• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,156 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

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7.- Pearl Blossom and Croix Bleue High School



Minutes later, you’re already inside the bus, Rainbow Dash asked the driver to take you all to Beaumont town, home of Croix Bleue High.

”Man…what a letdown, Pleasantview High is going to be hard to beat and they’re not even as good as Crystal Prep!” Heath Burn says.

”Yeah, like…we’re sooooo gonna lose this Saturday,” Sonata says with a sad tone.

”I’m pretty convinced Anon tied with that girl…she just had a slight advantage,” Aria says.

”Yeah…a ‘C-cup’ advantage,” Trixie implies, “don’t get us wrong Anon, you did all you could.”

“Aw come on, don’t tell me you guys have given up already,” Pinkie Pie says.

”Huh? What do you mean Pinkie?” Lyra asks.

”It was just a practice match, Rainbow totally beat that Sandy girl even if she was just as fast as her…and Nonny actually tied the race with the fastest girl in that high! Can’t you see the bigger picture? Everything was improvised and yet Nonny was able to tie that race!” Pinkie Pie replies, everyone just look at each other in confusion.

”Twilight’s optimization program was wrong all along…” Pinkie Pie says.

“Huh?!” Twilight blurts out in confusion.

”The five of you actually beat your records and did even better than in the training sessions! You didn’t even realize it!” Pinkie Pie says.

”I…I think I feel faster than before,” Sunset Shimmer says.

”You’re not actually thinking of giving up now that you actually made progress? That’s not the Wondercolt spirit now is it?” Pinkie Pie keeps going.

”Nnnope!” Big Mac utters.

”We still have a few days left to keep practicing!” Pinkie Pie says, “those high schools think of us as the biggest losers in the world, come on now! Let’s show them what we are capable of! They’ll never see us coming!”

”YEAH!” Everyone loudly yells at the same time feeling inspired by Pinkie’s words.

Minutes later…

”We’re here!” The driver says, “go kick Speedy Hares’ butts now!”

You’re tired, but not that tired after hearing Pinkie’s speech, Let’s see what Croix Bleue High has to offer!

Beaumont Town…a comfy little town that is quite near Pleasantview Town.

”Here we are guys, Croix Bleue High…” Rainbow Dash says, “don’t let your guard down…although they screw up in the last minutes of each match they play, they are quite dangerous…”

”Dangerous?” Sonata asks.

”I mean, this high school hasn’t won a single cup in over twenty years but…that doesn’t mean they won’t strive to win this one to stop being a laughing stock.”

Across the street the most famous farm in this county, Sart Farm; can be seen from the High School’s steps. Why is it famous? Because it produces high quality meat and beef jerky…must be all that salt coming from this very own High School.

You’ve got an idea, you’ll crack a joke so your teammates can laugh a bit, you clear your throat first.

”Hey guys, what’s the difference between Croix Bleue High and Sart Farm?” You say.

”What?” Trixie asks.

“One’s a place where animals do nothing but suffer; the other one is Sart Farm…” you say.

Everyone but Fluttershy and her brother laughs.

”Hahaha…Good one Anon!” Rainbow Dash says, wiping a tear away from her eye with her finger.

”Hmph…” Zephyr Breeze frowns and crosses his arms.

”Who would’ve thought that you could be a comedian as well dude? I’m glad you are dropping the silent act to be more natural,” Rainbow Dash says while bumping your arm with, then she fixes her hair and keeps walking, “I like that more in you.”

“Totally gonna steal that from you Nonny! Ha ha ha!” Pinkie Pie says as she writes down your joke on a notebook.

“Yeah,” Sonata agrees as she hugs you from behind, “it’s good to see you smile from time to time Anon, you should be like that all the time! For realzies!”

Your teammates agree as well…that made you feel good. Although not as good as Rainbow Dash treating you nicely! However, not long after that Zephyr Breeze catches up with you and then places his hand on your shoulder.

“Hmm? What is it Zeph?”

”…Don’t even think about it newbie,” he whispers, then he releases his grip on your shoulder and goes back to his usual spot in the group.

Huh? What did you do?

As soon as you walk on Croix Bleue High’s premises, you find all of their players doing push-ups on their soccer field.

”Remember guys, this year’s the good one!” A pretty white haired girl says.

”…you always say that Pearl,” a player of Croix Bleue complains.

”Pearl Blossom’s the captain?” Rainbow Dash whispers, “this will be interesting.”

”Remember, we’re up against Crystal Prep Academy and Pleasantview High…we have to give nothing but our 100%”

”What about Canterlot High?” Another player asks.

”Oh please. We shouldn’t waste our energy with those losers!” Pearl Blossom laughs, “they’re nothing but a nuisance, especially their second rate captain-“

”Funny you say that Pearly,” Rainbow Dash interrupts, which makes every Croix Bleue High player gasp,

“I mean, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?”

Pearl Blossom turns around and finds Rainbow Dash with a very smug smile on her face, standing right in front of her.

”Rainbow Dash…” Pearl Blossom says with a frown, “what are you doing here?”

”I dunno, we heard something about a certain team thinking they had a chance to win…and we came here to laugh at you,” Rainbow Dash says, followed by your team’s laughs; Pearl Blossom looks quite offended, but manages to regain her composure and lets out a sigh.

”Heh, you heard wrong Rainbow Dash…we actually have a winning team!” Pearl Blossom brags as you all take a look at their team, they do look somewhat strong.

”Aww Pearly, as soon as I noticed you were the Captain of this team knew we wouldn’t have anything to worry about,” Rainbow Dash says.

”Heh…good one Rainbow Dash, we just finished training for the relay race and cross-country events…we were about to get ready for a swim, last thing I heard about your lousy team was that you actually train in that pee-filled public pool! Unlike Canterlot High our school can afford a swimming pool!” Pearl Blossom says with a grin.

”Boy, what a waste of money…” Rainbow Dash says under her breath.

”Oh, you think you actually have a chance? Well then! Grab your team and let’s see who can win!” Pearl Blossom challenges Rainbow Dash.

”You’re on!”

Minutes later at Croix Bleue High’s pool, you’re sitting at the bleachers next to the pool waiting for your team to come out of the changing booths. Sunset Shimmer sits next to you.

”Hey Anon, what’s on your mind?” She asks.

“Hey Sunset, I was just thinking…It must be nice to have a pool in our school don’t you think?”

”Yeah, perhaps Principal Celestia will build one with the money we make once we win this competition,” Sunset giggles.

“True, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We don’t even know what will happen this Saturday…to tell you the truth I’m kind of nervous,” you say to your new friend.

”Me too Anon, me too…oh look! Here they come!” Sunset Shimmer points at your teammates.

Aria, Sonata, Flash, Big Mac and Bulk Biceps are gonna take on Croix Bleue’s students for the swimming event, although Big Mac ran in the relay-race Rainbow Dash wants to choose if Mac should run or swim, and this is his test. Meanwhile you keep your mind busy and take a look at Sonata and Aria’s swimsuits. They are…so dang tiny. Aria looks quite embarrassed, and tries to hide her body by pulling her swimsuit’s bottom to hide her buttocks.

“Ugh, Aria doesn’t understand modern fashion,” Rarity says, “I’ll make the swimsuits bigger then.”

”Hey! Pigtails! Show off the goods!” A voice from Croix Bleue’s crowd yells at her, Aria just turns her head, locating the guy who yelled at her in the crowd and giving him the stink eye, followed by her cracking her fists.

”J-just sayin’!” The guy immediately apologizes, Sonata doesn’t mind and instead she teases both teams by blowing a kiss to the crowd.

”We love you Sonata!!!” Almost every guy in your team says, Curly Winds being an exception.

”That Sonata, that’s no way for a lady to behave!” Rarity says before taking a selfie in a very provocative pose.

”As long as we have those two in our team we’ll win, they’re even faster than Rainbow!” Sunset Shimmer says.

“Don’t forget about Bulk Biceps, he doesn’t just swim…he drags the whole pool with his own arms,” you say, Sunset laughs at your joke.

“Ready? GO!” Twilight and a girl from Croix Bleue act as the judges and ready their stopwatches.

Both Flash and the Croix Blue player start to swim, it’s like a relay race, but in water; weird concept for an event like this one…must be Superintendent Discord’s idea.

”Go Flash!” Your team cheers for the rocker.

You just keep on looking at Aria, who’s still pulling her swimsuit to cover her buttocks. You can’t help it, but seeing her all flustered like that makes it hard for you to look elsewhere.

”Anon, dearie?” Rarity says.

“Hmm? Yes Rarity?”

”Would you PLEASE keep your eyes on the match?” Rarity grabs your head and forces you to turn it towards the pool.

“O-of course Rares!” You say before letting out an awkward chuckle, “I was just…well-“

”Hmph!” Rarity does a cute annoyed gesture before crossing her arms and closing her eyes, no case on explaining yourself, she caught you. You only hope she doesn’t tell Aria on you.

”Shame Adagio didn’t want to take part on this isn’t that right girls?” Applejack says, “we could’ve used her help for this event as well.”

”Leave her be,” Sunset Shimmer says, “she’s still a bit, touchy after what happened…”

Flash and the Croix Blue player emerge from the pool, now it’s Big Mac’s turn, the quiet guy makes a graceful entrance and starts to swim as fast as possible. Croix Bleue's girls ogle at his body and let out inspired sighs.

”That’s mah brother!” Applejack yells, “Go on Mac! Show these folks what the Apple Family is made of!”

”Apples?” You say, lifting an eyebrow which makes Applejack let out a chuckle.

”You can say that again,” Applejack says as she takes an apple out of her bag and throws it directly at your hands, which you manage to catch in mid-air.

“…you carry these with you all the time?” You ask.

”Just eat it sugarcube! It’ll make you feel better and it’ll keep yer strength up!” Applejack proudly says.

“Mmm! Juicy…thanks Jackie!” You say after taking a bite, Applejack raises an eyebrow, she probably liked that nickname you called her. Big Mac steps out of the pool and Bulk Biceps jumps straight into the pool in a very unflattering way, splashing almost everyone near the pool. The water soaks Twilight and Croix Bleue High’s judge, Sonata laughs at them.

”Way to go big guy…” Aria sarcastically says. Croix Bleue’s swimmer can’t keep up with the big guy.

“See? Told you Bulk could drag the entire world with his own arms…” you say to Sunset Shimmer; the girls let out a giggle, including Rainbow Dash.

”Please…it wasn’t that funny,” Zephyr Breeze says under his breath.

”Come on guys! Hurry up!” Pearl Blossom yells at her players, “are you even trying?!”

”Maybe we do have a chance,” Rainbow Dash says as she bumps your shoulder, “isn’t that right Anon?”

Zephyr Breeze bites on his finger, looking quite annoyed. You wonder what’s wrong with him…Bulk Biceps steps out of the pool and flexes his muscles, letting out a loud “YEEEEEAAAAH!”, everyone in your team cheers for him, Flash and Mac raise their hands to give Bulk a high five. And now it’s Sonata’s turn; she expertly swims across the pool’s lane, leaving Croix Bleue’s player behind easily.

“How does she do that? It’s like she were some sort of…mermaid,” you say; still amazed by her swimming style.

The girls look at each other mischievously, and then let out another soft giggle. Sonata steps out of the pool, and then she blows kisses to everyone, she really digs the attention.

”Good going Sonata…” Twilight says, “could somebody pass me a towel? It’s cold…”

Flash quickly places a towel on Twilight’s back.

”Phew…thanks Flash,” Twilight says.

”Y-you’re welcome Twi!” Flash nervously replies.

Aria quickly jumps into the pool, and she’s even faster than Sonata!

”Well…I wouldn’t like to accept it; but I gotta say, I’m glad those two are in our team,” Rainbow Dash says, “glad I won’t have to participate in both Relay Race and Swimming events…”

”We’re a team Rainbow Dash, don’t forget about it!” Applejack frowns.

Aria steps out of the pool; she says nothing, but you know she feels proud of her skills and how you all value her as an important member of the team.

”Canterlot High Wins!” Twilight yells before sneezing quite loud, Twilight quickly covers her mouth, your teammates cheer.

”Twenty years? Make that twenty-one Pearly!” Rainbow Dash taunts.

”This is far from over Rainbow Dash! We can totally beat you in the High Diving event!”

”You okay Twi?” Flash Sentry asks.

”Y-yeah! I’m o-okay!” She says with a very nasal tone of voice, snots ooze from her nose and run down her fingers, her face goes red from the embarrassment, how nasty.

”Oh umm…” Flash Sentry says as he looks at the floor, “I got a hanky too Twi, hold on!”

Flash Sentry quickly rummages through his stuff and hands Twilight a hanky, Poor Twilight, she looks like she wants to crawl in a hole and get dirt all over her from the embarrassment.

”Alright Canterlot High,” Pearl Blossom says, “You think you’re tough? We finally had our new platform for high diving installed two days ago! Try to beat that!”

”It’s nice and all, but I think it has a big flaw though Pearly,” Rainbow Dash yawns.

”Flaw? What are you babbling about?” Pearl Blossom asks.

”…it’s here in Croix Bleue High,” everyone in your team laughs.

”GRRR! You’ll pay for that Rainbow Dash!” Pearl Blossom calls her high diving team to scene.

”Pssh…please, guys?” Rainbow Dash says before your high diving teammates stand up as well. Brawly Beats, Ringo, Curly Winds, Sandalwood and last but not least…Zephyr Breeze.

”With a team like mine you better call it quits this Saturday Pearly, to spare you from the usual humiliation!” Rainbow Dash brags.

”We’ll see about that Dash!” Pearl Blossom replies.

Brawly Beats goes first, he does a simple, yet efficient dive.

”Heh, what did I tell you Pearly?” Rainbow brags.

”Shut up!!!” Pearl Blossom angrily replies, “come on Twisted Bolt! Show these losers what you got!”

That girl is so cute when she’s angry! Croix Bleue’s Twisted Bolt follows Brawly Beats’ technique; nothing impressive, but not bad either. Ringo goes next. He tries to be creative for his dive and does a single flip. Splashing a bit of water, soaking Twilight again.

”RINGO! Be more careful!” Twilight angrily says, Flash places another clean towel on her once again.

”Sorry Twi…” Ringo apologizes as he emerges from the water.

”Hah…that’s easily a 3.5 out of 10 dorks!” Pearl Blossom says, “is that the best you can do?”

The next dive from the Croix Bleue team goes quite well, your team is losing right now; Curly Winds goes next.

He performs a great dive, with a flip included! Twilight covers herself waiting for water to soak her. Luckily for her he doesn’t splash any water around him. What a perfect execution!

”And that’s easily a 9.6 out of 10 don’t you think Pearly?” Rainbow Dash says.

”Don’t call me Pearly! I’m not a child!” The short-fused Captain of Croix Bleue's High says.

The next Croix Bleue diver messes up the stunt he was planning to perform and ends up splashing a lot of water. Luckily it didn’t reach Twilight, instead he soaks his school’s judge.

”BOOOO!” Rainbow Dash teases, “Croix Bleue? More like Croix Sacrebleu!”

“Man, that Pearl Blossom girl looks like she wants to choke Rainbow Dash,” you mutter.

Sandalwood goes next. He plays it safe and only focuses on not splashing any water. A solid dive, 7/10 for you. The next Croix Bleue diver performs quite the impressive dive, easily a 9.2 or…whatever. You all could use a judge to tell you how good the dives are; even though this is a practice segment, you don’t know if your teammates are good enough to face Crystal Prep Academy or Pleasantview High.

Finally, it’s time for Zephyr Breeze to turn the tables around. He looks at the small sized diving board and lets out a sigh; he does those same awkward exercises as the ones he does in the public pool. However, for this occasion he’s actually taking more time to prepare himself. You don’t know why, his dives are usually the best at the public pool’s diving board.

”Could you please hurry up Zeph?” Rainbow Dash reminds him.

”You can’t rush perfection sweetie,” Zephyr Breeze says.

”PERFECTION?!” Rainbow Dash yells, “can you believe this guy?!”

Rainbow’s eyes go wide from a sudden realization.


”Rainbow Dash! Control yerself!” Applejack says as she stands up and holds her, aided by yourself as well, Fluttershy hides her face in shame; Rainbow sure is a tough cookie. You can’t even imagine what this Zephyr Breeze guy had to say to his beautiful sister to beg Rainbow Dash to let him join the team. Even Croix Bleue’s players and fans are getting impatient.

”Outta the way freak…” The fifth diver, the one behind Zephyr Breeze, pushes him away and climbs up the diving board’s ladder.

Zephyr Breeze interrupts his warm-up exercises (?) to stare at the guy. The guy finally dives in and outdoes every other player in your team.

”Good job Thunderstorm!” Pearl Blossom says, “well Rainbow Dash? Will we see that weirdo flex for today or will he actually dive?”

”Well Zeph?! Pearly here is getting impatient!” Rainbow Dash yells.

Zephyr finally stops his exercises and climbs up the ladder. One step at a time…

He’s still climbing.


Croix Bleue’s players groan.

”Huh, that’s weird. Why is he taking so long to climb up the stairs?” Sunset Shimmer poses a question.

”He’s being weird as usual,” Rainbow Dash says.

Finally, Zephyr Breeze reaches the top and steps on the diving board.

“That took forever and a half…perhaps he was thinking of the best dive possible to blow Croix Bleue out of the water,” you say.

”I hope so…” Rainbow Dash says.

Zephyr takes a look at the water below and breathes quite fast. You find his behavior more odd than usual. He proceeds to take a look at Rainbow Dash.

”Get on with it!” Pearl Blossom yells at him.

”Silence ugly woman! I need to focus by picturing my muse first!” Zephyr yells back at her.

”U-UGLY?!” Pearl Blossom yells in disbelief, Croix Bleue’s players try to stifle their laughs.

”Picture his what?” Rainbow Dash says in confusion, followed by an uncomfortable tone of voice, “I-I don’t like the way he’s looking at me…”

As soon as Zephyr Breeze finishes whatever he was doing he immediately closes his eyes and jumps on the high diving board. Once…Twice…There he goes!

Zephyr Breeze manages to pull off two complete spins and pulls off quite a very graceful dive at the end, followed by literally next to no water splashing. Everyone in Canterlot High’s team cheers for him. Croix Bleue High is paralyzed by the dive they just witnessed.

”I, uh…I-“ Pearl Blossom can’t say a word either.

”WE WON!” Derpy yells in excitement.

Rainbow Dash looks quite conflicted as Zephyr emerges from the pool, everyone runs towards him to congratulate him.

”You did amazing Zephyr!” Sonata says.

”I know…” He says, with a big smug smile printed on his face.

”That was incredible Zeph!” Sandalwood says.

”Of course, it’s my art! And it’s always beautiful.” Zephyr Breeze replies.

“It took you a long time to do it but, you did great Zeph!” You comment as well, he just looks down on you.

”What do you care Anon? You’re not even in this team,” he arrogantly replies, “unlike you…I was able to win an event!”

”G-good job Zeph…” even Rainbow Dash congratulates him.

”I only needed to focus on my muse…that’s all,” he confidently says, flexing his arms in front of Dash. Everyone keeps complimenting him.

”ZEPHYR BREEZE! ZEPHYR BREEZE!” They cheer for him, your team even pushes you out of the group that gathered around him.

What a jerk! You only wanted to congratulate him! But he’s right, you lost today’s race against Nelly…you gave it all to win. Moreover, it was just a practice match too! Perhaps your teammates at Seacrest Jr. High were right…you are nothing but a failure.

”Dearie…what’s wrong?” Rarity says using a comforting tone of voice as she approaches you from the back.

“Oh…it’s nothing Rares,” you reply after turning your head around your shoulder.

”Ignore Zephyr Breeze dearie, I heard what he said…he’s nothing but a jerk,” she says.

“Perhaps, but he’s right…I lost,” you bitterly reply.

”It’s not the end of the world Anon, you can use these days to train even harder,” Rarity giggles before taking a look at Zephyr Breeze.

”Besides, remember he couldn’t even finish a five lap race…” Rarity whispers into your ear, which makes you crack a smile.

“Oh, I think I saw a smiiile~” Rarity teases you, “see? I trust you’ll give more than your 100% this Saturday!”

“You’re right Rares, I will!” You say as you both follow the rest of your team, who’s making their way to the exit.

“Rarity?” You mutter.

”Yes darling?” She asks.

“Thank you.”

”You’re welcome dearie…” Rarity smiles at you, using that sweet tone of voice you’re so fond of.

”See you later losers!” Rainbow Dash laughs as you all walk through the pool’s exit.

”It’s…it’s not fair!” Pearl Blossom cries as Croix Bleue’s players try to comfort her, “this was supposed to be our year!”