• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,169 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

  • ...

30.- The Ace Under Her Sleeve.

- CHAPTER 30 -



Flash Sentry patiently waits for Crimson Fire to attack and gets his guard up, Crimson Fire approaches him with a confident grin on his face.

"What's the matter kid? Aren't you gonna try to hit me?" Crimson Fire taunts, but Flash Sentry remains calm and collected, "are you scare-"


Flash didn't even let him finish that sentence, he saw an opportunity and took it to punch Crimson Fire in the face as hard as he could, Crimson Fire steps back and covers the damaged area, he even notices a bit of blood running down his jaw coming from his lip.

"Nghh...y-you'll pay for this!" Crimson Fire says as he wipes off the blood with the back of his hand.

"YEEEEAAAAAH! Good job Flash!" Rainbow Dash lets out a thunderous roar, similar to Bulk Biceps' usual shouts, you take a look at Bulk Biceps and he even had his ears covered to protect his hearing from Rainbow Dash's squeaky voice.

Crimson Fire quickly lunges at Flash Sentry, who is able to evade his attack and instead counters with a strong blow to Crimson Fire's stomach, using nothing but his shin. Crimson Fire falls on his knees.


"That was a powerful blow...wow," Twilight says looking very impressed, "I didn't know Flash could be so...energic."

Your friends cheer for Flash Sentry, one more blow and Crimson Fire is out of the competition, and if that happens it'll break Kindiak Park's triple player bonus.

Crimson Fire struggles to stand up, and when the referee checks on him he dismisses his questions as if nothing happened, the guy still wants to fight.

"Hah..., this really sucks," Flash Sentry says as he watches an enraged Crimson Fire approaching him, Flash just shakes his head and then assumes a defensive position, he knows it's over for Crimson Fire, and without breaking a sweat or his cool Flash prepares to land the next blow to Crimson Fire, he does everything he can to evade Crimson Fire's hits, he even takes his time to block or swat away his punches and kicks using his hands.

"KYAAAAaaa!" Both Scribble Dee and Blueberry Cake moan at the same time.

"He's so cool!" Watermelody adds to her friends' inspired sighs.

"CALL ME FLASH!" Mistery Mint yells from the blachers, looking quite flustered from seeing Flash's brilliant and agile moves.

Both Pinkie and Rarity start to cheer for Flash Sentry, Fluttershy joins in as well...although not in sync with the others, however. Twilight decides to jump in as well, grabbing one of Fluttershy's pom pons from her hand.

"YOU CAN DO IT FLASH!" Twilight yells from the audience, looking quite excited, "I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

"T-TWI?! DO YOU REALLY MEAN IT?" Flash Sentry says with the dumbest look you've ever seen on his face, loosing his cool instantly and quickly averting his gaze from the upcoming danger to look at the nerdy but beautiful element of your team.

"FLASH! LOOK OUT!" Sandy yells.

Both Twi and Rainbow Dash's smiles turn into looks full of despair when they see Flash Sentry getting kicked in the stomach, punched in the face and then kicked once again with the knee, all in matter of seconds. Flash Sentry then falls on his knees.

"THREE POINTS! Crimson Fire is the-!"

Crimson Fire is not having any of it, and decides to kick Flash Sentry in the face once again with full force, the crowd goes insane after seeing poor sportsmanship coming from Kindiak Park's own captain, and even start throwing garbage at him.

"EEEEK! FLASH!" Fluttershy cries out after seeing how Flash Sentry is laying on the gym mat without moving.

"Principal Celestia! Superintendent Discord! Do something!" Rainbow Dash yells from the team's bench.

"I believe that young man should be disqualified!" Luna says to the referees as she tries her best to stay calm.

"Hang on Vice President Luna..." Superintendent Discord says, "let them decide."

The referee quickly shoves Crimson Fire aside and checks on Flash's condition.

"He's fine, he's already opening his eyes," the referee says to a very confused Flash Sentry, then helps him stand up.

"Crimson Fire will NOT fight the next match!" The referee rules out, "and Kindiak Park will be deducted 150 points!"


"MISS RAINBOW DASH!" Superintendent Discord yells on the microphone, "control yourself or you'll be kicked out of the premises!"

Rainbow Dash tries her best to calm down. Apparently the referee won't let that jerk fight the next match, but he'll be available to fight another time.

"A-Anon?" Rainbow Dash says while looking at you and then at the score, it seems that the penalty Kindiak Park just received wasn't enough to put you in their level, and Rainbow knows that. If you wish to win the round of eight...

You'll have to win the next five matches in a row...

"I understand Captain..." you say before you walk to the center of the court and face off against Crimson Fire's teammate, Fizzle Pop, a slim yet fast-looking guy.

"This might as well be over..." Crimson Fire laughs, then he grabs a duffle bag and heads for the showers room, "I'm gonna get changed for the trophy ceremony, "Fizzle!"

Fizzle Pop turns around and looks at Crimson Fire.

"Destroy him..." Crimson Fire says as he dissappears through the doors, and Fizzle Pop just laughs.

"D-darling?" Rarity says, looking quite worried for you.

"Don't worry Rares," you say to Rarity after giving her a smile and a thumbs-up, "you just keep on cheering for me because I might really need it this time."

"Y-yes dearie!" Rarity says with a blush, trying to hide a really big smile as well.


"And the match has started now..." Velvet Sky says on the speaker system with a hint of sadness in her voice, "Anon is the last member available for Canterlot's Karate team."

"Things have gotten really, REALLY hard for Canterlot High," Sweet Leaf adds, "if Anon loses this match or the next ones then it'll be all over..."

Rainbow Dash bites on her nails, feeling all that extra pressure on her back has made her pick up those bad habits.

"What an awful thing to say..." Nelly crosses her arms and lets out a scoff, "it's not like Anon's already done for. COME ON ANON! YOU CAN DO IT!"

Fizzle Pop quickly charges at you and starts throwing punches, you do your best to evade his hits. However the last punch was a fake out and you make a bad dodge, allowing Fizzle pop to hit you as hard as he can. The strong blow to your face makes you take a few steps back, and all of a sudden you feel a fluid running down your nose.

"ANON'S BLEEDING!" Velvet Sky yells on the speaker system.

"DARLING!" Rarity yells, taking her pompons to her face.

"ANON!" Nelly gasps as well.

"That was a nasty blow..." Sweet Leaf adds. "Is he gonna be okay?"

You touch some of the blood running down your nose with your right hand and look at the damage, then you quickly look at Rainbow Dash, who looks miserable and worried for your well being. It seems she's ready to call it quits, but you shake your head and clench your right fist.

"Wow! He took it like a champ! Anon is willing to keep on fighting! Velvet Sky says.

You look at your opponent and assume one of the combat positions Sandy taught you. And this time you attack Fizzle Pop with one of Sandy's favorite techniques. You quickly attack Fizzle Pop and land the three hits necessary to win the fight. The crowd goes wild and Nelly celebrates by jumping on the same spot over and over. Attracting a few gazes from your teammates and other classmates, mesmerized and flustered by her good looks and well endowed body. Which only makes Rarity jealous and starts cheering louder than Nelly.

"What did I tell you Rainbow Dash?" Mirage says with a smug grin on her face, "you're lucky you have a guy like Anon on your side. That technique Sandy taught him isn't easy to pull off, but Anon did it so effortlesly."

"Yeah...that was SO AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash says, "maybe we do have a chance after all."

The next opponent stands up and shoves Fizzle Pop aside, muttering some insults to his defeated teammate before facing off against you.

"Next match! Anon vs. Bauxite Ore!" Sweet Leaf announces.



You're now Zephyr Breeze. And you just can't believe what you just witnesssed from Kindiak Park's crowd, where no classmate of yours can see you, Anon kicked Fizzle Pop's butt and the guy couldn't even do anything about it. And now he's fighting against that Bauxite guy...

"POINT!" The referee yells and raises his hand towards Anon, "Anon's the winner! Next is Titanium Rod!"

"Why you little..." you say as he pulls off that smile you hate so much, even Rainbow Dash can't help herself from smiling at that jerk! She's even blushing! You have to do something ASAP to let everyone, especially Rainbow Dash, see how much of a big fat phony Anon is. If he loses a match he's done for.

You take a look at the scoreboard, and look with horror how Canterlot High is slowly getting closer to Kindiak Park in points.

"Think Zephyr...think!" You say while rubbing your temples, "Anon must have a weak spot."

”I’m healing Anon, he got plenty of booboos today and I’m helping him out…”

”And you brought him here? Goodness sister what were you thinking?!”

”He’s my guest and I won’t tolerate your attitude towards him.”

”B-but sis!”

”No ‘buts’ mister! My friend here needs my help, and I believe you have you've been nothing but trouble to him and the rest of the team, remember that they wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't done what you did!"

That's it! If you recall correctly, Fluttershy was using that horrible and smelly ointment she uses for your bruises from time to time on Anon, but it really works on serious injuries. That day, Fluttershy was placing some of that ointment on Anon's knee. He looked like he really was hurting a lot...so that means...

You take a closer look at Anon and notice how he's struggling to stand on the leg he got injured, and also putting all of his weight on the other leg Hah! What a fool!

"Enjoy it while you can Anon, because a certain someone will teach you a lesson!" You say before putting on your shades and adjusting your cap to make sure nobody recognizes you. Then you stand up and move through the crowd and head straight to the locker room where Crimson Fire just went to.

"Hahhh..." Crimson Fire says as he gets out of the showers, "I really needed tha- WHOA! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"Chill...my name's Zephyr Breeze and I'm from Canterlot High."

"Canterlot High?! You're not supposed to be here, what do you want?" Crimson Fire says as he cracks his knuckles and taking off his towel, "better start explaining shit real soon before I shove my dirty towels down your throat!"

"Relax big guy," you say as you raise your hands to show him that you mean no harm, "I'm just here to give you some advice."


"I'll explain, but first you should start putting on that gi back again though," you say, averting your gaze from his naked body, "it's about a problem both you and I have in common."

"What are you talking about? What trouble?" Crimson Fire arches an eyebrow.

"It's about your teammates and a certain kid named Anon..." you say, "he just beat two of your teammates and is now fighting against the third one."

"Oh you better be KIDDING ME!" Crimson Fire quickly puts his gi back on, "how did that happen?!"

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk about, ever read the fable of The Hare and The Tortoise?" You say, "Anon is quite a formidable nemesis, don't let his weak looks confuse you, he's much more stronger than he looks due to the background he had. He attended Seacrest County Jr. High back then..."

"You're kidding...a weakling like him attended Seacrest County Jr. High?!" Crimson Fire says as he's almost done preparing, "of course...now things start to make sense..."

"Again, I'm telling you not to underestimate him. That's what your teammates did and now he's just has to defeat two more players to make it to the round of eight," you say with a stern tone of voice.

"Hmm..." Crimson Fire crosses his arms and thinks a bit.

"You heard that?" You say.

"What is it?!"


"POINT! ANON WINS!" The referee's muffled voice is heard before the crowd starts cheering for Anon.

"THIS CAN'T BE!" Crimson Fire yells as he punches a locker startling you a bit.

"What can I tell ya, the guy is quite skilled...but you know what else I can tell ya? His weak spot..."

"...go on."

"Aim for his right knee, he got injured while training and he's doing everything he can to hide the pain, the Captain and the others think he's already fine but I saw him struggling earlier."

"Is that a fact..." Crimson Fire says with a grin on his face.

"Who cares if it's an illegal move? One blow and he's done for," you shrug, "what else is left to say other than break a leg? Or in this case...Anon's leg!"

"Thanks for the advice...freak," Crimson Fire laughs as he shoves you aside quite hard you end up hitting your face on one of the lockers.

"O-oww...that really hurt..." you manage to say before Crimson Fire leaves the locker room.

Oh well, who cares? He's gonna end Anon right there and now, you better go back to the bleachers to see Anon squirm. Then he'll finally learn to stop wooing the girl you've been after for so long. She won't even look at him anymore if he ends up losing, heck, even Rarity and that blondie won't bother anymore when they see him cry on the mat with a broken leg. Then you'll go straight to Rainbow Dash and lend her a shoulder to cry on!

"Zeph, once again you've outdone yourself..." you say while dusting off your clothes.

Now, to watch the show!

You're now Anon.

"Haah...hahh," you pant, placing your hands on both knees, trying to catch a break, you're visibly exhausted and you don't feel like you can take another punch or kick.

"Oh Anon! I can't believe it!" Rainbow Dash runs to the middle of the mat and lets out a fangirl squeal to hug you and hand you a towel, "you've beaten four of them, look at the freakin' score! We're winning!"

"Is that so? Good...that's all that matters," you say between pants, and then you turn around to face Rainbow Dash, " so Captain...how do I look?"

"Yikes!" Rainbow Dash says, her hair even stands still after she takes a look at your bloody and battered face, "...wow dude, I just can't believe you were willing to take such a savage beating just for our sake."

"Heh...this is nothing," you say with a smile on your face, despite your teeth being tinted red with all the blood you're spitting out, "I was already used to this kind of beatings, and lemme tell you, they were even worse. But now I can finally fight back, and even better...fighting so you don't get in trouble with good ol' Principal Celestia keeps me really motivated."

"Dude..." Rainbow Dash says as a slight blush starts to form on her cheeks. Or perhaps your eyes are playing tricks on you because you can't see that well after that blow you got from Titanium Rod, your left eye has started to swell too from the impact.

"Um...a-anyways...with the 4x points you've gotten we might have a chance, it doesn't really matter if you lose the next round dude, we can probably win with the help of the individual awards and the penalty that Crimson jerk got when he kicked Flash."


"Huh? W-what do you mean by no?!" Rainbow Dash asks. Looking quite conflicted.

"I have to do this, I have a score to settle over what that animal did to Rares..." you mutter, then spit some blood.

"D-dude, no way! You don't want that guy to kill you now do you?! He's HUGE! You're pretty beat up too. There's no way you'll be able to win!"

"I know...but it's still not okay."

"Oh Anon..." Rainbow Dash caresses your face, "if your face wasn't leaking blood everywhere I'd kiss ya...ahhh to hell with it."

Rainbow Dash places a quick peck on your cheek.


A loud "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" from a familiar voice can be heard from Kindiak Park's crowd, however you don't recall which person that voice belongs to right now.

"Don't think much about it okay newbie?! I-it was Just as a quick way to say thanks, and I guess to keep you motivated as well..." Rainbow Dash crosses her arms, "don't get killed okay?!"

"Sure, whatever you say Captain..." you say before letting out a chuckle.

"There he is..." Rainbow Dash says to you as Crimson Fire steps on the mat, "I believe in you Anon, everyone does, Rarity, Sunset, Applejack, Sonata, Derpy, Nelly and her sisters, and Flash too."

"How's he doing?" You ask.

"Better...he's in the infirmary but he's doing well, now teach that big jerk a lesson okay?" Rainbow Dash says before walking back to your team's bench.

"...what?" Rainbow Dash asks to her flustered teammates, Nelly and Rarity even grit their teeth at her and give her the stink eye at the same time.

"Crud...you guys saw?!" Rainbow Dash says as her whole face goes red from embarrassment.

"The whole school did..." Sunset Shimmer says with a giggle, "what were you even thinking?"

"Oh please! It means nothing! I just wanted to keep him motivated...that's all!" Rainbow Dash raises her hands and tries her best to explain her actions.

"OH! If that's the case...can I have a kiss too Rainbow Dash?!" Thunderbass asks to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah me too, I'd like one as well Captain!" Sandalwood says.

Both Thunderbass and Sandalwood are put in their place by both Cloudy Kicks and Tennis Match respectively. Thunderbass gets his ear pulled by a very upset Cloudy Kicks and Tennis Match pulls on Sandalwood's beanie to cover his entire head.

"Ah...mister Crimson Fire, we were all waiting for you," Superintendent Discord says on the mic, "as you can see, your opponent here has beaten all of your teammates, and now the winner will be decided by the end of this match."

"Um, don't forget about the individual prize Superintendent Discord..." Vice Principal Luna taps Discord's shoulder, "they affect the final score too."

"Right! I forgot about those too...dang it, oh well...Let's see what happens next!"

The referee gathers you both to the middle of the court.

"You look terrible worm...what's the matter, my buddies gave you a hard time?" Crimson Fire asks.

"You owe Rarity an apology...and don't worry, you'll look much worse than me after I'm done with you..." you say in a threatening tone of voice.

"Oh please..." Crimson Fire chuckles, "don't make me laugh, you've been lucky so far. Not you with your pathetic punch, and not even your stupid friends could deal much damage to me. And if they couldn't do much, then what do you expect to do? That just says that you are nothing but a LOSER!"

"A loser couldn't possibly win four matches in a row against more experienced fighters...effort is what matters, not strength," you say with a confident smile.

"What a pathetic joke...I'll show you the big wall you won't be able to climb, no matter how big your efforts are..." Crimson Fire says as he assumes a fighting position.

"Now could you two please hurry up and fight?! I have places to be this afternoon!" Superintendent Discord says on the speaker system.

And as soon as the referee says "BEGIN!" You quickly lunge at Crimson Fire and attack him with all you've got. Crimson Fire wasn't expecting your quick attack and struggles to block and dodge your punches, he tries to punch you once, but you are able to swat his arm away and create an opening, you take your chances and try to punch him in the face as hard as you can, but then he manages to land a very strong blow with his shin directly to your stomach.

"DARLING NO!" Rarity yells when she sees you fall on your knees.

"POINT!" The referee says.

You struggle to stand up, but manage to get on your feet.

"Can you keep on going?" The referee asks to you, you only reply with a nod.

"Very well then, fight!" The referee says.

This time, you'll do another of Sandy's techniques...if attacking him directly doesn't work, you'll defend yourself and then counterattack."

"What's Anon doing?" Aria asks, "he's just standing still."

"Oh...OH! He's gonna do it!" Mirage says, "I know I have seen that stance before."

"What's the matter, scared?" Crimson Fire approaches you slowly, but you stay still, calm and collected.

"Anon?!" Rainbow Dash says, "do something! Or else he'll kill ya!"

Crimson Fire throws another punch and all you do is dodge the best you can, then wait to get a clear view of his jaw as Sandy said and then...

"NGH..." Crimson Fire falls on his back from the high kick you managed to land right on his jaw.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" The crowd goes wild.


"Grrr..." Crimson Fire winces in pain, then stands up and rushes at you once again.

You assume another defensive position which Sandy is able to recognize.

"No freaking way...he's gonna do it!" Sandy lets out an excited squeal.

You let him come at you with all his might, however you focus on the technique you want to pull off next. You keep yourself busy by dodging Crimson Fire's attacks and swatting away his hands, and once the opportunity arrives and he raises his leg to kick you, you make a fast and sudden move, you duck and grab him from the waist and sweep the foot he was standing on which only sends him back on his back and with his legs spread, and you get the chance to land a vicious punch to nose and lip, making them bleed.


"YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Bulk Biceps yells, "let's go Anon!"

"WHOA!" Rainbow Dash yells, "did you guys see that?!"

"Wowie!" Pinkie Pie yells, "YOU CAN DO IT NONNY!"

"EEEEEK! GOOD JOB ANON! WIN! DO IT FOR ME!" Nelly lets out a fangirl squeal, which only makes Rarity grit her teeth and cheer harder for you, Nelly quickly catches on Rarity's jealous fit and swats a pompon from Rarity's hand.

"Excuse me! What do you think you're doing Nelly?!" Rarity yells at Nelly.

"What does it look like? I'm cheering for Anon!" Nelly replies to Rarity, "because you obviously don't know how! WIN ANON! WIN AND I'LL BE COMPLETELY YOURS!"

"WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SAYING?!" Rarity angrily replies at Nelly.

Big Mac and Bulk Biceps pull both girls apart from each other before they begin the next Karate match themselves and rip their hair off.

"GO GO ANON! WOOOOO!" Fluttershy yells in excitement and does her best to cheer for you.

"NOT YOU TOO!" The same voice can be heard from Kindiak Park's crowd.

"Incredible! One more point and Canterlot will win the event!" Velvet Sky says on the speaker system.

"Things have gotten quite heated up! What an exciting turn of events!" Sweet Leaf adds, "even the crowd is doing their part and are supporting Anon while Kindiak's crowd has gone completely silent..."

This time Crimson Fire struggles to stand up and looks quite dizzy after that technique Sandy taught you. You can't believe it worked, you were able to pull it off just once and Bell didn't like it at all when you did it to him, you're glad you didn't mess up.

"ENOUGH!" Crimson Fire yells, "I had enough of you worm!"

"DO IT ALREADY YOU BIG IDIOT! IT'S THE RIGHT KNEE!" The same voice calls from the bleachers where Kindiak Park's supporters are.

"BROTHER?!" Fluttershy gasps when she sees through Zephyr Breeze's disguise.

As soon as Zephyr and Fluttershy exchange looks and your team gets a clear view of him, Crimson Fire kicks your injured knee with his shin as hard as he can, making you feel excruciating and painful sensations which make you fall on your back and scream loudly.

"ANON!" Both Rarity and Nelly stop their bickering after hearing your loud scream.

The referee shoves Crimson Fire aside and checks up on you.

"Kid! KID?!" The referee quickly checks up on your knee, "oh boy...that's not good."

Then he stands up and yells: "ILLEGAL MOVE! CRIMSON FIRE IS DISQ-"

Superintendent Discord clears his throat and makes a gesture to the referee referencing money, perhaps it's about his paycheck? The referee arches an eyebrow and sighs.


"WHAT?!" Both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna angrily protest, then Luna raises her voice, "our student is in pain and he can't probably go on and you only deduct 100 points from Kindiak Park instead of disqualifying that delinquent?!"

"Control yourself Vice Principal Luna!" Superintendent Discord yells at her "you're an adult, so behave like one! Besides, Anon just has a scratch or something like that...you can replace him with, oh wait...you have run out of players, sorry...you can't!"

You take a look at Luna and Celestia's anguished faces, then at Rainbow Dash's worried face, then at the rest of your friends who start clapping at you, over the incredible effort you've made so far. The Prattles, Mirage and Sandy nod at you and join the clapping, Sunset looks quite destroyed over the beating you just got, Applejack grabs her hat and covers her face so you don't see her cry, then you look at Nelly and Rarity, they are all looking at you...hoping for you to stand up, Fluttershy has started to cry. You then look at Zephyr Breeze, who is taking pictures and laughing at your pain. And lastly, at Crimson Fire, who can't stop the bleeding, and has a smug smile on his dumb face.

"I-it's okay dude...you've done more than enough," Rainbow Dash says.

You do your best to try to stand up, and when you do all hell breaks loose, Crimson Fire's smile turns into a frown and assumes his last attack position.

"You okay kid?" The referee asks, "you shouldn't-"

"I'm okay..." you calmly reply, and spit some blood directly at Crimson Fire's feet to taunt him.



"AAAARGH!" Crimson Fire lunges at you and you stand up on your good leg, putting all of your weight on it and use the injured one to kick an oncoming and battered Crimson Fire, who with his pride hurt wishes to finish you off once and for all. Sandy told you to be careful, and to use this last technique if it was really necessary...but here goes nothing. A spin kick directed right at Crimson Fire's head.

The gym goes silent, and you all watch Crimson Fire fall on his knees and stay on the ground.

"POINT! THAT'S IT! ANON WINS!" The referee yells.

The gym goes wild as the entire crowd congratulates you for your incredible victory. Principal Celestia hugs her sister as hard as she can, Superintendent Discord throws some papers away and leaves the gym in a fit of rage. He knows it's over for Kindiak Park and the 5x bonus killed all his plans. Snips and Snails throw their popcorn around and join the cheering, Applejack's little sister and her friends hug each other, even Diamond Tiara's awful parents clap at you. Featherweight takes tons of photos of you for the school's paper.

"YEEEAH!" Rainbow Dash and company quickly charge at you to shower you with love and support. You all watch the scoreboard give you the win, with the 5x bonus points you are already quite far away from Kindiak Park High.

"Guys? Where's Rar-"

"Dude that was amazing!" Rainbow Dash yells and grabs your head to give you a noogie, "holy smokes I can't believe it, my heart is beating so fast!"

"Uh huh! O-OW! Captain! That hurt!"

"Good job Nonny!" That was like super ZOWIE! You won with the BANG! BOOM! HOW COOL WAS THAT!?" Pinkie Pie can't even form a coherent sentence.

"Thanks I guess Pinkie, where's Rar-"

"Oh Anon! I know my dumb brother had something to do with this!" Fluttershy says, "when he gets home I'll give him the scolding of his life!"

"It's cool Flutters, no need to get angry just for my sake...where's Rari-"

"Here I am darling..." you feel a soft hand touch your bloody face.

"Oh, h-heya Rarity. Umm...y-you saw it right?"

"Of course I did dearie...you showed that jerk a lesson he'll never forget...and just over mon petit moi, I'm really flattered."

The guys and girls gather around to hear your confession.

"Yeah...by the way, I read the letter you wrote..."

"Oh? You did?" Rarity says with a beautiful smug smile, pretending to not know what you're talking about. Her friends and the rest of the girls in the team wonder about the contents of said letter, even a hard girl like Aria looks like she's squealing internally and dying to know the contents of said letter, "and what did you think of it?"

"Well..." you say with a shy smile, you don't want her of all people to see your bloody gums, "my answer is-"

"ANON!" Nelly calls out and makes her way through the crowd, and shoves Rarity aside with her curvy rump, making her fall on her butt, "you did it! I knew you could do it!"

"Excuse me?!" Rarity says as she stands up, "can't you see I'm talking to Anon Nelly?!"

Nelly looks at Rarity and arches an eyebrow, then she looks at you once again.

"Anyways...you really got injured, don't worry Anon dearie...I'll take care of your wounds so we can go and have our second date, what do you think?"

"A SECOND DATE?!" Rarity angrily repeats what she just heard Nelly say.

"Yes! Anon and I had our first date a few days ago, look! He even gifted me a nice pendant...has he gifted you anything Rarity?" Nelly says with a smug grin.

"...n-no," Rarity replies, looking quite disappointed and disheartened.

"Umm Nelly?" You raise a finger, "that pendant-"

"I know right?! It's beautiful and doesn't look cheap either...you are such a sweetie Anon!" Nelly says before burying her face on your chest.

"What are you- oh wait haha! That tickles Nelly! Please stop!"

Nelly feels something on the inside of the gi so she quickly pulls her face away from your chest and sticks her hand inside your gi, then she quickly grabs the letter and photograph Rarity stored in the pocket. The letter's soiled with blood, and Nelly takes a look at the lewd photograph Rarity took for you.

"What do you think you're doing Nelly?! That picture is for Anon's eyes only!"

"Lemme see! Lemme SEE!" Brawly Beats begs Nelly to let him see the photo, but Trixie steps right on Brawly's foot.

"Oh my," Nelly's face goes red and she puts the picture back inside your gi.

"Oh...I can't believe you Anon! You prefer this nobody over me?! And you even gave her a gift and go on dates with her?! Very well then! Forget about the letter!" Rarity says before turning around and storming out of the gym.


"Told you he'd shoot himself in the foot over that one," Sunset Shimmer says to Applejack.

"Dang it...here's your money," Applejack grabs 5 bucks out from the insides of her hat and hands it to Sunset.

"Back to square one folks," Tennis Match says.

Nelly keeps grabbing onto you, and she doesn't let go.


The round of sixteen has finished...and your team has advanced to the round of eight. What will happen next? And what events are you and your friends going to train for?

That same night you find yourself at home resting...you let Fluttershy treat your wounds, however the pain is still there. You even put the MVP and Most Aggresive trophies you earned in the trash bin.

You read the messages you got from your friends, but Rarity hasn't answered any of your messages.

Dashie: ["Chill Anon, Rarity can be a bit harsh at times, but you didn't mean to do any harm. Cheer up!"]
Jackie: ["Don't be sad sugarcube, Rarity's just bein' Rarity...but you must make a choice and be straight to her and tell her how you feel. She'll forgive you in a heartbeat."]
Sunny Bunny: ["Don't worry about Rarity Anon, just chill for a bit and talk to her tomorrow in class. Nelly won't bother you anymore if she's in Pleasantview, right? How about we play some games at your place in a couple of hours? I'll bring my games, that oughta cheer you up."]

You sigh.

"Hmm?" You say as you receive a message from...Nelly?

Nelly: ["Umm...Anon, that photo Rarity gave you...are you really into that?"]
["Because if you are...I'm okay with it."]

And she just attached a bunch of selfies in quite naughty poses while wearing a tiny bikini.

["Look, what do you think? 😊😚"]

"ARRRRGHHHH! NELLY!" You yell in frustration and toss the phone to the other side of the room.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, things have gotten a bit harder and it's not as easy to write as before, but I hope you like the update as much as I had fun writing it. Finding lots of music and writing to the rhythm of said music is a blast.