• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 31,663 Views, 2,198 Comments

Ascend - xTSGx

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. Or dealt with the results of that change.

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 1.0

Published 1/24/13

Chapter Fifteen: Reunions.

“That's why the High Court Building was closed for six months.”

Twilight swallowed another mouthful of cake.

“I thought it was undergoing renovations?”

Celestia placed another slice of cake onto her plate.

“We were still repairing Luna's reputation. If word got out that she did that, it would have been nearly impossible to salvage things.” Celestia frowned ever so slightly, “But don't talk to her about it. She's not happy with what happened.”

“I can imagine why.”

Just as Celestia was about to bite into another slice of cake, the door to the break room opened and a guard walked in.

“Your Majesty.”


“You asked to be informed when the Bearers arrived. Their chariots are arriving in the Castle courtyard as we speak.”

Celestia wiped off her mouth with a napkin.

“Very good. We will meet with them shortly.”

The guard bowed slightly before leaving.

“Well, Twilight, I think it's time that you reunited with your friends.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

The two alicorns departed the break room, leaving what remained of the Janitorial Division's once whole Anniversary Cake.


Five chariots flew in formation toward Canterlot. On board the first one was a blue pegasus and an orange earth pony. The second contained a pink earth pony and a white unicorn. The third, a yellow pegasus and a purple dragon. The remaining two chariots were decoys, carrying cardboard cutouts of the ponies.

Applejack sat with a scowl on her face as the wind whipped through her hair. Her hat was tucked underneath a rear hoof to prevent it from blowing away.

“I can't believe this! How could they just up an' force me to leave! I got a farm to run.”

Dash, in contrast, was giddy, and ignorant of the earth pony's complaints.

“I know! I can't believe it either. Whatever's going on, it's big. The Guard never whips out the decoys unless something big is going on. I wonder what it is.”

“I don't care if Discord, that Changeling Queen, and Sombra teamed up. Yah don't just up and force me to go.”

Dash turned her head to Applejack.

“What's wrong with you? You didn't get like this when we had to go to the Crystal Empire or deal with Discord.”

Applejack sighed.

“It's not that Ah'm going, it's how and why. The Princess explained to us about the Crystal Empire and we had time to prepare. This, this was just 'get on the chariot' and there wasn't no explainin' about what's goin' on. Discord was completely different—not to mention Twilight was there to help sort things out. Say, ain't Twilight supposed to be in Canterlot still? I hope nothin's happened to her.”

Something fell into the pit of Dash's stomach.

“Oh no.”

Applejack was confused.

“'Oh no'? 'Oh no' what?”

The blue mare looked away.

“I-It's nothing. I-I sure Twilight's fine.”


Suddenly, Rainbow wasn't anywhere near as excited as she had been.


Oblivious to Dash and Applejack's conversation only a few feet away due to the wind, a pink party pony and a magnolia muumuu manufacturing mare were having a conversation of their own.

“I'm so excited. I can't wait! What if it's a surprise birthday party for the Princess!? Or, or what if they just found the long lost fourth flavor of ice cream and they want us to be the first to try it out?”

Pinkie hopped up and down excitedly in the chariot, causing it to rock dangerously back and forth. Rarity grabbed onto its side and clung for dear life.

“Pinkie, please! It's bad enough those brutish guards didn't even give me the courtesy to pick out a dress to wear to Canterlot—who knows what we're going to be doing there—but I'd rather not plummet to my untimely, and tragic, demise as well.”

The overly exciting earth pony laughed.

“Don't be silly, Rarity. These things are built like tanks. Do you really think the Princesses would let the Royal Guard use unsafe equipment?”

To emphasize her point, Pinkie stomped a hoof onto the chariot's floor—or rather, through the floor. She removed her hoof from the neat hole and gazed at the hole with wide eyes. Rarity did likewise. After a few moments, Pinkie broke the silence.

“So, uh, no jumping around then?”

“Absolutely not.”

Pinkie, extremely carefully, sat down next to Rarity. The white unicorn glanced over and noticed Pinkie's ear twitching spasmodically.

“Pinkie, dear, what is wrong with your ear?”

Pinkie motioned to the twitching ear.

“Oh, this. It's just my Pinkie Sense acting up.” she furrowed her brow, “Usually it only does it when it's going to rain, but it already rained. It could always be a world altering, earth shattering revelation—nah, Twilight would be acting all crazy if it were that and she's seemed pretty normal lately.”

Rarity stiffened.


“Yeah, she's usually the one to find out about that sort of thing. Nightmare Moon, Discord, the mean fog pony who liked to grunt and gro—” Pinkie let out a gasp, “What if they're throwing Twilight a surprise 'thanks for saving Equestria for the upteenth time' party!? Oh, it's going to be so much fun. I can't wait.”

Rarity chuckled uneasily.



Spike hyperventilated.

“This, this is bad. Really, really bad.”

Fluttershy looked in concern at the stressed out baby dragon.

“I'm sure it isn't that bad.”

He looked up at the timid pegasus.

“'Not that bad'? Did you listen to the radio?”

Fluttershy shrunk down.

“Well, um, no.”

“Then how do you know it isn't bad? All of Equestria's in a panic over this.”

The yellow pegasus was at a loss for what to do.

“I-I'm sure Twilight's fine. The Princesses will be able to handle everything.”

The purple dragon seemed to not hear her.

“I was only teasing her. I didn't think she'd actually be revealed in front of the whole country!”

“Why don't you sit down?”

He wrung his hands.

“Why didn't that letter get to the Princess in time? Why did Parliament just suddenly want her to testify—they didn't care about Nightmare Moon or Discord? It's like somepony's planned this from the start.”

“Spike, you should really sit down. I think it would help.”

The baby dragon continued to pace.

“Why didn't she listen to me? I-I told her she should have just gone right to the Princess, but did she listen? Noooo. And now look at what's happened!”

Fluttershy put a hoof on Spike's shoulder and, gently, forced him onto his behind.

“You really need to sit down. Just stay calm and relax.”

He laughed lightly.

“Yeah, relax. I guess I know how Twilight feels now.”

“It's going to be fine.”

He looked toward Canterlot.

“I hope so.”


Twilight and Celestia looked at the incoming chariots as they prepared to land at an expensive cobblestone landing area in the Castle courtyard.

'Most of them already know. Hopefully, Applejack won't be too upset.'

Applejack and Dash's chariot landed first and the two disembarked and headed over to the alicorns.

Rainbow quickly flew over to the two. Applejack sprinted after her.

“Alright, what's going on? Is it Discord again? The changelings? Another thousand year old threat that's only just now revealing itself?”

Applejack looked to Celestia.

“Yeah, Your Highness, what's so important that I needed to hurry to Canterlot?”

Celestia motioned with her head toward the purple alicorn, who grinned nervously when the two looked to her.

“What's goin' on, Twi—”

Applejack saw her wings.


She stared for a moment.

“Twilight, you have wings.”

The purple alicorn nodded.

“That explains why we've been rushed here. So, what happened? Did an experiment you were performin' before Parliament backfire or somethin'?”

Twilight avoided eye contact with Honesty's bearer.



Before Applejack could inquire further, Dash facehoofed.

“So much for keeping it a secret.”

The orange earth pony quickly looked up to Rainbow.

“What?! You knew about this?” she looked back to Twilight, “How does she know?”

“Well, uh, you see—”

Twilight's explanation was interrupted by Spike running up and nearly tackling her in a hug.

“Twilight! Oh, I was so worried. I-I was listening to what was happening on the radio, and I started to freak out about it. I never thought this would actually happen.”

The purple alicorn raised an eyebrow.

“It's okay, Spike. But, you? Worried?”

Twilight let out a long, relaxed sigh. Spike looked up in confusion.

“What was that?”

“Oh, it was nothing. I was just appreciating what irony tastes like.”


Fluttershy timidly walked up to the group.

“Oh, Twilight. It's good you're alright.” she noticed Twilight's wings, “I guess your plans didn't work out. That's unfortunate.”

Applejack stared over at the pegasus in shock.

“What! You knew about this too?!”

Fluttershy let out a squeak and hid behind her mane.

Applejack turned back to Twilight.

“You better have a mighty good explanation for all this.”

Once again, Twilight's response was hindered. This time by Rarity and Pinkie's arrival.

“I cannot believe you, Pinkie! How could you possibly think doing that would be a good idea?”

They walked up to the semi-circle of ponies that had formed.

“What? I had to do something about the hole.” she looked at Twilight, “This is going to be so much fu—”

The pink pony jumped into the air and hoovered there for a moment while letting out a loud, lengthy gasp.

“Twilight! You have wings! When did you get those?”

The purple alicorn's jaw dropped.


“So that's why they wanted us here. We have to throw Twilight her 'Congratulations for Becoming a Princess and Having to Enter the Gritty World of Double-crossing, Despair, and Deception that is Politics Party'. It's a good thing I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a zebra, who...”

Applejack looked relieved.

“At least somepony else is only just know finding out.”

“...who knows a guy's twice removed cousin's landlord, who can get me a sweet deal on everything I'll need for the party!”

Twilight recovered from her shock.

“But, Pinkie, I thought you already knew I had wings.”

“I did?”

Applejack wasn't happy with this revelation.

“She did!?”

'Maybe I shouldn't have said that.'

“Yeah, remember? That comment about the Guard finding out?”

Pinkie scrunched her face up in thought before a look of realization struck.

“Oh yeah. I wasn't talking about your wings, silly. I just wanted you to be careful around them. Last time I was here, they confiscated my cupcakes.” she pouted slightly, “Called the frosting 'gel like' and had them declared a 'security risk’. ‘Security risk' my hoof. They just wanted the butterscotch. I could see it in their eyes.”

Applejack glared at Twilight.

“I can't believe this! Why didn't you—” A sudden revelation struck, “That apple tree. It wasn't magical feedback, was it?”

Twilight squeaked out a nervous grin.

“Well, uh, no, it wasn't. B-But—”

The angry earth pony snorted.

“Why, Twilight? Why did you tell them, but not me and Pinkie?”

“I didn't tell them, Applejack. They just found out.”

As she called out each pony, she pointed to them.

“Rainbow burst into my room before I could finish putting up my disguise. Fluttershy, after Rainbow nearly killed me.”

“I didn't nearly kill you! You just had a minor accident.”

Twilight shot a glare in Dash's direction.

“Rarity when a bolt of lightning struck me.”

“I was wondering why that lightning acted funny.” Dash mumbled.

“I thought Pinkie saw me when I was walking around without my disguise on, but apparently she didn't.”

Applejack's anger was starting to cool.

“But why the deceit? Why didn't you just be honest?”

Twilight bit her lip.

“I couldn't risk it. You saw what happened—the Guard coming and swooping you off to Canterlot in a panic—when everypony found out. I knew none of you would intentionally reveal me, but mistakes and slip ups do happen.”

The purple alicorn moved next to Applejack.

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Applejack.”

They hugged.

“It's okay, Twilight. Ah'm still a mite upset but considerin' everthin' that's happened, I can understand.”

Celestia, who had been silently observing their interactions, decided to speak up.

“Now that that's settled, why don't we all go inside? I'm sure I could have the chefs make us something to eat.”

Everyone approved, from Rarity's polite nod, to Pinkie's loud cheer.

Celestia sighed.

“Something unnecessarily complicated and intricate despite me asking for something basic.”

They made their way into the castle.


Celestia picked at her Strangozzi al Tartufo Nero with a fork. Twilight and her friends were busy chatting up a storm a short distance away. They were all sitting on the floor of one of the large studies in the castle. Stained oak bookshelves lined the walls, giving the room a nice, cozy feel. A marble fireplace with a small roaring fire was the room's centerpiece and the item that the girls were sitting around.

Luna walked into the room and sat down next to Celestia. Twilight and her friends were too engrossed in an exciting tale of radioactive rabbits and mutant oranges that Pinkie was telling to notice her arrival or conversation with Celestia.

“How was Parliament?”

“Those brown nosing, boon seeking, bit mongering scoundrels!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“So better than usual then?”

Luna sighed.

“Sister, why must we allow such a wretched institution to exist? Things were so much better under absolute rule.”

“Yes, but the press didn't exist under absolute rule. If we disbanded Parliament, they'd invent ridiculous names like 'Tyrantlestia' or 'Lunatic' for us and then what would we do?”

“Why must you get the better name?”

The two chuckled.

“How did they take to the proposal?” the Solar Diarch asked.

“Both the Solar and Lunar Parties have indicated that they will back it.” Luna furrowed her brow, “I'm not sure about the Everfree Coalition, though.”

Celestia waved a hoof dismissively.

“The Coalition only has forty seats. As long as the two major parties back it, we'll be fine.”

“The nobility is going to raise tartarus over this, sister.”

Celestia put a hoof to her mouth in mock horror.

“Luna! Such language!”

The Lunar Diarch blushed.

“What! Oh my, I didn't mean to.”

Celestia giggled.

“Oh lighten up, Luna. As for the nobility, they're just going to have to live with it. If they want to stage another cute rebellion during our vacation, I say, let them. It would give us all the incentive we need to strip all of them of their titles and disband the whole thing.”

“But how would the press respond?”

Celestia smirked.

“Oh they'd cheer us on. If there's one thing the press hates it's entitled rich ponies.”

Luna wore a look of confusion.

“But aren't many of the ponies in the media organizations rich? Is that not somewhat hypocritical of them?”

Celestia patted Luna's shoulder.

“You're starting to learn how the media work.”

Luna's confusion only deepened.

“I'm not understanding, sister.”

“You will, Luna. You will.”

Luna shook her head before looking at the assembled bearers.

“Shall we inform Twilight and the others of the proposal?”

“We have to. She is the one who has to agree to it, after all.”

Pinkie was, for some reason, gnawing on the side of Rainbow's head, much to the other girls’ amusement and Dash's growing annoyance.

“How do you think she'll react?”

Celestia smiled.

“The same way she always reacts. A little panic, followed by her brain shifting into gear and examining it.”

The Solar Diarch turned her attention to the bearers.

“May I have your attention.”

Pinkie ceased chewing on Dash's head and the six ponies turned their attention to the Princesses.

Celestia nudged Luna.

“Right.” Luna took a moment to compose herself, “As you're all aware, Twilight's condition has created a number of disturbances that have resonated across the country. After careful discussion between the Crown, Cabinet, and Parliamentary leaders, we believe that a satisfactory arrangement has been reached.” Luna magically produced a scroll and handed it to Twilight, “But, Twilight, your approval is required before we can act on this agreement.”

The purple alicorn nodded and then opened the scroll and read the hoofwritten text on it.

A Bill to Amend the Royal Succession Act of 249. In accordance with the Amendment Procedures Act, and Article Three, Section Ten of the Equestrian Constitution, this bill seeks to amend Section Six of the Royal Succession Act of 249 by duly appointing Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia's Personal Student, Twilight Sparkle, as—” Twilight let out a startled gasp and her eyes widened in shock, “Crown Princess of Equestria.”

End of Chapter Fifteen.

Author's Note:

With the start of Winter Semester, this chapter took longer then I had hoped. Hopefully, once I get adjusted back to college again, I can stabilize my writing.

Before anyone says "but royalty doesn't work like that", I'll say that Equestria's royal system does. Every country has their own weird rules regarding royalty. If it's really upsetting then just imagine Twilight's family is nobility and she might be "moved to the front of the line". This doens't mean that she's Celestia's daughter or anything like that, only that Equestria has a really screwy royal system.

My goodness did the High Court get a strong reaction (I'm just glad people didn't think about Cadance's test). I had been thinking about rewriting the scene, but the popular consensus was to leave well enough alone, so the "crossbow scene", in all of its infamy, will be staying. Hey, every story needs a good controversy, doesn't it?

In more important news, due to Discord now running around, Ascend and all related stories is now officially in an AU, with the Point of Divergence being the government, lead by the National Defense Council, refusing to allow Celestia to release Discord. This will be elaborated upon in the sequel. It appears Ascend was bound for an AU anyway, though. Thanks to the grandfather clause (and popular consensus), neither Ascend nor its sequel will be sporting an AU tag.

Originally, this was to be the penultimate chapter of the story, but I feel that Twilight's decision and the ending shouldn't be rushed, so looks like it's going to be seventeen chapters instead of sixteen.