• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,245 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

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The queen had recently returned from Canterlot and was pleased with what had happened, Celestia spoke with Red Bug, and the changeling told the queen that the former princess was willing to continue with the therapy and hoped to have progress soon, the queen was alone in her house dusting a little, She had already told AppleJack that had returned and had already greeted her son with a big hug but the colt after greeting his mother asked her to stay one more night to which the queen agreed only with the condition of having lunch the next day at the farm, to which AppleJack only laughed a little and agreed without problem, the queen had forgotten to tell Fluttershy or Discord that she had returned and she thought to do it but when she was cleaning she felt somepony energetically knocked on her door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Shouted the queen walking to the entrance but the knocking wouldn't stop. "WHAT!" Shouted the queen to whoever was knocking on the door without stopping, it was a changeling who almost fell down when he tried to knock again.

"Queen Chrysalis, we are in trouble, big trouble, come quick!." Was all the changeling said before running to where several changelings and some ponies were waiting for him.

The queen went into alarm mode and ran after the changeling without worrying about closing the door, it had to be something very serious for the changeling to run that way, when Chrysalis arrived at where everypony was she heard murmurs of ponies and changelings, some curious and others worried, but when they saw the queen arrive they moved aside allowing her to pass and see what was happening.

At the entrance to the village there was a large group gathered and in the center was a changeling who looked exhausted with a slightly red face, her eyes and nostril irritated, she had a tissue in her hooves to sneeze and her wings shone when she buzzed releasing a bright dust that disappeared a few seconds later.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked the queen keeping some distance as did everypony else.

"We don't know, she arrived at the camp yesterday and seemed fine, it's some kind of sickness but we don't know what it is."

The changeling tried to greet the queen but as she did so she sneezed again and transformed into a cat causing everypony to take a step back in surprise but she returned to her normal form as she sneezed again.

"My queen, do you know what this illness is?." Asked another of the changelings.

"I have seen many illnesses in our race, but never anything like this, has she presented any other symptoms?."

"The sneezing and the uncontrollable shape-shifting, plus their wings glow, our wings don't glow, why are her wings glowing?" Said the changeling.

"I don't know." Replied the queen, moving a little closer to the sick changeling. "Hey, can you tell me what happened?." Said the queen to the changeling to which she nodded before sneezing again.

"I was..." she sneezed. "I was with my boyfriend in Appleloosa and..." sneeze, sneeze. "We've been dating for a little..." sneeze. "A little over a year and he wants us to..." sneeze. "For us to live together in his house and..." sneeze. "And I was very happy and excited and..." sneezed. "And I wanted to pick up some of my things from the hive and..." sneeze. "And break the news to my friends here in Ponyville, but..." sneeze. "But I didn't realize the time and it was too late to..." sneeze. "To catch the train so I stayed here..." sneeze. "I stayed here for the night to leave early today but..." sneeze. "But when I woke up I was already like this..." sneeze, sneeze.

"This is strange, I think we'd better take you to the hospital to find out what's wrong with you."

"Ok..." Said the changeling before sneezing again and turning into a mare very similar to Rainbow Dash but with other colors in her mane and tail and only 12% cooler, then she sneezed a couple more times before returning to her original form, buzzing her wings a bit annoyed releasing that shiny dust again to which everypony again took a step back.

"Do you think it's contagious?." Said one changeling before sneezing and buzzing a couple of times without realizing it.

The pony at his side opened his eyes wide and watched in terror as the same glowing dust flew off the changeling's wings, landing on his back before disappearing.

"IT'S CONTAGIOUS, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!." Was all the stallion shouted before chaos took over the place causing everypony to start screaming and running, pegasus flying in all directions, and unicorns teleporting to random places causing them to collide with other ponies and changelings running wild, the queen was no exception and also ran in a random direction when something clicked in her mind and stopped instantly.

"Wait a minute, I'm the queen, it's my job to control the situation." She said to herself before running back to the sick changeling stopping a couple of meters away, she looked around for something specific and when she saw it she waited for the right moment to attack, she quickly caught with her hooves a light green unicorn that passed by her side running with its eyes closed while screaming uncontrollably.

"Gotcha." Said the queen as she caught the unicorn. "LYRA, I CHOOSE YOU." Chrysalis shouted before throwing the unicorn with all her might as close as she could to the sick changeling, the unicorn screamed in desperation as she flew through the air but landed gracefully and unharmed on all four legs.

"LYRA, USE MAGIC BUBBLE!." Shouted Chrysalis pointing her hoof towards the sick changeling, the unicorn without understanding much of what was happening obeyed instantly, a bolt of magic lightning shot out from Lyra's horn and stopped inches from the sick changeling to expand and form a bubble around, lifting her into the air.

"Excellent, we've caught a changeling, now hold her like this." Lyra now much more in control of her actions nodded her head and concentrated to reinforce her magical bubble, the queen flew a couple of meters and took a deep breath. "EVERYBODY STOP!" She shouted as loud as she could making most of them hear her and stop, the few that were left running and screaming stopped either because they bumped into something or because they didn't see anypony else screaming they slowly started to control themselves, The queen landed and spoke to a group that gathered to hear what she had to say.

"Remember we live in Ponyville, things like this happen all the time, I am going to take our friend to the hospital to find out exactly what she has and I ask you all to please stay in your homes and stay calm at least for today and if you see anypony showing any strange symptoms please come to the hospital, be it a pony or a changeling."

Most nodded and muttered things amongst themselves before retreating worriedly to their homes watching their companions for anyone looking strange.

"Do you think it's something dangerous?" Lyra asked carrying the changeling with her magic.

"I hope not but we'll know soon enough, thanks for your help."

"You're welcome, so shall we go then?."

Chrysalis nodded her head and accompanied by Lyra headed to the Ponyville hospital, upon entering a nurse greeted them and after a short explanation they were guided to an isolated room where the changeling and the queen stayed, Lyra after a quick checkup retired and went straight home.

The changeling was in a magical bubble created by a unicorn nurse, the queen waited patiently for the doctor to return while talking to the nurse and a few minutes later Redheart appeared through the door accompanied by a changeling wearing a medical coat and a stethoscope, he was the changeling chosen by the queen to work in the hospital to help in the treatment of sick or injured changelings in Ponyville.

"And what's the matter nurse?" Asked the queen somewhat concerned.

"You can let her go now, it's safe." Redheart said to the nurse who after a second's hesitation agreed and left the room.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?." Asked the queen.

"Completely, we ran all possible tests and came to a conclusion, but first I need to know something." The nurse approached the changeling and between sneezes checked her ears, dilated eyes as well as nostrils. "Did you sleep on the grass last night?."

"'How...'" she sneezed. "How was I supposed to stay one..." sneeze. "One night only, I slept on the grass..." sneeze. "By the campfire next to..." sneeze. "Next to other changelings..." sneeze. "Why?..." sneeze.

"What I thought, you are allergic to Cynodon, commonly known as grass, maybe because you lived most of your life in the hive and never went out much you never knew it, and as you say your boyfriend lives in Appleloosa you didn't have much of a problem either as it is a much more arid area, but when you came here and slept on the grass your body had an explosive allergic reaction, I recommend you to stay here for a couple of hours and we will give you some medicine against the allergy, I will also prescribe you some pills that you can take with you wherever you go and when you feel you have a reaction you can take one and you won't have any more problems. "

"Thank you nurse..." she sneezed.

"And why do her wings glow brighter than everyling else's?, and those glowing particles that appear when she moves them, are they part of the allergy too?" Asked the queen, the changeling buzzed her wings a little to show the glow coming out of them.

"I can answer that." Said the changeling accompanying Redheart. "After taking a sample I noticed that it disappeared after a couple of seconds, but when I touched it I could feel that it was a form of love coming out of her wings when she move them, I have received reports from other changelings that the same thing has happened to them and so far it hasn't caused any negative effects on their bodies, it doesn't seem to be contagious either since it happens to specific individuals regardless of the area or if there are more or fewer changelings near them."

"And do you know what this is due to?, I would like to be sure to take preventive measures."

"We believe that now living among ponies and receiving large doses of love freely is a natural way for our body to exude the excess love as particles that vanish into the air, as the only common factor we found among all those affected was that they had received great news very recently, as for example in this case, living with the pony she loves, what we are sure of is that it is harmless to ponies or any other kind."

"It makes sense, in my centuries as queen I have never seen such a reaction but this is the first time we have had more love than we really need, and for a long time, it is natural that our bodies have a way of eliminating the excess love or we would be bloated like pigs, please inform me of any further developments regarding our biology, I don't want to wake up one day and look in the mirror and be covered in pink hair, or have twenty colors, or... have to shed my skin like a snake."

"I don't think our bodies will have such drastic changes from too much love, but we are in unknown territory, I will inform you of any further developments."

"Thank you doctor."

"It was my pleasure, have a good day." Said the changeling before saying goodbye to everypony and leaving the room.

"Come with me, I will take you to a more comfortable waiting room and we will keep you under observation, when you are better you may return to Appleloosa, Queen Chrysalis, it is no longer necessary to accompany her but you may stay if you wish." Redheart said to the queen.

"It would be best if I retired to my home, besides I should let the village know not to worry as it was only an allergy."

"I would appreciate it if you would do that, the last thing we want is hysteria in the village." The nurse said goodbye to the queen and left the room with the changeling, the queen also left the room and the hospital.

For the next hour, the queen went around the town telling several houses and the town hall that it was all a false alarm and that the changeling only had an allergy, she also told them that the glow coming from the changeling's wings was just an excess of love and that it was not dangerous, and asked them if they could also warn their neighbors that there was nothing to worry about, but she told the changelings that if any of them showed any unusual symptoms to report it to the doctor at the hospital.

Chrysalis returned home and noticed that when she ran out she had left the door open, when she entered her house it was colder than usual and she closed the door without worrying, thankful that being a small and friendly town nobody would enter her house without permission or with bad intentions, it was already late and the queen was a bit tired, she didn't like train rides and the few times she used them she ended up getting tired and stressed a little bit, The mechanical noise was not her thing, after finishing cleaning and opening the windows to ventilate the rooms she prepared herself something to eat and washed her mane, but when she returned to her room was more tired than usual, she wrapped a towel around her mane to wait for it to dry by itself before brushing it and while she waited she lay down on her bed to read a book without realizing that she was slowly falling asleep.

The queen woke up shivering from the cold, she felt her head throbbing and when she touched herself noticed that she still had the towel on, completely wet, her body moved very slowly because of the pain and when she took off the towel she felt the cold breeze coming through the window, she got up to close the window but when she did so she felt a dizziness that forced her to sit up.

"This is not good." She said to herself before gathering her strength and getting out of bed to close the window, that little task took more effort than she imagined having to sit back down to rest and there was only one thing she could say. "Great... I have a headache."

Slowly the queen was closing the windows and went down the stairs very carefully so as not to fall because of the dizziness, she went to the kitchen and ate some bread along with some fruit, she didn't have the confidence to cook without causing an accident, but as she ate she started sneezing making her simple headache turn into something more serious.

"Ughhhh, I hate being sick, I can't remember the last time..." she sneezed. "That I was sick." She couldn't really remember, it could have been decades ago or easily three or four centuries ago.

As she stood up from the table and walked to the bathroom to get the thermometer she began to cough." Ughhhh, how irritating." Said herself. "I know this will only last me a day or two but I'm not going to be able to take care of my son like this." The queen was right, Clear Spark needed some special care and he was too young to do it alone, and clearly, she couldn't do it in her current state. "I'd better ask AppleJack if she could watch him for a couple of days..." she sneezed. "I'd better ask Fluttershy if she can let AppleJack know if..." she sneezed. "If she can take care of my son, I need to lie down and rest as soon as possible, I don't want this to get any worse."

The queen left her house and closed the door, she took a deep breath and started her long and laborious trek towards Fluttershy's cottage which was no more than fifty meters away, it was still very early and she could feel her body complaining as she felt the cold morning breeze, she sneezed and coughed every few steps making her stop to control her dizziness.

"I don't remember being sick being so terrible, even if I don't remember the last time I was sick."

Crossing the small bridge over the stream the queen took another deep breath and approached the cottage to knock on the door, she hoped it was not too early yet and that the pegasus or Discord was awake, but as she raised her hoof to knock on the door she felt a loud sneeze coming on, she held her nostrils with her hoof to keep from sneezing failing miserably and hitting the door of the cottage with her head very hard causing her to stagger and fall to the ground.


Chrysalis slowly regained consciousness and the first thing she felt was the softness of a cloud, also her body was warm and covered by a blanket, her head even though it still hurt a lot was cool thanks to a wet towel on her forehead, and her nostrils itched a lot less and didn't feel like coughing, She had her eyes closed and felt very relaxed, but she had to get up and talk to Fluttershy as soon as possible about something fundamental and as she tried to do so she felt a hoof stop her and gently pushed her back to her soft bed before tucking her in again, the queen didn't resist and just let herself be carried away by the strength of that hoof.

"Shhh... don't get up, you still have a high fever." Said the female voice as she tucked her in.

"What happened?" Asked the queen at that voice that spoke to her, she knew that voice perfectly but she still couldn't remember who it was.

"I felt a loud knock against my door and when I saw who it was I found you collapsed on my doorstep, I brought you inside my cottage and settled you on a small bed so you could rest." Those words made the queen remember whose voice it was and to be able to put a face to it.

"Thank you Fluttershy, you are a good friend, I came to ask you for a favor but this headache doesn't let me think clearly." Said the queen settling down to rest as she slowly started to fall asleep, maybe a few minutes of rest would help her remember what she had come for.

" No problem my little cuddly thing, I will take good care of you as well as all my furry friends."

"How do you know she's a she?" A male voice asked. "Did you check under her tail when you held her in?."

"Discord! Fluttershy said, raising her voice. "How could you think that I would do something like that."

"I'm sorry Fluttsy, but to me they are all the same, little machines that feed on love."

"Well, but not to me, each one of them is different, unique, and beautiful in their own way, and it's my job to take care of every creature that shows up on my doorstep looking for help."

"You know I love your personality and I always like that you stand up for your ideals but I mean their physical appearance, I literally see them all the same, it's like they are a small army of fluffy clones, plus the color is strange, I've never seen one of these in that shade of... green."

"I don't remember having seen one of that color either, maybe it's from some distant breed?, poor creature, its fever must have disoriented it and it ran around aimlessly for days, good thing it ran into my door or maybe now it would be prey to some wild beast".

" Green attracts good luck they say, well I'm going to Chrysalis' house to feed that bottomless pit in the shape of a cat, impressive what that animal eats for how little it moves if it ever moves at all." A couple of seconds later a door could be heard opening and closing.

"I know he's the god of chaos but I still wish he'd be a little more sensitive sometimes.

That was the last thing the queen heard before exhaustion took over her body and sent her into the dream world, she didn't know how long she had slept but she woke up to hear someone knocking on the door.

"I'm on my way." Fluttershy said before opening the door. "Hello AppleJack, what brings you here?".

"Good evening Fluttershy, I wanted to ask you if you've seen Chrysalis, yesterday we agreed that I would have lunch at the farm today before picking up little Spark but I haven't seen her all day, have you heard from her?". Asked the farm pony, she sounded worried.

"She's already back in Ponyville?." Fluttershy said surprised. "I haven't seen her all day and Discord didn't see her either when he went to her house this morning to feed his cat."

"True, but apparently she was at home this morning because her cat had her food and water dishes full." Discord replied to the pegasus' words.

What do you mean you haven't seen me?, I'm lying in your bed?, She opened her eyes and from where she was she could see Fluttershy and Discord talking with AppleJack who was in front of the door.

"Ughh, stupid disease, AppleJack I'm here." She said in a soft voice but sure they would hear her.

"Do you think something's wrong with him?" The pegasus asked worriedly.

"I hope not, I was told that the incident with the changeling happened yesterday, and as far as I heard it was nothing serious and I doubt she would have to go on an emergency trip for something like that without telling me first."

"We'd better look for her, maybe she's hurt." said Fluttershy.

"I'm not hurt, I'm sick and lying in your bed, have you forgotten that?." Said the queen raising her voice to be heard but it still seemed that everyone was ignoring her.

"It won't do any good to look for her at this hour with so little light, besides she is strong and knows how to take care of herself, and I must return to the farm to look after Spark, I am still in charge of him and I know that his safety is Chrysalis' priority."

"She cares very much for her son, it can't be that she would leave him at your house and just disappear." Discord commented.

"That's what worries me the most, she knows that if she abandons little Spark after all he's been through it would break his heart and he may never recover, I know what it's like to lose a mother, I can't imagine what he would feel losing a second mother, she loves him too much to do something like that." Replied AppleJack upset.

The words of her friends reached deep into the queen's heart and she could feel the love and sincerity in each of them, Chrysalis wanted to say something but those words left her breathless, without realizing Red Bug had chosen the best place in Equestria where the queen could live.

"I'm going back to the farm, Clear Spark is very worried because Chrysalis hasn't shown up and I don't want him to think that she won't come back, I'm thankful that my little sister is with him so he won't feel alone, I'm going to tell him to go to bed and sleep but I doubt he can sleep a little, tomorrow morning I'll gather the girls so we can start his search, see you tomorrow Fluttershy, bye Discord." AppleJack said before retiring.

Chrysalis was much calmer knowing that AppleJack was taking care of her son, but she didn't understand why Fluttershy didn't tell her that she was in her cottage, let alone why they ignored her when she spoke, she tried again to get up but her head throbbed every time she tried making her moan a little from the pain.

"You think something bad happened to Chrysalis, don't you?." Fluttershy asked the draconequus.

"AppleJack is right about one thing, she cares a lot about her son and she wouldn't disappear if it wasn't for something out of her control, I have known Chrysalis for ages and she is really strong, it has to have been something really bad for her to disappear, I didn't want to mention it in front of AppleJack because I didn't want her to go home with that idea in her head as surely little Spark would ask about his mother and we all know AppleJack can't lie, the foal worrying about his mother disappearing is the last thing we need right now." Both figures stared at each other wondering what they could do.

`Thank you for thinking of my son, but why are you ignoring me like this, wait a second... am I dead, am I a ghost? I can't believe I died from a headache, what am I going to do now?, how am I going to take care of-`. The queen once again tried to get up but with some effort, she could only sit up in bed before her head started to hurt again, `I hate headaches, wait... I can't be dead, my head can't hurt if I'm dead, at least I think that's how it works, I've never read about headaches in ghosts`.

"I'm going to go to Canterlot and ask Twilight or Luna if they know anything about Chrysalis, I'll be right back." Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"I hope Chrysalis is alright." Fluttershy said.

"FLUTTERSHY, STOP IGNORING ME." Shouted the annoyed queen to which the pegasus finally paid attention to her.

"Ohhh sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you on purpose my little friend, it's just that one of our friends is missing and we're worried about her and her son."

"I'm not missing, I'm here." Replied the queen annoyed making her head hurt again and bringing one of her paws to her forehead from the pain.

"Is your head still hurting?" Asked the pegasus approaching the queen. "Let me check your forehead."

Something the queen couldn't help but notice as the pegasus approached was that it grew alarmingly large until it stopped in front of her and was easily ten times the size of the queen or perhaps more, Chrysalis was frozen as she watched the giant yellow hoof slowly approaching her.

"Hmmm, you still have a high fever." Said Fluttershy touching the forehead of a small green creature that was lying on her couch. "I'm going to go back to dampen your towel and find something for you to drink." The pegasus picked up a small towel from the floor and flew off into another room.

`Why am I so small, is my emergency system activated?`. Thought the queen, she knew that changelings when they have very little energy reserves and feel in extreme danger their body goes into a state of emergency like any other animal, only in her case they transform into a small animal like a rodent to evade their attackers, it was a very effective defense system because a hunter would not notice a small inanimate animal on the ground when is hunting a much larger prey.

Chrysalis concentrated to undo her disguise but as she tried to concentrate her head hurt too much to concentrate on her magic, whether she wanted to or not she was trapped in the body of a small animal, something she didn't like at all.

Fearfully she lifted one of her little paws and saw that it was covered with green fur, she managed to stand up and started to check her body, her whole body was covered with fur, she had an adorable and tiny nose that moved every time she breathed, when she touched her head she felt a pair of very long ears, she checked over her shoulder and saw that she didn't have her wings, but she was adorned with a little cotton tail, she was nothing more and nothing less than a...

"I'm back my little bunny friend." Said Fluttershy as she came back from the other room with a glass of water. "I know the medicines don't taste good, but I ask you to please take this and I promise you will feel better soon." The pegasus showing an honest smile offered a small white pill and the glass to the green rabbit on the sofa.

Chrysalis couldn't resist that look and without thinking too much she took the pill and the glass of water, deep down she knew that this medicine would make her feel better, Fluttershy was glad that the rabbit took the medicine without much effort and sat down on the sofa next to her new friend, taking care not to disturb her while doing so, she wanted to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

"You know, I admire Chrysalis a lot." Said the pegasus sighing and looking into the void, the bunny saw her huge winged friend.

"You do?, why?" Asked the queen curiously.

"She is big, strong, and very brave, she is the queen of a powerful empire and has thousands of followers, everypony respects her or is afraid of her great power, she even defeated Celestia in a fight, can you believe that?." Replied the pegasus looking at her furry friend, the doe just shook her head, she could only beat Celestia because she was overloaded with Shining armor's love, in equal terms the outcome could be completely different.

"But then she found a little abandoned foal in the forest and cared for him like a mother, at first she lied to us by not telling us who she really was but we forgave her, we knew she had done it for her son sake, she risked everything to care for him and give him the life he deserved." The pegasus lowered her head in dismay. "I'd like to know how that feels." The pegasus' eyes glazed over and she quickly wiped them with her hoof, slowly the sadness was taking hold of her.

With a flash, Discord appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. "I spoke with Twilight and Luna, and neither of them has seen Chrysalis since she left Canterlot, Twilight said that first thing tomorrow morning she will come to Ponyville to help coordinate the search for Chrysalis, and Luna will stay in Canterlot to..." The draconequus paused at the sight of her friend's tearful face. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?." He asked worriedly.

"Nothing is wrong." Answered the pegasus listlessly as she covered her face with her mane, got up from the sofa and walked towards the stairs. "I'm going to go to bed, have a good night." Fluttershy said before climbing the stairs and closing the door of her room.

Discord lowered his arms and sighed defeated seeing Fluttershy climbing the stairs like that, then he saw the little furry being on the sofa with a small glass cup between his little paws and sighed again, snapping his fingers he made a glass of orange juice with a carrot appear for him and for his little new little friend, then he sat on the sofa next to her and stayed silent for a long time, the queen just looked at him without being able to do anything else.

"Fluttershy... she's a bit out of sorts lately, I've known her for some time now and we started dating seriously a little after Chrysalis revealed herself to the world." The draconequus chuckled as he looked into the void. "Actually it was because of Chrysalis that we started dating, she admires her a lot for her strong character and her bravery, don't get me wrong but Fluttershy has a very strong character when she sets her mind to it and there is no one who can stop her when she sets her mind to something but..." Discord looked at his little furry companion before taking a sip from his glass of juice. "You're a rabbit and you know how these things work but it turns out that she and I... the thing is... we, no... our biology is... who am I kidding... my own biology is different, you know what this is?" Discord detached his tail and showed it to the rabbit. "I waited centuries for somepony to name dragons to know that I have a dragon's tail and it turns out... it turns out she's..." Discord sighed once more. "We just can't and I don't know what to do anymore."

The draconequus again stared into the emptiness for a long time, the queen accompanied him in silence the whole time, it seems he had a lot to express and needed anypony to do it.

"Many times I have thought about getting out of her life for the better, if she wants a foal and I can't give it to her... I know it will hurt at first, but she is strong, very strong and I know she will eventually find a stallion that will make her happy and will give her what I can't."

"WHAT?" Shouted the queen throwing her glass of juice on the ground before jumping on Discord. "You can't do that because you simply can't have children, do you think I thought about me being a different race when I wanted to be Clear Spark's mother?, do you think you are the only couple with that problem?, you don't have to be the biological parents to be happy, and I know that from experience." The queen said, flapping her little paws frantically in the air, Discord simply raised an eyebrow without understanding why he had a little rabbit on his chest that squealed uncontrollably.

"I know you will find a solution, it may not be what you expect but sometimes the best things in life come out of nowhere." Chrysalis sat on the draconequus' chest and looked into his eyes. "You are both going through a difficult time but neither of you has told the other and that is something you have to discuss together to get through it, but neither of you will accomplish anything if you don't first start by talking to each other from your heart." Chrysalis placed her little paws on Draconequus' chest to show her support, Discord didn't understand a word the rabbit was saying, but he could understand what it meant when she placed that little furry paw on his chest.

"I understood absolutely nothing you said but you're absolutely right." Discord said taking the rabbit in his claws and putting her back on the couch. "And the first thing I'm going to do is...is...is...is..." Discord stood up from the couch and looked at the rabbit for the answer to which the queen pointed him towards the staircase to go talk to his marefriend. "You are absolutely right." Discord walked towards the staircase and stopped before climbing the first step. "But what am I going to tell her?, I'd better give her some time, a day or two will be enaaAAAAAAhhh." Shouted the Draconequus as he felt a small rodent bite his tail, and as he turned around he saw that it was the little green rabbit very angry at his lack of courage.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming, not even my mother would look at me like that, and she would turn into a supernova when she got angry, literally." Replied the Draconequus as he climbed the stairs, knocked on the bedroom door, and slowly opened it. "Fluttershy, can we talk?."

Chrysalis heard Fluttershy mutter something and then Discord closed the door behind him, she heard that they were both talking about something but she couldn't tell what it was, content with what she had done she went back to the couch but the abrupt energy used drained her completely and she didn't manage to make more than two jumps before falling asleep instantly.

The next morning the queen woke up and was still on the wooden floor of the cabin, clearly Fluttershy or Discord had not left the room all night or they would have noticed the rabbit sleeping on the floor, but Chrysalis felt much better, her body hardly hurt and her nostrils and throat were no longer irritated, she only felt a little feverish and with a little work and concentration she was able to return to her original form.

"That's much better." Said the queen before stretching all her extremities, while doing so she remembered what had happened yesterday and the conversations she had with Fluttershy and Discord, she just hoped that everything would turn out well, very carefully she left the cottage without waking the couple sleeping on the second floor, what she didn't think about was the unmistakable marks of a transformation spell that were left on the floor.

It was still early and from the position of the sun she could guess that it was around eight or nine in the morning, yesterday she heard from AppleJack and Discord that the girls would be meeting to look for her, and she guessed that by this time they would be at Twilight's castle, but before going to see the girls she wanted to go see her son, when she arrived at the farm she could see that Clear Spark was leaning against Apple Bloom's window with his eyes closed and his ears very attentive to every possible sound, the filly was next to him looking out the window, the queen flew over quickly and the foal could hear the sound of a pair of wings approaching but before he could say anything he felt a pair of hooves lift him up and hug him tightly.

"MAMA YOU'RE BACK!." Shouted the foal happily as he hugged the queen back.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to leave you but something happened that I couldn't control."

"I knew you would come back, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone."

"He didn't want to sleep all night, nor did he leave the window at any time, always saying that you would come back."

"Thank you for taking care of my son." Said the queen to the filly who turned completely red. "Where is your sister, I'd like to warn her before she starts looking for me."

"She went to Twilight's castle this morning."

"Thank you, could you watch my son a little longer."

"Consider it done." Apple Bloom replied giving a military salute, to which the queen nodded.

"I'll be back soon sweetie." Said the queen to her son as she gently put him down.

"Ok mom, thanks for keeping your promise." Said the colt with a smile.

"I told you I would never leave you alone and for my life, I intend to keep that promise, I'll be back soon." The queen went flying in the direction of Twilight's castle and when she arrived she was greeted by Spike, who was also glad to see that the queen was well and quickly escorted her to the `meeting room/map room/game room/library` where the other girls were, only Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were missing.

"Hey girls, look who I found at our entrance." Spike said entering the hall accompanied by the queen.

"CHRYSALIS!." They all shouted in unison getting up from their seats to greet the queen.

"What happened?, where have you been?, Clear Spark was worried about you, come on quick, we must go see him at the farm and let him know you showed up." Aj said running towards the door.

"AppleJack relax, I'm fine and the first thing I did was go see my son, he already knows I'm back."

"Could you tell us what happened?, I want to send a scroll to Luna and I don't want `Chrysalis is fine` to be all it says." Twilight said approaching the queen.

The queen was thinking about what she could say that was believable when she heard the door open.

"I'm back girls, I took a little longer than expected because this sleepyhead didn't want to wake up." Rainbow Dash said opening the door accompanied closely by a yellow pegasus.

Chrysalis saw Fluttershy with a smile, but Fluttershy turned completely red and nervous at the sight of the queen hiding her face with her mane, the gears in the queen's mind spun around a couple of times before fitting the idea that the pegasus somehow knew she was the green rabbit she talked to the night before.

"Chrysalis?" Rainbow asked. "When you showed up?, AppleJack told us that you disappeared without a trace and that your son was very worried." The pegasus angrily approached the queen and poke her in the chest a couple of times. "That's not cool at all, that's like the uncoolest thing to do so you need to explain yourself now."

Chrysalis thought about what she could do, she couldn't just keep quiet because Rainbow would keep pushing her until she got an answer, she couldn't lie either because there was a talking lie detector in the shape of a pony with a hat in the room, she couldn't talk about Fluttershy either without airing her private life, if the pegasus hadn't wanted to share it with anypony she had an obligation to respect her wish, even if she had found out by simple luck.

There was one thing she could do, it was something she had practiced for centuries and it had worked perfectly for her before as well as many others, lie by omission, she would be telling the truth without technically lying, she just hoped it would give the green light on AppleJack's sensors.

"Yesterday I had a personal problem that I can't mention because it relates to a pony I know who has a secret that she doesn't want to divulge, she wholeheartedly helped me solve my problem and in return, I helped her solve hers and I sincerely hope she solves it, I will respect her privacy and I will keep her secret until she wants to discuss it, more than that I won't say." The queen looked the pegasus in the eyes giving her know that she would not say anything else, but Rainbow seemed to be unconvinced with her answer.

"And can you at least tell us the name of that pony?."

"I won't."


"I think if she doesn't want to share her private life with others she doesn't have to and just like Chrysalis we have to respect her privacy and I'm sure Chrysalis' words helped her a lot." Said Fluttershy interrupting Rainbow and flashing a smile to the queen who simply returned it.

"Then I guess it's no problem, Spike, could you send a scroll to Princess Luna telling her that Chrysalis showed up safe and sound?".

"Right away Twilight." The little dragon took a scroll and wrote something quick before rolling it up and burning it with his breath to turn it into smoke and fly out a window making him think of something important. "Twilight, we forgot to change the dragonmail spell, I'm sure that scroll will arrive with Celestia, do you think she will read it and not tell anypony just to hurt Chrysalis?."

Twilight thought for a second about a quick solution to her problem, there was a high possibility that Celestia would read the scroll and upon seeing the queen's name hide it or destroy it. "I have an idea, can you write another scroll just like the previous one, but add the part that we sent out one with the same message about Chrysalis but that it possibly got to Celestia."

"Of course." Spike thought a moment and wrote a second scroll, rolling it up and passing it to Twilight. "Here you go, and do you plan to send it directly to Luna?, because I'd hate to run out of a job."

"Spike, you're still small, you don't need a job, besides I have another place in mind to send it." The princess concentrated for a moment and the scroll disappeared in a purple glow. "There."

"Could you tell where you sent the scroll to?" Rarity asked.

"I sent it to the throne room in Canterlot, I thought about sending it to Luna's room but I wasn't sure if she is in that place, it could be hours before she came back, just like Raven Inkwell's office, but the throne room always has guards, surely they already saw the magical flash and at this moment they are taking the scroll to Luna."

"That was very clever of you Twilight." Said the queen.

"Thank you, and since we're all here and basically have the day to ourselves, do any of you have an idea, I'd like to get as much of the Canterlot bureaucracy out of the way as possible."

"I do remember AppleJack promising me lunch at her farm before I picked up my son." Said the queen with a grimace looking at the farm pony.

"If you want you can all go to lunch at my farm, what do you say, would you like a big country lunch?."

"That's fine with me, I just have to get my little sister."

"And I'm going to invite Scoot, I don't want the little one to be left out of this."

"Then I'll expect you all at my farm for lunch at lunchtime, came late and you don't ate." AppleJack said with a giggle before getting up from her seat and walking towards the door, followed by all the others, Fluttershy and Chrysalis stayed behind waiting for them all to leave the room.

"Thank you for taking care of me yesterday when I was vulnerable." Said the queen.

"You're welcome, and thank you for your advice, I didn't know Discord was suffering just like me from all this."

"He looked very distressed when I spoke to him."

"Thank you for that, and about what I said to you last night when I didn't know who you were... I..." The pegasus blushed causing the queen to let out a giggle.

"If it makes you feel any better, out of all the girls you are the one I admire the most."

"I am?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"It's true, it takes a very special kind of pony to do what you did, control the god of chaos himself, and you achieved it with your personality alone, you have a very strong character when you put your mind to it, with a little self-confidence you could get anywhere you want."

"Ummm, thank you." Said the pegasus.

"You're welcome, but we'd better follow the girls or they're going to get suspicious."

Both figures left the room and joined their friends who were walking in the direction of the farm to enjoy a nice day of rest along with a good meal.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry it's a little longer than usual, but I wanted to cover two things that were mentioned before in the story and that's why I wanted to clarify them, the next chapter will be the third part of the therapy, I don't know how long the chapter will be but it will explain everything about the reasons of Celestia and Chrysalis. :trollestia:

See you next week.:twilightsmile: