the fifth freedom listed in the Equestrian Unity Charter, I have the right to remain silent in any case where my testimony could lead to self-incrimination. You cannot compel me to do otherwise!” she asserted, her tail swishing repeatedly in an agitated manner behind her.

So now you’re ‘Taking The Fifth?’ You really ARE desperate, Sonata! Phoenix rolled his eyes.

“Oh, spare us.” Trixie sounded completely unimpressed as well, waving a hoof at her old schoolmate. “If you’re worried about incriminating yourself, Trixie will simply do the supreme kindness of revealing it for you!” she promised, causing Sonata’s eyes to go wide.

Huh? She can’t mean— Phoenix started to think, but Trixie didn’t give him a chance to finish.

“You see, fillies and gentlecolts, our sophisticated-looking businesspony here has a very dark secret,” she began, giving Sonata a grin full of gleeful malice. “Trixie’s brilliant legal mind was able to confirm this yesterday in the course of analyzing that filthy griffon feather.”

“This has to do with why she was in the forest?” The Judge asked while Sonata looked increasingly panicked.

“Indeed it does, Your Honor!” Trixie confirmed, looking up only briefly before turning her gaze on Sonata and pausing as if to savor the moment. “Allow Trixie to inform everypony… that little Miss Eye-Butt here is a dirty blackmailer!” she announced grandly.

“NO!” Sonata shouted, visibly shaking as jaws dropped open all around the courtroom.

“W-what? You knew about that?” Phoenix stammered, his trump card stolen.

The mare magician gave him a contemptuous look. “Of course Trixie knew! Why do you even ask, Mister Wrong?” she replied with a smug expression.

Phoenix took on his goofy grin. “Well, I, uh… was kind of saving that information for my ace in the hole!”

“Too bad! Trixie beat you to it!” she boasted, looking very pleased with herself. “Trixie’s vast and cunning intellect knew from the beginning that those pictures of Rainbow Trash found in the victim’s possession had something to do with this crime. So Trixie simply asked the local film developers for a record of their clients—an easy enough task since there’s only two in this entire town!”

Now why didn’t WE think of that? Both Phoenix and Twilight mentally kicked themselves.

“And they told Trixie it was you, four-eyes!” Trixie accused, causing Sonata to shrink back. “You had those pictures developed at the CameraColt Film Store the day after you arrived in Ponyville! You were wearing a business suit, but they identified you by your eye-butt cutie mark and glasses!” she revealed. “Trixie simply connected the dots as to why the manager of an ‘undefeated’ athlete would develop pictures like those, and the answer was obvious: she and the victim were in cahoots with each other, blackmailing Rainbow Trash—and likely many other competitors—throughout the late Mister Swift’s career!”

The Judge looked as much annoyed as surprised by the revelation. “Might I ask… if both the prosecution and defense knew about this, why wasn’t it brought up sooner?”

“Relevance, Your Honor,” Trixie shrugged. “At the time, Trixie didn’t believe there was a way this witness could have been in the forest, but we seem to have proven otherwise.”

“And I couldn’t because… well… she… was… blackmailing me,” a shoulder-slumping Phoenix admitted in some embarrassment. “She threatened to have me arrested for breaking into her hotel room if I brought it up in court.”

Trixie stared at him for a moment, her smile widening. “You let her blackmail you? Hahahahaha!” She laughed out loud. “Wow. You really are a loser, Mister Wrong!”

Despite her timely rescue, Phoenix wanted to hit back but couldn’t. Normally, I’d demand she be held in contempt for withholding information like this, but the problem is… I think I need her! He rubbed his head again. She has as much reason to take down Sonata as I do right now, even if she still doesn’t think she’s the murderer…

The Judge, however, was not so constrained, pinning the mare magician with his fiercest glare. “Ms. Trixie! That the victim and his manager were engaged in blackmail activities was significant and potentially exculpatory information! The relevance of it was not for you to decide!”

