• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,956 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Sprawl: Deception Revealed

Chrysalis and Isaac stood where they were for a few moments, where they let Chrysalis calm down after having seen the spirit of her mother and having to relive some of the more painful memories when Isaac asked her about something she never told anyone, before the two of them separated. They both knew that it was only a matter of time until Tiedemann found them, and the Necromorphs for that matter, so the duo reengaged their helmets and started moving down the hallway that was in front of them with their weapons at the ready. They quickly walked by the locked door on their left and approached the way that would take them to the Reunion Chapel, which would allow the duo to enter the Crypt, though they both agreed that there had to be a Necromorph or two in that area. That was when they walked into a small area where four doors were located, though while two of them appeared to be completely offline there was another one that could be unlocked by destroying the power tube, and that wasn't counting the door they actually had to walk through.

The duo stared at the doors for a moment before Chrysalis smashed the power tube, allowing them to reenter the area that the Gift Shop was in, to which the duo smiled for a moment as they walked down to the store and started selling off the ammunition they didn't need... though when they finished doing that they both walkway away with a new suit of armor, the security suit that they found the schematic for earlier. From what Chrysalis was able to tell this was the same type of armor that the EarthGov soldiers had been wearing the entire time she and Isaac had been trapped in the hospital area, but they ignored that little fact as the two of them made their way back to the other unlocked door they had walked by. It didn't take them long to reach the door and enter the chapel area, though as they opened the door the two of them stopped as a computerized voice started a sermon of some kind. The two of them stood there for a few seconds, listening to how the people proclaimed that 'death was a blessing' and other statements that would make the Unitologists and converts believe that they were on the right path... even though Isaac and Chrysalis knew they were all insane.

As the message ended, and the duo entered the chapel, a large amount of swarm Necromorphs dropped down from the ceiling and touched the floor in front of the coffin near the back of the area, though before they could do anything a slasher pulled itself into the area and stared at them... to which the duo watched as the swarm members climbed onto the other Necromorph and acted like body armor. That was an interesting tactic, as when Chrysalis opened fire with her Pulse Rifle the members of the swarm took her initial blasts as the slasher staggered backwards, though at the same time Isaac dismembered another slasher that dropped down beside the first one. Even when the armored slasher met it's end, and the members of the swarm fell to the ground, the little Necromorphs came at the duo and insisted on trying to attack them, only for Isaac and Chrysalis to tear them to pieces... or rather stomp them into oblivion, since Isaac used a Stasis blast to freeze them and gave the two of them an opportunity to smash them with their boots.

Once those Necromorphs were finished the duo looked around once more, to be absolutely sure that there weren't any other enemies in the area, before they quickly collected the ammunition and credits that were laying around chapel and headed behind where the coffin was located... which allowed them to find the elevator that would take them down into the Crypt.

"Okay, it seems that the Necromorphs are capable of adapting and coming up with new ideas," Chrysalis said, though at the same time she and Isaac climbed onto the elevator, to which Isaac tapped the command interface and they descended down to where the Crypt was located, "This, in addition to who we saw, does not bode well for us."

"Agreed." Isaac replied, because he knew that if the spirit of Wildfire was able to interact with them and their surroundings, as well as kill Necromorphs every now and then, then Queen Crudelis might be able to do the same thing, which only made him shudder at the horrors the changeling spirit could pull off.

"Isaac, I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess," Chrysalis added, knowing that her friend was worried about her mother, as she was absolutely terrified of what might happen when they next crossed paths with each other, before she let out a sigh, "I thought I had buried those memories and locked them away so I would never have to remember the pain and torment that was my life for some time... and now she's back, to do it all over again."

"Don't worry about it too much," Isaac stated, causing Chrysalis to turn her head towards him for a moment, no doubt because she was surprised that he was fine with this situation, even though he didn't want anything to do with the old changeling queen that had revealed herself, "as long as we're together, and Wildfire helps us out occasionally, we should be able to overcome anything that the Marker and Queen Crudelis throw at us."

