• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,374 Views, 1,732 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

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Chapter 17

“Halsey is here?” Asked Six surprise and confusion quite evident in her voice. Why and how can she be here? This was the question most evident in her mind at hearing that revelation. She should be back on Earth after getting a ride off of Reach from Castle Base. Did the same thing happen to her? What happened to Jun then?

So many questions filled her brain as she processed the information that Halsey was also here. The Spartan was brought out of her stupor however as Stanford exited through the nearby door, Six beginning to follow once more.

“Yeah, she is. Didn’t arrive the same way as us and is currently figuratively banging herself against the wall trying to understand what the hell brought her here and literally against the floor whenever she trips over her workspace.” Answered the injured Agent, limping through the dimly lit corridor. The sounds of dim conversation could be heard. Stanfords limping however caught Six’s eye. Those injuries he had sustained were quite substantial and even with the limited medical knowledge, Six had about their new bodies in general. Even she knew that Stanford probably shouldn’t be walking around. But just as she was about to bring the topic up another voice beat her to the punch

“Stanford the hell are you doing walking around like that?!” Came a high-pitched voice as the pair entered what seemed to be the main room of the complex they resided in.

“Well someone had to prevent Crowly from being turned into a red paste when he brought Six here through the teleporter.” Responded the Agent to the voice, using his injured hoof to gesture towards Six. Moving her gaze towards the voice she saw another pony wearing what appeared to be medic marine armor but changed to suit their new equine body.

“Well, you still could have sent someone else! Do you have any idea how much damage that wave did to your body!? The fact that you aren’t currently stuck in some sort of coma after that impact,” She said as she pointed at a nearby wall in exasperation.” Is nothing short of a Miracle!” Continued the Medic as Six’s gaze wandered to the wall in question. Said wall was cracked in several places with an equine sized indent visible at the center of the cracks.

Six couldn’t help but cringe very slightly at the force Stanfords body must have gone through to leave such a marking in stone and still be able to move around, and just as the medic said let alone be conscious. But who was Six to judge? She fell from orbit and lived, if anything the resilience of Stanford impressed the Spartan.

“And then there is the fact you are healing way faster than you should, you haven’t eaten anything since then and… UGH!” She threw her hooves up in exasperation. “Stupid godamn weird-ass bodies breaking several laws of Biology!”

“Alright! Calm down, Lizzie! Just look at Six over here she isn’t complaining! So calm down I’ll go lie down after I’m done. Are you happy now?” Replied Stanford trying to calm the medic turned pony down.

“Yes, but come by the infirmary then when you’re done so I can change your bandages.” She turned her attention from the changeling to the Spartan and began to smile at the sight of the super-soldier. “It’s good to have you here Six, you’re just what the doctor ordered to get us off this planet.”

Six nodded at the Medic’s comment before following the injured changeling, who was currently trying to sneak away from the medic. It appeared to have worked however as the Medic named Lizzie turned back around to head back to what Six assumed to be the compounds Infirmary.

“Whew. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against her or any medic in the corp but she really doesn’t like this whole pony nonsense. It really gets under her skin if you couldn’t tell.” He laughed slightly.

“Anyway, we’re almost there.” Continued the Changeling, as the pair continued through the room. Six nodded in agreement at the agent’s comment although due to her training of ‘adapt or die/ the deal with it protocol’ she would take what she was given and roll with until it changed. But having her old body back would always be better than this pegasus one she had been forced into.

Looking around Six could see several other ponies along the edges of the room. Each of them looking at her with varying states of awe and what appeared to be excitement on their equine faces. They looked similar to Lizzie with some of them wearing a modified version of their marine armor. There was even a lone ODST among them, judging by the helmet by their side and the dark coloration of their armor. Each of them a different subspecies. Some had horns, others had wings just like Six, and the rest head neither like Lizzie. But what really caught Six’s eye was the ODST.

They had wings just like many of the Pegasi Six had seen, but their wings weren’t covered in feathers. The ODST’s wings we more batlike than birdlike, a dark thin membrane in place of feathers. A small white glint of fangs was visible on their slightly smiling lips, their slitted catlike turquoise eyes full of what looked like rising hope at the sight of the Spartan.

“We have roughly twenty soldiers with us right now not including the doctor. A majority of them came here the same way as us. The rest came with Halsey. I would personally recommend you tell them your story and listen to theirs as morale isn’t as good as it could be right now. So telling them about the amount of Covies you took out will give them the hope we need.” Spoke Stanford sadly. Six could only nod in agreement once more to his words.

Morale was just as important as weapons and ammunition and in this situation, it couldn’t be more true.

The pair then continued through the complex, the walls seemingly turning from stone to a faintly familiar metallic color. Six couldn’t quite place where she had seen something like this before but this definitely wasn‘t the first time she had seen this material.

Following Stanford through a metal archway, the room they entered was no longer lit by improvised light bulbs but by large glowing strips covering the walls. In Front of the pair, in the center of the room was a large metal archway. The floor was littered with random wires and pieces of paper. But what really drew the pair's attention was the cream-colored unicorn wearing the same jacket Halsey had on reach tinkering with some sort of pedestal. Her horn slightly glowing as something was muttered under her breath and scribbled onto a clipboard floating beside her, covered in the same glow as her horn.

“Doctor.“ Began Stanford grabbing the Unicorn’s attention away from the pedestal she was working on. Turning around the doctor laid her eyes on the Spartan completely ignoring the changeling who had left the room soon after speaking. Leaving the Spartan and the doctor alone in the strange structure.

“I take it you arrived the same way as the majority of those here am I correct to assume that?“

Six nodded

“Did you do it before then? Did you do what I asked before it happened?“

Six nodded again and the corners of Halsey‘s lips curled upwards.

“Good our war hasn‘t ended yet. She was right to have chosen you as her courier“ her smile grew a bit wider.“ As did I, after all, ‘great minds think alike‘ do they not?”

Author's Note:

I promised you a chapter on my birthday, didn't I?
And when I make a promise...