• Published 15th Feb 2020
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Sailor Guardians of Equestria - Hotspot the 626th

To recover her power, Princess Luna must seek help from those pretty soldiers in sailor uniforms.

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Act 5

Sailor Moon - Usagi

"What?! You're saying you were recognized? Impossible!"

Now daytime, the scene is set not on our usual cast but, instead, the ones once playing the support. There is Usagi, Ami, and a third mare sitting outside in a shrine within the city of La Luna. They are with Luna, the black cat, who no longer acted like an animal. She stood up right now and able to use her front paws for typical tasks requiring hands. In reality, she was not cat by nature but another species entirely. Something to be revealed later.

At this time, Luna was fretting over a shocking revelation. "Are you sure you were recognized?" she asked severely.

Usagi nodded with a frown. "I think so."

Ami asked, "How was she able to recognize you? Don't our sailor uniforms block ponies' perception?"

Luna furrowed her brow as she tried thinking of an answer. "The most plausible answer I can think of is that she, Luna, has some connection to Usagi."

"She's my friend," Usagi stated meaningfully.

The blue Pegasus immediately objected. "But our other friends have never been able to see through our disguises before-hoof."

Mindfully, the red unicorn commented, "It doesn't seem to make much sense."

"I can't believe Luna is a Royal Guard though," Ami said, distressed. "She's been going to school with us since the start of the year."

The unicorn, with a cutie mark of burning incense, spoke, "What I want to know is, why was she doing this in the first place."

Ami explained, "She never once asked anything about Sailor Moon or what has been happening around the city. I don't know what to tell you, Rei."

"Then what was all that at the masquerade party?" asked the unicorn, Rei, frustratedly. "Why is the kingdom so interested in us?"

"I don't know," Luna admitted distraughtly.

Rei continued. "But this is becoming a serious problem now. How will we be able to find the rest of the Sailor Guardians, or the Moon Princess, or the Silver Crystal? Our enemies keep growing."

Immediately, Usagi stood up, looking angry. "Luna is not our enemy!" she stated decisively, surprising everyone.

"There's no way that someone who shares their lunch with you can be a bad guy!"

Luna looked at the mare worriedly. "Usagi…"

"Let's just ask her ourselves," Usagi suggested confidently. "Tomorrow, at school during lunch, she'll tell us the truth. I know it."

The group, despite their own misgivings, had no way of changing their leader's mind. To confront the problem head-on did seem like a sound strategy for this dilemma. They decided to trust in Usagi's judgment and wait for the next day.

But, when it arrived, there was no Luna (pony) to be found.

"What is the meaning of this, Beryl!" shouted Chrysalis in outrage.

Around her, within the ruined castle, scores of the bug-pony queen's subjects were laid out and unconscious. Few of their own were attending to them, but recovery would still take time. So, now, Chrysalis was in a foul mood as her active minions dwindled with each passing day.

"The Changelings will not stand for this abuse!"

Appearing from the other end, Beryl and her stallions entered the room. "We still need more energy, Chrysalis. My plan has yet to come to fruition."

"Then send your lapdogs to collect it!" shouted the bug pony. "We are already suffering enough from your enemies, attacking us consistently."

Annoyed, Beryl conceded to her ally's point. "Very well. Zoisite, I'll let you take charge in this matter."

The pony Zoisite, a Pegasus with a purple-pink coat, stepped forward. "Of course, my queen," he replied dutifully.

"If I may," another one of Beryl's stallions moved forward. He was the other unicorn of the group who had a light pink coat and a white mane. His cutie mark was a black octagon gem.

"I would like to help."

Beryl was intrigued. "That is fine with me; in fact, why not all my Elite Four work together to finally end these nuisances once and for all."

Together, the four stallions spoke, "It will be done."

Other the next few days, the Sailor Guardians would attend school as usual in the hope that Luna would be there as well. Not once did she appear. A week after the masquerade party soon passed with no sign or clue of the mare. Within that same time, the Royal Guard or the police never came after them. It was almost troubling for the group but mostly for Usagi. She desperately wanted to see Luna again and to hear her explanation that would clear up everything. It was even making her more airheaded than usual.

Much continued to happen, however. The group soon acquired a new member, a slender and tall Earth pony by the name of Makoto. The feisty light green mare became Sailor Jupiter, whose strength and courage would aid the Sailor Guardians further against the Enemy. She was also a good friend as she suggested that they take a day for themselves, to get their minds off their concerns for one afternoon.

"Who wants ice cream?" spoke Makoto cheerfully, carrying a tray with ice cream in cones.

At one of the local ice cream parlors, the Sailor Guardians were trying to enjoy their time off. Each took a cone and began licking and eating them. Though most everyone was enjoying themselves, only Usagi remained in the doldrums and barely eating her dessert. This was a shock to the others as they knew their friend always liked to eat.

"Usagi," spoke Luna (cat) sadly. "Please try not to fret other this matter. We'll figure something out."

The Earth pony glanced at the cat. "I just wish we knew where she was," she stated glumly.

Makoto commented to the others, "This other Luna must be really important to her."

Ami nodded. "Usagi was always so adamant about having her join us for lunch, even though she looked like she wanted to be left alone."

"Why, though?" asked Rei.

"She always said it was like 'a warm feeling' that felt both new and familiar at the same time."

Before they could think much other the idea, a stallion's shout drew the group's attention. All of them got up and quickly rushed to the source. There was a crowd already formed where they found the problem. High above, two window cleaners were hanging off their rick. One of them was about to lose their hold on the bars.

Despite her mood, Usagi was determined to do something. "All right, girls. Let's—"

Before Usagi could finish, the Earth pony began to fall. The girls were about to transform before someone caught the stallion first. To the Sailor Guardians' surprise, it was a figure they all knew well.

"Sailor Moon?!"

Usagi then frantically spoke, "B-B-B-But I'm right here?"

The group watched as the twin Sailor Moon landed and gently set the stallion down safely. She then rushed to retrieve the next pony before he was to fall. The crowd marveled at these heroic actions, but not all were so easily fooled.

"Why is someone acting like Sailor Moon?" asked Rei suspiciously.

A stallion walked up behind the group, watching the scene as well. The grey-coated Earth pony then spoke, "Fame and glory, perhaps?"

The group of mares was surprised to hear the stallion. Usagi, however, then became dreamy-eyed as she stared at the handsome pony. "Mamoru…"

"But I've seen those two work before, and that scaffold has never broken before," the pony Mamoru continued. "I suspect that imitation may be behind this peril."

"That's awful!" Usagi said, appalled. "We should—"

Quickly, Rei covered her friend's mouth, knowing exactly what she was about to blurt out. "Well then, let's hope the real Sailor Moon discovers this soon and puts a stop to it," she said calmly.

Mamoru smiled and nodded. "Indeed," he then took his leave of the group.

"See you later, Bunhead," the stallion said teasingly.

Infuriated by the comment, Usagi wanted to shout at the stallion. It was fortunate that her friend kept her hoof in place to cease such action. Once she cooled down, Usagi was ready to catch the imposter. All her friends were willing and ready. They all quickly moved away from the crowd and ducked into a nearby alleyway. To the other side, they went, reaching a back alley with enough space. A quick check of their surroundings proved that that coast was clear. The yellow earth pony nodded in affirmation, and she her hooves over her brooch, one holding four-colored orbs - blue, red, green, and orange.

"Moon Prism Power…"

Her friends soon followed. Each raising a pen unique to them with a color similar to its owner.

"Mercury Power…"

"Mars Power…"

"Jupiter Power…"

"Make Up!" the group shouted together.

Brilliant colored light shined from the pens and illuminated the mares. It completely covered their bodies in color matching their coat before bursting off them a moment later. The young ponies now appeared different from their former selves though still distinguishable. Each wore a sailor suit uniform with trimmings and a bow at the chest matching their own color. The exception was Sailor Moon, whose costume was more individual. Gold tiaras now adorned the crown of their heads with a matching gem to their color; again, with Sailor Moon's being red. Finally, their cutie marks were now different. These magical markings were transformed into new ones matching their planetary symbol, of course, except for Sailor Moon, whose cutie mark was now a crescent moon.

"Alright, Sailor Guardians," spoke Sailor Moon confidently. "Let's catch that imposter!"

Everyone followed Sailor Moon's lead and left the alley. It was not long when they caught sight of the imposter, standing in front of an admiring crowd. The doppelganger saw the group over the crowd and swiftly made her escape. The group immediately gave chase after her. They were able to quickly gain on the mare. She had taken a twisting route that nearly got them lost. By evening, the Sailor Guardians finally trapped her within a construction zone.

Except, the doppelganger was not alone. There was another with it.

"Three Sailor Moons?" Sailor Jupiter said, confused.

Luna shouted out, befuddled, "What is going on here?"

Immediately, the two doppelgangers began to smirk twistedly. The entrances were suddenly covered in a purple barrier. Everyone was shocked and looked backed at the imposters. They were on guard as they could sense something malicious about to happen. The two Sailor Moons then began to chuckle before turning it into full-on evil laughter. Their appearance began to twist and change as such. No longer were they Sailor Moon; they had become two stallions, a Pegasus and an Earth pony, that the Sailor Guardians and Tuxedo Mask knew well.

"Nephrite! Zoisite!" Sailor Moon named bitterly.

Suavely, the Earth Pony greeted the group. "The stars told me of our fated reunion, Sailor Guardians," spoke Nephrite.

The Pegasus greeted them as well in a vain manner, "My, how lucky you all are to see beautiful me again."

Then, two more jumped out of the shadows, surprising the group. They revealed themselves as two unicorns and stood beside each of the stallions. The Sailor Guardians were shocked by their sudden arrival.

"That's Jadeite," spoke Sailor Mercury, surprised.

Jadeite chuckled maliciously. "My queen has finally allowed me to rectify my failures and take revenge on you do-gooders!"

Sailor Mars though, focused on the new pony. "But who is that fourth pony?" she asked aloud.

The last member of the group responded after giving a polite bow towards the group. "Greetings, everyone," he began saying, "I am Kunzite. The leader of our queen's Elite Four, the Dark Kingdom's finest warriors."

"Kunzite?" Sailor Mercury spoke confused.

"We have been tasked with your destruction by our queen, and together, we will not fail her," announced Kunzite.

Immediately, the four stallions began to glow with energy. It was a vast amount that felt evil in nature. The Sailor Guardians could sense the pressure emanating from the Elite Four's display. None faltered, and they together stood their ground against evil ponies.

The groups launched at each other, and their battle begins. Sailor Moon took on Kunzite alone. The other Sailor Guardians took on the other stallions one-on-one. Sailor Mars fought Jadeite, Sailor Mercury battled against Zoisite, and Sailor Jupiter clashed with Nephrite. The two groups appeared evenly matched. Their attacks matched and countered before it happened all over again.

"We will defeat you!" shouted Sailor Moon determinedly.

Kunzite smirked. "You will try…"

Suddenly, there came shouts from the other three members of the Elite Four. Kunzite looked out to see his comrades pushed back and injured. It shocked the stallion, and he looked back over to see what happened. Sailor Moon did the same, and they together were astounded. There were now new fighters next to the Sailor Guardians; two ponies and a small creature. Of the three, they all could recognize the one pony that stood – at the same height – next to Sailor Jupiter.

"Princess Cadance!" revealed the Sailor Guardians together.

Cadance gave an acknowledging nod to the group before turning her attention to the stallions. She then declared, "Surrender now, and you won't have to look like chumps in the next 10 seconds."

The other pony, Flash Sentry, also gave out a comment. "I'd do as she says, guys. This won't end well for you otherwise."

Tau, the creature, gave a stern yip in agreement.

Looking over his comrades, Kunzite was filled with anger. His horn began to spark as he announced his intention, "You fools! You may outnumber us, but you do not outmatch us."

One by one, the other Elite Four members regained composure and were ready to attack again behind Kunzite. He noticed this and attempted to intimidate their opponents. "We do not fall so easily, Princess. Our time is—"

"Death Scythe Baku…"

A new female voice interrupted Kunzite, and its sudden appearance freaked both him and his comrades. They turned around, having heard the speaker from behind, and prepared to attack.

"Devour," spoke the mare calmly.

In a swift flash of white, everything and every pony held still. The Sailor Guardians were confused before looking more closely at the Elite Four. It was strange that none of them were moving, and they were wondering why not. Before they could approach them, all four stallions collapsed much to the mares shock. At the same time, the barriers behind them were lifted.

Luna (cat) quickly investigated the stallions. "They've been knocked out," she discovered, "and they completely drained of energy."

"Yes," spoke the voice from before, stepping forward from the shadows. "It is the unique ability of our weapon, Death Scythe Baku, to 'eat' the energy of our opponents while leaving them mostly unharmed."

Sailor Moon gasped. "Luna," she said hopefully.

The mare in question smiled. "Yes, Usagi, but we are normally addressed as…" Luna then revealed her wings to the group, who all gasped in surprise.

"Princess Luna: Princess of the Moon."

À Suivre

Author's Note:

Fun Fact(s):

  • Death Scythe Baku has a few of references within it.

    • "Death Scythe" is, of course, a reference to Soul Eater. No, it will not transform into a pony, its just a title
    • "Baku" is a Japanese mythological creature that ate dreams.
    • There's actually one more, but it didn't appear in context. Hint: there might be seven of these deadly weapons under the same classification scheme.