• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 1,253 Views, 157 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected Life - coto616

This is the story of Chrysalis, Clear Spark, and the crazy small-town community during Chrysalis' ten years living in Ponyville with her son.

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The Therapy - Part 02.

The Therapy - Part 02.
An idea proposed by Lord King Cocoon

Chrysalis had left Clear Spark at school and went back home to finish what she had to do before leaving for Canterlot, which consisted of leaving her son's things with AppleJack and talking to Fluttershy who would surely be better today, the day before she seemed a little sick and the queen wanted to make sure that the pegasus was well before asking someone else if she could feed her cat while she was gone, AppleJack could also do that or anyone in town, but before leaving for Ponyville, the queen went to see her winged friend since she was closer to home.

With her son's things in a bag, the queen closed the house and went in the direction of Fluttershy's hut, but at her knock, a tall figure hard to describe but very iconic in his style opened the door, he was wearing an unusually tall chef's hat, an apron that said `Kiss the Dracooknequus`, and a pot in one of his claws, he looked a bit annoyed and didn't look like he had slept much last night.

"Discord, what are you doing here?"

"I live here, remember?" Said the draconequus sarcastically.

"You live in a parallel dimension of pure chaos, you're just visiting." Replied the queen.

"Yeah, whatever, what do you want?" Asked the god of chaos as he stirred the pot.

"I wanted to know if Fluttershy is going to feed-."

"Your cat, I know, Fluttershy told me last night in bed." Said the draconequus making a waving gesture with his claw.

"Last night in bed?" Asked the queen raising an eyebrow. "What were you doing in bed with Fluttershy last night?".

"For your knowledge, she is feeling sick and I am taking care of her, I am not going to ask her to get up to eat and that is why I am taking food to her in THE BED, in the bed where sick mares rest, besides what I do with my marefriend is none of your or anypony else's business."

"Marefriend?" Asked the queen with a grimace.

"Exactly, she is a mare and she is my friend, mare, friend, marefriend, does my explanation not satisfy you."

"I guess it's not me you have to satisfy now, and I mean food, surely your... marefriend is hungry." Replied the queen winking at the draconequus.

"I don't like the way you bring it up but I have to finish cooking this and I don't have time for you right now."

Discord snapped one of his claws to make the pot disappear and make a broom appear.

"Shu, shu out of here, I must take care of my... friend." Discord said as he swept the queen out of the doorway.

"Friend only?...what happened to `mare`?" Asked the queen with a grimace.

"Yeah whatever, I'll take care of feeding your cat, have a nice day, bye." Replied the draconequus closing the door quickly and leaving the queen with more answers than questions but only one question on her mind.

"Will she be..." The queen muttered to herself before walking off to AppleJack's farm.

After leaving her son's things and having a short conversation with the apple-loving pony the queen went to the train station to travel to Canterlot and later to the castle, when she arrived at the great capital most of the ponies moved aside to avoid crossing with the queen, she was still an imposing figure and knew how to instill fear with just a look most of the times, but many had already seen her several times in Canterlot wandering freely and had not caused any trouble, besides the news that she lived hidden in peace for a couple of years was known by word of mouth, almost the whole city knew about it but no one talked about it, even though the reasons why she did it or where she lived exactly were never made public.

It was already a little late when the queen arrived at the castle and a couple of guards quickly prevented her passage while staring into her face.

"Where do you think you are going?" Asked one of them gruffly.

"I'm going to the castle to check the leaky plumbing, I heard that some beavers used the pipe to make a dam in the basement, does that answer work for you or do you want some other one with more sarcasm?".

"With that attitude, you're not going anywhere." Replied the other guard.

"I didn't know I needed your permission to transit this area, as far as I knew I am free to come and go as I please, besides I am a queen and the royal delegate of my race in charge of peace and integration of both races."

"You and your stinking race have caused too much trouble to our beloved prin-."

"Do we have a problem here?" Asked a purple figure that appeared out of nowhere behind the guards, wearing her tiara over a very serious, tired, and somewhat annoyed face.

"N-no-no prin-princess Twilight, it's just that she's trying to get into the castle to-."