Sensing an opportunity, Sonata immediately went on the offensive. “You are correct, Your Honor! And not only that, she tried to conspire with me during the last recess to keep that information secret! She promised that if I played ball with her and helped her keep the guilty verdict, she wouldn’t reveal it in court!”

“Did you, Ms. Trixie…?” The Judge’s tone turned very dark.

“I did,” the showmare said, still looking proud. “Because I believed and still do that this witness could not have committed the crime and introducing the blackmail only clouds the greater issue. The only reason I’m introducing it now is because she reneged on her word and I have every intention of prosecuting her personally!”

“I have heard ENOUGH!” The Judge shouted, causing Fluttershy to duck and cower in the stands. “Ms. Trixie! For repeated violations of court rules and decorum, including colluding with the witness in an effort to withhold pertinent information, you are hereby found in contempt of court!!!” He brought his gavel down hard. “Bailiffs! Remove her immediately!”

Trixie didn’t blink or lose her grin despite the uniformed guards approaching her, even going so far as to pick up and eat another cracker. “Then with respect, Your Honor, you allowed Mister Wrong to remain on the case despite his own egregious and unethical acts,” she pointed out, closing her eyes and putting a hoof to her chest. “So out of simple fairness, Trixie believes she is entitled to see this case to the end as well!”

No! They should both be removed! That would be fair!” Sonata suggested hopefully.

“Remove either of us, and the proceedings cannot continue, Your Honor,” Phoenix countered the new threat calmly, amazed and impressed at Trixie’s sheer brazenness. She’s got some serious horse apples, I’ll have to give her that! he reluctantly conceded, noting his use of the only-recently learned equine idiom. “As I submit sufficient doubt has now been cast on the witness’s credibility, further investigation is now warranted into just what role she played in the woods that night!

“A new counsel would be needed on both sides of the courtroom pit, and it would be days before either a new prosecutor or defense attorney would be up to speed. However, with the current prosecutor’s help, I believe we can uncover the truth here and now!” he insisted, barely able to believe what he was saying. I… need… TRIXIE?

The Judge rubbed his eyes, sensing control of his courtroom getting away from him again. “Very well,” he acceded with a heavy sigh, massaging his temple with his gavel hand while waving back the bailiffs with the other. “But make no mistake—you will both be facing punishment at the conclusion of this trial! And Mister Wright—I am not yet prepared to withdraw my guilty verdict and order additional investigation. You have now put the witness in the woods near the time of the crime to my satisfaction, but you have not yet succeeded in tying her to the murder!”

“Understood, Your Honor,” Phoenix nodded, his mind turning as he contemplated his next move. He’s right. In order to tie her to the murder, I need a working theory of the crime that includes a motive and means. I think I already have a pretty good idea of motive, but as for the means…

“No problem,” Trixie’s eyes glittered as she turned to Sonata, unaware of Phoenix’s thoughts. “It’s just like I said, Four-Eyes—I’ll gladly trade a few nights in jail to put you away for a few years! Maybe you should have thought of that before you double-crossed me!” she all but hissed out the words.

“So then, Ms. Sonata. Were you in fact blackmailing the defense’s client?” The Judge asked gravely.

Sonata started to turn away again but caught herself, as if she’d finally realized she was giving herself away by doing so. “No, I wasn’t! The prosecution is lying based on an old magic school grudge!” she insisted in near-panicked tones. “I would never do anything like that!”

“These papers say otherwise,” Phoenix noted mildly, picking up the final pieces of evidence from his bag. “I found all these in Sonata’s hotel room, and this particular letter—blackmailing my client—matches Sonata’s hornwriting!” Or is that even a word?

“Those items are INADMISSIBLE!” Sonata shouted. “You can’t use evidence illegally obtained by breaking into my hotel room!”

