• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 58 - Of Mares and Men

Ponyville Courthouse
June 11th, 7:22 PM

“Before you go, what does this have to do with the Magatama?” Phoenix called after Twilight, getting final instructions for his visit with Trixie.

Twilight stopped and looked back at him fractionally. “Just use the Magatama and ask her ‘what do you have against Twilight Sparkle and her friends?’, and you’ll see for yourself,” she promised him, trying to keep simmering anger out of her voice. “She’ll probably insist it’s just the Ursa Minor, but I know that’s not the case.” The same way I know that Shining Armor will insist it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t tell me he was here!

He nodded his understanding, though Twilight could see the doubt in his eyes. “Alright then. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck, Phoenix,” she answered distractedly. With that, Twilight turned around and stalked over to Sergeant Major Delta; the older pegasus stallion flinched slightly at the look in her eyes. “Take me to my brother. Now.”

“Right.” Delta didn’t even protest. Shining Armor had warned him that Twilight would probably be none too happy to discover that he had come to Ponyville without telling her, undercover operation or no. Without another word, he led her out of the courthouse through a side door.

Twilight followed him, finding her mood suddenly darkening, her emotions still raw and roiled in the aftermath of the legal and emotional roller-coaster she’d been on all day. Shining better have a good explanation for everything. He comes here without telling me, shows up in the middle of the trial, and on top of all that he assigns me a BODYGUARD? I’m not some helpless foal that needs protection 24 hours a day! I swear, that brother of mine!

The pair approached an alley between two buildings. Then, to Twilight’s surprise, Delta slid aside a cobblestone on the floor of the alley, revealing a magically-masked secret passage that she hadn’t detected before. The Sergeant Major slipped inside; Twilight following after a moment’s hesitation.

The passage was a fairly short one, leading underground judging by the sudden incline. It opened into a large chamber, where Twilight’s jaw fell open. All around the chamber were members of the Royal Guard—unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, and even a half-dozen thestrals were present; most of the last group wore the dark blue armor of the newly-reinstated Lunar Guard. There were about thirty ponies in total, all military and intelligence types.

‘Extra security’ was a bit of an understatement! Twilight thought in astonishment. How did this many Guardsponies get into Ponyville without raising a fuss? she wondered, but the thought was quickly lost as she spotted Shining Armor in the center of the room, conferring with Night Storm and an orange pegasus with a blue mane—the same one who had delivered the investigation results they’d finally cornered Sonata with. Well, I guess I can find out now!

With that, she trotted over, Delta following slightly behind. Oh, big brotherrrrrrr!!!!she sing-songed to him as she got closer just as she’d done to him quite frequently when she was a much younger filly, seeking his attention.

Shining Armor stiffened. There were precious few voices that could inspire fear in him, but this was one. Slowly, he turned around, and beheld the grinning visage of her younger sister; he knew her well enough to sense the smoldering anger behind her gaze. “Oh! Uh, h-hey, Twily. Congrats on the verdict and great job taking down that weather witch! I’m, uh, sure you’ve got some questions for me…” He rubbed his hoof behind his head.

“Oh, I do, big brother. Just a few, though. Like, oh, just off the top of my head…” she began in a very mild voice as she dropped her grin and fixed Shining Armor with a heated glare, her mane starting to smoke again despite her drained state. “Why you didn’t tell me you were in Ponyville, why you and all these soldiers are undercover as bailiffs, why you brought all this ‘extra security’ with you, and, oh yes! Why you ordered Night Storm to follow me around and guard me like I’m a helpless foal!” The last part was all but hissed in his face, making him shrink back despite the size difference between them.

A few of the other guards in the chamber started to move towards the conflict, but Delta waved them off. “Little family quarrel; just leave them be,” the Sergeant Major explained, having seen it from the pair in the past.

Meanwhile, Shining Armor was doing his best to regain his composure in the face of his sister’s ire, which he knew he only too-richly deserved after all the missed get-togethers and excuses he’d given her over the past year or two. “Okay, Twily, look. I’ll answer your questions, but only because you’re my sister. Hay, if you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I’m waiting,” Twilight growled, tapping a forehoof against the floor of the chamber.

Shining took a breath—he knew Twilight had a temper and what could happen when she lost it; he was just glad he hadn’t been on the receiving end of it earlier. “The reason I didn’t tell you I was coming, along with the extra security, is because our mission is strictly off-the-books. Officially, we’re on leave. Unofficially, we’re here to provide security for a high-profile trial.”

“And even more unofficially,” the orange pegasus with a blue mane broke in, “We’re here to investigate some kind of disturbance the Princesses have been picking up around Ponyville.”

“Lieutenant…” Shining Armor said warningly.

“With respect, Captain, I don’t think she’s going to let you leave it at ‘security for the trial’,” the officer replied, and then turned to Twilight. “Good evening, Miss Sparkle. I’m Lieutenant Flash Sentry, here under Captain Armor’s command on a special op for the Princesses,” he told her, unable to quite restrain himself from looking her over. “It’s an honor and pleasure to meet the Element of Magic.” He sketched a chivalrous bow before her.

Twilight blinked a few times, her anger having evaporated at the Lieutenant’s revelation and his respectful manner. “The Princesses have detected a magical disturbance around Ponyville? But I haven’t sensed anything out of the ordinary!”

“You’ve been a little distracted, Twily. It’s not so much magical as ethereal, and it’s less of a ‘disturbance’, and more of a ‘foreboding’ that they said they’re feeling,” he noted with a shrug. “If it was just one of them, they probably would have dismissed it out of hoof, but since they both felt it, they deemed a small task force necessary.”

Twilight arched an eyeridge. “This is what you call ‘small’?” she asked, gesturing around her at the platoon-sized Guardspony contingent. Many had gone back to their previous tasks, but most were not-so-subtly listening to the conversation in the middle of the chamber, ears swiveled to point towards the center of the room.

Lieutenant Sentry smirked. “Well, it was originally just going to be the Captain and a select few others. But, when word got around that a special op was to take place outside Canterlot, well… there were quite a number of volunteers, and all of them good for something.”

Night Storm chuckled. “Yes, an opportunity to leave Canterlot for an indefinite period of time is not something the average Guardspony would pass up.”

Twilight blinked, baffled. “But, why? Isn’t guarding the Princesses the most important job there is in Equestria?”

Shining sighed. “To be completely honest, Twily, the Guard is more for the protection of Equestria than the Princesses themselves. If there’s something that’s genuinely a threat to the Princesses, it could go through us easily. Being a Guardspony in Canterlot is often dull work, mostly consisting of ceremonial duties, listening to the Princesses give speeches or settle disputes between bickering diplomats.”

“Or, more recently, listening to nobles gossip about how to ‘take the place of one of the Element Bearers’,” Flash Sentry added darkly.

“What?” Twilight exclaimed.

“He’s right. And that’s the main reason I asked Night Storm to follow you, Twily. There are factions in Canterlot who got wind about the murder—or should I say, accident—even faster than the Princesses. And more than a few started speculating that, if Rainbow Dash were found guilty, then she could be ‘replaced’ as the Bearer of Loyalty.”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “But… but… it doesn’t work like that! You can’t just replace a Bearer like… like some sort of goldfish! There has to be a bond between the Bearers for the Elements of Harmony to function!” she told him, thinking she’d never try to replace Rainbow.

“You know that, and I know that, Twily,” Shining soothed. “Or, rather, I know that now. But the nobles in Canterlot don’t. And it was one of them who signed off on Trixie Lulamoon being named prosecutor for this case.”


“The worst of the lot, actually,” Night Storm muttered. “None other than his royal prissiness, Prince Blueblood.”

Twilight was very glad she didn’t have anything in her magic grip, as it was very likely she’d have shattered it. “And why in Celestia’s name would Prince Blueblood sign off on Trixie being the prosecutor for the case?”

“Because he wanted to be the replacement Element Bearer after Rainbow Dash was banished,” Flash Sentry told her.

Twilight stared at him in disbelief. “Blueblood thought he could be the Element of Loyalty?” she asked deadpan, scarcely able to imagine what Rarity’s reaction to such a suggestion would be.

The four stallions looked at each other, and then back at her. “No, Twily. He wants to be the Element of Magic. You,” Shining Armor explained, causing his sister’s eyes to widen.

“Near as we can tell, he thinks if he could catch you in a compromising position or maybe breaking the law to help your friend, he could discredit you in the eyes of the Princess and take your place, maybe using the Element of Loyalty as a stepping stone. That’s why he approved Trixie Lulamoon for prosecutor; because he thought she’d be the one most likely to get under your fur and make you do something stupid,” he explained as Twilight’s expression went from stunned to aghast. “He seems to think that ‘bearer’ is little more than a title or power granted by the Princess, and if he replaces you or Rainbow, all your power and influence, both magical and otherwise, flows to him.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean, ‘influence’?”

Shining chuckled at that, his subordinates smiling as well. “You and your friends don’t seem to realize all the clout you have, Twily. You purified Princess Luna, allowing her to return to the throne. You yourself have the ear of Princess Celestia, something that not very many ponies can claim. If you asked her to give you and your friends titles of nobility for your services to Equestria, she’d probably do so without a second thought,” he explained, Twilight’s muzzle dropping further with each sentence her brother spoke. “In fact, a lot of nobles are surprised you haven’t already done so, and even more think you already have done so, only in secret.”

Twilight reeled. “We could have that much power…?”

Delta chuckled. “For all your booksmarts, Twilight, you sure don’t seem to know a lot about how Equestria works. Maybe being the Princess’s personal student insulated you from it, but trust me—there are a lot of highly-placed ponies out there who are jealous of your power, and who covet it for themselves.”

“He’s right, Twily,” Shining Armor sighed. “Anyway, that’s the gist of things. We’re all here on a top-secret op from the Princesses, and I assigned guards to you because Blueblood’s up to something and I didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Nobles have a lot of reach, even in a place like Ponyville,” he said, relieved to see the anger in his sister’s eyes ebb.

Twilight sighed as well, feeling her annoyance start to recede. “I guess that’s true. I don’t quite get all of it, but I understand now.” Despite that, she offered one last halfhearted glare to her older brother. “But as I’m sure Night Storm told you, I can more than take care of myself, and I really don’t appreciate being secretly assigned a bodyguard I don’t need.”

Night Storm nodded ruefully. “You might have warned me she could detect teleport trails, Captain. I would have made more of an effort to mask my magic, then.”

Shining Armor shrugged. “I would if I’d known. Like I said earlier, that was news to me as well.” He smiled at her. “My little sis, all grown up and throttling elite Guardsponies and weather witches alike with her über magic. So are there any other secrets you’re hiding from me?”

Twilight chuckled. “Not really, no.”

Shining’s eyeridge arched and a corner of his mouth quirked upward. “Oh? Not even what’s going on between you and that human lawyer?”

His sister’s face erupted in a blush. “How did you—?”

“Twily, I don’t think there’s a pony in that courtroom who doesn’t know something’s going on between you two.” He smirked. “I just hope I don’t have to explain to Mom why she’s getting a grandfoal from you and not me first…”

SHINING ARMOR! Twilight shrieked loud enough to turn heads throughout the room. “For Celestia’s sake, we haven’t done anything remotely like that! We’re just starting out, the most we’ve done is cuddle—on the lobby couch, during the last recess before The Judge was going to decide whether to withdraw his guilty verdict,” she hastened to add upon seeing his expression.

“Phoenix was just offering me some comfort, in case things went south. I don’t know where it’s going. I don’t even know if it can go anywhere,” she admitted somewhat more wanly, her shoulders slumping a bit.

Shining held up a hoof placatingly. “Okay, Okay. I get it. Sheesh, I was just having a little fun, since I can’t spend time with—” he quickly cut himself off, but the damage was done.

His slip not lost on her, Twilight smirked up at him. “Oho, so what’s this? Does my big brother have a marefriend he hasn’t told me about?”

The Captain of the Guard instantly attempted to backpedal. “I, uh, I was gonna say spend time with home, at home, spend time at home…”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight smirked as she turned to leave. “You just better be sure to introduce her sometime. I’d hate to wake up one morning and find out my big brother’s getting married to some Canterlot bigwig out of the blue.”

All Shining Armor could do was squirm.

Ponyville Courthouse
June 11th, 8:03 pm

Twilight left the improvised headquarters the same way she’d come in, with Sergeant Major Delta escorting her out. “Listen, Twilight—I realize you’re probably still upset with your brother for coming here without telling you. But you do understand he’s just following orders, right?”

“That’s his excuse for everything,” she grumbled. “He misses my birthday, it’s because duty calls. He doesn’t come home for Hearth’s Warming, it’s because he can’t get leave. He cancels visits we’ve planned for weeks, it’s always because of new orders. I mean, really, he couldn’t even drop a note to tell me he was in town?” she asked derisively. “I can keep a secret, Delta. I just don’t like it when ones are needlessly kept from me.” On the other hoof, guess now I know how Phoenix felt?

“He’s Captain of the Guard now,” Delta reminded her. “He has responsibilities to princess and province and it’s tough for him to get away. Take it from me; it seems like he has to deal with a new crisis just about every other week. It doesn’t mean he loves you any less.”

She sighed, knowing her old caretaker was correct. “I know, I know. It just feels like we’re losing touch, and I don’t like it.”

Delta opened his mouth only to close it again, considering his next words carefully. “Well, look... once we wrap up here, we might be able to arrange some time off—some real leave. I can’t speak for your brother, but I would love to catch up with you while I’m here. Want to do so over dinner later?”

“Do me a favor and ask again later,” she said after a short pause. “No offense, but I’m not in the right frame of mind to answer yes right now.”

“Deal,” he said as they arrived back at the side entrance of the courthouse. “Take care of yourself and your human friend, Twilight.”

“Promise,” she answered distractedly, turning over in her head what she’d been told. Blueblood thinks he could replace me? As what, the Element of Pomposity? Twilight smirked at that, thinking she’d love to tell Rarity the idea just to see her reaction. And what’s this about a ‘disturbance on the ethereal plane’? she further pondered, curious what it could portend and wondering why she didn’t detect it herself.

Well, I have been distracted. Shiny was right about that much, she conceded as she returned to the courthouse and headed back for the lobby, resolving to keep her senses attuned to anything out of the ordinary.

Upon arrival, she didn’t see Phoenix, but Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were present, having apparently finished their reconciliation and now facing the press themselves, though the bulk of the media was still concentrated on the revealed racers.

The two pegasi were a study in contrasts as the brash Rainbow postured and preened for the cameras, striking poses and always answering questions with a quip or boast. In contrast, Fluttershy was all but cringing at the attention and praise being heaped upon her, no more so than when Rainbow put a wing around her and led her forward, taking great pains to thank her friend publicly, saying what a wonderful and special pony she was.

Well, Rainbow sometimes screws up, but she always does her best to put it right! Twilight felt her mood start to lighten as she re-entered the lobby.

She had barely been spotted before Rainbow tackled her, taking her in an affectionate and grateful hug that gave her new appreciation for why Phoenix had reacted badly to her embrace—she could barely breathe, her friend’s grip was so strong!—and presented her, saying she had the best friends in the entire world. Twilight blushed and smiled at that, but just blushed as the questions regarding her and Phoenix started to rain down again.

She had no time to even consider her response before Phoenix himself reappeared, looking troubled even as the reporters assaulted him anew, cameras shoved in his face and the shouted questions once more having very little to do with the trial, queries ranging from whether he was planning to start a herd with Twilight to whether she would be inviting Rarity and Fluttershy to join it, causing Twilight to facehoof, Phoenix to gape and Fluttershy to eep! and hide behind him.

Far from being helpful, Rainbow couldn’t contain herself, staring at Twilight, her face breaking out into a huge grin. “You… and Rarity… and Fluttershy… in a herd with…” She couldn’t finish before she was rolling on the ground laughing hysterically. “Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-HA!”

Fortunately, they were saved once more by the other racers when they all took flight to pose for a group picture, attracting the reporters and cameraponies back to them. Rainbow was invited to join as well since her own secret stood revealed; an offer she was only too eager to accept as she took her place among them.

“Hey girls, I’m here!” A familiar bubbly voice preceded the appearance of a certain bouncy pink earth pony mare by a bare millisecond.

Or should that be a ‘filli-second’? Phoenix had the odd thought as Pinkie Pie somehow popped up from behind the front desk.

“I was just in the courtroom, but it was empty! Where’s the trial? Where’s the trial?” she asked as she looked to and fro, a hoof over her brow like she was peering off into the distance.

“Pinkie, you missed the trial again!” Phoenix scolded as Rainbow returned to the group; this time the media didn’t follow her, to her evident disappointment. “It’s over; case won, Rainbow’s innocent, end of story.”

“Aw…” Pinkie went crestfallen, if only for a moment. “But that’s okay! Thanks to that big catering job I helped out with, the Cakes made enough money to pay for their new nursery! So now we have two reasons to celebrate! No, three! Because I never threw a welcome-to-Ponyville party for you, Feenie!” She jumped up and down in excitement.

Twilight grinned wanly. “Thanks, Pinkie. But I think I’m going to have to pass. It’s been a very long day, and I’m too tired after the duel to enjoy it. Raincheck?”

“Huh? Duel?” Pinkie blinked.

“Aw, yeah, Pinkie, you should have seen it!” Rainbow did a loop in the air and began pantomiming blows with her hooves. “Twilight and Trixie went at it in the courtroom after Nix proved I didn’t do it, and it was epic! It was a magic duel for the ages! Fire versus Ice! Trixie versus Twilight! And Twi kicked that faker’s flank!”

“Rainbow…” Twilight felt her mood start to turn brooding again at the mention of the showmare. She’s no faker!

“Really? A duel? Aw…” Pinkie went crestfallen again. “That means I missed all the good stuff!”

“Think I’ll pass on the party too, Pinkie. I am kind of hungry though,” Phoenix spoke up, his stomach reminding him that he hadn’t had anything except coffee since breakfast.

“We didn’t eat lunch, and I could definitely use a bite myself after all the energy I burned off in there,” Twilight acknowledged. “We could go to—”

She didn’t finish before there was a bright flash of light and a large new pony appeared in their midst. She was almost big enough to be a horse by Phoenix’s reckoning and cut a very majestic and imposing figure, between her alabaster coat, stylized sun cutie mark, and flowing ethereal mane that waved about as if in an unseen breeze, colored in gentle pastel hues. She possessed both wings and horn and wore a large golden tiara paired with a jeweled shoulder harness and golden slippers on her hooves.

“Hello, my little ponies. And a warm welcome to you, Phoenix Wright,” she said in a surprisingly soft but strong voice.

WHOA! This is the first thing in Equestria that meets me on eye level! Phoenix blinked, wondering who the newcomer was. He dimly recognized her as an alicorn from his reading, but he still didn’t know her identity until everypony around him abruptly went to one knee and bowed.

“Princess!” Twilight quickly got up from her bow and went to nuzzle the larger equine; her affection was immediately returned by a hug of the newcomer’s large head.

“Princess?” Phoenix echoed. So THIS is Princess Celestia? He stared at her for a moment. I was kind of thinking she was going to be borne down by a gilded chariot surrounded by horn-blowing pony cherubs…

“Phoenix! Bow!” Twilight ordered him frantically, seeing he was still standing even as everypony was on bent knees around him.

“Yeah! And if you’re gonna kiss anypony’s hoof, it should be hers!” Rainbow added.

“It’s alright, Twilight. There’s no need for him to bow, or kiss my hoof,” she waved her prized pupil off, turning her attention on Phoenix, seemingly sizing him up. “So we meet at last, Phoenix Wright,” she noted as the press and other ponies flocked to her, cameras snapping photos yet again, though Phoenix noted there was a curious lack of shouted questions this time.

So SHE’S the one who ordered Twilight to summon me? I want an explanation, NOW! “H-hey! You!” he stepped forward, struggling to keep the catch out of his voice, trying not to dwell on the fact that if she really could move an entire sun with her magic, she could also probably reduce him to a cinder in the blink of an eye.

“Yes?” she answered with an expectant look, a glint of amusement in her lavender eyes.

“Twilight said you told her to bring me here because you knew me! And then you told her to deceive me!”

Celestia appeared to give Twilight a look of admonishment, though her eyes never lost their twinkle. “Oh, did she now…?”

Twilight’s ears went flat. “I’m sorry, Princess, but I had to tell him. He figured it out on his own, and well… I’m a horrible liar,” she admitted, going downcast.

“That’s quite alright, Twilight. In truth, I fully expected he would, given his reputation,” she laid a comforting wing across her prize pupil’s back. “I greatly appreciate what you have done for my subjects, Phoenix Wright. It’s truly an honor to meet you,” she said, astonishing all present when she sketched a bow to him!

“But Princess, you said you knew him?” Twilight reminded her mentor.

“And how could you?” Phoenix couldn’t hold back, pointing a finger at the alicorn princess like he was pointing out a contradiction in court, causing the other ponies to gape and Twilight herself to cringe. “I’ve never seen you in my life, and you couldn’t possibly have watched any of my trials! You’re not exactly inconspicuous in this world; you’d certainly stand out in mine!”

She regarded him for a moment, her coy grin showing she was completely unperturbed. “The reason I’m here is to both meet you and deliver your payment, Phoenix Wright. I’d rather deliver it personally, as something seems to be wrong with the mail in Ponyville,” she said, her change of subject not lost on either Twilight or Phoenix. “I sent out a letter a few days ago and only yesterday did the recipient get it. I wonder what happened?”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. “Uh… heh-heh. Yeah, I wonder,” she said in a nervous tone, putting a hoof behind her head.

“Wait—you’re actually paying me?” Phoenix was stunned, surreptitiously pinching himself and hoping she didn’t suddenly change her mind as a result of his accusation.

Celestia gave him an odd, even mischievous grin. “Of course! You didn’t expect to be compensated for your work and the inconvenience of being magically summoned?”

Phoenix rubbed his hand behind his head. “Actually, I didn’t! Even back home, I’m not used to being paid real money for my services. Most of my work ends up being pro bono and even when it’s not, it seems like my clients only ever pay me with an ‘IOU’,” he explained—the only client he’d ever gotten full payment from was Miles Edgeworth, and he’d been living off that and his poker winnings for a while; he was still trying to finagle the legal fees for his last case from Matt Engarde’s frozen bank accounts. And I certainly never saw a dime from Larry!

“Well, then, here is a symbol of mine and everypony’s gratitude.” She materialized a large jangling bag. “It is well-earned. And I thank you again, Phoenix Wright, as I don’t think a defense attorney in Equestria would have been able to do what you did,” she said, depositing the bag in front of him, the cameraponies snapping pictures again.

“Why not?” Phoenix asked. “I find it hard to believe there aren’t skilled defense lawyers here as well.”

“Skilled? Perhaps. But experienced in murder cases? No,” Celestia qualified. “You see, Equestria has been in quite the peaceful state for centuries outside of a few minor crimes. And as it turns out, it still is as you proved Ace Swift’s death was by happenstance.”

I’m not sure I’d just call it happenstance! he noted but didn’t say. It was then Phoenix noticed the two Royal Guardsponies standing stoically behind her, flanking her protectively, leaving him wondering when they’d entered. “So what’s with the royal escort, then? I mean, if it’s so peaceful and you’re so powerful…”

“I may be powerful, but I am not omniscient—nor would I wish to be. Even though our nation is peaceful, I cannot be everywhere and there are still entities who try to disrupt the peace. That’s what the Royal Guard is for. But most of the time, their function is purely ceremonial.” Celestia chuckled softly. “In fact, these past few days are probably going to be the most excitement they will have for a long time, beyond watching me navigate Equestrian bureaucracy. And speaking of which…”

The Sun Princess raised her head and looked around. “Is there a pony named ‘Cruise Control’ present?” her voice suddenly boomed out.

All eyes turned on the circle of racers as the blue pegasus visibly swallowed and stepped forward, Lenora at his side. The crowd of media and onlookers instantly parted to allow his approach and he bowed low as he got near, visibly shaking as he greeted his regent, guessing instantly the reason he’d been summoned.

“I understand your sister is in Canterlot Hospital,” Celestia stated, a sad and gentle note in her voice. “In a coma and cannot be moved?”

“Yes…” he answered, his voice as shaky as his body.

“And that she is in fact there fraudulently as a result of Ace Swift’s influence and blackmail?”

“Y-yes…” Cruise confirmed in a ragged whisper, knowing better than to lie.

“I also understand that you were willing to take the blame for his death, even go to prison if it meant keeping your sister safe?”

“Y-yes…” he croaked, bowing so low his head scraped the ground, Lenora at his side, her wing protectively over him. “P-please don’t remove her!”

The Princess regarded him for a moment before giving what was to Phoenix another sly smile. “As you know, only nobles and Canterlot citizens are allowed to use the facilities your sister is presently staying in. By law, she cannot be there, and I am loathe to interfere in local legal statutes, even ones I may disagree with,” she began, half-gravely.

“But P-Princess!” “But you said that—” Cruise and Lenora stammered out simultaneously but both stopped at Celestia’s chuckle.

Phoenix started to speak up as well but Twilight stilled him with a hoof on his arm, knowing what the twinkle in Celestia’s eyes meant as her mentor held up a gilded hoof. “But as you may not know, you can become a citizen of Canterlot simply by meeting the residency requirement and signing some paperwork. Once you have lived in the city for two years and are gainfully employed, the residency requirement is met,” she noted, her sly smile getting a little more pronounced.

“But since your sister is underage, the employment requirement does not apply, and she cannot sign for herself,” Celestia noted with a surety of one who was used to navigating bureaucracies and knew all the legal loopholes of her land. “Therefore, her legal guardian must do it for her. And since she lacks parents, that just leaves her big brother,” she said as she materialized a scroll and quill pen from somewhere. The scroll unrolled in her magical grasp to show it was already filled out; all he had to do was sign on the bottom line where the quill was hovering over it.

Cruise looked at the princess in awe, tears of gratitude in his eyes. He took the quill in his mouth and swiftly signed his name. Once he had done so, the scroll rolled itself back up and disappeared in a puff of magic. “All done,” Celestia pronounced with satisfaction. “As a proper citizen, your sister may now remain in Canterlot Hospital for as long as necessary.”

The ponies around them whooped and cheered their appreciation as Cruise fell to his knees and repeatedly kissed Celestia’s hoof; Phoenix remembering Rainbow’s earlier statement and finally making the connection that hoof-kissing among ponies was something normally reserved for royalty.

Oh, so THAT’s why Twilight and Rarity reacted the way they did! He grinned. Good to know!

Once the relieved pegasus stallion had departed, Celestia turned back to the group. “Oh yes, there is one more matter that brings me here. Mister Wright…?” she turned back to Phoenix.

“Yes?” Phoenix acknowledged, far more respectfully now—her legal parsing of Equestrian bylaws would have done any attorney proud.

“I’m afraid I have something less pleasant for you as well—a summons from the Equestrian Attorney Misconduct Board,” she added apologetically, materializing a second scroll and depositing it in his hands. “Your hearing is scheduled for late tomorrow morning, so I would advise you to rest well tonight and take the early train to Canterlot. I’m afraid I cannot interfere with their proceedings, but I trust them to resolve this matter fairly.”

“I see,” Phoenix acknowledged, looking over the scroll. “Thank you, then.” That’s fine, actually. Get it out of the way quick so I can hopefully represent Sonata...

She nodded. “I’m afraid I must take my leave now—royal duties never cease, unfortunately. But when you return home…” she paused, turning her full attention on Phoenix, watching his reaction carefully. “Please give Maya, Pearls, Gumshoe, Franziska and Edgeworth my warmest regards. It’s truly a shame I couldn’t meet them as well,” the Sun Princess said in a deadpan voice with the barest hint of a smile, causing Phoenix to gape.

“Wh-what? B-But… How?”

Her purple eyes twinkled again. “Farewell, Phoenix Wright. Or perhaps you prefer ‘Nick’?” she suggested, an amused glint in her eyes that told Twilight that the princess was thoroughly enjoying herself.

“But… but… how do you know all this about me!?” Phoenix was completely flustered.

His only answer was the sudden materialization of five psyche-locks, their appearance all the more surprising for the fact he wasn’t actually holding the Magatama. “Ah!”

“Goodbye, my little ponies. Please enjoy your stay in Equestria with my blessing, Phoenix Wright,” she said. “And I trust you’ll take good care of him, Twilight,” she added with a wink as she teleported out, the assembled media starting to disperse with her departure, rushing for the nearest dispatch stations to get their news and pictures sent.

“Twilight! Did you see that!?” a slack-jawed Phoenix asked.

“Huh? See what?” she answered, still blushing over the princess’ slyly suggestive tone.

“There were psyche-locks all around your Princess!”

“There were?” Twilight blinked, her embarrassment forgotten. She closed her eyes and her horn glowed for a moment as she tried to tap the mystical energies the Magatama had imparted to her, only to find none remained. “Oh. It must have worn off then,” she said in a disappointed tone.

“Worn off?”

“Worn off,” Twilight confirmed. “When I picked up your Magatama with my levitation spell yesterday, its otherworldly magic mixed with my own and imbued me with its power. It’s an interesting phenomenon sometimes seen in alchemic magic. I looked up in my Supernaturals book how to cure it, and it said it would eventually wear off once the foreign magic was used up, most likely within a day or two,” she explained, her expression turning wistful. “It’s a shame, though. I really wanted to use it on some other subjects.”

Phoenix gave her an askance look. “Use it on other subjects?” he repeated. And just WHO was she planning to make a guinea pig of?

Twilight caught herself too late. “O-Oh! Um, I-I mean, it’s good that it wore off! It was starting to freak me out seeing those locks and chains all over the place!” She laughed nervously, shuffling her hooves and putting a hoof behind her head.

“Uh-huh.” Okay, we are DEFINITELY going to be having a talk about her magic use! “But why did it react to your princess? I still want to know how she knew all that stuff about me!”

“I don’t know,” Twilight admitted, “but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. She can be quite cryptic, but take it from me—the princess always has good reasons for everything she does.”

Phoenix was unconvinced, but realized he’d probably never get his answer. “Well, if you say so…”

Whoa! Nix, you’re rich!” Rainbow spoke up.


“The princess gave you a big haul! There has to be at least fifty thousand- No! Seventy thousand in here!” She rooted through the money bag gleefully, coins jangling, trying and failing to find the bottom.

Phoenix went weak-kneed, the question of how the princess knew him instantly forgotten. “S-Seventy th-thousand!?”

Twilight grinned at his reaction. “Congratulations, Phoenix! You really earned it.”

“You flatter me—I don’t think I deserve all this money, but I’ll gladly accept it!” Sports car, here I come, baby! he thought to himself as he hurried over to the bag and dug his hands in, suddenly imagining himself sitting behind the driver’s seat of the high-end Mustang he’d always wanted—of course, I’ll finally have to get my driver’s license!—until…

“Um… what are these?” he found the bag contained a series of large coins in shades of gold and silver, but they definitely weren’t gold or silver given how light they were.

“Huh? They’re bits, Nix,” Rainbow answered.


“It’s our currency,” Fluttershy helpfully explained.

Phoenix felt his delight fading as fast as it had come. “Uh… would there be any way I could get these converted to USD?”

His fears were confirmed as everyone’s face scrunched up in confusion. “USD? Bits are the universal currency used all across Equestria,” Twilight told him.

His shoulders slumped. NO! IT MIGHT AS WELL BE MONOPOLY MONEY! he realized with a sinking heart.

“Oh look! He’s so happy he’s crying!” Pinkie smiled obliviously.

“What’s the matter?” Rarity asked in sudden concern.

He led the coins slide off his hand back into the bag. “I can’t use this money in my world,” he told her, crestfallen. Well, at least I can pay my fine…

“Oh. Well, that’s too bad. But you know…” The fashionista sidled up to him a bit. “You could give it to one of us. I’m sure we could put it to good use?”

“Oh! Oh! You should totally give it to your faithful client who never doubted you for a second!” Rainbow flew a quick ring around him and then plopped herself in front of him, giving him her best dewy-eyed look.

Far from being impressed, Phoenix pinned her with a stare. “’Every lawyer must suck horse apples if you’re supposed to be the best one’…” he quoted slowly, causing Rainbow to shrink back and put on a placating grin.

“O-oh! Um… did I say that? It was j-just a joke! Yeah! Like that hilarious knee-slapper you told me yesterday! You know how, like, you’re always right because your name is Wright, but you mean ‘Right’ as in being correct and, uh…”

“Consider this my final piece of legal advice as your defense attorney: quit while you’re ahead, Rainbow Dash,” Phoenix ordered, no amusement in his voice.

“Well, Phoenix, you can certainly spend it while you’re here. On all of us?” Twilight suggested hopefully.

“Yeah, that’s right! Oatburgers are on Nix!” Rainbow promised in a tone that reminded him very strongly of Maya.

You know, post-trial celebrations are always on me back home, too…

Golden Oaks Library
June 11th, 8:31 PM

There was a surprise awaiting the group when they arrived at the library—or more than one for Twilight when she saw the condition the stately oak was in, with the front door blasted off its hinges and volumes lying everywhere; she promptly set her unhappy scribe to work cleaning the mess up. Of more immediate interest, however, was the dark-furred, fire-maned unicorn stallion sleeping on a reading couch, snoring softly, a note addressed to Twilight stuck to the back of his neck.

It was from a second pony named Chrome, an alchemy shop owner who Applejack explained had been the one to find both the spellbook and the matching spell inside. In it, she explained what the stallion, named Firesight, had done to get her there quickly when Spike had messaged her for help, and that she thought it best to let him stay there and sleep.

Twilight had a troubled look at that, gently picking up the stallion in her aura as she left again to take him home and thank Chrome personally, promising she’d formally introduce them both to Phoenix later. “When Firesight wakes up, first I’m gonna hug him, and then I’m gonna smack him for taking a chance like that!” she swore under her breath as she floated him out the door.

After she left, the rest of the group split up again. Taking some of Phoenix’s bits, Rainbow left to get food and Fluttershy to purchase tickets for the early train to Canterlot the next morning, while Applejack and Phoenix set themselves to fixing the front door. Pinkie… did what Phoenix could only describe as Pinkie things, disappearing suddenly and not immediately returning.

They left at the same time and somehow all finished at the same time as well. Applejack and Phoenix had barely finished the door repairs—“Have to admit, those hands of yers are sure, well, handy,” Applejack told him—before Rainbow shot in the open window with her hooves and mouth filled with bags from some local eatery. Simultaneously, Fluttershy and Twilight returned just as Pinkie reappeared with a box of fresh-baked treats from Sugar Cube Corner, courtesy of the Cakes as a thank-you to Phoenix for freeing Rainbow Dash and to Pinkie Pie for helping them out on their big catering order.

Well, at least she had a good excuse again! Phoenix conceded, thinking all the better of Pinkie Pie after Fluttershy explained how Pinkie had found her and cleaned her up, bringing her back to the trial.

Dinner was surprisingly edible to him, though he knew Maya would turn her nose up at any burger not made of meat. He had his own doubts about the ‘oatburgers’ as well until he tried one, but he found it surprisingly good and filling, accented by some very good buns to say nothing of extremely crisp and flavorful vegetables that were light-years tastier than the prepackaged stuff they usually used in restaurants back home.

Or maybe I’m just so hungry anything tastes good right now! He chuckled to himself as he finished off the sandwich. The “horseshoe fries”, so named because of their shape, weren’t hay like the hash he’d been offered the first morning of the trial, to his great relief, but were made of potatoes and not too unlike the curly fries he occasionally indulged in with Maya and Pearls back home.

The food was welcome and the conversation good; talk inevitably turned to the trial… and then to Trixie. Twilight put a quick kibosh on any ill words about the mare magician and Phoenix backed her, noting that they’d never have found the truth of the case without her. That still wasn’t enough to placate Rainbow or Applejack, until Twilight broke down and told them what she’d learned of the showmare’s unhappy past during the duel, leaving the entire group speechless at what she’d been through.

“She needs our help, girls, and we didn’t give it before. Let’s fix that going forward, okay?” she requested, receiving reluctant nods in reply.

When their fast food meal was finished, Pinkie opened her box to show a series of personalized dessert treats: a bear claw for Fluttershy, an orange smoothie for Twilight, a cherry jubilee for Applejack to the surprise of all—“and if y’all tell anypony, Ah swear Ah’ll buck you clear into the next country!”—a gem-studded cupcake for Spike, and one of Pinkie’s trademark pink-frosted cupcakes for Phoenix, leaving him wondering again how she made them so delectable and if he’d ever be able to enjoy one from his own world again.

For her part, Pinkie was still a bit disappointed she didn’t get to immediately throw a party, but reasoned that it would be impossible to have individual parties with so many new ponies in town that she’d simply have to throw one of her “extra-super-duper-special parties for everypony!” before Phoenix left, causing her friends to shift uncomfortably and leaving Phoenix wondering why.

Their bellies full, the group prepared to part for their respective homes, promising to meet back up at six the next morning for the early train to Canterlot... though a gleam in Applejack’s eyes when Twilight said ‘it was time to put Spike to bed’ gave both her and Phoenix pause.

“Well now—sure y’all don’t want some privacy?” the country mare winked at Phoenix and Twilight. “Reckon we could take Spike off yer hooves if y’all like to be alone tonight?” she said suggestively, giving them a sideways grin from under the brim of her stetson.

“Ew. Seriously?” Dash made a face and Spike a retching motion. “You really want to lay my lawyer, egghead?” she asked point-blank.

“Wha-Rainbow!” Twilight went scarlet and Phoenix wasn’t far behind.

“Ooo! Oooo!” Pinkie jumped up and down excitedly. “This means I’ll have to plan a date party for you and Feenie!”

“Pinkie, really, that’s not—” Phoenix tried, feeling more flustered than he ever had in the trial—and that’s saying a LOT!

“Oh my,” Fluttershy had blushed almost as deep as Twilight. “Um… Spike can stay the night with me, if you want?”

“Deal,” Spike agreed immediately, no more eager than Rainbow Dash to be around potential mushiness. “I’d rather have a sleepover with the CMC than have to listen to you two go kissy-face all night!”

“Spike!” Twilight stammered, wanting to hide as her aura flashed pink at the suggestion, causing Fluttershy to eep! and Rainbow Dash to snicker.

“Sold!” Applejack said, thoroughly enjoying the scene. “Spike stays the night with Fluttershy. Now you treat Twi right, Phoenix Wright!” the country mare ordered him in mock sternness, giving him another wink as she tipped her Stetson to him. Twi right? Or TwiWright? she grinned at the turn of phrase. With that, the group cleared out quickly, and Phoenix and Twilight suddenly found themselves alone…

With each other…

In an empty library…

And an entire night to themselves.

“So…” Phoenix began awkwardly, hand behind his head and looking away. Now what?

“So…” Twilight repeated in an identical pose and tone, having no idea where to begin—none of Rarity’s romance books had ever dealt with a situation like… this!

“Um… actually, Twilight… before we do anything else, I’d like to ask a favor from you, now,” Phoenix managed, wondering if he was just trying to buy time.

“Oh?” she asked, her cheeks going warm again as her mind began to automatically imagine potential favors she’d do him.

“Well…” Phoenix looked embarrassed and uncertain. “I need to get a message back to my assistant, Maya,” he told her. “I’ve been gone without a trace for two days now, and she’s probably worried sick about me. Is there any way you can help me contact her?”

“Oh,” she said in a tone of disappointment, quickly forgotten as she turned her attention onto the problem at hoof. “There may be a way,” she offered cautiously from beneath a furrowed brow.


“Well…” Her mind was visibly turning again. “I was able to interface with your communication device using a simple telepathy spell, so I may also be able to help it make a connection to your world. If I piggyback the telepathy spell on top of something that I know can reach your world, like the summoning spell, it might be able to—”

“When can we do it?” Phoenix asked, cutting her off before she could start lecturing in earnest.

“Right now,” Twilight promised, leading him to the spot he’d originally appeared on when he’d been summoned; the ‘summoning circle’, as Twilight called it, was still present on the floor.

Phoenix pulled out his old cellphone and extended the antenna as she touched up the lines. Probably time I upgrade, he reluctantly admitted, getting tired of Maya’s endless teasing about his ‘iBrick’ phone. “How long can we talk?”

“Not long,” she warned him as she began to power up her horn, a tendril of her aura wrapping itself around the phone in his hand, making his fingers tingle. “I’m drained to begin with, and I really don’t know how much magic this is going to take. So the shorter, the better.”

“Right.” Phoenix nodded. Best be a text message, then. I can try a call when Twilight’s recovered from the duel, he decided, telling her what he was doing as he began to type out his message, belatedly realizing that he was going to have to carefully ration his phone’s power while he was in Equestria. I didn’t bring my charger, and I doubt they have standard 120-volt outlets here anyway!

Maya—it’s Nick. Sorry for the sudden disappearance, but I got pulled out of town unexpectedly for a case. I’m fine but I’m out of the country and won’t be back for a few days. I know you have questions, but phone coverage is poor here and my connection uncertain. I’ll try to call later.

He gave her a nod when he finished, his thumb poised over the button. “Ready!”

“3… 2… 1… Now, Phoenix!” Twilight ordered, her horn flaring brighter for a moment before firing a bolt into the summoning circle just as he clicked Send, causing the lines to glow white for a moment before they faded back to simple chalk.

“Did she get it?” Phoenix asked once her aura had faded.

“In theory,” was all Twilight was willing to say, suddenly going very unsteady on her hooves. “I’m sorry, Phoenix, I just don’t know. I’ve never used a telepathy spell like this before.”

Wright and Co. Law Offices
Los Angeles, California
June 11th, 8:52 PM

A universe away in Phoenix’s office, Maya’s smartphone beeped with the tone that indicated an incoming text. She seized it when she saw it was from Nick, but the message was frustratingly brief and told her little. Nick’s in trouble! she was increasingly convinced after he’d been absent with no word for the past two days, despite Pearl’s certainty that Phoenix was seeing someone behind her back.

Nick ditching us for some girl? Not likely! she snorted, thinking that was almost as ridiculous as the suggestion that he’d be interested in her!

She fired back a quick reply, but soon saw a message saying it could not be delivered, just like every other attempt to call or text him she’d made over the past two days. That’s it! He’s DEFINITELY in trouble! Time to call out the cavalry! she resolved, not sure where the sudden image of Nick riding a smallish purple pony came from, searching down her contacts list for a very specific name.

Hang on, Nick, we’re coming!

Golden Oaks Library
June 11th, 8:53 PM

“Well, guess that’ll have to do.” Phoenix clicked his phone off and returned it to his jacket pocket, startled when he saw Twilight falling awkwardly to the ground. “Twilight?”

“Sorry, Phoenix.” Her eyes were starting to flutter; she was suddenly having trouble standing, barely able to even sit up on her haunches. “I thought I was okay, but that spell tapped me out. Guess the duel took more out of me than I thought.” She managed a weak smile and chuckle, her forelegs visibly wobbling. “I need rest.”

He smiled at that, remembering Trixie was in a similar state. “Let’s get you to bed, Twilight,” he told her. “Can you make it upstairs?”

“I…” she took a few tentative steps, only to fall back to her knees as magical exhaustion began to claim her again, even worse than the previous night. “Not really,” she admitted in some embarrassment. “Can you help me to the couch, or…?”

“Climb on, then.” He crouched in front of her and offered his back for a piggy-back ride, stifling a grin at the irony that instead of a human riding a pony, a pony was about to ride him.

Though surprised, she did so, draping her forelegs over his shoulders and wrapping her hindquarters around his midsection, which he then cradled in his arms, standing up, heading towards the stairs with her. He smells nice, Twilight thought idly, her nose buried in his impossibly spiky yet still-soft hair, marveling again at the strength and abilities of his human body—she could carry Spike or a filly like Apple Bloom, but she’d certainly have trouble hoisting a full-sized pony without her magic on all four legs, let alone just two!

After making sure he was balanced, Phoenix followed the curving flight of stairs up to her private quarters. She wasn’t too heavy—just a few pounds more than Maya, who he’d piggybacked once or twice—but he was a little unnerved by the lack of a handrail and mildly relieved when he got to her bedroom loft. He wasn’t sure what to expect; anything from a wizard lair to a scientist’s lab, but what he saw looked like a fairly normal bedroom aside from the fact that most of the furniture was carved right out of the tree, consisting only of a bed, bookshelf, nightstand, dresser, and washroom.

In fact, the only real indication of the room’s owner was a few books scattered about and her bedspread, which was blue and adorned with stars and crescent moons not unlike Trixie’s coat, cape and cutie mark.

Twilight and Trixie are more alike than they know! Phoenix had the idle thought, still somewhat troubled over his post-trial meeting with the showmare.

He crouched down to allow Twilight to get off his back, right beside her bed. “Thanks,” she said shortly, her cheeks warm. She looked at the bed and then back at him. “Um…” she blushed hard, unable to say what she was thinking.

“I think it’s best I sleep in the guest room,” he let her down gently. “Whatever’s going on between us, this is not the time to tempt fate, okay?” And the bed’s too small for both of us anyway.

He caught a flash of disappointment in her eyes, but she nodded. “Yeah. I know we still need to talk.”

“Later,” he promised. “It’s been a long day. You need sleep, and so do I. Let’s start fresh tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. But Phoenix?”


Mustering all her fading strength, she reared up to hug him, holding him tightly for a moment. “Thank you for saving Rainbow.”

Phoenix smiled and embraced her back. “You’re very welcome, Twilight,” he told her, and then held her until she fell asleep in his arms.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on October 4, 2018.

Okay folks, get ready for a series of bonus chapters to close out the story, of which this is only the first. From here on out, expect scattered light shipping and suggestive dialogue... though I emphasize the story's teen rating will not be exceeded. You can thank Leo Archon for a very well-done Twilight/Shining Armor scene, Raven for a couple excellent suggestions and TheGoldGrow as always for a preread.

Raven: An of course, if Y'all Tumblr Fans out there who's Included in the last Bonus Chapter are welcome to suggest anything else, surely, this is for the readers and fans out there... suggestions should go by me first for confirmation... Thanks guys, Love yah!!

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