• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,956 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Terra Nova

It didn't take long for Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver to use the Skip to travel from the Greely and head over to the Terra Nova, where Chrysalis protected them from the various pieces of debris that were around them, because she didn't want them to get hurt before they arrived at their destination. When they neared the outside of the main ship Chrysalis let go, thinking that the station the Skip would dock at would be located outside the ship, but then it passed through an opening on the exterior of the ship, which was massive when she looked at it, to which she sighed and followed after it with her jets. The Skip then reached a point where it stopped and rose up like it was in an elevator, forcing her to head upwards as well, before the small ship docked and she landed on the platform that was in front of it. As she touched down on the platform, and the walkway that would take them to the airlock, she watched as both Isaac and Carver pulled themselves out of the Skip and stood before her, looking ready for anything that the Terra Nova could throw at them.

Once the three of them were back together again they headed towards the airlock, as it was time to hunt for the shuttle that would allow them to head down to Tau Volantis, though as they did so Isaac opened an audio link to Buckell and his team, as they knew where the shuttle was located.

"Okay, we're inside the Terra Nova." Isaac said, though as he spoke the three of them opened the airlock and headed inside the ship, while making sure to keep their eyes open for any Necromorphs that wanted them dead, "Now, which way do we take so we can find that shuttle?"

"Santos, you found the impound records." Buckell answered, indicating that while he had absolutely no idea where the shuttle was located, despite knowing about it's existence, Santos was the one that knew the information they needed at the moment, "What did they say?"

"Only that the ship was decommissioned." Santos replied, though at the same time the trio heard her sigh for a few seconds, indicating that she didn't like the information that she was looking at, "They were going to part it out."

"Great." Carver stated, his tone immediately indicating that he wasn't happy with the news that they had been given, since the shuttle was the only way for them to get to the planet or leave if his captain got his way, "So basically no one knows where the shuttle is?"

"There has to be more detailed records somewhere aboard the Terra Nova." Chrysalis said, as she was sure that the crew of the ship must have kept a list of the various parts that the shuttle had and where they went, along with the actual resting place of the shuttle, "We'll just take a look around the ship, kill some of the Necromorphs that call the Terra Nova home, and find the information we need to locate the shuttle."

Neither Santos or Buckell said anything to that statement, which Chrysalis was expecting, before the audio link was disconnected, allowing her and her companions to walk through the door that was in front of them and enter the hallway that was right on the other side. What they immediately discovered was that there was a suit kiosk to their right and a screen in front of them that revealed that the Terra Nova was running on reserve power, though while Chrysalis wondered what sort of energy source the ship used she wasn't about to question the fact that there was power for them to use. From there they headed into the elevator and headed to the second floor, as they had entered through the first floor and the third floor happened to be blocked off for the moment, though they rode in silence as they waited to see what they were going to have to do this time around. When the elevator came to a stop they discovered a small hallway that brought them to a door, one that allowed them to enter the bridge, where they learned that the power reserves were on standby and that the cargo systems were offline... along with a recording that was from the time when the Terra Nova first arrived above Tau Volantis, while at the same time the three of them ignored the country music that was still playing.

Once the recording had played once they headed up the stairs that were on the left and right sides of the stairs they climbed to reach the bridge, where they found a room of some kind that had a power terminal that Isaac could pull the cover off and hack into... one that restored the power to the room they were in and gave them some information, where Chrysalis smiled as she realized it was the exact information they were after.

"Isaac here." Isaac said, opening the audio link to the others for a moment, as they deserved to know what they had found, since it determined what they were going to do next, "It looks like our shuttle is in the AFT section of the ship. I'm updating all of our locators right now."

"Just tell me that it'll get us to the nearest shipping lane." Norton replied, though his tone indicated that he was bored of something, which was going to annoy Ellie more than she already was, to which Chrysalis decided not to talk about that and let the man dig himself an even bigger hole than what he was in at the moment.

"If we can get it space worthy again," Chrysalis commented, staring at the part of the screen that was in front of them, the one that seemed to show the notes that had been made on the shuttle they were after, "Judging from the diagnostics... well, let's just say that it's a pile of shit."

Chrysalis had adapted to using several of the words that Isaac and Ellie had used during her time with them, but she tended to use them when she felt the situation called for it, and right now the diagnostics claimed that the shuttle wasn't in the best condition at the moment.

"We can get it to work, can't we?" Ellie asked, though while her tone sounded a little disappointed in the state of the shuttle, which most of them were feeling at the moment, she was also hopeful that Isaac, the master engineer that had escaped two Necromorph outbreaks with Chrysalis at his side, would be able to work his own magic again.

"We're swimming in a sea of spare parts." Buckell said, referring to all of the various ships, both the whole ones and the destroyed ones, that were floating around the Terra Nova and the Roanoke, ships that they could salvage parts from and attach to the shuttle if necessary, "If the parts are out there, I can get it to fly."

"Ellie, we can make this work." Isaac firmly stated, as he knew that he, Chrysalis, and Carver could find the parts that they needed and fix up the shuttle, it would just take some time to make sure they gathered everything they needed and didn't miss a single component.

Once Isaac said that, and Ellie felt better about the situation, the audio link was disconnected and the trio moved through the doorway that was behind the screen, where they walked through another small hallway and passed through a second door that brought them to a mess hall of some kind. From there they climbed down the ladder that was on the other side of the room and entered a small room, one that allowed them to open a door that would take them right into the cargo hold. When the three of them walked into the cargo hold they were attacked by a pack of lurkers, to which Isaac and Chrysalis stood back as Carver picked up an explosive canister with his Kinesis Module and hurled it at the pack that was approaching them, blowing them to pieces and opening the way forward. As Carver climbed down the ladder that was off on their left, and headed down to the level below them, Isaac and Chrysalis opened fire on the slashers that revealed themselves and tried to attack him... where they dismembered all the Necromorphs that were out in the open before joining him on the level below them.

As they walked out into the open area a slasher tried to attack them from behind, where Chrysalis magically yanked out her bone blades and hacked the Necromorph to pieces, allowing Isaac and Carver to climb down to the third level of the cargo area... though when she joined them she discovered that they were holding a pair of strange robots, which were small and could be held like a gun despite the fact that they weren't weapons.

"Chrysalis, these are old Scavenger Bots," Isaac said, indicating that he knew what the robots were, though at the same time Chrysalis understood what they were supposed to do by their name alone, "We'll be able to find any additional resources in an area and, when they find and recover them, they'll find their way to the next Bench that's in our path... but the amazing thing is that no one's been able to figure out how they can follow their owner from the space above a planet to the planet itself."

Normally Chrysalis would have blamed magic for that sort of thing, but since this was a piece of technology she assumed that whatever had gone into making them had been lost and it was left as a mystery, so she said nothing as both Isaac and Carver put their new toys away and moved along the path they needed to follow. As they followed the ramp up towards a door that would take them to their destination, however, a pair of fodders tried to attack them, one from the front and one from behind, though they were nothing to the trio's weapons. After the fodders were dealt with the trio climbed up the ladder that was at the end of the walkway, where Chrysalis remained on the lower level for a few seconds and blasted the lurkers that were climbing on the walls near her while Isaac did the same on the upper level. From there, once the three of them were on the upper level, an exploder tried to ambush them by appearing in the hallway in front of them, though Isaac simply loosed a single shot and struck the goo sack it was carrying around, blowing it to pieces and allowing them to continue forward.

What they discovered was a fodder and an exploder protecting the door they needed to go through, though since they were close together another shot was fired and they were blown apart, allowing the trio to open the door and enter the room that was on the other side... where they watched a few members of a swarm burrow into some corpses on the other side of the room and raise them from their slumber, only to die again a few seconds later as the three of them opened fire on them.

From there they opened the door and headed into the small hallway that was in front of them, where a vent exploded and some swarm members raced towards them, but Chrysalis wrapped her magic around them and squeezed her hand, causing them all to explode. The instant the enemies were dealt with they opened the door on their left and found a station that reminded Isaac and Chrysalis of the Tram Stations in the Ishimura, though at the same time they discovered a few pregnant Necromorphs patrolling the area. As such the three of them dismembered those Necromorphs and payed no attention to their stomachs, meaning that they didn't have to worry about new enemies being spawned while they were busy, before they headed over to the power terminal that would allow them to access the tram for this ship. As they walked over to the terminal several slashers broke into the area and charged at them, to which they went on the defensive and fired at their enemies, dismembering the slashers before they even had a chance to hurt them.

Once those enemies were taken care of the trio returned to the terminal and Isaac activated it, where they quickly discovered that there was something that would cause a collision on the tracks and that someone needed to report to Cradle Operations to remove the obstruction.

"Of course there's an obstruction." Chrysalis commented, as she remembered what they had to do back in the Ishimura, when they were putting the Tram back on the tracks and what they had to go through in the Titan Station, before she sighed, "Come on, let's go see what the problem is and take care of it."

Isaac nodded his head and turned towards the door that was near them, as it was the only way for them to reach the area that the Cradle Operations was located in, where he walked through the door and was followed by both Chrysalis and Carver. On the other side of the door they found a ladder that allowed them to climb up towards a new level that rested above them, though as Isaac reached the upper level he opened fire on the members of the swarm that were coming his way, clearing them out as Chrysalis and Carver joined him. As they turned a corner they came face to face with a guardian that rested on the wall that was in their path, one that they immediately fired at the moment it revealed it's tentacles, where it screamed in pain as they tore the life from it's undead body. This time around, when the guardian died, it dropped nothing more than ammunition or medical supplies, as Isaac and Chrysalis were used to semiconductors, but they gathered their prize anyway and continued along the path that was in front of them... which brought them to an elevator that they gathered inside and used to head up to the level that rested above them.

When the elevator came to a stop, and the door opened, they entered a seemingly dark room that they couldn't find their way around without using Chrysalis' magic to summon lights, though as Isaac started to open his mouth he and the others watched as the exterior door that covered the windows opened, allowing them to see everything. What they found out was that there was some trash on the tracks, which one of them would have to remove with the controls, though at the same time they spotted a few vents and knew that enemies were likely to come when they accessed the controls.

"Okay, I see the problem now," Isaac commented, though at the same time they all walked down the ramps that were to the left and the right of the door they had walked through and approached the controls, where he stepped up to the terminal while Chrysalis and Carver stood beside him in case enemies attacked them, "It looks like someone left a bunch of cargo on the tracks."

"You can clear it, can't you?" Ellie asked, but even as she said those words she didn't doubt Isaac, because if there wasn't a working terminal he could use to move the cargo she was sure he'd figure out another way to move the cargo out of the way so they could use the Terra Nova's tram.

"Yeah, these controls should be easy to use." Isaac replied, staring down at the terminal that was in front of him and how they were supposed to work, before he set his enhanced Plasma Cutter to the side and grasped the handles that were in front of him, "Don't worry Ellie, I'll make sure that we get to the AFT section of the Terra Nova and see what the condition of the shuttle really is."

While Ellie might not have said anything to that statement, as she was busy on her end, Isaac accessed the controls and started rotating the pieces of cargo that was in front of him, finding that the only way for him to remove the pieces from the track was to connect them in some manner, almost like a puzzle. As he did that he noticed that this seemed to be intentional, as in whoever had cleansed the ships had left the cargo in this state in case someone tried to head to the area that the shuttle was located in, to prevent them from escaping into the depths of space or something. While he moved the cargo pieces around he heard Chrysalis and Carver open fire on the Necromorphs that were invading the room that they were in, where Chrysalis mentioned something about a pack of slashers and a few fodders, though he had faith in their ability to stop the enemies from hurting them. He put the gunfire at the back of his mind and barely registered when it had stopped, as he was focused on the task at hand, before he reached what was the last bit of cargo that separated the tram from being returned to the station... though he paused for a moment when he glanced at the bit of cargo that was on the right side, as there was something familiar that was going to complicate the situation more than it already was.

Resting in a rectangular container, with it's arms bound by some sturdy metal constraints, was a humanoid creature that resembled the Hunter and Ubermorph enemies he and Chrysalis had fought in the last two outbreaks, where they had burned the former to ash and had trapped the latter in a sealed room that was blown apart when the Titan Marker exploded three years ago. What he discovered, from looking at the creature, was that it had the same smooth skin texture that the Ubermorph had and it's arms had been transformed into sinister looking scythe like blades that he suspected could easily cut anything that stood before the creature. What interested him the most was the various Marker symbols that had been carved into the creature's flesh, why he had no idea since he could barely make out what the various markings said from this distance, but despite that fact he knew that bringing the creature aboard the ship was a bad move... and unfortunately it was the only way for them to access the tram that was right behind it.

"Is that what I think it is?" Chrysalis asked, though since the slashers and fodders were dead she and Carver were able to turn towards Isaac, to see what sort of progress he had made on his end, but as she did so she stared at the container that had caused her friend to stall for a few moments.

"Yeah... it's a regenerating Necromorph." Isaac said, as he already knew what the creature was the moment he laid eyes on it, though at the same time he heard Chrysalis sigh for a few seconds, indicating that she wasn't pleased to have found one of these creatures again.

"A 'regenerating' Necromorph?" Carver asked, as this wasn't something that he and his captain had been briefed on when Ellie first told them about the various Necromorphs that she had encountered, meaning she either didn't know about them or had failed to tell them about this type, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you can dismember it as many times as you want, as it won't die." Chrysalis replied, to which she locked her eyes with the Regenerator, her name for the new type of regenerating enemies they had encountered, and wondered if she could simply do away with it with her magic, "These things are extremely difficult to kill and they can regenerate any part of their body, meaning that the only way to destroy one of them is total destruction to their bodies, so there's nothing left for them to regenerate. Back on the Ishimura we encountered one type of this particular Necromorph, what we called the Hunter, that we tried to imprison in a block of ice, but that ultimately failed and we burned it to ash with the help of a shuttle's engines. The second time we discovered an enemy like this was back on the Titan Station, where we called that one the Ubermorph, and while we didn't actually kill it, not directly, we trapped it inside a room that had no exits and it died in the fiery explosion of the station."

"So how do we kill it then?" Carver inquired, because based on what he was just told he was sure that they had a method to trap it somewhere for later, especially since Chrysalis had her innate magic at her beck and call, or at least eject it into space so it can't get back aboard the Terra Nova.

"We dismember it's arms and legs, loose a Stasis charge at it, and run," Isaac stated, though as he turned back to the controls he could tell that Chrysalis was thinking about something, likely whether or not she could detonate the new enemy like she did to her mother, before he sighed and moved the cargo pieces once more.

As the cargo pieces were pulled into the ship, and the tram started to move to the station they had seen earlier, a computerized voice said that there was a cargo fault in bay four and that there was a containment breach, meaning that the Regenerator must have snapped out of his casing the moment it was inside the ship. While that happened a number of pukers jumped out of the vents and started to attack the three of them, to which Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver replied by shooting at them and dismembering them as they headed towards the elevator. When they reached the area in front of the elevator they discovered a recording that revealed the cowboy person from the last recording knew about the coffins that were being stored in the cargo hold and claimed that this wasn't going to end well, even if his commander knew everything that he knew about the situation. Once the recording was done Isaac opened the elevator door and found a puker on the other side, one that the three of them gunned down and dismembered, before they walked into the elevator and headed down to the level they had used to enter the elevator originally.

This time around the elevator seemed to detach from what was holding it and dangerously descended for a few moments, where the three of them stood their ground and waited for the elevator to stop, though when it did they paused for a few seconds, to calm themselves down, before they opened the door and exited the elevator... where they walked out into a different hallway than what they used to reach the elevator.

As the three of them exited the elevator they found another recording, one revealing that Tucker, who had to be the person in the previous two recordings, was lazy and didn't care about the mission, though as they listened to the recording Isaac remembered something he and Chrysalis had found on the Titan Station. As such when they entered the room that was in front of them he opened an audio link and forwarded the short video of a man using slasher blades to impale his enemies, using a Kinesis Module to do so. Carver and the majority of the crew, those that didn't know how to do that, were interested by that while Norton, on the other hand, was annoyed that Isaac was wasting time on something so stupid, even though Isaac only offered the method in case the others ran out of ammunition. The instant the video was over the three of them climbed up the ladder that was in front of them and approached the doorway that was at the end of the path they were following, which allowed them to walk up a ramp that brought them to yet another puker, one that they decimated the moment it revealed itself. The room the puker was guarding happened to have a door that allowed them to reenter the Cargo Hold, via a door they had walked by to get to the lowest area of the entire place, though they discovered that the only way forward at the moment was to head to the lower area.

When they climbed down the ladder that was to their left, and reached the lowest area of the Cargo Hold, Chrysalis noticed the case that the Regenerator was trapped in had been placed along the path they needed to take, though when it saw them it roared and swung it's left arm, breaking it's arm off while shattering the glass. That was followed by the creature pulling on it's right arm and snapped it off as well, though as it stumbled out of the ruined case it's body started to shutter, indicating that it was starting to regenerate it's missing limbs. This time around Chrysalis wasn't going to play a game of cat and mouse with this type of creature, to which she raised her right hand and waited for a few seconds, though the moment the Regenerator had it's arms back she unleashed her magic and pinned the creature against the case it tried to leave behind. She followed that up by gathering some power into her open hand once more, forming a sphere of energy that she remembered shoving into her mother, when her power had taken over, and what had happened after that... to which she sighed as she approached the Regenerator and stared at it as she pressed the sphere into it's chest, where she heard what could have been a moan or something, before she backed away from the creature.

Before Isaac and Carver could say anything red cracks started to form on the Regenerator's body as the power of Chrysalis' attack took hold, where all they could do was watch as the cracks spread out to it's arms, it's legs, and the rest of it's body, before it was vaporized in the explosion that followed... though when the dust settled they discovered that the Regenerator had been turned to ash, as nothing of it remained where Chrysalis had attacked it.

"Chrysalis, what did you do?" Isaac asked, because while he was sure that he could piece together what happened on his own, as his friend's powers were known to him thanks to the time he spent with her, he wanted to hear what she had done for himself.

"I simply detonated the Regenerator with my magic," Chrysalis said, though at the same time she sighed as she turned away from where the Necromorph had been, as there was no reason for them to worry about it anymore, "Come on, let's keep moving before more of our enemies show up."

Sure enough the moment they started heading towards the room that the tram was supposed to arrive in, so they could head to the Aft section of the ship, the rest of the Necromorphs that were in the Cargo Hold converged on their location, following them towards the room in question. As they fought their way through the Necromorphs, however, the three of them heard a familiar sound as they entered the room that the tram would arrive in and continued to fire at the undead creatures that were coming towards them. Isaac and Carver gunned down the creatures that entered the room they were in, and Chrysalis assisted them with her Pulse Rifle, though when a second Regenerator burst out of an already broken vent, surprising the group in the process, Chrysalis was the first one to react. Instead of repeating what she had done earlier, and chaining the creature down before destroying it, she attached her gun to her side and drew one of the bone blades from her back... where she gathered her magical energy into the core of her blade and swung at her target's arms, separating them from the Regenerator's body.

As the Regenerator fell to it's knees, and started to shake as it began to rebuild it's missing limbs, Chrysalis gripped her now flaming blade and drove it into the creature's heart, where she released a burst of magical energy that instantly reduced her foe to ash... though when she pulled out the handle of her weapon she watched as the sharpened blade turned to ash as well, leaving her with one bone blade as she dropped the handle.

"At least I used it for a good cause," Chrysalis commented, to which she drew her gun out and dismembered the next pair of undead that came at her, though as she did so she noticed that the tram was drawing into the station and the door was opening, "Isaac, Carver, the trams here! Let's get out of here."

Her friends didn't need to hear anything else as they blasted their way to the door of the tram and opened it, where they boarded the tram and covered her while she climbed aboard the vehicle as well, to which the door closed behind her and Isaac got the tram moving towards the MID section of the ship... just so they could get away from their enemies.

"I really hate regenerating Necromorphs," Isaac stated, though at the same time the three of them relaxed for a few seconds, as they needed to calm down before they dealt with whatever they found when they stopped at the MID section or continued on to the AFT section.

Chrysalis agreed with that statement, as the regenerating Necromorphs were extremely hard to kill, and she seriously hoped that this was the last they saw of the Regenerators, because this mission would be a lot easier without them, but she guessed that only time would tell if there were more than the two she had destroyed a few seconds ago.

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