• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,156 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

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25.- Canterlot High vs Kindiak Park High

- CHAPTER 25 -


Friday, 4:32 P.M.

You're now Anon, and you've just finished your last training session with Pleasantview High.

"Nice hit Anon," Bell says as you reach for his hand to help him get on his feet, "you have gotten quite good at this, ouch...and my jaw can attest to that."

"Sorry Bell...I didn't mean to hit you that hard," you say as you hand him his glasses.

"Relax," Bell says as he dusts off his clothes and then he puts on his glasses, "Sandy was right all along about you, you might end up reaching the finals after all, your team has become better too."

You both take a look at Trixie, who just keeps apologizing to the girl she just beat; then at Heath Burns, who is having a nice chat with his former opponent Lap Joint about the match they just had, Lyra and Sweetie Drops are talking to Maple Tree and Steel Wings and share some giggles, Bulk Biceps is getting some first aid from his opponent Lava Field. Flash and Rose Bud are having a nice chat, but as soon as Flash starts flirting with her Twilight pulls him away from Rose Bud by his ear. That Twilight! She's like that dog from The Dog in the Manger.

"It's nice to see everyone get along so well, specially after how everyone from our team labeled your team as a bunch of slimy cheating losers..." Bells says with a smug smile on his face.

"Ha ha, well that was all Zephyr Breeze's fault," you say, rolling your eyes, "if he hadn't done what he done we wouldn't be stuck in this mess."

"Yeah, but that means our team would've been eliminated and you wouldn't get to practice with us..." Bell says, "so I guess in the end Zephyr, without knowing, ended up doing you all a favor."

"Ehhh...I guess you're right," you say, "his shenanigans drive me nuts. He got both Rarity and Nelly mad at me for an out of context picture he took, however since he was suspended I have not been able to ask him why he did what he did."

"Right, that Rarity girl...both her and Nelly sure are competitive," Bell says as he looks at Rarity and Nelly, "what's up between you and Rarity though?"

"W-wha-???" You don't know what to reply since Bell asked that question so out of the blur, "why do you ask?"

"Lemme guess, she's just a 'friend' of yours right?"

"Well..." you say as you look at Rarity and Nelly who are trying to outperform each other.

"Girls...we already stopped our training, give it a rest will ya?" Sandy nags them both, "poor Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie can't take it anymore."

"...it's complicated," you say to Bell, who just gives you a nod.

"Very well then Anon, you know. I'm more of a guy who loves an easy going girl like Nelly, your character clicks with her. But if an 11 out of 10 girl was after me I'd choose her in a heart beat."

"Whatever you say Bell," you brush of his comment with a chuckle and a dismissive gesture, "I wonder what Sandy would say if she heard that, actually...YO SANDY! Come over here! I have to tell you something."

"Hmm?" Sandy turns her head around her shoulder before she starts walking towards you, "what is it Anon?"

"W-what?! Dude! I was just messing with ya!" Bell freaks out and shuts himself up once Sandy is standing in front of you two.

"Oh nothing...I just wanted to thank you for helping us out, these weeks were intense but at least we'll be able to take on Kindiak Park."

Sandy lets out a cute giggle, and Bell just lets out a relieved sigh.

"You're welcome Anon, but the girl you should be thanking instead is my lil' sis Nelly," Sandy happily says, "this whole deal was her idea after all."

"Still...it was such a nice thing to do Sandy."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Sandy shrugs, "look around and see for yourself Anon, we're glad we were able to train with you all."

You do as told and notice how your friends have befriended all of Sandy's teammates, the only ones who just can't get along are Rarity and Nelly, they seem to be wanting to continue that feud of theirs over who's the best cheerleader.

"Sheesh...those two still have the energy to keep going?" Sandy scratches her head after witnessing such a pathetic sight, then sighs and just smiles at you, "I'm glad you guys came to practice with us. Whatever the results of this tournament are you should keep coming, we can hang out sometime."

"Yeah, that'd be pretty cool Sandy. Well, we better get going then...we both need to rest for our games," you happily say.

"Yep, good luck out there Anon, I know you and your friends will go far, unless we end up facing off each other once again, then there will be no mercy," Sandy shrugs and shakes her head in a rather smug way, you only let out a laugh and say your goodbyes to her and Bell.

Once your team are gathered at the parking lot you all wish luck to the Llamas.

"Take care everyone!" Galaxy Star happily says.

"Show Kindiak Park what you're made of!" Rose Bud waves at you all.

Everyone but you, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are inside the bus and waiting to go home. Sandy, Mirage and Nelly are standing in front of you.

"Good job out there you guys," Mirage says as she stretches her body, "if you need to keep training for the upcoming matches then you know where to find us."

"Yeah, thanks a lot you three," Rainbow Dash happily says to the Prattle sisters, "we totally owe ya one."

"Oh shush you two," Sandy says, "no need to do that. We're glad we were able to help. It was a fun and that's all that matters, don't you think?"

"Totally," Rainbow Dash says, "maybe you guys ain't so bad after all."

"Whatever you say Rainbow..." Sandy giggles before they hug each other.

"How cute...see Captain? Wasn't that better than calling Sandy names and saying things behind her back?" You say.

"Oh, shut it newbie..." Rainbow scratches the back of her head, "that's all water under the bridge, isn't that right Sandy?"

"Heh, of course. It's not like we didn't do the same to you guys as well," Sandy says, "take care now and rest well for Sunday's match."

"Gotcha, see you guys later! Good luck with your match," Rainbow says before she and Rarity get inside the bus.

"Nelly?" You say.

"Y-yes Anon?" Nelly stutters.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble we somehow keep causing to you, firstly Zephyr and that wire, and now Artic and your suspension-"

"Don't be Anon," Nelly interrupts, "now people aren't as mean as they were before to me."

"Probably because of that cheerleader outfit you're wearing sister..." Sandy teases her little sister by grabbing a fold of her skirt and attempting to lift it right in front of you.

"Sandy!" Nelly angrily looks at her sister and swats her arm away, Sandy and Mirage just laugh at her.

You're not gonna deny it, Nelly looks gorgeous wearing that outfit, you had to refrain yourself from peeking too much under that skirt...or is it perhaps that she just looks gorgeous in general and for some reason you can't take your gaze and mind off her?

"Well, everyone said it before to the others, but this is from me to you...thanks a lot Nelly, it was your idea to help us out in the first place, I really didn't know what to do and you took a step forward and decided to help us. you're the best..." you say before giving her a big hug.

"...A-Anon," Nelly stays still before she hugs you back, she then closes her eyes and puckers up her lips.

"ANONYMOUS! LET'S GET GOING!" Rarity grabs you by your shoulder and pulls you into the bus with such unnatural strength.


The driver closes the door and drives away, leaving a very confused and flustered Nelly behind, the sisters laugh at her expense.

Sunday, 4:45 P.M.

You arrived to school an hour earlier and you spent some time talking to your teammates and doing warmup exercises, you are looking at the results of the other games on your phone. The games split up in two days, Crystal Prep Academy and the rest of the left group bracket played yesterday while the rest of the groups, AKA the right bracket, played their games today. Your event will be the last one of the Round of Sixteen.

According to the left bracket chart and the news from the event plastered over Bleeter and other social media, Crystal Prep Academy had no problem while playing against The Thorns, they ended up winning all the events and in the next couple of weeks they'll be facing the Gophers from Silver City who defeated the Gunners in a very close call by the officials, The Gophers tend to win decisive matches in the last few seconds so Crystal Prep might have to watch out for them in the upcoming games. The Cougars defeated The Nukes with relative ease and are waiting to play against The Seahawks...who had no mercy on Snowy Ridge High's players. How typical of them...everyone hopes to be the team who will be able to take on The Seahawks, but you know that won't happen.

You take a look at Rainbow Dash, who is standing by herself doing some warm up exercises, however she looks as she wasn't there, it's quite understandable though, the pressure she has to endure would be unbearable for the rest of your team to handle.

Next is the right bracket chart, earlier in the morning, around 11:30 A.M. Pleasantview High was able to defeat White Woods High, and although Sandy is a natural leader, it was Mirage who took the right shots and scored the most points, the Board had to give her the Most Aggresive and MVP awards. Nelly told you the details everything in a phone call and she even sent you some pictures and videos she took, (and a somewhat suggestive picture of her wearing that tiny cheerleading outfit...) not without wishing you and your team best of luck. They'll go against the Goats in the next two weeks.

A couple of hours ago, the Donkeys defeated the Mustangs in a very controversial turn of events, the winner was decided by a very close margin of points from the individual awards, the Mustangs demanded a recount, since they felt the Donkeys were benefited the most from the individual award points, and now it's up to you and your teammates to defeat Kindiak Park High, surprisingly nobody knows much about them, not even Rainbow Dash, Canterlot County is a State away from Kindiak Park County and they barely play against each other, at least in a High Schooler level. Nobody knows why they were invited to this program...perhaps it was a suggestion by Superintendent Discord?

"They're here..." Sonata says, using a stern tone of voice, which is quite unusual from her. Nobody knows what to expect from Kindiak Park, so a tense ambient can be felt amongst your team.

Kindiak Park High's bus parks nearby, followed by five more buses filled with their supporters, and they're quite the loud bunch. Compared to the few dozens of Canterlot supporters, your classmates and their parents, you can see some of your teammates' parents as well take a seat on the bleachers, Applejack and Big Mac try to avoid looking at the bleachers much but as soon as they see Granny Smith and their little sister Apple Bloom their faces go bright, your parents however are nowhere to be found.

"Darling?" Rarity taps on your shoulder, "is everything okay? You've been awfully quiet since we got here."

"Oh...it's nothing Rares," you reply to the cute girl in front of you. She's already wearing that cheerleader outfit you dig perhaps a little too much, "I was just thinking about the upcoming events and how we'll be facing off against one team rather than three, what will change this time?"

"I bet it'll change for the better darling since you'll just have to focus on just a few of them rather than a bunch of athletes like in the repechage event or the qualifiers."

"Yeah, I guess that's true...now that doesn't sound too bad."

"It's just a matter of perspective dear Anonymous," Rarity says with a big smile on her face, "you know the difference between pessimists and optimists is right? Have you ever heard of the expression that states a glass is half full or half empty right?"

"Actually, it's always full, one half is filled with water and the other half with air..."

Rarity frowns at you and includes a pout as well.

"Uh, s-sorry Rares I was just-"

Rarity interrupts you by letting out a cute giggle as well.

"Kidding? Of course...I was messing with you," Rarity happily says as she caresses one of your cheeks with her delicate hand, "I love when you act like a smartypants. I can tell you're feeling better already, but just to be sure...

Rarity raises her pompoms and brushes them against your face

"is there any way I can help...to make you -ehem- feel even better?" She says, placing one hand on her curvy waist.

"That tickles Rarity..." you let out a chuckle, "but thanks, I really needed that."

"Don't be nervous dearie, I know you can do it," Rarity winks at you, "I'll be cheering for you."

"This is a call for all the members of each team..." Vice Principal Luna says on the speaker system, "It's almost time for the introduction ceremony. Take positions everyone..."

"Well, this is it..." you say to Rarity.

"I know you can do it Anon, oh! And before I forget..." Rarity says before handing you a bag, "Pinkie gave their kit to the others, but I wanted to give yours to you myself."

You open the present Rarity gave you, and inside you find a Gi with embroideries, you can read a few letters within the internal part of the Gi, which seems to form a message, Rarity blushes hard and tells you not to read the message embroidered within the Gi until it's your turn to fight.

"Second and last call for the members of each team..." Vice Principal Luna says once again.

"Good luck darling!" Rarity happily says.

"Welcome! Students, Parents, Officials and Personnel! To the last match of the Round of Sixteen from the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition!" Superintendent Discord says on the microphone, "between Canterlot High and Kindiak Park. There will be four events consisting of High Jump, Pole Vault, Women and Men's Basketball , and lastly Karate, Women and Men's as well. The winner will face Polytechnic Vocational School in the Round of Eight."

You sure are glad your team trained for every event, it's up to Twilight to organize an efficient team for each event. You then take a look at Rainbow Dash, and you can see how uncomfortable she looks carrying the school's banner, this time she looks more calm and collected and so does the captain of Kindiak Park. He's a big guy, the girls from your team and from the audience are marveled by his physique and his lava-red hair. Twilight, Aria, Pinkie, even Fluttershy as well keep wondering who that buff guy is.

"The first event will be...Pole Vault!" Principal Celestia says after reading the card that was inside a tiny envelope, "may the best school win!"

The teams gather around to discuss tactics, Rainbow starts reading the list Twilight gave to her. You notice with the back of your eye that the buff guy has left his team alone and is heading towards...

"Umm...can I help you with something?" Rarity says to the buff guy.

"Say honey. Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?’ "

Oh man...this is totally not good.

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long to update. This damn new term is getting on my nerves. But I hope you guys enjoy the update as well as the drawings I'm making for the story.