• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,663 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 2.1

Published 2/23/13

Chapter Sixteen: Decisions.

“I think she's waking up.”

“I can't believe it. She dropped like a sack of apples.”

“Luna, why did you give her the actual document?”

“I thought it best to show her the bill. She needs to make an informed decision, after all.”

Twilight groggily opened her eyes and beheld five ponies, two alicorns, and a dragon all crowding around her splayed out form.

“Ooohhh. What happened? I had this crazy—not to mention completely unrealistic and unbelievable—dream that I grew a pair of wings and you two wanted me to become Crown Princess.”

She giggled.

“Isn't that ridiculous? That's what I get for reading Crackpot and Crazy Conspiracy Theories and Rumors before going to bed.”

Her friends and princesses glanced at each other before nominating Celestia to respond. Impressively, they did this by a complex series of eye movements and eyebrow twitches.

“Um, Twilight. Do you notice anything about your back?”

The purple alicorn hesitantly looked at her back before sighing in defeat.

“I thought maybe I could delude myself into believing it was a dream.”

“I see.”

Twilight sat up and looked at Celestia.

“Wh-What am I going to do?”

The Solar Diarch spoke up.

“That all depends, Twilight, on what you want to do. Parliament will only vote on the bill if you're willing to be crowned.”

“A-And what if I'm not?”

Celestia and Luna shared a look before Celestia spoke once more.

“Then the bill will never see the light of day.”

Twilight’s face brightened before the Lunar Diarch intervened.

“Please don't deceive yourself, Twilight. This is nothing more than a piece of paper. It is not going to change how Equestrians see you, or make those wings of yours go away. The sad fact is, regardless of what Parliament says, many ponies already see you as a Princess.”

She wilted.

Celestia gave Luna a hard stare.

“While that may be true for now, as Luna can easily tell you, ponies’ opinions can change. With a little time and effort, no one will mistake you for a princess.”

Twilight's spirits were bolstered by Celestia's statement.

“I want to give you fair warning though, Twilight. If you accept the crown, it's almost guaranteed that you'll be chosen as Regent while we're on our vacation.”

The purple alicorn made this strange squeaking noise, almost like the sound of a dying animal.

“B-But it's too important. I can't decide.”

Luna motioned to the five ponies and dragon that were around the purple alicorn.

“Then have your friends help.”

Celestia looked back to Twilight.

“This isn't something you have to rush.” She began to leave, Luna trailing behind her, “Take as much time as you need to. Parliament's not going anywhere.”

Dash watched as the door closed behind the princesses before she turned her attention to Twilight.

“So what's your decision gonna be?”

The purple alicorn wasn't paying much attention to the outside conversation. She was too lost in thought.

'You'll have to move away from your friends.'

Dash winced as the others let out cries of annoyance.


'You can't let Equestria down.'

“The nerve.”

“What? It's best to just pick an option and stick to it. The more she thinks about what choice she has to make, the more she'll regret that choice.”

'Why can't you? You've saved their bacon more times than most of the nobles can count. Why should you have to continue to make sacrifices? It's time to cash in some of your karma chips.'

Rarity stepped forward.

“That is an absolutely horrid idea.”

Dash snorted as Rarity continued.

“She needs to weigh all the options carefully. Before deciding to become Crown Princess, of course.”

'But you heard Luna. These wings aren't just going to disappear because you want them to.'

More cries of annoyance were heard.

“What? It's the obvious choice. Why, just think of what she'll be able to do.” the white unicorn's eyes glossed over slightly as her imagination went wild, “The power. Prestige. The ability to stick it to those uptight, arrogant nobles. She must say yes.”

'But face it, you're going to have to become a princess eventually, or do you think that you can just live the next thousand years as Ponyville's hermit? You might as well start with the princess business now and cut out all the pointless mopeyness and sadness that would no doubt ensue if you took the hermit option.'

Applejack stepped forward.

“Now hold your horses. This isn't our decision. It's Twilight's.”

All eyes focused on Twilight. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her friends.

“Where do you guys see yourselves in fifteen years?”

The question caught them off guard somewhat and they took a moment to think of an answer. Applejack was first.

“Well, I reckon Ah'd still be managing the farm.”

Rarity went next.

“I hope that I'll become famous. Maybe finally crack into that frustrating Manehatten fashion circuit, all the while expanding my influence and prestige in Canterlot.”

Dash followed.

“What do you think? With the way I performed during training camp, I'll be in the Wonderbolts for sure.”

Spike butted in.

“Sleep. Food. The usual.”

Pinkie was next.

“I'll train the Cake twins in the subtle arts of pranking. And throw parties. And bake. Oh! Oh! And maybe even install that pool Gummy's been wanting.”

Fluttershy was last.

“I might finally get the veterinary certificate. That would be wonderful. Why do you want to know?”

The others nodded in agreement.

“I'm trying to picture what I'll be doing in fifteen years. Running a library's fun, but I just can't picture myself doing it forever.”

Rarity's eyes gleamed.

“Does this mean?”

Twilight looked on apprehensively.

“But at the same time, I just can't leave you guys. You're my friends and I don't want to abandon you.”

Applejack moved forward and placed a comforting hood on Twilight's shoulder.

“What in tarnation makes you think you'd be abandonin' us?”

“You heard the Princess. If I accept, I'll have to become—” Twilight gulped, “Regent while they're on their vacation. That means I'll have to move to Canterlot and fill out paperwork, a-and deal with politics! I don't know the first thing about politics. I haven't even voted!”

Spike tried to settle down the increasingly agitated alicorn.

“Take it easy, Twilight. So you'd become busier? Couldn't be any more hectic than when you crammed for tests, could it?”

“Even if that is true, I'd still have to move away.”

Dash decided to interject.

“So? If I ever become a Wonderbolt—which I will—I won't be able to see you guys as often. Sure it's gonna suck, but I know that even if I'm not always going to be there, we'll always be friends.”

Twilight still wasn't convinced.

“I know we'll always be friends. But I won't be able to see any of you.”

Dash lifted an eyebrow.

“Oh? You won't have an entire Guard at your disposal to take you wherever you want?”

“Sure I will, but I can't go anywhere if I have twenty stacks of paperwork to deal with.”

Rarity knew she'd have to assist Dash if there was any chance of becoming friends with a princess.

“Darling, aren't you overestimating the amount of bureaucracy the Princesses have to deal with just a smidgen? There are these things called Ministries that handle most of the work. I'm sure the Princesses just sign on the 'X'.”

Dash pounced on Rarity's help.

“Yeah. See, Twilight? Besides, if you really need help, I'm sure we'd be more than willing to provi—”

Dash was shoved to the side by an enthusiastic Rarity.

Yes! I, uh, mean, of course we'd be willing to assist you.”

Twilight remained skeptical.

“Wouldn't that constitute cronyism, though?”

“Of course not. We'd merely be assisting you.”


Applejack frowned.

“Now just hold on a minute. You and Dash might be able to drop everything, but I got a farm to run.”

Fluttershy piped up.

“A-And I have my animals that have to get taken care of.”

Pinkie pulled out a long scroll from behind her back.

“With the amount of vacation days I've built up, I could take months off to become the Super Officially Sanctioned Royal Party and Guest Assistance Welcoming Team Squad Management and Logistical Organizational Head. I could also serve as your taste tester—you know, to make sure you're not poisoned by nasty things like Nardoo or Brussels sprouts.”

Twilight was befuddled.

“Wait, how do you know about Nard—never mind.”

Applejack continued.

“That bein' said, I don't see why I couldn't come visit every once in a while. After all, somepony's got to bring you apple goods.”

Fluttershy smiled.

“I could always visit too. I wouldn't want my animals to become too dependent on me.”

Both Dash and Rarity grinned. Dash went in for the kill.

“See, Twilight? Just because you might become a little busier or have to live in Canterlot doesn't mean you won't be able to see us.”

Rarity assisted.

“Yes, it's going to take a lot more than a complete change in government and a minor political crisis to get rid of us.”

Twilight smiled.

“Darn.” she said jokingly.


“Have you made up your mind, Twilight?”

The purple alicorn looked at Celestia.

“I have, and I accept.”

“Are you sure? This isn't something to be taken lightly. Your decision today will have lasting consequences.”

Twilight glanced back at her friends.

“I'm sure.”

Celestia nodded.

“Very well then. It's getting late and you all have had a very busy day. Get some rest, and tomorrow we'll get this finalized before Parliament.”

Rarity's eyes widened.

“Parliament! B-But the Guard rushed us here. I don't have anything to wear.”

Pinkie was perplexed.

“Why are you so worried? Just go au naturel.”

It was Twilight's turn to be surprised.

“Since when did you know French?”

“What? I can't know different phrases? I don't just know the exact amount of helium needed to fill a standard party balloon.”

Rarity was appalled by the pink pony's suggestion.

“Are you actually suggesting that I step hoof into Parliament wearing nothing.”

“Yeah. I don't know what the big deal is. The Princesses do it all the time.” Pinkie pointed at Celestia, “See, nothing but two pairs of horseshoes, a necklace thingy, and a crown.”

“That's completely different!”


“Well...their princesses for one. There are certain rules and procedures regarding that sort of thing.”

Celestia decided to shatter Rarity's views.

“Actually, there really isn't. Why, I remember one State of the Country address where I decided to wear this ridiculous multicolored top hat and oversized sunglasses.” Celestia giggled, “You should have seen the looks on the MP's faces. Not to mention the headlines the next day. Come to think of it, I should really do that again.”

Rarity seemed dazed by the revelation.

“Wha?! Bu-But...”

Pinkie relished in her triumph.

“Ahah! See?”

The white unicorn was able to regain her composure.

“Fine. I suppose I'll just have to make do with the cards I've been dealt.”

One of the palace servants walked up. Celestia turned to the girls.

“If you will excuse me, today has been very challenging and I would like to be well rested for Parliament tomorrow.” she motioned to the servant, “Miss Feather Duster here will escort you all to your rooms for the evening.”

Celestia and Twilight nuzzled before the Solar Diarch departed.

“Alright, girls. Time for bed.”


The members of the High Court looked down at the broken purple alicorn with disapproving glares. Chains hung around her legs and tightly bound her wings to her side. A Magic Dampening Ring was tightly fastened to her horn. On either side of her, two unicorn guards stood; ready to cast an Aneurism Spell at her head in a moment's notice.

Chief Justice Docket Number gloomily spoke.

“The High Court is both horrified and shocked by the actions you are responsible for. As a Princess, those hundreds of ponies that were under your direct care trusted and admired you for the bravery and valor that you have performed in times past. Your treatment of them in pursuit of vain and selfish goals is sickening. We're just fortunate that the survivors were able to testify to the horrors they witnessed and that the armed forces were able to implement the Severing Protocol in time to stop your schemes.”

Twilight looked up.

“N-No, please! I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I-It just went out of control. I can still fix it.”

In Rem held up a wrinkled hoof.

“We're sorry, Sparkle, but the time for excuses and empty promises is over.”

He nodded to Docket, who proceeded to speak.

“The High Court unanimously finds you guilty of treason, illegal use of Dark Magic, and in flagrant violation of the International Magic Convention. As you're an alicorn and immortal, Capital Punishment is out of the question and as you're the Bearer of the Element of Magic, you obviously won't allow the Elements use. Therefore, we'll have to do things the old fashioned way.”

The Justices smiled sadistically.

“Bailiff, bring in the cockatrice.”

While the cockatrice was brought in and Twilight struggled in vain against the restraints, a dark blue form looked on from the blurred corners of the room.

“Oh dear, this is most troubling.”

The alicorn's horn light up and, just as Twilight let out a terrified shriek as she felt her body begin to solidify, the room melted away into a fine mist.

“Sleep a dreamless sleep, Twilight. I may not be able to help you overcome your fears just yet, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer.”

End of Chapter Sixteen

Author's Note:

And so, with these last two chapters, Ascend finally comes to a close.

This chapter was one of the reason things took so long. It was, single handedly, the hardest thing I have had to write. I've always had trouble with groups scenes and this was a nightmare. I became so frustrated, I deleted most of the chapter and started over (the deleted scen will be linked in the final author's note).

The other reasons things took so long ranged from "personal problems", over to school work, over to a cold. I hate it when life get's in the way.

For those concerned about Equestria and Capital Punishment, don't worry, they don't actually use it (they have far more effective means of punishment *cough*reform spell*cough*). Twilight just read it in a book and her subconscious ran with it.

What are you still doing reading this? You have a final chapter to get to.