• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 14

Evil – Queen Metalia

It was many hours later when all the Sailor Guardians and Princess Luna awoke within their base of operations. After a quick meal, they were greeted by Flash Sentry returning from his task. Everyone was shocked when he came in, bringing five more ponies, four of which the group knew.

“It’s the Elite Four!” shouted Makoto.

Just as all the Sailor Guardians prepared to transform, Flash Sentry quickly intervened. “Wait! They’re not evil anymore!” he shouted.

“Huh?!” shouted the girls, shocked.

Kunzite, whose cutie mark was now silver, spoke, “I know that when we met, we were trying to kill you, but we were under the effects of Queen Beryl and her master.”

“Before all of this, we each lived different lives when we were each ensnared by that wretched mare,” said Nephrite, his own cutie mark now returned to purple.

Though still suspicious, Rei asked the group, “How did you break free then?”

Princess Luna spoke, “That was thanks in part of our Scared Treasure, Death Scythe Baku. It absorbs all magic from the individual. No matter if it belongs to the pony or not.”

“It was thanks to Princess Luna that we’re back to ourselves,” said Jadeite relievedly. His cutie marked was now emerald green.

Zoisite, having a pink gem cutie mark, then stated, “But, then this brilliant light hit us, and we regained memories of our past lives during the Silver Millennium…”

“We were once the elite guard for Equestria’s representative to the Moon Kingdom, Prince Endymion,” explained Kunzite.

Usagi perked upon hearing the name. “Mamoru…”

“Yes, princess,” said Kunzite before continuing.

“We were brainwashed back too by Beryl in her past life to help her destroy the Moon Kingdom. We even fought against our prince and died for that wicked mare. Now, we want to help you defeat her and her master.”

The Sailor Guardians, though very hesitant, allowed the stallions to join them. With the first problem settled, everyone turned to Flash Sentry’s fifth guest. The pony looked as if the royal guard picked him out of a crowd, which turned out to be true in a sense. He was not really a regular pony but a changeling by the name of Thorax, captured when the girls found him on the night of the masquerade dance.

“Uh, hi, everyone,” greeted the timid changeling.

Flash Sentry then explained. “Thorax has agreed to lead us to where the Dark Kingdom is hiding, and, in turn, we set him free provided he never returns to La Luna again.”

Princess Luna was pleased by the stallion’s work. “Excellent work, Sir Flash. We nearly have everything we need to vanquish the Dark Kingdom.”

“What are we missing?” asked Ami.

“A way to defeat Metalia once and for all.” Princess Luna then explained, “Without knowing how to use the Silver Crystal properly, an alternative must be devised if we are to succeed.”

Kunzite stepped forward. “I believe I can give you some information that may help with that, Princess Luna.”

“Metalia is mostly an amorphous figure that wields incredible and destructive magic, but she has a weakness. The scar on her forehead is where you should aim to defeat her.”

Rei asked immediately, “What about Queen Beryl? I doubt she’ll let us just walk up to her leader and kill her.”

“Alas, she never let on,” Nephrite said regrettably.

Minako was annoyed but remained calm. “She’s a normal pony, all we have to do is fend off her magic.”

“And Nightmare Moon?” asked Makoto worriedly.

Princess Luna answered, “We shall take care of her.”

Everyone looked at the Alicorn worriedly, so Usagi asked, “Are you sure, Luna?”

“I may not have magic, but I still have my skills to fight.” Luna then turned to Usagi sympathetically spoke, “We need everyone to fight if we are to get young Mamoru…”

Usagi was surprised but nodded in understanding.

Though there were reservations, the group did agree that it was time to strike. Luna and Artemis would stay at the control center, but the former Elite Four would return to the Li Compound to help. Flash Sentry and Tau remained at the base as well to stand as the last line of defense.

“Good luck, girls,” Flash Sentry told the girls before they left. Tau too yipped the same sentiment.

Everyone else followed Thorax. He led them out of town and into the outer rim of the San Palomino Desert. They did not have to travel far before finding a massive rock outcrop covering over the ruins of a mostly intact castle. Everyone could feel that there was something off with building, sensing darkness inside.

“Okay!” said Thorax nervously as he backed away. “You guys don’t need me to get inside, so good luck and bye!”

No-one stopped the changeling from running off. He was of little concern for the group as they were about to face their most dangerous adversaries. Everyone took a step forward and approached the tumbledown palace courageously. As sand became withered stone forming a pathway into the building. Everything around them appeared to change once inside. From the temperature to the lighting, it was like the group had entered another world. It was creepy and dank yet in order and lived in.

“Everyone be careful,” advised Princess Luna. “We are in the enemy’s territory.”

“This place is so spooky,” said Usagi, frightened.

A male voice then spoke, “You should have seen it in its heyday.”

Everyone turned towards a hallway shrouded in darkness. From the hall, none other than Tuxedo Mask walked out slowly. He appeared much different missing his white mask and hat. The tuxedo he was wearing was much fancier than his usual attire. No one noticed the difference initially as they were all surprised to see the stallion show up.

“Mamoru!” shouted Usagi happily.

However, Mamoru continued speaking. “This used to be a beautiful kingdom. The envy of the Canterlot royalty once a long time ago. Now, it is nothing more than ruins in a desolate desert…”

Usagi picked up quickly that the stallion was behaving very differently. “Mamoru?”

The stallion then raised his hoof and formed a sphere or dark purple magic. He shouted with wicked zeal, “Pay for the destruction of my kingdom!”

Immediately, Mamoru launched his attack. Everyone moved to dodge with Princess Luna leading Usagi from the line of fire. Usagi was confused as to why her love would suddenly attack them. Luna, though, informed her that the young stallion was possessed. A notion soon confirmed as Queen Beryl arrived from the opposite way.

“He is no longer Tuxedo Mask or Mamoru Chiba, but his true self, my Prince Endymion!”

Appearing upon the balcony, Nightmare Moon revealed herself as well. “The Dark Kingdom will rise, and all will fall to our ruler, Queen Metalia!”

“Hail, Queen Metalia! Hail to the Dark Kingdom!” cheered the possessed Mamoru.

Surrounded by their enemies, Usagi quickly gave out the command. “Everyone! Transform!” She then raised up her Moon Stick.

“Moon Prism Power…!”

The other girls did the same with their transformation pens. “Mercury Power…!”

“Mars Power…!”

“Jupiter Power…!”

“Venus Power…!”

And together… “Make-up!”

Altogether, the mares transformed into their sailor uniforms. They were all surrounded by light that changed or gave them clothes and accessories. Each had their own color of blue, red, green, or orange with Usagi’s outfit white and blue with a red ribbon. It took only a second for what would be a much longer change time. The light around the mares burst off them to reveal their new but familiar appearances.

Sailor Moon announced immediately, “We are the pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms. The guardians of love and justice. I am Sailor Moon…!”

“Sailor Mercury!” announced the blue-mane Pegasus mare.

“Sailor Mars!” declared the red unicorn.

“Sailor Jupiter!” proclaimed the Earth pony with a brown mane.

“Sailor Venus!” said the light orange Pegasus.

Sailor Moon then continued, “We are the Sailor Guardians, and in the name of the Moon, you will be punished!”

Annoyed, Beryl declared, “Only you will be punished here, Princess Serenity!”

“Nay,” said Princess Luna as she stepped forward determinedly. “Beryl, Nightmare Moon, it is time that you both received the punishment for your crimes against Equestria and her allies.”

“We will destroy you!” shouted Nightmare Moon angrily.

Luna replied venomously, “We share the same sentiment!”

Nightmare Moon could not take the presence of Princess Luna any longer. She leaped from the balcony and attempted to stomp the smaller Alicorn. Luna reacted by swinging her scythe around to block her opponent’s hooves and then deflect her away. The princess immediately went after her advisory with great determination.

“Luna!” Sailor Moon called out worriedly.

Before the young leader could go after her friend, the possessed Mamoru intercepted her. He immediately attacked with a mighty swipe that sent the mare back. The other Sailor Guardians attempted to help Sailor Moon, but a wall of flame soon cut them off. It was evident to the group who had cut them off, and they turned to see Queen Beryl with both her horn and the gem on her staff glowing. The mare herself wore a wicked grin as well.

“I will allow you all the honor of being my first victims before I finish off Sailor Moon and Princess Luna!”

Sailor Venus quickly retorted, “Don’t think we’ll go down so easily, Queen Beryl!”

Each of the girls attacked attempting to finish off the evil mare, but Beryl was able to counter every strike through the use of her protective shield. Once they were finished, the malicious unicorn fired her spells at the group aiming for any of them. The girls were able to dodge and maneuver around her attacks before relaunching their own, but the result was still the same. It was a deadlock with the Sailor Guardians slowly losing energy with each strike. Something had to be done soon.

It was now that Sailor Venus summoned the Holy Sword she received on the moon. She began to focus as she chanted, “O Holy Sword of the Silver Crystal, I, Sailor Venus, call upon you to help protect the kingdom once more…”

The sword instantly began shining brightly and blinding Queen Beryl. Sailor Venus continued her chant as she prepared to attack, “Vanquish our enemy and bring peace to our home!”

The Pegasus mare lunged at Queen Beryl while she was distracted. Beryl sensed the attack coming and threw up a protective sphere around her. Though she could not see it clearly, the evil pony poured all her magic into the barrier to make it impenetrable. Sailor Venus continued not knowing this but soon proved to be pointless. Her sword went through the magic shield, and its point struck the orb at the end of Beryl’s staff. The jewel cracked and then shattered much to Beryl’s shock. The energy was immediately released into an explosion that threw both opponents back. The other Sailor Guardians caught their friend while the sword flew further back behind the group. None of them worried about it as their attention was placed ahead. All the energy in the wicked queen’s staff was now coursing through her body and electrocuting her. When it stopped, Beryl looked more like charcoal than her former self and was beginning to crumble away.

“N-No…” spoke Beryl despairingly.

Now desperate, the mare held out her hoof out towards where Mamoru was last seen. “My love…” she said as her body crumbled away.

Her last thought was of when she, in her past life, fell in love with Prince Endymion only for him to be in love with Princess Serenity.

Once the last of their opponent was dust scattering in the wind, the Sailor Guardians were together relieved. “We…did it,” said Sailor Mercury amazed.

“Good thing you brought the sword,” said Sailor Jupiter to their most recent joining member.

Sailor Venus soon noticed, though, that her sword was not by her. “Speaking of, like, where did it go?”

“We better search for it quickly,” stated Sailor Mercury.

Before the Sailor Guardians could begin, the sound of clashing drew their attention immediately. It was Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon, and their fight was appearing very one-sided. No longer using physical attacks, the evil Alicorn was launching a barrage shadowy orbs at her smaller foe. Princess Luna was doing her best as she spun her scythe around in dissipating the attacks as they came close. The few the princess missed exploded upon hitting the ground with any nearby damaging her from the splash. Each time her sinister doppelganger was able to push her closer to the fires. The Sailor Guardians forgot about the sword for now and rushed to aid their friend.

“Akuryo Taisan!” shouted Sailor Mars before launching forth two fireballs.

The fire attack went straight for Nightmare Moon. Stopping her onslaught immediately, the evil Alicorn maneuvered and dodged the fiery blasts. She soon retaliated by producing a few shadowy tendrils to lash at the group. Sailors Mars and Jupiter were unfortunately hit while the other two leaped out of the way. Luna easily sliced through them all as she defended her allies.

“We have this well in hoof,” spoke Princess Luna through her staff assuredly. “You need not come to our aide for We will vanquish this fiend ourselves.”

Recovering, Sailor Mercury retorted determinedly, “You don’t have to do it by yourself. We’re your friends too, Luna.”

“Try to have a little faith in us,” said Sailor Jupiter as she began smiling endearingly.

Sailor Venus then stated, “We’re here to help you too, ya know?”

Princess Luna was surprised by the sudden declaration and was even touched by their solidarity with her. During the battle, the princess knew that there was no time for questioning those you would trust on the battlefield. She nodded to the girls and smiled, showing her understanding of their goodwill. Together, Luna and the rest of the Sailor Guardians faced back against their now-shared opponent.

Nightmare Moon, however, was annoyed. “You all can die together!” she roared.

“Everyone!” shouted Princess Luna. “Attack together!”

The Sailor Guardians nodded. “Right!”

The evil Alicorn took flight and began summoning a large amount of dark magic above her. It grew more significant by the second before becoming as large as a boulder. While the malicious mare prepared, the Sailor Guardians gathered in front of Princess Luna. Each brought out their transformation pens and placed them center in their circle as each began glowing. Behind the group, Luna was preparing something as well. With the blade close to her face, the princess whispered to it as if the steel were alive.

“Baku, awaken.”

Beginning from the jewel by the base of the blade, a magic aura of sparkly light-blue hue enveloped the steel. Its shape began to change as it partially parted like a mouth with jagged teethlike edges. The upper part extended further, and the topmost section gaining a curved horn. She then held her blade back and waited to strike.

Finally, Nightmare Moon finished charging her attack. “Die, Luna!” she shouted, launching her assault.

To meet her attack, the Sailor Guardians fired their own. “Sailor Planet Attack!” From the center of their grouping, the mares’ energies collected and fired at their opponent’s attack.

The two attacks met and collided in the middle. Each had about the same power making them dead in the air. It would take something more to overpower the other. That is when Princess Luna made her move.

“Dreamcast!” announced Princess Luna.

Swinging her scythe, Luna released all the energy towards the blasts. It joined with the Sailor Guardians’ attack and fused to power-up into one super-strong attack. Together, the combined techniques broke through the large sphere. It continued to soar straight to Nightmare Moon, much to her shock and horror. She barely had time to react but not enough to avoid the assault together. Upon contact, it exploded and sent the evil Alicorn crashing through a wall on the opposite side of the room. The group was astonished by the effectiveness of their combination and was overjoyed by their win.

“Let’s hurry to Sailor Moon,” said Sailor Mars to the group.

Everyone agreed and hurried to find their friend and leader. The flames created by the now-dead Beryl had long since lost their magnitude and size as they began smoldering out. Princess Luna led the charge through the insufficient embers to search for Sailor Moon on the other side. Everyone could see that, despite facing against her love, there was a struggle that led out of the room. Everyone galloped down the hallway as they followed the trail of damage further into the castle. The sounds of a battle were becoming increasingly evident as the group moved to go even faster for their friend. Eventually, the group exited the hallway to now find themselves in a large chamber where a stone throne stood vacant and crumbling. It was nearby this weathered seat that they saw Sailor Moon and the possessed Mamoru together. Sailor Moon was holding the Holy Sword via magic telekinesis as she held it at the stallion.

“Sailor Moon!” shouted the Sailor Guardians frightenedly.

The mare did not look back, however. Sailor Moon continued facing her opponent but spoke in a sad tone to the others. “Everyone… I’m sorry.”

Without warning, Sailor Moon slashed the sword upon Mamoru. Everyone was shocked, but it was only the prelude as then the mare swiftly caught the stallion as he fell in a kiss. It lasted for only a second as soon the Earth pony commanded her magic to raise the sword again and jabbed the blade into herself.

“Sailor Moon!” screamed the group, now horrified.

Both ponies fell on top of the other, appearing like a couple struck down in the prime of life. The scene was absolutely despairing for the group as the girls began to feel hopeless and miserable. It appeared as if fate and destiny would always lead them to a sad end with all their efforts feeling futile. Princess Luna was feeling much the same on a magnitude more significant than the other mares could ever realize. She had sworn to protect the reincarnation of her daughter, and she failed miserably due to her selfish desire to defeat her doppelganger.

“Look!” shouted Sailor Venus suddenly.

Everyone looked back at the fallen couple, almost hesitantly. The group did eventually look and saw something sparkling from both ponies. From Sailor Moon, a glowing Silver Crystal began to float from her body. It was from Mamoru’s body where the next light came from as it formed what looked like a sliver of glass. Together, the two objects began floating around above the fallen lovers. Each revolution brought the small piece closer to the gem until it slipped into its form like a missing jigsaw. Now together, the now-completed Silver Crystal shined and illuminated every crevasse and crack in the ruined castle.

And that light even reached the chambers of Queen Metalia.

“Yes!” spoke the amorphous being with pleasure. “I can feel the energy of the Silver Crystal!”

“I want it! Give it to me!”

Suddenly, the monstrous gas-like creature erupted and expanded. Metalia then began forcing her way up towards the source.

Above them, the crystal began to react further. It formed a crystalline construct around the two lovers. Before the group could approach, shadowy tendrils sprouted forth and wrapped around the structure. The Sailor Guardians and Princess Luna were horrified before immediately retreating as the floor gave way. As the stone crumbled away, Queen Metalia engulfed the rock, like candy with glee.

“Finally!” announced Queen Metalia victoriously. “I have the Silver Crystal!”

À Suivre