• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,253 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

  • ...

Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash.

Chrysalis had recently returned from Baltimare, she was very happy to know that her son and Apple Bloom were true to their words and actually practiced total abstinence in their relationship while they were studying. She had many doubts, but the visits she made to her son's apartment and the times she attended the university parties made her realize that she was wrong.

Strangely, the young couple had kept their word not to hide what they were doing from their families, but because they had no desire to do so, apparently everything they read went much deeper than they thought, and many times they preferred to cultivate their relationship in other ways than just having sex in a bed. They learned a lot from each other, things they could not learn in Ponyville with their families or their friends, Like those little subtle changes in their personalities that only happened when they were alone or with someone they trusted very much. Like the fact that Apple Bloom left all the dirty pots in the kitchen after cooking and washed them the next day before using them, something she never did at the farm when AppleJack was around, or that Clear Spark sulked when he didn't want to get up to go to class, something Apple Bloom didn't know about but found very adorable.

It was all these little things that strengthened their relationship over time, and turned what had once been a friendship into a strong and deep bond.

In Equestria, several changelings had fallen victim to "Pimp my Ling". which basically consisted of the sudden change to their new multicolored form, and although some of them preferred their new colorful form, others had also made the same decision as Chrysalis to change their appearance to their old black form, after all that had been their real appearance for years and they were used to it, some ponies preferred the new form of the changelings because it was much easier to distinguish them, but in general there were no problems if a changeling preferred their new or old form, even if some were still anxious to change their appearance to see what colors they would be, one of the most anxious was Red Bug, who had hoped it would be a blue color, but when she saw that her body had a series of very light yellow and green tones, she was not very happy, mainly because her new colors destroyed the illusion of any cosplay she wanted to do, and she was one of those who preferred to change her appearance to her old form.

The increase in the number of pregnant mares was accompanied by an expected increase in their weight but an unexpected decrease in their mobility, before it was nothing to worry about as the number of pregnant mares was low in comparison to the rest of the population but that number had now reached almost fifty percent and it was becoming normal that with less movement they did less work and that led to a lower production for the country but more worrying was a worse physical condition, the sedentary lifestyle of pregnant mares was an unexpected pandemic and Equestria put its hooves into the matter before it got out of control.

And one of those ways was special yoga and exercise classes for pregnant mares all over Equestria, attendance was not mandatory, but Equestria gave incentives to mares who attended such classes along with the promise of improved fitness. Those in charge of running these classes were the changelings, who were more than willing and happy to help, and even though they didn't charge for the service, as they could feed off the love in the environment they felt while running the classes, the princesses insisted on a fee for their services.

And one of those classes was held at Canterlot Castle, where some of the mares who worked there were able to do gentle exercises to keep themselves in the best possible physical condition; between some maids, guards, and some visitors who had the opportunity to attend yoga classes at the castle, a group of about twenty to thirty mares formed, and among all of those mares, there were two very special figures.

One of them was the unmistakable Celestia, who after some time decided to tell everyone that she was pregnant, but she was surprised that no one was surprised by the news, probably because her six-month pregnant belly had already given them an idea of what she wanted to tell them; she liked to attend gym classes wearing a yellow top and yoga pants with the word "juicy" written on the side.

The other one who attended gymnastics at Canterlot Castle was Rainbow Dash, her case was a bit strange because she could easily attend gymnastics in Ponyville, just a few meters from her home, or in Cloudsdale, where she was always welcomed by her parents and where Soarin had lived before moving to Ponyville, But during the months of her pregnancy, she had preferred to avoid the City in the Clouds and her family, and for some reason, she did not like the classes in Ponyville. So she always preferred to fly from Ponyville to Canterlot to go to the gym, or take the train when she felt too tired, she always used a sweatband on her forehead and hooves.

Many times she had been asked why she did not take advantage of the special gymnastics program at the Wonderbolt facilities, they had even prepared some stallions with a special cart to transport the team's pregnant mares from their homes to the barracks, and Rainbow could take advantage of that, but she always replied that she did not want to abuse their hospitality and distract Soarin from his training, it was an answer with a very weak argument, but everypony thought it was just a whim due to the hormonal changes of being a mother for the first time.

"Okay, one more time, one and four, hold... okay, now two and three... good. Hold...good." Said a changeling with a cushion strapped to her belly in front of her gym class. She lifted one front hoof and one back hoof crosswise in an exercise to keep her balance. "Now take a deep breath and lower yourself as far as you can, remember you don't have to feel the ground with your belly, just as far as you can." The changeling did the exercise, and the mares imitated her as best they could. Many of them could feel the ground with their bellies, like Celestia, since her long legs gave her great flexibility, but some of them could only bend down a few inches, like Rainbow, Since she was much smaller and her legs were a bit shorter than her body, she could not go down very far without hurting herself. This happened a few times when she demanded too much in the exercises, making her practice her patience and learn her new limits.

After a few more minutes of exercises, the class ended to the delight of all, and even though the exercises were very simple and any pony could do them without any problem, the pregnant mares were tired when doing them, but they liked the result because they could gradually feel more energetic and with that feeling of satisfaction when they saw the results compared to the mares that didn't want to do the weekly exercises.

Celestia had been sweating a lot more than usual since she was in the last week that the doctors had allowed her to participate in gymnastics, beyond that point it would be irresponsible of her to continue since it could trigger her pregnancy at that moment and an emergency procedure would have to be performed, and even though the former monarch knew her body well, she was not willing to risk the health of her child for a few yoga classes. Rainbow was a similar case, only she had a few weeks less than Celestia, But unlike the Alicorn, who had her checkups at the castle, the Pegasus had them done by a trusted doctor in Cloudsdale, much to the surprise of all her friends. No one understood why she had to travel so far for a routine checkup that only took five minutes, but she was wary of her pregnancy, and when they asked her why, she replied that it was nopony else's business where she went or didn't go, as long as it was in an established place and with a qualified and responsible doctor.

Unlike Celestia and every other mare, Rainbow's whole attitude towards her pregnancy could be classified as suspicious, but it was also true that she had a habit of going beyond the bounds of logic when she felt pressured or had a problem, such as when she tried to stop winter to prevent her pet from hibernating, almost causing an ecological disaster of proportions, or the time she sold Fluttershy for a book, which ended up in court (and hopefully in a change in the laws, is it really legal to sell a friend?). There were hundreds of cases like that where she felt some kind of pressure, and pregnancy was an extreme physical and psychological pressure for someone like her. It completely changed her routine and lifestyle from one moment to the next.

Celestia walked slowly over to Rainbow with a towel draped over her back; because of her large size, her belly didn't look as swollen as the other mares'.

"Rainbow...will you stay for lunch?" Celestia asked, sitting down gently on her haunches and letting herself breathe a little.

"I can't, I'm just going to rest a bit and have some juice before I go to Cloudsdale." The Pegasus replied, taking off her sweatbands and stretching her limbs, thanks to being an athlete she didn't feel as tired as the other mares, but her belly was huge. "The train should be at the station in about fifteen minutes." She said the last part a little frustrated because even considering her fitness and great stamina from her pregnancy she couldn't fly for more than five minutes without being completely exhausted, and she didn't want to risk flying to the city in the clouds and running out of energy mid-flight, but Cloudsdale had a small train station in the ground with a couple of stallions whose job it was to get Pegasus that had trouble getting up and down.

"I still don't understand why you have to travel so far to see a doctor." Celestia said as she wiped her face with the towel. Rainbow gave her a very annoyed look as she felt questioned, but she quickly composed herself before the former monarch finished drying herself. "But I hope you have a good trip, will you be back in class next week?, this is my last class but it would be nice to see you again." Celestia asked with a smile.

"I don't know, it's up to the doctor's orders." Rainbow replied.

"See you later then, I have to take a bath before I go to lunch with Moonstone, that reminds me, if you come back to the castle next week, why don't you invite Soarin too?, I have some free time and so I can bring Moonstone too and we can have lunch together, the four of us, in fact... we could invite the whole Ponyville gang and have a big lunch, do you like the idea?" The former monarch asked enthusiastically.

"I'll think about it..." Rainbow replied, looking off to the side. Celestia couldn't help but notice.

"Hmmm... trouble at home, something to do with Soarin?" Celestia asked, her time in a loving relationship and living in the company of other pregnant mares had given her a special eye for recognizing when a problem was directly related to a pony's mate.

"Hmmm..." Rainbow didn't want to answer that question, but she didn't know how to avoid it. Luckily, Celestia was able to take the hint and stopped pushing the young Pegasus.

"I have a perfect understanding of what your problem is."

"You do, but-but how?" Rainbow asked, surprised and very nervous.

"Rainbow, I'm pregnant too. And it also happened to me that I can't stand Moonstone."

"Uh?" Rainbow said, raising her eyebrows.

"You, just like me and a lot of other mares, have this little problem that we can't stand our mates for the slightest thing that bothers us."

"That's true." Said a mare who approached wearing a maid's outfit tailored for her belly. "When I came home last week, my husband was preparing dinner, and when we sat down to eat, he served it as usual, only on the wrong side."

"On the wrong side?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, food is always served from the left side, but that day he served it from my right side, it's understandable because the kitchen of our house is directly on my right side and whenever he serves me he always does it from that side and since he works in a tax office he doesn't need to know that, But that day, I don't know why, but I found that simple action very irritating and basically I exploded in his face, I screamed at the top of my lungs and closed the door of our room in his face forcing him to sleep on the couch, of course a few minutes later I was very sorry and too embarrassed to apologize to him, but I managed to get up the courage and I apologized to him for the way I acted. "

Rainbow looked at the ground with some embarrassment for a few minutes, thinking about the maid's words and the times she had yelled at Soarin just for having him around, and the stallion's patience for putting up with it. He really didn't deserve the way she treated him.

"If you had a problem with Soa-"

"Sis!" Luna shouted, interrupting Celestia's words as she entered the room with a stethoscope, a couple of bananas and a glass of orange juice. This caused a few giggles from those present, seeing the excitement of the princess of the night.

After learning she was going to be an aunt, Luna made it a point to put the health of her sister and future offspring first. She made sure her sister was never late for a meal, doctor's appointment or gym session.

"Luna, punctual as always." Celestia said softly, with as much enthusiasm as a wet loaf of bread at the sight of her sister. Rainbow and the maid chuckled.

"Did you say something dear sister?" Luna asked with a smile.

"Just that it's good to see you, Lulu, following me around like a hawk to make sure I don't forget to eat or go to the doctor."

"Well, as your sister, it is my duty to keep you and your son safe in these moments of vulnerability and to avoid any possible complications and dangers." Luna replied and hoofed her the two bananas with her magic, while she checked her heart rate with the stethoscope.

"Your diligence is always appreciated Luna, considering that I live in a castle on a mountain surrounded by luxury, the best attention, guards, servants, doctors and two princesses who are one of the most powerful beings in all of Equestria by sheer curiosity, I would truly be lost without your constant help, maybe even... dead." Celestia said, bringing her hooves to her face and feigning fear.

Rainbow and the maid laughed quietly as they watched the scene.

"Do I detect a sarcastic tone in your voice dear sister?" Luna asked somewhat confused, not paying much attention to what Celestia was saying as she was too busy checking her and her son's heartbeats. Apparently, the Princess of the Night was still very much influenced by the old ways.

"Don't worry, Luna. Your help and company are truly beyond price." Celestia replied, hugging Luna tightly and starting to cry.

"Tia, are you okay?" Luna asked, dropping the stethoscope as well as the glass of juice because of the sudden hug.

"It's just that you've always taken care of me and I've let you down too many times, Luna. Please don't leave me again." Celestia replied tearfully, hugging Luna tightly.

It wasn't the first time that Celestia had these surprising and emotional moments towards her sister or Twilight, and Luna returned the hug in the same way, knowing exactly why her older sister had said that.

"Excuse me, Luna, will you join me for lunch?" Celestia asked as she let go of her younger sister and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Of course, dear sister, but you'd better take a bath first." Luna reassured her.

They both laughed a little and left the room together, their bodies almost glued together, the whole scene surprised Rainbow and gave her a lot to think about how she had treated Soarin, friends and family this last time. She sometimes had trouble doing the most minimal tasks at home, like trying to cook something or make her bed, and every time Soarin offered to help her, she got very upset, and often yelled at him to leave her alone, that she had lived alone for years and didn't need him, but Soarin had moved in with her after he knew about the pregnancy and he wasn't going to leave her because of some simple yelling, but that didn't justify her behavior, she should have apologized to him.

But she had other priorities first. She had to talk to the doctor in Cloudsdale to make sure there were no problems with her pregnancy, then when she got back she would talk to Soarin.


The doctor's office where Rainbow was having her exams was small compared to others in Cloudsdale, with only seven ponies on staff, three doctors with three nurses and a pony in charge of cleaning, but the nurse on the last shift before the clinic closed had a small problem with some medical records she couldn't find.

"Is something wrong, Ms. Diamond?" The doctor asked, closing his office.

"Ms. Dash's blood and urine test results came in today, but I can't find her records, so I can't send the results to her." The nurse replied with several medical files on the counter. The Stallion thought of a solution to the problem.

"I'm sure that file was kept by Dr. Mustard, next to the chandelier, in his office, as he was in charge of all of Miss Dash's examinations, but he won't be back from his vacation until next week. But do you remember her mother's name?"

"Mrs. Whistles?, I do remember that she was a patient of ours when she was pregnant with Ms. Rainbow, but that was many years ago."

"Well, look up Mrs. Whistles file and send her Ms. Dash's tests. Being her mother, she will have no problem forwarding them to her daughter."

"I think that's a good idea." The nurse looked through the old patient file cabinet and found Windy Whistle's in seconds, she wrote down the address on the letter with Rainbow's medical results and together with the doctor ordered the medical records and closed the clinic, the doctor said goodbye to the nurse and went home while the nurse dropped the letters in a nearby mailbox before flying home.


Twilight had a few days off and decided to spend a few days visiting her parents and the rest in Ponyville. While strolling through the cheerful streets of the small town, she saw a mare who was the mother of one of her best friends.

"Hello Ms. Whistles, what brings you to Ponyville? Have you come to visit Rainbow?." The Alicorn asked.

"Hello Princess Twilight, you seem to get a little taller every time I see you." The Pegasus said, giving a small bow and letting out a small chuckle. "I came to see Rainbow, but as always she isn't home."

"That's strange, I don't remember her telling us that she was going to go out one of these days, even though I'm coming for a few days of vacation as well."

"It's good that you take a few days off every now and then. We don't want you to go crazy one day and try to take over Equestria." The mare's tone was playful, and Twilight's face lit up with laughter for a few seconds.

"Don't worry about it. Do you want to have a cup of tea at Sugarcube Corner while you wait for Rainbow to come back?."

"I don't think that will help. Soarin told me she had to take an express train to Canterlot, Cloudsdale or Manehattan, I really can't remember." Windy replied with a bit of annoyance.

"Is there something going on between you and Rainbow?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"It's hard to tell since she's been avoiding us for months. But now I know why she did it." Windy said.

"Did something bad happen?" Twilight asked even more worriedly.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Windy replied, pulling something from under her wing for Twilight. "Could you do me a favor?, could you get this letter to Rainbow?, I know I won't be able to find her."

"Sure." Twilight replied, taking the letter with her hoof.

"Thanks princess, please give my love to Soarin too, he is a good colt, maybe too good, have a nice day." Windy said before briefly stretching her wings and flying towards Cloudsdale.

After Windy Whistles was out of sight, Twilight quickly saw the letter that came from a medical clinic in Cloudsdale. She noticed that it was closed with a string and a small knot, something that caught her attention and could only mean one thing.

"This letter has been opened." He said quietly.


As Celestia and the doctors had expected, her baby was born the week they had predicted, and throughout the former monarch's pregnancy, everyony wondered what the baby would be, as medical technology at the time did not yet allow for knowing a baby's tribe, gender, or colors, and using magic to find out was too dangerous, as the effects of magic on a developing being could wreak havoc on its system, But most of the time it was not a big problem to find out its tribe, because the baby always brought the characteristics of its parents with it, but with Celestia it was something completely different, because she was an Alicorn, who carried the blood of the three tribes of ponies, and even though she was no longer a princess, she was still a recognized figure in the nation, and when they knew the news of her new son, many ponies went to Canterlot to meet the new foal, a possible male Alicorn? .

He turned out to be a beautiful white unicorn with a mane and tail of many colors, but what had attracted the most attention was that he had one green eye and one purple eye. No one could doubt that he was Celestia's son, but being a white unicorn, some magazines made up a rumor that the father could be Shining Armor, But when they tried to interview the stallion about his infamous kinship with Celestia's son, they forgot that all interviews with the royalty of the Crystal Empire were coordinated by Cadance herself, and they had to submit a request beforehoof about what the interview would be about. So the rumor died just as quickly.

At Luna's insistence, Canterlot celebrated the birth of Celestia's new foal for a week. There were games, meals, photo sessions, contests to see who was the prettiest baby, and Luna was furious because she wasn't allowed to be a judge.

Celestia and her husband wrote down a lot of names and put them in a fishbowl. In the end they chose Silver Sunshine.


But when Rainbow had her baby it was a completely different scene, according to the date that Rainbow had indicated that she had had relations with Soarin, it was calculated that her estimated due date was almost two months ahead, but her son was a full month early and she had to go to the hospital in Ponyville as an emergency, something unusual, but it happened sometimes, and much more with first time mares.

The only one with her at the time was Soarin, as he had been living with her for some time and they both slept in the same bed. But after leaving Rainbow at the hospital, he quickly went to tell her friends and her parents in Cloudsdale, When he returned from Cloudsdale, only some of her friends were waiting for him at the hospital, missing were AppleJack who had gone to visit Apple Bloom, Pinkie who was on an adventure with Cheese Sandwich, and Fluttershy who stayed to look after Saturn, but in her place was Discord.

Soarin was very nervous and paced from one place to another without stopping, he was no expert on the process of birthing a foal but he knew it should take about fifteen minutes, Rainbow had been in labor for hours and no doctor or nurse had brought him any news, every nurse he saw in the hallway he asked about his girlfriend, but they all told him that it was not normal for a mare to take so long to give birth, but that it did not mean that it was something bad, just that it would take some more time, and maybe it was because her delivery was a full month early and they wanted to be absolutely sure that nothing would go wrong.

What bothered him the most was that he couldn't be with Rainbow at that moment, but when he arrived at the hospital the doctors and nurses told him that for sanitary reasons he couldn't enter the room to witness the delivery since it was an emergency procedure and they forced him to stay in the waiting room. He thought about sneaking in to be next to Rainbow, but there were two particularly corpulent nursing unicorns whose job it was to avoid incidents of that kind.

"For the love of what you love, Soarin... would you stop pacing like a caged animal?" Discord said, watching the Pegasus move from place to place for hours.

"And what do you expect me to do, Rainbow's been there for hours and... I'm nervous, okay?" Soarin replied, almost shouting at the God of Chaos before pacing from place to place again.

Discord watched as the Pegasus paced back and forth a few times before he snapped his fingers and made a giant hamster wheel appear, allowing the surprised stallion to trot inside.

"There, there you are better." The God of Chaos said with satisfaction.

"Discord, leave Soarin alone, you of all... Draconequus should understand how he feels." Twilight said in annoyance, causing the god of chaos to roll his eyes before he snapped his fingers and made his giant wheel disappear.

"Seeing a Pegasus running from place to place is no longer fun, I better get back home to see Saturn, and Flutters probably wants to visit Rainbow, see you girls later, good luck Soarin." Said the God of Chaos, his claw colliding with the hoof of the Pegasus to show his support, something Soarin appreciated very much, then Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared from everyone's sight, a few seconds later Fluttershy appeared in his place, she greeted her friends and hugged the Pegasus as well.

In total, Rainbow had been in the delivery room for almost four hours, and Soarin had never stopped worrying about her. Three of light blue Pegasus' friends were there, as well as a few members of the Wonderbolts squadron who wanted to show their support, including Spitfire and Fleetfoot, who felt strangely annoyed with Rainbow since she had beaten her in the maternity race.

"This is weird." Twilight said, sitting in one of the chairs.

"I know Rainbow's delivery is taking a lot longer than expected, but she's kind of small, a first-timer, and her baby is a whole month early. It's to be expected that there will be some complications, we can only hope for the best." A unicorn sitting next to her replied.

"I know Rarity. That's another thing I find strange." Twilight got up from her seat and walked over to Soarin to talk to him.

"Soarin." The princess spoke to the stallion in a low voice. She didn't want her friends to hear. "Are you sure you told Rainbow's parents when you went to Cloudsdale?"

"Of course I did Princess, they were the first ones I told before I went to break the news to the Wonderbolts and got back to the hospital as fast as I could. I couldn't tell my parents because they are in Las Pegasus, but I promised to write them when our son was born."

"Hmmm, I understand, thank you." Twilight said before going back to sit next to Rarity.

"Is something wrong Twilight?" Rarity asked when she saw Twilight looking worried.

"Nothing is wrong Rarity. I'm just as worried as everyone else." The princess replied.

Of course, that was a lie, and there was another concern on the Princess of Friendship's mind, and that was the complete absence of Rainbow Dash's parents. Surely it had something to do with the medical checkup Windy Whistles had asked her to give Rainbow, the fact that she had told her she was avoiding her parents, and the fact that she was a month early in her pregnancy, Maybe she was overthinking the whole thing, and Rainbow was just a little more delicate in her health than her friends thought, and she didn't want to tell her parents so they wouldn't worry. She knew her parents had a habit of exaggerating everything in Rainbow's life, but that didn't explain why neither of them were there.

A few minutes later Nurse Redheart came out of the maternity ward, she looked around and approached Soarin. She looked a little tired and worried, but surely it was because of Rainbow's long medical procedure, something must have gone wrong and that was the reason for the delay?.

The nurse stopped in front of Soarin and stared at him for a few seconds before she spoke. Obviously something had happened during the delivery and she was trying to think of the best way to tell him the news, the Pegasus' heart stopped for a second when he saw the nurse's worried face.

"Soarin." Redheart said in a serious tone of voice. "Sorry for the delay, it was difficult and took a lot of work, the little one was just ahead of schedule, we ran all the tests and she has no serious illness or problem, Rainbow lost some blood but nothing we couldn't handle and now... Rainbow... and her daughter are healthy and resting together in room five if you wish to visit."

The stallion quickened his pace and entered the maternity wing. The nurse looked at the two unicorns in the doorway and nodded for them to accompany Soarin.

"Can we go see Rainbow, too?" Twilight asked, much calmer now that she had the assurance that her friend and daughter were okay.

"You can go in, but you'd better wait for Soarin to come out." Redheart replied, looking directly in the direction of the door to the maternity wing.

"That's okay." Twilight replied. `Why did she let Soarin come in alone to see Rainbow? Does it have something to do with the medical report Windy read about Rainbow? and why did she tell Soarin... Rainbow and her daughter, and not Rainbow and your daughter?, is that why Rainbow's parents are not here?, is that why she was avoiding them?, what did that medical exam say?`. The Princess of Friendship thought about the suspiciousness of the whole thing.

Just as the nurse had predicted, the Pegasus came out of the maternity ward with a straight face and headed straight for the hospital door. Twilight and her friends had to trot to catch up with the stallion.

"Soarin, what happened? How is Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"I'm leaving." That was all Soarin said before he quickened his pace and left the hospital. Then he spread his wings and flew away before Twilight or any of her friends could stop him.

"Oh my... what could have happened?" Fluttershy asked in a worried voice as she watched Soarin fly away.

"I don't know, Fluttershy." Twilight replied, filling her own head with more and more doubts.

"Rainbow and Soarin's relationship is far from perfect, and I know they've fought a lot. I'm sure Rainbow said something that upset Soarin, and he chose to leave rather than make things worse." Added Rarity, who came a little farther back.

"How do you know that, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked her friend.

"I'm on a very strict sleep diet, but when I'm working on my designs, I'm in the habit of going to bed late. Sometimes Soarin would visit me to make my nights... less lonely, so to speak."

"Rarity?" Twilight asked, trying not to picture her friend cheating on Rainbow. Fluttershy just turned completely red.

"Yes Twilight?" Rarity said as she saw Twilight's face torn between confusion and anger, along with Fluttershy's completely red face.

"Twilight please..." Rarity said in an offended tone. "...I am way beyond what you think, he had many fights with Rainbow and would just fly aimlessly over Ponyville, I saw him flying one day and invited him to have a glass of wine and talk about his problems, after that it became a regular thing that when he had a fight with Rainbow or when she kicked him out of the house, he would land in front of my house and we would just talk and have a few glasses of wine until we fell asleep, they really do have a lot of problems in their relationship." She said as she looked in the direction the Pegasus was heading.

"So you and he never..." Twilight tried to ask.

"I can't deny that there were many opportunities, but we never got anywhere. I can attest that he never made any advances or tried to take advantage of me, and over the years I've realized that my tastes in couples go in a different direction, if you know what I mean." Rarity replied, winking at her friend.

"Rarity, are you..." This time, it was Fluttershy who was trying to ask the question.

"I'm, Fluttershy, is there a problem with that?" Rarity asked with a curious expression, knowing what her friends would think of her rather feminine taste in mates.

"Nooo, not at all Rarity, it's just that after all this time..."

"Nopony goes around broadcasting their love life, Fluttershy."

"Rarity's right, but we should check on Rainbow. Maybe she can shed some light on this." Twilight said, heading back to the hospital with her two friends behind her.

When they entered the hospital, Nurse Redheart was waiting for them and it was she who led them to Rainbow, the nurse opened the door with her hoof and let the three mares in, on the bed was Rainbow with a small bundle covered in clothes, she looked very disappointed for a new mother, she was concentrating on the little creature between her hooves and didn't notice when her friends entered.

"Hi Rainbow, how are you?" Twilight asked, smiling.

"Hi girls, come see Equestria's best filly?" Rainbow asked. She quickly changed her expression to a much more cheerful one.

"That's why we're here, dear, but why didn't Soarin want to stay with you for this special moment?, his face didn't look very... cheerful, to say the least." Rarity asked with equal parts curiosity and concern.

"Nothing to worry about." Rainbow replied, avoiding the question entirely. "So you want a look at my brand-new filly?"

"Of course Rainbow, have you thought of a name for her yet?" Twilight asked as she approached expectantly, as did Fluttershy and Rarity.

"We've thought of a few names, but... I think I'll choose from a new list, and... I'll have to move to a new house." Rainbow replied, gently revealing her daughter so her friends could see her. But the little girl's physical appearance surprised her friends much more than they expected. "And what do you think? Isn't she the most beautiful filly in the world?"

Twilight opened and closed her mouth, trying to speak, not knowing what to say beyond the filly's obvious physical appearance compared to Rainbow and Soarin's, Rarity and Fluttershy were equally surprised, all three of them looking confused and looking at each other, none of them really wanting to speak, but the silence was too long for Rainbow or anypony else.

"Is something wrong, girls?" Rainbow asked, confused by her friends' expressions.

"She's... she's... she's... she's... Rarity?" Twilight said, passing all of the responsibility to her alabaster-colored friend.

"ME?... well... she's... she's definitely... something... " Rarity tried to think of a good answer, but nothing came to mind.

"She's beautiful, Rainbow, and whatever names you were thinking of, Discord and I could help you think of some new ones." Fluttershy interrupted. She stepped to Rainbow's side, completely ignoring the filly's appearance and saving the day.

"I had Thunderboom in mind if it was a colt, and Wild Volt if it was a filly."

"When Discord and I thought of a name for Saturn, we couldn't come up with anything. We had to ask for help." Fluttershy said with a chuckle. "Wild is a cute name, and I have a feeling..."

Fluttershy got lost in a conversation with Rainbow about names for fillies. Twilight and Rarity took a few steps back so they could talk privately.

"Rarity, you figured it out too, didn't you?" Twilight asked.

"Of course I did Twilight, I'm not stupid, now I understand why Soarin left without saying anything, to be honest I don't blame him, but Rainbow..."

"Remember, she is the Element of Loyalty." Twilight told Rarity, raising her voice slightly.

"She was... the Element of Loyalty, just like I was the Element of Generosity, or you were the Element of Magic."

"Are you hinting at something Rarity?, Because I can't believe that Rainbow would do such a thing."

"We were the physical manifestations of the elements of friendship, but we're much more than that, I'm generous and I have no problem giving things away, but I also have my limits, and I remember you doubting friendship at times, remember the Seaponies?, besides, you can't deny the facts." Rarity replied with a slight lift of her hoof, pointing at the bed without arousing any suspicion.

"Girls, what are you mumbling about, aren't you going to say hello to my filly?." Rainbow said, calling out to the princess and the unicorn.

"Sorry Rainbow, we'll be right there." Rarity said, coming up beside Twilight to see the little one.

Between Rainbow's hooves was a beautiful filly with a very dark brown almost black coat, a reddish tail, and a mane with a few multicolored curls. You couldn't see her eyes because she was sleeping, and she was showing a big smile, but what she wasn't showing was a pair of wings, as far as you could see the little one was an earth pony.

"And have you thought of a name for... your daughter yet?".

"Well... Fluttershy gave me an idea and I'm going to call her Shadow Fire, you know, because of her dark fur and her red mane and all that. Do you like it?"