Chrysalis knew that Isaac had no true understanding of the cruelty that her mother possessed, nor did he understand what her mother had done to the other hives, as there had been more than one before the old queen got what she wanted, but even then she mentally shoved those memories back into the hole they had been locked in. Now that the spirit of her mother was back it would be far too easy for her to slip back into who she had been back when she was but a foal, the same one that had been beaten time and time again. It also made her realize that her mental defenses must have been weaker than she originally thought, especially since the Marker went out of it's way to pull a second pony from her memories, only on the opposite side that Wildfire was on. Chrysalis also dreaded what might happen if the spirits of her lover and her mother were to come into contact with each other, because she had a terrible feeling she knew who would win in a fight and didn't want to lose Wildfire again.

The sound of the elevator stopping caused Chrysalis to stop thinking about what the Marker was doing and who it brought back, to which she sighed as she and Isaac walked out and entered the Crypt... or at least walked into the area before the actual Crypt, since she and Isaac were staring at a door at the bottom of a ramp, which had a golden symbol resting above it, though they ignored that and pressed onward.

The duo walked down the ramp and opened the door in front of them, allowing them to enter a small room that rested between where the elevator was located and the Crypt, though they had to wait a little longer for the Crypt door to open since it was colder and it had two different types of doors to open. As they walked into the Crypt they discovered that literally every wall had tubes that contained the bodies of the dead, held in a stasis of sorts for when it was time for the Convergence Event to happen, while they also noticed that the temperature in this area was designed to make sure that nothing happened to the corpses. At the same time, however, Chrysalis was thinking about smashing all of the tubes they came across, gathering all of the corpses in a single pile, and then burning them all to ash, and there was a specific reason behind her thinking about that. The reason being was because she didn't want the two of them to walk through this area and suddenly have an army of Necromorphs coming up from behind them, but Isaac shook his head and moved forward, indicating that if they got out of here fast they wouldn't have to worry about any of the long dead coming back to haunt them in some manner.

Chrysalis turned her gaze from the tubes and followed after Isaac, to which they carefully followed the path in front of them and made their way towards the other side of the room, where they discovered another door that connected this room to the next one.

As the duo entered the next room they both, for once, suffered from the Marker's influence, as Isaac saw the dead bodies inside the tubes reaching out and trying to grab them and he was sure that Chrysalis was seeing the same thing that he was experiencing. Chrysalis did see the bodies in the same light as Isaac did, indicating that she was at least on the same level as Isaac now in terms of how the Marker was influencing them, but even as they returned to reality she heard the sound of a specific pair of shoes touching the ground. She turned to the right and watched as her mother walked out of the shadows that rested in the hallway, to which she primed the Pulse Rifle and opened fire, letting the short burst of bullets tear into her target... which was actually the unfortunate corpse that had been inside the now broken tube she had fired upon, causing her to look around and see if she couldn't figure out where her mother went.

"Chrysalis, are you alright?" Isaac asked, as he had slipped out of his own vision the moment it ended, only to be greeted by the sound of his friend discharging some of her bullets into a tube, and the corpse it contained, for no reason, but while he suspected he knew what she had seen he didn't get an answer immediately like he usually did, "Chrysalis?"

"Whe... where did she go?" Chrysalis asked, though at the same time she knew that her mother had been close to them, but at the same time she knew that the Marker was actually affecting her more than it had been when they had been aboard the Ishimura.

"Normally I'd say she was never there, like I do for Nicole," Isaac replied, to which he rested a hand on his friend's shoulder and watched as she calmed down, despite the fact that she would snap to attention the moment her mother made her appearance again, "but, since your visions and visitors seem to involve magical ponies and changelings, I'd say she came by to mess with you and departed before you could do anything to her. Chrysalis, whatever your mother did to you is in the past and you don't have to worry about her doing it to you again... regardless of whatever abilities the Markers seem to possess."

Chrysalis wasn't sure if she believed Isaac, since neither of them knew the full extent of what the Markers could do, but at the same time she nodded her head and hoped that her friend was right, because the last thing she wanted was for the spirit of her mother to start torturing her again, especially in an area that was infested with Necromorphs. Once she had calmed down, as much as she was able to considering what she was going through, Isaac and Chrysalis walked away from the door they had walked through and made their way to the other side of the room. Despite the fact that there was one broken tube in this area, which wasn't the one Chrysalis had destroyed on accident, there weren't any enemies in this room and the duo moved into the third room, where they found themselves in a lucky situation again as there weren't any Necromorphs in that room either. It wasn't until they reached the fourth room, however, where their luck changed, as slashers started breaking through the tubes and landed on the floor in front of the duo, to which Isaac and Chrysalis faced the two directions their enemies could come from and started firing at the slashers that were coming at them.

It didn't take the duo long to dismember and kill the slashers that were coming at them, though once all of them were dead, and they were absolutely sure that there weren't any remaining in any hidden corners or something, they gathered the supplies that had been dropped and headed for the door... which brought them to a new room that was unlike the others that they had walked through so far.

"Daina? I think we've found the exit, but its way above us." Isaac said, attempting to connect to Daina for a moment, while at the same time Chrysalis kept an eye open for any enemies that might attempt to ambush them while they were waiting near the machine in the middle of the room, "The gravity controls are locked out... Daina? Fuck."

"Seems like Tiedemann wants to keep us in the dark," Chrysalis commented, though at the same time Isaac understood that she was actually referring to the fact that she didn't trust Daina, meaning that she believed that all of this was an elaborate trap that Daina had created, before she looked at the machine, "I wonder if we can fix this ourselves..."

"Only one way to find out," Isaac replied, to which he and Chrysalis walked to the other side of the room and walked onto the cargo lift that was waiting for them, where he input the command and they descended down to the level that was below the entrance they walked through.

As they reached the level below the entrance, and discovered that there was a spinning machine with three rings moving in three different directions, they received a message from Daina that said that they had to go up, which they already knew since Isaac had been the one to figure it out. The instant the cargo lift stopped moving the duo walked off it and started salvaging what they could find, including the schematic for the Ripper weapon and a Power Node, before they came to a stop in front of a terminal that Isaac could pull the cover off and hack into. Isaac proceeded to do just that, as he worked on the terminal for a few moments before completing the task he had set himself to, which caused part of the ceiling above the rotating rings to descend and a voice said that the capture arms had been released. He then glanced over to his friend for a moment, who simply shrugged since she had no experience with any of the technology she had come across, before he raised his hand and fired a few Stasis blasts at the rings, slowing them down enough so he could use the capture arms to ensnare the first ring.

He repeated that twice more, capturing the second and third rings as they continued to move slowly, before the gravity shifted and the computerized voice said that gravity was now offline, to which he and Chrysalis braced themselves as they kicked off the floor. The instant they were floating in the air they turned towards the fan that separated them from the floor they had been on moments ago, to which Isaac loosed another Stasis blast and slowed the fan down, allowing them to slip into the upper floor and begin their ascent towards the ceiling. Fortunately when they reached the ceiling the hole they wanted to go through opened up and slipped a coffin into the room that the duo was currently in, though Isaac used his Stasis to slow the closing of the door so he and Chrysalis could enter the room above them, where they found a bunch of stuff floating in the air... along with the schematic for the Medium Med Pack, which they eagerly collected before they tried to find the exit that they were supposed to take.

The good thing was that it was rather easy to find the door that they needed to head through, the downside was that the offline gravity meant that it couldn't be opened at the moment, so Isaac and Chrysalis headed to the circular walkway and touched down, letting their boots reengage with the surface, before heading over to the nearby terminal... where they reactivated the gravity with a single command and the door was unlocked not a few seconds later.

"Isaac?" a voice said, to which a video link appeared in front of the duo, who noticed that Daina was staring at them, or maybe she was having connection issues since she seemed uncertain if she had reached them, "Dammit! I think they're jamming our signal with a mobile device. Someone get me the frequency of that jammer! They must have a gunship positioned near the compound."

"Now what, change of plans?" Isaac asked, because that was what normally happened when a signal was picked up, Daina changed their plans and made them take a different route to the same location.

"No, if they knew where we were they would have killed us by now." Daina replied, indicating that they could actually speak with each other without a problem, while at the same time something in the background seemed to catch her attention for a moment before she turned towards them, "Shit! The signal's fading! Just follow your locator and hurry!"

Isaac looked down at his hand for a moment, as he knew that the RIGs had a built in navigation system, but at the same time he never felt the need to use it since he was rescued since the entire path they had followed had been literally a straight line to this point, save for a few stops along the way. When the video link disconnected a few seconds later the duo sighed and headed through the door that they had unlocked, to which they made a quick stop at the store on their right to input the new schematics, before they walked up the short ramp in front of them and entered the next room they had to walk through. As they entered the room, however, the lights flickered for a few seconds and went out, though instead of worrying too much Chrysalis summoned a light source and they approached the Bench, where they spent a few moments upgrading their weapons with the Power Nodes currently in their possession. Once that was done they started moving again, where they were shocked that the lights came back on for no reason, to which they sighed before Isaac used the Kinesis Module to move some coffins out of the way... revealing an engineer vent that the duo could use to access the area that Daina wanted them to head to.

As they made their way through the engineer vent, however, one of the grates beneath Isaac collapsed and he fell onto the ground below them, to which Chrysalis sighed and climbed out as well, as there was no reason for her to continue through the vent without her friend.

It took them a few seconds to find a door that they could open, allowing them to enter a new room with some potential dangers waiting for them, to which they carefully readied their weapons and advanced forward, where they found the schematic for the Line Racks ammunition before they moved away from the door. The duo gathered what little ammunition they could find before they opened the other door and walked out into the hallway that was on the other side of the door, where they carefully followed the path that was in front of them. That brought them to a vent that a lurker burst out of, and was followed by a slasher walking out from behind a cover, but Isaac and Chrysalis had been expecting this and opened fire immediately. Chrysalis' Pulse Rifle made short work of the lurker, especially when it was getting ready to fire at them, and Isaac used his Plasma Cutter to dismember the slasher before it could reach the bottom of the ramp it was walking down... which was when a second lurker, who jumped out of the vent, was blasted to pieces by Chrysalis, who happened to be grinning under her helmet at the moment.

They followed the path once more and eventually came to what appeared to be another important area of the Church, which made Chrysalis tired of being in a place that Unitologists worshiped the Markers in, because there was no telling what horrors waited them this time around.

"How delightful, we have some guests." a voice said, to which Isaac and Chrysalis stopped where they were and stared up at the walkway that someone could use to stare down at them, where they spotted Queen Crudelis standing there, only this time she was wearing the fake smile that Chrysalis was familiar with, "Ah, my little rebellious daughter, it's been far too long since we've seen each other... considering that I've been, well, dead for the last thousand years or so."

"Queen Crudelis." Chrysalis growled, as she had been dreading something like this, because it appeared that her mother was now blocking the path that she and Isaac needed to take and wasn't likely going to move without a fight, if she felt like it anyway.

"How sweet, you still refer to me by my title," Crudelis replied, though this time Isaac could hear a bit of disapproval in the changeling's voice, meaning that while she might like it that she was called queen all the time there was something she'd rather have Chrysalis call her by, "Come now, I know you told your darling companion a little bit about me when I saw you two earlier and I know he knows your connection to me, so there's no reason for you to shy away from what I really am to you... your mother!"

"You lost that right when you started beating me up all those years ago!" Chrysalis snapped, though instead of saying anything else her horn glowed as she leveled her open hand with where her mother was standing, to which she loosed a magical charge that separated into five red colored arrows that pierced the area that her target had been standing on, blowing a hole in the walkway in the process.

"I'm disappointed in you, Chrysalis," Crudelis said, only this time she materialized on the same level that Chrysalis and Isaac happened to be on for a moment, though Chrysalis knew that she was looking right at her, "after all these years I would have thought your aim and accuracy would have been so much better... and yet you missed me entirely. That just reminds me of when you were younger, when you were first learning how to use your magic, and you constantly missed your targets, regardless of my attempts to help you. Now it appears that you have come back to that point in your life... which means you have to be punished..."

Before Isaac could say anything, or even come to his friend's assistance, Queen Crudelis opened her wings and flew through the air so fast that he could barely seen her move, though when she appeared in front of Chrysalis his friend coughed in pain as her mother's right hoof made contact with her chest piece, no doubt cracking some of her ribs in the process. That was followed by Crudelis' horn glowing as she grabbed onto Chrysalis and hurled her into one of the pillars to her left, where Chrysalis crumbled to the floor and stayed there for a moment, though as Isaac stepped forward a tripod dropped down and stood between him and his target... who was now standing back where he and Chrysalis had first seen her when they entered the room.

"How pitiful, you made another friend," Crudelis stated, staring at Isaac with what could have been a look of pure hatred, or maybe it was the look a predator gave it's prey before having some fun, "I would have thought you would have learned this lesson the first time around, but it appears that I must repeat it; friends will only drag you down and make you weak, which is unbecoming of a royal changeling... even if you don't have a hive to rule anymore. This time, however, I think my new pet and minions will be able to give you a lesson you won't forget."

As the tripod attacked Isaac, and knocked him onto his back, Crudelis let out a menacing laugh as she literally walked away from where the duo were resting and disappeared behind one of the pillars, but while Isaac struggled with his foe, and blasted at it's tail, he knew that the ancient changeling queen was likely watching this unfold. Crudelis didn't have to be physically present or anything, but he knew that she would take great pleasure in watching them suffer, especially since her 'minions' were members of a pack that started to swarm the area as he forced the tripod to retreat. A few moments later, as the pack reached the halfway point, a blast rang out and Chrysalis opened fire on them, tearing some of them to pieces before Isaac even realized that she was standing again, to which he joined her assault and they cut down the Necromorphs that Chrysalis' mother either had control over or had said that to mess with them. There was even a slasher that tried to attack them while they were distracted, but Isaac and Chrysalis dealt with it before it could reach them, though once the coast was clear Chrysalis moaned as she wrapped her other arm around her chest.

"Pardon me for saying this, but your mother is definitely a bitch," Isaac stated, as he wanted Chrysalis to know exactly what he felt about the ancient queen, though at the same time he pulled out a med pack and used it to patch up his friend's cracked ribs, allowing her to move without pain again.

"She was like this before the civil war claimed her life," Chrysalis replied, to which she stretched to be sure that her body was fine, before beckoning for Isaac to follow, as she wanted to get out of here before her mother decided to show herself again, "Come on, let's get to Daina before something else happens... like my mother or that tripod returning to see if we've been defeated."

The duo walked up the ramp and reached the upper level that Crudelis had been walking on earlier, though as they did so an exploder and a slasher appeared along the path they had chosen, so while Isaac dismembered the slasher Chrysalis patiently waited before seizing one of the fallen arms and set it flying towards the exploder. The instant the sharpened limb penetrated the goo sack the unfortunate Necromorph died, though before they could even more forward they both spotted a puker and another slasher on the other side of the room, no doubt making their way towards where the duo was standing. Instead of moving they patiently waited for their enemies to round the corner before they opened fire, tearing apart the two Necromorphs that had been coming towards them, though the instant that was done they approached the door that they needed to go through... before they open the door and entered the room that was behind it, dealing with a leaper that was crawling towards them.

From there it was a simple matter to open the next door that was blocking their path and entered a chamber that had stone carvings and a Marker statue in the direct center of the entire room, something that the duo hated seeing and wanted nothing to do with it... so they kept moving as they followed Daina's path, as they were both eager to leave this place behind, one way or another.

As they reached the door the duo experienced another bout of madness from the Marker, where Isaac heard Nicole talk to him about pain, about someone trying to kill themself, and about leaving her there to rot and fester, as if his dead girlfriend was angry over something. At the same time, however, Chrysalis was subjected to listening to her mother's sinister laughter as one of the earlier torture sessions came back to life before her eyes, where she experienced the pain her 'mother' inflicted upon her at the time. After the first few moments of the memory coming back to life Chrysalis fell to her knees and did her absolute best to ignore the memory, but her body remembered all the beatings and broken bones she received during that specific session and the phantom pain came back in full force. This was the specific session where her mother purposely tested how much pain and punishment her young body could take, all because she accidentally burned a map of Equestria... which her mother had five copies of at the time and they all looked the same, no matter how many times she tried to recall what the difference between that one and the others was.

Isaac, recovering from his ordeal first, turned towards his friend to see how she was taking the bout of madness, though when he saw that she was on her knees, and happened to be shaking, he rushed to her side and input the command to disengage her helmet, where he noticed that her eyes weren't focused on reality and her breathing almost made him think that she was hyperventilating.

"Chrysalis?" Isaac asked, though when he didn't get a response he was worried, because that meant whatever his friend was experiencing was worse than he thought it was, to which he gently shook her and repeated her name a few times in the hopes that she would snap out of it.

A minute or two went by before Chrysalis finally emerged from the memory that she had been forced to experience again, though when she did so Isaac watched as tears started started flowing, meaning that she must have been forced to endure one of the more painful torture sessions her mother inflicted on her. Isaac, truly not knowing what he could do for his friend, simply pulled her close and let her cry without saying a word, as it appeared that having someone nearby when this happened, to help her calm down, was more than enough at the moment. He didn't even want to know the specifics of the 'punishments' that Chrysalis suffered over the years before her mother died, as it would only make things worse for her, but at the same time he knew that he absolutely hated her mother with all his heart. Isaac was sure that Chrysalis felt that way as well, at one point in time anyway, and that feeling was bound to resurface at some point in time, but he said nothing and simply comforted his friend.

A few minutes ticked by before Chrysalis, still slightly weak from her experience, pulled away from Isaac and wiped her eyes so the tears would disperse, to which she reengaged her helmet and made her way towards the elevator that they needed to take. Isaac nodded his understanding and followed after her, to which they opened the elevator door and climbed onto it, where they let it head towards the upper level of the Church, which happened to be where Daina was supposed to be waiting for them.

"Daina, you still with us?" Isaac asked, as he figured that since they had no further contact with Daina that the connection might have been severed, but if she had moved he felt that she should know exactly where he and Chrysalis were at the moment, "We're almost at the top of the Church."

"You're almost there," Daina replied, though despite the fact that she was still recovering from what she had felt Chrysalis still didn't trust the lady, something that Isaac agreed with, "I'll be waiting near the shuttle."

Before the elevator reached it's destination a slasher burst through the ceiling and landed between them, though when Isaac raised his arm to Stasis blast it, however, Chrysalis dismembered it with her bone blades, cutting it down before it even had a chance to target them. When the elevator stopped they walked out of it and followed the path that was in front of them, pausing for a few seconds to stare out at the station that had been their home for the last three years, before they decided to move on, where Chrysalis found a Power Node and a Detonator schematic in a nearby room that was open to them. That was followed by them heading towards the path they needed to take and quickly reached the door that they had to go through, but before Isaac opened it Chrysalis wove her magic through the air and turned herself invisible, as she wanted to confirm their suspicions before they did anything else.

With her preparations in place Isaac opened the door and seemed to walk out on his own, while Chrysalis walked behind him and kept quiet as two goons grabbed onto Isaac's arms while forcing his helmet to disengage, though Daina was staring towards the glass and not back at the door.

"Daina... so you really are a Unitologist." Isaac said, noticing some symbols on the uniforms that the goons were wearing, symbols that matched the ones that they had seen in the Church, confirming that they shouldn't have trusted Daina to be a friend and that Chrysalis was right once more, "So Chrysalis was right that we shouldn't trust you."

"Well, neither of you really had a choice," Daina replied, to which she turned around and faced the door, though if she was surprised that Chrysalis wasn't there she didn't reveal anything, as she kept her eyes on Isaac, "I told you two that there was a cure and you came running. It was the perfect plan, despite Tiedemann's interruptions."

"So why are you doing this?" Isaac inquired, because he was waiting for Chrysalis to do something and knew that she wanted a specific piece of information before she made her move, which he was willing to help her get as long as they escaped from this situation.

"You're a dangerous secret, Isaac." Daina answered, revealing that she knew something that neither of the duo knew about, which had to be exactly what they were waiting for her to reveal, "EarthGov won't leave you alone because they're afraid that you'll find and destroy their Marker... especially since you helped build it in the first place. That's why we went through all the effort to bring you here, so you can help us build more Markers and spread glorious Convergence to the entire galaxy!"

"You Unitologists really are insane." Chrysalis commented, to which she mentally smiled as both of the goons looked around for the source of her voice, while at the same time Daina seemed surprised to hear her speak, almost as if she thought that she had died at some point.

"Whose there?" Daina asked, to which she looked around as well, trying to pinpoint where the voice had come from, though at the same time that played right into what Chrysalis wanted them to do, as it made it that much easier for her to do what she wanted.

The first thing Chrysalis did was use a small portion of her power to knock the goons away from Isaac, as well as Daina for that matter, before she snapped up a barrier around her friend, as she didn't want something to happen to him as she dealt with their foes this time around. The goons rubbed their chests for a moment, indicating where Chrysalis had struck them, before they stared at the magical barrier that rested between them and Isaac, preventing them from even touching him at the moment. That was before Chrysalis disengaged her invisibility spell and appeared in the eyes of those around her, though she did so right behind Daina, who had no idea that she was even before her despite the fact that the goons knew she was there. She then moved to the side and kicked Daina to the ground, before raising her Pulse Rifle and loosed two extremely small bursts, literally a bullet a piece, into the knees of the two goons, forcing them to kneel as they gripped their legs and fought the pain.

"I'm the one you heard speak," Chrysalis said, though at the same time she made sure that the barrier was large enough to rest over the grate in the floor, as she had the sneaky feeling that she and Isaac were going to need it in the immediate future, "and I'm sad to hear that you forgot about me, considering that Isaac kept saying us and we all the time when we were talking with you."

"And why would I care about a freak like you?" Daina demanded, though she admitted that she had no idea how Chrysalis was able to slip through the area without her or her allies figuring out that she was there, "You can't build Markers, like Isaac can, so I deemed you irrelevant and figured that if you died it would have made things much easier for me and my team."

"You know, the last person who talked to me like that ended up dead," Chrysalis commented, recalling exactly what she had done to Kendra, which put a smile on her face that no one could see thanks to the fact that her helmet was engaged at the moment, "maybe I should give you mercy and end your suffering now, before it actually starts."

Before she could actually made good on her promise, as she wanted to break into their minds and make them kill themselves, Tiedemann's gunship came into view and Chrysalis channeled her magic into her horn, where she moved herself into the barrier as the ship opened fire on where they were standing. The shuttle that Daina had been using was the first thing to go, as it was completely destroyed by the hail of bullets that were being fired from the gunship, though that was followed by Daina being ripped to pieces by bullets the moment she stood up. The goons didn't fare too well either, but Chrysalis smirked as she and Isaac opened the cover that the barrier contained and revealed a passage that headed back down to the depths of the building they were in... though since they had nothing to lose Isaac moved into the passage and fell towards the bottom, while Chrysalis followed after him and severed her barrier when she was far from it.

When the duo landed, however, they knew that their situation had changed from bad to worse, as Chrysalis spotted a large insectoid-like Necromorph that was staring down at them, the Tormentor as she decided to call it, though the instant they got up it roared at them and started collapsing the area they were in. Isaac and Chrysalis charged forward, in an attempt to get away from the creature, but as the pipes fell and blocked their path they were forced to turn around and open fire on the yellow weakness that was the Tormentor's arm. The combined attack blew off part of it's arm covering and made it attack them again, where the duo were forced onto their backs as they tore off another defense that the arm had in place to protect itself. That time around the Tormentor grabbed onto Isaac with it's other arm and hauled him into the air, where it attempted to eat him right then and there, but it also left it's open to Chrysalis' attacks, as she opened fire with the Pulse Rifle and tore the rest of the arm's defenses to pieces... to which she severed the arm and caused the creature a great deal of pain in the process.

That was before the Tormentor threw Isaac into her and they both went flying towards a door that needed a Kinesis Module to move it, though since the Necromorph would be coming after them soon Isaac used a Stasis charge to slow it down, if even for a few seconds, before opening the door so he and Chrysalis could get through. Of course as they ran away from the Tormentor they came to another glass filled room and spotted the gunship as it fired on them, but as they gripped the floor beneath them the Tormentor charged into the room and knocked the two of them out into space it with. From there they all collided with the side of the gunship, but Isaac and Chrysalis were fast to jump off the ship the first moment they got... even if that included firing at an explosive canister, that was attached to the gunship, to stop the Tormentor from reaching out and grabbing them.

The force of the explosion sent them flying through a nearby window, different from the one they left through, but soon the iron gate was in place and both gravity and the oxygen had been restored... but the duo simply remained where they were laying, as now was the time for them to calm their nerves before they did anything else. They would start moving soon enough, once they calmed down and took stock of what happened to them, and then they could figure out where they needed to go from where they were standing.

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