• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 10

Fight - Together

La Luna was in chaos.

Within the city, as evening fell, mass hysteria was sweeping over the public. The ponies were turning against each other, and several were already unconscious. Any pony, with some sense, took off running to get away from the discord. The only ones to remain behind were law enforcement, attempting to control the situation. Unfortunately, they were having a tough time as there was confusion within their own ranks. Nothing about this situation was under control.

That was why Shiefa, an officer of the local police, came to her family and allies with this grave news. Typically, this would not be a concern to bring the Li family; yet, a shocking revelation made the mare realize how dangerous the situation was becoming.

"I saw ponies sucking out others energies out," stated Shiefa unsettlingly.

Princess Luna immediately confirmed, "It's the Changelings. They have decided to be reckless and bold."

Immediately, Yelan ordered her family and servants to prepare to fight back the Changeling menace. Yelan then suggested to the Sailor Guardians that they go ahead of them as preparation and mobilization would take time. They agreed and were taking off until Usagi noticed Princess Luna's not following with them.

"Unfortunately, We have lost all our magic," Luna stated sadly. "We would only be a hindrance to you all."

Usagi attempted to convince her otherwise, "But…"

"We'll back you up, Usagi," said Cadance, stepping forward with Flash Sentry and Tau.

The Pegasus quickly flashed a grin, "You can count on us!"

Tau barked out confidently, implying the same sentiment.

"Aww," said the Sailor Guardians together affectionately.

Ami then asked, "Is Captain Shining Armor coming too?"

"Unfortunately, he went back to Canterlot last night," Cadance stated regrettably. "I wanted him to inform Celestia on what's been going on here."

Regardless, the group left to face the enemy with Shiefa giving them an escort. Princess Luna and Yelan saw the group off, wishing them luck in their endeavor. Once the group was gone, Luna turned to Yelan with a grim expression.

"While there is not much We can do for them now," the Alicorn stated determinedly. "There is something We can procure for our next move against the Dark Kingdom."

Yelan nodded. She then began to lead Princess Luna back into her home. The two of them traversed the hallways steadily. The Li matriarch was sure to oversee her family and servant's preparations while doing so. Luna watched on before realizing that someone was not devotedly approaching their mother to be a part of the situation. When asked about the whereabouts of young Syaoran, Yelan answered with some relief.

"I apologize for not saying something sooner, but He is currently dealing with a family matter at the moment," Yelan explained. "Wei and Meiling have gone with him to aide in his task as well."

After that explanation, Luna asked no more for it would too much to pry into other's affairs before dealing with your own. The two mares continued through the home until they reached a point that was the furthest away from the entrance. Yelan used her magic to reveal a hidden door that also immediately opened a path for them. They descended the stone stairway unafraid, and magic flames lighted up with every few steps they took. At the bottom, the duo arrived in a large chamber with many empty cells. It appeared to be a holding prison. The mares then approached one of the confinements, both appearing stern and unwavering.

Luna spoke sharply, "Its time that we received some important information from you four."

In the cell, four ponies sat about wholly confined. They are the Dark Kingdom's Elite Four, kept powerless and detained with extreme caution. All of them glared defiantly at the mares; their resolve would never allow them to betray their leader.

"Um, excuse me," spoke another voice a few cells down. A Changeling appeared and waved its holey hoof to grab the mares' attention.

"Hi, Thorax here, um, can I please go now?" asked the changeling politely. "I promise not to hurt anyone while I leave the city."

The (annoying) changeling completely ruined the gravitas of the situation.

It was sometime later when Usagi, her friends, and allies arrived on the scene of the chaos ensuing. Many windows were broken, and a fire had started in a few buildings. It was like a warzone. In the distance, screams and shouts could be heard coming from more ponies in trouble. Usagi and her friends were determined to help them.

"Let's go, girls!" Usagi said to her group. As her friends pulled out their pens, the Earth pony then held her hooves over her brooch, "Moon Prism Power…"

"Mercury Power…"

"Mars Power…

"Jupiter Power…"

"Make up!"

In another moment, the mares were now transformed into the Sailor Guardian uniforms. Seeing it for the first time, Cadance's group was amazed by the performance. The girls then galloped forward to where the trouble was happening. Flash Sentry and Tau followed after the group.

Sailor Mercury then stopped as she noticed Cadance remaining behind. "Are you coming with us?"

"I'm more a support player," the pink princess said proudly. "I'll cover you guys."

"You can trust her," Flash said immediately. "She's one of the best shots in all of Equestria."

Cadance then separated from the group, taking flight towards the buildings. Shiefa had to return to the police station before suspicion was raised upon her. Everyone else continued their gallop towards the chaos. The closer they came to the area, the worst everything around began to appear. Screams and shouts once an echoing away was starting to have more volume and pitch. More fires were springing up and brightening the darkening sky above.

A pony was soon spotted just off to the side of the road, needing help. Sailor Moon immediately went over to check on the pony out of worry. "You…" spoke the pony as the mare helped him up.

"You…have so much energy!" The pony screeched and bore out fangs about to attack Sailor Moon, freaking her out.

Immediately, Tau threw a punch past Sailor Moon and hit the pony. As the equine fell over, unconscious, a green flame erupted around him quickly before disappearing and revealing a bug-like pony creature in its place. The group was shocked but for more than one reason.

"That's a changeling?" asked Sailor Mars.

"Wow!" said Sailor Jupiter, amazedly towards the dugong. "You're tough for a little guy."

Flash Sentry grinned and stated proudly, "Never underestimate a Kung-Fu Dugong, especially not our Tau here."

Quickly, the group continued further in. More and more ponies were beginning to appear. Some were in panic while others seemed more in a hurry. The group attempted to communicate with any of them for information. Many simply continued running while others spoke incoherently before doing the same. Then, there were the ones that were actually changelings who attacked soon after being asked. While surprising, the changelings' attempts failed as the group was wholly on guard.

Unfortunately, as the number of ponies increased, so did the chances of them being changelings; in fact, most of the ponies were turning out to be the creatures. The group was soon surrounded by ponies and unable to tell who was what. None of the girls dared use their attacks in fear that they would hurt an innocent. They would need to figure out something quickly as the crowd began to close in on them.

"I know!" shouted Sailor Moon with an idea. She then pulled out the Moon Stick and began to wave it around.

"Moon Healing Escalation!" Sailor Moon spun around as he wand began to produce a showering mist of magic energy.

The mystical silvery energy washed over the entire crowd. It, at first, appeared ineffective before suddenly nearly every pony erupted in the same green flames as seen before. There now stood the invading army of changelings – with some civilians running away in fright – looking confused and befuddled by their unexpected change. Since the creatures were now distracted, it allowed the group to attack.

"Mercury Aqua Mist!" shouted Sailor Mercury as she formed to spheres of water and launched them.

Holding up talismans, Sailor Mars threw them at the crowd. "Akuryo Taisan!" she shouted, igniting the areas where the papers fell.

For Sailor Jupiter, her tiara extended an antenna, which began to glow with electricity. "Supreme Thunder!" she shouted with a large amount of voltage sent out against her opponents.

Flash Sentry was not one to be shown up by the girls' flashy moves. He immediately summoned forth to his hooves, and then, began firing out in rapid succession. "Meteor Flash!" he shouted as he took care of another area of changelings.

"Wow!" spoke Sailor Jupiter, surprised to see that their friend was capable of power like them. "I didn't know the Royal Guard could make special moves too."

Flash smirked proudly. "Only if you've got the right teacher," he stated.

All the attacks made quick work of a majority of the changelings surrounding them. It also, unfortunately, caused the area to be covered in a cloud of dust and smoke. With their sight limited, everyone stood close by each other, making sure to not allow their opponents a chance to trick them. They waited for an attack to come, but all they could see was the glowing blue bug eyes. Everyone remained on guard, but a repetitive clapping soon drew their attention.

As the smoke began to dissipate, revealing more changelings in the place of those defeated, a taller and more ponylike changeling began to approach them from the sky. She was the one clapping, looking mildly amused at the display. Queen Chrysalis now graced her foes with her presence and mocked their futile efforts.

"We meet again, you goody-two-shoes. Though you've managed to knock out quite a few of my loyal servants, it is all just wasted energy; my army is far too large for you all to handle on your own. It would be wasted energy to us, so why not surrender now and spare yourselves of pointless resistance."

"Never!" retorted Sailor Moon heroically. "In the name of the moon, you will be punished."

Chrysalis growled before giving out her command. "Attack-!" In a blink, the changeling queen saw something pink heading straight for her. She quickly moved aside as that object shot past her like an arrow. It did manage to strike a changeling below, revealing to be a construct of pink energy that did not damage it but knocked it out completely.

"What was that?!" demanded the queen as she searched the skyline.

The Sailor Guardians looked to Flash Sentry, who appeared unsurprised unlike themselves. The stallion courteously answered, "That would be Cadance, and her Scared Treasure, Twin Bow Eros."

From on high atop a building, Princess Cadance stood with one of her legs extended out. A light, much like the arrow earlier, was extended out vertically from her appendage, looking like a bow. She looked a little disgruntled, having her attack being avoided, but she remained determined. Another light-constructed arrow formed in the bow and began to draw itself as the princess took aim.

"Knockout," Cadance said before willfully releasing her attack.

From below, Chrysalis saw the attack again but chose to remain firmly in place. She then summoned two short swords and used them to destroy the construct arrow. Eyeing the sky, she did not wait to be interrupted again. "Attack them!"

Without hesitation, the changelings charged forward. The Sailor Guardians, Flashy Sentry, and Tau were all prepared to face the army with everything they could throw at them. As the crowd neared the group, a barrage of fire, water, lightning, and air magic attacks rained down upon the enemy. These strikes perfectly protected the group who looked back to see who or what was aiding them.

From behind, the Sailor Guardians saw a squadron of unicorns with their horns aglow. They could see Yelan with them, whose horn was doing the same. Around them were the ponies that made up the police force of La Luna with Shiefa. Together, they charged forward against the changelings with a mighty battle cry. The changelings were surprised by the arrival of troops and hesitated from attacking. Ponies met with these bug-like creatures and thrashed them back. The Sailor Guardians immediately joined the fray, launching out their attacks to the enemy of the other side. Aiding the forces of good, Cadance's strikes began to rain down upon the unsuspecting changelings.

Among the chaos, Sailor Moon fought bravely. She was doing very well for herself but was unfortunately left open for an attack. One changeling saw this and was about to strike, but his attack was stopped when a rose struck him. Sailor Moon took notice and was surprised until she saw the item. She instantly knew who had helped her.

"Is this a private event?" Next to the mare was a grey stallion dressed in a tuxedo standing suave and calm amidst the battle.

"Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon said gladly.

The stallion smiled. "Perhaps you could use a partner," he said coolly, pulling up a few roses.

Sailor Moon nodded happily. "Mmm!" They, together, fought further against the enemy.

Watching on, Chrysalis began to grind her fangs. It was clear that her forces had lost the advantage. Her anger was evident; yet, she was remaining calm. She began to scan the battlefield until she stopped on Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. Her eyes began to glow green as she sensed an intense amount of energy on the two of them. The queen had found her targets and descended down. Interjecting between the two, she spun and slashed at the two Earth ponies. Now that the two youths were separated, Chrysalis moved to attack Sailor Moon. Her skill outdid the mare, and her knives were already threatening to slit her throat.

Luna shouted immediately, "Sailor Moon!"

Tuxedo Mask stood still instantly. He internally berated himself for not keeping a better eye on Sailor Moon.

"You little welp," Chrysalis said bitterly to Sailor Moon. "This job would've been done so much quicker if it weren't for you and your ridiculous cohorts."

Sailor Moon could not say a word. She was afraid the blades at her throat would cut through. Her thoughts were drawn to Tuxedo Mask, whom she desperately wanted to rescue her.

"But I shall do what Beryl could not; kill Sailor Moon! But not before I devour your energy to become even more—" A cream-colored blur flashed by Chrysalis' sight followed by immediate pain to her leg. "Gah!"

When the tall changeling mare screamed out in pain, she also released Sailor Moon from her hold unharmed. Sailor Moon was surprised but, in seeing the blur as well, she looked over to see who had helped her. She was shocked to find that it was a cat almost parallel to Luna. This cat, however, was cream-colored with some brown fur and slightly plumper. It even had the same crescent symbol on the coin situated upon its forehead. Luna herself was also a bit alarmed as she noticed the similarities as well.

"Mind if I cut in?" spoke a female voice.

A new pony suddenly dropped down between Sailor Moon and Chrysalis. A light orange Earth pony mare in a sailor uniform, just like the Sailor Guardians, only in orange with an added red bead-string belt. Her long blonde mane was tied together in a red bow. She also wore a red mask and had the crescent symbol on her brow, much like Luna – and the new cat – did.

Angry now, Chrysalis demanded an answer. "Who are you?!"

The pony smiled as she removed her mask before posing. She told the queen, "I am the phantom warrior of justice, the protector of La Luna, and the ally of love. I am…"

"Sailor V!" shouted Sailor Moon, absolutely amazed.

À Suivre

Author's Note:

Fun Fact(s):

  1. Behold, a name drop! The Scared Treasures, a borrowed concept from Seven Deadly Sins (manga/anime)

    • Twin Bow - the famous weapon of Gowther, the Sin of Lust, the living Doll. Here, it has a new name: Eros
    • The name "Eros" comes from the Greek god of love (and sex) fitting for the Princess of Love. Also, it sounds like arrow.