• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,376 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 24

“Alright, that's enough for now.” Ordered Six towards the now even further exhausted guards before her. The guards in question promptly fell to the ground before her as their hooves gave out underneath them.

“Oh…thank…Celestia” Panted out an exhausted Pixy.

“You can…say that….again.”


“I can’t… feel my…hooves”

“You're dismissed, for the time being, go get some rest. Meet me here tomorrow at 0500 Hours in full gear, do not be late.” Ordered Six as a chorus of weak ‘Yes sir's' gave their affirmative. Six nodded towards the quartette as she went to equip her helmet to check the time.

1300 hours huh… well time flies when you’re doing PT, so… What to do now?

Was the big Question on Six’s mind. She had worked her trainees to the bone, anymore exercises were out of the window for them without it risking their physical health. Perhaps she could keep going on by herself?

“I see you have already started breaking my guard.” Came the familiar voice of Princess Celestia, the extremely threatening kitten.

“They volunteered for it, Ma’am. They knew what they were getting into when they decided to train under a Spartan”

“Yes… Captain Armor has informed me of their newest assignment. Is this how you were trained?”


“Really? How wer-“

“Classified. Don’t even bother asking.”

“Can’t an old Mare have a little small talk with their newest guest?”

“I’m not your guest. I’m your asset.”

“Well then. Would my ‘asset’ care to join me for some Lunch with my sister? We have some things we would like to discuss with you."


“Splendid! Follow me then.”

Six motioned with her hoof for Celestia to lead the way. Celestia did so as the pair made their way back inside the castle. The trip through the winding corridors and hallways was a quiet one as every attempt of small talk was shot down by the Spartan with the classic answer of ‘Classified’ or just a simple ‘no’ when it came to a certain subject manner.

It was starting to annoy the Spartan slightly as the door to the dining room came into view. ‘*Finally*’ The Spartan thought, the sight of it making her glad that the talking kittens' attempts to talk would stop. In there, there would be business to discuss, the business of war... her specialty.

A short walk later during a silence Celestia found quite uncomfortable the pair had made it to the castle's dining room. The very same room, Six realized she had first met Celestia in. The Princess in question lit her horn and opened the door for them both.

It was the same dining room from before with a tall extravagant ceiling, a long ornate table, and several very expensive-looking purple curtains framing the windows. But that meant nothing to the Spartan, what truly caught her eye was dark-blue Alicorn staring at her warily.

*That must be her sister…Luna I think…huh*

Her gaze flipped between the large kitten wearing a crown and Princess Luna before she chuckled to herself.

*At least the theme is consistent… I wonder if the same goes for their personalities?*

The lunar Alicorn in question stood up from their seat and trotted over to her sister and the Spartan, her gaze still firmly locked onto Six’s own.

“Greeting Sister, Six, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Princess Luna Co-Ruler of Equestria, and I must say it is strange to be eye to eye with another pony in my current form.” Greeted the Lunar Princess with a smile as she presented her hoof

“I know the feeling.” Answered Six with her own small smile as she shook the offered hoof in greeting

“Now come, join us for some tea, we have much to discuss regarding your future working with us.” Began Luna politely

The three of them soon took a place at the long ornate table as a nearby servant set out some cups. The Princesses took theirs with a smile, Six did the same with several small nods as a cup of tea was put before her.

“I have heard much about you Six” Began Luna as her magic surrounded her own teacup. “Both from my sister and quite literally. I take it you have already taken a liking to several of our guards?”

“You could say that. They have what the others there didn’t.”

“Yes… what would that be if I may ask?” Interjected Celestia with a curious look and a sip of her tea.

“Drive.” Answered Six as she also took an experimental Sip from her own cup, prepared to spit it out should it be laced with something. “Determination… Luck.” After several seconds and her body not screaming out that something was wrong, Six took another, larger sip. “The traits of a Spartan.”

“I see.” Began Luna as she looked down into her cup. “I take it the training you're subjecting them to is the same you went through?”

“Nowhere near close to my level.”

“Very well… what is ‘your level’ then?” Questioned Luna

“We are getting close to Classified Territory Princess. I believe we had something else to discuss Princess so cut to the chase.”

“I’m sorry I simply wish t-“ Answered Luna before being cut off

“Yes, know me better. Don’t bother. You are at war and war is my specialty. So tell me what am I dealing with and where am I headed. I am a Soldier, a Spartan, not a Diplomat. I do not do small talk.” Responded the Spartan forcefully as a silence descended upon the trio.

