• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,988 Views, 566 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Terrible Flight

As Rosen transported the engine over to the Roanoke, where he and the others could install in into the Crozier and check out the systems once it was in place, Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver headed back to the Skip and assumed their usual positions before leaving the station it was docked at. As they headed over to the Roanoke, and headed through the debris field that was in front of them, Chrysalis removed the items that were in their way, which wasn't much since the last time they came this way she did the same thing. Fortunately they were able to make their way back to the Roanoke without anything happening to them, though as they stopped at the station, and climbed out onto the platform that was in front of them, all three of them noticed that the Crozier was definitely resting in the Roanoke's docking area and that the rest of the crew was already working on it. It also didn't take them long to notice the area that the satellites were floating in was near where the Crozier was located, meaning that it wouldn't take them long to gather what they needed, no doubt craft it into a device using the nearby Bench inside the Roanoke, and then they should have everything they could possibly need for the flight down to Tau Volantis.

Once they noticed where the satellites were located the three of them started to fly through the air as they headed over to the side of the Roanoke, though as they did so they opened fire on the group of lurkers that were coming outside to fight them, quickly bringing an end to them as Isaac reached the satellite and pulled out the flight recorder that was attached to it.

"Hey Buckell, I think I found one of the flight recorders." Isaac said, though as he informed the others of his progress he pulled out his gun and fired at the lurker that was near him, blasting it and sending it's pieces floating off in space as both Chrysalis and Carver dealt with the others that were around them.

"Great! There should be more of them floating near the Roanoke." Buckell replied, but instead of cutting off the audio link immediately it appeared that there was more he wanted to tell them, which caused Isaac to listen as his friends blasted the lurkers away from them, "By my estimates we'll need three flight recorders to recreate one of the flight paths the crew used to reach the planet."

"Okay, we'll get two more and get out of here." Isaac stated, to which he cut off the audio link and focused on the remaining satellites that were in the area around them, which also happened to be guarded by a number of lurkers that were jumping around the area and slowing their progress down.

Chrysalis, knowing that they needed to move fast, wove her magic through the air and started throwing magically charged blasts, about the size of a finger, through the air and watched as they zeroed in on her targets, blasting them apart while opening the way for Isaac and Carver to get to the satellites. Carver only went along to make sure the rest of the Necromorphs didn't interrupt their attempts to get the remaining flight recorders that they needed, though while he blasted the lurkers Isaac latched onto the next satellite and removed the device they needed. Fortunately a third satellite happened to be floating near the second one, allowing Isaac the opportunity to fly over to it and remove the flight recorder that was attached to it, though as he did that he fired at the mines that were starting to move towards their location, blowing them up before any of them were injured. Chrysalis was quick to see what he was doing and hurled magical blasts through the air, striking the remaining mines that were in their area and blew them all apart, allowing the three of them to leave this particular area and get away from the lurker infested area.

When the three of them were halfway between where the satellites were located, and where the Skip's platform was resting, they stopped and Isaac opened an audio link once more, as it was time to tell the others that they had succeeded in their mission, which was bound to make all of them happy, maybe even Norton as well.

"Hey Ellie, we've got all the flight records we need to reconstruct a safe path to the planet." Isaac said, though as he did that he headed towards the Roanoke's airlock, as he already knew what he needed to do with them, while Chrysalis and Carver looked out for any additional foes that might come after them.

"That's great news!" Ellie replied, where the trio could hear that some of the others were happy to hear that piece of news, since they had been wanting to get down to the planet's surface since they first arrived above the atmosphere, even though none of them had been expecting the mines to tear their ships apart, "All you have to do is build the navigation module and plug it in, right?"

"Yeah, and we're already heading to the Bench so I can put the module together," Isaac answered, to which he smiled for a moment, as Ellie understood exactly what was coming next and didn't have to tell him something that he already knew, meaning they spent less time talking and spent more time doing.

Ellie said nothing as Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver headed over to where the airlock was and made their way into the Roanoke, though as they boarded the ship the three of them walked by the suit kiosk and approached the Bench, where it took a few moments for Isaac to carefully take apart the three flight recorders he had gathered and piece together a working navigation module they could use... though when the task was done he smiled again as he carefully stored the module away and turned towards his companions.

"Okay, the navigation module is complete," Isaac said, though this time around he made sure that everyone could hear him, as this was something that all of them needed to hear before they did anything else, especially since there was one among their number that wasn't sold on heading down to Tau Volantis.

"Thank god!" Norton exclaimed, his tone betraying the fact that he wanted to get the hell out of here, even though everyone else wanted to destroy the Marker signal before they did anything else, "Now, let's chart a course for the nearest shipping lane and get the hell out of here..."

"No Robert!" Ellie nearly shouted, her voice revealing that she was seriously annoyed with him now, as constantly hearing that they needed to leave Tau Volantis, without doing what they came to do, was wearing down her patience, "We are going down to the planet."

"Ellie, I know this is where it all started," Norton said, where Chrysalis heard Norton attempting to use a different tone with her friend, trying to convince her to see things his way, but remained silent as she knew that it wouldn't work, "but we are WAY over our heads! We can't take on a whole planet that's full of those goddamned things!"

"Robert, we are the only ones that can do this and you know it!" Ellie countered, to which Isaac silently rooted for his girlfriend, as he knew that she was speaking the truth and was sure that the rest of the crew was going to stand beside her if Norton tried something, "Besides, if it comes to it we can always ask Chrysalis to do something with the Necromorphs... I mean, she's the only one of us that has some sort of magical ability and can take out a fair amount of them in an instant. We're not helpless Robert."

"Norton, the solution is down there." Isaac said, knowing that it was time for him to chip in, because Ellie needed some support and he was the one that was going to give it to her, "The Admiral even wrote it on her wall, before the ships were left in the state they're in. She wrote 'Turn it off', and that's exactly what we're going to do."

"Damn straight." Carver commented, surprising Isaac and Chrysalis for a moment, as this was the first time he had actually voiced any agreement to what they were doing, meaning that there had to have been more to his personal encounter that he wanted to keep buried, "Captain, we can't pass this up."

"Carver, I don't need your mutiny on top of all of this." Norton snapped, his tone indicating that he couldn't believe what was going on at the moment and that he was going to do everything in his power to make it so everyone followed his way, instead of following Ellie's path, "If I say we're not going down to the planet, and we're heading in the opposite direction, then we're not going down to the planet!"

"Sorry Norton, but you have been overruled!" Chrysalis said, deciding that it was time for her to start talking again, as they had wasted enough time on talking and were losing time that they didn't have, "We have a chance to take out the Marker signal and stop this madness, and we're going to take it. Now, you are more than welcome to either come with us or stay here, on the Roanoke, but if you decide to come with us I don't want to see you attempting to sabotage our efforts to find the source of the signal... and if you do, well, use your imagination on what I might do to you."

Chrysalis fully intended for that last part to come out as a threat, as those that knew what she was capable of could already imagine what she would do to Norton if he stepped out of line, while the rest of the group, who had only heard the stories, would be curious as to what the Captain did... and a part of her seriously hoped that he would challenge her, just so she could get rid of him quickly.

"Ellie, get the shuttle prepped." Isaac said, knowing what was going through Chrysalis' mind at the moment, more accurately what she would do if Norton tried to stop them, while also knowing that it was time for them to leave, "We're on our way to the docking bay."

Isaac and Carver gathered some more ammunition from what they were able to salvage before they joined Chrysalis by the door they had walked through earlier, to which the three of them walked out of the airlock and disengaged from the walkway that was in front of them. From there they flew over to the front of the Crozier and stopped when they reached the area that the remote relay had been placed in, to which Carver used his Kinesis Module to open the lid and let Isaac install the navigation module properly. A few moments later, when he was done with attaching the module, Isaac nodded and Carver closed the lid, where Ellie revealed that she was getting the information they needed while Buckell, on the other hand, indicated that their window was rapidly approaching. As such the three of them landed on the side of the shuttle that the airlock was on the side of the ship, though as they did so Chrysalis finally noticed that the Crozier had a turret mounted on the top of it... which only made her worry as they entered the airlock and stepped inside the shuttle once the door behind them was closed.

As they boarded the Crozier, so they could get this show on the road, Isaac and Chrysalis disengaged their helmets for a few moments, as it had been some time before they did that, though at the same time Isaac smiled when he found Ellie standing in front of the door, waiting for them.

"Ellie." Isaac said, though as he did that the two of them embraced each other, once more filling Chrysalis with some sort of happiness that her friends were happy to see each other again, while at the same time ignoring the fact that she was pained by the fact that such happiness was likely never going to be hers again.

"Isaac," Ellie said, though she took a moment to kiss him, indicating that she was pleased with something that had happened recently, before she pulled back and looked him in the eyes, "Thanks for supporting me back there."

"Hey, we came to stop the Marker signal, not run away." Isaac replied, where he looked around and noticed that the ship happened to have more than enough seats for all of them, but it seemed that the only place that had a good open seat, without supplies resting on them, was the one near Norton, who frowned at Chrysalis for a few seconds, "It's time we actually got to work on finding the source of the signal and beginning the real work."

"Maybe you and Chrysalis can help with something before we go," Ellie said, to which she beckoned to the back of the large cockpit that they were all sitting in, where Isaac found something that he knew that could be fixed easily, "the oxygen injectors can't lock down, maybe due to some rusty threads. Can you check them before we get moving?"

"Sure. Shouldn't be too hard." Chrysalis answered, as she knew the look in Isaac's eyes and already knew that he could get them fixed in a matter of seconds, and he was already nodding his head in agreement, indicating that he could do that task before they activated the shuttle.

It was rather easy for them to fix the oxygen injectors, as all they had to do was lift them with their Kinesis Modules and turn them, locking them into place, which was followed by the three of them heading to the front of the cockpit, where Ellie was waiting for them in her own seat. Isaac sat in the other pilot seat, even though he wasn't the most qualified person to do so, while Carver took the last open seat and locked himself in, allowing him to operate the turret that was on top of the Crozier, leaving Chrysalis to stand at the ready and figure out what she could do this time around. Sure, she knew that she could sit next to Norton and not do anything, but she was determined to be of some assistance to the crew while they descended through the atmosphere. Of course Rosen still through that this was a suicide mission, and voiced that as everyone readied themselves, but for the most part everyone ignored him as Ellie and Isaac got the Crozier moving, where they departed from the Roanoke's docking bay and began the descent towards the planet.

At first it started off rather easy, where Carver used the turret to blast apart the various mines that were in their way while Isaac followed the path that was on his screen, allowing Chrysalis to sit back and watch the fireworks as they started blasting their way through the obstacles that were in front of them. It didn't take them long to reach a point where flames started to appear on the outside of the shuttle's window, which Chrysalis didn't try to put out since this was what happened when ships entered a planet's atmosphere, and Carver started firing at the various ship fragments that were floating in their way, blasting them to pieces and even splitting one in the process. Isaac did a good job of piloting the Crozier, as he avoided everything that he could with his limited skills as a pilot, though there was one part of a ship fragment that he couldn't avoid and that started shaking the shuttle's plating loose, meaning that they might be in danger this time around. A few seconds later something terrible happened, as a piece of a random ship, one that Carver couldn't see on his console until it was too late, struck the right side of the Crozier and broke part of the cockpit, sucking Locke out of the ship and immediately burned her to death as the act of reentry attached to her... though before anyone had a chance to mourn her passing Chrysalis threw up a barrier around where Locke had been, to prevent anyone else from being sucked out of the ship, while the others corrected their course.

During that moment Isaac said that they needed to reseal the oxygen injectors, to which Chrysalis told him to stay put as she wove more of her magic through the air, forcing the tanks back into their containers and locked them into place before sealing them with her magic, or at least until they landed.

As they continued their descent part of the frame above Isaac and Ellie came undone and struck Rosen, cleaving his head in half and killing him instantly, to which Ellie removed herself from the seat she had been sitting in and pushed Rosen's corpse out of the navigation chair, assuming command to the best of her ability. Moments later, after revealing that he actually couldn't see too much thanks to the fog that was in front of them, Isaac had to quickly pull themselves up and avoid the rock formations that sprung up in front of them. At this point Chrysalis took Ellie's original seat and used even more of her power to form a barrier, shaped like a window that was applied to the area in front of the actual window, that would protect them from anything else that might slip through the broken window. Carver, not knowing what else to do, constantly fired at the rocky peaks that were in their way, shattering them and blowing them to pieces to make sure nothing else happened to them... unfortunately that didn't help when a hidden rock formation struck the bottom of their ship and caused more chaos on the shuttle than what the group was expecting.

Chrysalis watched as parts of the shuttle tore themselves apart as the damage raced across the entire structure, as she was shocked by the fact that one touch was enough to cause all of this, before the section of the shuttle Ellie was in shook for a few seconds. Knowing what was happening Isaac turned towards Ellie, to get her to join them before something happened, though before he could even say anything the shuttle was sheared in half and they were separated from each other, causing him to scream Ellie's name for a second before she, and the rest of the shuttle, disappeared from his view. While all this happened Chrysalis, knowing that they'd be in pain in a few moments, pulled all her magic back and wrapped it around herself, Isaac, and Carver, as well as doing her best to make sure that they emerged from what was coming with minimum injuries. That was immediately followed by their section of the Crozier hitting another rock formation and all three of them violently struck the consoles in front of them, or rather the small barrier in front of them, before they blacked out.

Chrysalis had no idea how long she was out for, meaning that she must have bumped her head real good, but when she opened her eyes and regained control of her body she found that she, Isaac, and Carver had actually survived the Crozier's collision with the ground. The downside to that was the fact that their half of the ship was currently on fire, keeping the cold winds of the planet from freezing them into popsicles, though as she found that out she moaned as she pushed herself into a standing position and carefully drew her magic back to her. As she did that Chrysalis attempted to close her helmet, mentally cursing herself for not sealing it after they started the engines, but there happened to be an error since part of the mechanics had been broken in the collision, meaning she needed to find a suit kiosk so she could fit it. Once she was able to determine that wearing a helmet was no longer possible, and shivered as she felt how cold it really was on the planet's surface, she used some of her magic to mend any of her wounds while she carefully help Carver onto his feet... to which the two of them unbuckled Isaac from his chair and made sure that he touched the ground without hurting himself even further.

Once the three of them were together again they walked out of the part of the Crozier that they happened to be standing in and found a path, if it could even be called that, leading away from the flaming wreckage, to which they carefully headed away from the wreckage and started to look around the area. While they did that Isaac, concerned for Ellie's well being, called out for her a few times while they descended down the path, but at the same time Carver decided to be an ass and told Isaac that Ellie and the others had to be dead. His reasoning was because the majority of the others, save for his captain, weren't wearing any armor and could have either fallen to their deaths or might have been punctured by pieces of the shuttle that they were in. Isaac and Chrysalis, on the other hand, weren't about to side with him and say that Ellie was dead, as she was stronger than Carver knew, but they followed the path that was in front of them and kept their eyes open for anything that showed that someone else had survived the crash... until part of the path shattered and they were forced to roll down the side of a hill to avoid being crushed by part of the Crozier, where they sighed and continued moving in case there were Necromorphs running around the area.

Not even a few minutes later they found an area that allowed them to see the other half of the Crozier, which was on fire like their half was, and they quickly followed the rest of the odd rocky path that they had been walking on since they started moving. From there it was only a minute, maybe two minutes, walk to the area that the part of the shuttle had landed in, to which Isaac rushed into it and, upon seeing a body buried in snow, started to move the snow out of the way so he could see who it was, though relief flashed on his face when he found Rosen's corpse and not Ellie's, as that meant that she was still out there. His mood was lifted as Chrysalis found a computer terminal that had a message waiting on it, though when she pressed the button to play the message Ellie appeared on the screen, looking like she did before the Crozier left the Roanoke and had no scratches on her.

Isaac, Chrysalis, if you find this... Ellie said, her voice sounding pained while she spoke, which made sense considering the fact that she and Isaac had been dating as boyfriend and girlfriend before the Unitologists started their attacks and the madness started again, God I hope you guys find this...

Ellie! Come on! Norton commanded, to which the trio watched as the captain appeared behind Ellie and started to pull her away from the computer that she was talking to, the same one they were standing in front of, We're freezing to death out here!

I'm coming. Ellie stated, where the trio could see her shake Norton off of her and forcing him to tend to the others, who had survived the crash as well, before she turned towards the screen again and held up what Chrysalis knew was a flare, Isaac, I'm going to leave you, Chrysalis, and Carver a trail of flares, that way you can follow us to whatever shelter we manage to find down here...

It was at that point that Norton returned for Ellie and pretty much ripped her away from the computer, claiming that all three of them were dead and that they needed to find shelter, though they could hear Ellie wishing for them to be alive, since they were the only ones that could actually help her stop this nightmare. With the message over, and the path they needed to follow now revealed to them, the trio stepped out of the ruined part of the Crozier they were standing in and followed the first few flares they could see... each of them hoping to find the others, get out of the freezing wind, and figure out what they were going to do now that they had reached the surface of Tau Volantis.

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