• Published 16th May 2020
  • 2,156 Views, 114 Comments

Canterlot High's Sports Challenge - LiQuiD

(2nd Person) This is a story of how you, Anon, 16-years-old and a new student at Canterlot High School got involved in the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, along with your captain Rainbow Dash and others. Will your team be victourious?

  • ...

20.- A New Challenge! The Round of Sixteen!

- CHAPTER 20 -


You're now Rarity.

"So, what do you want to talk about Rare-umm...Rarity?" Anon asks, however you say nothing, you keeps your arms crossed and your eyes closed.

You'll mess with Anon just a little, he lets out a sigh and waits for you to say something, anything.

"Rarity?" You just keep silent before you grab your phone and show him a disturbing picture of Anon getting kissed by Trixie.

"Do you mind explaining this to me?" You feign an angry tone of voice.

"Uhh...what is this?" Anon stutters, how cute.

"A little picture a 'friend' of us sent to me. It seems you're getting very popular lately amongst your teammates Anonymous..." you say, placing a hand on your waist, "well?"

"Right..." Anon snaps his finger, "it happened right when we started practicing our dives. Bulk Biceps' dive was so powerful that ended up washing Trixie's top off," however, you put up another act to look even more upset at him.

"She tried to run away from us and to prevent her from leaving I went after her...I even had to tell her-"

"An embarrassing story of yours so she didn't have to feel ashamed anymore?" You say, dropping your act and giving him a warm smile instead.

"Uhh? What?" You don't know what to say, you caught him completely off guard, "how did you-"

"Oh Anon darling..." you interrupt, "Sunset Shimmer told me all about it. What you did was so sweet, as expected of you. What a fine boy you are. I received this picture along with a message stating that you and Trixie were having an...intimate encounter."

Anon looks at the picture once again.

"Well, it certainly does look like it. But who took this picture and why did they send it to you?"

"I'm afraid Zephyr Breeze did it darling, I have no proof but no doubts either, I'll have to ask Fluttershy to check his phone." You say.

"Figures...I guess that explains why you refused to talk to me and why Nelly hasn't texted me this whole week."

"N-Nelly?! As in Nelly Prattle?" you say, looking quite dumbfounded.

"Yeah, who does that guy think he is? I'll just refrain from falling into his game because doing so would hurt poor Fluttershy," Anon says, looking quite upset.

"Yeah but, you're still talking to that girl from Pleasantview High?"

"I'll keep on doing that now that I know the reason she won't talk to me. Thanks a lot Rares! You're the best!" Anon says before giving you a big hug.


"Phooey, I sure stink from that intense workout, I'm gonna shower and get changed Rares, I'll see you later okay?"

"O-okay darling..."

And with that Anon leaves to the locker room with the rest of his teammates.

"Nelly? Seriously?!" You mutter.

"Sheesh, did you really have to torture the poor guy so badly?" A voice calls from behind.

"Sunset! Were you spying on us?!" You say to your smug looking friend.

"Whoa, calm down. I had to be sure you wouldn't kill poor Anon..." Sunset just giggles and waves her hand in a dismissive way.

"Well now maybe I will now! I swear if that girl from Pleasantview and him are-"

"What happened to that whole 'you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar' thing you had Rares?" Sunset interrupts you, she even arches an eyebrow and crosses her arms.


"Jeez, just be more honest about your feelings Rarity," Sunset advises you.

"But, what if I'm not good enough for him?" You say, giving Sunset a quite disheartened look, "I don't want to get rejected. Besides! It should be him to show his feelings first, not me!"

Sunset lets out an exasperated grunt.

Two days later…

Monday, 7:45 A.M. You’re now Rainbow Dash, and you’re about to arrive to school, you didn’t bother to gather the team this early in the morning. They really needed to rest. After all, they haven't fully recovered from the big party Flash Sentry threw at his crib yesterday.

Your head still hurts, and you didn’t get much sleep either. But it was a great party, you think to yourself. It’s a shame Anon had to leave early, especially when it was starting to get good. You still laugh at how Twilight had to slap Flash for trying to kiss her. He’ll never learn…

Or how Bulk Biceps ate everything on sight, and how Trixie and Brawly Beats kissed after a game of truth or dare. She kicked his butt afterwards for asking such a ridiculous dare. Good times, you really deserved that rest.

As soon as you arrive to school you see a familiar figure running on the school’s soccer pitch.

No way, it’s-

“Hi captain!” The newbie greets you from afar.


Boy, he really looks in great shape today! He runs towards you to greet you.

”Dude? What are you doing?” You say with a big smile on your face.


“Yeah but…I didn’t ask you to come.”

”I know but, I can’t break the habit of exercising this early anymore…so! I decided to keep training, especially when I got tired at the competition. I ran 3 km today and didn’t get tired, I’m aiming for 5 km now.”

”Oh yeah…Sunset told me about that yesterday at the party,” you say with a laugh, “I think she said it right after you were gone.”

”Well uh, I-“ Anon doesn’t know what to say, looking quite embarrassed.

”So that’s why you left, hahaha. Good call there dude! Rarity was furious!”

”Yeah, I figured…” Anon says as he shows you his restored phone, revealing a bunch of angry texts coming from her, “I don’t know what she would’ve done to me if I had stayed.”

“You wouldn’t be standing here today Anon, that’s for sure! Glad your phone is okay as well.”

”Yep, the rice worked pretty well to get all the water out. Say, what are you doing here this early?”

“I didn’t want to miss school, so I didn’t get much sleep last night.”


”I just got back home from Flash’s place at 4 A.M. I took a shower, a nap and asked dad to wake me up, he hates it when I ask him to do that.”

“Why’s that?”

”I really get cranky when someone else wakes me up…I uh, punched him in the face when he was telling me to wake up.”

”Ahahaha Rainbow! You serious?! AHAHAHA!” Anon laughs out loud.

“That’s not funny dude…”

”Don’t fall asleep in class if you don’t want to get suspended for punching a teacher, or even worse, Principal Celestia," Anon wipes away a tear and gradually stops laughing.

”Anyways…we should get going, go take a shower! You stink!”

”Yah, see you at lunch okay?”

“See ya!”

It's time for lunch and you are barely conscious, you really want to sleep on your comfy bed. Fortunately, you’re not alone on that sentiment, all of your friends are gathered at the usual table, almost falling asleep as well .

”Ughhh…my head,” Sonata says.

”Never again…” Tennis Match mumbles.

”Ahh man, I had a beautiful dream in history class where I died…” Brawly Beats adds.

The only one missing at the table is-

”MORNIN’ EVERYONE!” Anon happily says.

Everyone covers their ears.

”Arrrgh, don’t speak so loud newbie…” Aria says, “what's up with you? Why are you so happy?”

”Yeah…right now I could use shy Anon instead of bossy Anon,” Sonata adds, “does anyone have any ice that I could use to put on my head?”

”Don’t listen to them sugarcube, we just…partied too much yesterday,” Applejack adds.

”Yeah, and you left early Nonny…how rude!” Pinkie Pie says, “you were the guest of honor yesterday and you didn’t even care!”

”I was?” Anon arches an eyebrow.

“Yeah dude…all you did was stand in a corner while we danced. It almost felt like you didn’t want to be there.”

”I’m sorry, I just…remembered I had something important to do; anyways…” Anon says with a sigh, “the Round of Sixteen is finally here! And Principal Celestia has asked me to show you all how the teams were set. Besides, we’ll have to participate in new events. Superintendent Discord’s orders…”

”Lemme take a look at that…oh boy, that's not good…”

”What’s wrong Captain?” Anon asks, the others just keep complaining.

”Guys! Could you stop whining for a few minutes and take a look at this? This is serious!”

Everyone looks at the chart.

”…Something’s different,” Sonata says.

“Of course something’s different Sonata, as you all can see, we will face Kindiak Park’s Saints in the next two weeks, only them.”

”Why?” Applejack asks.

Anon pulls out a new rulebook and hands it to Twilight.

”Hmm…let’s see, apparently the events will be changing in every phase of the tournament. And each event will be focused on a ‘versus’ format that can’t include more than two teams at once,” Twilight says as she adjusts her glasses.

”What about the events sugarcube?” Applejack asks.

”These will be the round of sixteen’s events,” Twilight clears her throat, “Basketball, Pole Vault, High Jump, and Karate!”

“Not bad!” You confidently say.

”We will also be hosting these games! Kindiak Park High will be the ones visiting us!” Anon says.

”Huh?!” Both you and the rest of the team is confused as well.

"What?” Thunderbass says.

”Really?” Tennis Match asks.

”Seriously?! Even when this school is kinda fallin’ apart?” Heath Burns adds.

Anon then hands Twilight a letter.

“Oh no, it's from Superintendent Discord!" Twilight says before clearing her throat.

Dear Principal Celestia
It is my duty to inform you that Kindiak Park High’s courts are not in the best condition to host the games at all, so the Board of Directors’ ruled your school was at a sufficient enough condition to host the games because all you need is the basketball court and the soccer pitch, which your lousy school has.

Please don’t screw up and get the preparatives ready. For once…
Superintendent Discord.

P.S. No, the Ministry of Education won’t give you funds for this tiny event. Just ask Scruffy the janitor to dig a few holes on the soccer pitch and fill them with sand, it’s that easy!
P.S.S. If you don’t get things ready for the next Saturday Kindiak Park will advance and you and your sister will be FIRED!

”I hate that guy…” Cloudy Kicks says.

”Ditto…” Brawly Beats adds.

”…uh, guys?” Anon raises his hand.

”Yes Anon?” You say.

”…anyone here knows Karate?”

Total silence.

“We might have a little problem here…” you say, looking at Anon with a look full of despair.

"Don't worry Rainbow," Anon says with a smile on his face, "we'll win this one as well."

Hours later, classes have ended for the day.

”Dude, can you help me with something?” You ask Anon.

”Sure Dash…what is it?” Anon replies.

”I need to ask Principal Celestia to get things ready so we can start our training for those two events. But I’m kinda nervous to see her…you know why.”

”Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Don’t worry, she must’ve relaxed by now after she saw how we wiped the floor with the Tigers and the Penguins.”

“You think?” you happily say.

”Yeah, I mean…we won all the events last Saturday, so she should be a little more trusting now.” Anon confidently says before he whispers into your ear, ”perhaps you can ask for more privileges for you and the rest of us as well.”

“Doesn’t seem like a bad idea," you ponder a thought, "come on dude, follow me!”

A few minutes later, Anon knocks on Principal Celestia’s door, however there’s no response.

“Okay she’s not here…let’s go.”

Anon opens the door.

“Dude! What are you doing?!”

”Principal Celestia? You there?”

You both find Principal Celestia with her head resting on her desk.

”Yikes!” Anon says, “what’s wrong with her?"

“She’s never looked this…awful before!” You say under your breath.

”Poor thing, she must be tired,” Anon says, he must be feeling pity for the Principal that has haunted your dreams for a while.

“Yo, Principal Celestia…you alright?” You ask.

”Looks like she’s fast asleep…” Anon mutters, "we should leave then."

“Out like a light huh?” You let out a malicious laugh.

”What are you gonna do Rainbow Dash?” Anon asks.

“Shh…” you hush Anon placing your index finger on his lips, then you walk slowly and stand next to Celestia, “man, she’s even uglier up close, look at those crow’s feet.”

”What are you doing?! Get back here!” Anon scolds from far away.

You nudge Principal Celestia’s shoulder a bit, and there’s still no response, you grab a sticky note and a pen from her desk and scribble something on it.

“He he he…”

You place a bunch of sticky notes on Celestia’s back with little messages written on them, Anon comes closer.

”Celestia is a-" Anon reads one of the notes and stops once he reaches the word you use to describe the woman that is capable of ruining your life, "come on Dash, that’s pretty mean…and quite lewd, if I might add.”

“Don’t be such a party pooper Anon, she really has made my life miserable for the past few weeks and I’m gonna make her pay.”

Principal Celestia moves her head a bit, but somehow she's still fast asleep, then you grab a marker from her desk and start scribbling on her face.

Anon does his best to contain his laughter.

”Wanna try?” You ask.

”Heck no, I don’t want to die…” Anon raises both his palms.

”You’re no fun Anon…” you stick your tongue at Anon.

”Mmmh? Huh? Anon?”

Oh crud. She’s awake!

”ANON! RAINBOW DASH! What are you two doing here?”

“Uhh…I, uhh-“

”We had something important to ask you Principal Celestia! We just got here! And uhhh you didn’t answer your door so...we just walked in.” Anon calmly explains, "please forgive us."



“Yeah! Uhh…nice weather we’re having don’t you think Principal Celestia?” Anon asks with a very noticeable nervous tone of voice.

”No…I feel so hot right now, I hate summer! It makes me sweat and I think my panties are sticking into my- wait, why am I telling you this?! What do you want?!” Celestia angrily says after realizing her mistake.

”Wow…” Anon says under his breath.

“We uh, just wanted to ask you if you can get things done for us to start training as fast as we can,” you let out an awkward chuckle, "isn't that right Anon?!"

Anon just nods.

”Oh that, yeah…I surely can. I know how important this is, but with the tight budget I have to work with, it’s pretty complicated. Ugh, now I wish Kindiak Park’s court and bleachers weren’t attacked by termites.” Prncipal Celestia says, dreading the dilemma she's in, "I was up all night trying to find people who were willing to restore our basketball court for such a low pay, and it was either that or not paying our teachers. And you know what would happen if I did that. Anyways I managed to find a contractor willing to fix the court and his paycheck is coming out of my pocket."

”We understand Principal…” Anon says, feeling real bad for Celestia, you however feel nothing but contempt for her.

”Guess we’ll have to train on our own terms, again…” you sarcastically say.

”I'm really sorry you two," Celestia apologizes, "I wish we could help you more…but the court won't be ready until next Wednesday.”

”Don’t worry about it Principal Celestia, do whatever you must…shame Superintendent Discord is never willing to help,” Anon says.

“Yeah, what’s up with that Principal Celestia? Why is he a grade-A jerk to you?” You ask, Principal Celestia however just lets out a sigh.

”It’s getting late, we’ll have to discuss that some other day okay?” She says with a genuine, but tiresome smile.

Ouch, now you kinda feel bad over what you did to her. Her job is on the line after all…as you both leave her office you both bump into Vice Principal Luna.

”Hey! If it isn’t our school’s champs. What are you two doing here?” She asks with a big smile on her face, you've never seen her smile. How scary.

”We were just-“

”Training? Oh you two are amazing! You’re makin’ us proud! Don’t you want to have some tea with me and my sister?" Luna proposes, "we really need to discuss your performance and-”


“-no thanks VP Luna, the team is waiting for us! Oh! Would you look at the time!” Anon grabs you by your hand and starts to walk a bit faster, ”maybe some other time okay?”

”Very well then, good luck Wondercolts!” Vice Principal Luna happily says before entering Principal Celestia’s office and shutting the door before her.

”…AHAHAHAHAH!” Luna's laughter can be heard from Celestia's office.

“What’s so funny Luna?”

”That was close…you happy now Rainbow?” Anon scolds as you two run through the school's hallways.

“Ehh…I dunno, I thought it’d be funny at first, but now I kinda feel bad,” you say.

”You’ll be in lots of trouble if Celestia catches you!” Anon warns.

“And why didn’t you stop me?! We’re both in this!” You angrily reply to him.

”Heck no! What you did was wrong…kinda funny, but wrong. Come on, let’s get out of here before Celestia starts chasing after-”


Celestia’s powerful scream can be heard through the school’s hallways.

“Crud! She’s onto us Anon!...Anon?”

You turn around and find no one standing by your side, you see Anon running away from school. It looks like he escaped by jumping out of a window and climbing the fence that's next to the parking lot.

“Wait for me you coward!”

As soon as you get one of your legs out of the building and the other on the windowsill, you feel a hand grabbing onto your shoulder and pulling you back into the building, you have no other choice but to turn around and find a furious Celestia standing in front of you.

“He he...hey Principal Celestia, umm…that’s a nice red moustache you have.”

”Detention. NOW!” She loudly yells at you and grabs you by your wrist.

Hours have passed, earlier you asked your team via IM to meet up at the mall’s food court, your go-to place to meet up with your friends after a hard day of work at the mall.

”Is everyone here?” You ask.

”Sunset’s not here yet, her shift ended seven minutes ago!” Pinkie Pie says.

“Should we wait for her?” Fluttershy says.

”There she is!” Lyra says.

”Hey guys…” Sunset says wearing that Sushi outfit both Anon and Flash seem to dig a bit too much, “sorry for the delay…it was my turn to clean up.”

“Don’t worry about it Sunset. Glad you all made it-” you say to the team, eager to know what's gonna happen next, however you only got bad news for them, “I regret to inform you that we’ll have to train on our own again.”

”Ugh…seriously?” Sweetie Drops says, “what’s up with Principal Celestia? Can’t she do anything right?”

“Believe it or not, she’s really trying…she said that there were no funds to get the proper equipment until the next Wednesday. So, we are on our own…however I do not plan to lose tons of days worth of training because of him.”

”Well, what are we gonna do now huh?!” Aria stands up using her usual irritated tone of voice.

“Shut up, sit down…relax, I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do.”

Everyone listens to you.

“First we’re gonna set up our own equipment…then we’re gonna win the contest.”

”But how?” Heath Burn adds.

“Applejack? Mind lendin’ us your farm for a bit?”

”The farm? Hmmm, doesn’t sound like a bad idea sugarcube! Big Mac and Ah can get the things ready…use hay bales as gym mats. Yeah, it can happen sugarcube!”

“Awesome! So that’s two events set. We can practice Basketball at the school’s gym.”

”Wait! We can’t!” Anon says, “since Principal Celestia has to get things ready…we’re better off practicing at the Park’s courts, I mean…one of our school’s basketball hoops is broken after all.”

“Yeah, you’re right Anon…” you say, pinching the bridge of your nose, "ugh! What was I thinking?"

”Now, the thing we should worry about is…the last event,” Trixie says, “I certainly do NOT want a violent jerk who dares to touch my beautiful skin, let alone my beautiful face kicked in!”

"I'll kick your face instead then if you refuse to participate..." You threaten Trixie, whose eyes just go wide and her annoying voice goes silent.

”Let’s just learn the basics shall we?” Twilight proposes as she puts her tablet on the table of the food court you're all sitting at. Then she plays a video of a Karate match.

”Hmm…that doesn’t look too complicated,” Heath Burns says, “they’re just hopping around and-“

”OHHH! That’s gotta hurt...” Derpy says.

”Well…how about this? We tell the refs all of us died training!” Sonata says.

Everyone gives Sonata their best ‘are you for real?’ look.

”I was just sayin'…” she says, looking quite embarrassed.

”Oh wow! That leg shouldn’t bend like that!” Sweetie Drops says.

”Hmm, I’m totally digging this…” Aria says before she lets out an evil laugh.

”Fortunately that’s an illegal move,” Twilight Sparkle says, “there’s no way the Board or the officials would allow injuries like these to happen.”

”If Superintendent Discord is present then he'll totally enjoy seeing getting our butts kicked…” Lyra adds, “I’m kinda nervous now, can we watch the other events instead?”

”I don’t think you can afford to postpone this event dearie,” Rarity says to your teammate before turning her face and batting her pretty eyes at her crush, “as always, Anon is right…”

Anon just lets out an uncomfortable laugh.

”You must learn karate…you must!” Rarity says using her drama club voice.

”Easier said than done Rarity…” Brawly Beats says as he arches an eyebrow, “besides, let me remind you who’s actually working their butts off here regardless of the dirt, heat and sweat.”

“Hey…that’s not very nice Brawly,” Anon says looking visibly annoyed, which surprises everyone, “come on man, apologize to Rares…”

”For what?! I just said what had to be done! She’s not participating at all! Remember that she-“

”-designed and tailored the uniforms for us?" Anon interrupts Brawly Beats, "and that she comes to see us practice and cheers for us every day as well? Don’t brush her off like she isn't a part of the team, so don't be rude and apologize to her right now!” Anon says in a more intimidating tone of voice.

You take a look at Rarity…yeah, it’s THAT face she always makes whenever she gets too excited or happy. She’s so bad at hiding it!

”Tch. Fine…sorry Rarity,” Brawly Beats apologizes to Rarity.

”No offense taken dearie,” she replies to Brawly Beats before winking at Anon.

Hmm, so Anon is starting to show a little more aggression…guess you can use his newly found confidence to win. You owe Rarity a lot for trusting Anon from the very beginning.

”Well then genius,” Brawly Beats addresses Anon, “any ideas on how we should train for karate?”

”I guess…” Anon ponders a thought.

Everyone including yourself pay attention to him. He takes his time thinking for a solution, then crosses his arms and finally he lets out a sigh.

”I have no idea…”

”GAH!” Everyone goes at the same time.

”What do you mean you don’t know?!” Aria says by pulling him by his shirt, “we don’t have much time to screw around Anon!”

”Kicking my butt doesn’t count if it isn’t done the Karate way Aria…” Anon calmly replies.

Aria looks at him, and tries her best to stifle a laugh, then she just arches an eyebrow and scoffs.

”Yeah, you’re right Anon…”

Aria releases her grip on Anon’s shirt and he dusts it off.

"Ha ha, cute smile Aria, you should smile more often..."

"It's not cute...you dolt," Aria looks away trying to hide her smile and blush from Anon's gaze.

”Don’t worry though…if the Board of Directors and that excuse of a Superintendent want us to learn karate they’ll get what they ask for…” Anon says before sitting down once again, "there should be a few dojos in Canterlot right? I'll go check the downtown tomorrow-"

That seemed to lift everyone’s hopes up. You can’t believe how much Anon has changed…it’s like he's a completely different person!

”-However I think we should go back to our homes to get some rest, at least for today, don’t you think?” Anon asks.

”Yeah…that’d be great, I had a difficult day at work today,” Sunset Shimmer says as she takes off that ridiculous puffer fish hair knot which lets her hair fall down, attracting every guy’s attention. Even Anon’s, fortunately Rarity didn’t notice him.

...Or maybe not, there’s that good ol’ Anon you like so much.

Everyone starts standing up and stretching their bodies.

”Man, today kinda sucked…” Trixie says, “to get all this work done and then a new challenge to accept? It’s all so sudden if you ask me.”

“You think you got it bad? I got suspended for playing a prank on Principal Celestia,” you say, dusting off some crumbs from the burger you and Anon had earlier.

”A prank? Again? Sheesh Rainbow Dash, when will you ever learn?” Applejack nags.

“You should’ve seen Principal Celestia’s face…oh man, it was amazing. Anon was there and thought it was great, right Anon?”

"Ehhh," Anon shrugs, "I think you kinda overdid it Rainbow."

“Oh come on! As if you’d have the guts to pull off a prank like that…you're so lame!”

”Will we meet up at the usual time tomorrow?” Sonata asks, “I mean like, I could get some more sleep…”

“Nah…we’ll train after school ends. Perhaps Principal Celestia will let us train tomorrow more time by skipping a few classes.”

”You…scribbled on her face captain,” Anon says.

“BWA HA HA HA! Don’t remind me…” you interrupt Anon with a big laugh, “it’s still funny! I kinda feel bad about it but then I remember how many times she’s made my life miserable and I forget about it.”

”Whatever you say sugarcube…I’m going home, see ya,” Applejack says, “come on big bro…AB and Granny must be waitin’ for us.”

”Eeeyup,” Big Mac stands up and grabs his jacket.

”G'Night everyone!” Twilight happily says.

Everyone says their goodbyes and goes on their ways.

Once the coast is clear you go after Anon and eventually catch up with him.

”Yo Anon!”

”Hmm? What is it captain?”

“Thanks a lot.”

”For what?”

“Dunno…I mean uh, I well-“

Anon lifts an eyebrow.

”For the words you said before…that really was inspiring dude. You really make me feel we might actually be able to win this thing, Seacrest County High and all.”

Anon smiles.

”Gee Capt-“

“Dash is fine dude…”

Anon was surprised by that.

Seeing his cute face for some reason, makes you feel you can’t look away from his gaze.

”How ‘bout Dashie?” Anon puts on a cocky smile, “I’ve heard Pinkie call you that. And I think it’s a cute nickname.”

You blush, but then you swallow a little bit of your pride.

“Golly um, yeah…Dashie is fine. Just don’t let Rarity hear you when you say that, you understand?”

"Of course not! She might end up killing me for real this time around!"

You both let out a good laugh.

Hours later.

You’re now Anon. Right now you’re chilling in your room doing your homework and checking out what’s new on the internet, all of a sudden, you receive a text message from Nelly.

[“hi Anon :heart: how r u?”]

Ah! Nelly, might as well reply to her. Thank goodness you are both in good terms after you explained that whole picture thingy. Now she won't stop texting you...

[”Hey Nelly…I'm doing well, just kinda worried.”]

Nelly is typing…

[“But why?”]

[“Ah, it’s about the new events, we haven’t been able to train cuz we lack the equipment and the worst part is…none of us know karate!”]

[“Really? That’s terri- wait…”]

Nelly is typing…

[“Your school is supposed to teach you karate, it’s all in the PE program! Every school can afford it.”]

[“Well for some reason, we can’t…weird isn’t it? Our principal can’t even afford good equipment, If only Kindiak Park High’s courts totally unusable…ours somehow are fine, but they need some TLC.”]

She sends a thinking emoji.

[“What can I do? I told my team that I’d find a way to learn Karate.”]

Nelly is typing…

[“Well why don’t you come to Pleasantview High? My sisters and I could teach teach you and your friends! We’ll be hosting the games in our school as well so we'll need to practice as much as possible.”]

[“You will?!”] You ask, feeling very excited after reading her proposal.

[“Yeah! I mean, we could use some actual practice, however I won’t be competing…but I could still teach you.”]

[“That’s great Nelly! I knew I could count on you! Thank you so much!”]

[“Yeah, we can also spend some time together after the training don’t you think? 😏”]

[“Sounds good! Wait, what was that about you not competing anymore?”]

[“I followed your advice Anon, my sister ended up finding a replacement for me after all. She was angry at first but she said that it was fine afterwards...🙄. It’ll be fun to see you train with her or Mirage.”]

[“Oh, I hope they won't go rough on me…”]

[“Mirage won’t, Sandy…she maybe will 😅”]

Hoo boy. You’d be fine to get rough with that hottie for sure.

[“Bell watches Sandy practice everyday too so no funny business okay??? 😊”]

Hah, it feels like she read your mind.

You keep chattin' with Nelly until you decide enough is enough, then you to go to sleep.

What have you gotten yourself into?