Luna glared, a frown on her lips, at the Spartan for having the gall to interrupt her. When Luna next spoke, gone was her friendly demeanor as it was replaced with a cold authority devoid of any friendliness. “Then so be it. Our enemies are known as ‘Changelings’ a race of insectile emotionvores. Several days ago their queen led a surprise attack during the wedding of our niece Princess Cadence. They had also launched multiple smaller attacks all across Equestria, like the one you participated in Las Pegasus.”

“We were, however, able to defeat their Queen, forcing their full retreat from Equestria. Save from the occasional skirmish with disorganized forces yet to leave our lands, we have no idea where their main Hive is located.“

“Asymmetrical Warfare… I have dealt with this before. Luckily for the two of you, I’m *extremely* well versed in this doctrine of conflict. But with the way you're describing their recent actions… More intelligence is needed before I can make a plan.” Spoke the Spartan, deep in thought.

“Yes… without more information, the only thing we can do is put the guard on high alert and start searching for any disguised Changelings” Added Celestia as she took another sip.

“Disguised?” Question Six with a slightly tilted head.

“You do not know of their shapeshifting ability?” Responded Luna mimicking the Spartans expression

“No. So what exactly am I fighting? What biological advantages do they possess?”

“Of that, we are not completely certain. They are a secretive race that we had thought to have gone extinct during our reign 1000 years ago. But what we do know is that they can fly like a Pegasus and use magic like a unicorn. They feed on emotions with love being the most potent and their preferred food and energy source. Changelings have the innate ability to disguise themselves as anypony they wish, the true extent of this ability is still unknown to us.”

“How good are these disguises?”

“Nigh perfect, we are currently researching a way to detect such hidden changelings but the process is slow.”

“Great… just great… Well, is there anything else I should know?” Responded the Spartan with the slight annoyance of not having been told of this sooner.

“In regards to the current state of conflict no. Your authority among the Guard itself however will need to be discussed. Due to your…*unique* nature. I feel it may be best that you take your orders from us directly. In regards to who you yourself may order around, I will leave that to Captain Armor to decide.”

“I can live with that”

“Good. We will also be assigning a mare known as Twilight Sparkle to you in the coming days to act as our representative. You would take any order from her as an order from us. Understood?” Questioned Celestia, her serious tone sounding strange to the Spartan's ears.

“Crystal. But how am I to know who she says she is, and not a changeling in disguise?”

“You do not need to worry about that, if she were to be replaced we would know far before she ever made it close to something important.”

“Good, because I’m not babysitting. My trainees can do that.”

“What are you planning to do with them anyway? Are you planning on taking those trainees under your command once they're finished with whatever training you're giving them?” Questioned Celestia curiously.

“Maybe…But I will make them as close to Spartans as can be” Responded Six, her gaze briefly locked onto her own reflection staring back at her from her tea.

“…hmm. What should we expect from them once you have concluded their training?“ Came the query from the Lunar Alicorn, her demeanor now one of interest

“If they all make it through, you’ll have four elite soldiers far superior to anything else in your guard.” Responded the Spartan casually.

“Is that a challenge?” Answered Luna playfully.

“No, it is a fact. Their training, physical characteristics, and psychological mindsets will far outclass anything else in the Guard from what I have seen.” Luna’s grin only grew at the Spartans' answer.

“Do you wish to prove that theory?”

“...What are you getting at?” Responded Six curiously.

“Let us propose something then, Six. How about a test…a game between your trainees and our best guardsman as their final exam? You say they will be better than anything we have would you like to… oh how do they put it, sister…’Put your bits where your mouth is?’” Proposed Luna, her face so smug one might mistake it for that of a cat.

In response, a predatory grin began to spread across the Spartan's face at the smug cat's challenge.

“That is much better than what I had in mind for their final test”

“And what would that have been Six?” Questioned Celestia as Six took another long sip from her tea before pulling away and answering as casually as one would discuss the weather.

“A mock assassination attempt on your lives.”

Author's Note:

This chapter took longer than usual as I had to axe a large chunk of it whilst it was still in development as it was just...terrible.

Anyway, leave a comment! Join the Discord! Tell me how I fucked up and what I can do to fix it. Till next time!

Love you~