• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,375 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 15

The minutes ticked on as the pair sat in relative silence. Wild was shaking very slightly as nervousness wracked his body. Having the news that the Princess Celestia wanted to meet them suddenly thrust upon him did not help his already quite nervous demeanor. He had expected to meet the Captain and tell him the situation, introduce Six, and all that Jazz not this.

Meanwhile, as Wild was shaking in his armor and sweating up a storm, Six just glanced around the room, her gaze hidden behind her visor. Her eyes glancing over the on edge guards around the room as they eyed the Spartan warily, their grip unconsciously tightening around their weapons.

Six didn’t really care however and with nothing better to do, she pulled out her knife and began to sharpen it against her armor, much to the guards and Wild’s dismay. The gentle scratch of metal against metal filled the room as a palpable tension began to grow in the room.

Wild immediately voiced his disapproval at the sight of the knife-sharpening pony.

“What are you doing?! Put the knife away!” He whisper-shouted at Six.

“No, it needs sharpening.” Replies Six calmly as if discussing the weather much to Wild’s and the surrounding Guards disapproval.

“Doesn’t matter! Now put that knife away before you get yourself thrown into the dungeon for brandishing a deadly weapon!” Exclaimed Wild reaching over to grab the knife out of Six’s hooves.

Six stopped in her sharpening, turned her head to look at the irate Sergeant Major, and extended one of her wings exposing the extremely sharp feathers contained within. Not another word could be said by the stunned Sergeant as the doors to the dining room were surrounded in a golden glow bringing him back to reality and drawing his attention away from the Spartan.

The doors opened to reveal the Solar Princess in all her glory as she made her way into the room. Her stride and aura radiate regality and that this pony truly was royalty and should be treated as such. So at the sight of his Princess/Ruler/Commander in chief, Wild stood up from his seat and gave her his best bow.

Six didn’t move from her spot as she retraced her wing. The Spartans gaze locked onto the Sergeant as he bowed so low you would think he was trying to do some sort of stretch. She really didn’t know what to make of it as her gaze switched from the Sergeant Major to the Princess, her head slowly tilting to the side in confusion.

She looks about as threatening as a kitten.

Were it not for the one-way visor, everyone in the room would have seen the look of utter confusion and disbelief on the Spartans face. Wild was so nervous because of her yet she looked like she would rather give out hugs instead of leading a nation through this time of war.

She definitely didn’t look like the type of ruler that could deal with the coming conflict. But looks, however, can be deceiving. And a Spartan knew to never underestimate anything.

The room once again lapsed into a tense silence as Six watched from her seat her head slightly tilted to one side. ‘How dare this pony not show respect to their princess’ was the thought that raged through every guard's mind. Celestia, sensing the growing tension in the air now decided it would be a good idea to intervene.

“It’s all right my little Ponies, you may rise,” she said putting on her motherly smile as she made her way towards the Spartan watching her curiously. Said Spartan didn’t move as the Princess approached the table and took a seat on the end nearest to Six as Wild sat back down.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you...I’m sorry I don’t believe I’ve caught your name”

“You haven’t but I’m sure your agents have already told you what I like to be called.” That caused Celestia’s eyes to widen slightly at this reveal. “Sending spies to investigate someone trained by ONI, isn’t smart.”
Said the Spartan nonchalantly. “So how about we skip beating around the bush and tell me why you called us here?” Finished Six too many surprised looks.

Celestia was definitely surprised by Six’s words, to say the least. SMILE is the best in covert intel gathering operations, how on Equis did this Pony notice them?! If this ONI taught her how to identify such agents with ease they were an extremely dangerous organization.

“That’s no way to speak to the Princess you wel-“ began one of the guards standing watch before being interrupted by Celestia.

“Stand down soldier”

“B-but your majesty she-“

“Stand down.” Ordered the Solar Diarch, her tone one of finality. Six chuckled slightly at the sight.

“Well” began Celestia with a sigh “ Since there is no use beating around the bush with you I’ll just be straight with you Six. I want to offer you an opportunity for a relationship that would benefit us both.” Celestia said diplomatically to which Six raised an eyebrow in response.

“...I’m listening.”

“I know that you currently have no place of residence and no source of income and that you refer to yourself as a ‘Super-Soldier’. I want to offer you the opportunity to work with me and help us win this war we now find ourselves in. And with your help... we can end this conflict quickly.” Offered the Solar Princess.

“I won’t be giving out any secrets about what I am or my armor if that’s what you're asking for. That information is classified no matter what. Knowing that, is the offer still valid?” Asked Six

“It is not what I was hoping for but yes those terms are acceptable.” Celestia conceded after thinking about it briefly.

“I also want a guarantee that nobody and I mean nobody will have access to my living quarters except me. If I even get the slightest suspicion that you have examined anything that belongs to me you can kiss that deal goodbye, and I will make it my mission to destroy all information you have gathered on me. Got it?” Added Six her tone one that promised dire consequences were her demands not met.

The room stayed silent for several long seconds as Celestia thought on these further stipulations Six had added. Should she accept these demands? Six has already proven herself a very dangerous enemy to have, but with these demands, any attempt at analyzing her armor could end in disaster.

But... there is one pony who could circumvent these demands.

“Your terms are acceptable.”

“Then we have an agreement, Princess.”

An almost collective sigh of relief was heard throughout the room once the Spartan uttered those six words. With the agreement made and the tensest subject out of the way for the Alicorn, they could now move onto more casual subjects. It’s always good to get to know your new ‘Super-Soldier”

“Now with that out of the way I’m sure you're both quite hungry and I doubt either of you have had anything to eat yet.” Began Celestia as several servants entered the room, trays of food on their backs.

The rest of the day has passed relatively quickly afterward. Breakfast was a quiet affair as Celestia tried to make conversation with the Spartan. The keyword being ‘tried’ as the Spartan ate in silence. Six sure as hell didn’t trust this princess, sure they had managed to come to an agreement but it was shoddy at best, and she highly doubted she would keep her end of the agreement in leaving her and her armor alone.

Any leader would be a fool if they didn’t try to get every advantage possible during wartime. So the more information Six kept under wraps the bigger of an advantage she held. After the failed attempt at interrogation by way of small talk Six was brought to an actual interrogation room where agents tried to get more information.

Anything classified remained whilst other things she was asked was answered truthfully albeit vaguely. Such as when she was asked what her full designation meant she did answer and translate the ‘Sierra’ but once again leaving out anything classified. The same also went for when she was asked about what the UNSC and ONI was, only giving out the most basic of information

By the end of the day, information had been gained such as Six’s type of soldier being called a Spartan but any more than that was stonewalled. One thing stuck out to the Spartan, however. Her interrogator’s questions were...precise...calculated. It definitely seemed familiar. Then there were his reactions to her constant stream of ‘Classified’ he almost seemed expectant but not in the way of annoyance at the repeat of the phrase. No… his behavior was different as if he already knew what the answer would be...and that he liked it.

It was barely perceivable to all but the most experienced operatives at ONI. And Six did not like it.

Otherwise, the questions she was asked were mostly about her intentions and experience in military matters. They were clearly trying to gauge her talents to probably see what the best thing to do with her was but that funny feeling regarding her interrogator never left her.

Soon, however, after the interrogation session Six was brought to the quarters she had been given in the Castle of all places. The room was relatively simple and probably filled with surveillance with a bed, desk, cushions for seating, and a couch in front of a small fireplace. But what really grabbed the Spartan’s attention were the sheets of paper sitting on the desk.

They contained what tomorrow would bring for Six but one piece of crumpled paper caught her eye. Getting a closer look she picked up the paper and inspected it.

A symbol was crudely drawn on it.

A symbol she had yet to mention to any of the locals.

The Symbol she used to work under.

The Symbol that belonged to those...




Author's Note:

Semper Vigilans

God I hope I didn't fuck it up