Inevitable discovery, Your Honor,” Trixie immediately countered before The Judge could agree. “We would have searched her room in the course of the coming blackmail investigation, and found them anyway. But even if not? Trixie can always just call in the owner of CameraColt to identify Miss Eye-Butt as the pony who had the pictures of Rainbow Trash developed, thus proving her involvement in the blackmail scheme!” the showmare suggested with her trademark smugness. “And there you have it! Trixie has used her brilliant legal intellect to triumph over a snide and sorry liar!”

“Ms. Trixie is right! The evidence may stay!” The Judge announced in an authoritative tone, bringing his gavel down for emphasis. “And Ms. Sonata! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Sonata’s only response was to pick up a pencil in her aura and snap it in two, gritting her teeth in apparent pain as she did so.

“Taking advantage of others like that? You’re despicable, Sonata!” Phoenix piled on, pointing an accusing finger at her even as he picked his earlier train of thought back up. So what means could she have used to kill Ace? Twilight said there were spells that involved electricity, so those would seem the place to start. But she also said they couldn’t be made lethal, he recalled. Given all her power and knowledge of magic, is it even possible she could be wrong?

“Spare me.” Sonata looked down and closed her eyes before opening them again. “Congratulations, Mister Wright. You’ve finally proven I was in the forest and I was helping Ace blackmail your client,” she confirmed. “But that hardly makes me a murderer!” She turned away and closed her eyes again.

“Trixie agrees, Mister Wrong,” the mare magician spoke up, looking very pleased. “All you’ve done to this point is make it possible for Trixie to have her cake and eat it too. You’ve proved Trixie’s old school rival guilty of other crimes, but not the murder—because she could not have done it!” she recited happily. “Thus, Trixie now gets to put them both away!”

She’s right. So now I’m back to this one critical question: how could Sonata have electrocuted Ace? Phoenix asked himself again. The lightning seems pretty well out at this point. But it if wasn’t by lightning, it had to have been by spell! he reasoned silently. “We’ll just see about that! Let’s hear what you were doing in the forest that night, Sonata!”

And speaking of spells, Sonata fought hard to keep us from looking at that spellbook of hers, even going so far as to admit it had a teleportation spell, Phoenix remembered, finally addressing a question that had been nagging at him for some time. But why would she do that? Unless…

“There’s no escaping either. You’ve already cast far too much suspicion over yourself to just waltz out of here, Miss Eye-Butt!” Trixie added, making Phoenix wonder if that was the same insult she used when they were in school together. “Oh, and Mister Wrong?” she turned her attention back on Phoenix.

“What?” he looked up, his chain of thought momentarily broken.

“Let Trixie make one thing crystal clear.” Trixie’s ice-violet eyes went angry again as she leaned back over her bench to glare at Phoenix. “Trixie still knows for a fact that Rainbow Trash is the true culprit of this crime.”

Phoenix could only stare at her for a moment. Okay, I’ll bite. “Then why did you—?”

“Because Trixie needs the correct facts before she can properly prosecute both Miss Eye-Butt and that Rainbow Trashy loser!” she said with her nose up and a hoof over her chest, causing Rainbow Dash to snort angrily and pull at her restraints again. “In fact, this whole blackmail business reveals the motive you so desperately wanted before!

“It should be clear to everypony now that Rainbow Trash killed Ace Swift because both he and his bimbo manager marefriend were blackmailing her,” she insisted, causing Sonata to glare at her.

Gee, and here I thought she was just being nice! Phoenix thought sarcastically, but quickly returned to the logic chain he was trying to follow. There’s no reason for Sonata to have tried to keep us from the book over the teleportation spell. Unless…

His eyes went wide as the answer abruptly crystallized in his head. Unless it WASN’T the teleportation spell she was worried about us finding! Unless she thought there was something ELSE in the book that could incriminate her, so she surrendered on the teleport spell to protect it!