"Is there any reason to stop her?, did she do something illegal or suspicious to get this treatment from you?"

"No... it's just that..."

"It's just that NOTHING, she's free to transit like any pony in Equestria and unlike you and other guards who share your attitude, she and I are trying to make peace and live together in harmony, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't make our job harder than it is."

"I'm sorry princess."

"A simple sorry won't do, just stick to doing your job and stop causing more trouble than you've already caused."

The guards lowered their heads and allowed the queen to enter the gardens and escort the princess into the castle.

"Wow Twilight, I didn't know you had that personality hidden inside of you." Said the queen somewhat impressed.

"There have been some not-so-friendly things happening towards the changelings these days, like the attack on Red Bug and others, I've slept very little lately and the spell Luna taught me to stay awake longer doesn't help my mood, but what brings you around?"

"I wanted to be present at the castle when you finally decide what to do with Celestia if she doesn't want to do the therapy." Twilight sighed obfuscating at hearing her mentor's name.

"Ugghh." Said the alicorn. "I had completely forgotten that tomorrow Luna and I would be talking to her."

"Don't get tense Twilight, you just have to wait for Celestia's answer, and basically she can decide between two things, try therapy or live in Tartarus, I want her to choose the second one."

"I..." Twilight lowered her head as she walked through the halls of the castle. "...I don't really know, I want her to understand what's wrong and to be able to get her out of there, but then I remember when she attacked me and..." The princess stopped and closed her eyes taking deep breaths to try to calm down, seeming like a habit she had picked up recently, Chrysalis moved a little closer and put her hoof on the young princess to calm her down, Twilight slowly began to control her breathing and opened her eyes to look the queen in the face.

"Thank you." Said the alicorn.

"You're welcome." Replied the queen.

"Are you hungry?, I would like something to eat and would appreciate your company before I have to go to sleep."

"Then let's go, I want to rest for tomorrow too and a train ride doesn't help for that."

Both figures headed to the dining room to enjoy some dishes that were already on the table and accompanied it with a couple of glasses of juice and light conversation, they wished Luna would join them. Still, the princess of the night had more work to do having to descend the sun, ascend the moon and watch over the dreams of the ponies of Equestria along with that of the changelings that now also lived here.

The next morning, Luna, Twilight, Chrysalis, and Red Bug were in front of the dungeon door talking about what they should do and how to approach Celestia.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Luna asked.

"I just want to know what will happen with Celestia and that she won't try anything stupid."

"Fair enough, I would hope that my sister would accept therapy and not have to lock her up in Tartarus for a thousand years, but it's her decision, and are you ready Twilight?"

"I think so... no, I'm ready." Twilight sighed. "Let's just get this over with."

"You are forgetting something extremely important, and that is my part in all of this." Said the changeling seriously.

"We know that you will be my sister's psychologist, but the way you express yourself raises a doubt in my mind, could you please clarify?" Luna asked.

"We tricked Celestia by telling her about the ultimatum to change her mind, but how do you know if she does it because she wants to change or if she does it out of fear of confinement?, after you finish your part it will be up to me to decide that in the end, and the only way to prove it is going to be through the sessions, I really want her to change but I have to be sure she is willing to do it."

"I get what you're saying, she could fool Luna, Twilight, or even me, but she's not going to be able to fool you."

"Then come on, I want to get this over with as soon as possible." Twilight said somewhat impatiently walking into the dungeon.

"Twilight is very impatient with all of this." Said the queen.

"She has had a lot of pressure these days, she has had to avoid problems with the guards almost on a daily basis, and for the same reason she has slept very little, I appreciate her help but sometimes I forget that she is still very young and I put her in a very important position, I am going to talk to her and tell her to relax a some." Luna replied and entered the dungeon accompanying Twilight to talk to Celestia.

The former monarch saw Twilight approaching her cell quickly making her a little nervous, she found it hard to believe Chrysalis' words, but seeing the way Luna trotted to catch up with a Twilight who was approaching with a very serious look that showed no desire to speak, something that left no room for subtlety and could only mean that she was coming to lock her in the Tartarus, Celestia's heart skipped a beat, her pupils dilated, she lowered her ears and tucked her tail a little, something she hadn't done for ages, she felt like a little mouse hurt and cornered by two huge hungry cats, she was afraid, very afraid.

Twilight was nervous but thanks to her tiredness and frustration due to the repeated problems caused by the guards she did not show any drop of nervousness, she knew she had to tell Celestia that if she did not accept the therapy she would be locked up for a thousand years, she only hoped that her tone of voice did not show doubt but she had not realized the threatening image she presented in front of Celestia.

Luna quickly approached Twilight, she was not nervous but a little scared, she hoped that her sister would accept the proposal and not have to lock her up for a thousand years, she did not like to suffer that and she knows first hand how difficult it is to adapt to a society and culture that considers you basically a legend.

Arriving in front of the cell Twilight was the first to speak.

"Celestia, we came to-."

"Please don't." Celestia said looking them both straight in the eye.

" Please don't what?" Twilight asked not knowing what she was referring to.

"Please don't send me to Tartarus, I have... I don't want to spend a millennium locked up alone and away from everyone I care about, everyone I love, I..." Celestia dropped onto her haunches and lowered her head.

"Then you know what you must do." Luna said.

"Yes, I will agree to talk to that...to the changeling."

"Unlike what you or your guards think, those things you despise so intensely are changelings, and the CHANGELING that is willing to help you is named Red Bug, so it would be wise for you to learn her name and treat her with respect she deserves." Twilight said seriously.

"I know... I'm sorry."

"Now you're sorry...you have no idea what I've had to do this time, what Red Bug suffered because of you, what they've..." Twilight frowned. "...You are despicable, selfish, and heartless-."

"Twilight." Luna said, raising her voice.

"WHAT." Replied the young alicorn in response.

"Calm down a bit and think before you speak, don't let those ideas flood your mind, you're better than that."


"TWILIGHT." Luna shouted trying to stop the young alicorn from her train of thought but was unsuccessful.

"I'm leaving, you'll have to finish this without me." Said the young alicorn leaving the dungeon angrily and opening the wooden door abruptly scaring Chrysalis and Red Bug who were on the other side and couldn't hear what was going on inside.

"What happened?" Chrysalis asked in surprise to Twilight who came out of the dungeon and walked past her and continued on her way.

"Just leave me alone." Was all she said before continuing walking.

A guard without knowing what was happening approached Twilight with a scroll and stopped in front of her. "Princess Twilight, we have another-."

"NOT NOW!" Twilight shouted at the guard with all her might almost knocking him to the ground, she closed her eyes and hit her forehead with her hoof a couple of times before continuing on her way.

"That mare needs a long vacation." Commented the queen.

"It's no good if she pushes herself too hard." Replied Red Bug.

Seconds later Luna emerged from the dungeon to find only Chrysalis and Red Bug.

"Where's Twilight?" Asked the princess of the night.

"She's gone." Red Bug replied. "Did something happen in there?"

"Twilight almost exploded in front of my sister but she calmed down enough, she's very stressed."

"You should give her a few days off to relax, I don't like the way she looks, her attitude has changed a lot since the last time I saw her."

"I know, but I can't do much for her now, I recognize that we have a lot of work but I can handle the frustration and tiredness better than her, I already asked Cadance if she can assist me for a couple of days so I can give Twilight a little more time off."

"Good to know, and how did it go with Celestia?".

"Well, she says she's remorseful, she's going to talk to you and do the therapy, but I'm certain she's saying that so she won't be confined for a thousand years in the Tartarus, so now it's up to you."

"Excellent, then I'll retire to my house." Red Bug started walking down the hallway towards the door.

"Aren't you going to talk to my sister?."

"I will but not right now, now she is in a begging mood and she will answer the way I want all the questions I ask her and she will give me the reason for everything I tell her, I need her to be calm and honest, I will talk to her tomorrow a little before lunch when her body is relaxed and she has processed calmly that she will not be locked up for a thousand years, besides at that time she will be much more attentive and I can see her reactions better, I also want to go to the market and buy some food from the yak that works in that place." Answered the changeling winking her eye at that last part before continuing on her way, Luna and Chrysalis stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"So what do we do?" The queen asked.

"I'd like to get something to eat and if you can help me go over the laws I want to pass about the treatment of changelings and any other non-pony race in Equestria."

"Then let's go."

Both figures walked along chatting somewhat lightly and asked one of the castle servants to send food to Luna's office while they worked.


The next day Celestia was much calmer as she knew she would not be locked up in the Tartarus but she had to talk to that changeling, something she did not like at all but it was much better than the other option so knowing that she would come today but not knowing the time had her a little impatient and a little upset.

It was a little past noon when the former monarch felt the door open and saw a dark figure wearing glasses approach her cell carrying a dark bag with Princess Luna's Cutie Mark, he approached Celestia and stopped in front of her.

"Good morning Celestia, or is it good afternoon now?" Wondered the changeling scratching her chin. "Well never mind, how are you feeling today?."

"I could be better but unfortunately I'm locked up, so I'm bad."

"You know why you are in this place and for what you did I think you deserve it."

"That may be your perception of the facts, but not mine or that of many of my subjects."

"I met some of your loyal subjects a couple of days ago and it didn't end well to be frank, but are you ready for us to begin your session today?" Asked the changeling with a smile.

"Do I have a choice?" Celestia replied sarcastically.

"You can live in a beautiful underground condo for the next thousand years if you wish, I hear they have a cuddly three-headed dog for a pet."

"Hmmm, I prefer therapy, thank you." Celestia replied sitting down across from the changeling on the other side of the bars."

"I thought so." Red Bug opened her bag and pulled out a couple of things from inside, such as a small notebook, a quill, some ink, and a couple of fruits. "Would you like to talk about anything special?."

"I thought you would try your therapy session with me and try to change my mind."

"That's where we are at but first I want to get to know you and understand what motivates you, after we figure that out we can understand the point of origin of your attitude towards us specifically, and after that, we can move forward."

"Then can I ask you a question?."

"Go ahead, what do you want to know?" Red Bug took her notebook and quill to jot down.

"Why are you doing this, what's in it for you?."

"Hmmm." Thought the changeling. "I like a challenge, and you're a pretty big challenge... figuratively speaking, plus I volunteered to do it."

"Your answer is similar to the one you gave me the first time we spoke."

"It's because it's the truth, I don't remember if I told you in other words but the idea is the same, I want to get to know you and help you."

"I understand."

Red Bug noticed that Celestia was talking much more than he expected and was responding in a more formal and much less derogatory way, could it be because she wants to change or because she is afraid of being locked up, in any case, it helped Red Bug a lot to have Celestia so willing to talk.

"Would you like to ask me something else?." Red Bug said.

"How is Twilight?, she didn't look well yesterday." Celestia asked worriedly.

"She doesn't look good, she's very stressed and your guards aren't helping much right now."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's the fruits of racism that are passed down from generation to generation, they don't make sense and often can't be eliminated, but we'll talk about that another time, you want to know something else?, something about Princess Luna, Clear Spark, or Chrysalis?"

"No, I'm fine for now, but I guess you have a lot of questions to ask me."

"Not many really or at least not that many right now, it's just some things I don't understand about her personality and the way you work."

"Go ahead, what do you want to know."

"Since you asked me about how Twilight is doing and your response, can I say you are sorry for what happened to her, but could you tell me why you sent Princess Twilight to Ponyville?".

"I sent her to learn about friendship magic and make sure the celebration would be smooth, she was becoming a hermit obsessed with learning and slowly withdrawing from her few friends, I didn't want that to happen to her."

"So you knew that Princess Luna would return as Nightmare Moon?".

"Of course I knew, I sent my sister to the moon myself for a thousand years."

"And then why didn't you help Twilight to stop her or reform her?".

"Because it was necessary for her to do so, I can use the magic of the elements but I have a limit to its power, just like Luna, the two of us being together we could use its power to its fullest, I knew that if I was present Twilight would not awaken her inner magic and would depend on me to solve the problem."

"Quite a risky plan I must say."

"It was risky but necessary."

"And when the Shadow King returned, you sent Twilight and her friends to stop him without using the elements of friendship, why did you do that?"