"It's a... cute name, and how long will you be in the hospital?" Rarity asked.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning."

"Then we'd better get you some rest, I'm sure all this has been very stressful for your body and it's good for you to get some rest. See you tomorrow, Rainbow." Twilight said and left the room. Rarity followed her, dragging a confused Fluttershy with her magic and leaving an even more confused Rainbow lying on her bed.

In the hall, Fluttershy approached Twilight and Rarity.

"You noticed the same thing I did. Didn't you?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"Of course we did, Fluttershy, thanks for helping us in there." Rarity replied.

"Don't worry about it, but what are we going to do?" Fluttershy asked.

"First we should talk to Nurse Redheart. I just hope she can tell us something, then we'll see what to do." Twilight said as she started to walk down the corridor, followed closely by Rarity and Fluttershy.

Redheart was checking a medical chart when she saw the Princess of Friendship approaching with her friends and knew immediately what they wanted to talk to her about. She quickly ordered the charts and hoofed them to one of her companions just before Twilight stopped in front of her.

"Nurse Redheart, we need to talk to you about-" Redheart lifted her hoof, cutting Twilight off.

"I know what you want to talk about, but it's too sensitive and I'd rather do it in my office." Redheart took Rainbow's file from the counter and walked into the small room where she saw her patients, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy came in behind her, then Redheart closed the door and locked it so no one would interrupt them, then she placed Rainbow's file on her desk and began to speak.

"The three of you know that I'm not allowed to talk about your friend's personal life, her medical records, or her sex life, because that would be completely illegal and I could lose my job and go to jail?." Redheart asked, putting his hoof on Rainbow's medical record.

"We want to know what happened, but we don't want to put you at risk. Is there anything you can tell us that isn't illegal? Twilight asked, and the nurse thought for a moment what she could say.

"The little filly is Rainbow's daughter, I know that because I was present at her birth, but as for the father... well... there is still no medical technology to prove the paternity of a stallion and we can only trust the mother's words, there are almost never any problems because the little ones always have the genes of their parents, even if they are from different tribes."

"But that means the father of Rainbow's daughter is not Soarin?" Rarity asked.

"There's no way to prove that, Rarity."

"But Nurse Redheart, I know that there are cases where the foal only has the characteristics of one parent. And there can be cases where the foal is from a different tribe because one of the parents has close relatives who are from a different tribe." Twilight said.

"I know Twilight, and it was the first thing I checked in the records, but anyway, the little one has very few physical traits in common with Rainbow, just a few traces of color in her mane, if it wasn't for the fact that I saw her at birth, I would doubt that she was Rainbow Dash's daughter, a case like this is one in a million, I would even dare say it is the first one in existence that there is a record of."

"But do Rainbow or Soarin have any relatives who are Earth ponies?"

"I can't reveal that information, Fluttershy, that's something you should ask them."

"I understand, Nurse Redheart. Thank you for your time." The princess finished by leaving Nurse Redheart's office and walking towards the hospital doors, accompanied by her two friends.

After leaving the hospital the group stopped, each of them thinking silently for a long time whether it was possible that Rainbow had cheated Soarin.

"So what are we going to do, girls?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"There's not much we can do Twilight. As much as it hurts to admit it, this is a couple's problem and it's only theirs to deal with."

"And what are we supposed to do Rarity?, just keep quiet?, this is our friend we're talking about." Twilight asked annoyed.

"That's exactly my point Twilight, we're involved in a very sensitive matter and we know nothing about what happened, how it happened or why it happened, do you really want to interfere in a friend's personal life and possibly change her course forever, do you think you can handle that responsibility?"

"I'm the Princess of Friendship, I have to do something, I can't just stay."

"I understand what you're saying, and I feel the same way, but let me rephrase my question." Rarity walked over to Twilight and stood in front of her, looking her in the eyes in a serious way, only she had to raise her eyes a little bit because the princess was already taller than her white friend.

"If this ends badly for Soarin, Rainbow or Faust doesn't want it, it ends badly for this beautiful little girl, do you feel able to bear the consequences? knowing that every result was directly caused by your intervention, what will you do if Soarin decides to leave because of an alleged infidelity and thanks to that Rainbow falls into a severe depression and the Children's Services take away their little girl and send her to an orphanage?"

"And would you rather that they live their whole life with doubts?, with Rainbow always living with someone who doesn't respect her?, with Soarin always thinking that she cheated on him and maybe never showing the love that this little filly deserves?."

As soon as they left the hospital, they stopped to talk and think about what they could do, each of them thinking for a long time in silence about what they could do, how they could help, or if it was possible that Rainbow had cheated on Soarin.

"So what are we going to do, girls?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"There's not much we can do Twilight. As much as it hurts to admit it, this is a couple's problem and it's only theirs to deal with."

"And what are we supposed to do Rarity?, just keep quiet?, this is our friend we're talking about." Twilight asked annoyed.

"That's exactly my point Twilight, we're involved in a very sensitive matter and we know nothing about what happened, how it happened or why it happened, do you really want to interfere in a friend's personal life and possibly change her course forever, do you think you can handle that responsibility?"

"I'm the Princess of Friendship, I have to do something, I can't just stay."

"I understand what you're saying, and I feel the same way, but let me rephrase my question." Rarity walked over to Twilight and stood in front of her, looking her in the eyes in a serious way, only she had to raise her eyes a little bit because the princess was already taller than her white friend.

"If this ends badly for Soarin, Rainbow, or Faust doesn't want it, it ends badly for this beautiful little girl, do you feel able to bear the consequences?, knowing that every result was directly caused by your intervention, what will you do if Soarin decides to leave because of an alleged infidelity and thanks to that Rainbow falls into a severe depression and the foal's Service takes away their little girl and sends her to an orphanage?."

"And would you rather that they live their whole life with doubts? that Rainbow always lives with someone who doesn't respect her? that Soarin always thinks that she cheated on him and maybe never shows the love that this little girl deserves?"