“I wasn’t his…” Sonata started to angrily insist before catching herself and taking a deep breath, realizing she was letting Trixie get her goat. “Whatever. I wasn’t planning on leaving anyway,” she said dismissively, regaining her composure. “Fine, then. I’ll tell you exactly why I was in there that night, and show you why it still doesn’t matter at all. This is far from over, Phoenix Wright!” she claimed, sporting a smile again like she was relishing the prospect of yet another dual of wits with him. “Oh, and Trixie?” she turned to her left.

“Hmm?” the showmare acknowledged.

Sonata waited a beat before speaking. “I despise you,” she announced with a glower. “Just thought I’d make that clear if it wasn’t already.”

“Oh! Thank you!” Trixie beamed, raising her head in pride. “Such rave reviews coming from a blackmailing bimbo like yourself means a great deal to Trixie!”

That wasn’t a compliment, Trixie. Phoenix rubbed his eyes, sparing just a moment for the thought. Still… that Sonata would be afraid of us finding out about another spell in the book doesn’t make sense either. Even if there WAS a spell in the book she used in the murder, her earlier argument holds: the presence of a spell in the book only demonstrates she COULD have known it, not that she DID! he knew. In fact, there’s no way to prove Sonata studied ANY given spell in that book of hers, except maybe for… His own thoughts trailed off as he froze in sudden realization.

Phoenix deflated and shook his head in disbelief, wondering how he could have missed something so obvious. I. Am such. An IDIOT! He suddenly wanted to smack himself.

“Your Honor! The defense requests the witness testify about what she was doing in the woods!” he announced as he grabbed the pen from his jacket and scribbled out a quick note on a piece of scroll paper.

“Hmm… sufficient suspicion does seem cast over this witness to require it. Any objections, Ms. Trixie?” The Judge prompted after a short pause, giving Phoenix enough time to finish writing and pass the note to Twilight, who looked up at him in surprise after reading it. He gave her a glance back, and she nodded her understanding, magically imprinting a remembered picture out of his camera on a fresh sheet of scroll paper.

“None whatsoever, Your Honor,” Trixie said magnanimously, hoof on her chest and nose in the air again. “It will all come out the same in the end—Rainbow Trash guilty and the eye-butt bimbo charged with blackmail,” she promised as Twilight closely studied the picture.

Whatever she saw seemed to startle her, as her eyes went wide and she suddenly appeared to be lost in thought, picking up a quill pen to add a brief message of her own to his note and showing it back to Phoenix. He read it and smiled, giving her an approving nod. “We’ll see! Time for your testimony, Sonata!” he pointed at her, watching Twilight out of the corner of his eye. I still don’t know what you’re hiding, Sonata. But now I know WHERE you’re hiding it!

“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Mister Wright,” Sonata said, sounding full of fight again.

Though his attention was on her, he saw Twilight’s horn flare briefly out of the corner of his eye, causing the note to disappear, then a second time for the picture she’d just produced. Phoenix looked up at the sound of a sudden sharp coughing sound coming from the gallery, which quickly resolved into a single belch of green dragon flame followed quickly by a second. Both came from Spike; he was surprised to see the same note and picture she’d just sent literally materialize out of his flames.

Whoa! Certainly more efficient than e-mail!

In the stands, the scribe quickly scanned the note and photograph, showing it to the rest of Twilight’s friends. There was some quick but quiet conversation among them before Applejack and Spike departed, the baby dragon nodding his understanding to Twilight and then hopping on the country mare’s back, holding on for dear life as Applejack reared up and took off, leaping several rows of startled ponies to reach the exit, heading out of the courtroom at a full gallop.

Hurry, guys! he silently urged them as Sonata prepared to give her new testimony, knowing he might have to stall for time. What you find may hold the key to proving Rainbow Dash innocent and solving this entire CASE!

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on September 5, 2018.

As the holidays approach, as for as long as Raven wishes me to, here's another new chapter by your friendly if poorly-sleeping editor. Thanks very much to Leo Archon and TheGoldCrow for pointing out some problems with my initial draft, and to Raven for allowing me this much leeway in writing and editing. Happy Hearth's Warming! :twilightsmile:


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