• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,169 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

  • ...

16.- Betrayal

- CHAPTER 16 -


You're now Anon.

A few hours have passed; you and your endured an excruciating training session of both diving and swimming at the public pool. Your teammates are tired and wishing to rest.

”Man..." Ringo emerges from the pool with a frown on his face, "if I have to listen to Rainbow’s whistle again I swear I’ll-”

Rainbow Dash blows her whistle quite loud.

”ARGH! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Ringo jumps into the water once again.

”Good job everyone,” Rainbow Dash congratulates you all, “today was quite a hard day for all of us don’t you think?”

Everyone gives Rainbow Dash their best ‘are you serious?’ look.

"Thank goodness..." you say under your breath, your arms can’t take it anymore. All you want to do is go home and lie on your bed. This training was quite intense, and to think you still haven’t done any training for the cross-county event your legs hurt...a lot!

”So! Who’s ready for the cross-county training? It’s just 5 miles!” Rainbo Dash says.

”WHAAAT?!” Sweetie Drops asks in disbelief.

”You better be joking Rainbow Dash!” Curly Winds says.

Rainbow Dash lets out a chuckle.

”Of course I am…I’m quite tired as well so I think we should head home and get some well deserved rest don’t you think?”

Everyone, including you, lets out a relieved sigh.

”So! Grab your stuff guys and rest well; cuz tomorrow we’ll focus on cross-country. Squuaaaaaad, Diiiismissed!” Rainbow Dash says in a fake military tone of voice.

”Thank goodness…” Cloudy Kicks says, “I swear the water in the pool started to smell funny.”

”My bad,” Sandalwood says.

Everyone takes a step away from him.

”Alright, later everyone…” Flash says as he grabs his stuff and puts on a shirt and sunglasses, “let’s go boys.”

His friends follow behind with their backpacks and gym bags on each hand, everybody says their goodbyes, only you and Sunset stay behind.

"I guess you didn't forget about it Anon," Sunset Shimmer says.

”Oh Sunset, how could I forget about our date?” You say, "I've been looking forward to it."

"O-our what?!" Sunset Shimmer is taken by surprise by your bold statement, there's a faint pink blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Ha ha ha! I got you this time Sunset," you say while giving her a big smile.

"Yeah...I guess you did," Sunset Shimmer chuckles, she then hits your arm with an elbow, "you dummy. What's gotten into you lately?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" You ask.

”I dunno, I feel like you're becoming a different person. You smile a lot more and even tell a few jokes. All in just a matter of days?" Sunset Shimmer says, "I'm starting to like the new you."

"What can I say? You and the rest of the guys are the kind of friends I've always wanted," you happily say, "you're pretty cool Sunny."

"S-sunny?" Sunset Shimmer tries to hide her blush.

"Whoops, sorry Sunset. Was I way too forward? We barely know each other and I'm already giving you nicknames!"

"Nah, it's fine...don't worry. Seems like you're just like Pinkie Pie at times, she does call you Nonny after all," Sunset Shimmer places a hand on her waist, "but...I don't mind you calling me like that."

"Cool! So...about that pie I owe you-"

"I don't want to be such a bother..." Sunset interrupts you.

"It's my treat Sunny...no need to worry about it," you say, "now that I think of it I-"

"Let's get going then!" Sunset Shimmer interrupts you by grabbing you by your wrist and starts dragging you, "Mrs. Cake must have a new batch of pies waiting for us! If we don't get there in time then she might run out quickly!"

Sunset Shimmer then takes a look at her watch.

"Yep! We still got time! Come on Anon! Let's get going!" Sunset Shimmer pushes you around, you just let out a content sigh and follow her.

You're now Zephyr Breeze. And you've sent a clear message to both Rarity and Nelly using a dummy account on their social media, first the audio file to Nelly, then the photo you took of Trixie kissing Anon and lastly a photo you just took of Sunset being all flirty in front of Anon. If it's not enough to make Rarity and Nelly hate Anon then you don't know what will. Perhaps Rarity won't trust her friends anymore and they'll end up disbanding the team! If that happens, you won't feel bad whatsoever, because it'll be Anon's fault anyways! You wish you could see their faces right now...

T-Trixie?! What's the meaning of this Anon?!

A-Anon had a girlfriend all along?! And who is that Rarity?!

"Zeph, you outdid yourself this time," you mutter under your breath, you gather your things and head home, feeling victorious.

You're now Anonymous, and you're hanging out with Sunset Shimmer at Sugarcube Corner, a comfy little place a few blocks away from your high school. A quick look at your watch lets you know that it's almost 3 o'clock and most of your classmates come here when classes end for the day, Sunset Shimmer ordered a slice of pie for you and her, it must be pretty good for her to almost drag you all the way here.

"Have you ever been here before Anon?" Sunset Shimmer asks.

"A few times, yes. I usually get some coffee here before classes start. I gotta do everything I can to keep my eyes peeled in Mr. Cranky's boring classes," you reply.

"I know right? They're so hard to get through...am I glad Celestia is allowing us to skip a few classes to keep training," Sunset Shimmer happily says.

"We really have to work hard to keep her on our good side though, she'd be completely devastated if we lose this new opportunity we were given..." you warn to your carefree teammate.

"I hear ya, if only Superintendent Discord wasn't so tough on her and Vice Principal Luna."

Mr. Cake places two slices of pie and two cups of coffee on your table, some of your classmates enter the small business and order slices of the freshly baked pie.

"See? What did I tell ya Anon?" Sunset Shimmer says before taking a sip of her coffee, you just smile and take a bite of the slice of pie.

"Whoa...this tastes amazing! No wonder you were so eager to get here quickly."

"D-don't say that out loud dummy!" Sunset Shimmer blushes, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Right, sorry Sunny."

You both engage in casual chit chat, you learn more about Sunset and her friends, and you tell her more about yourself, your hobbies and your favorite things in the world. Sunset is so understanding, and to your surprise she's a bit of a geek as well. She even streams herself playing videogames, she even brings her friends to her apartment to play with her, more minutes pass by and you look away for a bit.

"What are you thinking about Anon?" Sunset Shimmer asks, resting her soft cheek on her left hand's palm.

"I was thinking about what something that happened earlier with Trixie and that little incident of hers," you say, "something's been bothering me."

"Really? What is it?" Sunset Shimmer asks.

"Well, Trixie joined our team because she confessed to me that...wait, do you promise to not tell anyone what I just said?" You lower your voice, Sunset just nods.

"Alright, Trixie was a bit down on the rocks earlier, she told me that she was doing this to be more popular...I think our classmates and even some of our teammates don't like her very much."

"Well...Trixie is just full of herself at times. And can come off as rude, but if she was a little less eccentric then maybe-"

"Come on, she's pretty interesting just the way she is. I take that for granted, she might seem rude but she's probably not aware of that. The way she boasts and does those tricks is just part of her shtick, she doesn't really want to hurt anyone when she makes those comments. I think she's actually pretty sweet and that she totally deserves our support."

Sunset just smiles at you.

"Ain't 'cha a flatterer Anon? No wonder Rarity can't stop saying good things about you," she says before taking another sip of her coffee.

"Wait, what was that?"

"Nothing!" Sunset giggles, "it was pretty smart of you to convince her to jump like that. Seriously, when I heard she was gonna be part of our team I expected nothing but trouble, but then you come along and start flattering her, and then just like that POOF! She dives...you acted more like a captain than Rainbow, she looked like she wanted to climb the diving board's ladder and just push Trixie."

"Don't tell that to Rainbow, she'd be pretty upset at me," you say before letting out a chuckle, "but I think I understand how Rainbow Dash feels. This must be very stressful for her, so I'm doing my best to help her in any way I can."

"I know you are Anon..." Sunset happily says, looking quite proud.

"Even Trixie looked quite happy after I talked to her. I even told her that I was her biggest fan and then she gave me a tiny peck on the cheek," you say feeling quite embarrassed, Sunset's eyes go wide.

"Really? Wow...so you're going after her?" She says, looking kind of dissappointed.

"What? No! It was just a tiny peck before she said 'thank you' to me, I didn't think she'd do that," you clarify, "Trixie is just my friend."

"Just be careful loverboy, you might end up getting caught into a real storm if you keep being this careless," Sunset Shimmer warns with a smile on her face.

Days and nights pass, and you keep on training with your team, today is Friday and you and the team just finished a five lap run, both you and Sunset ended up being first.

"Well that does it! Tomorrow's the big day!" Rainbow Dash happily says, "rest well and focus! We have to win! Second place won't save us this time."

"This is gonna be great!" Sonata happily says, "we're gonna show them who's boss!"

"For the first time I agree with you Sonata," Rainbow Dash says, "so! Are you guys ready?!"

"YEAH!" Everyone replies to the Captain.

"Good! Alright everyone! Dismissed!" Rainbow Dash says in that fake military tone of hers, just in sync with the school's rings which tells that it's time to go home.

As you grab your backpack and prepare to head home, you notice Rarity carrying her books.

"Hey Rarity!" You happily say to her.

She looks at you with disdain and looks away immediately afterwards, then she walks away and heads home.

"Whoa...what was that?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"I...I dunno," you say.

"Come to think of it...she hasn't been sitting with us at our table at lunchtime in the last few days," Applejack says, "I wonder why."

"What did you do to her Anon?" Brawly Beats jokingly asks, "she never left your side before."

You don't know what to say.

"Dude? Are you alright?" Rainbow Dash asks, looking concerned.