"To be honest I don't know what to do Twilight, I can't imagine the shock Soarin must have felt when he saw that little girl and what he must be thinking now, what Rainbow must have felt when she saw Soarin leaving her in the moment she needed him the most, man... I don't even know if she had any idea this would happen, or if she's hiding her pain, or if she just doesn't care, I..." Rarity said, looking down at the ground, confused and very worried.

"I think the first thing we need to do is talk to Rainbow and let her tell us what happened, and also listen to Soarin, Rarity is right that this is a subject that only concerns her, but just like Twilight, it is impossible for me to stand on my hooves."

The group pondered her words for a moment.

"Fluttershy is right, and so are you, Twilight. We can't just sit on our hooves, we have to do something." Rarity said, speaking first.

"You're also right about one thing Rarity, and it's something very important, and that is that we're getting involved in a problem that doesn't belong to us, we know very little about the relationship between Rainbow and Soarin, and as you told us yourself, if they have a very rocky relationship and Soarin often visited your house to talk, it's possible that Rainbow did something similar on her part."

"And what do we do then?" Fluttershy asked.

"We'll use Fluttershy's idea, we'll be as discreet as possible and talk to them, find out if they can tell us anything and if we can help, I don't want to have to decide tomorrow whether to let the little foal live in a wrecked house or an orphanage, I won't let it happen if I can prevent it." Twilight said firmly.

"Then I'll talk to Rainbow. I've known her since she was little, and if she cheated on Soarin, even if it wasn't intentional, I know it'll be easier for her to tell me than it will be for you." Fluttershy said.

"I really hope that's not the case, I'll talk to Soarin, I know him better than the two of you and I know he won't do anything stupid, but if he leaves Ponyville we'll never be able to find him, so at least I'll stop him from leaving town until we sort this whole thing out." Rarity added.

"I'll go to Cloudsdale, talk to Rainbow's parents, see if they know anything." Twilight finished.

"Rainbow's parents?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"Didn't you notice?, my dear, they didn't come to see their daughter."

"Rarity's right, I find it very strange that they didn't come. They must know something that we don't." Twilight said.

"I hope this is all just a big misunderstanding." Fluttershy said.

"I don't know Fluttershy, they have a lot of problems in their relationship, I often thought the only reason they were together was because Rainbow was pregnant, you know better than anyone Rainbow's personality and how impulsive she can be, remember what happened in Rainbow Fall and Daring Do book?, can you trust her loyalty totally?." Rarity asked the yellow Pegasus, completely doubting her friend's innocence.

"Remember girls, we can't work on assumptions, we don't know anything about what happened, we have to let them tell us their versions if they even want to, use your tact and no pressure or prejudice, if Rainbow did something wrong she must have had her reasons, even if it was just loneliness and a bottle of cider, if it wasn't the case we have to clear it up so Soarin doesn't lose his trust in Rainbow."

"Don't think it's all Rainbow's fault either. Remember, a relationship is built between two ponies." Rarity said.

"Best of luck, girls. Let's hope for the best for each pony."

Twilight said, making her two friends nod their heads and quickly walk away. The Princess used her magic and vanished with a purple flash.


At the entrance of Cloudsdale the Princess of Friendship appeared in a purple flash, she could not remember where Rainbow's parents lived, but after a few questions to the Pegasus who bowed to greet her she was able to find the house without a problem, she knocked on the door a few times and stepped back waiting for it to open, she was very nervous.

"Yes?, Princess Twilight?, to what do we owe your visit to our home?." Bow Hothoof asked in surprise.

"Greetings, is your wife home?, I want to know if I can talk to you about something." Twilight asked with a smile. She was a princess in every sense of the word, but she never liked to use her title to get things and preferred to respect certain boundaries.

"Of course princess, go ahead." The Pegasus said, stepping aside to allow Twilight to enter.

"Thank you." Twilight said and stepped into the house, but as she did so, her horn collided with the door frame, causing a slight rattle and a bit of pain. "Sorry." She said, lowering her head and entering the house a little embarrassed. She was obviously having a hard time getting used to her still developing body.

"Darling, you'll never guess who's visiting!" Hothoof called to his wife, who was in the kitchen.

"Who is it dear?, is it the scammer who sold us the cloud mower?, because if it is, I have some things to-." Windy came out of the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the Princess of Friendship in her house. She knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.


Soarin was in the room where he had spent the nights with Rainbow, the nights where he could sleep with her in his hooves, or at least together, many times he preferred to sleep on the sofa because of the arguments they had, and other times he had a glass or two of wine and slept on Rarity's sofa, she was a very good friend, too bad she had other tastes, next to the Pegasus were two bags where he had packed his few belongings.

He sat at the end of the bed for a long time, looking at the emptiness and wondering if he had made the right decisions or not, if what he had done was right or wrong, if something he had done had led Rainbow to the hooves of another stallion, or if they were just good friends who had made a bad decision after a few bottles and moved on thinking it was the right thing to do, Soarin got out of bed and picked up a picture frame that showed him wearing a giant hat with the number two on it, and Rainbow next to him laughing out loud while wearing a much bigger hat with the number one on it. He looked at the picture and remembered that day with a smile.

He had visited Las Pegasus with Rainbow and participated in a strange competition of eating spicy apples, he was not a lover of spicy apples but anything was valid to make his friend smile, with his right wing he caressed the photo and remembered his friend that day, Rainbow was a very good friend, life was much simpler when they were simple friends, Soarin tried to remember when things got complicated.

Without warning, a small rock appeared through the wall of clouds and hit him right in the forehead. It made him lose his concentration and caused him some pain.

"Ouch!" He said, leaving the picture where it was and rubbing his forehead. Then he saw another small stone go through the wall the same way, but to his side. "What?" His technical knowledge of rocks let him know that a mineral like this did not have enough aerodynamics to fly without some kind of external propulsion, which could only mean one thing.

He approached the window and opened it to stick his head out to find out who was attacking him, and on the ground he could see a white figure next to a small pile of rocks. He flew out of the window and came gliding down until he landed in front of the mysterious alabaster figure.

