• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,169 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

  • ...

32 .- I'm okay...

- CHAPTER 32 -


"Here you go sweetie," Mrs. Cake happily says to Sunset Shimmer as she pays for the warm mocha coffee she ordered, the word 'Sunny' can be read on the carton.

"And what do we have here?!" Mr. Cake excitedly says as soon as he notices you, "well if it isn't Canterlot High's hero!"

"...excuse me?" you raise an eyebrow, taken by surprise by Mr. Cake's outburst.

"Can you believe this kid sweetie?" He says to his wife, both of them letting out a jolly laugh as he pours some coffee in a big cup, "he's totally pretending he didn't save Canterlot High from getting eliminated yesterday. How quaint."

"It's on the house kid!" Mrs. Cake says as her husband gives you a jelly-filled donut which you didn't even order and a bigger sized coffee cup from the usual one, "enjoy!"


"Oh!" Sunset Shimmer interjects, "so you watched our match?"

"There's no way any we could've missed it sweetie," Mrs. Cake replies, "Pinkie Pie asked if she could work overtime some other day so she could take her cheerleading job more seriously to cheer for all of you, she even set up a livestream yesterday on our store and we all saw how close you all were from being eliminated! Us and the customers as well. Gotta say that livestream almost hit nine thousand views and a bunch of people stayed late in our store asking for more coffee and other treats just to keep watching you all compete!"

"W-wow! That many?!" Sunset Shimmer opens her eyes wide.

"Everyone was amazed, no wonder it made it in local news," Mr. Cake says as he shows you an actual newspaper...It's YOU! On the front page! The main picture shows you delivering the final blow to Crimson Fire's face in mid air, the one you saw on the internet earlier. One thing is seeing it on the internet, but another totally different one is seeing your picture in an actual newspaper.

"I told you that you looked incredible in that picture dummy..." Sunset Shimmer says with a cute smile and an inspired sigh, Mr. Cake starts clipping the newspaper and places the picture and news clipping on a corkboard, said corkboard is labeled: NOTABLE CUSTOMERS.

"Look at that, we have a little athlete on his way making it BIG!" Mr. Cake says as Mrs. Cake takes out an instant film camera. Sunset Shimmer quickly brings you closer to her and does a quirky pose.

"Over here kids!" Mrs. Cake says, "say cheese!"

"Cheese!" Sunset quickly says as she places her hand on your waist and and sticks out her tongue, the flash from Mrs. Cake's camera blinds you as she takes three pictures in a row, one for the corkboard, one for Sunset and one for you.

"Hopefully this will bring more costumers to our shop," Mr. Cake rubs his hands as he daydreams for a bit, "ahh...I can almost picture it. The fame and glory...and the small cut we'll get of course! Say Anon...do you have an agent yet?"

"Nnnope he doesn't!" Sunset Shimmer quickly pushes you outside, "we'd love to stay but we have classes to attend and training to do! Later!"

"Oh r-right! Bye everyone and thanks for the treats!" You add, raising the bag with the donut you had and the coffee carton you got for free to the owners of Sugarcube Corner.

"Bye you two! Good luck with your next opponents!" Mrs. Cake waves at you two.

"What was that all about?" You say as you bite the jelly-filled donut, "mmm! that's good! Want some?"

"Yeah I do!" Sunset happily says as you hand her half of your donut.

"Mmmh! Delicious! I'd wish I get stuff for free as well like you Mr. Big Shot...once we win this tournament you'll end up becoming a top-tier Olympian for sure," Sunset says with a laugh.

"Pffft...please," you scoff and roll your eyes in a playful way, then you look at the photo Mrs. Cake gave you.

"For a guy who doesn't like getting his picture taken you actually look great..." Sunset Shimmer happily teases you, "even with all the bandaids and stuff."

"Heh...what are you? My #1 fan or what?" You tease back with a smile on your face, trying to hide your embarrassment.

"...maybe? I wouldn't say 'fan' per-se..." Sunset Shimmer twiddles with her index fingers, "but as someone who likes you a lot...SO-!" Sunset Shimmer then decides to change the topic all of a sudden, "what did you want to talk about? You told me that you wanted to tell me secret in particular."

"R-right! T-the secret..." you stutter since you're not so sure about saying this anymore, after all Rarity is one of Sunset Shimmer's closest friends, what would happen to you if you tell Sunny what just happened a few moments ago between you and Nelly? Hopefully...she'll understand.

"What is it?" Sunset Shimmer insists, "I won't tell anyone..."

Here goes nothing.

"Very well then," you sigh, "it's about Nelly...she confessed her feelings to me earlier and I accepted them."

"She did? Oooh! Congratulations Anon!" She happily claps for you, "I knew she had it in her to finally reveal what we all knew from the beginning."

"Wait what? You KNEW?!" You arch an eyebrow.

"Totally! Her sisters did, Rainbow Dash did, I did...it's basically a good gossip topic. Even the guys and girls placed a bet that it was either you choosing Rarity or Nelly! Wow Anon...how could you be so dense? It was obvious she was completely in love with you."

"Ohhhh my goodness, how embarrassing..." you cover your face with a hand.

"Uhhh, that's not the reaction someone usually gives when talking about his new girlfriend. Is everything okay Anon?" Sunset Shimmer raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure if I should trust you with this but-"

"You can trust me Anon, just be honest..." Sunset Shimmer interrupts by giving you a serious, yet reassuring look, "and I will do my best to help you out."

"Thank you Sunset...well, I'm not completely sure if I love Nelly because Rarity confessed her feelings to me before her," you say as you hand her the bloody envelope Rarity handed you yesterday.

Sunset grabs the envelope and takes a look at the content inside said envelope, then lets out a loud gasp as she sees not the letter, but the picture she attached to it. You quickly freak out and snatch the picture from her hands.

"Wow...Rarity sure has the goods to motivate you doesn't she?," Sunset says flabbergasted...much to your dismay, then she reads the letter soaked with your now coagulated blood.

"Oh..." Sunset says as she reads the content of said letter, "let me ask you somethin'... you wanted Rarity to confess her feelings right?"

"When you say it that way it sounds horrible...but I guess you're right. Maybe it was selfish from me to do so but, I wasn't even sure if she liked me at all, I just couldn't imagine an scenario where Rarity just would outright say no. It happened to me once, and it was devastating."

"Care to elaborate Anon?" Sunset Shimmer leans in to listen...

"There was this girl I liked at Seacrest's Jr. High..."

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen...smart, agile, docile, talented...she wasn't just looks, she had everything and I crushed on her a lot. We were more than acquaintances, she was one of the few people that treated me with some respect, she was so sweet and innocent, had a beautiful relaxing voice, we ended up as partners on the lab and she also sat down with me whenever it was lunch time, she even gave me some of her food when mom forgot to pack my lunch. She even stood up for me when the bullying got out of hand multiple occasions. One day...

"Leave him alone jerk!"

"What is it with you?! Do you love him or something?"

"W-wha-?! N-NO! I DON'T!"

"Are you sure? All you do is get in our way when we try to teach lil' Anon a lesson...why do you care so much about him if you don't even love him?"

"I just said to stop it! Leave him alone."

Everyone laughed at her...and seriously I already know how to deal with everyone's bullying by that point. But what broke my heart was-

"-He's GROSS! I'd never love someone as pathetic as him! I only hang out with him out of pity."

"My view of her shattered, she didn't want to be my friend in the first place...she just felt sorry for me. And it was how I somehow thought Rarity saw me that way, both her and that girl share so many traits. It was hard to deal with Rarity's cold shoulder while we were competing in the repechage event...but when she handed me that letter I was so happy, she was in love with me as much as I was in love with her, I was almost convinced this time everything could be different, but then Nelly stepped in..."

"I see," Sunset Shimmer lets out a sigh as she scrolls down your phone and she sees how she blocked you from her social pages, "Anon, Rarity's just a big drama queen. She's probably downing one big cup of ice cream as we speak and you know why? Because Rarity's gotten used to get the things she wants...she's so spoiled, but lemme reassure you, she's in love with you."

"She is?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Uh huh!" Sunset Shimmer happily nods and closes her eyes.

"Here's the thing. I'm still in love with her, but Nelly's been through a rougher situation and if I reject Nelly's feelings then I'd feel like that girl who told me I was gross..."

"You'd cause more pain to Nelly if you PRETEND to be in love with her Anon," Sunset Shimmer sighs once again, "if you don't love her like you love Rarity...well, don't even bother getting her hopes up. If you still want to go after Rarity after what has happened so far then it's up to you, but who knows? What if give Nelly a chance and end up loving her much more than Rarity? After all you two are almost the same person. You share the same traits, the same personalities, even the same interests and mannerisms. But if you don't have the same feelings for her it's better to say it like it is in a polite manner. Nelly will understand..."

"I see...thanks a lot Sunny..." you say, feeling much better now, however uncertainness still clouds your mind.

"Also Anon...if it's you I don't mind, BUT it is kinda rude to glance at my chest especially when you were talking about Rarity and Nelly like seconds ago..."

"Whoops...sorry," you quickly avert your gaze from her spectacular bosom, to which only Sunset Shimmer lets out a dirty giggle.

"There you are!" Rainbow Dash says as she spots you and Sunset from the soccer pitch's bleachers, "hey lovebirds! You're late!"

"Calm down Rainbow Dash! Jeez!" Sunset Shimmer angrily replies, "we were just having some coffee...Anon and I had to talk about something."

"Lemme guess, you were confessing your love for him right?" Rainbow Dash says with a smug smile on her face.

"Nice try Rainbow Dash..." instead of being annoyed, Sunset Shimmer lets out a yawn, "it's a bit too early for this don't you think?"

"Aww...you're no fun Sunset." Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, "anyways...Superintendent Discord arrived like three minutes ago and he's gonna have a meeting with Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Twilight right now!"

"Really?! Oh no, what would he want this time?" Sunset Shimmer says.

"Probably call us a bunch o' cheaters and gonna try to disqualify us that's fer sure..." Applejack says with her arms crossed.

"Ugh, I know right?" Tennis Match adds, "he really hates our guts and we haven't done anything to him. Mmmm...didn't you scratch his car with your bike once Rainbow Dash?"

"Shhh!" Rainbow quickly hushes Tennis Match, "he doesn't know that! If he did then I'd kiss my butt goodbye, not from the competition but from school itself!"

"Sorry! My bad..." Tennis Match quickly apologizes.

"Hahhh...all the pressure and no help from Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, the Board or anyone else," Trixie shakes her head, "...it's basically The Great and Powerful Trixie plus friends versus the entire world."

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit Trixie?" Lyra says arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and we did get help from The Llamas remember?" Sweetie Drops adds.

"...plus friends?" Cloudy Kicks says in disbelief after a long pause.

"Well, it sounds better than assistants of the FABULOUS AND MOST MAGNIFICENT TRRRRRI-"

"ENOUGH!" Aria uses her strength to shut Trixie up by grabbing her from behind and placing a hand on Trixie's mouth.

"Thank you Aria..." Rainbow Dash lets out a sigh of relief, "all that noise was getting annoying."

"MMPH! MMMPH! MMPH!" Trixie struggles with Aria, which causes Aria to get more and more angry at her.

"Come on Aria...knock it off," you say in a calmed tone of voice and raise your hands as you approach Aria, asking her to release your friend, despite you being the victim of the hot-tempered nature of Aria on multiple occasions, this time Aria cedes and releases Trixie who melodramatically falls on the ground gasping for air.

"You okay Trish?" You aren't buying her melodramatic act, but still check if she's okay.

"BWAAAAHHH!" Trish immediately gets up crying and grabs you by your jacket, "Anon! Did you see how Aria almost killed me?! She's a BRUTE!"

"Relax you big baby..." Aria says with a laugh and a shrug, "I was only joking."

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" Rainbow Dash blows her whistle, "stop screwin' around! We got work to do! We should start by doing something like...uhhh-"

"-but we don't even know what events are coming up!" Derpy says as she raises her hand, "what should we even do?"

"W-well, I dunno! Let's just warm up and then do some running okay? Classes should start in a few more minutes or so," Rainbow Dash says as she fixes her cap on her head, "come on you all. Let's stop being lazy and get to work."

"Awwww..." everyone goes before they line up and do some stretching exercises with the help of a teammate.

This time you get to do some exercises with Trixie.

"Very well then dearest Anon, my beloved number one fan...are you prepared to help the Great and Powerful TRRRIXIE with her morning stretches?" She calmly waits for you to praise her.

"Of course oh mighty and beautiful one, whose silver hairs can be compared to riches and purple eyes to precious amethyst," you let out a chuckle as you take off your jacket, "let's do this."

Trixie wasn't expecting your verbose compliment, and quickly averts her gaze to hide her embarrassed face away from you, then she composes herself and lets out a deep breath to suppress the embarrassment, then she grabs you by your hands, then she leans in closer to your face and whispers... "Thank you again Anon... you're the only one who doesn't roll his eyes when we get paired up, you're the greatest!" Trixie says before giving you a big hug.

Poor Trix, you let out a content sigh as you pat the back of her head, the bond you have with her is much stronger than the one you have with the rest of your friends, she doesn't make you feel as much as an outcast as before.

"SHALL WE BEGIN THEN?!" Trixie says as she breaks the hug and grabs you by the hands so you can both stretch both bodies out, once both your feet are firm on the grass Trixie starts pulling your arms.

"HNNGH! GAH!" You feel a sharp pain travel through your body, which makes you lose your balance and end up falling on top of Trixie.

"OOF!" Trixie cries out as you fall on top of her, only to be quickly shut up by-


-your own lips.

Everyone quickly stops dead on their tracks just to see the spectacle both you and Trixie are giving. You quickly try to get up, but the pain on your knee prevents you from doing so. Trixie doesn't know how to respond...and she even closed her eyes.

You feel Sunset's hand on your back, she quickly pulls you away from Trixie with a titanic force. A loud pop could be heard as your lips detached from hers...Trixie responds by letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Seriously Anon?" Sunset looks at you with disbelief then whispers in your ear, "cheating already on your girlfriend? I thought you were better than this..."

"WHOOOWEEE!" Applejack teases you and Trixie, "now THAT was a hell of a kiss sugar cubes, when's the wedding?"

The rest of your teammates laugh at Applejack's comment made at your expense.

"S-sorry Trixie! I truly am," you quickly apologize to her, "I felt a sharp pain and I couldn't stand well a-and and...w-well, I guess I lost balance and-"

"Pain? Are you okay Anon?" Sunset Shimmer says with visible concern on her face.

Trixie is still on the ground, looking quite distraught.

"T-that was my first kiss..." Trixie shyly says.


You look at Trixie, whose face goes completely red after looking at you. Before she can say anything, a voice can be heard from the sound system. It's Ms. Raven, Principal Celestia's secretary.

"Anonymous, please report to Principal Celestia's office immediately..."

"Aw man, seriously?! Right now?" Rainbow Dash complains, "what would they want?"

"Who knows...but I can tell it's not good," Applejack squints, "you feel the same way Big Mac?"

"Eeeeyup..." Big Mac says looking at Superintendent Discord through the Principal's office window.

"Well...keep going with the warm up exercise you guys! And you! Get going Anon! But take it easy...perhaps you should apply more of that ointment on your knee..." Rainbow Dash orders.

"Will do Captain," you reply.

"And someone please give Trixie a lemon!" Rainbow Dash yells again.

"A lemon? What for Rainbow?" Cloudy Kicks asks.

"For Trixie to suck on and to wipe off that dumb look off her face, it's getting on my nerves!"

Author's Note:

I'm back...sorry about this but life has been quite intense lately. I never forgot about the fic but I couldn't work on it either.