• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,663 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 1.1

Published 11/03/12

Chapter Six: Dreams.

“Wha-What happened?”

Dash burst through the door.

“There's no time to explain! You just have to help her.”

Fluttershy's eyes scanned the injured alicorn.

“B-B-But, I can't help her.”

Dash sat Twilight down on the couch before turning to Fluttershy.

“Why not?”

“I-I only know veterinary medicine. I-I don't know how to treat a pony.” Her gaze locked onto the broken wing, “Especially an alicorn.” She shook her head, “Why is Twilight a—”

Dash rushed up to Fluttershy, her wings flared up.

“There isn't time for any of this, Fluttershy!”


“You have to help her.”

“B-But her injuries! She needs to go to a hospi—”

No! I'm already in enough trouble as it is. She'd kill me in a way that would reference some crappy horror story if I brought her to a hospital.”

“Now, Dash, I'm sure she'd unde—”

“It wouldn't even be a good reference. It would be one of those cheap references everypony would expect.”

“Dash! You have to calm down.”

“I'm calm.” Her eyes darted from Twilight to Fluttershy, “Never been calmer.” She hopped from one pair of hooves to the other, “It's not like I nearly killed one of my best friends and caused her serious injuries that have probably crippled her—all because I wanted to have a little fun.” She collapsed to the ground and her eyes began to tear up, “Please, Fluttershy. Just help her.”

Fluttershy bit her lip.

“Okay, Dash. Go get my medical kit. It's in the coat closet by the back door.”

Dash zipped off while Fluttershy moved over to examine the injured alicorn.

“Oh my. What on earth happened to you?”

She carefully grabbed Twilight's broken wing and felt it for additional breaks. She furrowed her brow in worry.

“At least five separate fractures.” she murmured to herself.

She next felt Twilight's other bones, running from her neck down. She sighed.

“That's a relief. No other fractures.”

Dash returned with the medical kit.

“Dash, you have to tell me exactly what's happened.”

As Dash explained, Fluttershy retrieved gauze, rubbing alcohol, and bandages from the medkit and started cleaning the lacerations on Twilight's side.

“Well, after I misjudged my speed and crashed into the libra—”

“No, I mean, how did she get hurt?”

“Oh, well, we were practicing gliding and she was doing really well, but—” Dash choked back a sob, “but I forgot to tell her about thermals a-and she careened out of control—” She clenched her teeth and fought off another sob, “a-and before I could save her, s-she teleported right to ground and crashed into it. Oh, Fluttershy, it was terrible.”

“There, there. It's okay, Dash.”

Dash walked up and sat next to Fluttershy while she bandaged Twilight's side.

“How bad is it?”

“Well, she's got a severely broken wing and some pretty bad cuts and scrapes to her side. I'm gonna need your help setting the splint for her wing.”

“Okay. What do I gotta do?”

Fluttershy removed the splint materials from the kit.

“You have to hold the wing while I set the bone.”

“Like this?”

Dash reached out and grabbed the wing.

“No! Wait, Dash!”

Twilight grimaced in pain when Dash touched the wing. She quickly retracted her hoof.

“Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry, Twilight! I didn't mean to...”

Dash trailed off as she noticed Twilight's horn start to glow a dull purple.

“What's going on, Fluttershy?”

A light purple aura soon encompassed Twilight's body. Fluttershy and Dash backed away in caution.

“I don't know, Dash.”

They both cringed when the sound of bones breaking was heard.



Under the purple glow, Twilight's wing snapped itself back into place. The wound where the bone had stuck out of sealed itself up and a layer of purple down feathers poked itself out of the wing.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash could only stare with mouths agape.

The glow continued unabated for several minutes until it finally dissipated.

Dash was the first to recover from her shock.

“Did Twilight just do what I think she did?”

“I-I'm not sure.”

The two hesitantly approached the alicorn and gazed at the wing.

“It looks fine. Nothin' like it was a minute ago.”

Fluttershy grabbed the mended wing and examined it.

“I can't believe it. This wing was fractured in at least five different places. It's like it was never even broken.”

A curious look crossed Dash's face.

“I wonder...”

She tore the gauze and bandaging off of Twilight's side.

Dash! What do you think you're...do...ing.”

Fluttershy and Dash stared at Twilight's side, now completely healed of any wounds. Dash ran a hoof across the soft, sheeny fur.

“It looks amazing,” Dash blushed, “n-not that I would care about how fur looks.”

“That's probably because it's new. I've never seen anything like this before.”

After gawking for several more moments, Fluttershy grabbed a pillow and blanket and tucked Twilight in.

“While I don't know what's going on, I do know that she needs her rest. Why don't you go get Spike while I clean up?”

Dash nodded before leaving.


Twilight stood in the security line, a nervous wreck.

'It'll be okay, Twilight. T-They won't notice anything.'

Several ponies in front of her, at the entrance to the Chambers of the Oversight and Reform Committee, stood two unicorns of the Royal Guard who were scanning each pony as the entered the room.

'H-How w-were you suppose to k-know they'd scan you before allowing you in.'


The line moved up. Twilight was fourth.

'They won't notice. They can't notice. I-If the Changeling Queen was able to fool th-them then I will too.'


'Just don't do anything to arouse suspicion.'


'Take a few deep breaths and just focus on getting through the security checkpoint.'

“Ah, good day, Miss Sparkle. It's a shame your first appearance before Parliament has to be under these circumstances. Is everything alright?”

Twilight's eyes rapidly shifted from one guard to the other.

“O-Oh y-yes. Everything's fine. Nothing to hide.” She flinched, “I mean, why would I hide anything? That's preposterous.” She gave a desperate, high pitched laugh.

“You should really calm down, Miss Sparkle. You really have nothing to worry about.” The guard chuckled, “Unless you're a changeling or something like that.” Twilight gulped, but the guards didn't seem to notice, “If you were, this screening would reveal you and you'd be thrown into the dungeons for sure then.” The guard laughed again, “But it'd be pretty stupid for a changeling, or somepony using their magic, to just walk right into Parliament, so you don't have to worry.”

“Please stand by while we cast the spell. You might feel the sensation of silk rubbing against your horn, that's normal.” the other guard said.

The two guards cast what they thought would be a mundane spell, only for Twilight to wince in pain as her spell conflicted with theirs. After a moment of effort by the guards, the wing-be-gone spell failed and Twilight's secret was revealed.

The two guards stared with slack jaws.


“I don't even...”

Twilight giggled nervously yet again.

“L-L-Like I said, n-nothing to hide.”

“Seize her!”


Twilight, surrounded by four guards, was led through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Pandemonium encompassed them. Panicked yelling was heard as various secretaries and assistants ran, flew, and teleported around them. Paper had been kicked into the air and drifted about. Several waste bins were on fire. Outside, several explosions could be heard.

Twilight's mane was a disheveled mess.

'Everything's fine. You're just going to have tea with Princess Celestia and tell her all about the adventures you've had.' Her eyelids twitched, 'Then you can just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.'

The two unicorns that guarded the throne room opened the double doors with their telekinesis and Twilight and her escorts walked before the doors closed behind them.

Princess Celestia sat on her throne, listening intently to the dark blue Earth Pony that sat before her.

“All attempts at diplomacy have failed, I'm afraid. Seeing an opportunity in all the chaos your student has stirred up, the Imperial Council of Griffia-Minotaury has voted to declare war on Equestria.”

Twilight twitched again.

“The National Defense Council has ordered a full mobilization of all military personnel. Given the Empire's size and power, the Council is projecting a casualty rate of at least sixty percent in the opening engagements.”

Twilight shuddered.

Celestia looked up and noticed her student had arrived. She narrowed her eyes.

“Thank you, minister. Please wake up Luna and have the Council assemble in one hour so we can both be fully debriefed on the war efforts.”

The minister bowed before departing.

Twilight moved forward.

“H-Hello, Princess.”

Celestia gave Twilight a hard stare.

Twilight crumpled to the ground.

“I'm so sorry, Princess. I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Pleasedon'tbanishme orreassignmetoanothercity!”

Celestia sighed.

“I'm not going to banish you, Twilight. Honestly, I don't know where you ponies get that from.”

Twilight's mood improved rapidly.

'See, absolutely no reason to—'

“But you still have to be punished.”



Celestia glanced over to a nearby window.

“Have you looked outside?” Her voice was harsh.

Twilight looked out the window. Several squads of Royal Guardstallians roamed the sky. Smoke billowed from some buildings that had been set ablaze.

“And now we have a war to deal with. All because of what you've done!”

Tears began to leak from Twilight's eyes.

“I-I'm sorry.”

Celestia sighed again.

“I know you are. You'll have to be properly trained in the alicorn arts anyway, so look at repeating Magic Kindergarten as your punishment as well. It'll kill two birds with one stone.”

Twilight's world imploded.

“No, no, no nonononononono. P-Please! I'll d-do anything! Please.

“I've already made up my mind, Twilight.”


Dash walked in from having stretched her wings outside.

“How's she doing, Spike?”

Spike sat on the couch, to the side of Twilight's head.

“She's been jerking and muttering nonsense for ten minutes.”

Dash sat down on a nearby chair.

“Maybe we should wake her up.”

“No. If she really did use healing magic like you said, then she'll be wiped. Healing magic takes a lot out of her.”

“How do you know?”

“I've had my share of bumps and bruises over the years. She was always exhausted when she healed me.” Spike looked down at Twilight, “Can't imagine how tired she must be after healing herself—especially with the injuries she had.”

Twilight fidgeted in her sleep. Dash slammed a hoof down on the armrest.

“I just wish there was something we could do. I thought not saving her was the worse, but not even being able to help, especially when she needs it the most—what's the point of being loyal if your loyalty can't help?!”

“It's okay, Dash. We'll be here for her when she wakes up. All we have to do is wait.”

“But for how long?”


Twilight sat on the throne.

“As you can see, Your Majesty, if we raise the Aggregated Wealth Tax by point zero three percent and amend the Tax and Collections Act of 985 to include my proposals, we can reduce the budget deficit that the war inflicted by over twelve million bits.”

She sighed lightly.

'Why do I have to do this? 'The youngest princess has to handle taxes' said Luna. She just didn't want to do it herself.'

“Your Majesty, are you paying attention?”


'Quick! Say something diplomatic and princessy.'

“Um, yes. I will, uh, take your proposals under advisement and...and,” Twilight scrunched her face up trying to remember the exact phrase, “and submit the matter to Parliament.” She gave her best “Princess” smile.

The petitioner smiled brightly.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Don't tell Princess Luna, but you've handled these important proposals far better than she ever did.”

The petitioner bowed and then left, a noticeable bounce in his steps.

'I wonder if I should tell him ninety-six percent of submissions never make it out of Committee. Nah.'

Twilight nodded to the High Overseer.

“The next petitioner shall now be seen by Princess Twilight.”

She took a sip of water from an unnecessarily elaborate chalice.

'And here I was worried that being a Princess would be hard.'


Night fell over Fluttershy's cottage.

Fear gripped Dash as she looked over the table.

“This is bad. This is really bad.”

She glanced at Spike, then at Fluttershy.

“I can't believe this! How could this have happened?”

She nervously tapped the table with a hoof.

“You've got to be kidding me. Urragghh!”

Spike grinned.

“C'mon, Dash. You've got to discard.”

“Don't you think I know that!? I've been playing this game longer then you.”

Dash looked over her hand before selecting the two of hearts. She glanced at the discard pile and noticed the ace of hearts near its end. She discarded the two.

“At least you'll have to pick up all those cards if you want that ace and two.”

“Oh, Fluttershy, that looks so tempting, doesn't it?”

Spike's attempts to lure Fluttershy in failed when she reached out and selected a card from the stock. Her eyes widened.

“Oh my.”

She laid down three kings.


“Shoot, there goes that plan.”

She then discarded the ace of diamonds. She winced at Dash's reaction.

“Fluttershy! You might as well just give Spike points!”

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but, um, I didn't really need that card and I get rid of the cards I don't need.”

Spike cackled as he swiftly picked up the ace and laid down it and two others. He then discarded a worthless seven.

“Uno.” He sang as he held up his one remaining card.

Dash burned Fluttershy a look so intense, it would give her Stare a run for its money. Fluttershy sheepishly ducked down in response.

Dash picked up a card from the stock. She grumbled as she laid the fourth and final king down before grabbing the five of spades and roughly slamming it on the discard pile.

“Not like it matters what card I lay down. Fluttershy's just going to one up it.” she grumbled out.

“Aw, is somepony saddlesore? It's just a card game, Dash.”

“Shut up, Spike.”

Fluttershy's eyes gleamed as she greedily snagged the five and proceeded to lay down the four, five, six, and seven, before discarding her final card.

“I'm out.”

Spike and Dash stared in shock. Dash was the first to recover.



Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike settled into the sleeping bags Fluttershy set up in the living room.

“I can't believe you beat us, Fluttershy. Especially with the way you were giving Spike cards.”

“That's just how I play, Dash.”

“Uh-huh, sure. I bet you were counting cards.”

Spike rolled his eyes.

“You can't count cards playing that. Trust me, Twilight's tried.”

“How's Twilight doing anyway, Fluttershy?”

“She's doing fine, but if she doesn't wake up by tomorrow morning we'll have to take her to the hospital.”

“But I told you, we ca—”

“If she doesn’t wake up by then, it could be a sign that she's suffered brain damage! I-I can't treat that, not even when it happens to my animal friends.”

Both Dash and Spike grew worried.

“Even if I wasn't concerned by brain damage, she's going to be needing hydration soon and that's something I can't provide either.”

“I hope she'll get better.”

“We all do, Spike, we all do.”


The rain poured down in sheets.

'How did this all happen?'

Twilight sat in the muddy grass.

'Why didn't you think about this before?'

Behind her, Celestia and Luna stood a short distance away.

'You were too worried and panicked.'

She sniffled.

'Too concerned about the responsibility.'

A sob was chocked back.

'About the privilege.'

She gazed forward.

'You never even thought about this.'

Twilight clenched her teeth.

'Thought about them.'

A flash of lightning illuminated the five gravestones in front of her.

'And now they're gone.'

Her tears mixed with the rain.

'And you'll live on.'


Daylight broke over Fluttershy's cottage. Unbeknownst to the sleeping pegasi and dragon, tears fell from the unconscious alicorn's eyes as the true horrors of her predicament were revealed.

End of Chapter Six.