"That was... so that they would have confidence themselves and not rely on the elements to solve every problem."

"You knew that was an almost impossible task even for you, he was very powerful and they were lucky to get out alive, and very lucky to be able to defeat him."

"I had confidence that they would make it."

"Another thing that generates doubt in my mind is about Discord, you asked them to reform him or turn him back to stone, something very cruel from my point of view but why did you give them those two options only?"

"I was confident they could handle the task and I'm glad they did."

"He is basically the physical manifestation of pure chaos, where his antics border on cruelty by any standard, an enemy that you and Princess Luna, both using all your magic plus the magic of the elements took years to stop, not defeat, just stop, you asked them to try to reform him to a group of young mares with almost no experience with that kind of magic?."

"I knew they would succeed."

"The first time he showed up he stole the elements from them without much work and just because he likes mischief and wanted to prove his point that he could corrupt anyone they were able to stop him, why did you think he wouldn't try to escape at the first opportunity or that he wouldn't try again to take over Equestria?"

"I repeat I had faith in my student and her friends that they could handle the task."

"I think the only one we can thank for that is Fluttershy, with her innocence and purity of heart was able to crack Discord's shell, and give him to understand of how lonely he was and how lonely his life would be if he followed that path."

"I guess that would be one way to put it but it all ended well in the end."

"Okay, one final question, Chrysalis." That name made Celestia frown for a moment, something she hadn't done with any other villain and Red Bug didn't overlook. "What's your problem with her, why don't you want to believe she's changed?."

"I think somepony already told you what I think of her."

"I want to hear your version and not what some other pony tells me."

"Very well, for centuries I have fought Chrysalis and she has always devised a new plan to try to conquer Equestria and I have always managed to stop her, I am certain that this is a new and elaborate plan to achieve her task."

"And why are you so sure of that?"

"Because it's what she always does, always has done, and always will do again."

"I understand your point of view and it is something similar to what Princess Luna and Chrysalis told me when I spoke with them, but that raises one more doubt in my mind, at the wedding here in Canterlot, Twilight told everypony what she had seen, one would think that with the distrust you have against Chrysalis plus the suspicions you had about an attack, you would take your student's words more seriously, but you simply decided to ignore her, why did you do that?"."

"Because... it was my niece's wedding, and a pair of crazy eyes wasn't enough evidence for anything, I didn't want to cancel the wedding because of something like that, but why are you asking me all those questions?"

"Because I see a pattern in your actions but with Chrysalis it breaks down and that leads me to a conclusion."

"What do you mean?"

"I have noticed that historically you always send someone else to solve problems, almost always problems that you created yourself, you knew about Princess Luna's return and only showed up after Twilight freed her from the darkness, You allowed Discord to be released without any precaution knowing his overwhelming magical power in the hopes that he would be reformed once again by Twilight and her friends, King Sombra almost destroyed them and condemned Equestria to a new war that would have lasted for decades and you simply stood by and showed up only when the problem was solved, I know there are hundreds of other examples but I don't want to go into details, but the important thing is that with Chrysalis... you take it personally. "

"I don't take it personally against Chrysalis."

"Yes you do, and it's easy to figure that out for somepony like me and I have the data to prove it." Red Bug flipped through her notebook looking for something she'd jotted down. "Here it is."

"What do you have written down there?"

"Some important notes that I can use when I talk to any patient, and I have here written down the villains you have fought lately since you sent your sister to the moon and I must say there are quite a few, some known and some I never heard of, do you know how many villains you have fought in the last thousand years?"

"I don't know, I never bothered to count them."

"It was a little over sixty, do you know how many you faced directly."

"I know that for some I asked somepony else to deal with them, but I faced most of them myself."

"Only twelve, and all of them were Chrysalis."

"That can't be true, I remember facing Discord and King Sombra centuries ago, I also defeated Tirek along with many others."

"Discord you defeated along with Luna, as well as King Sombra, and Tirek, you defeated all of them before banishing your sister."

"That can't be true." Celestia said in disbelief.

