• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,253 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

  • ...

The White Queen.

The White Queen.

"One more time, where are we going?" Luna asked, walking next to her friends.

"We're going to Chrysalis' house." Red Bug answered.

"And why is Twilight coming?" Luna asked again.

"Because it seems very important." The Purple Alicorn replied.

"And Cheerilee, why is she coming?." Luna asked again.

"I was the one who had the idea of warning you girls." Cheerilee said.

"And why am I coming?" Luna asked again.

"Because Apple Bloom said Chrysalis needed help with something urgent. And you were nearby." Cheerilee replied.

"And why is Flurry Heart coming?" Luna asked again.

"Because Cadance wasn't around to take care of her." Twilight replied.

"And why is Cadance coming?." Luna asked again.

"Because Shining didn't want to come alone." Cadance replied, causing the white stallion to smile and wave his hoof at his winged friend.

"Okay, that's fine."

Today was another normal day in Ponyville. The birds were singing their daily song, the market was doing business as usual, the Friendship School was thriving with students, and a small, distinctive group was making their way to Chrysalis' house.

"I hope it's something really important. I didn't want to spend my day solving problems." Said the Princess of the Night, yawning a little from her sleep.

"Welcome to Ponyville, home of the happy ponies and the daily disasters." Red Bug replied.

"I know first hoof the dangers and chaos that plague this rustic place."

"I know and that's why I love it, don't you find it exciting to know that every morning a new adventure awaits you as you leave your home?, we always live on the edge of the abyss and its dangers."

"I have enough of the perils I face every night in the Dreamworld, thanks."

"But Red Bug is right, it must be something serious. I was reviewing today's test when Apple Bloom ran into the school, yelling something about Chrysalis, emergency, white, urgent, quick, and then ran out."

"She must have had an accident, most of the accidents happen in the house."

"I don't think so Cadance, she's very careful with the things in her house. I know she makes it a point to keep all sharp objects in drawers and the stove off to prevent Clear Spark from bumping into something and getting hurt or having an accident." Twilight replied.

"That's true, and I always ask Clear Spark how Chrysalis is doing, and he said she was fine today, so it must be something else that she needs help with, and Applebloom was just overdoing it." Cheerilee added.

"I hope you're right. I wanted to spend a few moments with Chrysalis while the little ones play." Cadance said as she kissed her little girl's tummy, making her giggle and smile.

"Looks like Cheerilee's assumptions were wrong." Luna said, pointing her hoof at the CMC's standing in front of Chrysalis' house next to Clear Spark. The four foals looked very nervous.

The group hurried to meet them.

"Girls, Spark, could you tell us what's going on?" Twilight asked, to which the foals just looked at each other, very hesitant to answer, none of them knowing what was going on.

"Spark, you know that we won't be able to help your mother if you don't tell us what's going on." The teacher said.

"Mmmm..." The colt had a moment's thought about whether he should speak or not. "She... she doesn't want to leave her room." Finished the colt, knowing that even though he had promised his mother that he would not say anything, it was still much better to ask for help.

"Is she sick?"

"I don't know..." The colt said hesitantly. "She's..."

"SHE'S WHITE!" Scootaloo shouted.

"White?" Cheerilee asked, confused.

"That's bad?" Clear Spark replied.

"Of course it's bad. Your mother's not white, she's black and full of holes."

"And how would I know?"

"Because she's your mother, you should know what col..." A yellow hoof hit Scootaloo on the head, silencing her. "AWW!" The little Pegasus complained. "Apple Bloom, why did you have to hit me?"

"Because you're such a dummy. You know he can't see, how do you expect him to notice if someone is a different color?" The filly asked angrily.

"Girls!" The teacher said as she shushed the pair of fillies. "Stop arguing and tell us what happened."

The little group came together and mumbled to each other before speaking, and from what could be heard, they were trying to sort out their thoughts so that it was understood what had happened. Finally, Clear Spark turned and stepped forward.

"This morning my mom woke me up like she does every day. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then I went to breakfast, then I went to school."

"But did you see..." Twilight paused. "I'm sorry... but did you hear or feel anything strange about how Chrysalis was behaving?" The colt thought about it for a moment.

"She hummed a song while she was cooking breakfast, something she's never done before, and... she kissed me on the forehead before I left for school, that's normal, but the kiss had a different feel."

"Anything else, when did you have knowledge of Chrysalis' color change?" Luna asked and Sweetie Belle was the one to answer.

"When we got out of school we decided to go to Spark's house to do our homework and when we got to his house we greeted Chrysalis who was in the kitchen and sat down at the table. She said she would make us some cookies while we worked."

"So you had a look at her on your way into the house?"

"Not really, she was in the kitchen all the time but..."

"But what?"

"But her voice sounded different, it sounded more melodic, similar to my sister's voice. She also didn't have that weird echo when she spoke."

"That's strange." Cheerilee said. "And what happened next, girls?"

"After a while we heard her coming, she left the cookies on the table for us and asked us what homework we were doing while she sat at the table and if we needed help, then we realized she was completely different."

"Completely different?" Luna asked.

"Yes, it wasn't just the color of her skin, everything about her was different."

"And what did you do then?"

"We were stunned when we saw her, she freaked out and locked herself in, then Apple Bloom went to help Ms. Cheerilee."

"Why did she lock herself in her room?"

"She..." Scootaloo said with a blush. "You'd better see for yourself. If you can get her to come out of her room." The little ones stepped to the side to allow the adults to come into the house.

Twilight sighed and entered the house with the entire group.

"This is all so very strange." Red Bug said.

"Do you think someone replaced Chrysalis?" Luna asked.

"The basis for impersonating someone is to wear a disguise that no one can recognize. Remember when Chrysalis impersonated me at my wedding, only Twilight could recognize her because she couldn't mimic my personality." Cadance replied.

"Besides, who would do that? and why? now that Chrysalis is Equestria's ally, she's more powerful than ever, and I don't know anyone she has as a foe, do you girls know anything?" asked Twilight.

"Chrysalis' biggest enemy was my sister, but the two of them have no reason to hate each other anymore, and my sister's most fanatical followers stopped their attempts to free her when they learned that Celestia was no longer a prisoner. After that, they basically disbanded, so to speak." Luna said.

"I don't remember her telling me about any old enemies, and I don't remember reading about any in the records we have. But I can look again when I get back to my house." Red Bug added.

"To prevent whoever it is from escaping, I can set up a perimeter around the house in less than five minutes." Shining Armor added.

"I hope that will not be necessary." Twilight said, shaking her head. "And you Cheerilee, you talk to Chrysalis almost everyday, she told you something about..."

Without paying much attention to the princesses' conversation, Cheerilee knocked on the door of the queen's room.

"Chrysalis, are you okay?" The teacher asked her friend quietly.

"CHEERILEE!" Twilight shouted as she approached the teacher. "What are you doing? We don't even know if that's really Chrysalis!" She said in a huff, to which the teacher just rolled her eyes.

"Twilight, do you really think that a spy smart and powerful enough to capture Chrysalis and impersonate her in her own home would make a mistake as basic as getting her disguise wrong? Or would she freak out because four little foals discovered her while she was bringing them cookies? or would she lock herself in her room?" She asked the young Alicorn, intrigued.

"When you put it that way, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but..."

"Chrysalis." The teacher knocked on the door once more. "It's me, Cheerilee. Can you hear me?"

"Please leave me alone." A high-pitched, melodious voice said, shocking everyone.

"That couldn't have been Chrysalis." Cadance said. "She doesn't have that kind of voice."

"Chrysalis, is that you? Are you OK?" Twilight asked as she put her ear to the door.

"Yes, I'm okay, please leave me alone." The voice replied again, as flashes of green light and the occasional burst of flame shot out from under the door.

The princess stepped back, astonished.

"Chrysalis, if that is you, please open the door so we can have a talk." Twilight said.

"Yeah, just leave me alone." The voice inside replied, moving from place to place, whimpering softly and tapping the floor.

"Are you sure that's her?" Shining asked. "I can still arm the perimeter."

"I agree with Shining Armor, for safety's sake it would be good to have some armed guards in place to prevent the escape of whoever is in there."

"I don't want to doubt Chrysalis, but this is very suspicious... mmmMMMMMmmm..." Twilight said thoughtfully.

"Chrysalis, may I ask you something?" Cheerilee said quietly at the door.

"What." The figure replied from inside.

"Lucky bunny?" The teacher asked, causing everyone to raise eyebrows, intrigued.

The figure in the room stopped moving and let out a sigh before walking over to the door. "Yes, Lucky Bunny again." Cheerilee scratched her chin in thought at the sound of this.

"I see, give me one moment." Cheerilee approached the group who stared at her. "Girls, who's in this room is Chrysalis, but she has a different physical form now and she won't leave this room until she's back the way she was, and she can't."

"And who is Lucky Bunny? I don't remember a pony by that name, does she have anything to do with this?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, she has something to do with all this, but it's not a pony per se, it's... It's not the first time this has happened to her."

This was the third time Cheerilee remembered the queen having the same problem, the first time was with Fluttershy and Discord when she turned into a green colored rabbit, the second time was on her birthday and after drinking too much they had the brilliant idea of eating some blue flowers that grew in the forest, something the two would rather forget, and this would be the third time, only Cheerilee didn't know what her friend's temporary form looked like.

"Is there anything we can do to help her, then?" Cadance asked.

"I can talk her into opening the door, but you have to promise me that you will not laugh at her."

"Why should we laugh?" Luna asked.

"Because you all know that she is very proud, I know her very well and I know that she will feel offended and look for a way to get back at you. She will try for at least two weeks, but to be on the safe side, you better not laugh."

"Pff. You're kidding." Shining Armor comments.

"Wanna bet?" Shining Armor had heard enough about Cheerilee and Chrysalis to know it was best to play it safe.

The stallion raised his hoof and wiped it over his mouth, indicating that no laughter would come out of it. The rest of the group nodded and Cheerilee approached again to knock on the door.

"Chrysalis, you can come out now. It's safe." The teacher took a step back as she felt the door open.

From inside, and to the surprise of the whole group, appeared a tall figure with insectoid features, it was as white as milk, a mane that seemed to be made of silver threads reflecting turquoise hues, light blue eyes, a golden elytra, wings and tail that seemed to be made of transparent silk, a long horn and slightly curved, all accompanied by a soft smell of flowers and a somewhat irritating face.

The whole group didn't know what to say, they looked at each other and at the queen, they opened and closed their mouths trying to say something, but only half-finished words could be heard.

"Have you any questions?" said the beautiful voice of the queen.

"Still singl-coffh" Shining coughed in response to a sharp punch to the ribs from a grumpy Cadance.

"The only single you are going to sleep with tonight is going to be your cold pillow on the couch." The Princess of Love muttered in her husband's ear in a very annoyed tone, but she did it so loud that everyone could hear her, and everyone let out a laugh at Cadance's reaction; Chrysalis obviously didn't get the joke or had other things on her mind, because she didn't laugh.

"Chrysalis, is that really you? But... but what happened?" Luna asked.

"Emmm... I don't know, it seems like I woke up like this and... it feels weird." The queen replied, shaking her body and buzzing with her wings, causing a pleasant scent of flowers to be released.

"Hmm..." Cadance said, thinking. "Can you do it again?"

"Do what?"

"That thing you do with your wings, the flapping."

"Buzz my wings? but what for?" The queen buzzed her wings very quickly for Cadance for a few seconds, causing the princess to close her eyes and sniff the air for a few seconds.

"Hmmm... I can't identify the scent... is it lavender?" She asked Twilight, the young princess sniffing for a few seconds.

"I'm not sure... it could be carmine, what do you think Luna? I know you change the flowers in the castle every night, can you identify which flower it is?"

Luna sniffed the air for a few moments and began to think.

"I definitely smell lavender, but that's not the only thing, there's also lilac and... I believe roses." Trying to decipher the scents, the princess closed her eyes and concentrated.

"Do you think the florists in the village could help us?" Shining asked, also trying to decipher the floral scent, as did everyone else in the room except for the queen.

"I'm going to ask them. I'll be back soon." Red Bug said as she opened the door to the house.

"Hmm girls?" Chrysalis asked. "I think you're forgetting something a little more important."

"And what is?" Cheerilee asked, also in an attempt to figure out what kind of flowers she was smelling.

"The white elephant in the room?." The queen said, making a reference to herself. "I'm not an elephant, but I think you get my point."

"Oh yeah, sorry." Cheerilee replied with a little chuckle. "We'd better go sit down at the table and talk about it."

"I'll go tell the little ones not to worry and then I'll let Flurry play with them for a while." Cadance said on the way to the door.

"I'll come with you Cadance. I haven't seen my niece for a while and I want to play with her." Twilight said as she walked out of the door behind Cadance.


In the garden, Twilight, the CMCs, and Cadance were playing with their petling with Flurry on her back, while Clear Spark explained a bit about the vegetables they were growing and how he had discovered that applying a little magic to the seeds could improve their development.

Inside the house, Red Bug, Cheerilee, Luna, and Shining Armor sat at the table with a blindfold that Cadance had put over his eyes for his own safety. The stallion didn't understand what the blindfold was for, but he was afraid to ask his wife.

"When did you have the knowledge that you were... white?" Luna asked.

"About an hour ago, before you came. The little ones pointed it out to me when I brought them the cookies, too bad they didn't eat them."

"I see." Luna said with a bite of cookie.

"And during the morning you didn't feel anything strange like the smell of flowers, the lack of holes or that you are white when you see yourself in the bathroom mirror?" Red Bug asked.

"Not really, I just woke up in a much better mood than other days, and when I went to the bathroom I did it singing, I used my hooves to comb my mane as usual, but when I felt my mane was very soft, I just sang and closed my eyes, not paying much attention.

"Are you really so ignorant that you combed your hair in front of the mirror without noticing that your mane was different? or your horn? or the color of your skin?" Luna asked.

"Hmmm..." Was all the queen said.

"You'd be surprised at how clueless Chrysalis can be." Cheerilee said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I ain't so clueless." The queen replied insulted.

"Really? When you worked at the post office, it took you four days to find my house."

"The instructions confuse me." The queen replied in an attempt to defend herself, but was only able to elicit a bit of laughter from the group.

"When you lay down to sleep last night, did your body look normal to you?" Luna asked.

"Yes, the last thing I did last night before I went to sleep was brush my teeth. There was nothing strange about my body."

"Then whatever happened to you must have happened during the night."

It was at that moment that Twilight and Cadance walked into the house.

"And Flurry?" Luna asked.

"She's on Twilight's back. She hasn't seen the little one in months and wants to make the most of her time and make sure she's her favorite aunt, even though she only has one." Cadance laughed softly.

"It's true I'm her only aunt. But I'm going to make sure I'm the best aunt ever." Twilight added, taking the little girl between her hoofs and scratching her belly, causing her to roll over with laughter.

"Do you have any ideas Princess Cadance?" Red bug asked.

"Hmmm...have you made any progress?"

"Only that the change in Chrysalis took place during the night when she was asleep." Cheerilee said.

"I also feel a lot more energetic, lighter, and...cleaner...but I think it's because of the color."

"With more energy?" Cadance thought as she scratched her chin. "I remember when Tempest told us that the Scepter of Sacanas that the Storm King had was able to absorb all of the magical energy of its victim."

"I remember that we didn't have much of a problem with that, but with Chrysalis, it was very dangerous because her magical energy comes from... Ohhhhh." Twilight said in surprise. "You mean..." Cadance nodded her head at Twilight's words.

"What do you mean?" The white queen asked.

"I have a guess, but I would like to test it first, could we go out to your backyard for a moment?, I think it will be much safer, and Red Bug, could you help me with this?, I have some doubts about your race, and I could really use your help."

The whole group went out into the small yard of the house to see what the Princess of Love was going to do. Clear Spark and the CMC's approached the group to find out what they were going to try, Shining was guided by Cadance for safety's sake to keep him from bumping into the furniture.

"Red Bug, what happens to your race when you have very little Love and what happens when you have overflowing Love?" Princess asked.

"Well, when we are very hurt or have very low levels of love, our body goes into a state of emergency. When we become unconscious, we automatically turn into a small animal like a mouse to lose our attackers."

"That sounds interesting and quite effective. Which animal do you turn into? Luna asked very curiously.

"That's not important." The queen replied.

"I think it's important if we ever need to go looking for a small wounded animal after fighting." Cadance added.

"You should listen to the rabbit when she tells you that it's not important." Cheerilee replied with a chuckle, and fortunately for the queen, no one got the joke.

"What do you do when you have too much love?" Cadance asked, examining the queen.

"Well...that's new to us, but we think we throw it away like those glowing particles that come out when we buzz." The changeling and the queen buzzed their wings at almost the same time, releasing the glowing particles as they did so, but it was the queen who released a large amount of them.

"I see, give me a moment."

Cadance concentrated for a moment and made three large rocks appear about ten meters away, then she removed Shining Armor's blindfold so he could see. The stallion wiped his eyes a bit to adjust his vision back, then Cadance strategically placed him on the opposite side from where the queen was.

"Shining, my dear, could you take a shot at one of those rocks over there?" The princess said, pointing at one of the rocks with her hoof. The stallion nodded his head and fired a magical bolt that hit the rock right in the middle, shattering it and surprising the group with its accuracy.

"Thank you, my dear. If you want a wife tomorrow, you'd better go back into the darkness." The princess covered the stallion's eyes again and looked at the group with a well-rehearsed smile. Luna and Cheerilee laughed, knowing the reason for Cadance's reaction, but the rest of the group didn't understand the reason for the laughter.

"Luna, could you do a bit of rock destruction too?" Cadance said to the Princess of the Night, who stepped forward and fired a bolt of magic at the rock. Unlike Shining, the Princess destroyed the rock and some of the ground around it. "Thank you, Luna." The Princess of Night took a step back and walked next to the group.

"Does anyone know why Luna had more destructive power than my dear, beloved husband? that his love is only for me, and that if any mare or queen tries to hoof it, I will vaporize her and anyone else who gets in the way?" Cadance subtly stepped in front of Chrysalis, who still didn't understand Cadance's reaction. Luna, Cheerilee, and now Red Bug laughed softly.

Sweetie Belle raised her hoof because she knew the answer to that. "It's because Princess Luna is an alicorn, and they have more magical power than regular unicorns."

"Excellent Sweetie Belle, ten points for the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Cadance said as she congratulated the little girls.

"Awesome, now Cadance gave us ten points." Sweetie Belle said in celebration.

"And how much is a Cadance point worth, anyway?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I don't know. But it's a lot." Scootaloo replied.

"And where do we spend them?" Clear Spark asked.

"I don't know, but we can find out," Apple Bloom replied, already heading into town.

"Do you think we can use a Cadance point to buy a cake?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Surely we can buy the entire bakery for one Cadence point."

"Great, I always wanted to..."

With that, the little ones were out of sight of the group and on their way to a new adventure.

"Will I have regrets about giving them imaginary points?"

"You won't, but your wallet will. Trust me." Cheerilee replied.

"Can we go back to where we were, which is why I'm white?"

"Yes, sorry, as Sweetie Belle said, the reason Luna has greater destructive power is because we Alicorns have greater magical power and I believe our not so attractive queen now has similar power, Chrysalis, would you be so kind as to destroy the last rock and only the rock?. No one wants to lose a stable and loving relationship with her husband with whom she has a daughter." The rest of the group chuckled, and Twilight, seeing that she friends finally understood why Cadance was acting the way she was, joined in the little laugh, the only ones who didn't seem to understand were Chrysalis, because she had other worries on her mind, and Shining Armor, whose mind seemed to be elsewhere.

Chrysalis stepped forward and, after a second of concentration, fired a large bolt of magic at the rock, completely shattering it along with a large portion of the ground and creating a puff of smoke that blew off Shining Armor's blindfold, stunning the entire group with the destruction.

"WOW, I've never been able to do that with so little magic. I'm sure I just used what I needed to destroy the rock." Said the queen in amazement.

"That's just what I thought." Cadance said as she looked at the group and at the queen. "What do you think Twilight?"

"I think you're right, but will the others end up like this?" Twilight asked.

"Most likely." Cadance replied.

"But how did you come to that conclusion in such a short time?"

"Because I am the Princess of Love and..."

"Conclusion of what? Are you going to tell me why I'm white?" The queen asked interrupting.

"Ohh... I'm sorry." The princess said to the queen, and then she looked at the changeling. "Red Bug, are you hungry?"

"A little, but that's because I didn't have lunch, why?"

"Nothing in particular, I just wanted to clear up one last doubt, and you Chrysalis, are you hungry or have you been feeling hungry since you woke up?"

"Now that you mention it, I'm not hungry and I haven't had breakfast either. Does it have something to do with my skin color?" The queen said with intrigue.

"Totally, and it's because you are saturated with love, this has somehow caused a physical change in your body."


"Have you used your magic recently?"

"I have used it very little in the last few months, I no longer have the need to be transformed all the time to spy or steal love. I prefer walking to flying, and besides, being here in Ponyville, I get much more love than I need."

"I think your new physical form is a manifestation of your body reaching the limit of its reserve."

"It's like one of those new batteries I read about?" Twilight asked.

"Batteries?" Luna replied.

"Yes, the other day I read in the paper about an experiment with some special crystals called batteries, and they consist of a special crystal that can store large amounts of magic to then power magical objects so they can be used by Pegasus or Earth ponies and not rely on unicorns, but they had no way of knowing the limit of the crystal and when it was charged it would explode from too much magic and-"

"I'M GOING TO EXPLODE?" The frightened queen asked, causing all of them to take a few steps back as a precautionary measure.

"I don't think you're going to explode, because the crystals had a spell added to them that caused them to change color to a completely different one when they reached their charge limit, green for the maximum charge and red for the minimum." Red Bug lifted her hoof and waved it energetically.

"Then I'll change color too? I want to be blue."

"Why do you want to be blue?" asked Chrysalis.

"Because I like blue, blue is pretty." The changeling replied with a smile.

"I don't really like looking like this, it feels weird and makes me itch."

"But your physical appearance is a lot more attractive by today's standards, I'm sure you'll have a lot more suitors." Luna said.

"Do you really think that any pony would find me attractive right now?" Chrysalis asked somewhat annoyed, wiggling her body in front of the group.

All eyes were on Shining Armor, the only male present. He nervously bit his lower lip and sweated uncontrollably as he looked at the queen.

Cadance grumpily wrote a scroll and hoofed it to her husband. "Say it!"

"Uh?." Shining said after receiving the scroll. "WOW, she really is hideous, I would really hate to have to spend time with her, take your wife's hoof and smile." He then held out the hoof to his wife. She quickly squeezed it tightly and smiled broadly.

"Attracting another Pony was measured using a different method?" Cadance asked, not knowing this information.

"With more limited resources, a stallion's attractiveness was measured by his ability to provide for the household and his ability in battle. In the case of mares, it was measured by their ability to reproduce without dying in childbirth, more babies, more attractive." Luna replied.

"Are you serious?" Cadance asked in amazement.

"According to historical records, if a stallion was a good fighter, he had a better chance of getting food or working in the fields without falling prey to predators. And before assisted medicine, the mortality of mares was about 55% and could reach 80% for first mares, but that number decreased as the mare had more children."

"It used to be that the changeling had to fillynap a pony and present it alive to its mate to initiate courtship. Then they would kill it and eat its liver in ceremony." Said the queen.

"That can't be true, can it?" Cheerilee asked a little frightened, making the queen laugh softly.

"It isn't. But we did fillynap ponies for courtship and each family had their own supply of captured ponies to feed on."

"That raises a question in my mind, you commented to me a while back that changelings with excess love would remove it as glowing particles on their wings, and this would happen after they received big news or something, did you do something yesterday that triggered a similar reaction?" Twilight asked.

"Yesterday?" thought the queen. "I remember after I dropped Spark off at school, I went to Sugarcube Corner to get something to eat, and Pinkie gave me some cupcakes that someone had ordered and didn't pick up. Then I accompanied Fluttershy to the train station to get the food for the sanctuary, and I bought a Ponyville lottery ticket, I won a few bits, then on my way back I found a bit lying on the ground and when I bent down to pick it up I bumped into Soarin who was also bending down at the same time as me, we chatted a bit and felt bad about bumping into me, we had a quick date in-. "

"WHAT?" A blue Pegasus yelled, angrily swooping down from nowhere and landing violently in front of the group. "Who said that, who was dating Soarin?" Rainbow asked as she looked in all directions and came closer to Red Bug.

"It was Chrysalis." The changeling replied out of sheer nervousness, pointing at the queen. Rainbow quickly turned and walked over to the white queen.

"Who are you?" She asked with the tact and gentleness that was characteristic of her.

"Me?...I am Chrysss..." Seeing the jealousy on the Pegasus' face, the queen hesitated to answer. "...ssstal?."

"Chrystal?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow at the queen who was nervous.

"Yes, with two `s`."

"Ok, Chrystal with two `s`, do you know where Chrysalis is?, I have some friends named `hard` and `love` that I want to introduce her to." The Pegasus said, showing her hooves.

"She went into the forest." The queen replied, pointing her hoof in the direction of the trees.

"Thanks, I like your mane." With that, Rainbow took flight and quickly disappeared into the trees with a shout of the queen's name.

"Did you really date Soarin?. You know Rainbow is very jealous of her... friend." Twilight asked in a whisper.

"It wasn't planned, ok? besides, he just invited me to lunch because he felt bad about hitting me and wanted some tips for a present for Rainbow's birthday."

"At least Derpy is kind enough to drag you to the hospital after she knocked you out." Luna commented.

"All Ponyville mares are extremely jealous?" Shining Armor asked.

"Dear Shining, all mares are jealous, but please put your blindfold on, I don't want to be a widow because you're looking sideways." Cadance replied as she put the blindfold back on her husband.

"Side? What side? I really don't know what you're talking about, Cadance."

"It would be better if you didn't, my dear."

"Then what should I do?, I don't want to stay white forever."

"You could try shape shifting, or the use of large amounts of magic to return your body to its original form, its old original form."

The queen concentrated for a moment, and after she had covered herself in green flames a couple of times, she remained the same color - white.

"Changing back to my original form isn't going to work, and I don't think there are enough stones in Ponyville for me to destroy."

"Have you been trying to get back to your original form all this time?" Red Bug asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, why."

"Of course, your shapeshifting won't work." The changeling concentrated for a second and was covered in green flames, but it did not transform into any kind of creature. "You're already in your original form, it's like trying to turn off a machine that's already turned off, you have to change back into your old form."

The queen pondered for a moment, and after a few attempts and a change of color to something similar to Red Bug's, the queen was able to return to her old form.

"That was easy, I have no idea why I didn't have that in mind." The queen did a couple of stretches and practiced the transformation from her old form to her new form. "So my new form is white and more powerful, and my old form is basically a disguise?, I can live with that." She carefully checked her body for any details that might be in need of correction.

"Thanks for your help, girls." Chrysalis said in her old form, Cadance sensing no danger, removed the blindfold from her husband's eyes and made it disappear with her magic. The group laughed quietly, but the queen couldn't understand why they were laughing.

"So what do we do now?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going to talk to the changeling in charge of the medical area here in Ponyville and tell him what happened, if it happened to me, it's probably happening to a lot of changelings out there and it would be good for them to know as well. I should also send someone to the hive to deliver the news and tell Spark that I'm white and get him used to my new voice." Chrysalis replied.

"I can go to the hive and deliver the news to them." The queen nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll go to Sugarcube Corner." Cadance said.

"Are you hungry?" Shining asked.

"A little, but I'm concerned about the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"I'll go with you. I want to show Flurry around town and let her see the new stuff we have." Twilight added.

"I have to go back to town too, more like school and exams."

"I'll come with you to Ponyville. Then I'll go back to Canterlot and... I don't know how I got here, I came to Ponyville for something?, I remember laughing at my sister and her new boyfriend and..."


As the group walked slowly towards the village, Luna paused to reflect on the moment she had left her room in Canterlot to accompany her friends to Ponyville to see Chrysalis. Little did the princess know that her life was governed by the subtle designs of fate, controlled by the mysterious forces of the universe in its infinite splendor, where every door and window held a completely different mystery, where she could one day be a princess, or an exiled villain, a cartoon on television, an anthropomorphic creature with equine features working in a school. She could also be someone reading a story on a screen, completely unaware that she is the protagonist of her story, or she could simply be a plastic toy for children, sold in some supermarket, but like everyone else, she is just another passenger on this ship, slowly sailing through the endless and mysterious waters of this dimension. ... the FimFiction dimension.

Author's Note:

And this is the beginning of the polychromatic changelings. I will slowly add them to the story as secondary characters next to the old changelings.

I tried to use something similar to the series where the change is instant, but adding the Queen's ignorance of the reason why she changed, she did not change because she had accumulated too much love, it was the same reason the original changelings changed, because they gave unconditional love, only she was larger and it took her longer.

For those who were wondering about the Easter Eggs, there ended up being three.
Red Bug's blue turtle-shell bag from Mario Kart.
Halo reference in Celestia's book.
And the boys.

I also added a little hint to the The Fairly OddParents, The Twilight Zone, and The Simpsons. :rainbowlaugh:
One is easy to find, but the others two...:moustache:

And this is the image I used for Chrysalis. I know there were hundreds, but this was the one I liked best, and I think it contrasts well with her old form.

I hope you like the story and see you next week.:twilightsmile: