• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 45 - A Shy Intervention

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom #2
June 11th, 11:44 AM

“We… lost,” was all Twilight could say as The Judge’s verdict came down, her voice numb. She stared at the opposite side of the pit where Trixie was still exulting in her victory despite her fine.

“Oh, come now. Was there ever any doubt?” the mare magician answered in gloating tones. “Trixie is the best at everything!” she repeated her old tagline with a fresh display of magical fireworks, to the anger of all present.

Beside Twilight, Phoenix remained slumped over the rail with his hands clutching his head, unable to accept the reality of his defeat. He had lost a case once before, but in that instance his client was unquestionably guilty and had blackmailed Phoenix into defending him by holding Maya hostage; he had no regrets about the guilty verdict then. But this time, there was no such excuse—he knew he was entirely to blame for what had befallen Twilight’s friend and his client.

I failed… was all he could think, over and over, knowing an innocent pony he had sworn to set free now stood condemned.

His verdict given, The Judge looked around the Equestrian courtroom one last time. He felt no sense of satisfaction in his ruling, only sadness, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the pony he had just passed judgment on, seeing her frightened look, her crying friends, a downtrodden Twilight Sparkle and a clearly shell-shocked Phoenix Wright.

But the law is the law, he reminded himself, knowing he had rendered a proper verdict given the evidence and arguments presented, and nothing could change the outcome now. “Proceedings are concluded. Court is now adjourned!” he announced, deciding to retire to his temporary chambers and have a stiff glass of cider, resolving to reach out to Phoenix Wright once they were both back on Earth.

And with one final, authoritative slam of his gavel… the trial was over.

But just as The Judge was about to leave the bench…

Came the unexpected cry from the back corner of the gallery. Though Phoenix didn’t immediately move, Twilight and Rainbow stared stunned, Trixie’s face contorted in anger and The Judge looked up in surprise as a yellow-and-pink blur darted out of the spectator stands to land in the courtroom pit, resolving into the very familiar and unlikely figure of…

“Fl…Fluttershy!?” Twilight gaped at the incredible sight, both surprised and amazed to see her bashful friend knowing the courage it must have taken for her to come forth on her own, swooping out of the gallery to plant herself on the witness stand and make herself the center of attention.

“I OBJECT!!!!” she shouted again in a forceful voice nopony who knew her ever thought her capable of, wearing a fierce and determined look. But even as it registered on all present, she swiftly lost it. “Um… i-if…you know… it’s alright…” she added in her more usual tinny voice, quickly reverting to form, cowering behind the stand.

Phoenix’s head rose up from his defeated slump to stare blankly at the unlikely sight, a look matched by Spike, Rarity and Applejack from where they were huddled together in the gallery. Elsewhere in the audience, startled ponies who had been getting up to leave started to gossip with one another, gawking and pointing at Fluttershy, causing a huge stir in the courtroom once again.

The Judge slammed his gavel three times to control the sudden uproar in the stands. “Young lady, what is the meaning of this?!” he demanded to know.

Fluttershy visibly swallowed, gathering every ounce of her courage as she started to explain. “M-Mister Your Honor, I just remembered s-something important about that night, when I was w-watching the forest,” she managed to get out. “May I do one of those, um… ‘testify’ things again?”

“No! You can’t!” Trixie shouted. “This witness has already testified and the verdict has already been given! There’s no reason for us to even be here anymore!”

“She wants to testify again?” Twilight looked at Phoenix, who was still staring at Fluttershy in a state of shock, scarcely able to believe his eyes or luck.

Rousing himself, he grabbed her offered lifeline with the desperation of a drowning man and held on for dear life. “Your Honor! Please let her testify!” Phoenix stood up and said, praying The Judge would allow her to do so.

His heart sunk when The Judge shook his head at him. “I’m sorry, Mister Wright, but the prosecution is correct. My verdict has already been handed down.”

“But this court owes this witness an apology for wrongly accusing her yesterday!” he tried.

Trixie shouted once more. “Correction: you owe her an apology, Wrong! You were the one who accused her!”

“And you agreed with me, Trixie! Even though you knew she was innocent!” Phoenix retaliated with a shout and pointed finger, which made the showmare slam her hoof on the table, having not expected any resistance from the previously forlorn and defeated Phoenix.

But The Judge remained stubborn and shook his head. “It still doesn’t change the fact that my judgment has already been delivered, Mister Wright. Apologies for a false accusation don’t justify withdrawing my verdict!”

“I beg you to hear her out, Your Honor!” he implored. “Our duty as officers of the court is to hear every piece of testimony and exhaust every piece of evidence before giving a proper verdict! Handing down one now while there’s still a witness willing to testify would be premature!”

Fluttershy gathered her courage once again and spoke to The Judge. “It’s important, Mister Your Honor!” she insisted before cowering again. “At least… at least I think it is…”

The Judge closed his eyes and sighed heavily as he thought. The tension in both the gallery and the courtroom pit was palpable as Phoenix, Twilight and all present in the courtroom held their breath, afraid to move.

All except one. “I can’t believe you’re actually considering this!” Trixie persisted, finding her guilty verdict in uncertain danger. “THE TRIAL… IS… OVER!!!!!

Please, Your Honor! This isn’t just for me or my client, but for justice itself!” Phoenix bypassed Trixie and addressed The Judge directly, shaking off his shock and starting to speak with more fervor. “You said yourself this witness was fragile and you saw how hard it was for her to testify yesterday! Reward her courage and let her speak! For her to do this in spite of her fears implies something very important! This testimony she wishes to give could very well change everything we know!” he concluded as he sensed The Judge wavering.

With that, The Judge closed his eyes again and pondered the question anew, rubbing his sore temples as he did so. “Hmm…” was all he immediately said, weighing Phoenix’s words against the simple fact that the trial was over and verdict already rendered.

Come on! Phoenix silently pleaded, knowing he was already at the end of a very frayed rope; his heart going a mile a minute and hands clenched on the edge of the rail. His fingers went white-knuckled while he awaited The Judge’s ruling, only too aware that this one weak thread was their last hope.

After what seemed like a small eternity to Twilight, The Judge finally opened his eyes. “Very well, Mister Wright. You are correct that for this pony of all witnesses to make a scene implies something important. So I’ll let her testify—”

“WHAT!?” Trixie widened her eyes in disbelief, her muzzle falling open even as Phoenix exhaled hard. “But Your Honor—!”

The Judge cut her off with a sharp gavel rap. “Let me finish, Ms. Trixie. I’ll allow this witness to testify, but it does not change my verdict!” he warned Phoenix. “The defendant is still considered guilty. I will allow Miss Fluttershy to testify in order to satisfy this court’s curiosity, but if there is any straying off-topic or the slightest indication it proves to be pointless, I will end the trial on the spot, and no ‘Objections!’, ‘Hold Its!’ or ‘Take Thats!’ will stop me. Are we clear?, Mister Wright?” The Judge asked Phoenix.

Phoenix bowed his head. “I understand, Your Honor. Your terms are more than acceptable. And thank you,” he told The Judge humbly.

“This is OUTRAGEOUS!” Trixie continued to protest. “She’s guilty, guilty, GUILTY!” She petulantly pounded her hoof on her rail, getting more and more irritated and angered, cold air surrounding her and flakes of ice coming off the surface of her desk with each fresh strike of her foreleg like snow.

BANG! The Judge’s gavel came down hard. “My decision is made, Ms. Trixie. I will thank you not to question it,” he told her, giving the showmare a warning look that for once seemed to cow her. “Very well, Miss Fluttershy. You may give this ‘important testimony’ you wanted to share.”

“Okay, Mister Your Honor,” Fluttershy said, gulping once more. Phoenix watched as she gathered her courage in the face of the scrutiny she was receiving, and then began her statement.

— Something Important —

As everypony knows, I was watching the forest after the lightning strike. I had just finished feeding my chickens when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pony walking towards Ponyville along the road past my cottage, coming over the hill a little ways from my house.

But the reason I think this is important now… is that I saw her carrying that stick Mister Phoenix has! I don’t remember what the pony looked like because it was too dark, and I only saw her as she was cresting the hill.

After she had finished her testimony, Fluttershy looked around nervously. She’d been the center of attention before as a model and hadn’t enjoyed it at all, but testifying like this was far harder for her—as a model, she could just pose and walk, but here, she actually had to talk!

“Y-You saw someone carrying that stick on the night of the murder?!” The Judge all but shouted, leaning over his bench towards the witness stand as he processed her revelation; the tension in the courtroom ratcheting even higher as all present sensed the potential significance of her statement.

With effort, Fluttershy kept herself from cowering behind the podium again, though she couldn’t quite keep herself from shaking like a leaf. “Y-yes, Mister Your Honor. I could t-tell it was the same stick by the letter ‘P’ on the end,” she confirmed despite her trembling.

“And why didn’t you say anything about this before?” Trixie was infuriated by this late-given information, the cold fog of breath leaving her muzzle showing everypony how agitated she was. “You told this court repeatedly you didn’t see anypony else LEAVE THE FOREST!

“B-but I-I didn’t see this pony leave the forest; I only saw them walking on the road that goes by my cottage!” Fluttershy explained, cringing as she spoke. “I had no idea that they or the stick had anything to do with all of this! It was just a stick after all, and I th-thought the pony carrying it was just out for a walk!” she elaborated.

Phoenix nodded at that. “So she didn’t think the stick or the pony carrying it had any significance until she saw that same stick in the courtroom,” he summarized. “A perfectly reasonable explanation!”

For once, Trixie looked at a loss for words. “But… what does this mean?” she asked, curious in spite of herself.

“I intend to find out!” Phoenix said, and then turned to The Judge. “Your Honor—may I?” he asked, motioning with a hand towards Fluttershy.

“Oh!” The Judge snapped out of his reverie over Fluttershy’s revelation, clearing his throat. “Yes, Mister Wright. Remember my warning though—stay on topic. No fishing expeditions!”

Phoenix nodded. “Yes, Your Honor.”

Twilight turned to Phoenix with a curious look. “She saw a pony with that stick?” she asked, her eyes turning excited. “That means that pony who was carrying it could potentially be another suspect!

“Exactly!” Phoenix agreed. “But this isn’t going to be easy. Fluttershy says she forgot what they looked like.”

“Not to mention that warning you have,” Twilight added with a wince, wondering how in the name of her mentor the human lawyer could yet pull this off.

Phoenix nodded grimly, knowing he had to be careful or otherwise it truly would be the end of the trial. Please, Fluttershy! You’ve saved me twice already, but now I need you to come through for me one last time! he uttered a silent prayer, hoping for the best as he began his questioning.


As everypony knows, I was watching the forest after the lightning strike. I had just finished feeding my chickens when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pony walking towards Ponyville along the road past my cottage, coming over the hill a little ways from my house.

But the reason I think this is important now… is that I saw her carrying that stick Mister Phoenix has! I don’t remember what the pony looked like because it was too dark, and I only saw her as she was cresting the hill.

Phoenix shouted, wasting no time on small talk or tangents. “I’m gonna cut right to the chase, Fluttershy—are you sure you can’t give us an accurate description of this pony?”

She shook her head, going downcast. “I only saw her for a second or two at the top of the hill. The only thing I can remember was she was probably a mare because of her size.”

A mare? That’s not enough! “What about her coat colors or cutie mark? Were you able to see those?” Phoenix asked next.

Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling as she answered. “Um… she had a dark-furred coat. I couldn’t make out the exact colors since it was nighttime.”

“And her cutie mark?”

She shook her head, going downcast again. “I’m sorry, Mister Phoenix, but I couldn’t see it. It was too dark,” Fluttershy answered apologetically, fearing she was about to get into trouble again for not seeing something she should have.

“Your Honor, this is a waste of time! A gender and dark colors are not sufficient description to pull somepony in here! It could be anypony!” Trixie spoke up, still trying to get The Judge to call off the testimony.

Glancing up at the bench, Phoenix noted that The Judge looked like his patience had already worn thin. NO! The Judge looks like he’s going to end the trial; I’ve got to think of something QUICK! “Fluttershy, please! You have to try hard and remember what she looked like!” he beseeched her.

Fluttershy was visibly racking her brain to no avail, on the verge of tears as she struggled to recall a fleeting moment of memory. “I’m trying, Mister Phoenix! I’m TRYING!

Phoenix backed off, knowing that if he kept pushing her so hard, she might well crack under the strain he was putting her under. Okay. Time for a different approach. Maybe there’s another way to jog her memory? he pondered the question briefly, quickly coming up with a new strategy. “Let’s try this: How was she holding the stick?”

“Holding… the stick?” Fluttershy repeated, her brow furrowing. “Um… she was holding it in her mouth. Which was kind of strange,” she added, looking back up towards the ceiling.

“How is that strange? A lot of ponies carry things in their mouths!” Trixie asked before Phoenix could.

Fluttershy shook her head before answering. “Because she was a unicorn, and they use their horns to carry things.”

Both Phoenix and Twilight were surprised by that, the former leaning forward over the rail. “The pony you saw was a unicorn?” he prompted her to clarify.

"Um... yes?"

“And just how, pray tell, were you able to see that in the dark?” Trixie challenged.

Fluttershy cringed, but answered. “Because the moon was setting right behind her, and I saw her against it.”

“So you mean she was silhouetted against the moon?” Phoenix asked.

“Silo… wh-what?”

“He means, you saw her like a shadow against the moon?” Twilight clarified gently.

“Oh. Well, yes. The moon always sets right over the hill where the path is and—oh!” she cut herself off in mid-sentence, catching the attention of both Phoenix and Trixie. But before either could speak up, Fluttershy turned to The Judge. “Mister Your Honor? I just remembered something else! Can I add it to my testimony? I-If th-that’s okay…” she hastily added, cowering slightly again.

This caught The Judge by surprise—a witness who wanted to amend their testimony? “Uh… sure…”

I just remembered…I could also see moonlight glinting off her glasses just before she passed out of sight.

Phoenix shouted once more. “She had glasses?” he asked, a familiar figure of a pony starting to materialize in his head.

Fluttershy nodded jerkily. “Y-yes. She did.”

Phoenix fell silent as everything suddenly fell into place. “Female, dark colors, unicorn and glasses,” he repeated to himself just loudly enough that Twilight could hear him, then his head shot up to search the gallery, looking for a certain mare but not immediately seeing her in the seat she’d been before. “That could only mean one pony,” he knew, the identity of a new suspect crystallizing in his head. He scanned the spectator stands and spotted her in an aisle making her way quietly towards the exit. As if sensing his gaze, she turned towards him, and his eyes locked briefly with hers from all the way across the courtroom.

And in that moment their gazes met… he knew.

I was wrong. It wasn’t Cruise Control. It was…

It was time for the final act to begin. “Thank you, Fluttershy, from the bottom of my heart,” he told her, bowing his head in deep respect and gratitude. “With His Honor’s permission, you can go now. Twilight and I can take it from here!” he said with a warm smile.

A relieved Fluttershy smiled back, very happy to be told that she had helped. Did I really… ‘knock them dead’? she suddenly remembered Pinkie’s earlier words, feeling a swell of pride as attention turned back to Phoenix.

“Your Honor—I know who this mysterious pony Fluttershy saw is now,” Phoenix proclaimed confidently, speaking quickly.

“What?” Trixie looked at him in disbelief. “From that?”

“How, Mister Wright?” The Judge was equally surprised at his sudden change of attitude.

Twilight turned to him as well, raising an eyeridge. “You do?” she said dubiously. “I know everypony in Ponyville, and I can’t think of any unicorn mares who have a dark coat and wear glasses.”

“And that’s how I know exactly who this is!” Phoenix said loud enough for the whole courtroom to hear.

“Who, Mister Wright?” The Judge asked loudly as well.

Phoenix wasted little time on explanation, knowing he had only seconds before his new suspect departed the courtroom. “The description Fluttershy has given matches this pony in every aspect—SONATA!” He pointed to a spot in the gallery where the mare in question was still attempting to leave, trying not to attract attention as she made her way to the nearest exit, quickening her pace into a trot as everypony’s eyes turned on her.

She didn’t get much further before Applejack stopped her, the powerful earth pony leaping several rows of seats to head her off at the proverbial pass and block her path to the door, lasso at the ready while Spike and Rarity quickly closed from behind, the former threateningly venting green flame and smoke out the sides of his mouth while the latter had her head lowered and horn hard aglow, trapping the dark-furred unicorn mare between them. Though initially surprised, Phoenix’s new gym friends quickly joined the effort as well, surrounding Sonata and not letting her leave.

The Judge was a bit startled at the commotion in the gallery; his eyesight not good enough to pick out who Phoenix was pointing at. “Sonata? Who’s that?” he asked.

“She’s the victim’s manager.” Trixie answered The Judge, giving Phoenix a wary look as she heard the disturbance coming from the stands but was unable to see what was happening from her vantage point.

Phoenix nodded. “She’s a unicorn mare who has dark colors and wears glasses. And as the prosecution just pointed out, she has a strong connection to the victim! Twilight Sparkle just said there’s no pony in Ponyville who meets that description—which makes sense as Sonata isn’t from Ponyville! She’s only staying here for the Equestrian 500, being the victim’s manager,” he explained quickly.

“I see,” The Judge stroked his beard for a moment, considering the new information carefully. At length, he spoke. “Ms. Trixie—are you able to get this ‘Sonata’ in here?”

Wh-what!? But I thought you gave the verdict already!” Trixie stammered.

The Judge gave her an annoyed look. “My guilty verdict still stands, Ms. Trixie. However, the question of how and why the stick was taken from the crime scene remains a loose end in this case, and I would like to hear Ms. Sonata’s explanation for it.”

Knowing she had no choice, Trixie answered The Judge by gritting her teeth and speaking through them. “Sh-she’s apparently in the gallery right now, and if you truly desire it, I can gather her,” the mare magician began in placating tones, sensing she was on thin ice with The Judge. “But remember, Your Honor—” she paused long enough to give Fluttershy a dirty look. “—As you yourself pointed out, this same witness on the stand right now had a ‘gaping hole’ in her original testimony. So perhaps you should reconsider before another innocent pony gets accused?” Trixie tried.

“Please just get Ms. Sonata for me,” The Judge said simply in a soft but strained tone Phoenix knew from long experience meant he was nearly out of patience.

Having failed to persuade him, Trixie stood up and glared daggers at Phoenix. “Fine!” she snarled in frustration. “Looks like you did it again, Mister Wrong! That’s what you are: wrong! Wrong! WRONG!” she ranted between puffs of icy air. “You’re planning on accusing her, aren’t you? That’s the only way you can get out of this!” she yelled as Phoenix stood in silence, his jaw set. “I would just love to see you try! She’s a unicorn, not a pegasus, and I know her from my school days—she’s a magical weakling. There’s no way she could be the killer!”

“You’d be surprised, Trixie, how crafty murderers can get given situations and opportunities,” Phoenix quoted evenly, though his thoughts were far less restrained. ‘No way she could have killed him’? I swear I’ll make you EAT those words before all is said and done, Trixie!

The rap of The Judge’s gavel cut off any further debate. “My instructions are given. I expect them to be obeyed. We’ll take a short fifteen minute recess while Ms. Trixie gathers this manager. Oh, and… Miss Fluttershy?” he added, his stern voice turning gentle.

“Y-Yes?” she squeaked, cowering slightly as The Judge addressed her.

He gave her a wary look as if he was afraid she might break. “If you are willing, I’d like to speak with you privately in my chambers.”

Her teal eyes went wide at the request. “Oh! Um… o-okay,” she managed to muster enough courage to answer.

He nodded. “Very well. Bailiffs, at her discretion, please escort Miss Fluttershy back,” he instructed as an aside.

“I don’t believe this! I was so close!” a still-fuming Trixie vented as The Judge’s gavel hammered down, making the recess official.

Ponyville District Court
Defendant Waiting Area
June 11th, 11:55 AM

As Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Phoenix exited the courtroom, the latter all but felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack.

“Nngghhaaaa!!!” he let out a huge exhalation of breath and trembled violently, finally able to release the tension he’d been holding in during the entire nerve-wracking ordeal, leaning heavily against a wall to steady himself. “That was too close! In fact, it still is too close! You’re considered guilty right now, Rainbow!” he exclaimed, clutching his head in his hands.

Upon hearing him say this, Rainbow Dash cringed, the rare fearful look on her face making Phoenix quickly catch himself. “U-uh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean—I mean, I know you’re not guilty, but you had the verdict handed down on you and now I have to convince everyone you’re not and I don’t know how I’m going to—”

“Phoenix…” Twilight cut him off with a hoof to his side, her aura floating him a glass of freshly-poured water in an effort to settle him down. In truth, Twilight was amazed that she could feel so calm at that moment, knowing how precarious their situation still was. Fluttershy’s intervention saved us, but for how long? And why did The Judge want to talk to her privately? Twilight couldn’t help but wonder, hoping her friend wasn’t in any trouble for what she had done. “Relax.

He accepted the glass in a trembling hand. “S-sorry. I know I’ve said this a million times, but I’m going to make sure you get out of this, Rainbow. It’s just going to be a little harder now,” he told her, gulping down the water. Oh, who am I kidding?! It’s gonna be a LOT harder now! he knew as he sat down heavily on one of the waiting area sofas, directly under the picture of the odd, dark-colored mare. “Are you going to be okay, Rainbow? I know you’re upset about what happened to Gilda, but it had to be done.”

Rainbow shrugged. “It’s okay, Nix. We both needed to get that stuff off our wings, and from what you said, it’s not like she’s going to be in jail for more than a few months, right? I know her. She’ll be fine,” she insisted before giving her human attorney a look. “What? Did you think I’d be crying about it or something?”

Phoenix couldn’t help but shake his head at that, staring at her in wonder. “I thought you’d be crying a long time ago, to be honest. I’m actually surprised you’re taking all this as well as you are.” He paused and ran his hand through his hair as Rainbow Dash looked up at him calmly. “You must be made of some really tough stuff to keep your spirits up in the face of all this.”

“I never worked with tears, Nix. Blubbering like a foal never helped anypony,” she replied to his comment with a shrug. “And besides, I got an image to uphold, you know? Wouldn’t do for me to go off crying in front of my fans.”

So therefore, she only cried in private when her image ITSELF was hurt! Phoenix remembered the state he had found her in after the first day of trial, when the pictures of her had been revealed. “You’re right. There’s no need for crying now anyway, because this next witness, she had to have done it. Somehow…” his voice trailed off in doubt. Though certain of Sonata’s guilt, he still had no idea how she could have pulled it off based on the available evidence, finding nothing but contradictions in the known facts.

Fluttershy said she saw Sonata just after finishing feeding her chickens, which would be twenty minutes or so after the murder. Enough time for Sonata to commit the murder and walk out of the woods from the clearing, except... Gilda said she saw the stick still on site when she returned to the scene, meaning it was still there within five minutes of Sonata being spotted! How could the stick be in two places at once? And how could Sonata have taken the stick and left the forest unnoticed in just a five-minute window? Why was she carrying it in her mouth and not magically? And how could she have killed Ace with lightning if she isn’t a pegasus? The as-yet unanswerable questions whirled through his head. Argh! This makes no SENSE!

Twilight spoke up, stopping his mind from going in circles. “I’d like to know more about this Sonata, Phoenix. You said before trial that you interrogated her yesterday?"

He nodded in response, gathering his still-scattered thoughts carefully. “I had my suspicions about her before Cruise Control came along—I met her while checking out Ace’s hotel room. She was helpful enough to me and Pinkie until I asked a question she didn’t like, then she kicked us out. She gave me those pills yesterday without telling me what they were, and I half-thought she might have orchestrated the attack on me because of it,” Phoenix remembered. “I interrogated her that evening, but ended up discounting her as a suspect when she denied involvement and I didn’t see psyche-locks around her. My mistake.” Yet another reminder that my Magatama isn’t infallible! he realized ruefully, wondering how she was able to trick it.

Twilight nodded slowly at that. “I believe I bumped into her myself yesterday,” she vaguely recalled, replaying the memory in her head of the other mare excusing herself and then heading for Sugar Cube Corner. "She seemed rather out of it then."

He nodded again. “Well, regardless of why, the upshot is that Sonata—not Ace—was the mastermind behind the blackmail scheme. She was the reason Ace was able to win all those races because she was so good at finding out the other racers’ secrets and using them for extortion purposes. In fact, she was the one who took the pictures of you, Rainbow,” he added, causing Rainbow’s expression to go dark and angry. He hesitated before making his next statement, but then decided there was no point in keeping it secret any longer. “And uh… she’s kind of… well… blackmailing me right now,” he cringed to admit.

“Oh, I see,” Twilight began before her head shot up. “Wait! She’s blackmailing you?

“Dude. You too?” Rainbow asked in something akin to sympathy.

“Yeah,” Phoenix confirmed grimly, sitting down on the sofa, hunched over with his elbows on his knees and head propped against his hands. “It’s another reason why I didn’t want to bring up the blackmail scheme in court—because she told me to keep my mouth shut about it,” Phoenix continued to tell his tale, hoping he could leave it there.

Twilight gave him an askance look, sensing he was holding something back. “And… what exactly is she blackmailing you with?” she asked further, which made Phoenix sweat a bit, realizing if he didn’t tell her, she’d start seeing psyche-locks around him.

“Well, uh… heh-heh… funny story! Pinkie Pie and I sort of… uh… broke into Ace’s hotel room, which turned out to be hers as well,” he told her with a hand behind his head and goofy look, which Twilight returned in the form of a cringe and very pained expression. “She caught us rummaging through the room, and if I say anything about the blackmail scheme, she’ll press charges for breaking and entering on the spot. The Judge will then find me in contempt and have me arrested. Like she said, I can’t defend Rainbow from a prison cell.”

For the first time that day, Twilight’s temper flared, staring at him in disbelief. “Gah! Why would you do something clearly illegal like that? You’re a lawyer for Celestia’s sake!” she said with an angry stomp of her hoof.

“Hey, don’t look at me! She’s the one who stole the room key and gave it to me!” he pointed at Rainbow Dash, who earned Twilight’s glare in turn.

“Uh, heh-heh. S-sorry?” Rainbow gave out a nervous and very guilty-sounding chuckle, offering up an ingratiating grin.

With that, Phoenix decided the subject was best changed. “I need to know, Twilight, since you’re so good with magic and all…”

“What?” Twilight asked with some snap in her voice, still glaring at him.

Sensing her all-too-justified anger, he got down on one knee to be on her level. “I’m certain Sonata’s guilty, but I can’t make the claim without having a new working theory of the crime. So tell me…” he paused just long enough to put his hands on her shoulders and look her in the eyes. “Is there any spell a unicorn could cast that could be used to electrocute somepony?”

Caught off-guard by both his question and his actions, Twilight thought for a moment before answering, a faint blush on her cheeks at the contact despite her anger at him. “No, not in a very long time. Weaponized lightning spells existed once, but they were outlawed by Celestia following the war between her and Nightmare Moon. There are no publicly available schools or spellbooks that teach it, and given the massive amount of magical energy it requires, it would take a far stronger unicorn than Sonata to be able to power one anyway.

“Now, there are some modern spells to conjure and channel small amounts of electricity for various purposes, but… even I couldn’t make them lethal, especially to a pegasus athlete in his prime.” Twilight answered his next question before he could even voice it. “I mean, I could certainly shock you, but there’s no way I could use them to produce an electrical charge—let alone a lightning bolt—strong enough to kill you,” she concluded with a downcast expression, leaving Phoenix disappointed as well.

“Well, there goes that theory,” he groaned, removing his hands and standing back up, starting to pace again. “Oh, wait! What about elemental magic? I read that stronger unicorns like yourself or Trixie can manifest elemental powers like fire or ice when they’re angry? Is lightning on that list?”

Surprised, Twilight considered the idea only to shake her head again. “It is, but you’d have to be a weather elemental, and they’re extremely rare. The only one I know of is Princess Luna,” she said with a nod to the picture over the sofa. “And Trixie’s right—I can tell from her aura that Sonata’s not powerful enough to be an elemental of any type.” Especially with that injured horn she has!

“I see,” Phoenix deflated, leaning heavily back against the wall. “Well, regardless, Sonata is probably going to rat me out about the hotel right off the bat for putting her on the stand like this. I’ll probably end up arrested, and if so, I’ll need you to take over the defense, Twilight.”

“But Phoenix—I can’t!” Twilight answered with an alarmed look, her eyes going wide.

Phoenix was surprised by her reaction, reaching out to put a reassuring hand on the back of her neck. “Sure you can! You know the law and you’ve already proven you’re good at spotting lies! So you just work through her testimony statement by statement, pick out the contradictions and let them—”

She shook her head sharply, pulling back from him. “No, Phoenix, you don’t understand—I mean that legally, I can’t. I had Spike cancel the appeal to appoint me as Rainbow Dash’s lawyer when I decided to retain you. So even if you needed me to, I wouldn’t be allowed to,” she informed him apologetically. “The most I could do is request a continuance to pass the bar exam and attempt to get credentialed, but given there’s already a verdict in, I’m guessing The Judge would just appoint a random defense attorney from the lobby to finish the trial rather than wait another day,” she concluded sadly.

Phoenix groaned at the news, knowing she was right and seeing nothing but insurmountable obstacles no matter where he looked. He leaned back heavily against the wall and ran his hands through his hair again. “Can’t anything look good for us right now?” he asked nobody in particular, feeling a very real moment of hopelessness as he spoke.

Only realizing at that moment how badly his confidence was shaken after the guilty verdict, Twilight studied him for a moment before rearing up and putting her hooves on his shoulders as he leaned back against the wall. Phoenix stiffened at that, remembering what had happened the last time she had done it, even if it turned into something much different afterwards.

This time, however, there was no anger or recrimination in her purple eyes, only determination. “A Defense Attorney is someone who is there for you when times are grim,” she quoted him. “Showing that you have someone who trusts and believes in you—that you’re not alone. Smiling to the very end, no matter how bad things may get, working tirelessly on your behalf and not letting anything from lying witnesses to corrupt prosecutors stand in the way of seeking the truth,” she repeated his words back to him, her eyes never leaving his. “That is what a great defense attorney once told me. So you know what I think that great defense attorney should do?” Twilight said in a tone that suggested she was about to deliver the punchline to a joke.

“What? I’m running out of options here,” he told her, not sure what the mischievous gleam in her eye meant.

“’Wing it’!” she told him with a sly grin, tapping his chest with her hoof. “Forget plans and strategy, Phoenix; just take what you’re given and go with it. Improvisation seems to be what you’re best at.”

Upon hearing her saying this, Phoenix’s eyes grew wide—Twilight Sparkle, the mistress of magic, lady of lists and sultan of studying, was telling him to wing it? “You said you do this all the time, right? Well, I say stick to what you know!” she added with a reassuring if slightly sardonic smile.

Phoenix closed his eyes and nodded, starting to look more relaxed as he took her words to heart. “You’re right,” he told her, reaching up to grasp her hooves. “Psyche-locks or no, every instinct I have is screaming that Sonata is the murderer. And if she is, she’ll tell lies and half-truths in her testimony.”

“Exactly! She’ll lie on the stand, and that’s when you can get her!” Twilight told him with a knowing grin. “Just like you did with Gilda. And as for The Judge? He’s more than proven he’s fair and wants to do right. Just tell him you’re sorry and say you’ll accept whatever punishment he imposes, but that you need to see your client’s case through. I think he’ll let you, especially if I back you.”

With that, Phoenix felt some of his shaken confidence start to return. “Thank you, Twilight,” he told her, heartfelt, patting her hooves. “I needed to hear that.”

When he released her, she was blushing again and Rainbow was giving them both an odd look as she had watched the exchange, glancing back and forth between them. But a brooding Phoenix had something more on his mind, sitting back down on the low couch. “There’s also another thing about Sonata. Something a little more… well, personal,” he began uncertainly.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked curiously, sitting on her haunches in front of him, her cheeks still warm and pointedly avoiding Rainbow’s gaze.

Phoenix hesitated for a moment before speaking, hoping she wouldn’t think him crazy for his next words. “Well, uh… she’s a dead ringer for someone I know.”

Twilight tilted her head at that. “But I thought you said this is your first time in Equestria?”

“What? Oh! No, no, no. What I mean is, Sonata looks and sounds like a ‘pony’ version of a human colleague I once knew,” he clarified. “Namely, my former law firm chief back home. I didn’t know what to think of it. I thought someone may have been channeling her, or she was reincarnated, or… I don’t know.”

Twilight didn’t know what to make of that any more than he did. “Well, does she act like this human woman you knew?” she finally asked.

Phoenix didn’t have to consider the question for long before answering. “No, she doesn’t,” he said quickly. “Mia Fey would never blackmail or murder. Sonata may have her looks and voice, but when it comes down to it, they’re complete opposites.”

Twilight favored him with another grin, putting her hoof on his knee as she had seen Fluttershy do earlier. “Then don’t worry about it. It’s not her, so don’t be afraid to go all-out.” Upon hearing that, Phoenix again had a flashback to his former lawyer and mentor, recalling the unforgettable words she had said prior to his first trial, not long before she passed:

“Go off that. You have to believe in him; it’s your job to. Cast all that doubt aside and pursue that truth. If you do that, nothing can stop you.”

His reminiscence of Mia Fey made him remember one of her earliest and most basic lessons to him: to fight for his client to the bitter end. Cast all doubt aside and pursue the truth. If I do that, then nothing can stop me! he repeated her words to himself, starting to sit up straighter.

“You’re right. Thank you, Twilight,” Phoenix squeezed her hoof in gratitude. “But this isn’t going to be easy. I still don’t know how she did it or managed to evade the Magatama.” He looked down and ran his hand through his hair, lost in brooding thought again.

“Well, if it was easy, I’d have never needed to summon you,” Twilight told him with a slightly wry grin. “But at this point, I’m glad I did. You can do this, Phoenix. Fluttershy believes in you,” she reminded him, pausing long enough to reach in and nuzzle him beneath the chin, gently urging his head up to make his brown eyes meet her purple ones. “And so do I,” she told him quietly, surprising him by resting her cheek against his. Though caught off-guard and uncertain what her actions meant—was she being forward or was this simply a normal display of affection between pony friends?—he made no move to pull back, taking strength from her presence and faith in him.

As they sat together, Rainbow studied the pair in confusion, the pegasus guards across the room giving them odd looks as well. “Wait. Are you two—?” Rainbow began, but before she could finish her question, a buzz was heard followed by an earth pony bailiff opening the door to the courtroom and sticking his head inside. “The trial will reconvene in two minutes. The defense is to make their way to the courtroom immediately,” he announced, trying not to gawk at the scene he saw on the couch.

Pulling back, Phoenix sighed and looked at Twilight once more, giving her hoof another squeeze, making her smile in return. “Well, here goes!” With that, he stood up and went over to his agape client, laying a hand on the back of her head. “Consider yourself free, Rainbow Dash, because I intend to make the real culprit pay for her crimes!”

Though still confused over what she’d just witnessed and uncertain what to make of his latest gesture—nopony would ever accuse her of being the touchy-feely type—Phoenix’s words made Rainbow Dash smile. “Thanks. Needless to say, I’m really pulling for you, Nix.” He grinned and gave her a parting pet at that, gently scratching his client between her ears for a moment before moving away.

Standing before the door, he stood still to let Twilight magically smooth out his suit and straighten his tie, allowing her to tend him while he carefully gathered his thoughts.

Thanks to Fluttershy, I’ve been given one last chance to find the truth! It’s either sink or swim; now or never! Phoenix reminded himself as Twilight finished her efforts, giving him a nod of satisfaction before opening the door to the courtroom.

Even if Sonata tries to have me arrested, it doesn’t matter anymore—I got her on the stand! It’s time she pays for all her crimes—including the murder!

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on August 6, 2018.

The picture of Sonata in silhouette was pieced together in Photoshop from existing images. Credit for the picture of Sonata holding the golf club goes to:


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