"It is, from what I found in the history books, and what Princess Luna told me, the only one you have faced directly in the last thousand years is Chrysalis, only and only when you saw her or were completely sure it was her, just like at the wedding you only acted when you saw Chrysalis, if it had been anyone else you would have let Twilight, Cadance, or anyone else deal with it, you have something against Chrysalis and I think I know what it is but I need more time to be sure."

Red Bug stopped paying attention to Celestia as she was immersed in her thoughts, she had that theory since shortly after talking to Princess Luna, but she needed to hear Celestia's words first, she needed to hear her tone of voice, the way she spoke, what she said and how she said it, non-verbal language was crucial to reveal the truth that even Celestia was unaware of, but unfortunately, she still couldn't tell if Celestia was willing to change or if she just didn't want to be locked up.

Evidently there was a reason Celestia despised Chrysalis more than any other enemy, but Red Bug knew it was something more personal than just fighting her a few times for a thousand years, the Shadow King caused war and made a city disappear for a thousand years, Discord ruled Equestria for over a century causing terror just by hearing his name, other villains caused evils in the same way as Chrysalis but their names didn't cause that reaction with Celestia, and for Red Bug to complete her theory she had to talk to the other one responsible for all of this.

"I assume you're not going to tell me what you're thinking, your race has always been good at working in the shadows or behind the backs of others." Celestia said somewhat annoyed at how long the changeling stood there thinking without saying anything.

"Ohhh, excuse me, I have that bad habit sometimes of lingering on my thoughts without realizing it, but I think we've made enough progress for today and I need to make sure of a few things before I can continue."

"I thought you would be much more interested in talking to me."

"I am, and I want to continue but I don't want to rush anything, do you think you have any free time these days for our next session?". Asked the Changeling with a sincere smile.

"I don't know...let me check my schedule." Replied Celestia rolling her eyes and picking up an imaginary book from the floor to skim through it as sarcastically as possible. "Ok... tomorrow I have to be... in a cage, the next day I have... more jail, Wednesday... jail, Thursday same... Friday I have... jail." Celestia closed the invisible book and looked back at the changeling who didn't seem to like the joke. "As you can see I have a busy week but... I think I can make some time."

"Sarcasm wasn't necessary." Replied the somewhat annoyed changeling.

"Your question wasn't either."

Red Bug closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths before continuing to speak, she had already thought of a new plan of action, it was a bit risky but it was the fastest way to get Celestia to move forward to recognize the source of her hatred so she could eliminate it, and having the former monarch in front of her she could start right at that moment.

"As a sign of goodwill, would you like to have our next session in a place not as... depressing as this?, something like a room in the castle, so you can also breathe fresh air, stretch a bit and have a decent meal, I think it would help you to get out of this place even for a little bit."

"Is this some kind of trap to get me to lower my defenses even more?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If you don't like the idea, we may as well keep doing the sessions here." Red Bug put her things away and stood up. "Have a good afternoon and we'll see you back here in a couple more days." The changeling started walking slower than usual towards the door waiting for Celestia's reaction.

"WAIT!" Celestia shouted.

"Is something wrong?." Said Red Bug turning back and flashing her trademark smile.

"Yes... yes I would like our next session to be somewhere more comfortable and...could you get something special cooked for me?."

"I think I can arrange that, what would you like to eat?."

"I'd like some waffles with fruit on top and... a smiley face." Celestia tried but couldn't help but blush as she said the last part.

"Uhhh, Luna told me you loved to make them in the morning, I'm sure I can get them and maybe convince Luna to join us."

"Thank... it would be nice if you mentioned it to my sister." Replied Celestia with a smile.

"Then I'll see you in a couple of days, take care."

"I will."

Saying goodbye again, Red Bug left the dungeon and walked through the castle with one goal in mind, for her new session she needed Chrysalis present, but for that she needed Cheerilee's help so the queen wouldn't suspect anything, and to get Cheerilee's help she needed to talk to princesses Luna and Twilight, she also needed them to help her prepare a special room for Celestia's next session.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay but I was not at home today, but here is what I had promised and yes, there are a couple more to finish the therapy, and somepony is going to play a very important role.:pinkiegasp:

I also leave you an idea of what is coming in the next chapter.

I have the template if anypony wants it

See you next week.:twilightsmile: