• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,987 Views, 566 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Ishimura: Arrival

The next seven days passed by at a relatively normal pace for Chrysalis, as she didn't get too engrossed in something and let the hours go flying by, which was something that Twilight Sparkle, as well as some of the other bookworm ponies she had encountered over the years, would have done. Despite that fact Kendra insisted that she spend some time on something that she called a 'computer', and at least learn a little more about humans and their vast history, Chrysalis knew it was mostly to make her forget about the fact that she was so far from her home world. She was both equally amused and shocked by some of the news articles that the device had access to, as it appeared that while humans were smart they were also capable of making terrible decisions that could cost someone, or a larger group, everything... which only reminded her of the ponies that she tried to conquer in the past.

Hammond, on the other hand, insisted that she spend some time walking up and down the length of the Kellion, so she could be familiar with her new body, though while changelings were great at quickly adapting to new forms Chrysalis honestly couldn't remember the last time she took on a bipedal form like this. Even with her natural abilities it took her between two to three hours before she was actually walking like Hammond wanted her to, impressing both him and anyone else that happened to be watching her. Of course that made Kendra, Isaac, and Hammond inquire as to how she was able to adapt to walking like they did so quickly, though she decided to tell them that changelings were great adapters, which was true for the majority of her species... save for a few that never developed any particular skill that could have benefited the hive in some manner.

Chrysalis found that the only skill she couldn't practice, save for some levitation practice every now and then, were her magical skills, because the Kellion was so small and one wrong spell would have obliterated all of them in the blink of an eye... though she figured that, at some point in the future, she'd have the chance to practice her magic again.

She also found out that both the pilot and co-pilot could leave the area they had to be sitting in to take a break, relieve themselves, and get something to eat, though one of them had to stay in the cockpit to make sure the Kellion didn't exit hyperspace and collide with something else on accident. She quickly discovered that Corporal Chen liked to play chess with whoever was available, which was usually Kendra or Hammond, though he also invited Chrysalis to try her hand at beating him. She felt that she would be terrible at chess, if her real life strategy planning was anything to go by, but Chen simply smiled and went over the rules with her as they played a tutorial match, allowing her to get the feel of what each piece did and how to properly move them. When he was done teaching her, and had checkmated her in the process, they got started on a real match between the two of them, where she discovered that Chen lured her into a false sense of security by purposely allowing her to take several of his more powerful pieces... only for him to checkmate her a few moments later.

Chrysalis knew that Chen had played this game with a fair number of people, if his skill was anything to go by, and that it would take some time before she managed to do the same thing to him, but he was pleased that she could put up a decent fight... even if he constantly beat her at chess whenever he was on break.

Corporal Johnston, on the other hand, simply liked to pull out a deck of playing cards and challenged whoever felt like joining him, where Chrysalis discovered that he had a fair number of games for them to chose from and several of those she felt like they would be betting something if they weren't on the Kellion. The games they ended up playing were Go Fish, which was apparently a kid's game and Johnston found it to be fun from time to time, Poker, Blackjack, and a number of other games that made it hard for her to remember all of them. Chrysalis had a little more luck with the cards than she did while she was playing chess with Chen, as she actually managed to win a game from time to time, which in turn impressed the others that joined in the game.

Chrysalis assumed that they were acting that way because they had no idea what sort of games she had experienced over the years, but at the same time she was thankful that they were being friendly towards her... though something still told her that her luck was going to run out when they reached the Ishimura.

On the fourth day of their journey, however, Isaac showed Chrysalis the RIG that he had been working on since Kendra had asked him if it was possible to modify one for her body, though as she stared at the suit Chrysalis could see where her hooves were supposed to go, found the spot where her tail would slip into a special cover Isaac installed, and noticed that the head piece opened up to take her horn into account... and, when it closed up, it did so to make sure her horn was protected as well. Sure, the suit Isaac was giving her resembled his to a degree, but both he and Kendra told her that this would protect her in case something happened when they got to the Ishimura, though they were both quick to tell her that they didn't expect that to happen at all. Chrysalis decided to believe them, to which she stepped into the armored suit and zipped it up once she had the body part of it on, before she slipped on the helmet... which broke apart and revealed that it was working as Isaac intended it to do.

Of course once she had her own RIG Kendra had to do two things; the first was to update their monitors so Chrysalis' name and vitals appeared on it, where Kendra explained that it was so they could make sure that she, and everyone else on their team, were in perfect health. The second item was Kendra giving Chrysalis some proper clothing that she could wear, which was pretty much a dull grey colored shirt and a brown pair of pants, though Chrysalis noted that all of Kendra's clothing seemed to have the same design style while possessing different colors. She stepped out of the RIG for a few moments and carefully dressed herself in her new clothing, in the privacy of Kendra's room, before she bothered to put the suit back on. Once all of that was done Kendra nodded and they rejoined the rest of the group, where they continued what they had been doing for the last three days as they waited for the Kellion to arrive at where Aegis VII, and the Ishimura, was located.

On the seventh day of their journey, while everyone was getting themselves prepared for the Kellion to finally exit hyperspace, Isaac held his arm up and called up a video of his beloved Nicole, who Chrysalis had learned about when she talked with the engineer and discovered that she was actually on the Ishimura as a nurse. She noticed that every time Isaac opened the message, as he had done it a few times during their journey, he actually never finished listening to whatever message Nicole sent him. Nicole mentioned wanting to talk to someone, apologized to Issac for 'everything', and said that 'it's all falling apart here', which to Chrysalis meant that something must have happened on the Ishimura... and was likely the reason behind why the communication blackout happened in the first place. This time, like the last few instances where he opened the message, Isaac sighed and simply closed the message and turned towards the front of the ship so he could focus on the mission at hand.

Chrysalis knew that he longed to be with his beloved Nicole again, as she could feel some love being sent out from him when he looked at the message, but she said nothing about it and focused on the cockpit as well... where Kendra and Hammond were the only two people who were still standing at the moment.

"How many times have you watched that message since it arrived?" Kendra asked, though while she was happy to see that Isaac still cared for Nicole she was worried that he might lose focus as to why they were heading to the Ishimura in the first place.

"I watched it a few times before I got the call from Hammond about this mission," Isaac replied, though as he spoke he noticed that Chrysalis was looking at the front of the cockpit, where she was no doubt eager to get her first true glimpse of the USG Ishimura, instead of reading about it and seeing videos detailing it's destructive power, "and I've only opened it a few more times since we activated the Shockpoint Drive."

"Guess you really miss her." Kendra said, where Chrysalis could tell that she was being sincere about her statement, which seemed to help Isaac relax a little, "Don't worry, we're almost there. You'll be able to look her up once we're onboard. Sounds like you two have a lot of catching up to do."

A few seconds after those words left Kendra's mouth the Kellion finally reached the end of the hyperspace they had been traveling through, where Chrysalis immediately noticed a fair amount of what she assumed was space debris and a planet that they were heading towards... though, based on the large sized hole on the planet's surface, she had to assume that the planet was Aegis VII.

"All right everyone, we're here." Hammond stated, though at the same time he and Kendra turned their attention to what was in front of them, which told Chrysalis that they were looking for the Ishimura, "Syncing our orbit now."

"I swear, all this trouble over that chunk of rock." Kendra commented, though her tone told Chrysalis that she thought they were wasting their time here, but she believed that Kendra would assist the Ishimura like she was supposed to.

"Deep space mining is a lucrative business, Ms. Daniels, just like we told Chrysalis a week ago." Hammond replied, where he glanced at the changeling for a few seconds, to which she nodded her head so that he understood that she was following what they had told her, before turning back to Kendra, "Aegis VII is a gold mine, according to prospector's reports. Cobalt, Silicon, Osmium... Now, where is she?"

"There she is." Chrysalis said, though at the same time she pointed at some of the asteroids for a few seconds, where she and the others watched as the rocks floated out of the way and revealed the vessel they were searching for.

The USG Ishimura was, as Chrysalis quickly discovered, was a massive construct that looked like a huge metallic rib cage, with some large and impressive engines installed behind it, along with what appeared to be an area where the Kellion could fly through and dock when they got closer. She also noticed four unusual appendage like pieces of metal that were sticking out of the underside of the ship, though from what little she had read about a planet cracker Chrysalis had to assume that they were the gravity tethers that could pull up the parts of the planet Isaac and the others told her about.

"Good, we have visual contact." Hammond said, though he was pleased that Chrysalis had spotted the Ishimura before any of them, which meant that when this mission was over he might actually consider asking her to come with him and get some additional training to be like him.

"So that's the Ishimura?" Kendra inquired, as her eyes were locked with the large ship that they had come to do repairs on, though Chrysalis silently echoed what she was about to say next, "Impressive."

"The USG Ishimura." Hammond corrected, though he was a little annoyed that Kendra couldn't be more formal by using the entire name, but he regained himself as he assessed the situation, "Biggest planet cracker in her class. And it looks like they already popped the cork."

Chrysalis immediately knew that Hammond was referring to the planet crack, though she had already determined that the people aboard the large ship had gone through with that because of the gaping hole in the planet she had seen... along with the fact that the Ishimura was carrying a fragment of Aegis VII in it's gravity tethers.

"Why is it all dark?" Kendra asked, as while the Kellion was moving closer to the Ishimura she was studying what they were able to see at the moment, though what she found so far was worrying her, "I don't see any running lights."

"Corporal Chen, take us in closer and hail them." Hammond ordered, though at the same time he was slightly worried about the fact that there weren't any running lights, just like Kendra was worried, "And stay clear of that debris field. We're here to fix their ship, not the other way around."

"USG Ishimura," Chen said, to which Chrysalis watched as the pilot tapped a few buttons and a switch or two before he started speaking, where she assumed that his voice was reaching the planet cracker vessel, "this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kellion responding to your distress call. Come in Ishimura."

"You're going to need to boost the signal if their power is low." Kendra stated, though she was only trying to be helpful at the moment, as they had no idea what sort of shape the ship was in if they didn't get any messages back in return.

"Yes, we know that." Hammond said, to which Chrysalis heard more of the part of Hammond that spoke of the annoyance he had felt when Kendra's name had been forced onto this mission from the higher-ups in the CEC, before he turned towards Chen and Johnston, "Boost the signal."

Chrysalis silently watched as the two pilots did as Hammond told them to do, once more indicating that he was the commander of this mission, though at the same time she didn't hear any sounds that could be coming from the Ishimura, which meant that there had to be something majorly wrong on the ship they were heading towards.

"I've never heard of a total communications blackout on one of these things." Kendra stated, to which Isaac and Hammond nodded their heads, telling Chrysalis that this was an uncommon event that they might not actually be prepared for, "You'd think with a thousand people on board, someone would pick up the phone..."

That was quickly followed by some sort of unintelligible noise sounding over the Kellion's communications, though at the same time Chrysalis carefully listened to see if she could hear anything that the others might be missing... only to find that she really couldn't detect anything.

"What is that?" Chrysalis asked, because she had absolutely no idea what she was even attempting to listen to and knew that one of her new companions would be able to answer her question.

"It's a busted array like we thought." Kendra said, though she couldn't fault Chrysalis for not knowing anything about this, as she hadn't been briefed on the mission and she had researched little about how the ship systems worked, before she turned back towards Hammond, "Sounds like they're having problems with their encoder. You get us down there and Isaac and I can fix it. Forty-eight hours max."

"Alright, you heard the lady. Take us in." Hammond ordered, though this was one of the few times that Chrysalis heard his tone suggest that he was pleased with Kendra and what she was saying, which would improve how they worked together after this mission if they were put together again, "Let's see what needs fixing."

"Gravity tethers engaged." Johnston said, while at the same time flipping a few buttons that caused a light purple aura of some kind to surround the Kellion, though at the same time Chrysalis prepared herself for their arrival on the USG Ishimura, "Automatic docking procedure is go."

At first it seemed like everything was going just fine, which made Chrysalis and everyone else happy, but then, out of complete nowhere, a sudden blast rocked the Kellion and knocked everyone around, though while Kendra and Hammond struggled to remain standing Chrysalis, Issac, Chen, and Johnston remained in their seats as the two pilots refocused on what was happening at the moment.

"What the hell?" Chen shouted, as he was completely thrown off guard by the fact that something had blown apart near them, though at the same time he and Johnston didn't like the looks of the symbols on their monitors.

"Sir! The autodock..." Johnston started to say, though at the same time he noticed Hammond's glare in the glass in front of him and decided that it was best if Chen told the commander what was happening.

"What is it?" Hammond snapped, though while he spoke he watched as they started to drift near the Ishimura, or more accurately towards the loading bay that they were supposed to be heading towards until something happened to explode on them.

"We're off track!" Chen stated, though this time around he decided not to keep himself from being worried, because something like this had never happened before and he was out of his element now, "We're going to hit the hull!"

"Hit the blast shields!" Hammond ordered, to which Chen and Johnston started following his command, but at the same time he thought of something that had to explain what had happened to the Kellion, "Their guidance tether must be damaged! Switch to manual. NOW!"

"Inside the magnetic field?" Kendra asked in surprise, telling Chrysalis that this wasn't something that someone usually did if this sort of scenario happened, though she braced herself anyway, "Are you insane?! Abort!"

"NO! We can make it inside!" Hammond snapped, to which he spared a moment to glare at Kendra again, as he couldn't believe that she was questioning him at this vital moment, before turning towards both the pilot and co-pilot once more, "Corporal, I gave you an order!"

It was in that moment that Chen and Johnston gripped the lever that rested above where they sat for the majority of the journey through hyperspace and pulled it, to which a metallic shield of sorts unfolded from wherever it was hiding and connected in front of the cockpit while a screen appeared in front of the two pilots. Chrysalis already knew that they were in danger of being killed, either by aborting and being torn apart or by going through with Hammond's insane plan and likely being crushed in the process. She gripped her seat with both her arms and her magic, because she didn't go through the effort to cross through the magical mirror, and travel to a new world, only to die before she actually did anything... she preferred it if they lived through this event.

"Argh, the field's too strong!" Chen stated, though at the same time the screen started going into a static state, to which Chrysalis closed her eyes and braced herself for what might be the end of her life.

Despite the fact that her eyes were closed Chrysalis felt the Kellion hit a couple of things as they collided with the Ishimura, which part she had absolutely no idea, but she kept her eyes closed as she waited for the ship to come to a complete stop. It took a few moments before the Kellion actually came to a stop, though that was followed by five groans that told Chrysalis that everyone she had been traveling with had, somehow, survived their event. As a light flickered for a few seconds, however, Chrysalis carefully opened her eyes as the Kellion's systems restarted, to which the blast shields retracted into where they had been hiding earlier... while at the same time revealing that they had landed in the docking area of the Ishimura.

She was thankful for Hammond's quick thinking, because even if it had been an insane plan on his part he just assured that they would survive to help the Ishimura repair their communications array... and then likely get some help with repairing the Kellion in return, as she was sure that the ship was slightly damaged from their maneuver.

"Is everyone okay?" Hammond asked, though at the same time he turned around, to which both Issac and Chrysalis nodded their heads and gave him a thumbs up, indicating that they were fine.

"What...? What the hell were you thinking?!" Kendra shouted, as while she was happy they were all alive she was sure that they could have come up with something that was safer than what Hammond just put them, along with the Kellion, through, "Were you trying to get us killed?"

"I just saved our asses, Ms. Daniels!" Hammond snapped, to which he turned towards Kendra for a moment, though at the same time Chrysalis carefully undid her safety harness so she could get out of her seat once Kendra announced that everyone was okay, "If we had aborted at that speed and distance, we would have smashed right into the side of the Ishimura. Now settle down, and let's get to work. Corporal, report!"

"Chrysalis, let's put our helmets on," Isaac said, to which the changeling glanced over at him for a few seconds, where he entered the command and his helmet put itself together around his head, to which Chrysalis nodded and repeated the motion with her own helmet.

"I'm not getting any readings from the port booster and we've lost both comms and the autopilot." Chen said, though at the same time he sighed, because this was definitely more damage than what he was expecting to occur when Hammond suggested his plan, "It'll take some time to fix."

"All right, let's get some extra hands from the flight deck to help out." Hammond said, though at the same time he was pleased that all of them had survived the collision, while also being relieved that Chrysalis wasn't barfing or doing anything like that since this was her first time experiencing something like this.

Kendra sighed for a few seconds before she turned around, to which she walked up to where Isaac and Chrysalis were still sitting, indicating that they were patiently waiting for someone to make sure that everyone was fine before they even considered moving off the ship.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, hold still for a few seconds... I'm syncing everyone's RIGs with the ship." Kendra stated, to which she pressed a few keys on her portable panel and studied what showed up for a few moments, where Chrysalis noticed four blue bars appeared on the back part of Issac's RIG, which she assumed were on her RIG as well, "Okay, we're done. Clean bill of health for everyone."

"All right." Hammond said, as he was pleased to hear that news, even though he could have guessed that by simply looking at everyone, before he beckoned for everyone to follow him, "We've still got a job to do. We're moving out."

As Chrysalis, Isaac, and the others followed Hammond off the Kellion, by opening a door and creating a walkway for them to walk on, Chrysalis could tell that the Ishimura was a large ship from the inside, based on the size of the docking bay they had crashed into... yet, at the same time, there was a sense of dread that she couldn't shake and she silently hoped that nothing terrible happened while they were here.

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