"Rarity, may I ask why you attacked me with a rock?" He asked confused.

"I'm sorry, the house is very far away and it's hard for me to aim, also, how do clouds work?, are they solid?, are they liquid?, because clouds are condensed liquids, aren't they?, I'm actually curious... do you think they can be used to make a dress?." The unicorn asked.

"What do you want, Rarity?" Soarin said.

"I want to know how you feel and stop you from doing something stupid." She said worriedly.

"And why would you want to do that?."

"Because I'm your friend and I care about you, isn't that a good enough reason?"

"Look at Rainbow's daughter and then ask me how I feel." The stallion said angrily.

"I've already seen her, she's really beautiful, too bad she doesn't look like either of her parents." This seemingly innocent joke turned out to be a very bad choice of words, as the Pegasus took it very badly and spread his wings to get ready to fly.

"Wait!" Rarity said almost screaming, stopping the Pegasus from taking off.

"What." The stallion said much more annoyed. He was really angry, and you could tell that he had to control himself not to yell at his friend.

"I'm sorry if that sounded insensitive of me, I promise it wasn't my intention, don't do anything you might regret later, please let's go to my place and talk, tell me how you feel." Rarity walked over to the stallion and put her hoof on his shoulder. She showed him her big, captivating eyes, and you could really feel the concern in her words.

Soarin sighed to calm down a bit and started to walk in the direction of Rarity's boutique. He didn't need any subtleties to know what Rarity wanted to talk about.

"Thank you." The unicorn said to herself, very slowly, before she started walking next to the stallion.


Fluttershy had entered the hospital and had gone to see Nurse Redheart to find out if she could stay longer than she was allowed to talk to Rainbow about a personal matter. Redheart knew exactly what she wanted to talk about and told her she could stay all night if necessary, and after thanking her, she went through the maternity wing to Rainbow Dash's room.

As she opened the door, she saw the Pegasus gently combing her daughter's mane with a small brush that had been provided by the nurses, she smiled broadly, knowing that such a beautiful creature was a part of her, when Rainbow heard the door open, she looked up to see her oldest friend.

"Hi Fluttershy, I thought you weren't going to be back until tomorrow, did you know that when foals are born they have these weird things on their hooves called Fairy Fingers?, the nurse told me they were to stop their hooves damaging my uterus when it was inside me and they fell off quickly after birth, but what are the fingers?."

"Yes, I knew that, Rainbow. Many mammals have an interesting development inside the womb, and no, I don't know what fingers are." The yellow Pegasus replied as she walked up to her light blue friend.

"I should read a book about that one day, and what brings you here?, you still don't have enough Shadow fire in your life?, one day this little girl will rule the world and you'll have to stand in a long line just to say hello." Rainbow said, proud of her daughter and the bright future she had ahead of her.

"I'd rather visit you when you're home. I'm not very good at standing in crowds." Fluttershy replied.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?, you sound strange." Rainbow asked her friend.

"Rainbow... we need to talk."

Fluttershy said as she approached Rainbow and sat down on a chair in front of the bed. The light blue Pegasus' face slowly changed from one of happiness to one of seriousness, she also knew what her friend wanted to talk about.

Author's Note:

:derpyderp2:Read and comment.:derpyderp1:

I know the chapter is much longer than expected, but it has a lot of content, it explains a bit about ClearBloom and the changelings, along with the story of Celestia and her son, and in case anyone asks, NO, the father is not Shining Armor XD, is the guard who ended up marrying Celestia, he still works as a guard and Celestia helps Twilight in matters related to the changelings and sometimes in the castle nursery, she likes to read foal`s stories to the little ones.

Fun Fact: The colors of the changelings visually reflect their personality, like Thorax and his green, which reflects his youthful attitude and desire for peace and quiet in his environment, or the light blue of Ocellus and his peaceful personality, loyal and competent and hard at work, or the case of Throat and his purple colors for his constant hints to tell his brother to act like the king that he is, or his color similar to a dark green, which reflects his desire to protect the hive.

That's why I considered yellow and light green for Red Bug, because of her energetic personality, her love of nature and her desire to always try new things.

And as I told you in the previous chapter, I will leave it up to you to discuss what happened here.

Why the filly is an almost black earth pony with a red mane?, Did Rainbow really cheat on Soarin?, if so, why did she do it?, does she feel guilty about it?, or is it just genetics playing against her?.

In this case, will there be any relatives in Soarin's or Rainbow's family tree that are earth ponies?, or relatives that have similar colors?, Remember that the Cake Twins are a Pegasus and a Unicorn born of two parents that are earth ponies.

And what will Soarin do in this case?, will he leave Rainbow because she cheated on him?, will he forgive her?, will he visit his illegitimate daughter without showing any appreciation to Rainbow?, or will he want to continue with her but he feels no attachment to this little girl?, and if she really is his daughter, will he feel guilty for not trusting his girlfriend?, will he believe that she is his daughter without any way to prove it?, will there be a stallion out there with the same colors?.

And what do Rainbow's parents have to do in all of this?, what did the medical exam say?, is there any evidence of any kind to support or disprove the paternity of this filly?, or is it just anger because she reminds Windy Whistles that her daughter has been avoiding her and these are simple urine and blood tests.

These are just a few of the thousands of questions that exist in this whole controversial matter. Now it is up to you to decide the future of this filly and her parents.:pinkiecrazy:

So read it all you want. And ask your friends...

What does Windy Whistles know? :pinkiegasp:
What did Rainbow Dash do?:rainbowderp:
And what will Soarin do?:twilightoops:

I'm going to leave the story on hiatus for a few days so you can read it and think about it. Of course, I won't be sleeping in my oatmeal because I'll be working on another story I have in mind.

See you in a few days and let's see what you write in the comments. I'm sure it will be very interesting. :twilightsmile:

I don't remember if I commented it but I don't want to have chapters of more than 10k words, and I think I did it perfectly. :rainbowlaugh: