• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,253 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

  • ...

What did you do?.

What did you do?.

Fluttershy was sitting on a chair next to Rainbow's bed, who had her little one sleeping between her front legs, they both looked at each other for a moment without saying anything waiting for the other to speak first and say what they were thinking but that moment never came.

It was mid-afternoon, so there was still some light, but the temperature was starting to drop, bringing with it the normal breeze that formed on the top of the mountains and started to come down in the evenings, a breeze that slipped through the window of the hospital room and made Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash shiver a little.

The yellow pegasus didn't have as much vitality as she did when she lived alone a few years ago, so her body felt the temperature changes more and they affected her a little more, but that wasn't a bad thing since age brought more wisdom and much more experience, experience that told her that such a sudden temperature change could cause an illness in a newborn that could easily become complicated, so she got up from her chair and went to the window to close it.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow asked, not knowing why she was getting up.

"I'm closing the window, a sudden temperature change can be devastating for your daughter." The yellow Pegasus replied, closing the window and sitting back in her chair. "There are many things you need to know now that you are a mother, such as how to avoid temperature changes, how to feed her, when and how to bathe her." She added in a serious tone at the end, knowing that Rainbow had been a mother for less than a day and was very clueless, but that didn't justify her not knowing the basics.

"I know, I have a lot to learn about it." The light blue Pegasus replied, scratching the back of her neck as she looked at her daughter.

"You're going to have to learn fast because you can't make any mistakes, but if you need help, you can always ask Discord or me." The tone in which he said this showed a clear intention of reprimand rather than simple help.

"What do you mean by that?" Rainbow said, feeling accused.

"You know what I mean, and that's what I want to talk to you about." Fluttershy replied without changing her tone.

"No Fluttershy, I don't know, could you please explain it to me?, you three have been acting weird since you saw my little girl and I demand to know why." Rainbow said, raising her voice a little so as not to wake her daughter, but she made her point.

"Do I have to explain something so obvious to you?" Fluttershy asked angrily and even though she was talking about assumptions she couldn't help but feel that Rainbow was hiding the truth from her.

"Yes Fluttershy, you have to do it and if you're going to continue with that tone you'd better back off." Rainbow replied just as angrily, but she managed to control herself a little.

The little one on Rainbow's legs whimpered a little before settling down to sleep. Rainbow stroked her mane lovingly and covered her with a blanket.

The two mares had known each other since they were little and had been friends ever since, they had shared a lot in their lives and were always there for each other when they needed help, they both saw each other as sisters and that made Fluttershy feel pushed out of her friend's life by hiding the truth from her, but seeing how Rainbow was taking care of her little girl her anger quickly faded until it was gone completely, the yellow Pegasus sighed to finish reassuring herself and spoke in a lower tone so as not to disturb Shadow Fire again.

"I'm sorry that I got upset and shouted at you, I really didn't mean to, but I can't help feeling displaced, so please don't lie to me, I've known you for years and I ask you to be honest with me." The yellow Pegasus said remorsefully.

"It's okay Fluttershy, I appreciate the apology, I've known you as long as I can remember and you're like a sister to me. Thank you for coming." Rainbow replied to her friend with a smile.

"Whenever you need help, you know you can always count on us."

"Yeah, but Soarin would be here."

Fluttershy glanced to the side in a vain attempt to avoid the topic of conversation.

"Is there some kind of problem with Soarin?" Rainbow asked, and Fluttershy took a few seconds to answer.

"I don't know. He left the hospital very upset, and Rarity said he might leave Ponyville."

"He's leaving Ponyville?" Rainbow asked, a little worried.

"I hope not, I know Rarity will talk him out of it, and she knows him best after you." Fluttershy replied with a smile.

"Yeah... sure." Rainbow replied listlessly as she cuddled her daughter. Fluttershy was worried about her reaction.

"What's wrong, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." Rainbow looked wistfully out the closed window and watched the sun slowly disappear over the horizon. "...Life used to be easier when we could just go out and have fun and get together and drink and spend our evenings together." Rainbow smiled slightly. She remembered the good times with Soarin and how everything changed when she found out she was going to be a mother.

"But when I got pregnant, we got excited and planned to live together for a long time, well... that's what we tried to do."

"What do you mean? I know a baby puts a lot of stress on a couple, especially if it's the first one."

"I know, and I've read some books on the subject, but... what we had in mind, or rather what each of us had in mind, was completely different, at first it was important things, and we managed to argue and find a middle ground, like all couples do, but as the days went by we had more and more things to argue about and fix, and each time we got angrier and angrier, and each thing got smaller and smaller, and just... we just... couldn't stand to see each other afterwards."

"All couples fight with Rainbow, Cadance with Shining Armor, Celestia with Moonstone, even I had very ugly fights with Discord.

"It's not the same, Fluttershy." Rainbow said sadly. "It's just... no... I don't... know where I stand with Soarin for a long time."

"What?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"I..." Rainbow turned her head to look at her friend. "...do you know the last time I saw Soarin laugh?"

Fluttershy shook her head, not knowing the answer.

"It was a few weeks ago at Rarity's, after a fight I followed him to see where he was going and... I mean, I know him, and I know he always goes to Rarity's house after we've fought, but I followed him anyway, I've been following him a lot lately, and... I know I shouldn't, but... he looked... happy... without me." Rainbow's words carried a strong sense of pain.

"Rarity told us that Soarin has been staying with her for months after you guys fought, so you've been following him ever since?" Fluttershy asked, and the light blue Pegasus nodded her head without looking at her friend.

"The last time I saw Soarin happy with me was when I told him I was pregnant, I love him but..." Rainbow lifted her eyes to look at her friend, to see what she was thinking.

They both looked at each other for a long moment without saying anything, and Fluttershy's eyes couldn't stop jumping back and forth between Rainbow and Shadow Fire. The light-blue Pegasus knew that Fluttershy wanted to ask the question that was on everypony's mind, but she was afraid to.

"Go ahead Fluttershy, I know what you want to ask me, you have the same look that all the doctors, the nurses, Twilight, Rarity and even... Soarin when they saw my little girl." Rainbow caressed her daughter's face before looking back at her friend. "So go ahead and ask me, I promise I won't get mad."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and looked at her friend before speaking, searching for a way to ask the question without sounding insulting or accusatory, but after a moment of gathering her courage, and thanks to Rainbow's patience, the yellow Pegasus dared to ask the question.

"Rainbow, did you cheat on Soarin?" Pegasus asked, dreading the answer her friend would give.

"No Fluttershy, I didn't cheat on Soarin." The light blue Pegasus replied without a hint of doubt, making Fluttershy completely calm down. "You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course I believe you, Rainbow, it's just... with your appearance and Soarin's, it's hard for me or any other pony to believe that the little girl is yours, she shares no features with either of you except for that lock of hair, and surely Soarin must have thought something similar when he saw her, I just hope Rarity convinced him not to leave Ponyville."

"I hope she can convince him too, I would hate for my daughter to grow up without a father, plus this gives me the perfect opportunity to set our lives straight." Rainbow said with a smile.

"Straighten out your lives?" Fluttershy asked curiously, not knowing what her friend was referring to.

"Yeah, I mean..." Rainbow scratched her neck, a little embarrassed. "Straighten up my life, I know I've been treating Soarin very badly lately and he doesn't deserve it, I want us to live happily ever after and to do that I need to start by giving him a big apology." Rainbow replied with a smile.

"I think he will be happy to hear that." Fluttershy replied, seeing how Rainbow's face was filled with brightness and hope as she imagined a beautiful life together with Soarin.

"Yes... I think you're right." Rainbow added, looking at her daughter. "But first we have to find a big new house where we can live and raise Shadow Fire. I'll have to sell my cloud house to pay for it."

"You're going to sell your house?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course I will. My little one won't be able to live in it, and I won't be using it if I have to move."

"I guess you're right, it's a real shame, since your house is so big and beautiful."

"That's the advantage of having a house made of clouds, you can just put it together wherever you want with as many clouds as you want and you only have to worry about repairing it more regularly than normal houses."

Rainbow's words about her reasons for selling her house were completely justified and necessary, and that made Fluttershy remember the reasons why she wanted to talk to Rainbow. She'd already made it clear that she hadn't cheated on Soarin, and even though there was no way to prove it, Fluttershy should know a little about her azure friend's family to be able to help her and avoid future problems.

They were silent again for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company, Rainbow enjoying seeing how that little creature had been inside her a few hours ago, while Fluttershy gathered some courage to continue questioning her.

"Rainbow." The yellow Pegasus said.

"Yes?" The light blue Pegasus asked, looking at her friend, and Fluttershy sighed deeply before speaking.

"You know I love you and you are my oldest friend, you are like a sister and I know no one has the right to tell you how to live your life, but the girls and I are worried about your daughter's future."

"About my daughter's future?" Rainbow asked intrigued.

"I'll be honest with you, when we first walked into this room we couldn't... avoid noticing that your little girl didn't look anything like you or Soarin, and I regret thinking that, but the only conclusion we could come to at the time was that you were cheating on Soarin." Rainbow looked offended and changed her expression to a very serious one, but Fluttershy still wasn't done talking. "We know that there is no way to prove Soarin's paternity other than your word, and I believe one hundred percent that what you are telling me is true, and I doubt very much that the rest of the girls care about that, but what we care about is what future your little girl will have."

"You need to clarify what you mean right now because I don't like where this conversation is going and I don't want our friendship to end because of some stupid thing that comes out of your mouth." Rainbow's reaction was forceful and took Fluttershy completely by surprise, but the yellow Pegasus had learned to control her emotions over the years and was able to avoid being intimidated by her friend.

"Don't take this the wrong way, and like I said, I'm not interested in prying into your private life, but Soarin has too many doubts about his parenthood and his relationship with you, and frankly, from what you and Rarity have told me, I can't blame him, you two have fought too much during your relationship, and your little girl shouldn't pay the price for your choices."

Rainbow felt the firmness in her friend's words, and even though she wanted to tell her to stop, she knew that what she said was true, and she also knew that Fluttershy was trying to get to a much more important point than her relationship with Soarin.

" Okay, Twilight, Rarity and I talked to Nurse Redheart, and even though she couldn't tell us anything about your personal life, she could tell us that your little girl's appearance is completely unusual, something that only happens once in a million, and with that number there are only two possible reasons, one, that your little girl is just a genetic coincidence that caused a gigantic misunderstanding, or two, that you cheated on Soarin."

Rainbow opened her mouth to reply, but Fluttershy lifted her hoof to stop her friend from speaking so that she could say what she wanted.

"Well, you told me you didn't cheat on Soarin and I believe you, I've known you all my life and I know you're not capable of something like that, so I'm sure the only possible option is that it's a genetic quirk, so I need to ask you some questions."

Hearing these words, the sky-blue Pegasus calmed down almost completely and made herself available to answer her friend's questions.

"Thank you, the question is simple, I know some members of your family, but of course I don't know all of them, but do you know if you have any relatives who are earth ponies or share Shadow Fire's colors?."

"An earth pony with Shadow colors..." Rainbow looked down, showing some embarrassment that Fluttershy didn't miss.

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"No... it's nothing." Rainbow replied, looking away, clearly trying to hide that she was embarrassed about something.

Fluttershy looked at her carefully, trying to understand her friend's reaction, and when she saw her daughter's tribe and colors, her mind quickly connected the dots and she knew immediately why Shadow Fire was like that.

"Oh, Rainbow!" The yellow Pegasus said in surprise, starting to cry. "Sorry, I didn't know, no one did!" She whimpered to Rainbow, who raised an eyebrow, not understanding the Pegasus' reaction.

"I promise you Rainbow, I won't think less of you, no one will think less of you, we'll tell Soarin what happened to you and I'm sure he'll understand why you acted the way you did, all the girls will understand too." Fluttershy replied worriedly, getting up from her chair and walking over to Rainbow to put a hoof on her shoulder as a sign of support.

"Understand what? that during pregnancy you have sudden hormonal changes, I think that's normal for a pregnant mare and I think Soarin knows that." Rainbow said, not understanding her friend's reaction.

"We're all going to help you through this." Fluttershy replied, hugging the light blue Pegasus who still didn't understand. "Remember I'm your best friend and I love you, you won't have to suffer alone anymore." Fluttershy finished, hugging Rainbow tightly.

"Woa... woa... woa... woa... Slow down what you're drinking Fluttershy, because you're already starting to scare me." Rainbow replied, gently pushing her friend away to get some personal space and breathe.

"I know you're brave, but you don't have to hide it anymore." Fluttershy replied, flashing a sympathetic smile.

"Hide what?" Rainbow asked, still not understanding.

Poor Rainbow, surely the trauma was too much for her and her mind is blocking it out to protect itself, she needs professional help to get over it. Fluttershy thought as she listened to her friend's answers.

"Don't worry Rainbow, tomorrow I will personally go and talk to EFAF and EAAM about your situation and we will get you the best possible help, I promise everything will be fine for you and your little girl." Fluttershy replied.

"The EAAM? but that association is for..." Rainbow said, thinking about why Fluttershy wanted the Equestrian Asosiacion for Abused Mares to help her with her little one, and then thinking about the way Fluttershy and her friends acted when they saw Shadow Fire, and how little he looked like her and Soarin, she could understand it all and could only let out a big laugh that surprised Fluttershy.

"Oh Rainbow..." Fluttershy said, putting her hoof to her chest in concern, thinking about the trauma Rainbow must have felt to act like that.

"Easy, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said, quelling her laughter a bit, but the yellow Pegasus didn't change her worried expression. "I really appreciate you worrying about me and my little girl like this, and I'm the luckiest mare in the world to have a friend like you, but I promise nothing bad happened to me." She said, wiping a laughing tear from her eyes.

"But the way you act towards your family and Soarin, and your little girl doesn't look like you... I don't... I don't get it." Fluttershy said, looking at her friend and her daughter.

"Can you keep a secret?" Rainbow asked, drastically changing her tone to a much more serious one.

"You know you can tell me anything." Fluttershy replied.

"This is serious Fluttershy, you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone, seriously, no one can know." Rainbow said in a serious tone, worrying her friend.

"If you're so worried that someone will know... why do you want to tell me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because I've wanted to tell someone for a long time, and if I don't tell you, I can't tell anyone, it's... it's too much to handle alone."

"You're my friend Rainbow, and you know that whatever you tell me, I won't tell anyone." Fluttershy said, pulling the chair closer to the bed before sitting on it.

"Thank you." Rainbow said, sighing a little, grateful for her friend's trust.

Rainbow was silent for a long time while Fluttershy waited patiently for her to speak, several minutes passed before Rainbow said a word.

"Yes, there is a pony in my family that is identical to Shadow Fire."

"Oh... that explains your little one's colors, but I remember meeting several members of your family, is he a distant relative?"

"Not exactly, he's... much closer than I'd like to know."

"Is he an uncle or an obnoxious cousin?"

"No..." Rainbow replied.

"Then who?" Fluttershy asked.

"Is it..." Rainbow sighed before continuing. "...My father."

"Your father?, But he's a light blue Pegasus and..." Fluttershy stopped mid-sentence when she saw the sad look on her friend's face. "Oh..." She said frantically. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it wasn't nice for me to find out either."

"And how did you find out?"

Rainbow was silent again for a long moment after Fluttershy's question.

"Do you remember when we were little, I had an accident and had to have a blood transfusion?"

"I remember, it was a little after your first Sonic Rainboom, you were so excited that you started practicing nonstop until you crashed into a tree while dodging a bird and got knocked unconscious, I got really scared and flew full speed to look for your parents, but only your father was at your house."

"I remember, my mother was on a trip with her friends in Las Pegasus, but do you remember the medical problem that happened in the hospital with my blood transfusion?"

"I remember after they stabilized you, they had to order some emergency bags with your blood type because your father couldn't be a donor because he was a different type, I was very worried about you and wanted to donate my blood, but I was still very young, I couldn't forget that."

"Yes, I remember being told that when I woke up in the hospital, I didn't think much about it then and I never really did... well... not until a few months ago."


"My mother has type A blood like me, my father is type B, and type B can't donate to type A."


"When I found out I was pregnant I had several medical tests to know if I had any diseases or calcium deficiency or anything that could affect my pregnancy and the development of my daughter, and for those tests they also needed to know if I was allergic to any medications, I admit I don't pay too much attention to those things, and when I went back home to check my birth certificate I noticed something I had never noticed before."

"And what was it?"

"That my birth record shows several pieces of information, such as the hospital where I was born, the exact date and time, the doctor and nurses present, my allergies, and a brief description of my physical appearance, but it also shows another piece of information, a much more important one..."

Fluttershy waited silently for Rainbow to catch her breath and gather the courage to continue.

"My mother's blood type is type A, the same as mine, as I told you, but... but my father's, my biological father's blood type is... type O."

"And what does that mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"I asked the nurse the same thing when I showed her my birth certificate, and she said that was my biological father's blood type, they triple check at birth, Fluttershy, they don't make mistakes with things like that." Rainbow replied.

"And you're sure they couldn't be wrong?."

"The reason my father couldn't donate blood when I was little is because if I received blood of a different type it would cause a series of problems in my organism and there was a high probability of death, that's why they do a triple check Fluttershy to eliminate that possibility, my biological father has type O blood."

They were both silent for a long moment while Rainbow stroked her little girl's mane, and Fluttershy didn't know what to say.

"But how did you..." Fluttershy wanted to ask the question, but she didn't know how to ask it.

"How do I know my real father is an Earth Pony identical to Shadow Fire?" Rainbow asked her friend, who nodded her head. "I don't know, and I'm afraid to find out what my real father looks like, but that explains my little girl's appearance, RIGHT?" Rainbow asked, raising her voice and looking at Fluttershy with concern and desperation in her eyes, hoping that this would explain everything that had happened and end the matter right then and there.

Fluttershy had no choice but to nod her head and agree with her friend; they had both lived with AppleJack for years and knew how important it was to know the truth and how dangerous it could be to hide everything behind a lie, but she couldn't deny the fact that sometimes a lie was necessary when it was justified to protect a pony's physical integrity, She remembered the story Chrysalis had told her when she found her son in the slums of Canterlot and the terrible physical condition he was in and how Cheerilee had helped her hide him and give him the life he deserved, neither of them wanted to say it, but... ..

"Is that why you didn't want your parents around when your daughter was born?" Fluttershy asked softly, and Rainbow took a long time to calm down so that she could answer.

"You know I love them both and as far as I'm concerned they are my parents, but... I was afraid of the fact that... jeez... does my dad know?"

"You know they love you Rainbow, and no matter what happens, they will always be there for you."

"I know, Fluttershy, but... I'm not a filly anymore, and now I have my own filly to take care of, and I think I deserve to know the truth, but... I don't know how to do it." Rainbow looked deeply at Fluttershy, looking for an answer to a question she didn't have. "How do I tell my parents that I know they lied to me my whole life?" Rainbow asked, her voice cracking as she wiped away the few tears that were forming in her eyes.

"But wouldn't such a blood test serve as proof that Soarin is the father of your daughter?" Fluttershy asked.

"It wouldn't do any good, there are many blood types, A, B, AB and type O, and each type has its positive and negative variants, besides my little girl could very well have the same blood type as me, and that wouldn't prove anything, after all my biological father has blood type O, and I have the same type as my mother, basically the blood test can have a one in sixteen chance of proving that Soarin is the father of my daughter, and only if she has his same blood type, that is why the blood test is not used as evidence in court because it has a very low chance of success, when I talked to the nurse about this she told me that she knew mares who had offspring from other stallions who had the same blood type as their husband and got away scot-free. "

"Gosh... that's terrible." Fluttershy commented in amazement.

"I know... this little girl is Soarin's daughter, but I have no way to prove it to him." Rainbow stroked her little girl as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

Fluttershy again waited for her friend to calm down before she could continue talking to her, as she still had a few questions to ask her.

"But why haven't you ever told Soarin?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because..." Rainbow said, lowering her eyes in distress. "Fluttershy, did you have intimate moments with Discord?" Her friend asked, making her friend blush.

"I... with... Discord?" Fluttershy asked, all nervous and blushing. "Well... I... we... we... are a couple and... well, we live together and we have a son... even though he's adopted and... we sleep in the same bed and... well... it's normal that at night..." Fluttershy tried to answer her friend.

"I don't mean just that, Fluttershy, no offense, but everyone can have that kind of intimacy without much trouble."

"Oh... What do you mean?"

"I mean true intimacy, to a walk you'll never forget, to enjoying your partner's company just by having him around, to telling him your problems and knowing that he cares about them, to a deep conversation that lasts for minutes or maybe hours, to lying down cuddled together and feeling that no matter how bad your day has been, you will be safe between his hooves, where you can open your heart and let your feelings flow uncontrollably, knowing that you can completely unburden yourself and instead of criticism you will receive a warm kiss on the forehead and an understanding look. "

"Oh..." Fluttershy couldn't help but think how lucky she was to have Discord by her side, knowing that he would be there through thick and thin, while Rainbow's words reflected a feeling of abandonment in her relationship with Soarin, but not because of anything physical, but because they never seemed to connect sentimentally. "Well... I can't say that we don't have our romantic moments."

"I know." Rainbow said, lowering her gaze. "My only moments of real intimacy with Soarin were after we had sex a few times and when I told him I was pregnant."

"Seriously, I think your relationship was pretty bad if you can't tell something that important to the pony you want to spend the rest of your days with."

"Something can't end badly if it never really started, can it?" Rainbow said, drawing a smile.

"I guess that's true, but as you just told me, this is a perfect opportunity for them to start over." Fluttershy replied, also smiling.

Both of them remained silent for a long moment, just enjoying each other's company, Fluttershy wanted to ask her friend more questions, but she already had the answers she needed, while Rainbow didn't want to discuss something she didn't want to know in the first place and which one could easily tell she didn't want to ask any more either, with a simple look they both understood that this topic died that very night and for them and the rest of the world this conversation never existed.

Shadow Fire was an almost black earth pony with a red mane and a multicolored lock, the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and that was the only thing that mattered, even if it posed a small problem for Fluttershy, since she had promised the other girls to tell them Rainbow's version of Shadow Fire's appearance, but she couldn't tell them a secret that she had promised Rainbow to keep until her grave, she would have to find a way to tell them Rainbow's version, leaving the truth about her father completely aside.

"That little girl is beautiful." Fluttershy commented. She reached over to the bed to pet her.

"Yes... she really is." Rainbow added, undressing her little girl a bit to make it easier for Fluttershy to touch her. "Too bad I have to leave my home, but seeing her face... I have no regrets."

When Fluttershy saw Rainbow's face, she couldn't help but giggle.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"It's just that after a lifetime of living with your head in the clouds, you're finally going to put your hooves on the ground." Fluttershy replied with another giggle, which made Rainbow laugh too.

"You're right, it would still be fun if she could walk on clouds so I wouldn't have to sell my house."

"No, but you'd have to build a long ladder and we both know you're not good at building things." They both laughed again for a few seconds.

"I know Soarin must be upset and I want to let him calm down a bit before I apologize to him, so would you help me find a new place to live?"

"Of course Rainbow, we can even look for a cozy place with a big yard where you can anchor your house so you don't have to sell it, but..." Fluttershy replied.

"But what?" Rainbow asked.

"But are you sure she can't walk on clouds?"

"Why are you asking Fluttershy?, She's an Earth pony and you know she doesn't have that kind of magic."

"Just curious." The yellow Pegasus replied, trying to hide other intentions.

"I'm sure nothing will happen, but we can try if it makes you happy." Rainbow said, realizing that her friend wanted to do the test.

"Ok, I'll be right back." Said Fluttershy excitedly, opening the window and accidentally flying out in the direction of the nearest cloud, returning a minute later with a piece of cloud.

"I'm sorry I left the window open." She said as she walked in, closing the window behind her. "It's just that I always get excited to see this on the little ones."

"Have you done it before? I know the basics of the cloud test, but this would be the first time I've done it." Rainbow said.

"I like to watch it whenever I get the chance, I don't know why but it relaxes me a lot." The yellow Pegasus replied as she condensed the piece of cloud between her hooves a little more.

"And how do you do the cloud test, I know you put the Pegasus on the cloud and it should float, right?."

"It's a little more complex than that, you do know that Pegasus can pass through clouds or touch them and move them at will as if they were a solid object, right?" Rainbow nodded her head as if it were the most logical thing in the world. "Well, the little ones have the magic, but they don't have its control, and no matter how hard they try they can't break through the clouds and they'll always stay on the clouds."

"Then why do the Emergency Patrols reinforce the foundations of the nurseries with solid materials?

"Because eventually their magic reaches a controllable level, but they still don't know how to control it, we as adults can do it unconsciously, and that's why you can sleep on a cloud without worrying about falling, but the little ones can't." The yellow Pegasus replied as she finished condensing the cloud to a light gray. "Okay, I'm ready." She said as she approached the bed.

"And what do I do?"

"You're supposed to pick her up gently and I'll put the cloud underneath her so you can settle her down, then let her go, but keep your hooves to the side in case she loses her balance, we don't want her to get hurt."

Rainbow nodded her head and gently picked up her little one, placing her on all four legs, which instinctively managed to keep their balance without ever stopping sleeping, still carrying genetic traits from centuries ago when cave ponies had to sleep standing up, Fluttershy approached with the cloud and waited for Rainbow to lift her little one a few inches above the bed, where Fluttershy placed the cloud underneath her, Rainbow balanced her baby on the cloud and let go, always keeping her hooves at her sides in case of an emergency; the test was easy and Shadow Fire couldn't get hurt, but that didn't stop her from worrying and the extra precautions weren't superfluous.

Rainbow watched her foal slowly sink into the cloud until she was completely through and standing on the bed, then picked her up and tucked her back in, putting her to sleep between her front hooves.
"I told you this would happen, she doesn't have Pegasus magic." Rainbow said, taking the cloud and gently pushing it towards the ceiling of the room.

"Hmm... that was weird." Fluttershy commented a little confused.

"Weird? What do you mean?"

"Just... the cloud test has two results." Fluttershy replied, taking flight to pick up the cloud and bring it closer to the bed. "I've seen the test hundreds of times, and this is the first time I've seen anything like this." She looked around the room and walked over to a nearby piece of furniture to grab a Daring Doo book, then turned back to the side of the bed and the cloud.

"That wasn't normal?, I mean... she went through the cloud."

"It did, but not the way it was supposed to, when something without Pegasus magic touches the cloud, it goes through it normally, like this book." Fluttershy said, placing the book on the cloud and making it pass through the cloud as if the cloud didn't exist, making it disappear. "It doesn't go through the cloud slowly like Shadow Fire did, I think your little girl is more unusual than we thought."


After spending some more time with Rainbow and her daughter, Fluttershy said goodbye and left the hospital to join Rarity and Twilight, they never agreed on where to meet or what time, but she was sure they would all come back to the hospital entrance, and even though she was calm, she still had to find a way to tell the girls the reason for Shadow Fire's appearance without telling them about Rainbow's real father, unfortunately, she wouldn't have much time to think about it because when she left the hospital, Rarity was sitting on a bench near a tree waiting for her.

The unicorn got up and walked over to her friend.

"I hope everything went well, my dear, Twilight still hasn't come back yet." Rarity said.

"Um... yeah, everything went fine, Rainbow told me that she..." Fluttershy didn't know how to talk about the subject without mentioning her friend's father, she wasn't the best at lying, and even though Rarity wasn't a walking lie detector like AppleJack, she could easily tell when someone was avoiding a question. "A relative of..."

"Does Rainbow have a relative who looks like her daughter?" Rarity asked, shaking Fluttershy excitedly, making her dizzy. "Oops, sorry dear, but this whole thing makes me nervous, but we better wait for Twilight so she knows too, I don't want to go into details until Twilight gets here either, but I can tell you that I convinced, well... together with Sweetie Belle, we convinced Soarin not to leave Ponyville."

"That... that's good to hear, I'm sure Rainbow will be happy to hear that."

"I'm sure she will, but let's get back to the bench."

Both mares went to the bench to wait for their friend's return without a word, each wrapped in their worries.

After two long and silent hours, Twilight returned from Cloudsdale and landed in front of the hospital, knowing she hadn't agreed on a time or place to meet, but she wanted to get to the hospital in case her friends were there, and seeing none of them, she thought about going to Rarity's Boutique before returning to her old castle for the night, but before she left she heard a voice calling her.

"Twilight, over here." Rarity said as she approached next to Fluttershy.

"Hi girls, I didn't see you and thought you'd gone home." Twilight replied, waving to her friends.

"We didn't want to do it because we knew you'd come back here, and besides, none of us could sleep without clearing this up first." Rarity replied, and Fluttershy nodded her head.

"I guess you're right, I couldn't sleep either worrying about it, and did you find out anything?" Twilight asked.

"Yes Twilight, but we'd better sit down and talk." The group of friends walked for a few minutes until they reached one of the benches in the square of Ponyville, it was a very open place to discuss a topic of this caliber, but at this hour there were very few ponies or changelings on the streets and they could easily spot a curious one.

"So, where do we start, because I'm sure you each have some very important information on the subject, and I assume we've all been permitted to... pry into something like this." Twilight said, and her two friends nodded in agreement.

"Then do you mind if I start?, I think talking to Rainbow's parents told me some things I didn't know about her family." Twilight asked.

"Sounds good to me Twilight, I've got Soarin not to leave Ponyville but I'd like to hear why Rainbow's parents didn't visit her in the hospital and also Rainbow's side of the story, what do you say dear?" Rarity asked, looking at the Pegasus.

"Hm... sounds good to me." Fluttershy replied, thinking that this would be the best way to gain some time to think about how to talk about her conversation with her blue friend.

"Thanks, first of all, I should tell you that a few days ago, I met Rainbow's mother here in Ponyville, and she gave me a medical report about her daughter's pregnancy, which had come to her house by mistake."

"But why did she give it to you instead of Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because Rainbow had been avoiding her parents for months, but what bothered me the most was that the medical exam was open and that she had read it, she told me there were only routine results inside and I was inclined to believe her, but that led to the conversation about why Rainbow was avoiding them."

"And what did she tell you?" Now it was Rarity who asked the question.

"That there are two reasons why she would avoid them, one is that she is ashamed of something and the other is that she is upset."

"So you think Rainbow's avoiding them because..." Rarity wanted to ask the question but didn't dare,

"They assured me she wasn't capable of something like that, and I believe them, but..." Twilight Monster looked a little confused.

"But what?" Rarity asked.

"But the way they reacted to me was... kind of weird." Twilight turned slightly to face her friends. "I asked them both if they had any relatives who looked like Shadow fire, and apart from a few vague answers they couldn't name any relatives who looked like Rainbow's daughter, but what caught my attention was that then Mrs. Whistles showed me Rainbow's old room, and there were lots of things for a newborn, clothes, a new crib still in its box, toys, diapers, you name it, so I'm sure they've known about their daughter's pregnancy for a long time."

"That's strange, and what have they told you about it?" Fluttershy asked.

"That they know Rainbow has been avoiding them, and that she specifically asked Soarin not to tell them she was in the hospital, but he felt it necessary to tell them anyway, they are her parents after all, but that wasn't the strangest thing of all."

"And then what is it?"

"The way they answered me when I asked them if Rainbow was capable of being unfaithful to Soarin, both are sure she wasn't, but Mrs. Whistles answered me in a very unusual way to such a question, she didn't look upset, offended or... in fact she showed no emotion when she answered me, and before I left Rainbow's father gave me this bottle." Twilight used her magic to make a bottle of liquor appear and hooved it to Rarity.

"It's for me, but why?" Rarity asked, confused.

"No Rarity, it's for Soarin, Mr. Hothoof asked me to give it to Soarin only if he was willing to be a father, he also told me that his daughter is a fool but not so much to waste something good when she has it in front of her, but the way he talked to me also made me understand that he knows something and just like his wife he preferred to lie to me, when I understood that I wouldn't get anything by talking to them I decided to return, so my trip wasn't much help." Twilight finished.

"And they didn't tell you anything else?" Fluttershy asked, thinking that this gave her a good idea of how to add her information to the conversation and prevent the truth about her friend's father from getting out.

"I'm afraid not Fluttershy, they blatantly lied to me, but I have no way to prove it, but I'm sure they told me the truth about Rainbow not doing anything improper." Twilight replied.

"I think I know why they lied to you Twilight." Fluttershy said quickly before Rarity could speak.

"You do?" Her two friends asked in unison, causing Fluttershy to nod her head.

"When I talked to Rainbow, she swore she'd never been unfaithful to Soarin, and I'm sure she was telling the truth, but she also told me something else about her relatives." Fluttershy wasn't the best at lying, but over the years she had learned to deflect certain topics of conversation.

"What did she tell you?" Rarity asked.

"She told me that thanks to one of the medical tests she had at the beginning of her pregnancy, she discovered that she has a relative who is identical to her little girl, and she is angry with her parents because they never told her, she told me that it is a very close relative of her... mother, and she feels that they have betrayed her by not telling her, but I am sure that she is just overreacting, and that soon she will communicate with them and everything will be like before." Fluttershy's answer was a half-truth, telling them what had happened but not revealing any important information, just hoping it would be enough for her friends.

"Do you think it's some uncle or cousin who's a criminal?" Rarity asked.

"That would explain the reaction to her parents and why she doesn't want to see them, and surely they knew that Rainbow was pregnant, they found out that Rainbow found this relative that they didn't want her to meet and that's why they lied to me, it's very possible that it's an uncle of Rainbow's and he's in trouble with the law, and personally I wouldn't want my daughter to have contact with someone like that, especially when she's pregnant." Twilight said, wondering why the conversation with Rainbow's parents was so strange. "Well done Fluttershy, and did she tell you anything else?"

"Yes, she told me that she's going to apologize to Soarin for the way she's treated him the past few months and that she wants to start a real relationship with him." The yellow Pegasus finished with a smile, as did Twilight, both of them thinking that everything had already been resolved, but Rarity had her eyes fixed on the ground with obvious concern, something neither of them could overlook, and she quickly wiped the smile from her face.

"Is something wrong, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"I think so, Fluttershy." Rarity replied, trying to think of a way to tell them that Soarin saw no future in a relationship with Rainbow.

"As I told you earlier, I managed to convince Soarin not to leave Ponyville, at least until all this is cleared up, he agreed and is now living in the boutique with Sweetie Belle and me, I know he will not try anything with me because I have known him for months and I have different tastes as I told you and Sweetie is much younger than he is, but during the conversation the subject of his relationship with Rainbow came up and it turns out that he no longer has the same feelings for Rainbow Dash that he had in the beginning I believe that on his part they never existed apart from the feelings generated by a very good friendship, and I also believe that the only reason they were together was because they were going to have a daughter. " The white unicorn finished.

"Are you sure, Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"I'm Twilight, well .... it was Sweetie who realized for a fact and deep down she is right, Shadow Fire's physical appearance was just the trigger for Soarin's pent-up frustration because as she said, if the two of them loved each other their little girl's physical appearance wouldn't have mattered and Soarin would be in the hospital right now next to Rainbow Dash, I find it hard to admit but my little sister is right and for all the times Soarin came to sleep in my boutique because of an argument with Rainbow. .... He appreciates Rainbow, but... he doesn't love her and... I don't know if he will in the future. "Rarity answered her friend's question.

"That's terrible to hear, and I don't know how Rainbow will take it when we tell her, but if he doesn't want to have anything to do with Rainbow, he won't take care of his little girl either?." Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, and even if he's my friend and doesn't want to have anything to do with Rainbow, he still has responsibilities to his daughter, and as his friend I'll make sure he fulfills them, and I don't just mean the financial ones."

"All we can do is wait for him to fulfill them, do you think we can talk to him in the morning?" Twilight asked.

"I'd like to be there to hear what he has to say, but first I have to help Rainbow find a new place to live, since he is being released from the hospital tomorrow."

" She's getting out of the hospital so soon? And why is she moving out?" Twilight asked, confused by the comment.

"Because Earth ponies don't usually fly, and their home is a cloud." Fluttershy replied.

"I'd love to have her in the boutique and hear the hoofsteps of a filly again, but I can't because Soarin lives with us, do you think you could put her up in your castle, ex-castle?" Rarity asked the Princess of Friendship.

"I haven't lived there for years, and now it's run by Starlight and Spike, and we should ask them, but I don't think they'd have a problem with Rainbow living with them for a few weeks, after all, the castle is unusually larger on the inside than it is on the outside."

"I promised Soarin I'd clear out a room in the boutique and help him buy some furniture and a bed, because if he's going to live in my house I don't want him sleeping on the couch every night, do you think we could talk to Rainbow first before we talk to Soarin, I'd like to see her reaction when she hears about my conversation with Soarin?" Rarity asked.

"I'd like to hear Soarin's side of the story about his relationship with Rainbow first, because if it's like you say, he doesn't want anything to do with Rainbow, he won't react badly when we tell him he didn't have to leave the hospital." Twilight said.

"I think the best thing to do is to give them both a few days to calm down and feel safe, and the best way to do that is, as you say, to offer them a place where they can live for at least a few days, after all I have a lot more experience than the two of you put together in how to manage a chaotic relationship, and I know it is never good to have a fight in a boat in the middle of a storm, long story. ... don't ask, I know they don't show it, but I'm sure they're both disturbed by everything that's happened, and besides, you're forgetting something very important, and that is that we're doing all this to give the little one a home, not to fix Rainbow and Soarin's relationship, that's a subject that only concerns them. " Fluttershy commented.

Twilight and Rarity stared at each other and then at their winged friend, wanting to discuss it as soon as possible, but Fluttershy had answered them with the confidence that came from experience; Twilight was a very analytical pony, and sometimes a little exaggerated in her reactions, but she had almost no experience in love relationships, and what little experience she had was mostly from watching her friends' relationships with their partners, Rarity, on the other hand, was very passionate, but had a history of relationships that had ended badly, and many times it was her own hoof that had caused them to end that way, Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was the only one who had had a stable relationship with the God of Chaos himself for years, which was admirable in itself, but in terms of experience, she had much more than the two of them combined.

Besides, she was right that the original reason for helping with all this was to give Shadow Fire a functional home, no matter if it was with one of her parents or both of them, Twilight and Rarity had moved on from the original problem and were slowly focusing on Rainbow and Soarin's relationship.

"Fluttershy is right, our priority is Shadow fire and not their relationship, besides, despite our good intentions, if we push them too hard, it can all end badly, so tomorrow I will clear a room for Soarin to use and we will buy some furniture."

"And I will come to Rainbow early and help her pack her things so she can live in the castle until she finds a permanent place to live in Ponyville, I'm sorry I have to wake Spike and Starlight to ask them to do that, but it's necessary."

"Then I will go back to my cottage and check on my little one and my husband, remember to keep an eye on both of their moods, especially Rainbow's, she is a single and first time mother now so she will need all the help she can get, I would love to have her in my home or accompany her in whatever she needs, but I also have a family to take care of."

"We understand Fluttershy and it's okay, after all I think with what we know we can already help Rainbow, Soarin and little Shadow Fire." Twilight said.

"I want to go home to rest too, I'm sure Sweetie and Soarin must be sleeping, first thing tomorrow morning I'll tell them both what you told me about little Shadow's appearance, and when they're better we can arrange a meeting so they can talk about all this, I don't expect them to reconcile, but they have to find a solution that benefits everyone, especially the little one."

"Rarity's right, thanks for waiting for me here, girls, I really wouldn't have been able to sleep if I hadn't found you to talk to about all this." Twilight added, hugging her friends as they said their goodbyes.

"See you girls." With that, Rarity turned and headed for her boutique, while Fluttershy and Twilight flew off in different directions.


When Fluttershy arrived home she flew in to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake her baby or her husband, the little changeling was sleeping peacefully in his crib and Fluttershy wanted to pet him but preferred not to do so to prevent him from waking up, she just smiled and went quietly to her room where Discord was lying on the bed reading a book upside down.

"Hello dear, what are you reading?" Fluttershy asked, walking up to him and kissing him.

"Hi Flutters, I'm reading a book called "Lies of Life", but you only have weird pictures, like pictures of the moon, round equus, cakes, and it really intrigued me." Discord replied.

"So the cake is a lie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, no... I don't know, and why did you come back so late?" The God of Chaos asked.

Fluttershy thought for a moment whether to answer him or not, she knew it wasn't her place to talk about it, but she also knew that Discord would find out sooner or later, and she wanted to avoid any confusion, besides knowing his personality, it was possible that he would make an inappropriate comment and cause more damage than what had already happened.

"Hmmm..." Fluttershy said before climbing onto the bed and settling down. "I know you're going to find out sooner or later, so I'd rather you heard it from me than another pony, Rainbow had a beautiful little one, but her looks..." Fluttershy told Discord the story in a general way, emphasizing that he should understand that this whole issue was not a game and to avoid any jokes that might complicate things.


Twilight arrived at the castle quickly and opened the door with a copy of the key she always carries with her, it was true that the castle was still her home but since she had her princess job in Canterlot, she felt more like visiting a friend than returning to her real home, in the beginning she could come back every week and spend several days in Ponyville, but now that she had the same power as Luna, she was lucky if she could come once or twice a month to visit.

But that did not stop the feeling of nostalgia and warmth that she felt every time she came back to the castle, and as she walked towards the stairs she took a quick look at the library which Spike and Starlight had changed a few sections to add the history of the changelings and the lessons of friendship that they taught at the school, Looking more closely at the library she noticed a few open books on a table and her instinct was to go in and sort through them as she regularly did when she lived in this place, but she shook her head weighing that she had other more important things to do.

"I don't have time for this, maybe I can do some reading tomorrow." Twilight said to herself as she left the library entrance and headed up the stairs to the rooms, knowing that the first room up the stairs was Spike's, so she approached it.

"Spike?" She asked, knocking on the door and stepping back hoping he would wake up but she knocked too slowly because she heard no answer.

"Spike, please wake up, I need to talk to you and Starlight." She knocked a little louder but didn't hear an answer either perhaps the young dragon was sleeping more heavily than usual.

Twilight reached over and gently opened the door, she would have preferred to wait until morning but this was a very important matter and they needed to discuss it as soon as possible.

"Spike?" She said in a whisper poking her head into the darkened room. "Spike? sorry to wake you at this hour, but I need to talk to you urgently." She said entering the completely dark room but still had no answer.

Twilight lightly illuminated her horn to see her way and approached the bed.

"Spike, wake up, I need to talk to you." She said as she approached, but when she reached the side of the bed and thanks to the illumination of her horn, she could see why the young dragon hadn't answered her.

"Where's Spike?, I must have the wrong room." She wondered when she saw the empty bed. "I'd better ask Starlight where Spike's room is now instead of blindly searching the castle for him". With that, the Princess of Friendship left the room and went to her former apprentice's room.

But when she reached the door and approached to knock, she noticed that it was ajar and she could hear a male voice inside.

"HA, I told you I'd get you one day." Said the voice, pleased.

"You're just lucky, but when I get out you'll know who I am." Starlight said angrily.

"I know exactly who you are, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight Sparkle's star apprentice, but with that little ring on your horn, you are nothing but a pathetic, desperate mare." The voice replied.

"You won this round, but what are you going to do, lock me in a dungeon?" Starlight asked sarcastically. "It won't be long before they figure out why I disappeared and start looking for me."

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but first I'll finish my work with you." The voice replied with a slight evil laugh.

"LET ME GO...NO...NOOO...HELP!...LET ME GO...HELP ME!...!!!" Starlight began to scream amid the moans and groans of her attacker.

Twilight was shocked to hear all this, could it be that this creature in the shadows attacked Spike and that's why he wasn't in his room and now it's killing Starlight?. Twilight thought.

"NOOOO.... HELP-..." Starlight's cries were silenced and Twilight didn't wait any longer, using her magic to turn her horn on full blast and leaping into the room.

"LET GO OF MY FRIEND YOU BEAST OR YOU'LL WISH YOU NEVER SET FOOT IN PONYVILLE!!!" Twilight shouted, getting into a fighting stance and pointing her horn at whoever was attacking Starlight.

"Twilight?" Starlight asked, watching her former mentor from her disadvantaged position on the bed with her front hooves bound and a ring on her horn.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Shouted the creature attacking Starlight, who was in an advantageous position behind Starlight with his claws on the unicorn's flank to prevent her from getting off the bed; he was a somewhat slender purple dragon with a pair of wings and green scales on his back.

"STARLIGHT, SPIKE?" The princess asked as she saw the two of them engaged in an act that was not appropriate for minors.

"TWILIGHT!" Starlight shouted trying to cover herself and Spike with the sheets, but being tied up and having a ring on her horn made it completely impossible, but Spike was quick and managed to cover them both with the sheets.

:twilightoops:Twilight.exe stopped working, system is rebooting:twilightoops: ....

"TWILIGHT, DID YOU FORGET TO KNOCK?" Asked an angry Starlight, moving in all directions under the sheets.

"You guys..."

:facehoof:Failed to reboot system, corrupt logic.ini file, delete file, reboot system:facehoof: ... .

"Twilight, can you please leave?" Starlight asked awkwardly, without leaving the sheets.

:twilightsheepish:Reboot completed :twilightsheepish:. . .

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom to wash my eyes with bleach and meet you in the kitchen, we need to talk about something important." Twilight said in a cheerful tone, as if she had somehow forgotten what had happened, and left the room humming a song and closing the door with her magic.

"I told you to shut the door." Spike said.

"Just shut up and untie me." Starlight replied.

In the kitchen, Twilight was sitting at the table in front of a stack of cups with her special blend of coffee which was 50% whiskey, 50% brandy and 0% coffee, a few minutes later a completely red version of Starlight with her hair barely combed out appeared along with a Spike who for some reason was wearing a towel around his waist, both of them oblivious to the large amount of cups on the table and the empty bottles to the side.

"Twilight, we didn't mean to..." Starlight started to say, but was cut off by Twilight.

"I'd love to use a memory erasing spell, but I don't want to give myself a brain tumor, so this is my second-best option, and I don't want to know any more about the subject." Twilight said, finishing the contents of her cup and making herself a new one.

"I think it will be better for everyone." Spike said, scratching the back of his head. "Since you interrupted us... what did you want to talk about?"

"Yes... that... change of subject... excellent..." Twilight replied, clearing her throat. "You know, Rainbow gave birth to her baby girl today, she is beautiful and has no health problems, but..."

The princess told the unusual couple what had happened to Rainbow and if she could stay at the castle for a few days while she found a new place to live, she didn't tell them all the details but it was enough for them to get a general idea of what had happened.


Rarity was the last to get home, not that the trip was any longer than her friends', but she walked slower than usual, thinking about what had happened and how they could talk to Rainbow and tell her that Soarin no longer wanted anything to do with her, when she got to the boutique she opened the door and when she saw no light she closed it quietly so as not to wake anyone, Soarin and Sweetie Belle would want to know what she had talked to Twilight and Fluttershy about, But she didn't want to wake them up at this time of night to tell them, they could wait until tomorrow, Rarity was a little hungry and went into the kitchen to see if there was anything left to eat from lunch, she almost always cooked for two and she didn't have much hope of finding any food prepared, but when she entered she saw a plate on the counter with some cooked vegetables and some pasta, obviously it had been prepared by Soarin since Sweetie Belle hadn't developed a level of cooking to prepare something like that yet.

Without much thought Rarity ate the plate of food and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and brush her mane before going to sleep, but as she left the kitchen she heard a familiar snoring sound coming from the couch that was in the study, she looked out to see if Soarin was okay and then went upstairs to her room, she put her ear to Sweetie's door to hear if she was asleep too and heard mumbling, possibly from a dream, she continued on her way to her room.

When she opened her room, she gave a big yawn and climbed into her bed for a well-deserved night's rest, but try as she might, she couldn't fall asleep.

"Hmmm... I guess this week is going to be hectic for everyone." She said before closing her eyes and waiting for sleep to take over her body.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry, I know I've been taking a lot longer than usual with these chapters, but I've had a lot on my plate these days, plus I have a new job and it's taking up a lot more of my time than it used to, but I'm hoping to take less time with the next one. :facehoof:

This chapter is special because it closes Rainbow's arc but it won't end there, I intend to continue it in it's own story as I find it too interesting to just leave it as a side story, I have ideas for Rainbow's biological father and whether her father knows it or not but as always I accept your ideas and as I said at the beginning this arc will be written based on the ideas of the comments and I think some of you will have noticed that.:rainbowderp:

The next one will be about Celestia and her life as a mare and a mother, it will come with a fun little surprise that I've been wanting to put in the story for a long time and I think she's the perfect mare for it.:trollestia:

I hope you enjoy the chapter and it meets your expectations and I'm really sorry for the delay.

All comments are welcome and as always will help me polish and perfect the story.
See you in a few days, not months. :twilightsheepish: