• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,168 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

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26.- Anon's Fight

- CHAPTER 26 -


"Whoa...who is that guy?" Sunset Shimmer whispers into your ear.

"I'm guessing that he's the captain of Kindiak Park..." you begrudgingly mutter, "he was carrying the banner earlier."

"Rarity looks uncomfortable..." Sunset Shimmer says.

"Very. Excuse me for a moment..." you reply before getting out of the circle and walking where Rarity is standing.

"Anon? Where the heck are you going?" Rainbow Dash scolds you, "we're about to call the teams for Pole-"

"I'll be back in a minute!" You interrupt to Rainbow Dash and keep going.

"Let him go Rainbow Dash..." Sunset Shimmer says with a smile printed on her face, "he knows what he's doing."

"Uhh...okay? So I'm gonna choose..."

You don't know what to do...the guy is huge, his well-defined muscles contrast with your body by a lot. That letterman jacket of his looks pretty tight and it looks like it'll rip just from a flex, you've had to deal with a share of guys like him back in the day and it always ended up with you getting hurt real bad. Even though you're considering stopping dead on your tracks, a second gaze at Rarity lets you know that she's just as afraid as you are of him. All the disgusting actions Rarity is receiving; from the lewd looks to the vulgar comments makes you feel something you've felt before, a familiar rage which is slightly building up and that you've always had to stifle whenever you got bullied back in Seacrest, but this time it's different. It wants to emerge, but not like back in the day where you just wanted to get your revenge on the people who made your life a living hell, this time it just wants you to protect Rarity at all costs, like it knows your fears and limits.

As soon as Rarity notices you getting close to her and Kindiak Park's captain, she puts a big smile on her face, and the captain who notices she's not staring at him anymore looks over only to find you heading his way. Rarity quickly gets out of the captain's reach and dashes towards you.

"Darling!" Rarity says as she places herself behind you.

"Is this guy bothering you Rarity?" You ask, doing your best to remain calm and collected.

"Rarity...what a beautiful name," Kindiak Park's captain confidently says, "I was chattin' with her, what do you care though?"

"It seems like you're bothering her," you say before turning around and holding Rarity's hand to take her away from that annoying schmuck. "come on Rares, I got you. Let's go."

"What are you her brother or something?" The guy asks, "you don't look like her boyfriend...let alone something of hers."

Boyfriend? That gives you an idea.

"Actually," you turn your head around your shoulder before calmly replying," I AM her boyfriend...so please, leave her alone."

"D-Darling?" Rarity barely manages to say.

They both weren't expecting you to say that, it took a lot of courage for you to say that too. You can only hope Rarity will be able to forgive you for saying such a bold statement, it seems that she doesn't mind your comment since her cute and dumbfounded smile from embarrassment is visible to everyone nearby, she tries her best to stifle a dumb laugh and uses her pom pons to cover her face.

"About time..." Snips says to Snails, both present in the audience as he enjoys some of Snails' popcorn.

"You? Her boyfriend? HA HA HA HA HA!" The captain from Kindak Park just laughs at you, "I can't believe that poor girl would have to settle with trash like you."

You refrain from acting up and say nothing, you just keep walking away from him.

"You know she totally deserves a real man, poor girl must be awake at nights wishing to know what a real man like myself can give to her."

Once again you refrain your instincts and say nothing, Rarity however looks very uncomfortable with his insults.

"Yo baby! Once we win this contest I'll take you back to my home and I'll show you a good time, what do you think about- NGH"

You just punched the huge teen right in his smug, stupid face, and you just stirred a quite heated reaction from both your Canterlot teammates and classmates and Kindiak Park's supporters as well, your hand feels numb from the hit you gave to him.

"Oh you're so dead kid..."

Kindiak Park's captain throws a punch which unfortunately lands on your right cheek, the blow was so intense it almost makes you lose balance. It bloody HURTS! It's worse than the blows you received from Artic Thunder or any of the Pleasantview High's teens combined. A little more and he would've dislocated your jaw. Just how strong is this guy?! You were right to be afraid, this guy reminds you of the abuse you suffered at the hands of your former classmates back in Seacrest.

"DARLING!" Rarity freaks out.

You however, don't back down this time. You mantain the stance Sandy taught you and wait for him to attack once again, he just laughs it off and rushes over to attack you once again. He lands yet another hit with those long arms of his, this time he hits you in the left cheek, however you just didn't stand and take it this time, you were able to counterattack giving him a strong punch to his right eye at the same time his punch landed on your cheek. The huge guy backs away from you and takes a hand to his injured eyelid.

Officials quickly run up to stand up between you and him to prevent you from fighting any more, you get shoved by a couple of officials and quickly explain what happened. Rarity confirms your actions and explains too that the Captain of the other team was getting a little carried away, the officials discuss a bit between them. Rainbow Dash and the others quickly catch up to you and Rarity to demand an explanation, but as you were about to explain to your friends what happened the officials make an announcement.

"Penalty for Canterlot team! They have been deducted 150 points.

"What?!" Rainbow, Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia yell at the same time, Superintendent Discord looks pleased with the penalty your team just got because of you.

"Arrrrgh! I can't believe it! We're already losing by 150 points and we haven't started yet!" Rainbow Dash yells, "what's the matter with you Anon?!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Sunset Shimmer yells, "didn't you see that jerk was harassing Rarity?! Are the points the only thing you care about?!"

"Wait what?!" Rainbow Dash quickly refrains from beating you into a pulp, "is that true Rarity?!"

"I'm afraid it's true dearie, if Anon hadn't done what he did that ruffian would've kept going. And I'm glad he stepped in the right time, thank you dear...boyfriend," Rarity says before planting a kiss on your cheek and letting out a big squeal before running away covering her face with her pom poms once again.

"DUDE!" Your guy friends start congratulating you, "you sly dog! You finally made up your mind."

"Well it happened so fast...I-I-" you struggle to find the words to recall what just happened, however your teammates are having none of it.

"I must admit twerp, that was so...unexpected of you," Aria Blaze says trying to cover a blush forming on her face, "all Sonata and I managed to see was him trying to woo Rarity and then you-"

"You just turned around and punched him in the face! Like...WOW!!!" Sonata butts in just to give you a thumbs up, "nice job!"

Even the girls from the team are surprised at your sudden outburst, even though everything you did was poorly thought and executed, your hand still hurts. But none of your teammates seem to be angry at you, even Rainbow Dash gives an approving nod.

"Alright everyone...we will make some time to talk about what Anon did later, but now it's time for the Pole Vault event!" Rainbow Dash says, "Derpy, Cloudy, Flash, Curly and Tennis Match. You're up!"


The team gathers at the extremely improvised pitch Celestia and Luna barely managed to complete for the event, just a couple of mats and the poles standing next to the high jump set.

The first one to go is Flash, who after taking a couple of deep breathes he grabs the pole and with a determined look ends up jumping and moving his body to make it past the horizontal bar, his jump is executed perfectly and his landing is just incredible. The crowd goes wild and girls from the other team start whispering flattering things about Flash, which for some reason, make Twilight jealous.

"A PERFECT SCORE!" The announcer, who is your classmate from Calculus class, Sweet Leaf, happily says on the speaker system after looking at the judges' scoreboards. "Canterlot team is already showing what they are made of don't you think Velvet Sky?"

"A stunning score for a stunning guy..." Velvet Sky, your classmate from History class says on the mic, "that was just beautiful to see..."

"The jump Flash Sentry made right?" Sweet Leaf asks.

"The what now? Oh yeah yeah...fine piece of work" Velvet Sky says as she keeps looking at Flash Sentry, her eyes are checking out his behind.

"Dude! That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash says to Flash Sentry.

"I told you that your jumps were Olympiad-tier Flash," you chuckle, "how are you feelin'?"

"Thanks Captain! And yeah, I feel great. It was thanks to your advice Anon," Flash Sentry says to both of you, then he bumps your shoulder with his fist then he lowers his voice and whispers into your ear "...you think Twilight noticed?"

"Up next is Conifer Cone!" Velvet Sky announces.

The girl from Kindiak Park takes a deep breath and jumps the bar with no hesitation, landing just like Flash which earns her a perfect score and a ton of points.

"Another perfect score! Watch out Canterlot High...it seems Kindiak Park High came well prepared."

"This is gonna be easy," their captain just confidently laughs.

"Ngh...Derpy! Your turn!" Rainbow Dash yells.

Derpy grabs the pole and runs as fast as she can, makes the jump and nearly hits the pole with her breasts, however her landing was a bit clumsy which deducts her some points of what could've been another perfect score. The next contestant, Blueberry Jam from Kindiak Park manages to get a better score than Derpy, and the match is not looking good for now. You really regret not restraining yourself from hitting that guy.

"Hey Anon...it's okay," Rainbow Dash says.

"You're just saying that Rainbow..." you mutter, "and you know dang well it's not."

"Well what do you want me to do Anon," Rainbow Dash chuckles, "do you really want me to tell Rarity that you regret saving her behind which you covet a lot?"

"W-what?!" You go red from embarrassment, "are you nuts?!"

"That's what I thought, look dude...those 150 points don't matter, what you did was incredible," Rainbow Dash says, "standing up to that huge guy who was harassing Rarity. Knowing you, you must've been restraining yourself from peeing your pants from fear."

"Wait a sec-"

"But that's okay Anon! You did what you had to do..." Rainbow Dash interrupts, "and to be honest...I-I'm feelin' kinda jealous of Rarity right now."

"I-I'm sorry, what was that?" You say, noticing how a neat shade of pink starts to form on Rainbow's face, Rainbow Dash doesn't reply however, instead she tells you to look at Cloudy Kicks, because it's now her turn.

Cloudy Kicks performs such a graceful jump, her body never touches the pole even if her 'attributes' are big enough to knock it out of the rail, she even manages to roll once in midair and land on her feet. The audience quickly goes crazy, the points awarded to her help your team to recover from the -150 point penalty caused by your brawl. Superintendent Discord looks displeased with the results, even if you're a bit behind from Kindiak Park High...it looks like you'll end up winning this event.

"Whoa! That was amazing Cloudy!" Sonata says.

"That was amazing..." Heath Burns says, "I'm completely speechless..."

"I can't believe it..." Thunderbass says with a shocked look on his face, "it was like I saw perfection itself"

"Thanks!" She says with a big blush forming on her face, "but it was nothing though...I'm sure you guys can do better than me."

"Are you for real?!" Thunderbass exclaims, "don't downplay yourself Cloudy! None of us could even dream of reaching that level of grace or elegance like yours."

"T-Thunderbass...y-you really think so?" Cloudy Kicks shyly twiddles her fingers.

"It seems that Thunderbass won't have to go around asking out girls from other teams anymore huh," Sunset Shimmer whispers to you, you just let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, all he has to do now is figure it out himself."

"And what about you Anon?" Sunset Shimmer asks, "will you really become Rarity's boyfriend? Or do you still want to mess around with that Pleasantview girl?"


Oak Ridge from Kindiak Park is next, and thankfully, she fails at her jump. She didn't gain enough momentum to get above the pole, and instead she falls backwards and lands on her back. Their captain quickly starts yelling at her, you instead quickly walk towards her to check on her to see if she didn't hurt herself.

"I-I'm fine...thank you," Oak Ridge answers, stiffling some tears back, "I messed up didn't I?"

"That's not important, what really matters is you being okay..." you say before helping the short girl up, "are you okay? does it hurt?"

"Only in my chest...I let my team down," Oak Ridge says while looking at the zeroes from the juror bench, "Crimson Fire is going to kill me for this..."

"Crimson Fire?" You ask.

"Our captain..."

The first event ends with your team having a slight advantage over Kindiak Park, will the others go smoothly? And what will you do once your turn arrives? Fight Crimson Fire once again in the Karate event?