• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,956 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Fuel Storage

The moment Isaac and Chrysalis were finished with their short break, and made sure that they had sold off the bits of ammunition that they didn't need at the moment since Chrysalis had found some line racks for the Line Gun, they walked over to the other circular door that was in the Control Room. This one was the one that would allow them to access the Fuel Storage, where they could turn on the engines and prevent the Ishimura from falling out of it's orbit and crashing into the planet below them, where the two of them and their friends would be at the mercy of the Necromorphs without any hope of being rescued or escaping. It was something that Chrysalis wanted to avoid, which was why she was so eager to get this ordeal over with so she and Isaac could join Hammond on the Bridge and figure out how to get off the ship, which they had a greater chance of doing now that Kendra had revealed that she was alive and that she had access to a good portion of the ship from where she was hiding.

Chrysalis smiled for a moment, because they had a chance at getting off this ship before the Necromorphs got to any of them, but at the same time she knew that she and Isaac needed to be sure that they survived turning on the engines, to which they opened the door in front of them and walked into a zero-g area... which was also open to the space around the ship thanks to the large part of the chamber missing.

Since they had little choice in the matter, and because there was no other way forward for them, Isaac aimed his Plasma Cutter at the wall in front of them and leapt through the air, where he soared towards the platform he had been aiming at and landed on it. The moment he was out of the way, as in he moved forward to give Chrysalis enough room to do the same thing, Chrysalis pointed her Pulse Rifle at the platform and leapt towards it, where she landed on it and braced herself once more. That was followed by them noticing that two leapers had emerged from one of the intact vents and were clearly preparing themselves for battle, though Chrysalis gripped the Necromorphs with her magic and pinned them to the wall they were crawling on, allowing Isaac to dismember them with a few shots. From there the two of them took turns aiming at the other walkway that they needed to walk on and jumped over to it, where they landed on the floor and headed up the ramp, which brought them to the circular door that was at the end of the walkway... where they left the zero-g area and entered an area that had air for them.

After walking through the two circular doors, or more like airlocks when Chrysalis thought about them, she and Isaac walked into the next part of the ship they needed to walk through, which ended up being louder than what Chrysalis was originally expecting and annoyed her a little bit... but at least her suit allowed her to block some of the noise so she didn't go deaf while they were in here.

Directly in front of them rested the schematic for the Medium Med Packs, which they had found one of since they had crashed into the Ishimura's Flight Deck, but Isaac and Chrysalis smiled as they stored it inside the storage area inside Isaac's suit before they moved forward. As they followed the hallway in front of them, however, the two of them quickly discovered that something was definitely wrong with this area, because there were the same organic growths that they had seen before entering the area that the centrifuge rested in.

"Okay, once was fine and all... but this is disgusting." Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she kept her eyes open for anymore holes in the walls, because she didn't want whatever creature that grabbed her earlier to do it again, or grab Isaac for that matter, "I hope there's a way to get rid of all of this at some point in the future."

"I'm sure that Hammond and Kendra will find a way to get rid of it all," Isaac replied, though that was before he remembered something very important about his companion, something that he shouldn't have forgotten in the first place, "or, if it comes down to it, you might be able to burn the growths away with your magic."

"I'm not sure what would happen if I tried that," Chrysalis said, but she wouldn't deny that such a thing made her think about calling forth a fireball or gout of fire to test how resistant the growths were to her magic, before she sighed as she continued walking forward, "Come on, let's find the terminal that will let us turn on the engines and get out of here before the creature from earlier tries to grab us again."

The area in front of them appeared to be squared in nature, as it was how the architects of the Ishimura built this part of the ship, and there was more organic growths on the walls and ceiling, though that was when Chrysalis noticed that there was even some on the ground, in a lighter fashion anyway. What they discovered was that walking on the organic surface made them walk slower than usual, meaning that they had to put more effort into moving their legs forward, but that made Chrysalis more determined to get out of here as soon as possible. The duo turned to the right and walked along the small amount of organic surface that was in front of them and approached the door that Isaac had been staring at, where they walked into what appeared to be a storage room... which contained a Power Node, some ammunition for both of their weapons, and a text log that was titled 'Corruption'.

It was then that Isaac and Chrysalis discovered that the Engineering Deck wasn't the first part of the ship that the organic growth had appeared in and had spread out from wherever it had originated, but there was no information on where it all came from... and that cutting it apart was futile, as it spread faster than the crew could damage it, but at least the scientists aboard the ship had been studying the mass of organic growth. From there they carefully crossed over to the other side of the chamber they were in and found another storage room, which contained more ammunition and a brief audio log from Temple, who claimed that he couldn't reach the engines on his own and that this was sabotage. Chrysalis wasn't surprised to hear that the engineer had given up and was heading to the Bridge to meet someone called Elizabeth, so they could get off the ship.

That made Chrysalis wonder if there actually was some sort of escape system that might allow them to get off the Ishimura, but for now she and Isaac had to focus on restoring the engines... to which they gathered the remainder of the supplies in this room, walked out to the lift that was next to the door, and headed down to the level below them.

On the second level they found that they had to head to their right, because the left was completely consumed by the organic growth, and that both of the storage rooms on this level appeared to be permanently opened, no doubt because of the large organic growth they were seeing everywhere. The first storage area they discovered had a trail of blood in front of the vent, meaning that a Necromorph must have killed someone using the vent, though nothing happened when they walked by the entrance and Isaac pulled the Small Med Pack over to them with his Kinesis before they continued around to the other side of the level. As they neared the other storage room three of the little swarm Necromorphs moved out of the room and approached the duo, to which Chrysalis leveled her Pulse Rifle with them and tore the three of them apart with a short burst... though once the deed was done she and Isaac carefully walked into the storage room so they could investigate what happened in here.

What they found in the storage room was what appeared to be a dead engineer, though as Chrysalis collected the various supplies that were in the area around them Isaac approached the dead person, to which the engineer stirred and started to point at something behind them before collapsing on the floor... where Chrysalis noticed a slasher charge by the entrance of the room and disappear. From what she could determine the engineer had known about the slasher and was trying to warn them about a potential threat, but at the same time it appeared that the slasher didn't want to mess with them and left before it was dismembered. Isaac, on the other hand, simply stared down at his fellow engineer for a few seconds before walking out of the storage room, to which Chrysalis followed him to the second lift and they descended even deeper into the area they had been sent to.

The lowest level of the area wasn't much better than the other two, as there was a good deal of growth everywhere, a door was malfunctioning, and there appeared to be someone trapped in the growth on the wall to their left, but his body was no longer fully human, as if the growth was feeding off him or something. They found yet another storage room and raided it for supplies, where Isaac crushed a box that had some of the swarm Necromorphs inside it and killed them before they could jump out at him and Chrysalis, before they investigated the rest of the room. What they found was another storage room, likely the last of them for this area, that happened to be locked at the moment and the only way to open it was for either Isaac or Chrysalis to sacrifice one of the Power Nodes they had picked up... to which, after a few seconds of internal debate, Isaac pulled one of his out and slipped it into the waiting receptacle, unlocking the door so they could see what was inside.

What they found was a fair number of supplies, in both ammunition and Med Packs, waiting for them, though Chrysalis also found the schematic for the Ripper Blades, which was another type of ammunition for a weapon that she and Isaac didn't have... though once they collected everything they headed back into the main room and prepared themselves for what was next. When Isaac lifted his hand towards the malfunctioning door, so he could Stasis it and allow them access to the Engine Room, Chrysalis held up a hand and indicated that he should wait, to which he watched as a slasher walked around the corner and walked right into the middle of the door, where he was smashed into pieces.

"How did you know he was coming?" Isaac asked, though at the same time he loosed his Stasis blast and slowed the rectangular malfunctioning door down, allowing him and Chrysalis to move forward once again.

"I heard something growling on the other side of the door," Chrysalis replied, though she was lucky to have heard it in the first place, considering the noise that the malfunctioning door was making while she and Isaac had been gathering all of their supplies, "though I honestly wasn't expecting that to work as well as it did. In truth I expected the slasher to move through the malfunctioning door, without being crushed in such a manner, and having to fight it before we could Stasis the door and move through it. This is one of those times where I'm glad to be wrong about something... even though I'm sure that more Necromorphs are waiting for us in the Engine Room."

Sure enough Chrysalis was right about more Necromorphs were waiting for them, because they were barely halfway through the hallway they were walking through before a larger swarm of the small white Necromorphs, accompanied by a crawling slasher, came their way. Instead of wasting ammunition on the swarm Chrysalis levitated the explosive canister that was in front of them into the air and aimed at her desired target, where she released the canister into the middle of the swarm and blew them all apart. That opened the way for Isaac to focus on the slasher's limbs, where he carefully dismembered the Necromorph before they continued up the ramp that was in the middle of the hallway, allowing them access to the Engine Room at long last.

As the large door opened for them Chrysalis found that the Engine Room was much larger than what she was expecting, as all she really was expecting was a smaller room with a terminal, but it appeared that they could see the engine and repair it at the same time if necessary. The other thing that she noticed, which Isaac picked up on as well, was that there was a decent number of slashers patrolling the area between them and the terminal they were supposed to access to get the engines back online. In that moment Chrysalis had to resist the urge to moan, as it appeared that she was more that correct about the fact that more Necromorphs would be waiting for them, though at the same time she and Isaac readied their weapons and their own methods of using stasis to slow something down. Fortunately it took the slashers a moment to realize that they had guests, though once they noticed that the door had opened, and Isaac and Chrysalis had walked through it, the group turned their attention on the duo and started rushing towards them.

The first thing that Isaac and Chrysalis did was engage their own methods of slowing enemies down and did so, causing all of the slashers to slow down in the process, before they opened fire on their chosen targets and spread out so they could cover more ground in case additional enemies broke through the vents and attacked them. Since they were in the Engine Room, however, Chrysalis opted not to use any fire magic out of fear of blowing them all to pieces, as she still had no idea if this was a safe place to use her fire type spells or not, but simply slowing her targets down and dismembering them in short bursts seemed to be doing the trick so far. She also incorporated freezing certain enemies in chunks of ice, or their feet so they would stop moving, and would either blast her targets apart on her own or would let Isaac do it with a single shot from his Plasma Cutter... making her want to pick one up at some point in the future, if such a thing was possible anyway.

Despite the fact that she didn't know a lot about the technology that she and Isaac were fixing, and what she was using at the moment with her RIG and her Pulse Rifle, she knew that a weapon that could shatter a large block of ice, and the unlucky Necromorph that was trapped inside it, was definitely useful.

When the initial wave of enemies was taken care of the two of them thought about resting for a brief moment and would have done so, had a extremely fat, maybe even pregnant, looking slasher moved out from where it had been hiding and proceeded to walk towards them. Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire on it, blasting off it's legs and caused it to pull itself closer to them with it's bone blades, before the duo removed those as well and caused the creature to die like everything else they had fought so far. Unfortunately that wasn't the end of this fight, as the moment the Necromorph stopped moving Chrysalis lifted one of the bone blades they had torn off another foe and used her magic to send it into the swollen stomach of the creature they had fought. That, in turn, caused the stomach to explode and released a small number of the swarm Necromorphs into the area, which Isaac and Chrysalis slowed down and blasted apart, while at the same time filing away that useful piece of information.

"Okay, so the pregnant looking Necromorphs carry other smaller Necromorphs inside their swollen stomachs," Isaac commented, though at the same time he and Chrysalis looked around for any useful supplies that they might need in the future, especially if they kept finding weird Necromorphs like these all the time, "How did you know that such a thing was going to happen?"

"Honestly, it was another guess," Chrysalis replied, as it could have easily been that the swollen stomach was full of gas that could have knocked them out or poisoned them until they transformed into Necromorphs as well, though the only reason she thought about that was because she knew that there had to be more than one type of Necromorph that caused this change to occur in all of the corpses, "but we learned something new, always go for the limbs and never shoot anywhere else... otherwise you might be surprised by what an enemy is carrying in their bodies."

Chrysalis looked around the right side of the Engine Room and found that the majority of the supplies that she could find were more bits of ammunition, a few Small Med Packs, a Power Node to replace what they used earlier, and a fair number of explosive canisters that she and Isaac were likely going to need, which was why she pulled them near the terminal they planned on activating. Isaac found pretty much the same thing, save for the Power Node, but what he did find was that the pregnant Necromorph had a Gold Semiconductor on it, which they would sell once they got back to the store in the Control Room. The moment the two of them were ready, however, Isaac stepped up to the terminal and took a deep breath, before he punched in the command that would activate the engines and prevent the Ishimura from crashing into Aegis VII.

Ignition sequence activated. the computerized voice declared, though at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis faced the area they had walked through to get to the terminal, as they knew what was coming next, Please stand by.

That was immediately followed by a swarm of slashers and leapers emerging from the various vents and hiding places that they happened to have been hiding in, to which Isaac started loosing Stasis blasts to slow them all down while Chrysalis made sure to launch the explosive canisters at the enemies that were the furthest away from them to avoid taking any damage. Unfortunately there were only three canisters sitting near her, so she had to pick and choose where to fire them, but once they ran out she opened fire on the enemies around them as she slowed them down with her magical version of Isaac's Stasis Module. With the number of Necromorphs that were coming towards them, from the front and none of the sides, Chrysalis thought it was great that she and Isaac had gathered all the supplies that they could, because despite knowing where to aim there just happened to be a larger amount of enemies than what they were expecting.

The lucky slashers that made it to them, which was few considering what Isaac and Chrysalis were doing, met their end thanks to Chrysalis' bone blades, which she insisted on keeping until they were no longer necessary, something that Isaac agreed with... though they did breath a sigh of relief as the enemies stopped coming and they finished off the last slasher, to which the room grew slightly quieter as they waited for the terminal to tell them what to do.

Engines ready, the computerized voice spoke up, indicating that the ignition sequence had been successful, while at the same time making Chrysalis wonder if there was something else they needed to do, Please confirm ignition.

Isaac moved forward and input the command once more, though this time around they waited to see whether or not their hard work paid off, because if this didn't work than they were going to crash land on Aegis VII and would have to contend with whatever Necromorphs lived down there... provided they survived the initial crash anyway.

Engines firing. the computerized voice said, to which Isaac and Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the engines do what they were supposed to do, which meant that they must have succeeded in their mission, but they stood there and waited for either Hammond or Kendra to say something.

"It's working! We're online and functional!" Hammond stated, to which his face appeared on the RIG Link, while at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis input the command for their helmets to break apart, so they could smile and be happy for a few moments, "Finally some good news for once. Isaac, Chrysalis, head back to the Tram and come to the Bridge. I'm going to take us back into a geostationary orbit."

"Wait, wait! We're not safe yet!" Kendra spoke up, to which the image shifted to reveal her once more, though this time around Chrysalis knew that she had some bad news to tell them, "The ship's asteroid defense system is offline. on the way up the ship's going to pass through a debris field thrown up from the planetcrack... we'll be ripped to shreds unless the two of you restart it."

"Dammit, she's right. I'll start working on it from here," Hammond said, though at the same time he stared at Isaac and Chrysalis for a few seconds as they sighed and reengaged their helmets, as it appeared that there was more work for them to do before they could relax, "Isaac, Chrysalis, stick to the plan and come meet me on the Bridge. You two can do more good than I can up here."

Chrysalis found it amusing that, despite the fact that she wasn't an engineer like Isaac, a military commander like Hammond, or a computer specialist like Kendra, she could still do more good than some of them simply by listening to what needed to be done and followed the various markers to her destination. By rights she shouldn't have made it this far on her own, not without constant help from either Hammond or Kendra if Isaac wasn't around, but she was fortunate to have him as a companion and she knew that he was grateful for her assistance. Before they started moving, however, she noticed that Isaac seemed a little distracted and tapped him for a moment, where he shook his head and said that everything was fine... but he sounded like he might have heard the sound of his beloved Nicole talking to him. She wasn't sure if that was true or not, since her RIG hadn't picked up anything, but she guessed it might have been possible for someone to speak directly to someone without talking to two people at the same time.

As they walked out of the Engine Room, however, Chrysalis could have sworn that she heard the sound of a weapon moving and glanced back for a few seconds, where she noticed a familiar shimmering lance, one that was on fire around the tip, resting in the floor in the middle of the room... though when she blinked the lance was gone and there was no sign that it had ever been there to begin with.

"Chrysalis, are you okay?" Isaac asked, because he saw nothing new inside the Engine Room, to which he wondered if his companion was starting to get sick or had been distracted by something like he had been a few seconds ago.

"I'm... I'm fine." Chrysalis said, to which she did her best to sound normal as she looked over at Isaac, who simply nodded his head and beckoned for them to get underway, where she pushed what she had seen to the back of her mind and followed after him.

Together the two of them made their way back to the Control Room, though instead of heading back the way they came they actually headed through the door that was opposite of the Engine Room door and found that it gave them access to a hallway that brought them to a door that was near the glass enclosure of the Control Room. When the two of them entered the Control Room they headed right for the store so they could sell some of the useless ammunition that they didn't need, but before they reached the terminal they were attacked by a lone slasher. They quickly dismembered the Necromorph and returned to the business at hand, where Isaac sold the various pieces that he didn't need before Chrysalis did the same thing, though once they were done with the store they closed the terminal and headed back to where the Tram was waiting for them.

A few moments later the two of them climbed into the Tram and Chrysalis took her seat before Isaac pushed the button for the Bridge, though while the Tram got moving they both had to wonder what they would need to do to fix the asteroid defense systems... and worry about what new types of Necromorphs might be waiting for them once they reached their next destination.

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