• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,373 Views, 1,732 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

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Chapter 12

Approaching the ‘boss’s’ Command Tent, Command Sergeant Major Wild held his hoof up, stopping the Spartan in her tracks as they stood before the entrance.

“Now Six I don’t want to get your hopes up but the boss's word is law around here. And even though I’m second in command here he still outranks me and you. And although he’s heard nothing but good things about you he has the final say on what’s going to happen to you. Understand?” Explained Wild seemingly genuinely concerned for the Spartan.

Such concern was of course not needed, this wasn’t the Spartan’s first rodeo with a higher ranking official so she knew what to expect. Species difference aside, any higher-ranking officer would be a fool to turn a Spartan away, but then again these ponies don’t know what Spartans are, to begin with.

“Thank you, Sir, but your concern is unnecessary.” Responded Six diplomatically to which Wild smiled slightly as he lowered his hoof and pushed the tent flap to the side.

“Well then, ladies first,” he said, allowing the larger pegasus entry into the command tent. Wild following her in. In the Center of the tent, a large map was lying across a table. Little colored unit markers dotted the map at certain points, a majority of them sitting in the center of the map. To the pairs left and right were several rows of desks, various paperwork being worked on by different unarmored ponies.

The low hum of magic being used filled the tent as the scratches of quill on paper cut through the sound every few seconds. On the other side of the table stood a lone amber-colored unicorn, looking over the map in deep concentration. He was wearing a light blue officer uniform with golden accents. He wore a similarly colored officer cap atop his head, sitting gracefully behind his horn.

The heavy footfalls of the Spartan approaching drew the officer’s attention away from the map and up to the approaching pair. Standing roughly a meter away from the table the pair stood at attention and saluted the superior officer.

“At ease soldiers.” Said the Unicorn across from them as he made his away around the table.

“Sir. This is Lieutenant Sierra-B312 callsign, Noble Six. As you’ve heard she is the soldier responsible for the escape of Sergeant Spear’s squad and the recapture of the town hall.” Introduced Wild the officer now standing in front of the pair inspecting the Spartan who towered over both of them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir.” Said Six looking down at the inspecting officer in front of her.

“The pleasures all mine soldier, I’m Lieutenant Colonel Force, the one in command of this Battalion as I’m sure Wild over here has mentioned.” He said looking up into the Spartan’s eyes. “ First, I’d like to thank you for your bravery soldier. Spear is an old friend of mine and I would have hated to have to write him down as a casualty of this war.” His face took on a sad expression. “I have done that too much over these past few hours.”
“I was only doing my duty, Sir.” Responded the Spartan.

“Good. I hope all of my soldiers would do the same as you did that day, then this war would be over sooner, rather than later. Now onto the other reason, I called you both here.” His demeanor changed into a serious one. “Wild, I have a new assignment for you.”

“Sir! Just say it and consider it done.” said the Sergeant, determination painting his voice.

“Good. I have been getting reports that several hostile stragglers have been spotted outside of the city limits to our South-east. You are to comb through that area and try to capture any hostiles you encounter.”

“Capture, Sir?” Questioned Wild

“Yes Capture, the stallions over at HQ want more intelligence on our enemy so all hostile combatants should be taken down non-lethally if the opportunity arises.” Clarified the Lieutenant Colonel to his subordinate.

“Copy that Sir.”

“Good, you’re dismissed, soldier.” Finished Force, Wild gave his CO a salute before making his way out of the tent. Leaving Six with alone the Colonel. Watching his 2nd in command leave Force turned his attention to the other pony he called for.

“Now with that done. Follow me,” Force ordered as he began walking towards the other exit of the tent. Six did as instructed, following the Colonel outside. Stepping out of the tent Six was met with an orange sky above them, signaling that Night had begun to fall on Equestria.
Following the Colonel, the pair made their way towards the city hall overlooking the FOB they had taken over for the time being.

The inside of the building was abuzz with activity as ponies zigged and zagged through the offices, paperwork held in their hooves, or floating beside them using their magic. The pair ignored them, making their way up the stairs and towards the Colonel’s temporary office. Their trip through the building had only brought minor stares from the ponies who had not yet seen the Spartan but they were mostly ignored as the workers were too engrossed in their paperwork to notice the pair.

Entering the office Six went to stand in front of the desk as the Colonel made his way behind said desk taking a seat. “Please sit down.” Began Force.

“I’d prefer to stand, Sir.” Responded Six glancing at the pair of wooden chairs on each side of her.

“Oh? And why’s that?” Asked Force looking at the standing Spartan in interest.

“Because I doubt that these chairs could support my weight without breaking, Sir.” Was the response Six gave, slightly annoyed at the question.

“Huh, and the questions keep on mounting.” Said the Colonel cryptically.

“Sir?” Questioned Six confused.

“You know. When I first heard about you, I looked through every roster I could to try and find you. And you know what I found?” He looked right into Six’s eyes.”Nothing. Absolutely nothing! So I thought ‘well from what I heard maybe it’s above my paygrade’ and I went to call in some favors in SMILE. And you know what they said as well?” He stood up from his desk, his gaze still locked on Six’s. “Nothing!”

“I care a lot about my soldiers, Lieutenant, so understand me when I say I do not trust you one bit. Because as far as anypony in the military is concerned, you just simply appeared in Las Pegasus. The only reason I haven’t had you detained yet for impersonation is because of what you’ve done despite your ‘ghost status’.” Continued the Colonel

“So unless you tell me just who or what you are, you won’t be sleeping in the bunks tonight but in a prison cell instead!” Yelled Force a fire burning in his heart. He was a soldier through and through and although Six had shown herself a capable warrior worthy of being a soldier, she was still dangerous. Six however seemed unfazed at the Colonel’s outburst, her scarred face still perfectly stoic.

“I’m sorry Sir but that’s Classified to any non-military personnel not part of the UNSC.” Responded Six calmly, although inside her head she had a difficult decision to make. She wasn’t going to disclose classified information but she might have to say something to at least satisfy these officers’ need for answers. As long as she kept to the bare minimum and was so vague it would make ONI spooks proud, it would be fine.

“Well, what can you tell me that isn’t Classified by this ‘UNSC’?!” Began the Colonel quite irritated at all this classified information regarding this pegasus. He had heard that she once referred to herself as a Spartan but any further questioning kept on getting stonewalled by the pegasus in question. Six however decided she could have some fun whilst satisfying his curiosity.

“Ever heard of the term ‘Super-Soldier’ Lieutenant Colonel?” Questioned Six her tone devoid of any emotion. Force was completely caught off guard by this answer. Sure it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility after everything she had done, but they were only a work of fiction! He had maybe expected another ‘That’s classified’ or ‘above your pay-grade’ Tartarus maybe even a ‘go ask the captain of the guard’. Certainly not the answer he was given by the apparent work of fiction made real in front of him!

All the fire the Colonel had built up instantly left his eyes as he slowly sat back down at his desk. “Well...I guess I should have expected that. If you are even telling the truth that is. But from the way you gave that answer, soldier, it’s the most you can tell me or have been told to say if questioned right?” Asked Force looking back up at the Spartan with a sigh.

“It’s the first one Sir. That’s all I can tell you and even then if somebody from ONI found out I told you we’d both be in serious trouble, Sir,” Finished Six her tone turning serious at the mention of ONI.
“ONI? Ach more questions left unanswered. First this UNSC now this,” The Colonel muttered to himself quietly, before sighing deeply.

“Alright...This still doesn’t mean that I trust you, I still believe you are a very dangerous mare which I know nothing about. You are, however, helping us right now even if you are surrounded by a fog of Classified information. You will be given an escort for the time being until I get word by HQ on what to do with you. Until then you are to remain in Las Pegasus.” Finished Lieutenant Colonel Force once again looking the Spartan straight in the eye. His gaze was as hard as steel.

“Understood, Sir,” Responded Six with a salute.

“Good you’re dismissed, do not make me regret my decision on not detaining you, for if you do you, I will not rest until you are locked away in the deepest dungeons never to see the light of day again, Understand” Finished Force a fire of determination burning in his voice.

Six nodded forcefully in the affirmative before making her way towards the door. And as the sound of Six’s heavy hoofsteps slowly dissipated through the closed door, signaling the end of their meeting. Both parties remained completely unaware of the fact that their conversation had not only been heard by just the two of them.

Author's Note:

I am on a roll :pinkiehappy: