• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,663 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 1.1

Published 2/23/13

Chapter Seventeen: Ascension.

Canterlot Castle had many meeting rooms. The Architect of Canterlot had insisted that each one had its own theme and it was so. From the ocean blue, fish bust filled Nautical Room, over to the sword and armor lined Military Room, the Castle had it all. The Cabinet and Crown rarely used any of them, though. They were mainly attractions for the tours and places that Castle staff could take naps or engage in “other” activities while on break. The Ministry Room was pretty much the only one that was used. Its polished granite floor with rugs from Saddle Arabia and long solid oak table with cushioned seating was all the Ministers really needed.

The thirteen ponies that represented the Ministries of the government sat around the table. Various papers and books were strewn across it. Mumbled conversations could be heard as they discussed the recent incidents with Twilight.

“I just don't know what we're going to do, Elastic Clause.”

The red earth pony Interior Minister turned from his dossier on Twilight and looked at the Foreign Minister.

“Do about what, Casus Belli?”

“We have to figure out how to tell the foreign ambassadors about all this. And with the Griffin Civil War kicking into high gear, it’s making things very challenging. Then there's dealing with those prudes over at the Cosmic Council.”

Clause raised an eyebrow.


He smirked as Belli looked mortified.

“Clause! You know what I meant. I merely misspoke.”

“Yes, yes. I'm sure you did. Don't worry.” He picked up a large folder filled with papers, “We've got everything we need right here.”

Before the gray mare could inquire, the door to the room opened and three alicorns walked in. The assembled ponies stood as the three alicorns sat down. This time, it was Twilight who had to use a folding chair.

Clause, as head of the Cabinet, was the one to speak.

“Your Majesties, has a decision been reached?”

Celestia looked over the ponies.

“It has, Minister. Twilight has chosen to be crown princess.”

Several audible sighs resounded from the ministers.

“What a relief. Shall we then implement the plan?”

Celestia glanced at Twilight briefly.

“Yes. You may begin immediately.”

“Well hurry up man,” the Minister of Love crankily cried out, “The Ministry of the Interior's been hoarding that—what did you call it—Twilicorn Protocol for over a decade.”

Twilight's ears perked up while Celestia flinched slightly.

“What did you call it?”

“Twilicorn. Ya know, Twilight plus alicorn. At least I think that's what those kooks at the Ministry of the Interior called it.”

Elastic Clause bit back.

“That name is just informal. And we're not kooks.” he held up the thick folder, “its actual name is 'Procedures to be Enacted in the Event that Twilight Sparkle Ascends to Princesshood'.”

It was at that moment that he noticed Celestia motioning him to shut up.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and looked over at the Solar Diarch who had stopped her frantic gesturing and was once again wearing a mask of regality.

“Procedures, huh.”

“Well, uh, yes. There's everything here. How the ministries are to organize. What the Royal Guard is going to do. What your crown and hoof sizes are. There's even a little section on what to do if you instantly ascended.” he furrowed his brow, “In hindsight, we probably should have made that section longer. And not filled it with 'Panic and flail hooves around until the Princess sorts it out.' fifteen times in size forty font. Although you must admit, the ministries implemented that plan impeccably.”

Twilight's gaze intensified.

“Now, Twilight—”

“Did you two plan this?”

Luna looked over.

“Me? Why are you implicating me in this?”

Twilight looked from Luna back to Celestia.

“So it was just you?”

“Now listen, Twilight. I never intended any of this to happen. Those procedures were merely contingency plans that were written back when you became my student. All of my students had them. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, there are plans for if your friends become alicorns too, aren't there?”

She looked to Elastic Clause.

“Uh, yes, I believe there are.” he put a hoof to his chin in thought, “We should really update the 'instantly alicorn' section for them, too. Who knows, this might be a side effect of the Elements of Harmony or something.”

Twilight's mind flashed to an alicorn Pinkie. Screams of terror and the melody of “For He's a Jolly Good Stallion” played over scenes of party induced devastation and ponies in diabetic comas.

“What?! It can't be!”

Clause shrugged.

“I don't know. You'll have to talk with Archmage Morning Star and the Arcane Magic Council about it. I heard they're salivating at the chance to figure this alicorn business out.”

Celestia broke into the conversation.

“We'll have plenty of time to figure all of that out later. Right now, we need to finalize Twilight’s ascension. All ministries please implement the protocol. Now, if you all will excuse us, we have an important session of Parliament to get to.”

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stood up and left, leaving the ministers to continue to talk to each other about how to go about implementing the protocol.


Many regarded Parliament as the crown jewel of Equestria's constitutional diarchy. It served as a beacon of representative government in an otherwise authoritarian world—at least, that's what the MP's wanted everypony to believe. They conveniently left out the fact that the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire had its Griffon Imperial Council and Diet of Minotaury or that Canissia had its Duma. In fact, only Saddle Arabia—a key Equestrian ally—lacked any form of representative government. But that was conveniently forgotten. As were the many scandals, from bribes to affairs, that rocket Parliamentarians. So it wasn't a very good beacon. At least they still passed laws...most of the time.

The Parliamentary Chamber was massive. It needed to be, with five hundred and forty eight members of Parliament that called it home. The MP's desks and chairs sat in a semi-circle. In the middle, there was the three level high wooden rostrum, where the Speaker of Parliament and various clerks sat during sessions of Parliament. Brass chandeliers hung from the ceiling while stained glass lights hung from the walls. Wooden paneling and portraits of various important politicians over the years hung from the walls as well. Short gold and blue carpet adorned the floor.

Standing at the central podium were the two ruling Princesses.

“We, the Diarchs of Equestria, stand before you, the 728th Parliament, today asking you to perform a first in our country's history: crown a new princess. Twilight Sparkle has proven time and time again that is more than capable of this honored title. From being instrumental in rescuing Princess Luna to being one of the only ones who foresaw the changeling attack. Her intelligence is...”

Celestia continued to over exaggerate the purple alicorn's accomplishments and pile praise onto her. All the while, she sat with an ever growing blush on her face in front of the five hundred plus pony assembly. She looked up at the second floor gallery to see her friends waving and cheering.

“So we, the Solar and Lunar Diarchs, ask that Parliament approve the Princess Ascension Act and help usher Equestria into a bright and prosperous future. Thank you all for your time.”

The assembled MP's stood and stomped their hooves as the two Princesses sat down on either side of Twilight. The MP's sat down as Slush Fund, the Speaker of Parliament, walked up to the podium and adjusted the microphone.

“Debate on Parliament Bill 4457 will now commence. The Chair recognizes the Gentlemare from Canterlot for one minute to open debate.”

A white unicorn wearing an ornate powdered wig and monocle haughtily walked up to a podium.

“I, along with other members of the Unicorn Caucus am outraged by this audacious attempt to usurp what little power members of the ruling class have left. It has been tradition going back to the time of the House of Nobles that the Duke of Canterlot is heir presumptuous—” Twilight giggled at the MP's error, causing the unicorn to glare at the would-be princess, “and Prince of Equestria. To change what has been such a sacred tradition would be an absolute travesty.”

She removed her papers from the podium, glared one last time at Twilight, and sat back down. A dark blue pegasus stepped up to a different podium a few feet away.

“The Chair recognizes the Gentlestallion from Los Pegasus for one minute.”

“While I may not agree with the Gentlemare from Canterlot's assessment of the Nobility, the Everfree Coalition does agree that this is a travesty. Already, an entire ministry of the government is devoted to the royalty. If that weren't bad enough, one eighth of the national budget goes to funding the wasteful and quite frankly ridiculous needs of our princesses. Adding another princess would only increase that drain on the nation's budget and further expand an already bloated government. Sadly, the Coalition's concerns will be overlooked by the Solar and Lunar Parties due to this strange, worship like, cult of personality the Crown has on them. What other purpose does the equally as pointless Ministry of Love serve?”

The pegasus sat back down and a green earth pony wearing a large Stetson stepped up.

“The Chair would like to remind the Gentlemare from Appleloosa that wearing hats during sessions of Parliament is in violation of the Westphalianminster procedures.” she sheepishly smiled and removed the hat, “The Chair recognizes the Gentlemare from Appleloosa for one minute.”

“Ah don't really see what all this ruckus is about. When Twahlight and her friends helped Appleloosa after the Ministry of Immigration and Settlement failed in doin' their job, Ah think that shows she's more 'en qualified for bein' a princess. Yah snooty ponies need to think of others fer once and get yer heads out of the bribe trough and see what's best for the whole country—not just yerselves.”

She took her hat and sat back down.

“The Chair recognizes...”


Meanwhile, up in the gallery, Twilight's friends' initial excitement over Parliament was rapidly waning.

Dash struggled to stay seated. She squirmed and wiggled in her chair like there was a bunch of tacks on it.

“Why don't they just approve it already?!”

Rarity removed the opera glasses from her eyes and looked over.

“Settle down, Rainbow. They need to voice their opinions and ensure that the decision they make is the right one. It's one of the great joys of a representative government.”

Dash wasn't buying it.

“'Joys'? They're just posturing! The Princesses already said there's enough votes for this to pass. No wonder Canterlot has such a weird weather schedule; they have to account for all the hot air that's produced.”

Rarity huffed.

“Come now, Rainbow. They are merely representing this prestigious institutio—”

“Prestigious?! Have you heard some of their names? 'Slush Fund'? 'Corn Subsidy'? 'Corporate Sponsor'? 'Corruption Trial'?! It's like they're flaunting it! Seeing just how stupid we all are for voting them in.”

The white unicorn rolled her eyes.

“Please. You're really going to hold their admittedly unfortunate names against them? That's beneath you.”

“Names have a funny way of showing things about a pony. I'm Dash and I like speed. Pinkie's pink. You're Rarity and you work with gems. There's coincidence and then there’s destiny laughing at us all.”

Rarity shook her head before she noticed Pinkie's frustrated look.

“What's the matter, dear?”

Pinkie pointed an accusing hoof at the assembly below them.

“When are they going to start fighting?”

Rarity was confused.

“Fighting? Whatever do you mean?”

“You know. Start whipping shoes at each other and throwing microphones. I thought that's what Parliament did.”

Rarity gave a light chuckle.

“No, darling. Equestria's Parliament is much too civil for those antics.”

Pinkie let out a disappointed sigh.

“What am I going to do with this?”

She pulled up a large, size 16 boot from under her seat.

Dash looked over.

“Where did you get that from? Ponies don't even wear those.”

“”I know a guy.”

Dash shook her head before returning her attention to counting powdered wigs. She was up to one hundred six.


Debate continued for over an hour. Everything from Twilight's family history, to her taxes were brought to light and picked apart. Finally, just as it seemed that Parliament would get hung up on why exactly she needed to live in a public library and not pay property tax, Big Pharma, an MP from Baltimare, spoke the words of salvation.

“Finally, I move that a motion for cloture on Bill 4457 be approved so that we may put this to a final vote.”

Up in the balcony, a shriek of “Finally!” could be heard.

“The Gentlestallion’s motion is recognized. A voice vote will now be taken. All those in favor of approving the motion for cloture, please indicate with a vocal 'yea'.” loud, resounding “yea”'s sounded out, “All those opposed, indicate with a 'neigh'.” a small number of “neigh”'s was heard, “In the opinion of the Chair, the 'yea''s have it. Motion approved.” Slush Fund hit the gavel onto the podium, “With the Gentlestallion from Baltimare's motion for cloture approved, an up or down vote on the Bill to Amend the Royal Succession Act of 249 will now be taken. All those in favor, indicate as such with a 'yea', all those opposed, 'neigh'.”


“In a vote of 456 to 92, the 'yea''s have it. The Royal Succession Act of 249 is amended and Parliament authorizes Twilight Sparkle's appointment as Crown Princess of Equestria.”

Slush Fund slammed the gavel onto the podium, finalizing the vote. The ponies in the balcony and many of the MP's that voted in favor let out cheers as the three princesses stood.

Celestia turned to Twilight.

“Congratulations, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Luna looked over.

“Yes. We all are very happy for you.”

The three departed the chamber.

“What's next?”

Celestia looked down at Twilight.

“There's a coronation to plan. Solar Flare will be meeting with you to make last minute preparations.”

“At least we'll have plenty of time to plan for it. That would be absolutely insane if it was scheduled for today.”

Celestia and Luna flashed each other looks.

'Oh, please no.'

“It's not. You couldn't have.”

Celestia smiled apologetically.

“I'm sorry, Twilight, but we couldn't have it tomorrow.”

“Why not?!”

Luna piped up.

“Tis a government holiday.”

“Which one?!”

“Clover the Clever's birthday.”



“That was a disaster!”

Twilight and Solar Flare walked down a hallway.

“I don't think it went that badly.”

Her eye twitched.

“How could they not know I'm allergic to marzipan? There's a reason I didn't eat any of the Cakes' cake.”

“The issue was resolved before the celebration cake was baked. It could have been a lot worse.”

Mental images of herself eating some of the marzipan and ballooning out in front of the entire populace of Canterlot and the press flashed through Twilight's head.

“You're right. It could have been worse. What else do we have to do?”

“Next, you must be fitted for the ceremonial dress.”

“I just don't see why I couldn't wear one of the dresses I already own.”

“I'm sorry, Twilight, but the traditional coronation procedures are very specific. The dress must be new.”

They approached their destination, one of the Castle's dressing rooms.

“I still don't see why traditions are—”

The two stopped as a shout was heard from inside the room.

No! We are not going to wear that!

Solar Flare flinched.

“Oh no.”

Twilight looked from the door to Flare.

“That sounded like Luna.”

The door burst open and a miffed blue alicorn stormed out, several lengths of purple cloth and gold ribbon still clung to her body. Right behind her, a bat pegasus wearing his armor and several medals hastily followed.

“Please, Your Majesty. You have to.”

She stopped and faced the pegasus.

“Neigh, Aurora, I am not wearing that.”

Solar Flare looked at Luna.

“What's going on, Your Majesty—” he looked over to the pegasus, “Captain?”

The bat pegasus let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hey there, Sole. Princess Luna doesn't agree with the tailors about her dress design.”

Luna removed the fabrics from her backside.

“It is the absolute worst design I have ever laid my eyes on. I have fought and slain great eldritch beasts with unfathomable power from the depths of Tartarus that looked better than that dress.”

Twilight looked down and the seemingly benign purple cloth.

“Come on, Princess. It can't be that bad.”

Luna's horn lit up and a piece of poster board floated over.

“It isn't, is it?” She held up the board, “Gaze in horror at the abomination they wish me to wear!”

Both Twilight and Solar Flare gasped in shock at the monstrosity of a purple and gold design.

The pegasus walked over.

“C'mon, guys. It's not that bad.”

Luna moved the picture over to face him. He winced as he looked at it.

“Okay, so it isn't the best, but you still have to wear it. It's tradition!”



Luna's eyes glowed a malevolent white.

We said no!

The pegasus looked over pleadingly to Twilight.

“Do you mind talking some sense into her?”

Twilight bit her lip as she tried to find a solution to the royal dilemma.

“Why don't they just redesign the dress? Make the colors a little darker?”

The pegasus sighed.

“Unfortunately, those are the finest silks that were given as a gift from the Grand Moff of Saddle Arabia. Redoing the fabric could trigger an international incident.”

Twilight looked back to Luna.

“Please, Luna? You only have to wear it once.”

“No, Twilight Sparkle. I will not wear that, especially with my sister's dress being so much better.”

Twilight smiled smugly.

“Ah, so you're jealous.”

“Jealous! That's preposterous. I would never be jealous.”

Everypony gave Luna unconvinced looks.

She pouted.

“So maybe I am a little jealous.”

The purple alicorn's face brightened.

'I've got it!'

“What if we had Princess Celestia wear something ridiculous?”

Luna was intrigued.

“Like what?”

Twilight shrugged.

“I don't know. Like a comically oversized crown or something. Would you wear the dress then?”

The blue alicorn pondered it for a moment. Finally, she relented.

“I suppose. Under one condition.”


“No pictures.” She motioned for the pegasus to follow her and began to depart, “If we find out that the press has our picture, the consequences will be most dire.”

The pegasus smiled sheepishly.

“She doesn't really mean that. At worst, she'll mope about for a few hours and maybe give a few of the journalists nightmares as petty revenge.”

A royal hoof smacked him.

“Captain Borealis! Is that any way to speak of your Princess?”

“My apologies, Your Majesty. I meant no disrespect.” he waved to Twilight and Flare before departing with Luna, “Bye, Sole. Bye, Twi.”

Twilight waved back dumbly.

“'Twi'? I don't even know who that is.”

Her and Flare made their way into the dressing room.

“That would be Aurora Borealis, Captain of the Night Guard.” he sighed, “Sadly, the Captain is far too informal for somepony of his position. After Princess Luna—and the formalities that came with her—returned, everypony thought it was only a matter of time before the good Captain found himself on the receiving end of the Princess's boot, but somehow he's been able to maintain his position.”

“Huh. So, out of curiosity, what kind of dress will I be wearing?”

Out of nowhere, three female tailors emerged from thin air.

“We're glad you asked, Princess.”



“Isn't this all a bit sudden? Yesterday everypony thought I had made a deal with the changelings and was plotting to overthrow the princesses and now there's going to be a parade!”

The tailors continued their measurements while Solar Flare responded.

“Nonsense. It's no more sudden than Princess Luna's return, or the celebration of Discord's defeat, or Princess Cadance's Wedding Reception.”

“Alright, but couldn't you have at least let Rarity design the dress.” she looked at the dress the tailors were busy stitching and sewing, “I mean, yellow and pink. It just doesn't go together.”

'Now I know how Luna felt.'

Flare stared at her flatly.

“She did design the dress.”


'Well...that was awkward.'

One of the tailors spat out the needle she was holding in her mouth.

“I think that does it. You're ready to go, Your Majesty.”

Twilight flinched and looked at Flare.

“Are ponies going to do that all the time?”

He smirked.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Solar, knock it off.”

“With regret, I can't comply with that request, Your Majesty.”

Twilight sighed.

“Just come on. What else do we have to do?”

“Just one more thing. We have to get all the supplies for the parade.”

The two left the dressing room and headed off down one of the hallways.


Pinkie hopped cheerfully around the two, a beaming smile plastered on her face.

“I just can't believe it.”

They walked through a large gravel lot.

“Why didn't anypony ever tell me?”

On either side of them were rows of metal storage units.

“An entire storage facility solely devoted to parties!”

Solar Flare abruptly stopped at one of the large units.

“Here we go. This should be the one.”

Pinkie continued to skip, hop, jump and flail around.

Oh my gosh!

Solar Flare undid the padlock and slid open the garage-like door.

Twilight was amazed.


Inside, were crates upon crates with various words ranging from “streamers” to “ornamental drapes”. On either side, hanging on poles, were rows of banners bearing Twilight's fur color and cutie mark. In the center of the unit, buried beneath several crates, was a large carriage with Twilight's cutie mark displayed on it.

The purple alicorn looked over to Solar Flare.

“How long has this been here?”

Flare thought for a moment.

“They finished the banners, oh, ten years ago. There's always a supply of streamers and confetti on hand so we just had to ship that in from the main warehouse. They didn't finish the carriage until last year, though. The Ministry of Finance wanted to make sure that there was a 'probable' chance of ascension before they spent money on another chariot. After building one for each of Her Majesty's ninety students, one can understand why cost would be an issue. With Discord's defeat, that was all the intensive the Ministry needed to give their stamp of approval.”

While the two were busy talking, Pinkie had wandered over to the storage unit on the other side of the lot. She glanced around and, after making sure nopony was watching, kicked the door. The padlock opened and fell off. Whistling casually, she opened the door and looked inside.


Drawn by the noise of Pinkie, Solar Flare and Twilight rushed over.

“What are you doing?”

Inside, like with the other unit, were stacks and stacks of crates. On the sides, blue banners with Dash's cutie mark were displayed and in the center was a carriage with a distinct pegasi theme.

Twilight turned to Flare.

“What is all this.”

“Well, the government has in place certain plans in the event that all of your friends become alicorns as well.”

“Yeah, the Minister of the Interior said as much.”

“Ah, very good then. Each of your friends has a storage unit like this just in case.”

Twilight looked at the carriage.

“I thought you said the Ministry of Finance was hesitant about the carriages?”

“They were, but the Canterlot Carriage Company was having a bulk sale and Finance Minister National Debt is a stickler for sales.”

Pinkie's gaze wandered over the assorted items within the unit.

“Does this mean I have one as well?”

“Yes bu—”

“Can we see it!? Please! Please!”

Flare sighed.

“I'm sorry, but we're on a very tight schedule today.”

He telekinetically closed the sliding door. Seeing her pout, he continued.

“Don't worry. There are plenty of other things to do.”

They walked back to Twilight's unit.

“Like what?”

“For one, you have been selected to organize the festivities. You'll have full access to all these supplies along with Canterlot Castle's Staff and the Central Government's stockpile of hard and soft candies.”

Pinkie stared at the crates and crates of party supplies before smiling.



The Outer Ballroom—the very same room Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding took place in—was once again packed to capacity.

'Just remember what Princess Celestia said: Hold yourself upright and put one hoof in front of the other.'

Despite Pinkie being in charge of decorating, the room's decor seemed very formal.

'You can do this.'

White swag hung above the windows and red and white roses decorated the room.

'Don't embarrass yourself and you'll be fine.'

Important ponies, from MP's and nobles to generals and ambassadors, mingled in the crowd amidst the regular folks who were present.

'It's not like there was no dress rehearsal because the government and public don't understand the concept of pacing or anything, is there?!'

At the front of the room, on a slightly raised portion of the floor and standing in front of a plant wrapped gazebo, stood Princesses Celestia and Luna—wearing some not so pleasant dresses.

'Sure, things will change, but you'll be able to get through it.'

On Celestia's right side stood Twilight's friends; on her left, Spike, holding a crown.

'Alright, get ready.'

From within the room, Celestia spoke.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, it is my greatest pleasure to present somepony who has helped save Equestria on countless occasions, who was paramount in rescuing my beloved sister, Princess Luna, and who has upheld the values and morality necessary to our peoples and country. Presenting: Twilight Sparkle.”

The doors to the room opened and Twilight walked in, wearing her yellow and pink dress.


The Royal Guardstallions that lined either side of the aisle snapped to attention. Twilight arrived in front of the Princesses and the flag bearers that trailed behind her took their positions.

Celestia looked at her student.

“Twilight Sparkle, for showing countless acts of bravery and friendship and saving the country on countless occasions—with the approval and sanction of Parliament and the Day and Night Courts—I crown you Princess of Equestria.”

Celestia levitated the crown onto Twilight's head. The purple alicorn flared her wings as the crown sparkled with energy. The crowd cheered at their newest Princess.

“Now, Crown Princess Twilight Sparkle, greet your subjects.”

Celestia motioned with a wing toward the balcony.

Twilight nervously stepped out and gazed at the multitude that were on the Palace grounds. Confetti and streamers poured down from the cloud based pegasi above.

'Just stay calm and don't panic.'

She waved nervously to the cheering crowd.

'See, and you were worried. Finally, after all the panic and fear, all the fretting and stress, everything's going to be just fine.'

End of Ascend.

A mare and a stallion sat in an office.

“I don't know. What you are proposing is very dangerous.”

“But I'm right, aren't I?”

The stallion gave the mare a hesitant look.

“Sure the Crown hasn't been exactly reliable as of late—”

The mare scowled.

“'Reliable'? That's the term you're using? C'mon Buster Call, you can't honestly think that she still have Equestria's best interests in mind, do you? Just look at what she wants to do with Discord.”

“I understand that, but there are checks in place to deal with this. You're already taking her to the High Court. This. This isn't a check.”

“And what if the Court doesn't agree? Even if they do, all she'll do is wait a couple decades until this court passes on before she tries again.”

“Now, wai—”

The mare slammed a hoof onto the desk.

“No! She's done it before. Light Drizzle v Manehatten, Sharp Eye v Canterlot City Council, Fyreflye v Haysbro Inc. Don't you see? This is the only chance we're going to get. If we don't act now, who knows what she'll do next.”

Buster Call gave her a look.

“Bring about another thousand years of peace and prosperity?”

“Now, Buster—”

“No, you have to get it into your skull. This. Isn't. A. Good. Idea. I don't know what's happened to you, but something's off. That appointment to Chair of the Council must have gone to your head.”

“You really think she has our best interests at heart?”

“Of course.”

The mare threw done a folder.

“The Everfree Incident of 485. In a desperate attempt to retrieve her sister from the moon, our beloved princess uses Dark Magic against the advice of the National Defense Council. Two hundred and fifty five ponies, including half the Arcane Magic Council and four MP's, are killed as a result.”

Another folder was tossed onto the desk.

“Nightmare Moon's release. Four hours of eternal night and eternal day cause mass panic and riots throughout the world. The Cosmic Council estimates between five hundred and one thousand deaths.”

A third folder.

“The Changeling Kingdom's Invasion of Canterlot. Princess Celestia ignores the Night Guard's and her own student's warnings and fails to realize her niece is Chrysalis. She nearly gets herself, and the entire capitol killed as a result.”

She held up a fourth folder.

“Royal Decree E-375. 'A Decree from Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, authorizing the release of the former ruler Discord from his prison to be rehabilitated by the Elements of Harmony.' Current death toll unknown. Do you still think she has our best interests in mind?”

Buster Call stared at her.

“The real question is, do you?”

“Of course I do! I wouldn't be doing all this if I didn't. I know it's hard to believe, but if the recent events have shown anything, it's that the Crown is nowhere near perfect. They've made mistakes. Mistakes that came this close to dooming us all. How many more times are the Bearers going to have to fix one of their mistakes, or defeat a long forgotten foe, or heal old wounds before they fail just as their princesses did and Equestria's destroyed because of it?”

Vice Admiral Buster Call sighed.

“I've known you a long time, Flight. I trust you. The Third Fleet will back you're plans if and only if, you can get the Admiral Sea Shanty and the Fifth Fleet to join as well.”

Buster Call stood to leave the office.

“I just hope my trust isn't misplaced.”

He left as the mare grabbed a newspaper and leaned back in her chair.

She looked at the paper's headline which read “Princess Coronation” and had a picture of Twilight in her new regalia on it.

“Well, Miss Sparkle, it appears your reign as Regent is going to be very interesting.”

The door opened.

“Admiral Flight Deck, ma'am. Archmage Morning Star is here to meet with you.”

She put the newspaper down.

“Very good. Please send him in. I have a proposal I want to talk to him about.”

Author's Note:

What? Every good ending needs a sequel hook.

Canon!Twilicorn. The jossing, it burns! At least the genre can declare victory. What other genre gets it's own character tag?

>that awkward moment when I realize a country's Ministry of the Interior is different from the Dept. of the Interior. Oh well.

I could babble on about Ascend's conclusion, but I think I'll toss it into a blog post instead. There's also the massive deleted scenes as well. That's what happens when it takes you a month to finish things.

Stay tuned, Ascend's sequel, Regent, will be coming to a fanfiction site near you soon. I'm sure glad no other Twilicorn fic's using a disgruntled military as it's plot. That would just be awkward.

I would like to thank everyone who's read Ascend. For some reason, out of all the mountains of Twilicorn fanfics, you chose this one. And hey, a Twilicorn fic actually finishing, who would have thought?