• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,376 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

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Chapter 20

For the first time in Six didn't know how long she sighed in relief as the warm water washed over her coat. How long had it been since she had had her last proper shower? Six couldn‘t remember but that didn‘t matter now. All that did was the feeling of warm water running down her body and through her wings and between their feathers.

It was exactly what she needed right now to unwind. Or at least it should have until she looked down and saw the burn across her chest. She clenched her jaw and looked forward, her reflection staring back at her from the white tiles.

‘God damn it!‘

With a smash her hoof connected against the wall, shattering the surrounding tiles and sending a few of them tumbling to the shower floor in pieces. She stood there for several seconds, her hoof still held up as the water continued to cascade down her coat.

‘I need to punch something‘

She exited the bathroom shortly afterward, her eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. Quickly re-equipping her undersuit and attaching the armor six attached her helmet back to her hip and made her way to the door. Opening it she half expected Crowly to be standing there waiting for her but to no avail. There was no human-turned pony in disguise waiting to bring her back to the fight. It was just an empty hallway with two guards in golden armor flanking the doors.

The guards snapped to attention at the opening of the door and the large Spartan stepping out into the hallway. Six then turned and faced the guard to her left.

“Where do the guards train?“ Asked the Spartan, surprising the already nervous guard.

“U-uh the guard has a section dedicated to them down in the courtyard.“ Answered the guard after a short delay.

“Take me there“

With his composure restored the guard briefly lit his horn, causing the Spartan to tense. But just as quickly as it appeared it disappeared as the guard looked to his partner and gave a small nod.

“Then follow me“

A short walk later being led by the guard with his partner behind them, the three of them had arrived at the guards training grounds. Looking around Six was… actually quite a bit impressed with what they had compared to what she had expected from these ponies. A large jogging track surrounded the courtyard, its area being marked out with white chalk.

In the center of the track were several obstacle courses similar to those back in the UNSC. To the right of the track lay a firing range where several Unicorns and Pegasi were firing spells and crossbows downrange. Finally to the tracks left stood some sort of wooden octagon with wooden weapons lying against the wooden posts, a sparring range. Several training dummies stood to its north, their forms beaten and worn. Surrounding the entire training grounds were multiple small buildings, barracks, and offices. Some of them were even built into the castle walls surrounding the entire area.

The court was utterly bustling with activity as the shouts of drill Sergeants and the thumping of hoofs hitting the dirt. Occasionally the grunt of pain from the sparring area reached her ears as a guard failed to block an attack. A small smile began to grow on the Spartans’ face as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“So I take it you’re the Mare I‘ve heard so much about.“ Came a new voice from her left. Opening her eyes she turned to look in the direction of the voice. There she saw another guard approaching her. But they were different, their armor was… well he certainly looked more important than those around him.

“Depends on what you‘ve heard.“ Answered the Spartan as the two guards next to her saluted when the pony passed them to stand before Six.

“Well I‘ve heard only good things I’m afraid.“ He said with a smile. “I am Captain Shining Armor of the royal guard. And I would like to personally thank you for your help in Las Pegasus. You saved some good ponies down there, and that won't be forgotten easily.“

“Heh, I was just doing my job, Sir, no need to thank me.“

“A Soldier through and through aren't you? Well if you need anything don‘t be afraid to ask. Now, welcome to the guards training ground here in Canterlot. Is there anything I can perhaps help you with while you're here?“ Questioned the Captain as he gestured to the training fields behind him.

“No, Just wanted to get some training done, Sir. Perhaps, if you can gather a few volunteers, that is, I can show some soldiers how a Spartan stays in shape.“ Offered Six to the Captain. She was here to help these ponies in any way she could, some Spartan-level training routines would do them and her some good. After all, what better way for a soldier to cool off than by yelling at a bunch of trainees.

“Hah, say no more.“ He said before his horn briefly glowed a light pink. Then as if a switch had been flipped all across the courtyard as the soldiers stopped what they were doing and moved to line up in front of the Captain. Several guards were clearly tired out but at the sight of the Spartan standing next to their Captain that fatigue melted away. It seems as if even this far from Las Pegasus the exploits of the Spartan had been told.

‘Heh they have no idea whats in store for them’ Though the Spartan amused.

Soon the soldiers had been gathered and small whispers regarding the Spartan could be heard being shared amongst the soldiers in front of the pair.

“Alright men settle down!“ Shouted the Captain, bringing order to his guardsmen before him. “I would like to start off by saying that what I am about to explain to you is purely voluntary and by no means mandatory, you may leave if you wish to continue on with your assigned duties. Now as I am sure you have noticed we have a special guest among us today.

“She is offering to give those of you who wish, her own training routine for today. Six you have the floor.“ Finished the Captain before stepping back slightly and letting the Spartan forward.

“Thank you, Captain. My name is Lieutenant Sierra-B312 Noble Six, you will call me Six. I am what is known as a Spartan. What I am offering will not be easy. It will no doubt be impossible for a majority of you. But for those of you who stick through it, you’ll all be one step closer to becoming the hero's your country needs you to be. If you still wish to join me, follow me.” With that Six began to make her way towards the obstacle course in the center of the courtyard. Several curious guards and one Shining Armor followed behind her.

‘Well this is interesting’ Thought the Princess of the Sun as she looked down at the bustling courtyard before wincing as a guard took a rather hard strike with a wooden sword. After hearing the news that Six had decided to go to the Guards’ training grounds, she was naturally very curious as to what her newest guest was up to.

Needless to say, finding her pushing her guards to their absolute limits was not completely out of the realm of possibilities but this was a bit too soon for the princesses' taste. She had been watching since Six had first arrived in the courtyard. The most barbaric and punishing training routine the princess had ever seen followed suit.

From starting with a 40km run around the track to a grueling dash through the various obstacles courses whilst several Unicorns did their best to slow the ponies down. Even the Captain was taking part with his attempts to slow them down. And all the while Six did not stand on the sidelines, she was doing these exercises as if they were the easiest thing known to ponykind whilst wearing that strange armor.

But even then she made sure to properly teach the guards following her grueling routine whenever they failed and fell. It was certainly clear from the way she was acting that this workout was more for her benefit than theirs but it was still nice for the princess to see that this mystery mare was more than a soldier.

Underneath the to-the-point personality and layer of strange black and no doubt enchanted armor was a pony like any other and that did bring a smile to Celestia's face. Before it was promptly removed by another harsh blow against one of her guards down in the sparring area where the Spartans group found themselves in.

“Aunty? What are you doing out here?” Came the unmistakable voice of her niece Cadence coming up behind her.

“I could ask the same for you Cadence. You need rest…” Answered the solar diararch, her voice full of concern as she looked back towards the slightly limping cadence. Her face fell into a sad smile as her eyes spotted the bandaged hoof Cadence held against her chest.

“I have rested enough, thank you very much. But you still haven't answered my question.” Continued Cadence as she stepped beside Celestia to see what she was watching below. Only to gasp as she watched a guard be thrown into the ground after failing to parry a rather vicious attack by a large mare wearing some sort of black armor.

“That is the reason I am out here Cadence. She is our newest guest here in the Castle and also quite the Enigma.”

“Is this the mare from Las Pegasus my Shining has been talking about, this… ‘Six‘ right?“

“Yes she is-“ Another wince “Certainly something. She calls herself a ‘Spartan‘ some type of ‘Super-Soldier‘ that has decided to help us. Other than what she calls herself she is a complete Enigma and a lockbox of secrets not even SMILE can crack.“ That got her a surprised look from the pink Alicorn.

“Really? Not even SMILE? How…How is that possible? They knew the contents of my next diary entry before I even did!.“

“I know tis a mystery, but one I believe I have the answer for.“ Joined the voice of Luna from behind the pair.

“Morning Sister. I take it your mission was a success then?“ Asked Celestia with a smile towards a baggy eyed Luna.

“It went better than expected. Here, let us discuss my findings somewhere more private. You may join us as well Cadence. You are no doubt curious as well about the Mare your Husband seems so fascinated by.“ Finished Luna with an amused smile towards a now sputtering Cadence

“Don‘t even joke about that Luna! Not this soon after the wedding where I almost lost, said Husband!“ Shot the Princess of Love back angrily.

“I kid my dear Niece, but after what I have found…I needed some amusement.“

“Is it truly that bad Luna?“ Asked Celestia worried, following her sister into a nearby meeting room, Cadence followed behind her looking equally as worried now.

“No Celestia…“ She began turning around to face the pair. “It's worse.“