• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 11

Sailor V - Princess

Several ponies soon took notice of the entrance of three newcomers. The Sailor Guardians, of course, recognized Tuxedo Mask with some suspicion, but the shocking appearance of Sailor V was surprising. A figure almost like a legend from a story. The Li family were also amazed to see the mare appear and during their greatest time of need. For Chrysalis, she was unaware of the identity of this new pony but, by the queen’s judgment, she was an ally to Sailor Moon with powers equally as annoying. She realized that this conflict was beginning to turn on her and her subjects.

“So, Ms. Changeling,” spoke Sailor V confidently. “You wanna try your skills against me?”

It was now that Chrysalis gave a quick glance to the side. In an ally way nearby, the queen took notice of one of her subjects hidden within the shadows. He nodded his head to the changeling leader, which eased her worries.

“Retreat!” Chrysalis commanded immediately. “Retreat!”

The callout was surprising for Sailor Moon and her group. Upon hearing their leader, the changelings began to fall back either by flying or running away. Chrysalis soon followed as she fluttered away with many of her subjects. All were heading out of the city with haste. La Luna’s forces, of course, heard the call and were invigorated to give chase. Most of the Sailor Guardians were going to join them but were stopped by Cadance, after descending down from her spot.

“We’ll take care of the changelings,” the princess told the group securely. “The Li family and I will make sure they can never come back to La Luna, so we’ll need you all to stay and protect it along with the police.”

“Okay,” said Sailor Moon. “You can count on us.”

Cadance nodded to the mare before turning to Flash Sentry. “Please stay with Princess Luna until we get back,” asked of them.

“No prob, Cadance,” said Flash before giving her a confident salute.

Not to be left out, Tau hopped over to Cadance's side. He gestured with his flipper clenched and showed his determination to his friend. The young princess smiled before telling him, "Of course. I can't forget my most dedicated knight." To which, Tau replied with an assured yip.

Thus, Cadance, Tau, and the Li family forces continued driving the changeling force out of town; meanwhile, the police began to aid the citizens and keep the order. The Sailor Guardians would have helped, but the appearance of Sailor V and her cat drew the group’s attention. While grateful for her arrival, along with Tuxedo Mask’s support, the group did wonder why she only now appeared to help. Sailor V’s explanation shocked the group wholly.


“You are complete...”

Beryl dropped the barrier immediately. The opaque glasslike sphere began to deteriorate from the bottom up, dropping the thing inside. A dust cloud covered the creature before it slowly stood up. Now stood Nightmare Moon, no longer melting or misshapen. She had mostly returned to her former glory, with only the cutie mark now missing. Opening her dark purple eyes, the reformed Alicorn began to check over herself.

“At last,” spoke Nightmare Moon astonishingly. “We are our own pony.”

The Alicorn then turned around and kneeled. “We can finally serve our true master, Queen Metalia,” she said loyally.

The specter smirked. “Yes, you have finally become the pony you were always destined to be. No longer are you a princess but a queen. Queen Nightmare Moon!”

“I am honored, my queen,” replied Nightmare Moon appreciatively.

Beryl then knelt beside the newly christened queen. “Command us, our queen, and we will accomplish it,” she asked dutifully.

“Despite giving me the energy I need to revive Nightmare Moon, the changelings are of no use to use anymore. I can see the city’s forces are sending them further south, and they have abandoned this place. But with Queen Nightmare Moon now at her fullest potential, we have the power to strike back.”

Finally, Metalia gave her command with wicked glee. “Destroy Sailor Moon and her friends, and bring me the Silver Crystal!”

The two queens said together, “It will be done.”

Nightmare Moon then smirked evilly. “And I know where to begin,” she stated.

Returning to the Li Household, Princess Luna sat in the garden outside the front gate with a few members of the Li family with her. She was awaiting news of the battle and passing the time by drinking some tea prepared for her. Despite the harrowing situation, the princess was calm in her patience. At the same time, her thoughts drifted to moments of serenity and peacefulness. She was also confident as she knew that Sailor Moon and her friends, along with the unified forces of the city, would be more than enough to fight against changelings. Fear was still partially there as she worried about any sorts of injuries Usagi and her friends could receive.

Then, the gates opened, and Princess Luna was on her hooves immediately. The mare could see the first of the group entering, and leading them was Usagi. So elated the princess was that she rushed over to congratulate her and her team. When the Alicorn got closer, however, she soon noticed two more ponies a part of Usagi’s group not there before. A grey, Earth pony stallion, and a light orange Pegasus with a blonde mane with a cat on her back, who looked similar to Luna the cat. The princess stopped and then looked to her comrades with confusion.

Usagi excitedly answered her friend’s confusion, “Luna! This is Tuxedo Mask and Sailor V!”

Luna was surprised; she had never expected those two vigilantes to appear to help them.

“And guess what?” continued Usagi giddily. “Sailor V is the Moon Princess we’ve been looking for!”

“Pardon!” Luna said, utterly shocked.

The one named ‘Sailor V’ soon stepped forward, in place of Usagi explaining further. She approached Princess Luna and graciously curtsied before the Alicorn. She spoke politely, “Hello, Princess Luna. My name is Minako, but in my past life, I was the daughter of Queen Serenity and the Moon Princess, Serenity.”

“And I am Artemis, her aid,” spoke the cream-colored cat, genuflecting.

A bit shocked, Luna was not sure how to reply precisely. She had thought the time for her to meet her old friend’s – reincarnated – daughter would come much later. Now though, the princess could not help but feel a little unprepared mentally. The pony before her bore little resemblance to the image of Serenity that Luna knew so well.

“Let’s go inside,” spoke Luna (cat). “We should discuss what to do next now that the changelings are dealt with, and the Moon Princess found.”

Everyone gathered in the meeting hall like before, now including Flash Sentry, Tau, and Mamoru. Minako began by telling her story of being Sailor V and her fight against an evil force. It started when she met Artemis, and he gave her the transformation pen to fight an unknown evil force. They worked tirelessly to protect La Luna until they discovered a clue in Applewood. When they left, Sailor Moon made her debut, making their trip worry-free. Once they learned all they could and caught wind of the incursion, they returned and helped defend the city with everyone.

“So, what did you learn?” asked Ami after the explanation.

Solemnly, Minako responded, “The identity of the ones using the changelings and their master…”

“You mean this ‘Dark Kingdom’ group,” spoke Princess Luna.

Minako nodded. “Queen Beryl is the reincarnation of a pony who led the revolt against the Moon Kingdom."

"She was driven by jealousy due to the prominence of the Moon Kingdom compared to her own kingdom. She used evil magic to corrupt her citizens into attacking and sought out the Silver Crystal for herself.

Mamoru spoke up immediately, “What about the Silver Crystal? We all have been searching for, but it appears that only you may know where it is.”

“I do,” said the Pegasus with a nod. She then added as everyone became excited, “But, I can’t reveal its location just yet. It is safe; however, I’m sure that the Enemy has their sights set on us now, so it must remain a secret.”

Makoto then raised her hoof up. “What about our memories from our past lives?” she asked curiously to Minako.

Artemis answered for the Pegasus, “They’ll return in time, but slowly as to not overload you.”

“Memories?” asked Flash curiously.

Luna (cat) now answered, “Yes. Now that our princess has returned, the Sailors’ past memories are returning to them.”

Princess Luna was satisfied with the information received; however, there was still a concern left unanswered. She turned to Mamoru as she addressed his presence, “So then, now that young Minako has answered our inquiry, why not be the same. Answer Us why you are here, Sir Tuxedo Mask.”

The young stallion was apprehensive about answering at first, but with some encouragement from Usagi, Mamoru explained his situation. “I am trying to recover memories that I have lost, and that they seem to be connected to Princess Serenity and the Silver Crystal.”

“That is all?” inquired Luna (cat) with some shock.


Usagi immediately began to smile smugly. “Told ya he wasn’t a bad guy,” she stated obnoxiously. The others quickly rolled their eyes disbelievingly.

Minako then spoke, “I’m sure we can help with that, but after we defeat the Enemy.”

Mamoru nodded. “Sounds fair,” he said.

“Yay!” cheered Usagi as she hugged Mamoru and Ami, who was closest. “Now we’re finally working together. Those bad guys don’t stand a chance!”

Though bewildered by the action, the whole group was soon laughing along with Usagi. It was, in many ways, a relief that each group – four originally – now had ponies to count on. As the threat remained, everyone together would need to figure out their next move.

Then, Luna sensed something suddenly. “Get down!” she shouted urgently.

On instinct, Princess Luna jumped over the table and kicked it up, so the top part was now facing sideways. A second later, an explosion erupted and destroyed much of the room. The table could only take so much of the fiery blast but did well enough to leave the entirety of the group mostly okay. Everyone recovered, but there was a ringing in their ears now prevalent. They began to make their way through the newly-made opening, knowing that they needed to see what was happening outside.

When the group reached outside, the entire was shocked to find much of their surroundings nearly destroyed. The once beautiful and scenic courtyard was now ruined and smoldering. Much of the walled perimeter was wrecked and crumbling. Walking out further, the group could see that the building itself sustained damage as well. It was fortunate, though, that the surrounding neighborhood was not affected by the attack. Evil laughter soon erupted from above the group. Everyone looked up and was horrified. Above the group were Queen Beryl and Nightmare Moon, floating above them.

“So,” Beryl spoke as she looked over the group. “These are the meddlesome ponies who have foiled my plan time and time again.”

“It’s Queen Beryl!” shouted Minako.

“And that’s…” Princess Luna said utterly befuddled. “Me?”

“Nay!” retorted Nightmare Moon. “We are our own pony now! We are now Queen Nightmare Moon, the true ruler of the moon!”

Luna (pony) looked visibly confused. “Queen?”

“Let us finally be rid of these pests, Queen Nightmare Moon,” announced Beryl quickly.

Nightmare Moon agreed wholeheartedly, “Yes, let’s, Queen Beryl.”

The two queens’ horns began to glow as they readied their attack. Two beams of magic collide between the mares and start forming into an immense dark sphere. It grew further in the next moment before it finally fired a massive attack at the group of heroes. None of the Sailor Guardians nor Mamoru was prepared to handle the blast. Princess Luna had not yet recover any of her own energy to be able to fight back. It looked to be the end for the group; however, Flash Sentry literally flashed in front of the group with his forelegs extended out to his side. The stallion was glowing with a yellow aura.

“Final…” the Pegasus said determinedly before bringing his hooves together, aimed at the incoming blast. “Flash!”

A massive energy blast was produced from Flash Sentry’s hooves. It soared through the air and met Beryl and Nightmare Moon’s attack head-on. They collided, and a struggle began between the blasts. Both queens were shocked by the sudden defense. It was the same for the Sailor Guardians, Princess Luna, and Mamoru, as they had not expected similarly. As the two beams attempted to force each other back, Flash soon looked back at the group.

“Hurry!” the stallion shouted. “Transform!”

The group quickly overcome their shock, and Usagi gave the Royal Guard member a determined nod. “Moon Prism Power… Make Up!” she declared.

Together, all the Sailor Guardians, along with Mamoru, began to glow brightly. It nearly blinded Beryl and Nightmare Moon, which helped cease their attack. At the same time, Flash Sentry could no longer keep up his beam attack just as the evil mares stopped theirs. The tired Pegasus immediately descended as the group finished their transformation. He looked back to exhaustively smile towards them before gesturing his hoof upwards at the evildoers.

“They’re all yours, guys.” Immediately, the group leaped into action. Flash Sentry retreated back to stand beside Princess Luna, the cats, and Tau, who took up guarding in his place. Princess Luna was impressed with the stallion and gave him her gratitude.

“You did well, Sir Flash.”

“Indeed,” said Luna (cat).

“Thanks,” said Artemis relievedly.

Flash replied with a grin and humbling chuckle, “No problem. Though, I think Master Vegeta would be disappointed that I couldn’t take two ponies down with his move.”

Princess Luna gave the royal guard a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before observing the battle ahead. Being that there are two enemies, the group split up to take on each. Sailors Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter were handling Nightmare Moon while Sailors Moon and V with Tuxedo Mask challenged Beryl. The groups’ superior numbers helped in combating the two evil mares, especially with how powerful they appeared to be. Beryl, despite just being a unicorn, had power like an Alicorn, a fact that gave an actual Alicorn a tinge of jealously. She desperately wished to have her power back and aide her noble comrades in the fray. Her help could have turned the tide for either fight, especially her weapon, instead of it continuing in a stalemate.

That was when an idea came to Princess Luna. “We shall return,” she said quickly to her group before galloping back inside. It was too late for any of them to stop her.

Magic blasts from all parties whizzed through the air as they missed or countered one another. Though the battle was in a stalemate, the advantage was quickly growing for Beryl and Nightmare Moon. It took most of the girls fighting the evil Alicorn to combine their attacks to even counter back. The others were having a fairly more even match; Beryl seemed to be holding back partly through her battle with the Sailors and Tuxedo Mask. She was almost worried for some reason. The course of the fight soon shifted as Nightmare Moon knocked back all three of her combatants back in an explosive wave. Now concerned for their friends, the others retreated back to them to check their condition. The group was okay, but now they all had to deal with both evil queens.

“It is time to finish this,” Beryl stated as her horn began to glow. Nightmare Moon did the same, and they together reformed their powerful attack from earlier.

Sailor Moon knew they had to act quickly. “Hurry!” she said urgently before pushing Sailor V into the others.

“Get the princess out of here!”

Sailor V was shocked. “No! Wait—” before she could say more, the other Sailor Guardians began to pull her back.

Concerned, Sailor Mars asked back, “What about you?”

“I’ll figure something—” Sailor Moon ceased speaking when she noticed something in the sky.

Neither Beryl nor Nightmare Moon noticed the expression on Sailor Moon’s face. They were more focused on finishing off the group at last. It was not until a shadow covered over Nightmare Moon that she finally took notice of what was in the sky above them. She saw Princess Luna, with her weapon Death Scythe Baku in mouth, descending upon them about to swing upon them with the glowing blade. Luna attempted to say something witty as she did so but was muffled by the staff. Nightmare Moon, though shocked, dodged the attack; thus, ending her part of the attack with Beryl and altogether canceling it.

“No!” shouted Beryl before turning to Princess Luna. “How dare you!”

Princess Luna did not speak, knowing it would be futile anyway. She was about to attack Beryl next but was intercepted by a magical blast from Nightmare Moon. The mare crashed into a wall, releasing her weapon in the process, and looked terribly hurt. As an Alicorn, she was fortunate that her physiology could take such hits even when depowered. It was a powerful blast, however, and she found herself barely able to move. Much to the amusement of her attacker.

“Oh poor pathetic little princess,” mocked Nightmare Moon as she hovered near Luna. “Look how worthless you’ve become without my power.”

“Y-You…!” The Princess of the Moon attempted to retort but failed.

Nightmare Moon began to charge her horn for a magic attack with a sadistic smirk. “This is your end, false me!” she declared with zeal.

Then, Sailor Moon swiftly moved between them and holding up her Moon Stick in defense of her friend. “I won’t let you!” she retorted defiantly.

“Usagi…” Luna said weakly.

Of course, Nightmare Moon laughed at the gesture. “Then you can die along with her!” she shouted and then launched her magic blast.

Sailor Moon braced herself for the attack. As the beam of magic neared her and Princess Luna, their end nigh, a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was Tuxedo Mask, coming to the defense of Sailor Moon. The beam struck him, and an explosion immediately occurred. Through the smoke, the stallion hurtled over to Sailor Moon, severely hurt with no physical alterations. Princess Luna was shocked by the act as was Sailor Moon, who soon became horrified.

"Tuxedo Mask!"

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