• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 15

Final Battle – Reincarnation

Princess Luna looked back in worry as she and the Sailor Guardians galloped through the crumbling castle. The image of the amorphous monster swallowing the crystal that held her friend and her lover was still fresh in her mind. To think that the mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom, Metalia, would strike so suddenly was unexpected. Now, the building was beginning to collapse as the being grew more extensive thanks to the Silver Crystal's power. Luna and the Sailor Guardians were able to leave just as the hallway came crashing down. They were relieved they all made it out in time, but as the smoke and dust cleared, the rumbling beneath their hooves proved that it was not over.

The castle collapsed away as the large body of Queen Metalia rose from the rubble. Her arched back lifting the rest of her body to raise her head. Metalia gazed down with her red eyes at her surroundings before beginning to smirk, her mouth glowing red. She began to cackle as she reveled in her newly acquired power.

"What awesome power! Did that fool of a queen really think to only use it for peace? Pathetic!"

The fluid fiend used her new strength to lift the rock above the area backward with her large size. The massive stone landed and shook the area violently. All the Sailor Guardians and Princess Luna were nearly thrown off their balance. Metalia, with an unhindered view of the bright blue sky, opened her maw to spew out black miasma into that perfect air. It formed into dense and sinister clouds that started spreading further out. The demonic being finished her task promptly but was gleeful.

"Now, my age of darkness shall begin!" Metalia then looked over to see the city of La Luna a short distance away. "And that place shall be the first under my dominion!"

"No!" shouted Princess Luna.

Metalia, however, was unconcerned in the either Princess Luna or the Sailor Guardians. She started to move her large body forward, smashing through the remains of the castle. Everyone quickly moved away as the giant continued on. Metalia paid no attention to the group as she continued to La Luna.

"I can't believe it…" Sailor Mercury said as she collapsed to the ground despairingly. "After all we've tried, we absolutely failed in every regard."

Sailor Jupiter was equally as distressed. "We failed Sailor Moon…"

"We can't give up!" shouted Sailor Venus desperately. "If we don't do something, then all of La Luna will be destroyed."

"What can we do?" asked Sailor Mars.

"Anything!" Sailor Venus shouted with urgency. "We have to do everything we can. For La Luna, and for Sailor Moon."

The blue Pegasus looked at her friend, unsure. "I don't know…"

A stomp of a hoof brought all the mares' attention to Princess Luna. The Alicorn expressed much frustration as she watched the ginormous and monstrous Metalia slowly but steadily towards the city. Many thoughts were on her mind from the immediate to what had just passed, the latter still heavy. Her dear friend – and reincarnated daughter – was gone, and it had been due to her recklessness. The princess could allow for her mistake to cost any more lives.

"I will fight," Princess Luna stated determinedly.

"Princess Luna!?" shouted the Sailor Guardians in shock.

"That is the least We can do for Usagi, but it also our duty to all of Equestria! We will not allow for Metalia to destroy everything that our friend Clow Reed, my sister, and my uncle have built this past millennium!"

Sailor Venus stepped up next to the princess. She was smiling as she told the mare, "You don't have to do it alone, ya know."

"We'll help too," said Sailor Jupiter with Sailors Mercury and Mars behind her, all determined as well.

Feeling her frustrations relieved a little, Princess Luna nodded to her comrades with a smile. She and the group stood together as they watched Metalia stomp closer towards La Luna. She was already halfway to the city, but the Sailor Guardians knew how to reach her quickly. Holding hooves, the group formed a magic sphere around themselves. They invited Luna to join them, but she figured her flying ability would be sufficient when she made her strike. Together, the group soared after the evil being with all haste. Everyone caught up with the colossal creature in moments before splitting up to attack.

Overtaking the monster, the Sailor Guardians put themselves a reasonable distance away before landing outside the city limits. The sphere disappeared upon landing, and the mares readied to fight. It was apparent to all of them that none of their attacks would work on such a massive opponent. They would need to use their most significant attack.

"Everyone, together!" declared Sailor Venus as she held up her pen. "Use all the power you've got!"

Each one did the same as the blonde-mane mare, holding their transformation pens. Sailor Mercury was first, "Mercury Power!"

"For La Luna!" shouted Sailor Mars before continuing the trend. "Mars Power!"

Sailor Jupiter also had something to add. "And for our friend! Jupiter Power!"

Meanwhile, as the Sailor Guardians charged their strike, Princess Luna began her attack. "Baku, devour!" Upon the chest area, the Alicorn swung her scythe down upon her enemy. The blade sunk into the body and began to glow; however, nothing was happening to the giant.

"Inconceivable…" Luna was not sure of what to do next. She soon began removing her weapon from the being when she noticed something within the body. The mare attempted to peer through the swirling mass that formed Metalia's body.

"What is this?"

Eventually, Metalia started noticing the actions of her enemies. First was the Sailor Guardians' attack that was shining in front of her. She could easily sense the amount of magic growing but did nothing more than stop. A smirk formed upon her maw as the amorphous being became amused by the audacity of her enemies.

"You dare believe you can defeat me?!"

Undeterred, Sailor Venus shouted, "Give it everything you got!"

Finally, the attack was ready. "Sailor Planet Attack!" A massive blast of magic much from the group's center than when used on Nightmare Moon was fired at the evil monster.

The colorful blast rocketed through the air. It struck Metalia on her chest, forcing the gigantic pony back a few steps. She stopped and withstood the full impact of the attack. The stream of magic power continued for only a few seconds longer before finally ceasing. Metalia was seared slightly but nothing more. The monstrous mare soon began to laugh.

"Such a pitiful attempt," the mare mocked with zeal.

All the young mares could not respond. Just as Sailor Venus asked, they had given all their magical power and energy to destroy Metalia. Now, the group was barely able to stand. One by one, each Sailor Guardian dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Princess Luna saw this and shouted, "No!"

Metalia began to move again. Luna attempted to pull her weapon from the creature but could not. Time was of the essence as the giant was proceeding towards her friends. It was all too likely that Metalia would crush them before making her to the city itself. The Alicorn abandoned her attempt and proceeded to make for the eyes. She would either attack or distract to draw the monster away. As the princess attempted to attack, her presence was noticed by Metalia, who retaliated immediately. The being's eye glowed brightly and launched a blast. It was too late for Luna to do anything, and she had not any magic to use. Her fate was sealed.

A flash and the massive beam of energy ceased when Metalia ended her attack. The nebulous nemesis laughed as she felt that all her problems were no settled, and her dark reign assured. She then restarted her trek for the city, unabated and assured. However, she was suddenly assaulted by a barrage of magic attacks aimed for her head. All of it together forced Metalia to stop, but none had done any severe damage and cover her eyes with smoke. It only worked to annoy her much.

"Who dares…?!"

And some pony replied, "We would!"

When the smoke cleared away, Metalia saw who had spoken to her. It was Flash Sentry garbed in Royal Guard armor and side-holding Princess Luna, who was wholly surprised. The usual cheerful expression the stallion often wore was now replaced with professionalism and a stoic expression. A moment of clarity made Luna soon realize what had happened and finally noticed her rescuer.

"Sir Flash?"

Flash smiled and stated, "Not just me…" He then gestured behind them.

The princess did the same, and she was astounded. There was a force composed of many of La Luna's police force and many Li family members behind them. Standing at the front of the crowd was Luna and Artemis, with the Li Quadruplet sisters next to them. They were also joined by the Dark Kingdom's former Elite Four. It was a sufficient force that could be considered a "small army." Still, it was a meager force against a giant like Metalia and her evil power.

Luna separated from the Royal Guard as she looked out at the colossal crowd. "Incredible," she said.

"Everyone began to gather when we heard the commotion, so the cats and I helped organize them into a defense force!" explained Flash proudly.

"La Luna!" Flash shouted to the force. "Fire again! Don't let that monster enter the city!"

Everyone obeyed, and every unicorn fired a blast of magic. The barrage of attacks hit Metalia, creating explosions across her body. None had enough power to defeat the monster, but together, La Luna's forces could distract and hinder her for a bit. At the same time, the former Elite Four stallions went to recover the downed Sailor Guardians.

It was impressive, but Princess Luna could see that it was doing little to affect their opponent. But it was distracting the evil being. "Flash, I need your help," she requested urgently.

"What do you need, princess?" asked Flash dutifully.

"We need to pierce into Metalia!" declared Luna, pointing towards the monster's chest.

Flash was shocked but understood quickly that the princess was serious in her demand. "I know a technique for that, the 'Sleipnir Spear.'" he stated readily.

Luna nodded before pointing towards Metalia's chest. "Aim for our weapon at her chest!"

"Got it!"

By Flash Sentry's lead, Luna followed the Pegasus higher into the sky. Once they reached a proper height and angle, the ponies took each other's hooves, and Flash began to spin them around. The revolutions increased quickly until it was like they were an orange and dark blue mini-tornado. At the height of their tremendous momentum, they were ready to make their strike.

"Here we go!!" shouted Flash.

The Pegasus stallion then threw Princess Luna with all might he could summon and with the force they acquired for this moment. He was not worried about the potential damage due to the high velocity on the small Alicorn. The Earth and Pegasus pony combined physique could handle it. Luna knew this as well and held no fear as she plunged straight for Metalia. In only a second, the princess hit her weapon by her hoof and punctured the body sharply.

Metalia felt the attack. "Gah!" she roared out in pain.

None of the La Luna forces understood why but many among them began cheering as if they were achieving victory. It was invigorating for the city defenders. Flash certainly was not going to say anything if it kept the ponies' spirit high. He knew they would need it until the princess could do whatever she was about to do.

"Good luck, Princess Luna."

Meanwhile, inside the swirling mass of evil miasma, Princess Luna was struggling. She was in a difficult position as she tried moving through the body. It was like swimming in syrup for the Alicorn, and its stickiness was acting like needles jabbing into every pore. Worst of all, she was unable to properly breathe within this mass. Any average pony would likely fall to it, but Luna knew she was beyond average. Her goal was only a short distance, and she could bear the pain to reach it. One hoof swing before another and even using her wings, Luna pushed forward with all her strength towards the object deep in the mist. A crystal of translucent white that was dimly shining through the dark purple material. The Alicorn could see something within it, none other than Sailor Moon and her love. It appeared that both, despite having received fatal stabbings, were alive and seemingly well inside the crystalline structure. For Princess Luna, it was what she needed to preserve through the hazardous energy to reach them.

'I'm almost there, Usagi…'

Finally, with a single hoof, Luna reached the crystal. It took all her strength and stamina just to touch the barrier. There was nothing more she could do, and she felt that her stored air was nearly spent. She achieved her goal, but she could not do a thing as she began to lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. Before she could faint, the Alicorn saw Sailor Moon turn to finally see her. Just as everything went dark for Princess Luna, a flash of light occurred, and fresh air entered her deprived lungs. She breathed heavily to receive as much life-giving oxygen as possible. While doing so, a worried Sailor Moon expressed her shock over the Alicorn's appearance.

"Luna! I can't believe you're here?! How?!"

After a moment, Luna could finally speak. "We saw this structure within Metalia's foul body, hoping you and young Mamoru were somehow okay."

Sailor Moon nodded. "We're both alright, somehow…"

"Princess Luna," spoke Tuxedo Mask. "What is going on right now?"

"Metalia tried to absorb the Silver Crystal after you both…died. It protected you both, however, but she is taking its power. She's now three times the size of any Sleipnir and about to attack the city, but her citizens and Sir Flash are defending it."

The news surprised Tuxedo Mask, but Sailor Moon appeared less so. "Is that where we are? It feels so…cold," she said anxiously.

"How will we get out?" asked Tuxedo Mask concernedly. "Do you have a plan, princess?"

"We will call upon the Silver Crystal itself to help." Luna, now recovered, looked over at Sailor Moon. As she approached, the mare understood her intention and offered the crystal.

Luna appreciated the gesture but surprised the mare by not just taking hold of the gem but keep it within her friend's hoof. As Sailor Moon looked at her, the Alicorn smiled and shook her head. "Not Us, but we, my friend," she told the young mare.

"But isn't your crystal?"

"It was our gift to Serenity, and it belongs to her and her kin. It should heed your call…"

Sailor Moon immediately took Luna's hoof within her own as her expression became more determined. "It'll listen to both of us," she stated.

Princess Luna was surprised but smiled and nodded with understanding. Together, both mares cupped the Silver Crystal caringly. A reaction began, and the gem started shining as if reacting to the mares' thoughts. It grew brighter by the passing second, and its illumination engulfed the two ponies. Tuxedo Mask watched on, amazed as the light grew to surround him too. The whole crystal structure followed and pierced through the dark miasma.

As Metalia was about to enter the city, its defenders pushed back. She began to sense a change within her body. She stopped her advance and looked down at her chest.

"This energy…!" roared the malicious mare. "The Silver Crystal is producing even more than before!"

"Unlimited…Power!" The evil being felt invincible as her body surged with the energy and grew larger. Her form even became more sinister and threatening.

Suddenly, a piercing white light shot through the ginormous monster. It surprised Metalia before she began letting out a roar in pain. "What?!" More beams began bursting through her body from the center. Each time sending forcing a scream. Many of them destroying the dark clouds above as well.

"What is going on?!"

The fleeing defenders looked back when they heard the confounded cry of their attacker. Everyone watched as, from the first beam produced, something was floating through from the body. It left and revealed a crystal structure, the same one that contained Luna, Sailor Moon, and Tuxedo Mask. Once it removed itself, the light penetrating through Metalia's body rescinded and retreated to its source. With the last of its energy now back, the prism disappeared, and three spheres – one small in the middle of two much bigger – composed of that same power took its place. At the same time, Tuxedo Mask was floated down until reaching the ground safely. He immediately looked back up as he witnessed the phenomenon occurring now. Everyone was watching.

"What is happening?" asked Luna (cat) in amazement.

Within each of the two large spheres of light, both Luna and Sailor Moon were undergoing a transformation. Sailor Moon's costume became more colorful, starting at her skirt, now adding a yellow and red layer of frills atop her standard blue. Two pink ribbons formed behind her as a pair of luminous white wings sprouted from her back. Her tiara vanished away, revealing the yellow crescent moon birthmark of the Moon Kingdom. From the bay of this symbol, a horn formed from base to point, appearing translucent, much like wings. The once average Earth pony now seemed like a regal Alicorn – in a sailor uniform.

Concurrently, Princess Luna's change was far more physical than the one her friend undergoing. It began with a change in her coat as her once grayish phthalo blue blackened to become dark blue. Her body grew as well but only becoming slightly more adult than her previous form. The most drastic alteration came from the mare's mane and tail. Like the sun setting against the azure sky, it simulated the aspect similarly to become like the night. A moderate sapphire blue with an outline of greyish Persian blue began flowing magically as if it were stroked by the wind. The little Alicorn that once lost everything had finally regained her true self.

Finally, the light encasing the mares suddenly scattered like petals and revealed their new appearance. The only light left was of that produced by the Silver Crystal itself remaining in between them. Every pony gasped in amazement and awe of the sight. Like snow falling, the flakes began falling and landing upon the many citizens of La Luna. It influenced many ponies, especially the Sailor Guardians, who awoke from unconsciousness.

"What's happening?" asked Sailor Mercury.

Luna (cat) quickly explained, "It's Sailor Moon and the princess! They're…!"

Metalia, on the other hand, was horrified. "This cannot be! The Silver Crystal belongs to me!"

Princess Luna replied nobly, "You're finished, Queen Metalia! You shall pay for all the atrocities you have committed towards the Moon Kingdom, Equestria, and the whole world!"

"In the name of the moon and Equestria," announced Sailor Moon while posing. "You will be punished!"

Growling, Metalia let out a roar in defiance. "I will destroy you all!" She then opened her maw wide and began collecting within into a sphere. It was growing larger by the passing second.

Neither Princess Luna nor Sailor Moon panicked at the sight. A quick nod of affirmation between the two before acting together. Sailor Moon immediately brought out the Moon Stick, and Luna summoned the Death Scythe Baku back to her. The young mare's wand extended to become a staff, and the Alicorn's blade grew and enlarged. Now ready, the two mares prepared their attacks as Metalia finished charging her own.

"DIE!" Metalia then fired her massive sphere of condensed evil magic towards the two tiny ponies.

Acting first, Luna swung her scythe back. "Waxing Slice!" the Alicorn shouted before turning her weapon towards Metalia and launching a large blade of magical energy.

Sailor Moon followed her. She moved staff in a complete circle as she announced her own attack, "Moon Healing Escalation!" Once completing the loop, it filled with magical light and fired forward behind Luna's attack.

The attacks hurdled through the air towards each other. Luna's Waxing Slice reached the massive sphere of evil magic first and immediately sliced through it with ease. As the wave sailed further without rest, Sailor Moon technique struck the separated halves next. The circle magic enveloped both sides and turned entirely into positive energy, absorbing it all. It then continued behind the other attack and gaining fast.

"Impossible!" shouted Metalia in shock.

"Now!" shouted Princess Luna and Sailor Moon together. They then joined to form a pose next to each other with their hooves pointed at their enemy.


Syncing with their casters, the two attacks began to change. The Moon Healing Escalation reached the Waxing Slice, joining with it from the latter's bay. Once it did, the techniques combined and reformed to become a brilliant white energy ball, looking like a full moon. Together, the combined move continued to its intended target: Metalia.


Seeing the princess, Flash Sentry cheered out, "Go, Princess!"

The Sailor Guardians saw what was to come, and they shouted along with the lunar cats, "Finish it!"

"Do it, Sailor Moon," said Tuxedo Mask confidently.

Princess Luna announced, "Full Moon…"

Sailor Moon followed next, "Sparkling…"

"Reverie!" the two mares shouted together.

Nothing could stop the attack as it finally hit Metalia. Like with her technique, the Full Moon Sparkling Finale was absorbing all the negative and evil magical energy. It then converted it into its own power, making it grow larger. Metalia attempted to escape, but the pull of the light technique made it impossible. She continued to struggle, despite this fact. Her body's front part was soon gone, followed by the back, and leaving the neck and head left. It was clear that Metalia's fate was sealed.

"No! No! NOOOOO!"

Finally, everything that was once the evil queen Metalia was absorbed into the technique. Once all the negative energy was gone, the sphere of light shot up into the sky. Everyone watched as it climbed so high that it became like the moon itself. It then dispersed, becoming like twinkling stars before disappearing entirely.

Every pony watched the scene in awe. The next moment, the defenders realized that the evil about to attack the city was now destroyed. A cheer erupted from all the ponies that were soon joined by the citizens who were watching. The Sailor Guardians were overjoyed that the monster that once killed them in their past lives was, at last, vanquished. After a quick hug with each other and the lunar cats, they got up and rushed over to Sailor Moon and Princess Luna, who were floating back down with the Silver Crystal.

Once on the ground, Sailor Moon's appearance changed back to normal. Luna remained as she was now, which came as a surprise when she finally noticed herself. Before the Alicorn could say a word, Sailor Moon suddenly engulfed her in a joyous hug to celebrate their victory. It amazed the young Earth pony when her friend returned the gesture. Neither one expected all the Sailor Guardians and the lunar cats to join them, making Luna happy to see they were okay. They all shared in their success. Nearby, Tuxedo Mask watched on contently soon joined by Flash Sentry, both looking proud.

No pony noticed the large troop of ponies off to the side. They were Yelan Li's group that went after the changelings. It was only a few moments ago when they arrived about to join the fight. The leader herself stood out in front, along with Cadance and Tau.

Then, a pony descended from above, catching every pony's attention. It was none other than Princess Celestia, who looked confused.

"Hello, everypony," spoke the sun princess with great intrigue. "Did I miss anything?"

À Conclure