• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 6

Ally - Friend


In the ruined castle, the screeching hollering of Beryl echoed throughout. Her voice was then followed an equally loud boom and then a crash. The chamber now looked like a warzone as a blast of dark purple-colored magic struck a part of the room. As the broken stone fell, the Changelings scurried out of their path as quickly as possible. It was not the end, unfortunately, as Beryl continued her reckless onslaught. Many Changelings were already hurt, and many more were in hiding out of fear. For Beryl, it did not matter.

“Useless!” Beryl fired another blast of magic. “Weak!” Again. “Pathetic!” And again. “Imbeciles!”

The only left in the room was Chrysalis, who appeared more than amused by the tantrum her partner was throwing. “My how the mighty have fallen,” she mocked openly.

Beryl immediately set her glare upon the Changeling queen. Her horn began to spark with magic as she prepared another attack; this time, it would be aimed at the impertinent Changeling mare. Chrysalis did not take the gesture lightly. Her own horn began to glow a brilliant green magic aura, ready to either attack or defend herself. None of the regular Changelings dare intrude on this fight between two powerful magic-users.

Suddenly, the crystal on Queen Beryl’s staff began to glow. The group, even its owner, were surprised to see the gem start flashing, almost doing so urgently. Beryl forgets her woes and rage as something more pressing came to light. She took off down the hallway from the throne room, leaving Chrysalis behind utterly confused. The unicorn raced through the castle without a moment to lose. Her journey was not too long as she soon approached a large set of metal doors deep within. Upon opening them, the unicorn enters quickly. She then immediately begins to kneel and speak.

“My queen, Metalia, why have you requested me so urgently?” asks Beryl immediately.

To whom Queen Beryl was speaking to; before her was a nebulous cloud of black, dark red, and purple smoke taking the shape of a pony. It was nothing more than a formless monster: yet, its red eyes and mouth was smirking like it had a plan.

“The loss of our generals is disappointing,” spoke Metalia, speaking so with a female voice. “But the arrival of the lost Princess Luna, though…”

Beryl looked up, confused. “What do you mean, my queen?”

Metalia began to cackle lowly, a plan forming in her mind.

Luna stood in the city alone: empty. The Alicorn knew not why there were no citizens out, but it was mysterious. What was more concerning for her was her appearance; she no longer looked like a younger version of herself. Her coat now darker blue, her mane now had an ethereal effect like a night sky, and she stood taller. She looked as she did before her change, precisely the same.

It confounded her, along with the disappearance of all the ponies. She attempted to search for everyone, calling the names of those she knew first before asking for any pony. The situation was entirely unnerving for the mare. Someone or something had to be around.

While Luna walked around searching, she had not realized that her shadow was stretching from where she started. The black path soon began to seep with sinister ooze and bubble. Then, from the same point, something began to rise.

As the Alicorn was about to call out again, she found her trot halted suddenly. She was immediately confused and looked back. “Gadzooks!” she gasped.

The black goo began to lift higher and started to take the form of a pony, one much taller than herself. The being had a slender body, a long horn like a unicorn, and pointed wings. The creature became more substantial with each second and soon revealed to have sharp teeth before laughing evilly.

The Alicorn stared in horror as she recognizes the form. “You…!”

“Yes!” answered the creature – female – back sinisterly. The being began to walk forward, its body became more whole as it came closer.

“Did you really think you could get rid of us,” spoke the thing as it became complete.

“No,” said Luna horrified.

The creature walked up to Luna and lowered her head to the mare. She whispered to her, maliciously, “We are you.”


Instantly, Luna awoke in a dead sweat. All that she recalled in her memory had just been a dream. A nightmare, if the mare had to be honest. She remained within her bed as she panted exasperatingly. Her vision soon gazed over to the curtain-drawn window, where she could see morning’s first light already shining into her room. It did not sit well with her to go back to sleep, even if she felt tired. Though the nightmare had felt real, it only helped cement her determination. There was still more to be done to return herself to her former glory.

On this morning, countrywide news hit La Luna. The first-page story talked about a weird disturbance that occurred yesterday around Canterlot, even reaching to a small town called Ponyville. The newspaper’s heading described the entire section: “Chaos!” Pictures of the strange, disturbing, and downright kooky images littered the paper on every page. The actual description explained that it was all caused by some creature named Discord, only to be defeated by a brave band of ponies. The very same ones that defeated Nightmare Moon some time ago. The citizens of La Luna were flabbergasted by the news, but it was the talk of the town.

However, this was not true for everyone. A group of young mares and cat had other things on their mind. The most prominent being the large building standing before them, followed by a row of attendants that were leading them in. The Sailor Guardians, along with Luna (cat), were now at the Li residence, and none of them could believe it.

“There is much we would like to discuss with you,” Luna had told them the day before, “please come to the Li household where we can have a proper talk.”

The group had decided on doing so. Wei escorted the mares personally onto the compound. While trotting along, the girls could not help but marvel at how impressive the property was on the inside. It was almost like a castle. Through the courtyard, they traveled and then entered into the older building. The group soon came upon the main room, where Flash Sentry and Tau stood guard.

“Hello, ladies,” the Pegasus greeted politely.

Tau greeted the group with a yip and bow.

Ami suddenly gasped with realization. “Aren’t you the janitor at our school?” she asked, almost assuredly.

Flash chuckled with a grin. “Yep,” he replied honestly.

The Sailor Scouts then went inside and saw Luna, Princess, sitting on a mat and sipping tea, appearing to be waiting patiently for them. She was not alone, but she was with someone they did not expect. Luna introduced the mare, Yelan, to the girls and that she would be joining their meeting. The girls took the seats offered to them, sitting opposite of Luna and Yelan cross the table.

Once their guests were comfortable, Yelan began their meeting. “Good morning, ladies. I am Yelan Li, head of the Li Family. I, firstly, would like to thank you all for everything you’ve done these past weeks in protecting this city and her people. Your actions have shown you all to be truly noble and kind individuals who deserve as much praise as the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.”

Many of the girls began to blush and smile. It was the first time outside Luna (cat) that some-pony complimented them on doing their job. It was almost embarrassing.

Then, Yelan became more formal. “Now then,” she began, “I shall introduce you, Sailor Guardians, to our princess. The Princess of the Moon, the Dreamwalker, and the second Princess of Equestria, Princess Luna.”

Luna bowed her head slightly. “Greetings.”

The girls were silent for a moment before Usagi spoke. “You really are a princess?” she asked.

“Indeed, Usagi.”

“Whoa,” said the Earth pony, amazedly, a sentiment shared among her friends.

“Fascinating, yes,” spoke Luna (cat) as she hopped onto the table. Her mood, however, showed she was still suspicious and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Luna (pony) then spoke to Usagi, curiously. “Is this your familiar?”.

Before Usagi could answer, Luna (cat) stepped forward first. “I am no one’s familiar. I am her guardian, Luna. Moreover, I’m the adviser to the Sailor Guardians and the Moon Princess Serenity.”

The feline then stated firmly, “And you are not the Moon Princess we seek."

The Alicorn princess nodded. “We know.”

“The true—” Luna (cat) stopped speaking when she heard the princess. She immediately asked puzzled, “Then, why are you…?”

Yelan responded first by placing a book upon the table. It was an old and tattered book with a fading symbol on it of the sun and the moon. Yelan spoke, “Allow me to tell you a story, girls, passed down in my family.”

Long ago, a terrible fiend rose up and took over the realm of Equestria with his chaos and trickery. The king, a reckless but just Alicorn, fought back to end the creature’s reign but had no way of settling to stop it.

The King’s nieces, one who could raise the sun and the other that brings out the moon, attempted to aide their citizens in any way possible. A solution was devised to send as many as possible to a safe place. The moon was chosen as it was far from the reach of the monster terrorizing the land. Under the Princess of the Moon’s guidance, she selected a trusted friend to oversee the ponies on the moon. The princess, thus, continued to help others on Earth.

In time – too much time – a proper solution revealed itself, and the tyrant was defeated. The Kingdom of Equestria could return to its peace and her ponies to a sense of normalcy. However, ponies on the moon, who had long been left unsupervised, had grown into a nation all their own. It would look like war if not for the strong friendship between the Princess of the Moon and the new Moon Queen. The newly established Moon Kingdom was granted its sovereignty, and an alliance was made. In celebration, the Princess of the Moon gave her friend her two gifts. Her trusted advisor and some of her power. It took the form of a beautiful silver crystal and named as such: the Imperium Silver Crystal.

As time passed on, the Princess of the Moon disappeared, and the ponies on Earth grew both jealous of the shining kingdom of them and suspicious of the power that the moon could wield. Without warning, an attack took place lead by a noble-mare. The destructive power she held destroyed both her and the Moon Kingdom, leaving its citizens to return to Earth. The Queen and her heir, the Moon Princess, died along with their guard. Only the Royal Advisor survived. As an act of apology, the King gave the ponies land to begin anew. With the help of the Royal Advisor, they thrived again.

“…Thus was the tale written by Clow Reed, my ancient relative, royal advisor to both Princess Luna and then Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, and founder of the city of La Luna.” Yelan concluded her story.

The young mares were flabbergasted by the story. They even looked to Luna, who had been knowledgeable in the subject of the Moon Kingdom, to see if she would state otherwise. Luna (cat) confirmed without hesitation the legitimacy of the story.

“I was there for some of it,” stated Luna (cat) unhappily, to everyone’s surprise. “While I don’t know much about the founding, I do know about the later part. I witnessed the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, and the loss of our queen and princess.”

“No way,” Rei said in disbelief.

“Oh, Luna,” spoke Ami sadly, sensing the grief within the cat.

However, the cat soon became hopeful. “And that’s why I had to find you girls.”

“Queen Serenity used the last of her power bestowed by the Silver Crystal to reincarnate the Moon Princess and the Sailor Guardians in the future. And she sent me to find you all to help the Moon Princess when the time came. It was her last request of me.”

Luna (pony) placed her hoof upon the table, looking determined. “Then we shall honor our fallen friend’s last request,” she stated.

Luna (cat) and everyone looked at the Alicorn, and she asked, “What do you mean?”

“The original point of this meeting was to ascertain your goals and confirm some information. Our own goal was simply to recover the Silver Crystal to regain our former power. But in knowing now Serenity’s final wish, We would be honored to aide in recovering the Moon Princess as well.”

While Luna (cat) and the Sailor Guardians were astounded by the proposition, Usagi was ecstatic. She immediately lunged over the table and took ahold of the Alicorn’s hoof, looking hopeful and optimistic. “You’re really going to help?” she said.

The Alicorn blushed immediately. “Y-Yes,” she said anxiously.

Usagi smiled happily but then had a thought. She kept her hoof firmly on Luna’s hoof as she asked her seriously and even more hopeful, “Does that mean you’ll come back to school and hang with us?”

Now surprised, Luna had to take a moment to think over the request. Her disdain for the public education center was not a well-hidden secret. Still, she felt something compel her to disregard that feeling. She thus began to smile and nodded.

“Yes, I shall return.”

“Yay!” cheered Usagi happily.

The other Sailor Guardians, and Luna (cat), began to smile now. Usagi was finally acting like herself again, which meant they could return to how things were before. Now though, it would seem they had a new friend and ally to count on.

Luna (pony) suddenly proclaimed, “The alliance between the Kingdom of Equestria and the Moon Kingdom is now renewed! Together, we shall achieve our goals and defeat our now shared Enemy for the sake of peace and justice.”

“Yeah!” said the Sailor Guardians determinedly.

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