• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,376 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 50

Six looked down at the Box she held under her hooves with mixed emotions. The bright shine of the blazing sun at her back cast a shadow upon the container.

Months had passed since the end of the war against the changelings, the Spartan, unfortunately, having fallen unconscious a mere hour before the final capitulation of their Queen. When she did awake, it was to the sound of distant cheering and the faces of the Spartans she cared so much about, and one quite peeved Shining Armor.

Six could only chuckle to herself as she recalled the Captain’s outburst at Six rushing into combat with several broken ribs, a partially collapsed lung, hairline fractures in all four of her hooves, and a dislocated foreleg. And those were only the injuries she told him about, adding in the injuries sustained afterwards some would call it a miracle she held on for as long as she did. It seemed almost poetic when Six walked out of the hospital a month later as good as new.

‘Well, almost,’ she thought as a dull pain continued to radiate out of all her recently healed injuries. It would still be quite a while before she truly would be as good as new and ready for active duty once again. The constant worrying and coddling by those around her was getting on her nerves, however, so the relative silence and tranquility of the desert was a welcome change.

She looked around her environment, memories of her awakening at this very spot filling her vision. This was where it all started. Here, in the middle of the desert, was where Six returned from death. And it would be here she would put that life to rest.

Within her hooves, she held that life. A container of metal emblazoned with the symbol of Noble. Within lay the dog tags she had once held on to so dearly, the tags of the family she had lost on the plains, streets, hills, and buildings of Reach.

It seemed only fitting to the Spartan that they be buried where her old life ended and a new one began. She would have to make sure to thank the princesses for not questioning why she wanted this box made and why her journey was so important to undertake alone. Especially considering that in only a few days, the Spartan was to be awarded a medal for her efforts.

She recalled that the medal was dubbed ‘The Alicorn Honor,’ which was apparently quite a prestigious accolade for a soldier to receive. According to highly energetic and excited Pixy, the last pony to receive said medal was a mare by the name of ‘Commander Hurricane.’ Six had no idea who this Commander was but with the reverence Pixy spoke of them it was safe to assume they were important.

As such, Canterlot was abuzz with the preparations, and while Six couldn’t have cared less, she went along with it anyway. She had no need for such accolades, after all, and said as much when the news was broken to her. Yet the princesses, publichell, the whole damned guardbrokered no argument. So for her to suddenly undertake a journey to the middle of the desert for reasons entirely her own required some persuasion on her part.

Though that was only with Celestia. Once Luna saw the symbol she had etched into her cargo’s surface, Six could see in her eyes that the moon princess wouldn’t interfere and even supported her impromptu trip. On reflection, Six remembered that Luna looked even…proud when they waved her off.

Six scanned the sand dunes around her, making sure one last time that this was the correct location, the small outcropping of rocks in front of her all but confirmed it.

The Spartan got to her knees and began to dig, the sand moving easily beneath her armored hooves as memories of all she had accomplished back in the UNSC came rushing back.

The life she had lived flashed before her eyes. Landscapes from hundreds of worlds and areas from thousands of missions. From the earliest memory of her childhood to the wastes her dreams always brought her back to. Before long, the grave was dug, and the box was placed within.

Six looked down upon the exposed container, the symbol of Noble staring back up at her, glinting in the blazing sun. Her posture straightened as she brought her hoof to her head for one last salute towards her fallen family. A final paying of respect to the life she had lived and the planet she called home.

She didn’t know how long she remained there, but when she brought her hoof back to the ground, cheeks damp from silent tears, the sun had passed its apex. It was time to put the past to rest.

Filling in the hole, memories from the moment of her awakening began to flow through her mind. Her first night in this very desert to her first experience with pony civilization.

A civilization free of war for a thousand years… or at least it had been. But with the changeling war over and their hives occupied under the provisional government with Curxe at its head, Six could finally experience a world at peace.

‘What would it be like?’ she wondered, to experience peace? For the first time in her long life as a Spartan, there was no ‘next mission,’ no ‘new assignment.’ For the first time, Six felt…scared at what the future held. Could a Spartan ever be a civilian?

Such questions flooded her mind as she finished burying the box under the desert sand. She stared at the slightly raised mound of sand before her, eyes once more threatening to shed tears. Yet they never came.

Six turned around and walked back to where she had dropped her helmet, picking it up from its spot on the sand. She held it in her hooves, looking down at her reflection.

Months ago, she didn’t wear this face. One could have even argued she never truly had one to begin with, the Spartan opting to keep her helmet on wherever she went. But now, here, on this planet, she didn’t want to put it back on. That was the old her, the little girl that watched the Covenant take everything she loved away, the Spartan that wanted nothing more than revenge.

Six put the helmet onto her hip as she gave one last look behind her. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and looked forward once again. Taking the first step into her new life.

And for the first time, when she looked towards that distant rising smoke on the horizon, the sun beginning to slowly dip behind it, and the distant specks of flying pegasi against the orange sky, something else stared back at her.

A feeling that maybe, just maybe… her new home had been found.

Author's Note:

And So A Noble Death comes to a close.

The changelings are defeated, the war is over and Six has found something more important than revenge.

But where one journey ends a new one begins...but that is for another time.

But in all seriousness thank you all for following and reading A Noble Death for two long years. If it weren't for all the comments and support in following Six's story I doubt I would have ever reached this point as happy as I am right now.

So from the deepest pits of my heart thank you. And thank you as well to everyone who helped me along the way. Especially you AlwaysTried, you helped makes this finale the best it could possibly be.

Six's story will eventually continue, but I think for now, I've earned myself a break.

Praise be Frazy#1225 for the amazing art.

Join the Discord for the latest news on what projects are to come in the future (Also Six emotes, LOTS of Six emotes) ((And a Masochistic Bug))

Comments ( 44 )

Great end for a great fic, will wait patiently to hear about Six's next adventures

Mobius will return. A Warrior of his caliber won't be easily be killed. As Six would say, he's MIA.

You my friend made a great story the held the attention of everyone the started to read it and kept it till the end of it take the break you need and we will be right here waiting for you when yourread for your next adventure to tell rest up and congratulations

Magnificent end of a great story and a perfect build up on a sequel with the Empress still impaled on her throne with her last Venator on her side.
How many Custodian are left i wonder.
Was Chrysalis executed? Tarterus?
Most importantly... Did someone finaly boop Six snoot?! :rainbowkiss:

Great end to a great story. Glad I got to help out with the last chapters

A fine ending, because all good things must come to an end.

An amazing end to a amazing story. I do hope to hear more of your world, of Six, of the new noble team, and even of the totally not a Warhammer reference with the empress. Not to mention the plot hinted with a certain blade of the sun trying to break free. This world has many stories left to tell... one day. And until that day comes, you have earned your rest much like six has. Good job soldier.

This is a very good story! I can't wait to see what happens in the sequel but for now, take a break, you deserve it. :twilightsmile:

And deserve a good one

Me too

I really enjoyed reading this story, a bittersweet moment when you reach the end.

Waiting the next adventure

wait year what? felt like just a few months

Anyone that would boop Six's snoot would most likely lose the limb that they used to do so.

That aside, this was an amazing read from start to finish. Take your time and rest, I will just read it again while waiting for the sequel. :twilightsmile:

Only one problem what happens because of the venator crawling all the way back to the empress?

I salute you for one of the greatest halo crossover on this platform, if not, my favorite. Thank for the good read

It's been fun!

Perfect ending, my one request is to see the many failed flights of the Spartan. If you ever feel like writing it, I will read it with reverence. Thanks for writing this wonderful work of art. It helped me through some dark times, cliche I know, but you made me smile and keep pushing forward. Thank you.


Wasn't there a group of Oni and UNSC operatives turned pony? What happened to them?


Thanks, I remembered Luna using her dreams to gather intel but not the fabrication of the dream itself.

Congrats on finishing your story. It was a good read. Might want to go through it again as i noticed a fair few incoorect words used.

I felt inspired to play Reach again when i started reading this.

I look forward to see where Six's new life in Equestria will take her.

This was a fun story I read .
Much enjoyment was had.

2 years?! Time flew by. Look forward to see what you do next. Enjoy your well earned rest matey

Congrats on a fantastic conclusion, and a great story. A rest has definitely been earned. Enjoy it my friend.

”The Farewell” - Metro Last Light OST

Congratulation this is one of my fav stories and thank gosh it is not canceled or unfinished. I salute thee with the honor of a complete story!!!

Congrats on finished the story! The Ending was almost good!

I'm joking, I'm joking. It's a really fitting way for the (first) book to end. A goodbye....


Sí, soy muy consciente de eso. Es solo la forma en que lo dijeron lo que es molesto. Es lo mismo que buscar algo que desprecies en un tablón de imágenes y decir "¡Ugh, esto es desagradable! ¡Deberían avergonzarse de ustedes mismos! ¡Hurra de Hurr de Hurrr Durrrr!" en lugar de simplemente incluir la etiqueta en la lista negra. Es molesto como el infierno, y hubiera sido mejor si simplemente mantuvieran sus gordos ladridos cerrados.

Además, el traductor de Google! ¡¡Cortejar!!

Her poor armour...

Wait, does this mean her confidentiality changes? If she's giving up her old life and embracing the new, then she's under new command and new affiliation for good. The Princesses become the ones "in the know" as her highest command, she can tell them things now!


Nice story.

This was a really good story start to finish I enjoyed it.
My only gripe was how vulnerable Six was while in her armor. She coughed more blood into her helmet than should have been possible.
Great story!

I don't normally give likes to stories I read...but this story has earned one from me despite the grammar errors. Looking forward to continuing Six's story though I've never played or followed Halo


Exactly. And the stakes need to be raised on a few key parts as the story goes. I have seen what she is dealing with in the future thanks to the cover, and that is just going to add to the fact that she is way, way out of her depth in so many aspects. But again, she has that deal with it protocol for a reason.

Ill fix em eventually, is gonna be tedious as all hell but ill get around to it

As someone in the Army, I've never once referred to a female officer as "sir." And if I did, my drill sergeants would teleport in to rip me a new breathing hole.

Comment posted by Wingnut deleted Aug 19th, 2023

That was awesome

I remember Quick to Adjust, but Huragok were combat support, usually second or third line if they even saw combat at all, and weren't relocated to construction projects. But I wouldn't call them "civilians" in the Covenant's sociopolitical structure. As Dare put it, slaves, and they don't much like the Covenant any more than we do.

A lot of images (those used at the start of every chapter) are now broken. The discord link is also either invalid or expired.

Still, the story was great and I enjoyed it. I might move onto the sequel soon.

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