• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 38 - Pretrial Procedures

What follows is a bonus chapter containing all-new content! Enjoy! —Firesight

Golden Oaks Library
June 11th, 6:10am

Twilight awoke to the morning sun streaming through her window blinds, instinctively turning away from it. Just five more minutes, Princess! she mentally begged Celestia in a throwback to her school days, only to sense the sun almost teasingly brightening on her in response.

Blinking blearily, she sat up with some effort, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. Her mouth felt pasty and limbs sluggish; she didn’t understand why she felt so groggy and disoriented even though it was her normal waking time. Looking around, she saw Spike sleeping soundly in his basket at the foot of her bed, same as always; she somehow recalled she owed him a sapphire but couldn’t remember the reason.

Forcing herself to wake up, memories from the previous day came back to her slowly; of the trial, of Phoenix, of his close call, of their talk and reconciliation at the end of the day. THE TRIAL! I haven’t missed it, have I? she momentarily panicked, but a quick check of the sun showed it hadn’t even been up for an hour yet.

She next remembered her magical exhaustion and how utterly spent she had been the previous night. My… magic? she worried, experimentally flaring her horn to pick up her hairbrush off the dresser. To her relief, her aura responded readily with none of the sluggishness or strain that had marked her efforts to cast spells the previous day; she was still nowhere near full strength but estimated she had regained nearly half her power during the night.

By Luna, how long did I sleep? Twilight wondered, climbing out of bed and stretching, her eyes widening when she looked at the clock on her nightstand and did the math.

ELEVEN HOURS???? She was appalled, sure that the princess would scold her for laziness if she knew. Wow. Guess I really WAS wiped out… she decided as she went to her mirror and sat down in front of it to brush out her bedhead-frazzled mane.

She’d nearly finished when she heard a knock at the front door. Huh? Who’d be here this early? she wondered as she prepared to go downstairs to answer, but familiar bipedal footfalls beat her to it.

“AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” an ear-splitting scream sounded from the first floor.

Twilight stood bolt upright, as did Spike in his bed. Ra… Rarity? she blinked, recognizing the scream’s owner, trying and failing to come up with an explanation for why her fashionista friend would be there.

“What HAPPENED? What did you DO?” she heard the other unicorn shriek; she had no idea what Rarity was talking about until she went over to the rail to look. She saw her standing at the front door pointing a horrified hoof at Phoenix as she beheld his ruined suit, not waiting for an answer before trying to get it off him, her horn flaring as she bodily picked him up off the floor and began to forcibly undress him with her aura.

“No excuses! Just give it to me! Give it to me NOW! I MUST FIX IT!!!!!” she demanded shrilly over the Phoenix's increasingly panicked protests, the two engaged in an apparent tug-of-war over his clothes; Phoenix trying desperately to keep his pants on in mid-air while Rarity was trying equally hard to pull them off without tearing the fabric further.

Recognizing a situation getting out of hoof, Twilight teleported, reappearing with a flash on the floor between the pair while Spike took the stairs, stumbling down them. An already-freaked Phoenix gave her a shocked look as she materialized in front of him; Twilight belatedly realized he’d never seen her teleport and probably had no idea she could do it.

“Rarity!” Twilight shouted, finally getting her friend’s attention, blocking her aura and setting Phoenix down gently with her own. The other unicorn looked unusually haggard like she’d been up all night; her normally immaculate mane and tail uncharacteristically unkempt.

“He got attacked yesterday in the Everfree. We need you to fix his suit in time for Rainbow’s trial at ten. Can you do it?” Twilight asked, having no idea what they would do if she couldn’t.

Her eye and lip still twitching, Rarity gave her friend a very terse nod.

Twilight exhaled in relief. “Phoenix? Give her your suit,” she instructed, far more calmly as Spike finally caught up to them, studying the scene in confusion.

Phoenix looked shocked anew at the suggestion, lying on the floor still clutching his clothes to him, eyes wide and jaw agape. “Right now?

She gave him an odd look. “Of course!”

“Better do as she says, dude,” Spike added, stifling a laugh. “You don’t want to get between Rarity and a repair job.”

Phoenix looked anything but reassured by that. Visibly blushing and shaking as he stood up, he emptied his pockets onto the table and then took off his jacket and dress shirt, going beet red as he slipped out of his pants to reveal more clothes underneath them, thin white ones still covering his hooves, upper legs, flanks and torso.

Clothes under clothes? What’s the point of THAT? Twilight wondered, finding herself mildly disappointed she didn’t get to see what he looked like without them.

Once his suit was removed, Rarity instantly snatched it up in her aura and dashed out the front door. She left the large sapphire she’d been carrying sitting in the doorway as an afterthought; Twilight snagged and hid it with her aura before Spike could see it.

Ordering her scribe to get a visibly shaken Phoenix some water, she turned to him. “Sorry about that, Phoenix. I guess you already met her, but Rarity gets a little… intense when it comes to fashion and tends to take it as a personal affront when a dress or suit she likes is damaged,” Twilight explained with a slightly wry grin, sitting him down on the sofa.

“No kidding,” Phoenix mumbled, turning away from her and desperately resisting the urge to cup his hands over his lap.

She frowned at how ill-at-ease he suddenly seemed. “Are you okay?”

A mare just tried to magically strip me naked, and I’m now sitting here with you in my underwear… no, I’m NOT okay! Phoenix wanted to scream, clutching his head and shaking as the adrenaline surge slowly wore off, his skin still crawling from the feel of Rarity’s magical aura against it. “I’m fine, just… give me some space, please?” he added quickly, holding up his hands when she started to step closer to him.

Twilight blinked at that, recognizing it as a halting gesture and freezing in mid-stride. “Okay,” she agreed, stepping back and setting the glass of water Spike retrieved on the table in front of him. “Here… I’ll be in the kitchen. Come in when you’re ready,” she told Phoenix, leaving him alone and giving Spike a look that told him to do the same.

“If anybody needs me, I’ll be back in bed dreaming of the sapphire I didn’t get,” the baby dragon groused, trudging back upstairs.

Ten minutes later, Phoenix appeared at the kitchen entrance, rubbing a hand behind his head. “Sorry. She kind of, well… freaked me out a bit,” he apologized, sitting down on the other side of the table.

Twilight gave him a reassuring grin. “It’s all right. Rarity can be a little… overzealous, but she means well. Please don’t think she’d ever try to hurt you,” she said, floating him a mug of freshly brewed tea. He accepted it with a slightly trembling hand. “Is there anything I can do for you, Phoenix? Anything you need?” she asked in real concern, noting he seemed very uncomfortable in her presence; as he sat down she had the distinct impression he was trying to keep the table between them. Is this because of me or Rarity?

As she watched, Phoenix took a long draw on the drink, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and then frowning at the rasping sound he heard. “Well… at a minimum, I need a shower and a shave,” he admitted. “Haven’t bathed or seen a stick of deodorant in two days. I know I stink; I’m sorry.”

She gave him another odd look at that—he did have a noticeable odor about him, but to her, he just smelled earthy, and not unpleasantly so. “Okay, we can arrange that,” she promised, thinking her private bath was probably too small for him; unless he knelt down he’d be banging his head on the showerhead.

Of course, he’s also got those weird human nudity taboos, she reminded herself, wondering if they had something to do with his current discomfort—but how could they, if he was still dressed? “So what else? In fact, I’d like to know, Phoenix—what’s your pretrial routine?”

He blinked, looking up at her. “My what?”

“Well… before you came in, I was thinking that we should try to make this as normal a workday for you as possible. We’ve got a good three-plus hours before court, so… how do you typically spend the morning before a trial?” she wanted to know.

Surprised, he considered that, taking on his pondering expression in an apparent effort to master his nerves. “Well…” he scratched his chin, looking thoughtful. “There are some things I normally do, but I’m not sure I can here,” he said tentatively. And certainly not half-naked like I am NOW!

Phoenix didn’t understand why she suddenly beamed at that. “Spike!” she called for her scribe, who came running downstairs again. “Tell me,” Twilight implored, opening a nearby drawer to pull out a sheet of scroll paper and a quill.

“What’s this for?” the sullen and bleary-eyed baby dragon asked as he entered the kitchen and was promptly passed the writing implements.

“We’re making a list!” Twilight explained eagerly.

Spike gave her an annoyed look. “Yeah? And what’s in it for me?” he snarked, crossing his arms over his scaled chest, still upset over her broken promise the previous day.

“This.” Twilight grinned as she waved Rarity’s sapphire under his nose, making his eyes go wide and mouth start to water as a confused Phoenix looked on. The baby dragon grabbed at it but she jerked it away. “Not just yet. Help us out, and you’ll get it at breakfast…”

Ponyville Gym
June 11th, 6:40am

“Uh… are you sure about this?” Phoenix asked Twilight, standing in the entrance of the health club she had led him to. He’d half-thought he was going to die of embarrassment on the walk over, dressed in only his undershirt and boxers, but thankfully there had been few ponies about that early in the morning.

“You said you like to begin trial days with a gym workout, right?” she reminded him. “Well, here you are!” She opened the door with her aura, leading the reluctant human lawyer inside and taking him to the front desk. As he signed in, she plunked down a few bits to pay his entry fee, and then escorted him to the far edge of the workout area.

“Well, go on!” she implored him, giving him a little shove forward with her aura.

Phoenix swallowed, more than a little apprehensive as he entered the weight room, and not just because of his state of undress or lingering nerves over what had happened with Rarity. There were only around a dozen ponies present but they were all strong-looking stallions; several were nearly as large as Big Macintosh and one was even larger—an enormously over-muscled white pegasus with a dumbbell cutie mark and almost comically small wings—and all were looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

“Uh… hey, guys,” he greeted them tentatively; he wasn’t reassured when none of them answered back.

Trying to master his nerves and muster up his courage in the face of such scrutiny, he found a free exercise mat and began his workout routine, starting with a basic set of push-ups and sit-ups before moving on to pull-ups and dips. The stallions seemed surprised at the exercises, and a couple even tried to imitate him with mixed results, having no problems with the first two movements but their equine forms and lack of fingers making the latter pair very difficult and awkward.

Twilight, he noticed, seemed to be taking notes from the gym entrance as a bored and still-sleepy Spike looked on. The former was studying him intently and writing quickly on a fresh sheet of scroll paper; he had no idea what she was recording but did his best to not be self-conscious about it.

Come on, Phoenix. You’re just working out in your underwear in front of a bunch of intelligent equines, one of whom could undress you with a thought and seems to have a possibly mutual crush on you… so what’s there to be self-conscious about?

He managed a weak chuckle at that. Morning workouts were a habit he had gotten into back in law school, using them to burn off tension before big tests, and later, big cases, though he’d initially started them as a sorely-needed distraction following his acquittal on murder charges, and the bitter betrayal his trial revealed.

At least you did ONE good thing for me, Dahlia! he inwardly growled at his imprisoned ex-girlfriend, who was currently on death row for killing her previous boyfriend and then framing Phoenix for the crime. Whatever hell you’re rotting in, it’s not deep enough…

His warm-up complete, he moved on to actual weightlifting. He found the machines unsuitable for bipedal creatures for the most part, but there were benches and free weights he could use, availing himself of them to do some dumbbell presses and arm curls, surprised that the units of weight were the same as back home. The more he did, the more interested the other stallions became; several started to talk to him and a few even challenged him to contests of strength. A earth pony even challenged him to a wrestling match, which he politely declined—not just because he knew he couldn’t win, but because he had no intention of wrestling a naked male—pony or no—in his underwear if he could help it!

Before long, a surprised Phoenix realized he was actually starting to relax and enjoy himself, and not just for the workout—after being around so many mares, he found himself happy to be in the company of fellow males again, even of the equine variety.

YES! Actual TESTOSTERONE! he thought as the stallions started to cheer him on in a ‘hoofwrestling’ contest against a pegasus, which he only narrowly lost. He quickly found he wasn’t anywhere near as strong as an earth pony, but could hold his own against most pegasi and could even generally out-lift the unicorn stallions—as long as they didn’t use their magic.

By the end of his workout, he had seemingly become one of the boys—er, colts, Phoenix mentally corrected himself—and his new friends were gathered around him as he attempted to beat his personal bench press record, the stallions racking 200 lbs on a barbell and spotting him as he braced himself on a bench, reaching up to grasp the bar. With the stallions loudly cheering him on and his muscles straining to their limit, he pumped out the set and finally succeeded in getting the elusive tenth rep.

“YEEEEAAHHH!!!!!” The overmuscled pegasus stallion called out while the other stallions clapped him on the sides and shoulders with their hooves as an amused and slightly amazed Twilight watched from the sidelines.

Early morning workout… check! She thought, marking off the first item on her list.

“Phoenix… I’m impressed!” Twilight said as he came over, hoofbumping the other stallions with his fists as he left the workout area. “I had no idea the human body was so… versatile,” was all she could think to say, blushing slightly as she floated him a towel.

He gave a nervous chuckle at that—now there’s a loaded statement! “Thanks, but… now I really need a shower,” he told her, indicating his sweaty body as he sat down next to her and wiped his brow. “I can’t go into court smelling like this, and uh… these need to be cleaned,” he added reluctantly, motioning down at his sweat-soaked shirt and shorts.

She gave him another odd look at that, thinking if that was his normal body odor, it smelled a lot better than the cheap colognes most colts wore! “Well, we can do those here as well,” she pointed out. “The gym has washing machines and the locker room showers are right over there. And here’s some mane and fur cleaners you can borrow,” she told him, going to her saddlebags for the bottles.

Accepting them, Phoenix looked inside the locker room and was a little nervous to see that it had a communal shower, and even worse, they didn’t segregate by gender.

Well, if they’re always naked it’s not like there’d be any reason to, he realized, though he had no idea how to explain his discomfort at that fact to Twilight. Thankfully, she was ahead of him, explaining to the staff and other stallions that his culture required privacy to bathe. Though they all thought that strange, they agreed to clear out so he could use the showers alone.

Twilight thought it strange as well. Why are humans so reluctant to show themselves? I mean, come on, what’s the big deal? she wondered as she waited for him to begin showering before retrieving his remaining clothes, intending to have Spike wash them in the machines the gym used to wash their towels. She found his shirt and shorts on the hooks outside the shower room where Phoenix said he would leave them, but curiosity got the better of her and she decided to take a peek at him.

Casting an invisibility spell, she cautiously rounded the corner into the shower room… and froze as she got a good view of him from the side and rear, her cheeks flushing hard beneath her magical shroud—whatever she had expected, it wasn’t… that!

After staring at him raptly for several seconds, she backed out quietly with his clothes in tow, her eyes wide and aura pink. At least one stallion noticed the latter before she could suppress it, eliciting a leering snicker and whistle until she threw a stack of towels in his face, though it only made him laugh more at her embarrassment.

Shower… ch-check! she managed, putting a somewhat more ragged checkmark on her checklist after she passed his shirt and shorts to a slightly-disgusted Spike. And n-nice flanks… check?

Lotus & Aloe Day Spa
June 11th, 7:30am

If Phoenix had thought he was going to die of embarrassment walking the streets of Ponyville in his underwear, trying to do so wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist was an order of magnitude worse. More ponies were out and he was aware of every single pair of eyes on him—Twilight’s most of all; she seemed to be constantly blushing and having trouble looking at him again.

If you’re embarrassed, how do you think I feel? he didn’t ask.

Fortunately, they didn’t have far to go. Just a block away from the gym was a day spa run by a pair of earth pony sisters named Aloe and Lotus. The pretty pink-and-blue mares with matching flower cutie marks were surprised as Twilight presented him and paid for a half-hour session, looking on their human client with some interest as they took him back to a private massage room and instructed him to lay down on a padded table. He had a moment of panic when one of them started to remove his towel but was able to stop her in time, pleading with them to leave it on. Though confused, they acceded to his request, telling him that his well-being was their number one concern and they would do nothing to make him uncomfortable.

To his relief, they were as good as their word. Despite their unfamiliarity with human anatomy or customers, they proved quick studies, feeling out his musculature and flattering him on his physique; the blue one—Lotus?—remarked that he smelled nice and Aloe agreed, adding that his skin didn’t feel anything like she thought it would.

Well, I guess that’s a compliment? Phoenix decided, finally starting to get into it.

Within ten minutes, Phoenix was completely relaxed and enjoying the massage immensely, amazed at their skill with their hooves. Gods, I’m in heaven! he thought as they continued to double-team him, expertly working out his kinks and knots, reducing him to putty before too long. He was barely cognizant as Twilight stuck her head in to tell him she was going over to Rarity’s to check on his suit repairs, managing only a weak wave in response, utterly disinclined to move.

Despite her disappointment that he was still wearing his towel—she’d been hoping they’d removed it for his massage so she could see his bare flanks again—Twilight couldn’t help but grin at his obvious enjoyment.

Relaxation… check! she marked off the next item on her list as she stepped out the door.

Carousel Boutique
June 11th, 7:45am

It took Twilight five minutes to make the walk to Rarity’s home, her insides starting to churn the closer she got.

Ignoring the closed sign, she teleported inside following an unanswered ring of the doorbell, something Rarity had given her permission to do for urgent matters only. Though her friend's ears flickered as she heard the telltale sound of Twilight materializing in the middle of the room, she did not look up, intent on her task. Her vision clearing, Twilight noticed Phoenix’s dress shirt and jacket were hanging up, cleaned if not pressed, and Rarity was now working on the tears on his pants leg. “Rarity?” Twilight called out tentatively when she heard the distinctive clack-clack-clack of the sewing machine pause.

“A moment dear!” she called back, sounding much more calm and in control than she had earlier that morning. “This is rather delicate…” she explained, and Twilight knew better than to try to interrupt her again, waiting until she reached a stopping point.

“Twilight… could you be a dear and prepare some jasmine tea?” Rarity requested, and Twilight promptly did so, teleporting to the kitchen and returning a few minutes later with Rarity’s porcelain tea set filled with her favorite blend, giving a sleeping Opalescence a wide berth as she walked over.

“So, how’s it going?” Twilight asked as she laid the tray down on a clear section of table, stepping forward to look at her friend’s progress.

“Much better than I had feared,” Rarity replied to Twilight’s relief, pausing to remove her red-rimmed spectacles and wipe a hoof across her forehead; her eyeshadow smeared almost as badly as the ink stains Twilight had ended up with the previous day after interviewing Fluttershy at the Detention Center.

“The fabric is of high quality, and except for his slacks, it turned out there was more dirt than damage. But still, this will take another hour, at least,” she informed her friend as she cut out a fresh square of fabric and started fitting it over the torn area of his trousers. “I simply cannot fathom how he could take such an exquisite work of art into the Everfree! Has he no sense at all?” she demanded to know.

Twilight grinned a little wanly as she poured the drink. “He risked it to help Rainbow,” she explained, floating Rarity the cup. “He was hoping to obtain evidence that might free her.”

“Truly?” Rarity asked in surprise, accepting the tea and taking a brief sip before placing it on the table beside her and resuming her work. “A male who takes such extraordinary chances for a mare not of his own herd or species? This Phoenix Wright is unusual indeed.”

That’s ONE way of putting it! “Well, that’s kind of why I’m here…” Twilight began, her stomach churning reaching its climax as she braced herself for confession. “I know you’re busy, and I can’t stay long either, but… I really need somepony to talk to about him.”

Rarity’s ears perked up at that. “About him? Whatever for?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious as she looked back at her friend fractionally.

“Well, um…” Twilight took a deep breath, and took the plunge. “I… think I might, well, uh… like him,” she announced, cringing as she said it. Admitting it to herself was one thing; admitting it to her friends, particularly one who liked to gossip, was quite another. But Rarity’s the only one who even MIGHT have some good advice on how to deal with this!

Startled, Rarity looked back at her, her sapphire eyes widening in surprise before narrowing in glee. “Oh really?” She grinned. “Well, don’t be shy, Twilight… do tell!” she implored, turning her attention to her friend and letting her magic take over the job of sewing the patch on.

Reluctantly, Twilight gave her friend and fellow unicorn an abbreviated summary of everything that had happened, starting with his summoning the night before the trial. Rarity was at least initially aghast to hear what Phoenix had done to Fluttershy, but seemed to quickly forgive him for it when she heard his reasons and that Fluttershy already had done so herself. She looked just as angry as Twilight had been to hear of Trixie implying he was only good for being a comfort horse, but listened all but wistfully as Twilight recounted their talk and reconciliation in the library at the end of the day.

“So you made up in the library at sunset as he held you in his arms? Oh, how romantic!” Rarity gushed as she finished her first cup of tea.

“Yeah, well…” an embarrassed Twilight began, rubbing a hoof behind her head. It kind of was, at that… she decided, half-wishing Spike hadn’t interrupted them. “It’s just bothering me. I mean, I only met him two days ago. I’d never even heard of him until the Princess told me to summon him here to defend Rainbow. This is all just happening out of nowhere, and even though I now admit I like him, I just don’t get… why?” she asked both Rarity and the universe at large.

As she spoke, Rarity picked up the kettle with another tendril of her magic, leaving Twilight a little envious. Though she had nowhere near Twilight’s raw power or range of abilities, one thing Rarity indisputably had over her fellow unicorn was her ability to magically multitask, her aura able to perform many different feats at once—case in point, she was simultaneously sewing a patch, shining shoes and pouring Twilight a second cup of tea.

“My dear Twilight, what is there not to like about him?” she asked as she passed her friend the cup. “He’s an absolute charmer, a very sharp dresser, and he even offered to help me out with a little… issue I’m having with the post office,” she noted, her expression turning angry for a moment before she went on.

“Human or no, he’s a fine specimen of a stallion. I daresay Prince Blueblood could take some lessons in how to properly treat a lady from him,” she said with a rather unladylike snort. “I regret I have not yet seen him in action as an attorney, but I have no doubt at all he will succeed in getting Rainbow declared innocent. And afterwards, I would be more than happy to speak to him on your behalf?” she suggested hopefully, looking eager to play matchmaker for her friend. “Or perhaps even arrange a private rendezvous…?” she added lasciviously with a sideways grin.

Twilight blushed hard, nearly losing her magical grip on the cup. “Uh… I d-don’t think that’s such a good idea,” she stammered. “N-neither of us are ready for that, and to be honest… I think he’s a little afraid of you right now.”

Rarity’s eyeridges went up at that. “Afraid of me? What did I do?”

Twilight raised an eyeridge of her own. “Uh, you pretty much attacked him in the library earlier? He was kind of shaken up, Rarity,” she pointed out mildly, grateful to change the subject. “His species can’t defend themselves against magic, and you tried to undress him. Don’t you remember what Lyra said about their nudity taboos?”

Rarity’s eyes widened and her expression dropped in realization. “Oh,” she said, looking chagrined. “I regret I was not in the best of moods when I came over, and I... may have overreacted.”

Overreacted? YOU???? Twilight didn’t say. Not that I’m one to talk…

“I will most certainly apologize to him for that, but back to the matter at hoof—does he like you?” Rarity wanted to know, taking a fresh sip of tea while watching Twilight’s reaction carefully.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. “I… think so?” she managed, remembering his hug and eyes on her as she ascended the stairs the previous night, though she was still half-afraid her final display of temper over Fluttershy might of scared him off as well.

“If it’s mutual, then what’s the problem?” Rarity prompted, spooning some more sugar into her cup.

Twilight gave her fellow mare a disbelieving look. “Aside from the fact he’s a human, aside from the fact his culture and dating rules are a lot different than ours, and aside from the fact he’s supposed to be going home after the trial? Because I’m not sure it’s real,” she explained, taking another nervous sip of her tea. “I’m half-thinking it’s only because he’s exotic or maybe because of those romance novels you gave me,” she admitted, her cheeks flushing.

Rarity’s blue eyes twinkled. “Ah, yes. I’ve been meaning to ask you about those. So you’ve enjoyed them, have you?” she suggested with an approving grin. Twilight’s only reply was an intensified flush of her cheeks, a reaction not lost on Rarity, who couldn’t quite suppress a giggle. “It’s quite alright, Twilight. But tell me this—do you have any favorites out of the books I gave you?”

Twilight didn’t think her blush could go any deeper, but it did. “Well… Silverwing was… fun,” she admitted, squirming a bit where she sat.

Rarity’s grin got even broader. “Ah. You liked that scene.” She chuckled knowingly, causing Twilight to look away in embarrassment as her aura momentarily went pink again. “Nothing to be ashamed of, my dear; it’s a favorite of mine as well. What else?” she prompted.

“Uh… the Talonhoof series,” Twilight offered next, remembering the three-novel saga of a forbidden romance between a pegasus stallion and a griffon eagless she’d already read through twice. “Then there was Mare in Manehattan. Oh, I also really liked Dragonfire and thought Cloverfields was….” she trailed off when she realized Rarity was staring at her, a very teasing, knowing grin on her face. “What?”

“Do you not see it, my dear Twilight?” Rarity asked, still smiling, but Twilight could only shake her head. “All the books you mentioned? Think of their themes and the characters involved,” Rarity instructed. “You’re smart, darling, so simply answer this question: what do all those stories—and in particular the heroine’s love interest—have in common?”

Twilight’s brow furrowed at that, reviewing the plots and characters. “In common? I don’t—” she began, only to gasp, her pupils narrowing to pinpoints as the answer hit her like Derpy had dropped another anvil on her head, the teacup falling from her suddenly slack magical grasp.

Rarity giggled at her reaction, catching the teacup and its contents with her own aura before it could hit the floor. “Well, darling. That wasn’t so hard… now was it?”

Twilight sat back heavily, feeling suddenly faint. Figure out why I like Phoenix… check?

Ponyville Barbershop
June 11th, 8:10am

Phoenix couldn’t remember the last time he felt so loose and relaxed.

Having redressed in his now-clean undershirt and boxers after they’d been delivered from the gym Laundromat by Spike, he followed the just-returned Twilight up the street, rolling his arms and cricking his neck and shoulders as he went.

Guess I should add massages for reasons to keep in touch with this place! He grinned, wondering again if there was any way Twilight could open a permanent portal between his office and Equestria.

His eyes fell on her again at the thought, noticing she now seemed very distracted, walking ahead of him and occasionally giving him furtive looks back. Twice, he’d seen her nearly bump into other ponies or their carts, and Spike was still teasing her about nearly walking into an open manhole—or was that a ponyhole? Maybe she’s still trying to figure things with me out? he guessed, knowing that once the trial was over, he was going to have to do the same. But now is not the time, he reminded himself as they arrived at their next destination—a barbershop—explaining to the shop owner that he needed a shave.

The barber, a mustachioed unicorn stallion with a scissors-and-comb cutie mark, was surprised by the request. Ponies didn’t shave down to the skin, Phoenix was told, but when asked, the unicorn barber confirmed he did have a straight razor he used for mane and tail-styling work.

Turning down the barber’s offer to try to shave him—Phoenix wasn’t about to allow an inexperienced hoof or aura anywhere near him with a blade—he asked for a hot steamed cloth and held it over his face for a minute, then took the freshly sharpened straight razor and slowly shaved himself over a sink in front of a mirror, cowboy-style, while Twilight and the barber looked on, the latter a little befuddled.

Bet Jake Marshall would approve! he thought with a grin as he finished, nodding with satisfaction at his work—not a single cut or stray bit of stubble marred his face.

Behind him, Twilight did the same despite the ongoing aftershocks of her earlier revelation, marking off another box on her list. Shave… check!

Haystack Café
June 11th, 8:20am

Small towns had their charms, Phoenix had learned long before, and he was quickly coming to conclude that Ponyville was no different, having a quick-order breakfast diner that Twilight told him was quite good. Just so long as they don’t serve me hay!

Craving protein after his workout, he knew better than to ask for meat but was surprised to learn he could have eggs in any style he wanted. Seizing on the odd loophole in their otherwise vegetarian diet, he ordered a large plate of scrambled eggs, a fruit bowl, grits and a buttered croissant, washing it down with a large cup of coffee Spike procured him from Sugar Cube Corner, to the evident insult of the café owner.

The food arrived quickly and he ate ravenously to Twilight’s evident amusement, who settled for a light breakfast of some hay hash and grape juice while Spike very happily munched on his long-promised sapphire. Phoenix was astonished at that, doubly so when the baby dragon had finished and accidentally burped green fire.

“Excuse me,” he said at Twilight’s admonishing look.

By the end, they all had full bellies and were in a very good mood; Twilight finally feeling at ease around Phoenix again after her talk with Rarity. Knowing why she liked him and what she was going to do about it were still two different things, but she found the second question bothered her far less than the first had. Whatever the answer was, she—they—would find it in due time.

First things first—let’s get Rainbow freed, and then we can go from there! she decided, realizing she no longer had any doubts or fears about the trial’s outcome as she paid their breakfast bill.

Hearty breakfast and coffee… check! Twilight marked off another list item in satisfaction as they exited the café.

Golden Oaks Library
June 11th, 8:55am

Their meal completed, the trio split up, Spike heading for Rarity’s to wait for word that Phoenix’s suit was ready—a task the young dragon seemed only too eager to perform, Phoenix couldn’t help but note—while Twilight and Phoenix returned to the library, spending the next half-hour in the reading lounge reviewing evidence and recounting the results of their separate investigations the previous day.

Against his better judgment, Phoenix decided to tell Twilight the story of his visit with and subsequent interrogation of Sonata, including the blackmail scheme he had uncovered and her magical ejection of him at the end, though he couldn’t quite bring himself to explain that he was under blackmail threat himself for breaking into Sonata’s hotel room.

So THAT’S what the tracer spell picked up! Twilight realized as Phoenix described his expulsion, wondering again why Sonata’s aura felt so off.

In return, Twilight told him about her own findings and encounters with Cruise Control, including his hospitalized sister and hatred for Ace, as well as the five additional psycho-locks her final question had revealed.

“Psyche-locks,” Phoenix corrected her, agreeing that it likely meant Cruise was the true culprit—“he certainly had motive and opportunity,” he noted while wearing his pondering expression—but Twilight found herself with doubts.

I don't know... it really doesn't make sense for Cruise to have killed Ace and then tried to frame Rainbow for it. I mean, what would he gain for his sister by doing that? Despite all the evidence otherwise, she couldn't help but have a nagging feeling they were still on the wrong track.

Regardless, Phoenix complimented Twilight for independently uncovering the blackmail scheme, causing her to blush again when he told her that with a little practice and seasoning, she’d make a very good defense attorney.

They spent the rest of the time awaiting Rarity’s summons doing drills; Phoenix giving Twilight old Law School exercises to spot illegal prosecutorial tactics and contradictions in witness statements, using examples from his classes and previous cases. He was impressed at how quickly Twilight picked things up; she was already very good at spotting inconsistencies in evidence and testimony, leaving him feeling at least a little more comfortable about the possibility she’d have to take over the defense if Sonata decided to carry out her threat to arrest him.

Hopefully it won’t come to that, but if it does… he thought as a breathless Spike rushed in at 9:25 to tell them that his suit was ready.

Case and evidence review… check! Twilight thought as they grabbed the evidence bag and went out the door, marking off the final box and leaving the now-completed checklist behind. With a parting instruction to Spike to close up the library and giving him leave to go to the courthouse and watch the trial from the gallery, she led Phoenix back across town.

Carousel Boutique
June 11th, 9:30 AM

Though feeling much better after the morning’s activities and barely caring that he was walking around in his underwear anymore—guess you really can get used to anything!—Phoenix was nervous as they arrived at Rarity’s home, vividly remembering her picking him up and trying to forcibly undress him with her aura earlier that day.

I wonder if I’ll ever feel comfortable around unicorns at this rate? he couldn’t help but wonder, having had it driven home multiple times over the past day that he had no defense against their magic.

His fear was short-lived. Upon arrival, a very frazzled-looking and profusely apologetic Rarity presented him with his fully repaired suit, begging his forgiveness for her earlier ‘inexcusable, unconscionable and unladylike’ behavior, explaining she had come to the library sleepless and upset after spending all night failing to close a business deal with a potential Canterlot client, and had snapped upon seeing his badly damaged suit.

“Twilight informed me that I frightened you, for which I am very sorry. As Twilight’s friend, I give you my word that I would never harm a male, let alone such a fine stallion as yourself,” she assured Phoenix, bowing her head and ears before him, her apologetic posture reminding him of a horse that had accidentally thrown him some years earlier—an observation he thought best kept to himself.

A fine stallion, am I? Phoenix repeated in his head, deciding he liked the sound of it. Genuinely touched by her declaration, seeing her badly disheveled state and recognizing how hard she must have pushed herself to get his suit fixed in such a short time, he accepted her apology with as much dignity and grace as he could muster. He noted that forgiving her was the least he could do given her herculean efforts on his behalf, especially after Fluttershy and Twilight had already forgiven him.

With that, he began to pull his suit back on, starting with his now-immaculate and exquisitely-ironed dress shirt. To his surprise, she’d not only fixed it, she’d cleaned and pressed it until the fabric almost gleamed—wait a minute, this IS gleaming! he realized as he saw an odd sparkling in his red silk tie.

“Ruby dust has been bonded to the fabric,” Rarity told him as he inspected it. “Just a sprinkling. Forgive me; I couldn’t resist,” she told him as he slipped it around his neck over his dress shirt and began to tie it, struggling to remember how to do a full-Windsor knot—it’d taken him twenty tries to get right the last time he’d attempted it, and he’d never taken the knot out after getting it right just once.

Seeing his struggles, Rarity stepped forward. “May I?” she asked politely, flaring her horn in offering. With a quick glance at Twilight, who nodded, Phoenix acceded, lowering his hands while she pulled his tie back off with her aura and tied a perfect knot in midair, leaving it to him to pull back on and cinch around his neck.

Amazing! he thought as he accepted it, marveling at how fine her magical control was.

Next came his slacks; Phoenix finding that she’d patched the tears in his pants legs with a closely matched fabric that he had to squint at to see the seams of. Despite their near-invisibility, Rarity was profusely apologetic, saying the rips were simply too ragged to repair directly in the time she had. He assured her it was fine and far better than he had hoped; half-thinking he might yet take her up on her offer to make him a new suit.

Just have to tell her to go easy on the gemstones, he thought as he donned his belt and loafers—she’d polished them as well; he couldn’t remember the last time his shoes shined so brightly.

Now wearing everything except his suit jacket, he asked for a comb and was promptly provided one by Rarity, who insisted on watching him ‘style his mane’, as she put it, though she was surprised to see it didn’t need much. His hair seemed to automatically fall into its naturally pointy state with just a little prodding, as long as it was reasonably clean.

As he pulled his suit jacket on, he realized she’d added some other touches as well. The first thing he noticed was that she’d replaced his jacket handkerchief with a light violet one that had a stylized blue cursive R embroidered into it—a personal signature for her work. To his surprise, she’d even replaced his buttons and cuff-links with what appeared to be actual jewels—topaz?—though they were carefully understated and closely matched to the shape and color of what they replaced. “Do you approve?” she asked hopefully as he buttoned his jacket and looked at himself in a mirror, admiring himself... and her work.

His smile answered for him. “All this finery—you’re making me feel like a prince, Miss Rarity,” he told her, finally feeling comfortable around her again. She might be a little over-the-top at times, but she’s definitely a keeper…

“Well, it’s only fair, given you made me feel like a princess, Mister Wright,” Rarity quickly rejoined with her own grin, causing Twilight to blink.

Princess? What does she mean by that?

Phoenix chuckled, guessing she was referring to his kiss of her hoof the previous day. “Then please allow me to do so again…” he suggested, bending over and reaching for the fashionista’s foreleg.

To his surprise, she drew back in seeming horror at the suggestion. “NO!” she shouted, jerking her hoof away from him. “You mustn’t, Mister Wright, I look awful! I haven’t bathed or slept! My mane is a mess, my makeup is running, and after what I did to you this morning, I do not deserve…” she trailed off as Phoenix knelt before her and insistently grasped her hoof, cupping it in both his hands.

“Miss Rarity,” he said firmly, giving her manicured appendage a two-handed squeeze. “You are far more than your makeup and your mane. I once had to learn a very hard lesson about the difference between surface beauty and what lies within, so believe me when I say you are beautiful. Not simply for your surface splendor, but for being an artist and a lady, to say nothing of the most passionate and… generous creature, person or pony, I’ve ever met,” he told her with a twinkle, his flattery causing her to go weak in the knees.

“I am in your debt, Miss Rarity. And as far as I’m concerned, this is the least I can do to repay you…” he announced, and with that, he raised her now-unresisting hoof and laid a reverent kiss on it again, an overwhelmed Rarity watching with wide eyes and a quivering lip, looking all but ready to swoon.

From the side, Twilight watched the display slack-jawed, her cheeks warm and fighting back a flare of jealousy. Fluttershy AND Rarity? she thought, suddenly wondering if there were any of her friends he hadn’t given the royal treatment to.

With a parting squeeze of her hoof, Phoenix turned on his heel and left, wearing a very satisfied smile. Rarity sat back heavily and stared after him as he departed, her cheeks flushed and a dazed expression on her face. “Twilight?” she asked, finally rediscovering her voice.


She turned and looked her fellow unicorn in the eye. “If you won’t have him… I will!

Ponyville District Court
June 11th, 9:48am

With twelve minutes remaining before Rainbow’s trial resumed, Twilight and Phoenix stood at the foot of the courthouse steps, the latter feeling very relaxed and confident.

It was, Phoenix reflected, a far cry from the state he’d been in the morning before. Not only fed and well-rested, he was clean and freshly shaven, his suit repaired and pressed; even his shoes and belt buckle had been shined. A full night’s sleep followed by a workout and spa treatment had done wonders for his body and psyche, and a surprisingly filling breakfast paired with a strong cup of coffee had left his belly full and mind alert. With his wits sharp, Twilight at his side and a bag full of evidence in his possession, he felt invincible.

No excuses and no slip ups today! Thanks to Twilight and her friends, I’ve done everything possible to be ready this time, noting he had made one final preparation as well—a surprise he was waiting for just the right moment to spring on Twilight, grinning as he imagined what her reaction would be.

“This is it. Are you ready?” he asked his equine co-counsel, turning to his right to face her.

“Ready!” Twilight nodded back, a determined and confident smile on her face that mirrored his own.

“Then let’s go prove Rainbow Dash innocent,” he invited, and as one, they ascended the courthouse steps.

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