• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 7

The Enemy - Dark Kingdom

The meeting between Princess Luna – with Yelan – and Sailor Guardians continues.

Luna (cat) asked out of curiosity, "How did you know that Usagi was Sailor Moon at the Masquerade? The Sailor Guardians have a strong perception-blocking enchantment upon them."

"I do not know, Lady Luna," spoke Princess Luna. "It may be because we are connected to the same source of magic, the moon."

The feline nodded. "Yes, that sounds likely."

"Aw," whined Usagi childishly. "I thought it was because we're such good friends."

Luna (pony) continued speaking, "Though, she was the only one that night We recognized. We could not identify young Ami that night."

"Well, that's good then," Luna (cat) stated relievedly. "It would be dangerous if the Enemy learned of the Sailor Guardians' identities."

The princess nodded. "Agreed."

"Who is our enemy exactly?" Ami asks inquisitively. "Those four stallions from yesterday mentioned something about a 'Dark Kingdom.'"

"And a queen," added Rei.

Yelan answered, "We are not entirely sure ourselves, but we do understand that they are currently in an alliance with another group."

"The Changelings," Princess Luna stated grimly.

Luna (cat) asked immediately, "What is that?"

"They are vicious creatures that feed off the energy of other creatures like parasites. Their natural ability to take on the form of any creature can cause great mistrust and chaos. They were quite the problem back in my time, but it seems they have since faded from public memory."

Usagi became a bit frightened by the description. "They sound scary."

"They can be, which why it is all the more important we share as much as we can with each other," Luna (pony) stated assuredly. "While these creatures can take on our appearance, they do not have the power to mimic memories."

Makoto asked, "How do you know about these guys if they can disguise themselves."

"Because we discovered one after the incident at the Marvelous Mustering Masquerade." Usagi, Ami, and Rei all gasped in realization.

"The pony that looked like Miss. Li," said Ami.

Yelan nodded. "After you all left, we did a search of the grounds. We found it immediately and took it captive."

"Discovering the creature led to a search of the city to identify any more of its kind," spoke Flash. "Princess Luna took charge of locating them."

"Is that why Usagi and the others hadn't seen her in a while?" asked Makoto.

The princess nodded. "That was what We had been doing up until two days ago when we returned to Canterlot after hearing of Discord's escape."

"Is that what happened to Princess Cadance, too?" asked Ami. "I noticed she wasn't here to be a part of this."

Luna answered, "Princess Cadance is with her beloved taking sabbatical within the city. The events in Canterlot were quite dramatic for Sir Shining Armor."

The explanation instantly smote Usagi. "That's so romantic," she stated fondly.

Then, Yelan pulled out two pictures and laid them on the table for the young mares to see. In one photo, there was a grey stallion in a tuxedo, cape, and mask. He appeared to be running away. The other picture had a mare on it, who looked similar to Usagi. She wore a uniform identical to the Sailor Guardians only orange with a beaded belt around her waist. The pony was also wearing a red mask.

"These pictures are of others who seem to be accomplishing the same tasks as your group," stated Yelan. "Do you know them?"

Usagi nodded fervently. "That's Sailor V," she pointed to the female picture. She then looked to the next image, "And that's Tuxedo Mask."

"Wait," Makoto said suddenly. "Sailor V is real?!"

Yelan nodded. "She has been doing a lot in the north part of the city but has since gone quiet. Ever since Sailor Moon arrived, actually."

"Who is this Tuxedo Mask pony, though?" asked Princess Luna. "He often appears around you, from what the Li family has gathered."

Ami answered, "All we really know is that he's after the Silver Crystal too."

"I don't trust him," Rei stated with contempt. "He only ever appears when it's convenient."

Usagi, however, was staring at the photo longingly and smiling. "But he's always so kind and helpful," she said dreamingly.

The discussion soon ended. For now, Princess Luna agreed with Luna that Tuxedo Mask was someone to be suspicious of. Today's meeting was declared a success and formally concluded at the request of Yelan, taking into account that tomorrow was a school day. The Sailor Guardians gave their gratitude to their host and were soon on their way back home. After saying goodbye, the mares left with Usagi waving to Princess Luna one last time. Though the group of heroes was gone, Luna (cat) was still with the princess. She wanted to speak with the princess alone.

"I know we didn't get off on the right paw," Luna (cat) spoke with sincerity. "But I'm actually glad that I could meet you, princess."

"Why is that?" asked Luna (pony).

Luna (cat) began to smile. "When I was found by Queen Serenity, she wanted to give me a name. She said I reminded her of a dear friend that she could no longer see anymore, and now, I realize that I was named after you."

The Alicorn princess stared down at the cat in amazement. It never crossed her mind why they shared the same name, but it all made sense now. Her friend's gesture touched her even after all she had done. She began to smile unintentionally as her heart became a flutter with emotions.

"Serenity," Luna (pony) said warmly. "She would do something like that."

The feline then stepped closer to the pony, looking slightly anxious. "If I may ask, why is it that you disappeared in the first place."

All of Princess Luna's happy emotions immediately disappeared. She became solemn as she answered the cat's question. "It doesn't matter. I am here now, and I will correct the mistakes made in the past."

"Take this, Queen Beryl."

In the chambers of Queen Metelia, the specter was meeting with Beryl. She was forming an orb from her own energies. Once it was completed, the gaseous being floated the ball to her subordinate. The evil mare took the item within her magic aura, staring at it for a moment.

"I will not fail you, my queen," Beryl stated devotedly.

Metelia warned, "For your sake, I hope not."

Beryl understood clearly. She immediately left the chamber and made her way back to the throne room. To her surprise, she found Chrysalis waiting for her with many of her subjects behind her. The Changelings were snarling and hissing, looking ready for a fight. The unicorn was surprised but not entirely. She was, however, annoyed with the display.

"So," spoke Beryl, "you think you can turn on me now?"

Chrysalis spoke angrily, "I've had enough with this alliance of ours. You no longer have the power to keep us in check. Now, we will capture you, and the city of La Luna will be our feast."

"And do you think you can defeat the Sailor Guardians and their allies?" Beryl asked shrewdly. "They will be expecting you, seeing how you too loss one of your subjects."

"It won't matter, Beryl," stated Chrysalis assuredly. "Our numbers will overwhelm them."

Smirking sinisterly, the unicorn replied, "Just like you believe you can overpower me?"

Immediately, Beryl began displaying her magic power. It shook the entire castle violently, throwing the regular Changelings off their balance. Many of them were frightened as well and took off to hide. The power emanating from the pony was even destroying the space around her. Stone was beginning to crumble and crack. Chrysalis became noticeably nervous, realizing the error she made in her decision.

Beryl would have liked nothing more than to destroy these bugs, but she knew better. She ceased her display of power and reprimanded her tenuous ally. "Know this, Chrysalis. You and your minions are here by the good graces of my master. She still needs more energy, and you and your people will continue gathering as much or face destruction. Are we clear?"

Though still visibly stunned, Chrysalis was able to give a curt nod. "C-Crystal."

"Excellent," said Beryl contently. "Now then, Chrysalis, I require your assistance for my next plan."

The next day, Princess Luna came to school, fulfilling her promise to Usagi. The young mare was ecstatic to see her friend, and the other Sailor Guardians – only Ami and Makoto – were glad to see the princess keeping her pledge. Much of the day went like nothing changed, going through the usual routine that the group experienced before. At the end of the school day, however, there came a change offered by Usagi.

"Do you want to come to the arcade with us, Luna?"

Not knowing what an 'arcade' was, Princess Luna was initially going to decline. It was then that Ami informed her that the place was also their headquarters; thus, allowing Luna to reconsider and accept. She told Flash Sentry of her change in schedule, which made the Pegasus surprisingly giddy.

"Do you mind if I come with you guys?" asked the Royal Guard-in-disguise. "I haven't been to an arcade since I joined the guard."

No one had any qualms against bringing the guard pony; in fact, both Usagi and Makoto insisted he joined them. Of course, it was because they were both fawning over the attractive stallion. The group together made their way to the arcade, Game Center Crown. It was a whole floor dedicated to machines that played one game each for a minimal price. Here they met Rei, who attended another school, and they all together went inside. Usagi was quick to show Luna her favorite game while everyone else began to meander around the floor. In doing so, they meet an unexpected couple.

Flash spoke in surprise, "Captain?"

The Pegasus and the girls were shocked to find none other than the royal couple, Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor. The two, however, did not look the same as seen before. Both looked surprisingly mild-mannered, wearing business suits that were plain and uninspiring. They both were also wearing glasses; Shining Armor's being black and square, and Cadance's were large and round. Even their manes were styled differently than usual, slicked back for Shining and in a bun for Cadance. It was all the more surprising seeing them both playing an arcade came The complete opposite of their public image.

"Oh, hey Flash," greeted Shining Armor.

Before anyone could reply, the video game Shining Armor was playing made a sound and began flashing. The stallion at the screen and his jaw dropped. "I lost?" he said.

His opponent, Cadance, began smirking. "What was it that you told me? You gotta 'get your game on,' wasn't it?" she said teasingly.

While Shining Armor stood frozen in shock and pride, both Usagi and Luna joined the others. They, too, were surprised to see the royal couple her, but Usagi was now giddy to meet Princess Cadance in person. She was quickly joined by the other Sailor Guardians. All of them were excited and eager to engage such public figures.

"Why are you here?" asked Ami curiously. "Did you know about our secret base here?"

Cadance answered, "Actually, my future-husband here found this place on a brochure and wanted to play since it had been 'forever' since he last played at an arcade."

"O-Oh," Ami said, surprised.

Makoto then immediately cut into the conversation. "Wait, you said 'future-husband?'" she asked hopefully.

Nodding happily, Cadance pulled her lover close to her and told the group, "Shining Armor proposed to me yesterday night."

The Sailor Guardians began squealing with delight. So much so that they nearly rupture a few eardrums. They were all happy to hear such grand news.

Princess Luna approached the couple. "Congratulations. May your coupling sire many strong heirs," she said naturally.

While the phrase was a bit awkward, the couple, and the group, understood that it was a well-meaning gesture. It was then time to see the base of the Sailor Guardians. The royal couple and Flash Sentry remained in the arcade, feeling no need to join the group. Entering through one of the games, the Sailor V game, the girls led Luna down below the building much to her surprise. It was only a moment of stepping down until the group reached the main chamber. Luna was stunned to see how modern and futuristic the room appeared. She had never seen anything like it.

Sitting at the control console, Luna (cat) turned to greet everyone. "Welcome back, everyone. And welcome to Lunar Command, Princess Luna."

"Amazing," said Princess Luna.

Usagi giggled. "I know, right? It's really cool what Luna and Ami can do here."

Before anything more could happen, the screens went red and began flashing a warning sign. Red lights soon activated as well as coloring the room as such. Luna (cat) quickly returned to the console and pressing several buttons.

"There's trouble," Luna (cat) shouted quickly. "Looks like the enemy is attacking."

Usagi nodded determinedly. "Alright, girls. Let's do this!"

The other Sailor Guardians nodded back. Each of them pulled out a pen with Usagi placing her hooves over her brooch. Luna watched on with intrigue.

"Moon Prism Power," announced Usagi confidently. "Make up!"

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