• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,662 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


Copyright © 2012. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. An except from TV Tropes' It's All Just A Dream page has been used. The AP and BBC logos are owned by their respective companies. Cover image is owned by Pedantia

Version 1.1

Published 10/17/12

Chapter One: Denial.

'It's okay Twilight. Just stay calm.'

Twilight sat in front of her bedroom mirror, gazing at her reflection.

'There's absolutely nothing to worry about.'

Her room was in shambles. Curtains were drawn. Linens were tossed all over the floor and several books lay wide open, also strewn on the floor.

'Don't panic. Panicking is the last thing you want to do right now.'

The books' titles read: LEGO Genetics: How to Splice Your Genes in Ten Easy Steps; Anomalous Abnormalities of Anatomy; Deja Vu, Dreams, and Delusions: Understanding Hallucinations and Other Mental Strangites; Equestrian Government: A Reference Guide; and A Troper's Guide To: Clichés.

'There's a rational reason for why this happened. There has to be.'

Spike and his basket had been shoved carelessly out of the room. Thankfully, he was too busy dreaming of ice cream houses to notice.

'You just have to think things through and you'll be able to sort everything out.'

Twilight got up from her seat and began pacing around the room.

'All you have to do is write to the Princess and she'll—'

Twilight's gaze landed on Equestrian Government: A Reference Guide, which lay open on the floor. Twilight's mind flashed back to the things she had read.

'...extremely rare...de facto royalty...succession crisis...governmental collapse...'

Twilight's eyelid twitched as she stopped remembering.

'The Princess doesn't need to be bothered by my trivial problems.'

She started pacing again.

'In fact, no pony needs to know.'

Her pacing quickened.

'I mean, it's not like this is something that'll fundamentally alter things.'

She gave a nervous laugh that was meant to be reassuring.

'That'll change my life forever.'

A few strands of mane sprung up.

'That'll force everypony to rethink things.'

Twilight's mane and tail were now a mess.

'That'll cause anarchy and civil wa—' Twilight gave a chuckle, 'No, no, no, Twilight. Stay calm. Don't panic.'

She used her telekinesis to straighten out her mane and tail.

'If you let things spiral, everypony will find out for sure. Just. Stay. Calm.'

She took a deep breath, before taking a seat in front of the mirror again.

'It's not so bad.'

Her eyes looked at her backside.

'You won't have to worry about visiting Dash ever again.'

She gave a small smile.

'You'll be able to better participate in Winter Wrap Up.'

Her smile grew.

'You'll be forced to become royalty and join the bureaucratic nightmare that is Equestria's government. Or worse, become some foreign envoy to the frozen Crystal Empire or the far away Griffo-Minotaurian Empire where your every movement will be observed by the country's government.'

Twilight frowned and returned her gaze to the mirror. Where did that come from?

'Don't think about those things! They have to catch you first and even then, there's no telling what they'll do.'

Twilight quickly regretted her choice of wording.

'That's right. There's no telling what they'll do. They might try to eliminate you or tarnish your reputation or—” Twilight gulped, “send you back to Magic Kindergarten to be 'retrained' so you can best use your new abilities.'

Her mane once again sprung up.

'No Twilight! Remember what you said—er—thought! Stay calm. Don't panic. If you start going down that line of thinking Spike'll rat you out to the Princess again and this time, you will be going back to Canterlot.'

She again straightened it.

'You just have to figure out what's happened.'

She telekinetically grabbed Anomalous Abnormalities of Anatomy and glanced at its index.

'Become a changeling, close but no...Cloned oneself, useful but no...Horn Rot, no...Two heads, no...Flutter Sores, no...Spontaneous Fur Loss, no...no, no, NO!'

Twilight chucked the book against a nearby bookcase in frustration, giving an exasperated huff in the process.

'Last time I buy a book for its alliteration.'

She next grabbed A Troper's Guide To: Clichés with her telekinesis.

'Maybe these eggheads can help me out.'

She scanned the book's index.

'Equestrian Royal Guards, no...The Scrying Is Coming From Inside The House, no...Griffons Take Over The World, not with what happened to Archduke Fur Danin...All Just A Dream.'

“Aha!” Twilight yelled out loud, then flipped the pages to the designated chapter.

'Around five sixths of the way into the book, really weird stuff starts happening, like little ponies juggling while riding a tricycle around a bewildered protagonist. Then the protagonist realizes, just as you do, that this has all been a dream, a really bad hallucination, or some other escape from reality.'

Twilight let out a sigh of relief before whipping out a huge grin.

'It's just a nightmare I'm having. All I have to do is figure out how to wake up and I can laugh this whole thing off.'

She tossed the book away lazily before she yanked Deja Vu, Dreams, and Delusions: Understanding Hallucinations and Other Mental Strangites off the floor and levitated it in front of her.

'This has been one doozy of a dream.'

She began to randomly flip through the book. After a few moments, she found something.

'It is thought that, when one is dreaming, pain and other physical sensations are not felt. Therefore, one could determine if one is dreaming by attempting to stimulate the body—pinching oneself is a common idea.'

Twilight slapped herself.


She reeled for a moment before stabilizing herself.

'I—I guess I'm not dreaming.'

Devastated, she began to close the book and throw it like she had Anomalous Abnormalities of Anatomy, but she noticed the passage immediately below the one she had read.

'That theory has been disproved, however, by those who have attempted it while lucid dreaming.'

Twilight quickly flipped over to the section on lucid dreaming.

'The Lucid Dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The concept originated with the psychiatrist Dream Catcher. In a lucid dream, one is able to manipulate and distort the events and surroundings of the dream to ones desires. A common way to fully tell if one is in a lucid dream is to attempt something that one wouldn't normally be able to do without the aid of magic—flight in non-pegasi as an example.'

'Here goes nothing.'

Twilight soon began to visualize flying. The feeling of wind whipping around her, the ability to move in three dimensions, the speed and adrenaline of it all. Soon she was hovering several feet off the ground.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! It's just a lucid dream! I'm not actually a—'

Realization dawning, Twilight glanced at her back.

'Oh. That. Right.'

After a shaky landing, Twilight sat back down in front of her mirror.

'Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not dreaming. This nightmare is real!'

Twilight slumped down, knocking Deja Vu, Dreams, and Delusions off the vanity in the process, as the full weight of her predicament returned from it's brief hiatus.

'How am I going to hide this from my friends! From my family.' Twilight gasped, 'From Spike!'

“What am I going to do!” Twilight moaned out as she lay her head on the vanity.

Her lavender wings clinging to her body as she did.

End of Chapter One.