• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,663 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 1.0

Published 10/19/12

Chapter Three: Errands.

Twilight trotted down the main thoroughfare of Ponyville with a bright smile on her face and a checklist and quill within her telekinesis.

“Everything's going to be fine. With this spell, you can resume your life like nothing happened and try to sort things out in the privacy of your own tree home.”

Twilight waved at several passing ponies who returned the greeting. They ignored her ramblings. It was just Twilight being Twilight after all. As long as she didn't forcibly mind control them or kill them as part of some gambit to use their blood to fuel a Dark Magic ritual to overthrow Celestia and Luna, they were content to let her do as she pleased. They were also desensitized due to the many catastrophes that had befallen their beloved town.

“The first step toward returning to normalcy is getting this checklist done.”

She glanced around for a moment before finding a nearby bench to sit on.


With that, Twilight sat down and began looking over her checklist.

“Let's see: Wake up, check. Get out of bed, check. Go to the bathroom, check.”

Twilight frowned and glanced down the list.

Thirty-two!” she glanced around to see if anypony had heard her, “Thirty-two checkmarks just to go from waking up to leaving my room! I don't have time for this anymor—” Twilight gasped, “No! Checklists are a vital part of normalcy! Without them, where would I be?”

'A lot more sane, less obsessive, you wouldn't get that little eyelid twitch when you get stressed.'

Twilight's frown intensified.

“Maybe I don't need a checklist.”

'Besides, you've got bigger things to worry about. Like how you're going to bring abo—no! Just stop that line of thinking right now. You can't go all crazy right here,' Twilight looked around at the many citizens of Ponyville mulling about, 'especially with all these ponies around. Save it for when you're alone with Spike.'

Twilight quickly looked over the no-longer-necessary checklist to see what she needed to do.

“Go grocery shopping, buy some new quills, and pick up my new telescope from Open Cluster. This shouldn't be too hard.”

'Why do you say things like that? Now it'll be painfully difficult.'


Surprisingly, as if trying to make amends for all the hassle it put her through, fate allowed things to go off rather well. Twilight had arrived at the local store without any fuss or stress and, after getting all things she needed, began making her way toward the checkout when she heard two ponies gossiping in the nearby magazine section. Normally, she wouldn't pay any attention, but what they were saying caught her ears.

“Did you see her wings?”

“I know! I can't, like, believe it! It's, like, the most shocking thing that I've ever, like, seen.”

A horrible feeling began to fill Twilight.

'No, no, no, Twilight. Ignore them. Your Wing-be-gone spell is still working. They're just talking about somepony else.'

“To think that somepony that close to the Princess would have a secret like that. It's a scandal that'll rock Canterlot!”

Twilight looked in the direction of the two gossiping mares. One was a yellow pegasus while the other was a blue unicorn.

'Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.'

She couldn't help but notice they were looking in her direction.

“Can you, like, believe that she thought she'd, like, be able to, like, hide it?”

Twilight began to sweat.

'T-They're not t-talking about you. T-This spell's foal proof. Not even the Royal Guard could break it.'

“I know. You would think she would realize that we—” the unicorn gestured to her horn, “can see through that kind of passive magic like a fish sees through water.”

In full panic mode, Twilight jumped down the bread aisle in order to hear their conversation better and be less obvious that she was eavesdropping.

'Spike was right! You should have tested it first! The perception filter must have been set too low. Or maybe you forgot to clear the parenthesis properly and the three should have been a negative three. Or maybe some strange alicorn magic is interfering with it.'

“It's, like, only a matter of time before she's, like, outed before everypony.”

Twilight's mane was becoming increasingly disheveled.

'S-S-Stay cal-calm. Don't p-panic Y-Y-You j-just need to k-keep y-y-y-your mind clear. Everything will be alright. You'll see.'

“The Princess is going to be so disappointed in her. She might even reassign her to Los Pegasus or Fillydephia.”

Twilight began to stroke her tail gently, trying to maintain some level of composure.


Bon Bon and Lyra were enjoying a nice afternoon grocery shopping. Bon Bon had their grocery bags draped over her back. Lyra meanwhile, held their grocery list with her telekinesis.

“What's next, Lyra?”

“I dunno. Lemme see.” Lyra looked over the list, “We need bread.”

“Alright, that would be aisle three.”

As the two turned the corner and began to head down the bread aisle, Bon Bon stopped.


Lyra glanced up from the list.


She too noticed the purple unicorn gently stroking her tail at the end of the aisle.

“Maybe we can just get our bread and igno—”

“No, Bon Bon! Remember what she did last time she was in a state like this? What she did to your voice?!”

Bon Bon shuddered at the memory.

“You're right. We can get our bread later. Let's get out of here.”

With that, the two bid a hasty retreat.


“I mean, c'mon! Hiding gray wings under a blue illusion spell, what was she thinking?”

Twilight scrunched up her face in confusion.


“Like, please. A blue illusion spell? How, like, desperate is the Princess's secretary, like, anyway?”

Twilight stopped stroking her tail and quickly straightened her mane.

'Like I said, everything will be alright. Now, purge this whole experience from your mind and never think about it again.'

She grabbed her groceries and made her way through checkout.

'At least Quills and Sofas won't be as stressful.'


Twilight and Mr. Davenport, the Quills and Sofas owner, were having a calm, friendly conversation at the checkout counter of the store.

What do you mean the price went up eight bits?!

“Please calm down, Miss Sparkle.”

This is the calmest I've been all day!

'If only that were an exaggeration.'

“I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle, but with the Crystal Empire's sudden appearance, demand for quills has skyrocketed.”

'After everything I did for them, the Crystal Ponies betray me in the most hurtful way possible.'

“Come on, Mr. Davenport! I'm your most loyal customer.”

“My most loyal quill costumer. You've never bought a sofa.”

“I don't need a sofa. I need quills.

Mr. Davenport sighed.

“I can give you a fifteen percent discount, but that's it.”


“And there's a limit of ten quills per customer.”



Twilight was exhausted. Her back laden with groceries and ten quills, she made her way to the home of Open Cluster, a local telescope maker.

'Open's always been a calm pony, if a bit mopey. At least there shouldn't be any trouble. Just go in, get the telescope, and get out.'

Twilight arrived and rang the doorbell.

“Just one moment.”

A few seconds later, a red and black unicorn mare answered the door, packing tape held in her telekinesis.

“Oh, Miss Sparkle. I take it you here for your telescope.”


“Well come in and I'll get it. Sorry about the mess.”

Twilight walked in. She noticed boxes and other packaging materials strewn around the house.

“What's going on? I knew you had a successful business but...”

Open Cluster gave a morose look.

“I'm moving, Miss Sparkle.”


'Can something just be easy for once?'

“Ponyville's just not for me, I guess.”

“But, but, but...”

“We can still keep in touch. You are my best customer, after all.”

'I'm your only customer—well only in person customer anyway.'

“You just can't move! You're one of the best telescope makers in the area. I can't go back to those shoddy mass produced telescopes!”

'She's like a salt dealer but with telescopes!'

“I'll still make telescopes—I mean, it is my special talent, after all—you'll just have to pay a little more for shipping.”

Open Cluster retrieved Twilight's telescope.

“I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle, but I've made up my mind. I'll send you some contact information when I get settled into my new home.”

Twilight sighed before hugging Open Cluster.

“Thanks for the telescopes.”

“You're welcome.”

If only Twilight knew how much that hug meant to Open Cluster.


Twilight drearily made her way to her library home.

Before stepping inside, she opened her mailbox and retrieved the mail. She began sorting through it.

Bill; junk; junk; hey, Arcane Magic Quarterly's arrived; coupon book; junk; bill. What's this?

Twilight stared at important looking yellow envelope.

Spike emerged from the kitchen wearing a pink apron, and holding a spatula.

“Hey Twilight, you're back! Dinner's almost ready.”

Like Twilight, Spike's attention was drawn to the envelope held within her telekinesis.

“What's with the envelope?”

“I don't know, Spike, but it looks important.”

Twilight looked at the return address.

'1200 Unity Boulevard? That's,' a feeling of dread rapidly fell upon her, 'That's the Equestrian Capitol Building!'

Maybe it was her twitching ear or the few strands of mane that were now out of place, but Spike could tell something wasn't right.

“Twilight, whatever it is, you just have to keep a level head about it.”

Twilight viciously tore the envelope open and removed the letter inside.

“I-It's probably n-nothing, Spike. J-Just the census or something.”

'Yeah, the once-a-decade census that happened last year.'

She read the letter.

'Why me.'

Spike dropped the spatula and rushed over to her as she fell to the floor unconscious, a burst of purple fire reverting her back to her alicorn state as she did. After making sure she wasn't injured, he looked at the letter.

Dear Miss Sparkle,

You have been subpoenaed to appear before Parliament’s Oversight and Reform Committee to testify as part of the Committee's ongoing Investigation Into the Changeling Invasion and Its Aftermath. You will be expected to answer questions raised by Committee members relating to the following: the events that transpired on the 21st of April; your knowledge of the Changelings; Their Majesties, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor; and the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Please arrive at the Capitol no later than 1:00 PM Canterlot Time on Tuesday, August 5th in order for you to be properly sworn in. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences this may cause. Failure to testify may result in charges of Contempt of Parliament being levied against you.


Powdered Wig,

Clerk of Parliament and Chief Executive.

Spike glanced back and forth between the unconscious alicorn and the letter before he sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“Looks like that implosion's gonna happen sooner than I thought.”

End of Chapter Three.