• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,318 Views, 1,732 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 11

“Hey look! It’s that Pegasus I told you about!”

“Really wow.”

“No way.”

“Do you see that armor? Sweet Celestia”

All around the Spartan such whispers could be heard as she walked up to the Town Hall. Soldiers all around her sneaking glances at the Lieutenant both in awe and fear. Whispers abound of her role in the liberation of this city. Six, however, didn’t pay any attention to the whispers. She was a Spartan and simply did her job. Sure said job was against insurmountable odds any normal soldier would have died in. But to Six, it was business as usual.

Well...as business as usual as one can be when having an internal conflict about your actions regarding a fellow soldier who had done something one didn’t think possible. It really didn’t sit well with the Spartan that she could so easily lose herself to her emotions. And being a soldier, a Spartan no less, with such an obvious trigger was not good. She had lost fellow soldiers before.

Lost fellow friends before.

A drawn-out sigh escaped the Spartan’s lips.

Where’s some Covenant to kill when you need some. I’m a Spartan goddammit I don’t have time for this.

Luckily for Six, a guard waved her over, bringing her mind off of her sudden psychological issues and onto something, hopefully, more important. As Six approached the guard the one who waved her over whispered something to another pony next to him, who was looking over a table behind them. He, in turn, turned around to face the Spartan who now stood several meters away now, a smile visible on his face.

“Ah, so you must be the Pegasus all the troops are talking about. I gotta say seeing you in pony like this shows that the stories weren’t exaggerated” The guard exclaimed with a laugh. It certainly helped distract Six as she allowed a small smile to grace her lips underneath her helmet.

“Heh, I was just doing my job.” Responded the Spartan. The soldier’s smile only seemed to grow at her answer.

“Ah, there’s no need to humble yourself. You did us all a great service soldier. The names Command Sergeant Major Wild, of the 2nd Equestrian Infantry Battalion at your service sweetheart.” He finished his introduction with a wink directed at the Spartan.

Well, he’s certainly charismatic that’s for sure.

“Lieutenant Sierra-B312 Callsign Noble Six. It’s good to meet you, Sergeant.” Responded the Spartan introducing herself to the Sergeant who’s smile wavered slightly at hearing it.

“Cmon I want to hear your name sweetheart, not your callsign. Also, lose the helmet we ain’t in no danger no more. Heh pretty sure that’s thanks to you anyway. I want to see the face of the pretty mare who the whole battalion is talking about.” Reasoned Wild with his most charming smile plastered on his face.

He does have a point about the helmet Whispered the Spartan’s conscience. She wasn’t in an active warzone anymore and her own actions against the enemy would discourage any counterattack. Plus her helmet would always be on her hip and within arms reach.

“You’re right Sergeant-” She reached up to her helmet before giving it a small twist.”- About the helmet I mean. Names, however, are for the people I trust.” Finished Six as she removed her helmet revealing her smirking face to the Sergeant.

“Drat! Guess I’ll just have to get on your good side then” Said the Sergeant in fake disappointment getting a small laugh from the Spartan. “So what unit are you in, Lieutenant? ah- wait don’t tell me. Classified right?” Said Wild still smirking, taking the words right out of the Spartans mouth. “They don’t give that kind of gear to any old Pegasus, do they? And judging from that pretty face of yours and what my boys are saying, I think you’ve earned it.” Wild finished eying the Spartan from smirking head to armored hoof.

“Heh... well you called me over here Sergeant is there anything I can do for you?” Questioned the Spartan, amused by the Sergeants' antics.

“Well other than me trying to figure out what I’ll need to do to see you out of that armor completely.” He added with another wink directed at the Spartan. “I just wanted to say thank you. Spear is a good soldier. And if it weren’t for you I doubt he would still be here with us today. Ain’t that right soldiers?!” Shouted the Sergeant.

“Sir Yes Sir!” Came a chorus of shouts from the eavesdropping soldiers around them.

“Damn right! Anyway, Lieutenant, the boss should be arriving soon. Come-” he began to walk away gesturing the Spartan to follow him “-walk with me. We’ve got time and I doubt you have been given a proper place to rest your head yet. Sweet Celestia if anyone here has earned a break it’s you.” He glanced at the slight green tint coating the Spartan’s armor as they walked around the once hostile occupied FOB.

“And some cleaning from the looks of it...doesn’t it bother you? Having somecreature else’s blood staining your armor?” Asked the Sergeant curiously, a small hint of disgust audible in his voice. Six followed his gaze towards the green coloring visible on her armor.

“Huh...yeah now that you mention it, you got a hose or something to clean this off with?” Asked the Spartan, looking at the offending green tint.

This wasn’t the first time she had been covered in blood, her encounter earlier with the manticore came to mind. However most of the time it was Covenant blood that she didn’t mind staining her armor. It helped add a demoralizing effect to her enemies. When it came to human blood, however, like when she was hunting innies down across the colonies, being covered in her own kins blood wouldn’t sit well with anyone. Spartan or not.

And although those creatures weren’t her kin, they also certainly hadn’t done anything for them to get the same hatred Six had for the Covenant. They were simple soldiers and their legacy shouldn’t be smeared on her titanium plating. Even if they were enemies, they deserved that much. Also yeah it was pretty gross to be covered in the blood of your enemies. Unless you’re part of the Covenant. They deserve no such mercy.

“I’ll do you one better. Hey Private!” He pointed at a nearby pegasus guard patrolling the skies above them grabbing their attention. “Bring us a cloud over here for the mare!” The guard promptly saluted the Sergeant as he turned to face the Spartan. “If you don’t want to get your mane wet I’d suggest putting that helmet of yours on.” Suggest Wild his now trademark smirk back on his face.

Six did as instructed, promptly reequipping her helmet before speaking. “What are you planning Sergeant?” She said with a small laugh through her helmet’s speakers.

“Just getting you that water you ordered.” He said his smirk growing slightly before looking above the Spartan. “Alright Private! Let her rip!” And just like that, it began pouring down on the Spartan completely soaking her armor in seconds. Which was weird considering the Sun was still shining and Wild, who was only standing a meter away, was completely dry. Craning her head to the sky. Six was met with a lone white cloud floating above her, completely draining its watery contents onto the mare.

The Spartan couldn’t help but let out a laugh at this sight. “Heh, that’s one way to do it, Sergeant. Thank you Private but that’s enough for now!” Called out Six to the guard floating next to the cloud. Six had read about the Pegasi ability to control the weather but this was the first time she had witnessed/experienced it firsthand.

And now with her armor clean, albeit completely drenched, the pair could continue through the FOB and impromptu tour. From the command tents to the logistical tents and all the way to the barracks where Wild asked whether Six had anywhere to stay. To which she promptly answered in the negative. Seeing such a travesty of a Mare having nowhere to sleep, his inner gentlecolt could simply not allow this to continue.

He made the arrangements and just like that, Six had a bed to call her own. And just as the pair left the soldier’s barracks a courier walked up to them.

“Ah good there you two are.”

“What do you need soldier?” Asked the Sergeant curiously.

“The Boss has arrived and wants to see you two in the command tent.” Answered the messenger eying the Spartan curiously.

“Well let’s not keep him waiting shall we. Cmon Six follow me.”

Author's Note:

You can thank these guys for making this chapter happen