• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,253 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

  • ...

Too many babies.

Too many babies.

The ponies ran and screamed desperately through the streets of Ponyville, running away from the giant monster that had emerged from the forest to attack them, slowly dragging its huge cream-colored body and letting out a deafening roar for the sheer pleasure of terrorizing the small town. From the air, the beast could be seen advancing through the forest, tearing down trees in its way toward Ponyville, Canterlot was already familiar with this beast, which had wreaked havoc by destroying other small towns, and the capital city was fortunate to be able to withstand the monster's attack, as the beast's sheer size and the presence of nearly the entire military contingent made it possible to assemble a strong defense that was able to repel the beast, but only by directing its advance toward the small town at the foot of the mountain.

Without much effort, the giant monster bit into the roofs of the houses, destroying them in seconds, and sent them flying through the air, destroying nearby buildings. Rarity was one of the first to faint, seeing her home and her entire collection of summer dresses destroyed, but she was quickly picked up by Rainbow Dash and dropped off at AppleJack's farm, where an improvised shelter had been set up.

"Rainbow!" AppleJack called as she ran to her friend with a first-aid kit. "What happened to Rarity?" She asked as she checked her.

"She's fine, she just fainted when she saw what happened to her house." The Pegasus replied, obviously exhausted. "Is Twilight back yet, or Princess Luna?"

"Twilight is on her way with her brother to try and stop that thing, and we haven't heard from Princess Luna since she went to the Crystal Empire in search of Cadance. Before she left, she said she read about a monster named Satu in an old journal of the old Crystal Princess, and she wrote down how to stop it, and that book is probably in the library."

"I see, Scoot showed up already?"

"No one has seen her, Apple Bloom said they lost sight of her after that thing destroyed Sugarcube Corner, but she's probably hiding in one of the houses, my changelings are helping to search and rescue, it's just a matter of time before we find her." Chrysalis, who was accompanied by a group of changelings and most of Ponyville's little ones, replied, trying to make Rainbow stop worrying.

"Thank you, I will return in search of more survivors, I promise you will find them." The Pegasus told the monarch, who nodded her head. With that, Rainbow took a deep breath and flew back toward the town, looking for more frightened ponies to bring to the safe zone.

The monster was destroying the houses looking for victims to devour, but luck was not on his side as his large size made him very slow and easy to spot for miles, giving his possible victims plenty of time to escape. But he was lucky enough to attack Ponyville by surprise and he could see and hear the screams of the ponies running terrified around his corpulent body, but when he tried to bite them they could easily avoid him and his only option was to find a pony hidden inside the houses he was destroying.

The town was already deserted and all its inhabitants were safe at AppleJack's farm when Twilight finally arrived with her brother and most of the Equestrian Army who began to attack the monster mercilessly, but the attack had no effect thanks to the thick and strangely spongy skin that absorbed the blows and magic. Twilight and Shining Armor knew this and their plan was to distract the monster long enough for Princess Luna to return with Cadance.

"Shining, I'm going to go check on my friends at the Farm, signal me as soon as Luna and Cadance arrive." Said the Princess of Friendship. She fired lightning bolt after lightning bolt in a vain attempt to stop the monster.
"Be very careful, Twily." The stallion said as he attacked the creature with his magic along with a group of unicorns. The Pegasus picked up debris from the destroyed houses and dropped it on the creature.

Within minutes, Princess Luna appeared in a flash of blue at the entrance to AppleJack's farm, looking tired from using her magic to teleport as fast as she could from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville, and carrying a book with her.

"Twilight!" The Princess of Night shouted. She was looking for the young Alicorn, who ran in that direction when she heard her name.

"Twilight, where are you, Twilight!" Princess Luna called out as she looked in all directions.

"Over here, Luna, did you find anything?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Yes, I found everything that was written here by Princess Amore, the first princess of the Crystal Empire." Luna handed the book over to Twilight, who took it with her magic and began to go through it, page by page. "It says that the monster's name is Satu, it was the first monster to be created and the favorite of the mother of all beasts and that a great amount of magic was used to create it, but it takes a great period of time to hatch and it lay dormant for centuries." Said the Princess of the Night.

"Wait." Twilight said. "It says here that this is not yet its final form?" The Princess of Friendship asked in amazement as she read the book and saw the giant creature destroying her beloved village. She could only imagine what would happen if this creature gained enough energy to transform.

"Exactly, if we don't stop it now, it will be the end of everything. But the book also explains a spell to summon a guardian and put the beast to sleep again. Luna replied.

"But that doesn't solve the problem, it just delays it for future generations." Twilight said, watching as the creature continued to destroy more houses, not bothering to worry about the Unicorn and Pegasus attacking.

"I know, but it's the only thing we can do now, after we stop it we can be on the lookout for a permanent solution, but if we don't do it now..." Luna replied as she stepped forward and watched as the creature continued to destroy the village.

"You're right." Twilight said, nodding her head and going back to the book. "I'm trying to decipher the spell but these runes are very complex and ancient, were you able to decipher them?" I ask looking at Luna.

"I was able to do it with some work and comparing it to other books, it's very ancient and powerful magic but very simple. But we will need the help of every unicorn present and a princess to channel the energy into a physical form."

"And you can do that?"

"Unfortunately, I used much of my magic to transport Cadance and I from the Crystal Empire, but I explained to her how to use the spell, and now she is in town gathering all the unicorns in the army to cast the spell, and along with those in Ponyville, I think we have enough magic to make it work."

"I hope you're right." Twilight said, closing the book. "Chrysalis, this spell will take all of each unicorn's magic and many of them will faint, can I have you take them to a safe place?"

"Don't ask, if this doesn't work I'll take everyone south to the hive and we'll come up with plan B." The queen replied.

"Thank you." The princess said with a smile. "Listen to me, I need every unicorn to come with me. We're going to stop that thing." Twilight shouted enthusiastically, inspiring courage in all the unicorns of Ponyville, who followed the princess in a desperate attempt to save their little town. A large group of changelings also followed her.

"Please stay here my dear, it's too dangerous and I don't want anything bad to happen to you." The queen said to her son, kissing his forehead. The colt nodded his head and sat back on his haunches, a look of concern on his face.

"I promise your son will be safe by my side." Apple Bloom added in an attempt at a hug with Clear Spark, who was already taller than she was.

"You better if you want to be queen one day." The queen said with a giggle that made both of the little ones blush all over, and then she turned around and ran back to Ponyville as well.

On the north side of Ponyville, Cadance was lining up all the unicorns while the Pegasus and Earth ponies distracted the beast, Twilight arrived with reinforcements and after hugging her former babysitter, she also lined up the town's unicorns and Luna gave them all simple instructions on what the spell did and how it worked.

Cadance took the lead, concentrating on the physical form of the Guardian as described in the book, and each unicorn channeled its magic into the horn of the Princess of Love, while some were exhausted and retreated to the side to be led safely to the farm, others simply fainted and were quickly transported to the safe zone, little by little the unicorns fell as Cadance's horn was charged with more and more raw magic, then with a scream she launched a great beam of multicolored magic into the sky that disappeared from everyone's sight.

A second later, thunder rattled the earth and a giant portal opened in the sky, the creature turned its head to see the portal and know what was happening, from the portal another creature of similar size appeared and looked directly at the monster, only this creature looked like a giant bear created with colorful scales.

"Ahhh... the old guard has returned..." Said the beast.

"I stopped you once, Satu... and I will do it again..." Replied the Guardian.

"We shall see." Satu replied.

All the ponies ran as they saw the giant bear running towards the monster and pouncing on it, growling and destroying more houses in the process, the guardian hit the beast but his blows did no damage and Satu bit the guardian but his teeth could not break the thick armor, in one of the attacks the guardian managed to get on top of Satu to give him a direct hit in the chest but he was much faster and rolled to the side to avoid the attack that cracked the ground.

The two creatures roared at each other, trying to intimidate each other, and this time Satu took the initiative, dragging his huge body to attack the Guardian when...


"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted to the Draconequus standing next to a cradle.

"What is it, Flutters?" The God of Chaos asked.

"You know, today is little Saturn's weekly test, and I don't want him to get too excited." The Yellow Pegasus replied, approaching the crib to see a small cream-colored larva lying on a pile of toy cubes made of a dark material. It was growling aggressively at a teddy bear Fluttershy had made with the special fabric Chrysalis had given her, and which Discord had used to attack his son.

"I know, but remember last week we were told that Saturn was a little chubby because he ate too much and that he needed to exercise more." Discord replied, waving the stuffed animal in front of his son and growling for him to attack it. The little creature did so without hesitation.

"Are you saying it's my fault that our son is overweight?" The Pegasus asked, slightly offended.

"You know that larvae only feed on love. And you like to hug him a lot." The God of Chaos replied and handed the stuffed animal to his son before getting to his feet.

The little creature quickly began to bite the bear trying to break it but it was specially made for that not to happen, after he got bored of biting it he went to where he had his toy blocks and took them with his little mouth to start stacking them one on top of the other assembling a small city to look at it carefully for a few seconds and start tearing it down in anger.

"I see our little one likes to build, do you think he will want to be an architect when he grows up?", Fluttershy asked proudly. Fluttershy asked proudly.

"It's possible, after all, he's always tearing down buildings and putting them back up again. I think he's a perfectionist." Discord replied.

"Our little baby will grow up to be the best architect in all of Equestria." Fluttershy leaned over the cradle and began gently stroking her son's back, who, feeling the mare's touch, began to relax and let his little legs flap, smiling as he went.

`My queen is congratulating me for my good work, I must continue my training in order to protect our hive`. the larva thought while being caressed.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door, and the yellow mare quickly went to open the door to see who it was.

"Greetings Ms. Fluttershy, my name is Caramel and I was sent to check the physical condition of little Saturn Dissonance." Said a changeling who had a somewhat strange hairstyle, consisting of a long braid that fell down her back and almost reached the ground. She was carrying a leather bag with several things inside.

"Thanks for coming Miss Caramel, please come in, and what a nice hairstyle, doesn't it bother you with your work?" replied Fluttershy politely, stepping aside for the changeling to enter.

"Thank you for the compliment, and I really don't have a problem with my hairstyle since I can change it whenever I want, and where's the little one?" The changeling asked, leaving her bag on the table.

"He's playing in his crib next to my husband."

The changeling walked through the small cottage and stopped in front of the cradle to look at the larva, which was staring at the new visitor, the changeling slowly brought her hoof close to it and the larva swung its small and plump body to stand on its tail, looking more threatening and began to growl aggressively.

`A rival changeling is attacking our hive. I must protect my queen`. the little larva thought before jumping up and biting Caramel's hoof.

"Wow...this little changeling's imprint on you is quite strong." The changeling said and lifted her hoof, the larvae biting hard, she shook it a little and the little creature let go and fell gracefully on its belly with a little bounce. Then the changeling approached Fluttershy.

`Success, now this changeling will surely surrender to my queen to be part of our hive, my queen will be pleased`. the little creature thought, rolling over and making a sound similar to a purr, Discord took the moment to caress his son.

"Could you explain this imprinting thing to me?" Fluttershy tried a few times, but I couldn't understand her very well, I only understood that you have a queen, but why does little Saturn bite Chrysalis every time he sees her, isn't she supposed to be his queen? asked the God of Chaos.

"Yes and no." Caramel replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't they explain why the larvae and nymphs were so aggressive?"

"Chrysalis and some changeling I can't remember."

"Her name is Esmeralda." Fluttershy interrupted.

"Thank you, sweetie." Said the God of Chaos. "Chrysalis and Esmeralda explained something about their natural aggression and why they attacked the changelings in the nursery."

"Hmmm..." The changeling said, thinking of the best way to explain it to the Draconequus. "I understand why they didn't explain it properly since we basically use this information in the nursery and we don't have a... manual or something that explains how to take care of a larva or a nymph, but in short, they consider the first creature they see as their queen and all the others as enemies, and the reason why little Saturn doesn't attack the other animals or Discord anymore is because he considers them drones in Fluttershy's hive."

"So I'm a queen?" Fluttershy asked in a surprised voice.

"It's a bit more complex than that, with a caste system and specific roles for each individual, but in essence, yes, you are the queen of the hive." The changeling replied.

"Ohh my... and why didn't Chrysalis or Esmeralda tell us that in the first place?".

"It's just common sense to us. Like why you don't go into the Everfree Forest at night."

"Because it's too dangerous for us. And many who enter the forest end up lost, injured, or attacked by wild animals."

"Exactly, but this very important knowledge is not written down anywhere. And yet all the ponies in this area know it."

"I guess so, I know it's something that everypony around here knows, but I've never seen it being taught anywhere." Fluttershy said, wondering if she had read it somewhere or been told it somewhere.

"Because it's common sense information, it's something that's so basic to you that you have a hard time even processing the fact that someone else doesn't know it, and by the same logic would have a hard time explaining it to someone else."

"I see... So how long will our son consider my dear Fluttershy to be his... queen?" The God of Chaos asked, snapping his fingers to appear a jeweled crown and thin cloak over his beloved.

"He'll think he's in a hive throughout his larval process. When he's a nymph, he'll gradually get rid of that idea as he learns that the world is bigger than this cottage."

"And when do you think it will be safe to take him outside?"

"We'll have a better idea after a couple of tests." The changeling replied, pulling from her pocket a notepad and some measuring tools, along with a few pieces of wood.


By this time, Twilight had finished her work and was doing her favorite thing in the castle, which was cleaning up the Canterlot library. Although she had a very efficient system for organizing and finding books (or at least she did in her head), the library had its own way of working and organizing books, and the Princess of Friendship had many arguments with the library manager, which she finally had to give in to, just to put the books back where the ponies had left them on the tables. And while she was happily carrying a pile of books about mythology with her magic, she saw Cadance on one of the tables, happily reading in front of a huge pile of books, so the Princess of Friendship left the books on the table and approached her former babysitter.

"Hello Cadance, what are you reading?" Twilight asked.

"Hi Twilight, this? I'm just reading a children's book while I wait for Celestia to look for some books." The Princess of Love replied, pointing to the white alicorn who was looking through the bookshelves. She carefully pulled out some books and placed them on a cart she had at her side.

"But this is the children's section, what kind of books is Celestia looking for, does she want you to help her pick out books to read to the little ones who visit the castle?" she asked.

"Not really, she's 'helping' me find out why Flurry is the first natural born Alicorn in Equestria." Cadance replied, emphasizing the word 'help' with her hooves as she used her magic to turn a page in her books.

"But even she was surprised to see Flurry when she was born. She knows better than anypony that information doesn't exist anywhere in Equestria, at least not that we know of."

"I know." Cadance replied with a smile as she finished her little book and put it aside to start a new one. It was about how three ponies of different tribes helped each other to get a multicolored cat down from a tree.

"Then why is she looking for this information?"

"She wants to make sure the information isn't in children's stories, or mothering books about the difficulties of raising a unicorn, or books about changing diapers and bathing a pegasus without wetting its feathers."

"I don't get it, why would the information about alicorns be in a book like that?" Twilight asked confusedly, and Cadance thought for a moment how to answer.

"Before I answer you, could you do me a small favor?"

"I don't know why, but ok."

"Could you ask Celestia if she found the book she was looking for, and since you see her almost every day, could you tell me if anything has changed about her? I think she looks a little... chubby." Cadance said, chuckling and winking at the young Alicorn, Twilight was very smart, but often she missed those simple details that made the answer rub in your face, for the same reason she didn't know why Cadance was asking her that, but it was something simple and she didn't mind doing it.

The Princess of Friendship approached her former mentor and passed by her side without her noticing. She looked at her carefully and indeed she had gained a little weight, especially around her hips and belly, perhaps because the simpler life was taking its toll, she approached her and spoke to her to get her attention.

"Hello Celestia." Twilight said.

"Hi Twilight." Celestia replied, hugging her former student. "Since you're here, could you tell me where a book might be?" She asked, going back to checking the shelves.

"Of course, what book are you looking for?"

"Common Food Diseases in Foals, the book manager told me that it would be in this section, but I can't seem to find it."

Twilight knew the library inside and out, and used her magic to take four books from a couple of shelves to Celestia's right.

"Do you need the normal version?, because we also have the version for Unicorns, Pegasus, and Earthponies, but I recommend the normal version, it's more generic if you don't want any race specific diseases."

"Hmmm... I'll take the regular version, thanks." Celestia replied, hoofing the book and placing it in her cart before continuing to browse the shelves, turning her attention away from Twilight.

"Ummm... Celestia?"

"Yes?" The former monarch said as she turned her head once more to look at her little friend.

"Cadance sent me to ask if you had found a book you were looking for."

"Yes, tell her I only found these three, you can take them to her if you want, I still have to look for other books around here."

"Thank you." Twilight took the books with her magic and when she saw the titles, her eyes slowly widened and she turned her head to see Cadance who let out a giggle and motioned with her hoof for Twilight to come closer. The Princess of Friendship quickly did so.

"Baby names?" Twilight muttered to Cadance, causing the Princess of Love to giggle and nod her head.

"Ohhh.... My.... is that for real? How long have you known?, how long has she been pregnant?" Twilight asked, muttering to Cadance.

"I found out this morning when we came to this section of the library. From what I can see, she's a few weeks but apparently she just found out recently as well."

"And what are we going to do?. Do you know what would happen if Equestria found out?"

"Will they congratulate her and wish her a good future? she's not the first pregnant mare in the world."

"But she was a princess, and you know ponies go crazy when something good happens to one of their favorite princesses." Twilight said as she waved her hooves in the air and began to hyperventilate.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not..." Cadance said. "Relax Twilight, nothing's going to happen since she doesn't have to work for now, seriously, I would have loved to have had her freedom when I was waiting for Flurry, leaving a meeting every five minutes because of nausea is a nightmare, not to mention when the bathroom isn't exactly close by."

"And why hasn't she told anyone, maybe she wants to keep it a secret?"

"I doubt it, she's too popular to hide such a thing and she doesn't really gain anything from it, she's probably more concerned with getting as ready as possible and just didn't take the time to tell us, or maybe she's scared and doesn't want to make a mistake, but I think she's waiting for the perfect moment, it's great news for every mare... well almost every one." Remembering what had happened to Chrysalis and Clear Spark, Cadance added the last part.

"You're right, but do you really think that somepony would forget to tell their friends about something as important as this?" Twilight asked, knowing exactly what Cadance meant by that last part.

"It's possible, your mind doesn't know it yet, but pregnancy puts a lot of stress on a mare, both emotionally and hormonally, it's normal to have feelings and forget things, even more so when it's your first born."

"Then we should wait until she is ready to tell us?"

"Let me take care of that, after all I am the only one who has experience in motherhood and I will surely be the first one she will ask for advice and as soon as she does, I will put a little pressure on her to tell us all that she is pregnant. The only one you have to worry about is Luna."

"Luna? Why, do you think she takes it badly?"

"On the contrary, she's probably going to go crazy with excitement and want to throw a national party." Cadance replied giggling, which made Twilight laugh too.

"I guess you're right, I better get back to the throne room, Luna asked me to review some changeling documents, see you for lunch?" Twilight said.

"Of course, bye Twilight." The Princess of Love replied.

"Oh Twilight, you're leaving already?" Celestia asked as she approached, pushing her cart with her chest as she was too big to be able to use her hooves.

"Yes, I need to get back to the throne room to go over a stack of documents that Luna gave me about the changelings that work with the ponies in Equestria." The Princess of Friendship replied somewhat irritated. These reports were becoming all too common.

"Is there a problem integrating the Changelings?" Celestia asked.

"A little, mostly about them being abused and discriminated against."

"Hmmm... I remember when the dragons first started working with us, the same problems arose. If you want, I can come to your office later and help you review those documents, I have experience in this area and I have created some laws myself that you can use as a reference to solve these problems."

"Really?" Twilight asked cheerfully. "Thank you very much, that would be very helpful."

"You know you can always ask me for help if you need it. I'll come by your office this afternoon to help you review those documents."

"I'll be waiting for you, and thank you for helping me." Twilight replied gratefully.


The young princess of friendship was very grateful for Celestia's help, and the former princess looked very comfortable helping Twilight go over the documents. Centuries of ruling a nation had given her vast experience and a clinical eye for detail, which allowed her to speed up Twilight's work.

On her way to her room, she stopped outside the kitchen to drink a glass of juice, and even though she was a princess and could just ask one of the castle's servants, whose job it was to bring juice to the princesses when they requested it, Twilight was quite self-sufficient and didn't like to bother others with such simple things, knowing she could do it perfectly well on her own.

After drinking her juice and raiding the fridge for a late night snack, she returned to her room, not forgetting to wish the ponies she met on her way a good night. She liked to take the long way around and enjoy the tranquility of the night, adorned with the fresh flowers that Luna religiously changed every night.

Once in her room, she let her hair down and brushed it, counting backwards from a hundred as she did every night. Then she brushed her teeth and weighed herself on a scale she had hidden in her closet, the little needle dancing from left to right a few times, ending up further to the right than Twilight had expected.

"Hmmm..." She said pouting. "I'm sure it's broken, I don't eat that much." Then she put the scale away and went to her bed for another night of well-deserved rest, but before she jumped into her huge bed she heard someone tapping on her balcony window, the princess opened the curtains to see a worried Rainbow Dash on the other side.

"Rainbow?, what are you doing on my balcony so late?, Did something bad happen?, an accident?." Twilight asked in a worried voice as she opened the glass doors to let her friend in.

"Um... Hi, twilight." Rainbow said as she scratched at the back of her neck without looking directly at her friend. "So... yeah, this is an accident, but... I wouldn't classify it as a bad thing."

"What do you mean an accident can't be bad?" Twilight asked confused.

"Twilight... I'm pregnant."

"You WHAT?"

Author's Note:

I promised you more babies and here they all are :rainbowlaugh:.

These three little ones, along with the twins and Flurry, I have plans to have them in other spin-offs when they are older, with their own adventures and problems.

One of these three will cause a lot of controversy, but that will be in two more chapters. The next one will be about Clear Spark, Apple Bloom and a serious conversation about their future together.

Thanks for the names, they were of more help to me than you know. :pinkiehappy:

I'll see you in a few days, as you know I always look forward to your comments. :twilightsmile: