• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 63 - Trick or Treat

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom No. 1
June 16th, 10:41 AM

“So be it. Then let the trial… begin!” Due Process directed with a smile on his face, bringing his hoof down with a sharp rap. “Lady Requiem, your opening statement, if you please?”

“Of course, Your Honor,” she acknowledged evenly, clearing her throat before beginning. “As this court is well aware... on the afternoon of June 11th, in Courtroom #2, Trixie Lulamoon was prosecuting the murder trial of Rainbow Dash. When she lost her case, she lost her temper as well, causing a massive blizzard to erupt inside the chamber, endangering the well-being of everyone inside. The primary object of her ire was Phoenix Wright himself, and one must ask what would have happened had Miss Sparkle not been there to intervene,” she said, causing Phoenix to suppress a shiver, and not just at the remembered cold.

“Accordingly, to punish her for such reckless behavior and encourage her to master her elemental magic and emotions more fully, the prosecution seeks concurrent six-month sentences on the assault charge and all reckless endangerment counts, plus a fine equal to the damages caused to courtroom #2.”

“That would impose undue hardship on my client, Your Honor!” Phoenix repeated his original point. “As was noted before, her livelihood was destroyed during her previous visit to Ponyville, and with a suspended law license, she has no other means of income at the moment.”

Having heard his argument once already, Delta was quick with her comeback. “Is the defense seriously suggesting that the defendant is incapable of anything but magic shows and legal jobs?” she asked with a smirk. “As ‘great and powerful’ as she claims to be, Miss Lulamoon could do anything from assisting construction crews to weather work.”

Phoenix blinked despite his cry. Whoa—she IS sharp! “And would the prosecution care to explain just who would be willing to hire a known ‘weather witch’ or ‘windigo’?” he countered, hands on the rail, leaning over it to make his point. “And since when do pegasi need help with the weather?”

“We don’t need her help!” Rainbow’s voice shouted out, to sounds of agreement from the gallery and a sharp look from Twilight.

Due Process’s hoof came down hard. “All spectators will refrain from interrupting the proceedings or be removed. But as to the issue at hoof, I agree with the prosecution. I find it very hard to believe that Ms. Lulamoon could not find other uses for her clearly considerable talents. Objection sustained!” He rapped his hoof hard again.

Oof! Phoenix grimaced, rubbing the back of his head. First blood to you, Lady Requiem!

“Regardless, the question of punishment must await a guilty verdict—as I believe the previous pony to occupy this seat reminded us all.” Due Process smiled thinly. “Accordingly, please call your first witness, Lady Requiem.”

“My pleasure, Your Honor,” she acknowledged, bringing out the playback crystal recorder again, forcing all present to watch the duel in its entirety for a second time, making Trixie groan.

When it was finished, Due Process nodded slowly. “As loathe as I am to agree with Fair Verdict, that is pretty cut-and-dry. Do you contest the contents of this video, Mister Wright?”

Phoenix shook his head. “I do not, Your Honor. In fact, at this time the defense wishes to announce a guilty plea—to a single count of reckless endangerment!” he finished, raising his voice to be heard over the sudden upsurge of conversation as Twilight brought out a pair of document scrolls and floated them to the judge and prosecutor’s bench, trying to hide the pain it caused her.

Ow… She resisted the temptation to rub the base of her horn once they were delivered, turning all her aura inward to heal. I’ve GOT to stop pulling stunts like that! she mentally berated herself, realizing that for as many times as she’d overtaxed herself of late, she was going to have to lay off her magic use as much as possible for a bit. Sorry, Maya, but looks like you’ll be here a while longer...

“So received,” Due Process grasped the scroll in his own aura, scanning it quickly. “I see this is for the reckless endangerment count regarding you, Mister Wright. But are you not also pleading guilty to the assault charge?”

Phoenix gave a very deliberate and measured shrug. “No. Because there was no assault, Your Honor.”

Delta Requiem’s voice rang out again, making itself heard over the disbelieving sounds in the gallery. “No assault, Mister Wright? Seriously?” She gave him an askance look. “And just what was she doing, then, if not attacking you?”

Phoenix didn’t bat an eye. “Could we please see the playback again, Your Honor? At least up to the point the duel began?”

“Uh… certainly,” he agreed with a nod at the white stallion bailiff, who Phoenix noticed was also giving him a disbelieving look. Despite his doubts, he obeyed, projecting the first fifteen seconds of the scene.

Phoenix nodded. “Thank you. Now would the prosecution please point out when I was physically attacked?”

“As everyone in this courtroom can plainly see, you were magically attacked, Mister Wright!”

“Her storm was not focused on me, Lady Requiem! Please note that it was present throughout the chamber until my co-counsel’s intervention!” he claimed, asking for it to be played again as Trixie buried her head in her hooves, muttering to herself as they watched the playback twice more.

“Hmmm… that does seem to be the case,” Due Process agreed, eliciting the barest hint of a grin from Phoenix.

As requested, I’m not going easy on you, Lady Requiem! he told the other mare with his thoughts.

But Delta Requiem’s only response was to close her eyes and smile. “Fair point. But there is other evidence of her intent. I would note she was looking directly at you, Mister Wright!” She asked the bailiff to pause the playback right at the moment Trixie raised her head for the first time, to pin Phoenix with her enraged glowing blue-eyed stare. “Why would she do that if her anger was not focused on you, and she had no intent to attack you?”

“If merely looking at someone in anger was a crime, we’d all be sent to the sun, Lady Requiem!” He put his hands on his hips and grinned.

To his surprise, Delta’s smile actually got broader. “Oh? Then let’s look a little further ahead, shall we?” She directed the white stallion bailiff to advance the playback to the point Twilight projected her bubble shields; said bailiff was looking to Phoenix to be decidedly unhappy at being used as an equine remote control.

“There!” Delta had him pause the playback. “And would the defense explain exactly why Miss Sparkle put herself between you and Miss Lulamoon, defending you with a shield spell if you were not under imminent threat from her?” she asked mildly but never lost her grin, looking to Phoenix like she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

“And would the prosecution explain exactly why my co-counsel also put shields around The Judge and Sonata Tarot, if I was the only one supposedly under threat?” he answered her attitude for attitude, a bantering note in his voice as he opened his palms and shook his head in direct imitation of Miles Edgeworth, who blinked. “It was simply a question of proximity, Your Honor, as my client was merely venting her frustrations at her lost case. It was not her intent to directly attack or injure me,” he continued to insist. “Miss Sparkle was simply protecting those who were closest to the scene, and closest to…” his voice trailed off, catching himself too late.

“Closest... to her?” Delta finished for him with a lopsided grin, causing Phoenix and Twilight to flush and an eruption of snickers from the gallery.

Well, I walked into it. May as well use it! “Yes. She was defending a stallion from potential danger. I’m sure every mare in this courtroom can appreciate that fact?” Phoenix asked, his cheeks still red.

Due Process actually laughed along with the rest of the gallery, briefly rubbing his forehead with a hoof. “An interesting argument, Mister Wright, but not one I’m certain holds water. It seems logical that she held you responsible for the loss of her case and her thwarted revenge, and I further note that she in fact screamed ‘I’ll show you what happens when you cheat me!’ when she was looking at you. That being the case, how can you claim she wasn’t targeting you?”

Phoenix was ready for that, having already gamed out possible questions and responses with Twilight the night before. “To answer that, Your Honor, let’s note the difference between before my co-counsel’s intervention, and afterwards,” he asked the white stallion to play the video again, noting he was looking decidedly put upon and Twilight was wearing an amused smirk as she watched him go through the magical contortions all over again.

This time, Phoenix had him stop it at the point Trixie’s tempest initially erupted. “At first, she was merely venting her frustrations. Note once again that her storm is present throughout the courtroom, and not focused on any one individual,” he explained, nodding at the stallion bailiff to indicate he could continue the playback, only to have him stop it again twenty seconds later when Trixie turned her powers on Twilight.

“And note here—this is what it looks like when my client really does attack someone with her powers!” He winced as he watched Trixie focus her arctic assault right on Twilight, tendrils of ice and snow converging on her and nearly hiding her from sight as they threatened to extinguish her mane and tail flames. The backwash of icy wind slammed doors shut around the courtroom; as he watched he realized he could still feel it cutting right through his suit and chilling him to the bone.

“In short, Your Honor… if my client had truly attacked me, I would likely not be standing here,” he concluded with an internal shiver, his voice more subdued as he asked the bailiff to replay it twice more for emphasis.

“Are you doing this just to torture me, Wrong?” Trixie muttered under her breath, forced to witness her defeat to Twilight over and over again.

Whoa—we’re replaying this thing about as many times as that bloody evidence room video from the Lana Skye trial! He grimaced, thinking he would forever be seeing the dancing Blue Badger present in the video foreground in his sleep. “Therefore, there was no assault on me.”

He was surprised to hear hoofclops coming from Delta’s bench, accompanied by some surprising if grudging sounds of agreement from the gallery. “You’re right,” she agreed, her eyes closed again, her smile having briefly vanished. “That being the case, the prosecution drops the assault charge against Miss Lulamoon regarding Mister Wright,” she announced, her tone solemn.

“That’s very gracious of you, Lady Requiem,” Phoenix couldn’t resist saying, struggling to keep the smug grin off his face.

She gave him a lowered gaze and chilling new smile that told him it wasn’t over yet. “And in its place, the prosecution wishes to present a new charge—this one for the assault on Twilight Sparkle!” She smirked back at him, her eyes glittering. “And as the video clearly shows extremely malicious intent, with Miss Lulamoon attacking Miss Sparkle for the simple act of defending her friends, the prosecution seeks an additional six-month sentence for it!”

Phoenix smile dropped as a fresh series of cheers and hoofclops erupted in the stands. To either side of him, Twilight’s jaw dropped open and Trixie facehoofed—“How could you not see that coming, Wrong?” the latter asked him under her breath—while he looked up to see Edgeworth nodding slowly and wearing an approving smile while Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked decidedly smug; even Maya had a gleeful grin as she saw Phoenix’s argument turned back on him.

That’s what you get for not having me there, Nick! he could hear her thoughts clearly.

“So ordered,” Due Process announced with a fresh rap of his hoof, using a quill in his muzzle to write out an additional entry on the charges sheet. The stallion judge looked to Phoenix like he was thoroughly enjoying the scene, while Trixie had her eyes squeezed shut and hooves clamped over her ears like she was trying to shut out the proceedings again. “We have certainly seen ample evidence of it. Do you have any objections, Mister Wright?”

Phoenix chuckled softly to himself, rubbing his eyes. Very nice, Lady Requiem. Trixie’s right; I really SHOULD have seen that coming. But that doesn’t mean I can’t counter it! “I do, Your Honor! According to my understanding of Equestrian Law, magical duels involving unicorn challenges cannot be considered assaults, as long as they are mutually accepted and go to submission and no further—as this one did!”

“There is no evidence that such a challenge was ever made, Mister Wright!”

Phoenix gave her a look of disbelief. “Not four days ago, you yourself heard Miss Sparkle explain that she challenged my client to a duel the day before, with Rainbow Dash’s freedom being the stakes, Lady Requiem! And you accepted that testimony as mitigating evidence during her review board hearing!” he finished triumphantly with his hands on his hips.

Delta shook her head and took on a tut-tutting tone which reminded Phoenix of Franziska von Karma. “Sorry, Phoenix Wright, but criminal trials have far stricter standards of evidence than my review board hearings, which are unstructured and have much looser rules. To use this line of defense here, you will have to prove such a challenge was made.” This time, she was wearing a smug look, causing Phoenix’s to falter.

“Agreed,” Due Process announced with another rap of his hoof, sustaining Delta’s objection again. “Do you have any such evidence, Mister Wright?”

Phoenix blinked, caught off guard again. Damn, she IS good! “There is no direct evidence, but I can offer the testimonies of both Miss Sparkle and Miss Lulamoon to that fact,” he said with a glance at Twilight. Didn’t plan on her testifying until later, but I guess there’s no reason it can’t be now!

Delta wouldn’t let that pass either. “The testimony of your client and co-counsel is not authoritative in this matter, Mister Wright!” she said, leaning partway over her rail and fixing him with a fiery gaze, her smile telling him she was immensely enjoying the battle of wits they were waging.

“How is the word of the duel combatants themselves not authoritative, Lady Requiem? They can certainly testify as to whether or not Miss Sparkle challenged my client, and whether the duel was voluntary!”

“Because you left out a rule, Mister Wright. Namely, that the issuing of the challenge must be witnessed—” she paused to let the word sink in “—in order to be valid. That is to prevent unicorns from fighting and later escaping punishment by claiming challenge, or from losing a challenge and then claiming they were attacked without one,” she explained, making Phoenix blink.

“And regardless, given your co-counsel’s participation in the duel and in particular her... sensibilities regarding you—” Delta paused again to let the laughter rain down “—Miss Sparkle has a significant conflict of interest in this case. And I believe one of the reasons we are here today is because your client had a serious conflict of interest in her last one?” she added in a very mild tone, to approving whinnies and hoofstomps from the crowd.

“But I wouldn’t lie about that!” Twilight spoke up, looking both embarrassed and offended, her ears laid back but cheeks reddened. “I did challenge Trixie, and I’m willing to testify to that fact!” She directed her appeal to the bench.

Delta Requiem replied before Due Process could. “Apologies, Miss Sparkle. But given the questionable case assignments and conflicts of interest we have already seen in the course of these trials, I believe that for the sake of this trial, the law must be followed to the letter lest we give the impression of even further impropriety.” She likewise directed her comments at the judge.

Phoenix cringed when he saw Due Process nodding slowly. “I’m sorry, but I must agree with the prosecution here, Miss Sparkle. The rules have been stretched already and confidence in the legal system has been shaken given recent events. As such, your word is not enough—by law, I cannot accept the defense of a challenge without a witness to attest to it.”

Phoenix’s expression faltered as Twilight’s brow furrowed. “But Your Honor—!”

“My decision is made, Mister Wright. The prosecution’s objection is upheld!” He rapped his hoof again to emphasize the point. “So once more I ask: do you have any witness or evidence to support the claim of a challenge? If not, the assault charge stands!”

Twilight’s eyes lit up. “We do, Your Honor!” she stated authoritatively to Phoenix’s surprise. “As it happens, I wasn’t alone at the time of my initial challenge to Trixie!”

“You weren’t?” Phoenix asked in some surprise.

“Not at all!” she confirmed eagerly. I really hate to let her burst any more eardrums with her slogan, but… “The defense wishes to call Apple Bloom of the Apple family to the stand as witness to my challenging Trixie to a magical duel!” she shot back across the pit at Delta.

Understanding dawned on both Trixie’s and Phoenix’s face. I completely forgot about her—good thing Twilight didn’t! the latter thought.

“I see…” Due Process stroked his short beard with a hoof in a manner reminiscent of The Judge as he considered the matter. “Any objections, Lady Requiem?”

For the first time all trial, Delta was caught off-guard, carefully considering her response. “I was unaware she was there, Your Honor, but I would say that her youth is a matter of some concern. Being only eight years old, would she truly understand what she witnessed?”

“She testified at Rainbow Dash’s trial!” Phoenix quickly pointed out. “And her testimony was truthful!”

“It wasn’t initially,” Delta retorted with a smirk. “I read the trial transcripts, Mister Wright, and note you had to drag the truth out of her. So what’s to say she wouldn’t lie here?”

“Now hold on just an apple-pickin’ minute!” Applejack shouted, unable to restrain herself from speaking up or jumping down into the pit, causing Trixie to facehoof and Twilight to cringe. “That’s mah sister yer talking about, Lady! And the only thing she fudged about was being scared—like any filly would! She’s an Apple, and Apples don’t lie!” She brought her hoof down hard enough to crack the tiled floor.

To his credit, Due Process showed great restraint, motioning the bailiffs back. “And you are…?”

“Name’s Applejack! And Ah don’t take kindly to strangers who’ve never even met mah sister saying she’s too dumb to know what she saw! Apple Bloom’s plenty smart and she’ll tell you exactly what happened if ya’ll let her!” She glared at Delta and then faced the judge down. “As it happens, she’s at the market with mah brother right now, and our stall is just across the way! Ah’ll be more than happy to fetch her!”

Due Process stared at her for a moment as Phoenix and Twilight held their breath. “I appreciate your zeal in defending your family, Miss Applejack, but this is a court of law, not a town hall. I will thank you to remain in the stands and not interrupt these proceedings again,” he said calmly, though there was a warning note in his voice.

Applejack was unbowed. “Don’t let royal court bigwigs cast as-persions on mah kin, and Ah’ll gladly sit quiet, Yer Honor. ‘Til then, you can ferget it!” She stood her ground.

At the prosecutor’s bench, Delta’s sole response to the whole scene before her was a raised eyeridge. “You certainly have some interesting acquaintances, Miss Sparkle,” she noted blandly, the barest hint of a smile on her face. “Would that we all have such honest friends.”

“According to her older sister, the witness is nearby and available to testify, Your Honor,” Phoenix spoke up, struggling to keep the smile off his face, wishing he had Applejack available to deal with some of the more problematic people he knew back home. She’s not only honest, but she stands up for her friends and family no matter what! “In addition, I’d like to point out that the only thing Apple Bloom wasn’t fully truthful about was being scared, as Miss Applejack said. As such, the defense formally requests she be called to settle the question of a challenge.”

“Very well. Any objections, Lady Requiem?”

“And be lectured by her big sister again? No thank you!” she said but never lost her grin. “By all means.”

It took less than ten minutes for Apple Bloom to be retrieved and just ten minutes more for her to be prepped by Delta Requiem, a conversation that neither Phoenix nor Twilight were privy to.

Delta presented her without fanfare, winced along with the rest of the stands when the young filly shouted that her occupation was a “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER!!!” and asked her a few basic questions.

Was she with Twilight five days ago? “Shore was! Ah was trying to earn mah cutie mark in private investigating by helping Twi help Rainbow!” she proclaimed proudly, causing Delta and Due Process to smile.

Did they meet with Trixie? “Oh, yeah! Saw her at Fluttershy’s house! Said we couldn’t investigate without some badge! Got real mouthy with Twi ‘n mah big sister, too! Didn’t stop me from sneaking off ‘n finding that letter in Fluttershy’s house, though!” she added with a triumphant look at Trixie, whose eyes went wide as she realized she’d been played.

“Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!” Apple Bloom added, causing Maya to stifle a chortle in the stands.

Delta’s smile turned sly, asking Apple Bloom that if she wasn’t there for part of the time, had she heard Twilight challenge Trixie? “Challenge?” Apple Bloom repeated the word with a confused expression, making Phoenix hold his breath. “Oh yeah! Reckon Ah remember her saying that word! Didn’t get what it meant when she said it there, though,” she admitted, suddenly wishing she had a dictionary. Where’s Sweetie Belle when you need her?

“Did Twilight ask Trixie to duel her?” Phoenix quickly clarified, keeping a hand on a visibly antsy Twilight’s shoulders to keep her from speaking up and trying to guide the conversation, knowing it would earn an instant objection from Delta and reprimand from Due Process if she did.

Apple Bloom nodded eagerly. “Oh yeah! After Trixie went and put you down, Mister Lawyer, Twi went all fire-like ‘n said they’d settle it right then and there! It was real cool!” she added eagerly, causing Twilight to smile and Trixie to go downcast as she got reminded again that Twilight’s elemental powers were seen as awe-inspiring, while hers were to be shunned and feared.

“And what were the terms of this duel?” Due Process himself asked directly, not quite able to keep the smile off his face at Apple Bloom’s earnestness and eagerness.

“Terms?” The farm filly’s brow furrowed in confusion again, listening as Delta rephrased the judge’s question, asking that if they won, what would they win?

“Oh. Well, uh… Twi said that if Trixie won, Trixie’d get her guilty verdict and her, uh, rep-u-ta-tion back, but if Twi won, Trixie would, uh, ‘drop the charges’ against Rainbow and leave her friends alone.”

“Sounds like a challenge to me, Your Honor,” Phoenix noted mildly with a grin, crossing his arms triumphantly.

“And to me,” Due Process concurred with a nod. “Are you satisfied, Lady Requiem?”

“Not quite,” she replied, still wearing her sly smile. “Miss Apple Bloom—did ‘Trixie’ agree to the duel?”

Phoenix cringed when Apple Bloom grinned and gleefully shook her head. “Nah! She was all afraid to! Scaredy-pony, scaredy-pony!” she taunted, not understanding why Twi and Mister Lawyer looked unhappy even as the gallery broke out in mocking laughter.

She got her answer as a pleased Delta Requiem gave a very deliberate and measured shrug. “Well, Your Honor. No acceptance? No challenge.”

“She didn’t accept it then! That doesn’t mean she didn’t later! The Equestrian Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that challenges do not have to be fought immediately and may remain in effect for some time!”

“She still has to formally accept it, Mister Wright. I heard nothing in this witness’s testimony or the courtroom video playback where she did!

“Then you weren’t listening very closely!” Phoenix grinned and put his hands on his hips, having the stallion bailiff play the part where Twilight initially confronted Trixie, focusing on one particular line she said:

“You lost. Rainbow’s innocent. Accept it and don’t make things any worse… unless you want to have our duel here and now!”

Phoenix had the stallion pause the playback at that moment and then nodded in satisfaction. “The challenge was reissued then, and my client’s subsequent attack can then be interpreted as de facto acceptance of the challenge, even without her explicitly saying yes! This, too, has been ruled on by the Equestrian Supreme Court!” he noted, picking up a heavy casebook from the library with two bookmarked pages, tapping it with his fingers. “We can cite the relevant rulings… if the prosecution insists!”

“No need. The prosecution is satisfied, Your Honor,” Delta conceded, closing her eyes and grinning. “Though I would note the terms of the duel were unenforceable—Miss Lulamoon could only recuse herself, not drop the charges—the challenge was accepted and fought. Round to you, Phoenix Wright.” She bowed her head in acknowledgment.

“So be it. The charge of assaulting Miss Sparkle is… dismissed!” Due Process brought his hoof down sharply, causing another low murmur of conversation to waft down from the stands and Trixie to blink in surprise. “Miss Apple Bloom, you may leave, with this court’s thanks.”

After checking unsuccessfully for her Cutie Mark, Apple Bloom left, escorted out by a bailiff to meet her brother at the courthouse doors. After a brief conversation, Big Macintosh nodded and departed alone as Apple Bloom went to join her sister in the stands, sitting beside Pearl, who greeted her with a hug and a rather complicated-looking hoofbump.

“After that little sideshow, we will now consider the reckless endangerment charges,” Due Process announced, reorganizing the pieces of scroll paper on his bench. “As the defense has already pleaded guilty to a single count involving Mister Wright, we will adjudicate the remainder. Before we begin, I would remind both sides that a challenge does not relieve the duel participants of their responsibility to protect bystanders,” he reminded both attorneys. “By law, the participants must be careful to avoid harming anypony who is not involved. Failure to do so results in criminal charges and an automatic forfeiture of the duel on the part of the one responsible.”

“You are correct, Your Honor. Particularly when in the middle of a closed space with a large crowd,” Delta noted dispassionately. “I would in turn note that Miss Sparkle kept her end of that bargain in attempting to protect those closest to Miss Lulamoon with shield spells—even the pony who had framed her friend. She further did not take her fire form until our humble head bailiff here arrived,” she added with a nod and slightly sly smile at the white stallion that made Phoenix think there was a joke he wasn’t getting. “In contrast, Miss Lulamoon made no effort to restrain her powers, endangering everypony inside the chamber.”

“My client did restrain her power!” Phoenix claimed, asking for yet another playback to the visible exasperation of the white stallion bailiff, wondering again why Twilight was stifling giggles. “The court will note that Miss Lulamoon did not resort to her most powerful magic, including lightning, until they were safely behind that bailiff’s shield spell!”

She pointed a hoof back in direct imitation of Phoenix. “Miss Sparkle’s spells were clearly defensive. Miss Lulamoon’s were categorically not, even before the shield went up!”

“As you can see in the playback,” Phoenix retaliated, causing the white stallion to groan in frustration as he played the first few seconds of the duel sequence yet again, “the only thing my client did prior to the shield going up was to send the courtroom into a brief blizzard! Now, unless you intend to tell me that ponies are far more vulnerable to such conditions than I believe, I highly doubt exposing a gallery of ponies to a few seconds of cold temperatures and snow would be grounds for five hundred counts of reckless endangerment!”

“She was given one count for all ponies—and humans—present in the courtroom, as per the orders of the presiding judge! And he was right to do so—any one of them could have been struck by ice or trampled in the initial rush to leave!”

“And would the prosecution care to inform this court exactly how many ponies and humans were hurt in the course of the duel?” Phoenix quickly countered, hands on his hips and wearing a triumphant grin once more.

Delta opened her mouth, only to close it again. “None,” she finally admitted. “But the charge of reckless endangerment does not require actual injuries to occur, Mister Wright—only for the potential to exist and be due to wantonly negligent behavior,” she reminded both him and Due Process. “As Miss Lulamoon’s actions are beyond dispute, she should be held accountable for initiating the duel in a very public place, without regard to the safety or well-being of other ponies! As such, the prosecution seeks conviction and full but concurrent sentences on all counts, plus the aforementioned fine!”

This time, Twilight spoke up before Phoenix could. “So by that logic, why aren’t you also prosecuting me, Lady Requiem? I provoked her and caused some of that courtroom damage myself!”

“There increasingly appears to be far more to this case than the black-and-white shown by the playback,” Due Process interjected. “As such, the question to this court now becomes—was what happened merely a spontaneous explosion of temper? Was Miss Lulamoon simply, if somewhat violently, venting her frustrations over her lost case? Or did she honestly intend to duel Miss Sparkle right then and there, consequences and potential casualties be damned?” he wondered aloud.

Phoenix’s eyebrows shot up at the casual use of a curse word—something his own judge would never indulge in. Due Process is certainly cut from a different cloth. But maybe that’s a good thing here! “I have a witness, Your Honor, who I believe can shed some light on that very question. An acquaintance of my client who spent considerable time with her in the aftermath of her previous encounter with my co-counsel,” he offered. “With this court’s permission, I would like to call her to the stand.”

“Any objections, Lady Requiem?” Due Process again asked, turning to his right.

She shrugged and grinned. “I am curious to hear from such a witness as well, Your Honor. The prosecution has no objection.”

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom No. 1
June 16th, 11:01 AM

Two minutes later, many ponies were gawking at the new arrival standing behind the witness stand—a decidedly unusual and unfamiliar sight for those not familiar with her, Twilight had already warned him, and few outside of Ponyville were.

In truth, Phoenix was having a hard time not staring at her himself. Though she had the build of an earth pony, she was very definitely a zebra mare, having the alternating black-and-white stripes of one. But she also looked very African in her décor, with a stylized sun cutie mark that looked more like a tribal tattoo than anything, and a series of gold rings on her neck and right foreleg paired with hoop earrings hanging from the base of both ears.

Is she white with black stripes or black with white stripes? Phoenix wondered idly as Delta asked her to state her name and occupation.

“My name is Zecora. I make potions and tea. Of late, I live in the Everfree,” she said in a deep and slightly-accented voice.

“The Everfree?” Delta raised her eyeridges. “Why, of all places, would you choose to live there?”

The zebra mare grinned, like she was used to the question. “Its powers are vast; its boons most mighty. Of course care must be taken, and it’s not for the flighty.”

Phoenix slumped. A rhyming witness? What’s next, a rapping one? He rubbed his eyes, wondering why he never seemed to encounter normal people in the course of his cases.

“And what is your relationship to the defendant?” Delta asked next, not batting an eye in the face of the zebra mare’s florid phrasing.

“Miss Lula came once, asking for aid. Seeking help for a blue flower in whose bed she had laid.”

“Blue flower?” Twilight’s eyes went wide, remembering her own encounter with one. “Wait! You don’t mean she stumbled into…”

“Yes, young Twilight. Poison Joke. Instead of giving a rash, it makes fun of all folk.”

“Poison… Joke?” Phoenix repeated in disbelief. Is EVERYTHING in this place a pun?

“Yes indeed, my human friend. What I say now is a warning, so your ear you should lend.” She turned to Phoenix next. “Of Poison Joke, all should beware. To not touch its blue blooms, you must take great care.”

“Blue blooms?” Phoenix echoed; he could vaguely recall seeing some blue flowers on his second trip into the Everfree. “What does it do?”

“It takes your best attribute, what you hold most dear... and then either takes it away, or turns it on its ear.”

Phoenix wasn’t sure what to make of her meaning. “And… what effect did it have on my client?” he asked as Trixie groaned in remembered dismay.

The corners of Zecora’s mouth turned upward. “At first I knew not, given what had occurred. For by the time I found Lula, she could neither be seen nor heard.”

Twilight had more experience listening to Zecora, getting her meaning immediately and breaking out into a huge grin. “You mean… it turned Trixie invisible?”

And made her mute?” Phoenix grinned as well as his mind caught up with her meaning.

“Sounds like an improvement to me!” Applejack called out from the stands.

“Bwah-hah-hah-ha-ha-HA!!!” Rainbow and Pinkie erupted in laughter and the rest of the gallery wasn’t far behind, Trixie going beet red and looking like she wanted to hide as the judge repeatedly called for order, unable to keep the amused grin off his face.

Phoenix only managed to stifle his own laughter by biting his lip. Well, consider this your comeuppance for humiliating Rainbow, Trixie! he didn’t say out loud.

It was another half-minute before the laughter died down. “I see…” Delta snickered, wiping tears from her eyes as the guffaws faded to scattered titters in the gallery. “Out of curiosity, how did you treat her if you couldn’t see her?”

“Threw a blanket over her, so she was no longer hid. Then gave her an herbal bath, I assuredly did. The effects it removed, but her traumas did linger. She kept on about Twilight, wanting me only to bring her.”

“I’m sorry. ‘Bring her’?” Delta asked, getting back on topic.

“She wanted a duel to regain her lost pride. To Miss Lula, appearance was worth more than what was inside. Train herself in magic, she did by night. So Twilight, she would one day be ready to fight.”

“So she wanted revenge and was actively working towards it,” Delta paraphrased as Phoenix winced and Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise, staring at Zecora in disbelief.

Why didn’t you ever TELL me she was out there? Phoenix could read her thoughts quite clearly.

“And why didn’t you grant her request? Far better to have the duel done in the woods, than in the middle of a crowded courtroom!” Delta pointed out, to sounds of agreement from the gallery and a nod from the judge.

For the first time, Zecora hesitated before speaking, sensing the crowd’s mood. “She was not ready, my spellsinging friend. Had she fought Twilight then, I feared a bad end. Her defeat would be total and her spirit could fail. Next to the consequences of which, this trial would pale.”

Phoenix bit his lip again, this time to keep from making his own disbelieving sounds. But Delta Requiem was not so restrained. “Consequences?” she repeated, somewhat derisively. “Worse than endangering hundreds of ponies with a ‘magical temper tantrum’ as Miss Sparkle put it? Worse than maliciously prosecuting one of Miss Sparkle’s friends and nearly getting her banished to the sun?”

“Yes,” the zebra mare stood her ground. “There are things in this world that are not what they seem. Things that are assuredly not from a dream. Spirits that offer themselves to those who are needy. They often seem friendly, but are in fact quite greedy. Evils that seek out the vengeful and weak. They appear to a pony when their despair, it has peaked. They come to you only when all hope is lost. They grant your wish, but at a terrible cost.”

Phoenix glanced at Twilight, who appeared to have no more idea what the cryptic stanzas meant than he did. Delta, on the other hoof, seemed to be considering her words carefully, her brow furrowed as if something had suddenly clicked. She closed her eyes and murmured softly; for a moment Phoenix felt an odd feeling wash over him again in a much milder version of the effect her earlier use of her spellsinging powers had on him.

“Lady Requiem?” Due Process frowned, seeing her go silent, his horn picking up a subtle magic in the air around them.

Delta shook her head once, as if to clear it. “My apologies. I think we’ve heard all we need to from this witness, Your Honor.” She returned her attention to the trial, clearing her throat before going on. “Regardless of Ms. Zecora’s judgment, it is clear that Ms. Lulamoon had for a long time been meaning to take revenge on Twilight Sparkle, and was actively preparing for it. It is also apparent that she neither cared for the safety of others, nor that Miss Sparkle was not responsible for the loss of her livelihood.”

“Ms. Lulamoon wanted Miss Sparkle hurt and humiliated, and she did not care who else she hurt along the way. This duel was the direct result of her callousness in pursuing a personal vendetta, and she should be punished accordingly!”

Phoenix finally spoke up. Don’t know what that was about, but I can’t think about it now! “If she did not care for the safety of others, why did she restrain her lightning until the shield spell was in place?” he fired back, pointing a finger at Delta. “If she meant to challenge Twilight in a public place, why did she want to duel her in the woods?”

Twilight guessed the answer instantly—because she thought the power boost she’d get from the forest magic might be the equalizer—but held her tongue as Delta retaliated.

Her head back in the game, Delta Requiem shrugged and shook her head in a manner that very much reminded Phoenix of Miles Edgeworth. “She wanted the duel on her terms, Mister Wright, to maximize whatever advantages she could find. Perhaps she thought that by forcing Twilight to duel in the courtroom, she would be at a disadvantage, having to expend energy trying to defend her friends?” she suggested with a lowered head and close-eyed grin, making Edgeworth himself grin and nod in approval from where he was watching in the stands.

Phoenix was caught short while Twilight grimaced, considering Delta’s words and coming to an uncomfortable conclusion. She’s right—I WAS at a disadvantage, having to defend everypony. I would’ve lost if Shining Armor hadn’t come to the rescue and freed up my power, she thought with a glance at her brother, realizing she’d never actually thanked him for his intervention.

Phoenix quickly came up with a counter. “Is the prosecution seriously suggesting that my client went into the courtroom with the intention of not only dueling my co-counsel if she lost, but of deliberately using bystanding ponies as shields?” he asked derisively, remembering his talk with Trixie after the trial and how apologetic she had been over losing control. “You can’t be serious!”

Due Process broke off the debate with a hard rap of his hoof. “Enough, counselors. Unless I miss my guess, neither of you have evidence or knowledge of Miss Lulamoon’s mindset before or during the duel, and as such, any debate on this matter is pure and pointless speculation. Am I wrong?” He looked back and forth between the prosecutor and defense bench.

The two attorneys looked at each other and then back at the judge, chagrined. “No, Your Honor,” they admitted as one though Twilight’s brow furrowed, suddenly deep in thought.

Actually, maybe we do, she admitted to herself. But do I dare go… THERE?

“Very well. Then as the prosecution has finished with this witness… your cross-examination, Mister Wright?” Due Process prompted.

“Thank you, Your Honor.” He took a deep breath and drew himself up straight. Delta did some major damage… now how best to undo it? “Ms. Zecora—for how long did you know Miss Lulamoon?” he opened.

“For three months, I believe. Unless my memory does deceive.”

Phoenix wondered again how she came up with rhymes so effortlessly. “And in that time, can you tell, did you come to know her well?” he asked before blinking. Great. Now she’s got ME doing it!

She grinned. “Certainly, as well as anypony would. In the course of our meetings, I did for her what I could.”

“Meetings, plural? So you saw her regularly after the, uh, Poison Joke incident?” he managed to say, shoulders slumping for a moment. Wonder what it would have done to ME?

Zecora nodded. “She came to me often, looking for a square meal. She would not admit it, but her hunger was real. We talked about her life, which she said ‘was a disaster’. I encouraged her to practice her power, so her magic she would master. Told her to forget Miss Sparkle, and find her own path. That to cling to her grudge would eventually consume her in wrath.”

Which it did, Phoenix nodded grimly. “And did she take your advice?”

“Yes, in good time. I daresay, to me, she had taken a shine. She left for Las Pegasus, saying she would start over there. I wished her well and told her to take care. Of what came after, I do not know. But whatever happened, it appears to have ended in snow.” She nodded at the crystal playback recorder, which was still freeze-framed on Trixie’s pre-duel blizzard.

Phoenix nodded in satisfaction. “We already know what happened, Your Honor! She left to try to rebuild her stage magic career, and later became a legal aide—hardly the actions of somepony with a single-minded focus on vengeance!” Phoenix told Delta directly, his finger pointed at her. He half-expected an objection, but the pegasus proseuctor remained silent. “At the time she left, did my client still want to challenge Twilight?”

Zecora shook her head. “Of Twilight Sparkle, she wanted only to be rid. And try to be better, I swear Lula did,” she directly addressed Due Process as she said her last sentence.

“How did she try to be better?” Phoenix quickly followed up.

“Took a job at a rock farm, as to not be a debtor. Poured herself into books so her magic would be better. In time she paid me back for my company and care. And more than once did she need it, considering her last dare.”

“‘Last dare’?” Phoenix and Delta echoed.

“Her powers grew steadily, week by week. But to be Twilight’s better, she had to first equal her feat. So she went deep in the woods looking for an Ursa, you see. And find one she did, from her wounds was plain to me.”

That caused another upsurge in conversation, this time a far more impressed one. “She actually went out and fought an Ursa?” Twilight asked in disbelief and genuine respect. It was all I could do to handle a baby one!

“Yes, and lost badly, which she took quite sadly,” Zecora announced with a slow and mournful shake of her head.

“She finally gave up her vendetta then, knowing that fighting Miss Sparkle was simply no-win. When her wounds had healed, she did finally depart, resolving to leave her old life behind and make a new start.”

Phoenix exchanged a quick glance with Twilight, who nodded and immediately went for the satchel that functioned as their evidence bag. Now’s the time! “Your Honor! The defense wishes to show exactly what happened during my client’s ‘new start’,” he announced, bringing out a package that had been express delivered only that morning from Las Pegasus, courtesy and compliments of the Griffon Express.

“I see,” Due Process said, studying the parcel curiously. “And how will you do that, Mister Wright?”

He nodded at Twilight, who passed the judge and Delta a scroll from the package. She tried hard not to wince again at the sharp stab of pain through her horn as beside her, Trixie sensed her discomfort and weakened aura. “This is an affidavit signed by one Rising Star, manager of the Mystique Casino Resort in Las Pegasus,” Phoenix announced, wondering how the pony version of Sin City compared to the human one, and how well his poker game might play within it. Or do they even play that here? “In it, she states that my client asked for and received permission to perform on resort grounds, doing so for the better part of a month.”

“Which proves… what, exactly?” Delta asked. “What relevance is this to our trial?”

“I’m asking that myself, Mister Wright,” Due Process warned. “Come to the point quickly.”

In response, Twilight brought out a single small blue crystal from the package, one that looked to be a much smaller version of the one they’d been using to replay the trial. Good thing the trial was delayed, or we’d never have gotten this in time! she thought.

“I think the prosecution will find this playback from a resort security camera—er, crystal—rather enlightening.” Phoenix nodded at Twilight, who hesitated and then passed the crystal to the white stallion bailiff, causing Phoenix’s brow to furrow. Odd. Why isn’t she playing it herself?

Accepting it without comment, the stallion’s horn flared and a video sequence appeared, showing Trixie against a backdrop that could have been any high-end hotel front in Las Vegas except for the fact that all the patrons were on four legs and the lights were magical, not electrical. Trixie was in the middle of a plaza giving a show, or trying to.

She was interrupted repeatedly by hecklers and mocked by several ponies, taunting her about Twilight Sparkle and the Ursa Minor. Trixie tried to ignore them at first and get on with the show, but it was increasingly clear she was flustered as her tricks began misfiring, resulting in even more laughter and heckling.

After a few minutes, Phoenix had the bailiff pause the playback. “I ask Your Honor to simply consider this question: how is a pony supposed to ‘move on’ when nopony lets them forget? How do you reclaim your reputation and livelihood when it’s forever linked to a pony and event that destroyed them?” He raised his voice, addressing not just the judge but the entire gallery.

“As Your Honor can plainly see, my client attempted to ‘be better’ as Ms. Zecora said, only to keep getting dragged back into the mud by those she was only trying to entertain. In the end, how else could she get her life back but to challenge and defeat my co-counsel, either in the legal realm or the magical one?”

Delta was unimpressed. “That’s just one playback, Mister Wright. I’m sure she gave more shows than that. Or is the defense suggesting that Miss Lulamoon is so fragile she was hurt by a few mean comments and gave up?” She smirked as she spoke, to some hoofclops from the gallery.

“Yeah, how ‘bout it Trixie? Can you dish it out but not take it?” Rainbow Dash mocked from the stands, earning sounds of agreement from the other spectators and an angry glare from both Twilight and Trixie alike.

Due Process was having none of it, his hoof coming down hard again, making Phoenix wish he’d been present for dealing with certain prosecutors and witnesses during his trials on Earth. “Ms. Dash, you are not on trial this time, but that does not preclude a contempt citation. Disrupt these proceedings again, and I will order your immediate arrest,” he said calmly, pinning Rainbow with a stare until he was satisfied the message was driven home. “But as to the issue at hoof... I must concur with the prosecution. A failed show and a few hecklers does not justify what she did, Mister Wright.”

“Thank you, Your Honor,” Delta bowed her head in acknowledgment. “I’m an entertainer myself, so take it from me, Mister Wright—there may be no business like show business, but if Miss Lulamoon cannot deal with a little bad press or negative feedback, then she should not be in the business!” she concluded with a grin.

Harsh, Lady Requiem! Phoenix grimaced, noting from the reaction in the stands that the bulk of the audience was solidly on her side. “I see. Well, then—perhaps the prosecution would like to see the other twenty recordings we were sent?” he asked, hands on his hips as Twilight tipped the box up to show that many more identical crystals were stacked inside.

He had the pleasure of seeing Delta Requiem’s expression drop fractionally even as the white stallion groaned in dismay. Rather than play them all, Phoenix had the unicorn bailiff choose five more at random.

They all went much as the first video went, except one involved a drunken pony couple asking if Trixie could make herself disappear to the applause of the unfriendly crowd, and another of the showmare being taunted by several airborne griffons over Twilight and the Ursa, throwing tomatoes as they mocked her, disrupting her teleport trick before flying off laughing—so THAT’S where her teleport story came from! Phoenix noted—but didn’t get very far before a sudden blast of icy wind caught them and threw them headlong into a nearby fountain, which then mysteriously froze solid just as they sat back up, leaving them partially encased in the ice.

Phoenix couldn’t help but smile at that, and so did Trixie at the memory of their shocked and shivering expressions. “We could see more, but I trust the point is made, Lady Requiem?” he asked, hands on his hips. “My client did try to forget Twilight and make a new start. And that was the result!” he announced to the entire court, pointing at the now-frozen playback. “So before we pass judgment on her, perhaps all ponies present should consider what that kind of unending emotional and mental abuse would do to a mare?”

“I would note that in many of those playbacks, she retaliated magically against her hecklers, humiliating several. If the point of these playbacks is to show her complete lack of character and inability to take a few barbs, you’ve succeeded quite dramatically, Mister Wright!” Delta told him.

“And I would note that she didn’t actually hurt anypony with her actions despite being severely provoked—just as in the duel!”

Due Process’s hoof came down again. “As much as I’m enjoying the back-and-forth, counselors… Mister Wright’s point is indeed made. The defendant did try to make a go of it, only to be mocked and belittled day after day. It does not take a degree in psychology to know what that might have done to her. So therefore, I now ask the following question of the witness myself:

“Ms. Zecora—you are the closest thing to a friend the defendant seems to have. Based on the time you spent with her, do you believe that Ms. Lulamoon would deliberately injure or endanger other ponies in her attempts to avenge herself on Twilight Sparkle?”

Phoenix held his breath. He’d planned to ask the question himself, but the judge doing so was better—it preempted any objections from Delta. Still, it meant the zebra mare could now make or break his case, and he honestly didn’t know how she would answer. Don’t let us down, Zecora!

The zebra mare sensed the import of the question as well and considered her response carefully. “She is a pony whom Harmony and friendship did miss. So with regards to Miss Lula, I would simply say this…”

She took a deep breath before going on. “She wanted to hurt Miss Sparkle, that much is plain. Her purpose, it seems, was to make Twilight feel her pain. But to hurt bystanding ponies? No, she would never. Embarrass perhaps, but harm? Not ever!

“Do not be fooled by her manner, for a front it is only. Inside, be assured, she is sad and quite lonely. Miss Lula is not evil, merely hurt and laid low. Without any friends, there is no way she can grow. She is not a bad pony. Please set her free. And I ask that you all accept her... just as you came to accept me!” she concluded by addressing the entire gallery, lowering her head.

There was silence in the gallery, then a single pony’s hoofclops became known. Looking up, Twilight recognized the applause was coming from Apple Bloom, swiftly joined by her new friend Pearl clapping her hands together. Applejack joined them somewhat reluctantly, then Maya did as well until finally there was at least a light smattering of applause from the entire gallery. Edgeworth did not join in but nodded slowly, looking somewhat conflicted, the prosecutor in him demanding punishment but the softer side of him increasingly sensing that jail time would do little to help the mare magician.

Due Process considered her words carefully, then nodded. “Very well, then. Thank you, Ms. Zecora. Do you have any more questions of this witness, Mister Wright?”

“None, Your Honor,” he replied, shooting a grateful look along with Twilight at the zebra mare, who gave him a nod of acknowledgment in return. For her part, Trixie looked to be in shock, having never expected such a forceful and heartfelt defense of her.

“Lady Requiem?” Due Process then turned to his right. “May we dismiss this witness?”

“We may, Your Honor,” Delta replied, sounding somewhat subdued, though Twilight noted she also seemed to be slightly distracted, looking around the chamber while her ears twitched, as if she were trying to hear something.

Being a spellsinger, she’s more attuned to the ethereal realm than I, and she oftentimes enhances her hearing to ‘listen’ to such disturbances. So what is she sensing? She wondered in the renewed silence as Zecora withdrew to the gallery. She sat with Twilight’s friends, earning an immediate hug from Apple Bloom, who promptly introduced her to Pearls and Maya.

“An enchanting witness, Mister Wright,” Due Process finally acknowledged, though Phoenix didn’t understand why Pinkie Pie suddenly giggled in the stands. “Now that we have heard her testimony, what would you have me do with it?” There was an odd, almost uncertain note in his voice.

“I believe that the defense has demonstrated, both via video playback and Ms. Zecora’s testimony, that there was no intent to injure bystanders in my client’s actions, Your Honor,” Phoenix offered. “As such, I respectfully request that all remaining reckless endangerment counts be dropped.”

“Whether she had intent or not, she still endangered other ponies, Mister Wright,” Delta fired back, returning her attention to the trial. “The charges should stand!”

“The prosecution’s case rested in part on a claim of malicious intent, Your Honor!” He pointed a finger across the pit. “We have laid that claim to rest!”

“That doesn’t change the fact her conduct was reckless and put others in danger—including you, Mister Wright!” Delta didn’t back down.

“For which my client pled guilty to a single count!” Phoenix reminded her.

“That will do, counselors,” Due Process broke in again. “Your points are made, and both are valid. Mister Wright, this court accepts your assertion that Miss Lulamoon did not intend to harm others and in fact made efforts to restrain her powers—that much is clear from the playbacks, both from here and Las Pegasus.

“But she did endanger others, and for that reason I cannot simply dismiss all the remaining counts. That said, the evidence does not support five hundred counts, Lady Requiem—if simply being blasted with a brief blizzard endangered ponies, we’d have to charge pegasi with reckless endangerment every time they made a snowstorm. We’re hardier than that,” he noted to some chuckles from the gallery, causing Phoenix to grin, wishing he’d thought to make the point himself.

“In this court’s opinion... the only ponies in real danger were those closest to the scene. Accordingly, I am dropping all but twelve of the reckless endangerment counts—one for each individual aside from the duel combatants in the courtroom pit—the presiding judge, the witness, the four bailiffs, Mister Wright… and Miss Sparkle’s friends,” he brought his hoof down.

“Thank you, Your Honor,” Phoenix acknowledged. Down to just twelve counts, and the judge seems to be coming around to a lighter sentence. We’re almost there…

Due Process gave him a look. “Don’t thank me yet, Mister Wright,” he told him, a reluctant note entering his voice. “Despite the prosecution’s recommendation, I feel I must consider up to six-month sentences for each of the remaining charges,” he announced, causing Phoenix’s smile to vanish and Trixie’s jaw to fall open. “No matter how you may rationalize it, the fact remains that this duel was done in a public place and endangered many bystanders. I cannot simply let that go.”

Phoenix exchanged a horrified look with Twilight. Six months each on twelve counts? But that would be six… YEARS! “But Your Honor—!”

“Your Honor, that seems… excessive.” Even Delta looked troubled, as did Edgeworth and the rest of their friends in the stands. “My sentence recommendation of six months total was well-considered.”

“I cannot agree, Lady Requiem,” Due Process replied, shaking his head. “No matter how we dissect this video or the defendant’s motivations, the fact remains that this duel was initiated by Miss Lulamoon in a very public place and potentially endangered many ponies. Explosion of temper or no, I find it very hard to believe she could not restrain herself long enough to take it outside,” he noted as if he was a prosecutor.

“If all she wanted was a public venue, she could have had her duel in the plaza, with plenty of witnesses, all of whom could watch from a safe distance. Instead, she chose to make it in a packed courtroom, where bystanding ponies could very easily be injured whether or not she meant for them to be. These are aggravating factors to say the least,” he finished, shaking his head again. “Am I wrong on any of this, Mister Wright?”

For the first time all trial, Phoenix was at a complete loss for words. I don’t get it! Why did he just turn on us like that? “Uh… a moment, Your Honor!” he begged, his mind racing as Trixie slumped in her seat, her head down on the rail.

“You have put up a stalwart defense, Mister Wright. In recognition of your efforts, I will still accept guilty pleas on the remaining counts, and a degree of leniency will be granted for it,” Due Process suggested. “However, if you still wish to contest the charges? I cannot make that promise.”

“I request a recess, Your Honor!” Delta spoke up. “The prosecution and defense need to discuss this.”

“So ordered. Court will recess for fifteen minutes!” Due Process announced with a rap of his hoof.

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom No. 1
Defense Lobby
June 16th, 11:23 AM

Phoenix managed to make it back to the waiting room before he slumped down hard on a couch. “Not good…” was all he could immediately manage. “Now what do we do?” he asked nopony in particular, his head buried in his hands. Even Trixie was subdued, walking back in forlornly, her head bowed low. He half-expected she would berate him and Twilight, but the showmare remained silent.

“Plead guilty,” a new arrival told him. Startled, he looked up to see Delta Requiem standing in front of him, having never heard her come in. To his surprise, there was sympathy in her eyes as well as a very troubled look. “Your defense was superb, Mister Wright, but you’ve taken it as far as you can. The judge gave you a fair hearing but has made up his mind. I’m not sure why he’s doing this—it’s very out of character for him—but there’s nothing more to be done by either of us.”

How did she—? Never mind. “And for argument’s sake… what sentence do you think he would give if we did plead guilty?” he felt compelled to ask.

Her brow furrowed. “I’d be shocked if he actually gave you a full six-year sentence. Barring special circumstances, he tends to go for half-sentences for guilty verdicts, quarter-ones for pleas. So I’d say he’d probably give you eighteen months total for a guilty plea if I sign off on it… three years otherwise,” she told him. “Don’t forget, she could also get some time off for good behavior. That means she could conceivably be out in a year.”

Good behavior from Trixie… how likely is THAT? Phoenix didn’t say out loud.

“Just plead me, Wrong,” Trixie told him, her head slumped in surrender. “It’s over.”

Before Phoenix could reply, the door opened and the orange pegasus bailiff stallion walked in, passing him a note. He opened it to recognize Edgeworth’s elegant handwriting, followed by progressively messier scrawl below:

The judge’s reasoning is sound only if his underlying assumptions are correct. He strikes me as stern but sensible, so if you wish to change his mind, you must challenge his assumptions. Turn this case upside-down as you have always done, and you can yet win the day.


Don’t you DARE give up now, Nick! Trixie’s a horse’s backside but doesn’t deserve all THAT! —Maya

Don’t let Mystic Trixie down, Mister Nick! You can still do it! —Pearly

Phoenix passed the note to Twilight, considering his prosecutor friend’s words carefully. Turn the case upside-down? But how? he asked himself. This isn’t a murder trial. Trixie IS guilty and I’ve already run through most of my defense. What underlying assumptions can I challenge? he wondered. Abruptly, his brow furrowed. Wait a minute!

Beside him, Twilight was considering the same question and reaching the same conclusion as her eyes suddenly lit up. “Phoenix—call me to the stand!” She put her hoof on his arm. “I know what I have to do.”

“Really, Miss Sparkle?” Delta raised an eyeridge while Trixie looked at her in disbelief. “Even as Trixie’s duel opponent, what can you possibly say that would change the judge’s mind?”

“Like this note says, Due Process made an invalid assumption about Trixie’s actions when he laid out his reasoning,” Twilight answered. “So if we can disprove it, we can overturn his entire argument and get Trixie off with minimal prison time!” I hope…

Delta looked uncertain, something that struck Phoenix as an unfamiliar sensation for her. “And you believe your testimony can accomplish that?”

“I don’t just believe it will; I know it will,” Twilight affirmed with a glance at Phoenix.

“How?” Trixie demanded to know. “What proof can you possibly offer, and why would you turn down the chance to have me out of your mane for the next year and a half? Unless...” Her eyes narrowed as an ugly idea occurred to her and she gave her rival an accusing look. “Or are you just trying to trick me into not pleading so it will be three years?”

For a moment, Twilight hesitated to meet her rival’s eyes, but finally forced herself to. “We’ve defended you faithfully to this point, Trixie. I know you don’t trust me, but I don’t wish ill on you, and there is something I can do out there that will help. I’m going to take part of the blame for this, if you’ll let me.” And reveal something else as well… She tried not to think about it lest she lose her nerve.

“I am not your attorney, Lula, but as a friend of your father, I cannot recommend this course,” Delta spoke up before Trixie could reply. “I can’t see that the judge will accept Twilight’s claims, and as prosecutor, I’ll have to argue against them. You’re risking at least a three-year sentence if you continue to contest this case.”

And there’s something else at work here, Lady Requiem was strangely certain, her ears swiveling back and forth, searching again for a half-sensed ethereal disturbance that was faint and fleeting, like the rustle of a leaf or the barest of breezes breaking still air. Not sure what it is, but it almost feels like... something’s watching us? She had an odd sense of foreboding at the thought.

Trixie glared at her, unaware of where her thoughts had gone. “Oh. So now you have my best interests at heart? Unlike before when you were trying to put me away for six months and said I wasn’t cut out for show business?” she all but spat back.

“She’s just prosecuting the case like she’s supposed to, Trixie!” Twilight spoke up in Delta’s defense, unable to sense anything herself with her injured horn.

As the three mares argued, Phoenix was getting his thoughts in order. I think I know what Twilight’s planning. And based on what she said, revealing it could be VERY ugly! But if she’s willing to go through with it just to save Trixie…

He considered the possible outcomes with his thoughts, then nodded, finding it generally led to more favorable ones for the showmare, though at cost to Twilight. But if she’s still willing to do it, even knowing that? Then so be it. I was planning on calling Twilight to the stand at some point anyway. This is the final showdown! I’ve come this far for Trixie, I’m not going to back down now!

“So you know the risks. Do you want to plead or will you let us do this, Trixie?” he broke into the conversation.

Trixie stared at him for a moment before she turned her attention back to Twilight. “The only reason Trixie agreed to let Wrong defend her was to see you get cross-examined by him, Snarkle,” she smirked, some of her old attitude back. “And she supposes risking a couple additional years in prison would be worth it just to see it happen.”

Phoenix glanced from her to Twilight and Delta Requiem. “Then it’s settled?” he asked cautiously, noting the latter looked decidedly unhappy.

In reply, the showmare turned her violet eyes back on him. “Trixie grants permission... on one condition,” she announced, an expectant smile touching her lips. “Don’t you dare hold back on your marefriend, Mister Wrong!”

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on November 15, 2018.

Hey, everyone, it’s Leo Archon here. So, um… yeah, another split. This trial isn’t going to drag on forever, like some AA trials can, but man is it getting big. We’d intended to wrap it up in this chapter, but Firesight had so many things to add, it just grew and grew. Finally, we decided it was getting too big, again, and we decided to make one last chapter break. This chapter contains the bulk of the trial (featuring Apple Bloom and Zecora), while the next will have Twilight’s cross-examination, the verdict, and post-trial antics.

In other news, a few people have wondered what the point of bringing Phoenix’s friends from Earth is. Rest assured, they’ll have roles to play. Edgeworth in particular has something very important to do… but I’ll say no more here, for fear of spoilers.

Speaking as someone who’s played every AA game there is (including Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney), I can honestly say that helping with this has been a pleasure and an honor. We still have more to come in this universe, however, so don’t think that this is the end. It’s not… not by a long shot. Until next chapter, fare thee well!

* * * * *

So Trixie’s trial is now turned into a three-act play like most AA cases. Apologies, but the total chapter length would have been over 20,000 words otherwise and that’s a bit much. Ending on a cliffhanger note seemed appropriate here as Trixie’s fate hangs in the balance in more ways than one. What will happen in the final trial chapter will reveal much, and have a typical Ace Attorney twist. And yes, we're hinting at major things happening behind the scenes that won't be fully revealed until the sequel.

Thanks as always to Raven for her encouragement and support, for Leo for the help and his own touches, to TheGoldCrow for his feedback and to AJ_Aficionado as our newest prereader and sounding board. Promise we’re getting there folks, but I didn’t want to shortchange any part of this, and Trixie’s trial is important to her development as a character as well to laying the groundwork for what's to come. You’ll see why in due time.

Content aside, this was a challenging chapter on many levels, between trying to lay out an entire new trial with realistic evidence, arguments, reactions and defense strategy to trying to come up with Zecora’s rhyming testimony—I have a new appreciation for her writers at this point. You be the judge whether we’ve succeeded. Our final four chapters is now six, but hey… if you think about it, the four-part video series turned into six as well. :twilightsmile:

And last but not least: we're currently updating earlier chapters to fix broken image links and formatting that got screwed up by one of the earlier the site updates. About half the chapters are done.

From the Turnabout Storm crew to all of you... Happy Hearth's Warming!!!!


*** *** *** ***

We're almost there!!!

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