• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,245 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

  • ...

Friendship 101.

Friendship 101.
An idea proposed by Lord King Cocoon

"We have an agreement..."
"I want to marry your son..."
"Mom... I'm hungry..."
"I used you..."
"I'll never leave you..."

Chrysalis didn't know if she really heard these words or if they were thoughts in her mind, she was in an empty, dark, and cold place, she couldn't tell how much time had passed or if time passed at all, the only thing she could feel was how slowly the magic left her body and she fell into a lethargy she couldn't avoid, but it wasn't a horrible feeling, it was something calm and pleasant, as if an old friend extended his hoof to accompany her on a long journey in a safe way.

"You have done well Chrysalis... you have done very well... you have nothing to regret... now rest... you have done well."

She was right, she had done all she could, she had done more than enough, she knew everyone would be fine even if she was gone, her life was long and full, she loved and hated with intensity, she traveled the world, she made friends and raised a foal, no, she raised a son, he would grow up surrounded by friends who cared about him, he would have someone to love and one day he would have a foal of his own to love, she did well, very well.

"Rest Chrysalis... I will be by your side... rest... rest... rest..."

The queen's mind wandered, but she was calm, she was content, she knew she had done well, those sweet words soothing her as her heart slowly slowed.

Suddenly a great flash of colors blinded her eyes and a great breath of air flooded her lungs, when she regained her sight she could see all her friends, the princesses Luna, Cadance and Twilight, the castle bathed in magic that stretched all over the city and as far as the eye could see, but she felt very weak and her body gave way and she collapsed there, sighing softly and closing her eyes.

"Fear not Chrysalis... I stand with you..."

"Chrysalis!" All of the girls shouted in unison as they approached the queen.

"What's wrong with her?" Twilight asked worriedly, and Luna went to the queen's side to do an examination.

"She is breathing very slowly, her pupils are not reactive, her temperature is low and... her heart beats slowly, very slowly." Luna answered seriously before standing up. "I'm going to give her some of my magic to get her back on her hooves." The princess concentrated and fired a small beam of magical energy at the queen's body, which completely surrounded her, but quickly disappeared without having any effect on her. "This is strange, my healing spell should have worked, I don't understand why it didn't." She wondered.

"Sacana's Scepter has the power to absorb all the magic it's targeting, but I've never seen that happen before."

"Then why did it happen to her?"

"Changelings use love as the source of their magic and life energy. If what Tempest says is true, then the scepter drained all the life energy from her organism, so my healing spell is useless."

"Then let me try, if she needs love, I can give it." With a bit of concentration, Cadance cast a pink bolt of lightning at the queen, but it only lasted a moment before she became dizzy and lost coordination. "Sorry girls, I'm more tired than I thought, I'll try again." Cadance concentrated for a second time, but after a great deal of effort she was unable to activate her magic. "I can't give her any more love with my magic, but the little I gave her should last until we can get her to a hospital."

"Then we must move quickly." Twilight said, preparing to use her magic to transport the queen.

"You do know that there is more than one way to give love to a pony, don't you?" Rainbow commented, standing a little further back.

"What do you mean?" Cadance asked.

"I mean, I know I'm not the smartest pony in Equestria, but sometimes you girls can be so stupid." Rainbow walked past all her friends and stopped in front of the queen. She sat down in front of her and tried to lift her up with some effort.

"What are you doing Rainbow?" Luna asked.

"I'm... trying to... hug her." The Pegasus said as she was done with setting the queen down and giving her a hug. "Will you help me?" She finished by calling out to the group, to which they all responded and hugged the queen as well, Tempest staying a little further back.

"Your friends want you back... now you have to get back... I will wait for you..."

Gradually the queen felt life coming back into her body, her heart beating with more energy, her body getting warmer, too warm, her heart beating fast, her body feeling tight and when she opened her eyes she saw all her friends hugging her, she didn't know why.

"Uuuummm girls, why are you all hugging me?" The queen asked.

"Chrysalis!" They all shouted as they stopped hugging the Queen.

"I'm glad you're okay, you had us worried." Fluttershy said. "If something bad had happened to you, I hate to think what would have happened to your son."

"What do you mean? What bad thing could happen to me?" The queen asked, intrigued.

"What is the last thing that you can remember?" Luna asked.

"I remember... Fighting Tempest outside the castle and she threw a ball at me, turning me into a crystal, and...next thing I remember you hugging me, and...why is she here?" Chrysalis asked, pointing her hoof at the unicorn.

"She helped us stop the Stormwing King, after all." Twilight replied.

"Ok, thank you for helping, we'd better go check on everyone and get the celebration over with." The queen said as she walked out the door, followed by the rest of the girls.

"I want to see how my sister is doing, I don't want her to have to spend this celebration on her own."

"I want to be with Cheerilee and have a look at my son's health."

"Are you girls really okay with all this?" Tempest asked, very confused, as the group of mares were on their way, and the only one who heard the unicorn's words was the queen.

"Equestria has a reputation for not being unkind to its enemies." Chrysalis replied. "So are you coming, or are you going to stay alone and feel sorry for yourself? It won't be ten minutes before Twilight comes looking for you."

Tempest laughed softly and followed the queen to the outskirts of the castle, knowing deep down that what Chrysalis said was true.


An iconic creature appeared on the stage, and after a second to get ready, did what everyone had been waiting for - the presentation.

"Fillies and colts, get ready for... SONGBIRD SERENADE!" Spike shouted, starting the Friendship Festival.

Everyone screamed ecstatically and jumped for joy as they got as close as they could to the stage to hear one of the best singers in all of Equestria. Everyone was very excited, except for a few creatures who were much further back.

"Well, that's one thing that never changes around here, the parties." Tempest murmured to herself with a glance at the horizon.

"Well, I hope you stay, more friends are definitely merrier." Twilight added as she approached Tempest without her noticing.

"But my horn." Tempest added sadly as she looked at her forehead.

"The physical appearance of your horn is something that only matters if you place importance on it, you are a very strong mare and surely your magic is powerful, you were able to defeat Luna, Cadance, me and surely you would have defeated Twilight if it wasn't for my intervention." Chrysalis replied, appearing out of nowhere to join the conversation.

"I told some of you that I never got a chance to show off my special talent, did I?" Tempest lifted her head and concentrated for a moment, then shot a magical bolt of lightning from her horn into the sky, exploding in an infinity of unbelievable and wonderful fireworks that captured everyone's attention.

"I've done so much to harm the innocent ponies of this City, how am I ever going to make up for that?" Tempest wondered aloud as she looked up at the bright lights.

"The universe has a way of making good always triumph, of straightening out the paths of ponies who have fallen under the influence of evil, either through bad luck or bad decisions. Perhaps in another universe, if you had made a different decision, even if it seemed insignificant, it could drastically affect the world," commented another unicorn who appeared out of nowhere and approached the group.

"Good evening Starlight." The queen said to the new member.

"Chrysalis!" The unicorn replied. "Since when do your wings glow?" Starlight asked the queen with a raised eyebrow.

The queen looked over her shoulder to see her wings. "Apparently it's a natural way for our bodies to get rid of excess love, it should go away at some point in time."

Tempest just looked at the new figure coming towards her.

"I know you're sorry for all the damage you've done, but I can assure you from experience that you're not the first to go through this. I, for example, enslaved an entire village with the fantasy of promoting total equality, then I traveled back in time and... things escalated from bad to worse." Starlight finished with a nervous scratch at the back of her neck.

"I interrupted Twilight's brother's wedding, Luna tried to curse us with Eternal Night, Discord took over Equestria long ago, and Celestia bewitched a whole village and turned into a fire monster and tried to kill me and my son, but she's much better now."

"Pff..." Tempest replied. "You can't be serious." The irony in her words was clear to her as she listened to what they were trying to tell her.

"The standards for crime measurement are... a bit hilarious to say the least, if you want you can join our reformed villain club, we have food and board games."

"We also have kites."

"And you're all really okay with just forgiving me?"

"You risked your life at the last minute to save us from the Storm King. I think we can forgive you for what you did." Twilight replied with a smile.

"I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy." Said a dark, winged figure who had landed next to the Princess of Friendship. "You attacked the princesses of Equestria and their allies, you attacked our kind and locked them in cages and used them as slaves. You also destroyed much of the castle in your attack, so you must be punished according to your crimes."

"I think everyone is entitled to a second chance, but Luna is right. I don't suppose you plan to send her to the moon because she attacked you, do you?" Chrysalis asked.

"Since a mare here got the support of the nobles and the judges, I can no longer send ponies to the moon. But I still have punishments that will make you long for banishment." Luna approached Tempest menacingly and stopped in front of her.

"What could be worse than being banished?" Starlight asked with a curious expression, while Tempest looked visibly worried.

"Tempest Shadow, for your attacks on the Princesses of Equestria, their allies, their subjects, enslaving their subjects, destroying public property and other related crimes, I sentence you to... two years of community service!"

The ponies standing nearby who heard the princess's words were shocked by the punishment, some fainting from the cruelty and others shedding a tear of sympathy.

"NOOOOO!" The unicorn cried out as she had the feeling that those words had ripped the soul out of her.

"Luna, you can't be so cruel, I know she did horrible things but... community service?" Twilight commented.

"I know a good lawyer. I'll contact him and see if we can get your sentence reduced." Chrysalis added.

"Report to Canterlot Castle on Monday morning at seven for your first task, and may Faust have mercy on your soul."


It had been a few months since the incident with King Storm and Twilight had come up with an excellent idea to improve relations with the other nations and teach them about the magic of friendship, a place where everyone could go to learn and make new friends. Twilight founded a school and today was the grand opening.

"Welcome to the School of Friendship, I am Principal Twilight Sparkle, please come up to our counselor, Starlight, to complete your registration and class assignment, then Queen Chrysalis will show you to your dormitories." The princess greeted the large group of creatures who had arrived to attend the new school that was being run by the Princess of Friendship.

Most were ponies, but there were also creatures from other nations, yaks, griffons, dragons, hippogriffs, and some changelings, all of whom, unlike the changelings, had come to learn the magic of friendship and also to represent their nations as ambassadors of goodwill, which would be an excellent way to improve relations with other races, The changelings present who wanted to enroll in the school were the last ones who were still afraid to leave the hive and the queen herself ordered them to attend, even though the queen only suggested it, but they still took every word of Chrysalis as an absolute command.

"And do you have any news of Tempest?"

"From Fizzlepop?, part of her community service is traveling around Equestria spreading the news of the Storm King's defeat and helping with the necessary repairs caused by his attack.

"I hope she'll be done soon. Did you like the way the building turned out?"

"Yes, thanks for your help with the school building, I had no idea changelings were such good builders."

"Being insect parts, we are very good at building hives and working in groups, for the school we just used a slightly different plan, adding a small subway wing for the changelings coming from the central hive, but I had to register the building under my name."

"And why did you do that? Is it supposed to be my school?" Twilight asked.

"Because the 20-kilo sleeping pill that is the EEA rules on how to run a school has a few little loopholes that we can use to our advantage if we get into trouble, but don't worry, you can use the school without a problem and you can consider it a token of our hive's friendship to you."

"Will I have to pay rent for using the building?" The princess asked with some concern.

"I had not thought of that, but we can arrange that another time."

"The students would really benefit from you teaching them about the history of the changelings, are you sure you don't want to be a full-time teacher?"

"No thanks, I already have another job in mind, but I can be of assistance from time to time for special classes or if they have any problems."

"I'd appreciate you doing that." The princess said with a smile. "So how many changelings do you have in mind for enrollment?"

"They're a little over fifty, but I know one you'll love." Chrysalis lifted her head and looked in all directions in search of someone in particular. "Ocellus, come here for a moment, please." The queen called out to a small changeling who was chatting with a group made up of a few changelings and ponies, her wings giving off a great deal of glitter. "She is very smart and has a great love of reading and learning new things."


The days went by without any major problems at the school, although tensions were rising among the teachers and the students, all thanks to the demands of the EEA regulations on how to run a school. Although everyone could see that the demands of the EEA were not working, Twilight was determined to follow them to the letter so that her school would get the final approval and be recognized as a real school, And even though there were rumors in the corridors that some students were thinking about leaving, Twilight saw it as proof that they were not trying hard enough. She would do everything she could to make sure that when the day of friends and family came, Chancellor Neighsay would give her the approval.

Chrysalis stood with the others who had been sent to Friends and Family Day. All of them were dignitaries or held some high position in their respective kingdoms, except for Grandpa Gruff, who was no one's grandpa, but everyone in Griffonstone called him "Grandpa Gruff".

"Yak finds the change the queen and her race have made impressive, everyone would say it is because of the little one you are taking care of, but Yak is sure it is much more than that".

"In the beginning, my race and I were the monsters everyone thought we were, but as the centuries passed and I saw how the other races lived, I could compare their way of life to ours, and our way of life was not worthy of my changelings. I have often wondered what would have happened to me if I had not found Spark that day in the forest."

"If you have any changelings who love adventure and combat, you can send them to the dragon territory, we'd love to trade blows against a shape-shifting opponent."

"I know a changeling by the name of Pharynx, and I know he'd be in love with the idea..."

Shouting and ponies running in all directions interrupted her, and looking up, she saw the group of students flying up, followed by an enormous winged bug.

"It's that Ocell-." The queen said as a spherical pony rolled up, knocking her and the other dignitaries down.

A few seconds after the chaos had occurred and the smoke had cleared, the queen stood up and could see the destruction caused by the group of students, the building had one of its towers destroyed, almost all of the food was gone, and there were many confused ponies.

"How dare you, this is an act of aggression against the ponies. "Chancellor Neighsay said, offended.

"I'm very sorry, Chancellor, it seems that there were some students who were overly enthusiastic." Twilight replied apologetically.

"Students? But you said you wanted to open a school to protect Equestria, to protect the ponies from dangerous creatures who don't share our best values." Neighsay replied, raising his voice slightly.

"My school teaches everyone to work together in friendship." Twilight again defended her school and its students.

"And who can assure you that they won't take what they've learned here and use it against us?"

"Friendship is not-."

"I can assure you of that." Chrysalis replied, interrupting the young alicorn.

"And what are you supposed to be?" Neighsay said looking contemptuously at the queen.

"I'm Chrysalis, Queen of the Changeling, I'm quite famous to be true, my picture appeared in every newspaper in Equestria more than once, but I understand you don't know me, only ponies with... some culture and education read the news." Chrysalis didn't bother to hide her sarcasm.

"Are you implying that I'm ignorant?" The unicorn replied, clearly offended and annoyed.

"You must be if you didn't have the mental capacity to recognize me at a glance, or maybe you're just a pacifier who thinks he can debate the Princess of Friendship on how to teach friends."

"I've been Chancellor of the EEA for years, and I've dedicated my entire life to educating the ponies of Equestria. There's nothing I don't know about education."

"That's where you're wrong, because the first thing you learn in any teaching school is that you're never done learning, studies, like knowledge and information, are always changing and refining, do you even know the meaning of the term 'friendship'."

"It's when one pony is friends with another, everyone knows that."

"Twilight." The queen said as she lifted her head and looked up at the alicorn. "Please tell us the definition of 'friendship.'"

"It is when one creature has a strong liking for and trust in another, regardless of race, age, or gender."

"That proves nothing." Neighsay replied.

"It proves your ignorance of the values these mares teach at school, like friendship, loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, and laughter, something I don't know how to do and I'll ask Pinkie to teach me, she's the best.

All the ponies cheered the pink mare with shouts, balloons and hoof stomping.

"Thank you, thank you, I teach on Thursdays. I don't charge much!" The pink mare shouted from the background, prompting some of the crowd to approach her to see if they could join in.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" The Chancellor shouted before using his magic to create a huge chained seal on the door. "By order of the EEA, I am closing this school."

"You can't close the school!" Some students shouted.

"I can and I will, students dropping out? incompetent teachers? destroying school property? this school is a disaster."

"I was a disaster too when Twilight met me, but she showed me that when you know in your heart that something is right, you stand up for it. Just like she did for me when no one else believed in me, just like we will do for our school." Starlight replied, appearing from behind.

"You can't go against the EEA, we are responsible for all the schools in Equestria." Neighsay replied as he approached Starlight.

"And Twilight is in charge of all of the friendship in Equestria, so why should we allow any pony to stop us from doing our job?." she asked.

"Because there is a rulebook on how to run a school." The unicorn made a huge rule book appear in front of him, and Starlight slammed it down so hard that it flew a good couple of feet away.

"This rulebook doesn't matter, Twilight can write her own rulebook because she's doing something new, unique, important, something that will last longer than any stupefying EEA book.

The Chancellor stood inches from Starlight, looking directly at her with fury in his eyes, but the unicorn never yielded to Neighsay's judgmental gaze.

"Starlight is right." Twilight said, raising her voice a little and filling it with pride. "What we do here is far more important than how we do it, and we're going to do this." With a magical bolt of lightning, Twilight easily destroyed the seal above the school door. "School is back in session!"

Principal Twilight Sparkle's decision was greeted with cheers from a large group of students.

"You dare to break my seal?"

"That's right, Chancellor, and I respectfully request that you step aside, or classes will be delayed."

"Classes will not be in session today or ever, the EEA has this building on lockdown and no one will get through."

"That is where you are wrong Chancellor, you can close the school but you cannot close the building, legally it is in my name and I have given it to Twilight for use at her discretion, of course for that to be legal I must have some sort of payment for my services." The queen turned to the princess. "Twilight, the rent for the building is two coins a month, is that acceptable? The queen asked the princess with a serious look and a wink, so that she would understand what her plan was.

"I find it acceptable, but I regret to inform you that I do not have any money at my disposal at the moment, could you lend me a few coins?" the princess asked smiling. The princess asked with a smile.

"Of course, that's what friends are for." Chrysalis took out a small sack that she had hidden in her wings, and from the inside of it she took out a few coins to hoof over to Twilight.

"Thanks, and here is your payment for the first month's rent." Twilight hoofed her the two coins that the queen had lent her, and she put them back in the small bag and put it away.

"That's no use, even if they have a building, it's still not a school."

"Exactly, it's not a school of the EEA, it's a school of friendship, with its own rules."

"And your plan is to allow all these creatures to attend this place?, just by changing the rules, that will not work."

"I think that a long time ago, the Pegasus, the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies did something similar to this." Luna added, joining the conversation.

"I promise you, Chancellor, my school will protect Equestria." Twilight said with a smile.

"Or it will destroy us all." Neighsay replied before he used his magic to open a portal and disappear out of everyone's sight.

Everyone screamed with joy, knowing that their beloved School of Friendship would continue to function, and slowly they moved towards the entrance, the Mane Six opened the doors of the school again and entered with the students to continue doing what they did best.

This brand new school of friendship
It`s everyone`s home
We learn to trust
We are all here to have fun
With friendship ties that bind uuuuuus
And that is my cue to leave .....

Singing that last line, the Queen flew somewhere where her life wouldn't become a musical, so she flew to Cheerilee's school, it was just before her son would finish school and it also gave her a chance to talk to Cheerilee and find out how he was doing with his studies.

Author's Note:

I think it works quite well to make the transition to the next season, I know there are some small parts that feel like they're too much in the story, but that's the way the universe works with Chrysalis living among the ponies.

For example, in the part where the queen says that they cannot close the school because the building belongs to her, we know that it was not necessary because we know the whole story from before, but the queen, like the other protagonists or the same Neighsay do not know, and this is a common problem in creating worlds, the level of knowledge of the characters about the world, maybe Pinkie knows more about the world than it seems, but she assured me that it was not so.
(that's what I said-) :pinkiehappy:

The next chapter is going to be about Clear Spark and a little adventure that he is going to have in Ponyville.

I will try to finish it as soon as possible and upload it on Sunday as I did at the beginning. See you in a few days. :twilightsmile: