• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,989 Views, 566 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Salvaging the Valor

While Isaac and Chrysalis traveled to the deck that the Valor had rammed into, where they intended to get their hands on the singularity core that Hammond was going to help them recover, Chrysalis remained silent as she thought about something that was bothering her. Originally, in the heat of the moment when the Valor had collided with the Ishimura, she and Isaac believed that it was Mercer that had been blocking Hammond's RIG in an attempt to make them think that their friend was dead, but upon further consideration of that fact she realized what was wrong with that picture. From what she recalled on the RIGs, where she admitted that her knowledge wasn't great, the only people that should be able to do such a thing was one of the other people whose RIG was linked with Hammond's. Since they had lost two of their members at the very beginning of their arrival on the Ishimura, thanks to not knowing about the Necromorphs ahead of time, the only people that should be able to block Hammond's signal was either her, Isaac, or Kendra... and, since she had no idea how to do something like that, nor had she seen Isaac do anything with his RIG, that meant that the only person that could have done this had to be Kendra.

At the same time, however, Chrysalis didn't want to immediately call her out since she had next to no knowledge in this field and didn't want to upset her and Isaac, even though that would put fuel on the fire for Kendra and Hammond to go to war with each other and forget about what they were trying to do. Yet despite all of this she had the undeniable feeling that one of them was lying to her and Isaac, though whether or not Isaac had figured that fact out as well was something that she would only find out if she asked him. Instead she kept her mouth shut and kept her thoughts to herself, though all this information did was make her remember what she had done when she was the queen of the changelings, back when she played the long game and manipulated ponies like chess pieces. She was sure that someone was playing a game with all of them and had already arranged their pieces accordingly, but so far it appeared that whoever that person was had no idea that Chrysalis was onto them... and she intended to keep it that way until she figured out what was going on.

A few seconds later the Tram stopped at the deck that the USM Valor had rammed into, the Ore Storage Deck to be precise, to which Chrysalis and Isaac gathered their weapons and walked off the Tram, where they kept their guard up since the Valor had been full of soldiers and that meant there was a new army of Necromorphs waiting for them.

"Isaac? Chrysalis?" Hammond asked, though that was when the video link between them was established, where the duo noticed that the commander was happy to see them standing on a new deck, "Good, the two of you made it to the Ore Storage Deck. Listen, I just found the munitions log for the Valor... and I don't think that their presence here, so close to the Ishimura, is a coincidence. They're not on reconnaissance and they're certainly not on patrol... they're prepped for war. They were on a seek and destroy mission!"

It was at that point that Hammond's video link was disconnected once more, in such a way that seemed like it was almost forceful, before Kendra's video link replaced the commander's, though at the same time Chrysalis knew that something was definitely up.

"Shit, I've lost Hammond again... there's no signal from his RIG." Kendra said, though her tone immediately made Chrysalis suspicious about what was going on, more than she had been on the short Tram ride to this deck, but she said nothing at the moment, "Isaac, Chrysalis, just find the singularity core and get out of there."

"So, it appears that I was right about the Valor," Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she noticed Kendra roll her eyes before the video link was disconnected, which seemed strange since Kendra normally praised her when she figured something out and was right, before she turned to Isaac for a moment, "What's gotten into her lately?"

"Well, we did just lose what we thought was a rescue team," Isaac replied, though at the same time he thought about what Hammond had just told them, about the Valor, which only made him sigh for a moment, "and she's likely not happy that the Valor was actually coming here to destroy the Ishimura... which means we should be thankful that the slasher worked so quickly, otherwise we would have been blown to pieces."

"Thanking a Necromorph... now that's a strange thing to do," Chrysalis said, though as she said that she primed her weapon and headed towards the hallway that would take them to the Zero-G Ore Storage, as it was the only way for them to progress at the moment, "Come on, let's get that singularity core, get Hammond out of the Valor, and see if the shuttle needs anything else before we can get off this ship."

She was deliberately acting like she didn't know anything, because she wanted to see if Kendra was the one messing with them, but the fact that Hammond's signal was cut off again, without them hearing the sounds of his vitals flatlining, meant that their friend was up to something. She honestly didn't want to blame Kendra for all of this, especially after everything they had been through so far, but the evidence that she was messing with Hammond's RIG was starting to increase. Even if something had been blocking Hammond's RIG in the past, before the Valor crashed into the Ishimura, she was sure that it would have taken much longer for someone to set the blockade back up, but since they had lost the signal again, so soon after getting it back, someone was working real hard to make it seem like their commander wasn't that important... and the only one that even thought like that had been Kendra.

Chrysalis growled as they walked, because the more she thought about it the more damning the evidence seemed, though she decided to hold her hand back for now, not when Kendra could permanently lock them in one area if they refused to cooperate with her... besides, she knew that there would be a time and a place for her to reveal her hand, she just had to be patient and wait for that moment to arrive.

As the duo walked down through the hallway they discovered a store along the way, but they ignored it as they approached the circular door that would allow them to enter the small room that rested between them and the Valor, to which they carefully opened the door, entered the room that was in front of them, and opened the second door. It was then that the duo got their first real look at the large warship that had collided with the Ishimura, though at the same time they couldn't see a lot of it thanks to the fact that only a section of it was visible from the room they were entering. What Chrysalis could see was that some sort of weapon had been destroyed in the impact and the ammunition that went into firing the weapon was now floating around the chamber. She hated to think that if Hammond hadn't jettisoned that escape pod earlier the Valor would have blown the Ishimura to pieces, effectively killing all of them in the process and, maybe, even destroying the Marker as well.

Before they got too far, however, they paused as they heard the sound of their audio links connecting with someone, though a quick look told them that it was Kendra and not Hammond, as Chrysalis had been hoping that she was overthinking the situation... but they remained silent as the connection was made.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, one of the Valor's weapons ripped open in the crash." Kendra told them, stating the obvious this time around, while at the same time making Chrysalis wonder if their friend thought they were stupid or something, "Those green orbs you see are highly radioactive, and the Valor's airlock has sealed itself. You're going to have to throw those into space before you can get into the ship."

"Well, since there just so happens to be a hatch in front of us, that should be easy," Chrysalis commented, as there was a large hatch they could open and likely launch the green radioactive orbs off the ship, to which Isaac nodded as the connection was cut off once more.

As the duo walked down to the level that the hatch was on, however, they noticed that there were a decent amount of bodies floating all over the place, as well as some power tubes that were keeping the hatch in place, informing them of what they needed to do to free the hatch. Chrysalis had Isaac wait for a few seconds, as she wanted to see if there were any Necromorphs in the immediate area, though when none revealed themselves she nodded and they opened fire on the set of tubes in front of them, breaking the trio into pieces. From there they carefully made their way around to the other side of the hatch and fired upon the tubs on that side, though as the last one was blown apart the hatch opened and the air was pulled out of the area that they were in, causing some leapers to jump into the area and begin their attack. Instead of attacking all the enemies together Chrysalis decided to play defense and fired at the leapers that were after her and Isaac, while at the same time Isaac leapt around the chamber and pulled the radioactive orbs to him before firing them through the now open hatch.

The computerized voice informed them that radioactive material had been removed when one orb exited the Ishimura, and did so five more times until all six of the orbs had been sent off into space, though while all of that was happening Isaac had to take a breather since his air supply wasn't as upgraded as Chrysalis' was... who was moving around the chamber, dismembering Necromorphs with her Pulse Rifle. Once the last of the radioactive material was floating outside the Ishimura, and was no longer in the chamber they were in, the Valor's own computerized voice declared that the safety lock had been released, meaning they could enter the ship now. With that information obtained the duo jumped through the air and sailed towards the airlock, where they passed through the Valor's set of double doors before finally entering the warship.

When the second door opened, however, they saw what could have been a slasher violently shaking for a moment before rapidly disappearing down the hallway to the right of where it was standing, causing the duo to wonder what the heck they had just seen.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Chrysalis asked, because while she expected a new type of enemy, as literally every deck seemed to add another Necromorph to the growing list of enemies they had to fight, they barely had time to see what this new foe was before it disappeared.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Isaac replied, though while he suspected that it was a slasher, the most common type of Necromorph he and Chrysalis had encountered during their journey through the decks of the Ishimura, he couldn't be too sure of that fact, before he shook his head and took a step forward, "Come on, let's find the singularity core before that thing comes back with some friends."

"The part you're looking for will be in the engine room at the back of the ship!" Kendra told them, telling them exactly where the singularity core was located, which told them that they would be fighting a decent amount of enemies before they found what they were looking for, "I'm reading massive damage, so the two of you may need to find an alternate route to get there!"

The hallway that the Necromorph had been in was slightly on fire, at least on the right side of where they were standing, while on the left there was a broken gravity panel that they had to avoid, to which the duo walked by the broken gravity panel and opened the door that was passed it. When they entered the room that they were heading towards they spotted the creature from earlier, where it shook before running down towards the other end of the room, though sooner or later both Isaac and Chrysalis knew that they would deal with the creature. At the same time they noticed that there were several containers with the Kinesis symbol on them, meaning that they would also have to deal with creating a path forward... or maybe creating a blockade for any terrible enemies that might have been created when the Valor crashed into the Ishimura. Before they could take a step forward, however, someone connected to their RIGs, though one look at the identifier brought a smile onto Chrysalis' face.

"The infection process is doing something strange to these soldiers." Hammond told them, meaning that Chrysalis was either wrong about Kendra, or Kendra was trying to manipulate them into thinking that someone else was behind their commander's constant disappearances, "They all had built-in Stasis units in their body armor. The infection is merging the Stasis unit into their flesh or something... making the move fast... real fast. Isaac, Chrysalis, be careful."

Chrysalis thought about commenting on how his signal continued to disappear, but in the end she decided to focus on the task at had and nodded to Isaac as they started to move through the container filled room that they had found themselves in. It didn't take them long before they were stopped by a trio of containers, to which Isaac moved one of them to the side and pulled back to cover the path the two of them had come from, before forcing the third one forward, opening the way for them to move onward. As they rounded the corner he spotted another obstacle blocking their path, though before he could do anything Chrysalis simply latched her magic onto the container in question and moved it out of their way. After that she spotted the creature from earlier, standing in the middle of the area that was directly in front of them, but instead of letting it get away she grabbed it's legs with her magic and pulled it to the floor, allowing Isaac to dismember it within seconds.

As soon as the first one died two more of the new type of Necromorph, twitchers as Chrysalis was going to call them based on how much they shook, rushed out from wherever they were hiding and charged the duo, though they were prepared for Isaac's Stasis blast slowing them down.

Once the two twitchers had been taken care of Isaac and Chrysalis walked towards the door that was at the end of the room, off to the left, though as Isaac moved the crates out of the way, so they could actually access the door, Chrysalis dealt with a twitcher that tried to attack them, letting it slip into the nearby gravity panel and break into a vast number of pieces. With the door open they found two more crates in their way, which were easily removed by the duo, before they entered the room in front of them, where Isaac stared at the screen on the other wall of the room and mumbled something about seeing Nicole's face for a moment. Chrysalis, on the other hand, saw a glimmer of Wildfire flying through the air before she disappeared, though she already knew that she was going insane and that, eventually, she might end up like the crew that lived on the Ishimura... but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind as they progressed forward and continued the search for the singularity core.

One thing they noticed in this room was that there was a power box that looked ready to fall out of it's terminal, to which Isaac seized it with his Kinesis module and pulled it out, before he and Chrysalis walked over to the door on the other side of the room... the more rectangular one that had to be the right track to where the core was located.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, I'm tracking your position but it doesn't look like I can reach you." Hammond told them, which made the duo a little annoyed by the news, though at the same time it was to be expected since the Valor was a large ship, "This damn ship was nearly sheared in half. I made it to the bridge... it's a mess here. These poor bastards didn't stand a chance. I'm going to override all door locks so you two can get to the engine room. I'll try and catch up with you there."

The instant the audio link was disconnected Isaac and Chrysalis walked through the door in front of them and followed it to a hallway that had two power terminals, one on each end, with an elevator to their left, though when they tried to open the door the circuits went wild and knocked the now ruined power box out of the terminal that was next to the elevator. Fortunately the power box they had brought with them was more than sufficient for them to restore power to the door and the elevator, though before the duo could use it they had to turn around when they heard the sounds of something moving through the vents. It turned out that two infectors dropped down into the area and were going to attempt to use the corpses around them to make more Necromorphs, to which Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire on the distracted infectors... dismembering them within seconds, as well as the unfortunate corpses that they happened to be latched onto at the moment.

With the deed done they opened the door in front of them and climbed onto the elevator, where they rode it up to the level that it was supposed to take them to, though as they did that their RIGLinks became active as someone connected to them, to which they held their wrists up to see who it was... only to find that the person they were staring at wasn't Kendra, Hammond, or even Mercer for that matter.

"Mr. Clarke! Miss Chrysalis!" the man said, causing the duo to immediately raise their guard, as the fact that he already knew their names meant that he must have been watching them the entire time since their arrival, "I need to speak with the two of you... My name is Terrance Kyne... Doctor Kyne. Listen to me, there isn't much time... If you really can repair the shuttle... there is a better use for it than just running away. You must understand, the forces at work here are... greater than you can imagine. If you leave now...you condemn all humanity! The planet will never stop, never rest, unless the Marker is returned. Don't you see? The Church is wrong! This is all a trap! I've seen it... Please, you must help me!"

The moment Kyne was done talking, and his transmission was terminated, the elevator came to a stop and the door opened, revealing that the immediate path forward was on fire and had been partly collapsed in the crash, to which the duo sighed and headed to the right. They followed the open path to a door that would allow them to enter the Armory, which was where the crew of the Valor must have stored their weapons, though as the door opened the duo opened fire on a divider that was standing in front of a shooting range. A few seconds later the divider separated into it's individual components and forced the duo to change targets, though they adapted quickly and dealt with the limb shaped foes that were coming at them. The limb shaped enemies didn't last too long, since one shot per target was enough, though that was when the duo noticed a pair of exploders walking towards them, which were easy to take out as well... but their enemies were taken care of, and the coast was clear, the duo salvaged all the ammunition they could find and acquired another Power Node, allowing Isaac to further empower his weapons.

Chrysalis, at that point in time, simply handed him the nodes she had been collecting, as her rifle was already at a level of power that she was comfortable with, especially with her magic, and her RIG was fully upgraded, so she had no use for them... though she smiled when Isaac put the nodes towards his own RIG, increasing the air it could carry and the amount of damage it could take.

The instant Isaac was ready the two of them investigated the shooting range for a moment, causing them to turn back and deal with yet another pair of exploders, before they found an audio log from Commander Cadigan, who was ordering his crew around to fire at the hostile 'aliens' that were attacking the ship. When the log was finished they stored it away and ignored the actual shooting range, as they didn't have the time to waste on practicing their skills with their weapons, to which they made their way towards the door that the first group of exploders had been guarding. According to the sign that was above the door they were supposedly heading towards the Infirmary, though on the other side of the door they found a wounded man cradling his missing leg for a few seconds, before he succumbed to blood loss and died before their very eyes... much like a fair number of the survivors of the Ishimura outbreak.

As the duo walked through the second door, however, they found that the Infirmary's machine was malfunctioning and was shooting laser streams out in some odd angles, though as they stared at the machine, and thought about what to do, a few Necromorphs used the vents on the other side of the room to attack them... though as they charged through the lasers they were cut into several large pieces, killing them instantly.

The other good part about the malfunctioning machine was that it actually moved from time to time, so Isaac waited for such an event to happen before loosing a Stasis blast at the machine, allowing him and Chrysalis to hurry along the side of the room that it wasn't firing at and crossed over to the door. From there they exited the Infirmary and entered a new hallway, where they were attacked by a pack of exploders that were waiting for them, but a good Stasis blast at the ground gave the duo enough time to get away from the pack before blowing them all to pieces. After that they followed the only available path forward and headed into the Barracks, which was a large room than all of the other ones they had been in since they stepped onto the Valor, though as they walked forward a lockdown was activated and the Necromorphs started emerging from their hiding places.

What surprised Chrysalis was that in the amount of time that had elapsed since the escape pod had been opened, before she, Isaac, and the others even knew it had been picked up, was that the Marker had created a new army to replace the one that she and Isaac had destroyed. There were lurkers, pregnant Necromorphs, leapers, slashers, and exploders coming at them in a seemingly endless surge of attacks, though the two of them stood their ground and fired at every foe that dared to approach them. Chrysalis even added some of her magic into the mix, waving it through the air as her bone blades moved around and carved up some of their enemies to make the fight that much easier, but even with that assistance they had to be careful when picking which foe to fire at and when they had to pull the trigger. Grouping several foes with an exploder was a good idea, thanks to the goo sack the creatures carried, and it helped keep the number of enemies down... before the duo stopped firing when they saw that there were no more Necromorphs coming their way, as well as the lockdown being removed.

As the end of the chamber they were in rested a store, allowing Isaac and Chrysalis to sell off what they didn't need and properly loot the enemies that the two of them had just killed, where they made sure to have the ammunition for the weapons they used and a good supply of med packs in case they needed them... before heading off towards the next part of the Valor, as they continued the search for the singularity core.

While they walked away from the store, however, Chrysalis picked up a text log that was for an operation called 'White Light', which gave some details into the fact that the Chief of Staff for Earth Defense knew that the Ishimura had breached a government order and was believed to be in possession of Marker '3A'. The text log revealed that she had been right in the fact that there was coincidence in the fact that the Valor appeared shortly after they launched the asteroid, because they were waiting for someone aboard the Ishimura to transmit the exact location of the planetcracker. All this told her, besides the fact that she had been right, was that there were more than one of these damnable Markers and that Earth Defense was trying to prevent this one from being rediscovered. That meant that there was more to the mystery, more than she and Isaac originally believed when they first stepped onto the Ishimura, but she sighed and stored the text log away, because she knew her attention needed to be on keeping them both safe.

They then walked through the corridor that was in front of them and turned to the left when they had no choice, where the duo made their way towards the door that said it was the direction that the Engine Room was in and walked through it... before approaching the larger door, which revealed the mechanical parts of the engine. A few seconds later they walked onto the elevator that was in front of them and rode it up to the level that was above them, where they had to hide behind other parts of the engine to avoid being burned apart. As Isaac used the Kinesis to move that part forward the duo noticed that several power tubes were resting on the left side of where they were standing, to which Chrysalis fired at the tubes while Isaac focused on moving. When they reached the end of the side that they were on, and had taken out three of the power tubes, Isaac carefully pulled them back towards the area where the elevator was resting and walked over to the left side of the engine... where he and Chrysalis repeated the same pattern once more, causing the flames to stop spewing out once the last power tube was destroyed.

From there the duo approached the end of the engine room and approached the odd triangular shaped object that happened to be resting in front of them, large enough to fit into their hands, to which Isaac carefully removed the singularity core and stored it inside his RIG's inventory... though at the same time part of the engine ruptured and started to fall apart, indicating that the two of them should get moving immediately.

"Is that it?" Kendra asked them, though at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis entered the passage that was in front of them and exited the engine area, but they continued moving since it appeared that the engine was getting ready to self destruct and tear itself apart, "You got it? Oh my god, you got it! That's the piece we need. Get to the Crew deck!"

Isaac and Chrysalis followed the path in front of them and found themselves inside the mechanical part of the engine room, which they had seen when they walked through the door earlier, but as they walked into the area one section of the machinery exploded, indicating that something bad was coming... though as they approached the glass on the other side of the room, which Chrysalis was planning on obliterating with her magic so they could move, the door opened and she faltered as Hammond walked into the chamber, though he was focused on something else.

"Hammond!" Isaac said, causing their commander to turn towards them for a moment, where all three of them were happy to see each other again, though at the same time he and Chrysalis heard the familiar sound of a brute roaring, indicating that one was nearby.

"Isaac! Chrysalis!" Hammond replied, though instead of sounding happy he sounded terrified, which made sense considering what was nearby, though he kept his eyes on the door behind him, which hadn't closed for some reason, "I've been trying to reach you two for some time now, but I think my comm was damaged after our last communication. I see you guys got the singularity core... that's our ticket out of..."

That was before a blackened brute, meaning that it was much stronger than the ones Isaac and Chrysalis had fought so far, walked into the area behind Hammond, causing their commander to brace his weapon as he prepared to give the duo their last order as their commander.

"Isaac... Chrysalis... it was nice knowing you two," Hammond said, to which he turned towards the Necromorph and raised his weapon, because he knew what was coming and was prepared to make sure that the courageous duo got themselves, and Kendra, off this ship, "Now get that core to the shuttle... and please, don't wait for me."

It was then that Hammond opened fire on the brute and used every bullet that he had left in his Pulse Rifle, though at the same time the Necromorph simply stood there and took it for a few seconds before it made it's move, where it rushed forward and bashed it's arm into Hammond, knocking him into the glass wall that was behind him. Before Hammond had a chance to regain himself, however, the brute stared down at him before pressing it's right arm against his chest and gripped Hammond's left leg with it's left hand. That was followed by Hammond screaming in pain as the brute ripped off his leg, though before Isaac and Chrysalis could do anything, or even feel anything, the brute raised it's arms into the air as Hammond went into shock over loosing his leg, before the brute slammed it's fists into Hammond's body three times in a row, breaking his bones and crushing his organs as blood erupted from his mouth and his missing leg. That was before the brute lifted Hammond, who was nearly dead at this point already, before slamming him into the glass wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces while Hammond's RIG flatlined.

"HAMMOND!" Isaac shouted, though his voice was full of pain and anger, because he knew Hammond before this mission and had been friends with his commander, so losing him meant that he had lost a good friend.

"No... not this again..." Chrysalis said, recalling how she had felt when she lost Wildfire, her first true friend, and that pain resurfaced with a vengeance, to which she growled as she stared at the brute with a look of pure anger in her eyes, while at the same time extending her hand towards the brute, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT!"

Isaac, who had never seen or heard this sort of anger and hate from Chrysalis, nearly flinched when she said the second part of her statement, though as the brute charged at them her magic ignited and a large red magical hand, a literal hand made from her anger and magic, formed in the air above them... though that was before it grabbed onto the brute and gripped it tight, preventing it from moving. A few seconds passed before Chrysalis tightened the grip on her magic and crushed the brute under the intensity of her anger, causing the creature to roar in actual pain for a few moments before it was crushed. As the hand released the brute, however, Chrysalis growled and loosed a barrage of magical blasts that tore the rest of the brute to pieces, making it impossible for the Marker to use any part of the brute in the future... to which she calmed down a little as the realization of what happened returned to her.

Isaac, for the most part, tapped her shoulder and beckoned for her to follow him, since they still needed to get out of here, to which Chrysalis nodded and followed after him... though not before loosing a fire spell to burn away Hammond's body, so the Marker couldn't use him in the future.

"I just lost all of Hammond's vitals! Is he dead?" Kendra asked, though even as she asked the question she knew what the sound she had heard had been, to which she followed that up with a sigh, "Oh god. Isaac, Chrysalis, it's just us now..."

"Why didn't you tell us where Hammond was?" Chrysalis asked, because the only person who knew where their commander had been, at any moment in time, was Kendra, yet Hammond said that he was having comm trouble, which told her that her earlier suspicions had to be true, "If we had known that Hammond was literally right behind us, by a minute or two, we would have waited for him and killed that brute before it could have killed him. We could have saved him, Kendra, and now... now he's gone, just like everyone else we've encountered so far."

Isaac wanted to say that Nicole was the only exception to that statement, but at the same time he knew better and kept his mouth shut, because now that he had seen a sample of a pissed of changeling, who had magical powers, he knew that she could easily do the same to him in her current state.

"His vitals were failing and I didn't want to distract you from the mission," Kendra replied, though her tone suggested that she was offended that Chrysalis thought that she signed Hammond's death warrant, especially when he attracted the attention of one of those brutes, "it was for your own good."

"That's complete bullshit." Chrysalis growled, though at the same time Isaac fixed the elevator that they had come to and they climbed into it, allowing them to descend towards the level they had used to board the Valor, "Kendra, the only person that could have blocked Hammond's signal is you, since neither Isaac or I would ever do something like that and I'm pretty damn sure that Mercer, a doctor, didn't have the ability to do something like that. You've been making us think that Hammond's been dead ever since he went to the Hydroponics Deck, and then played it off like you were surprised when he finally spoke up when the Valor collided with the Ishimura. Why? Why in the hell did you think that making us think our commander was dead was going to be beneficial to our mission, when Hammond could have helped us overcome hurdles that only he was familiar with?"

"Chrysalis, I know you're angry and looking for someone to blame, but I'm not the enemy," Kendra said, though that only made Chrysalis growl again as she and Isaac left the Valor entirely, which was slowly tearing itself apart behind them as they flew over to the airlock, "Look, just get the singularity core back to the shuttle and we can get off this ship."

Instead of saying anything more, and annoying the clearly manipulative lady that was now in command of their entire group, Chrysalis kept her mouth shut and followed Isaac back to the Tram station, where she hardly acknowledged the slasher that Isaac killed before they returned to the Tram. From there she simply took her seat and disengaged her helmet, where she placed her face in her hands as she mourned Hammond's passing, while Isaac got them underway to their next destination. Isaac knew that Chrysalis was in pain, as he was as well, but he really couldn't say much at the moment, not when she was this angry, so he simply kept his mouth shut for now... but sooner or later he knew that his companion would talk to him, and he was willing to wait until that happened again.

At the same time Isaac hoped that when the Valor finally exploded, as that was bound to happen sooner or later, he and the others were long gone when that happened, though it all depended on what happened after they arrived in the Crew Deck and fixed up the shuttle.

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