• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,988 Views, 566 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Sprawl: A New Outbreak

Three years, that's how long Chrysalis patiently waited and suffered through Foster's experiments, while at the same time studying the security that was around the room that she, Isaac, and the other condemned subjects were kept, counting the steps along the entire path they used to reach the device they used on everyone, and silently made plans with Wildfire when they had some alone time. She and the other inmates weren't allowed to do much except sit in their large box shaped cells that they were incarcerated in, though she spent her time making sure that nothing terrible happened while making sure the guards didn't abuse anyone, to the best of her ability anyway. For the most part it appeared that all of them were forced to wear straitjackets that prevented them from using their arms to retaliate against the doctors and the guards, but at the same time Chrysalis discovered that, with Wildfire's help, she could undo the latches and free her arms, though she made sure to keep them bound at all times, so she could be ready for anything.

Foster and his men tried to subject her to the same experiments that he forced upon Isaac and the other inmates, where he forced them into a circular machine called the NoonTech Diagnostic Machine, which she guessed was supposed to access the information that the Marker imparted to them. The reason it was a guess was because whenever Foster tried to get her into the machine she complied, but Wildfire's influence caused the machine to stop working, forcing the men to repair it to a point where it wouldn't break when she was there. Chrysalis wasn't going to question how Wildfire was able to influence the machine, since she was a spirit in a sense and the machine was real, but at the same time she was thankful for that, since there was more in her mind that she wanted to keep to herself, namely how to use magic, just in case the people Foster worked for had a way to replicate her powers. She knew that humans could be devastating on their own, if the Red Marker and planet cracking were anything to go by, so she wanted to make sure that they didn't get their hands on what she knew... something that Wildfire agreed with, despite the fact that she was also keeping them from the other information that might have been given to her.

She wasn't sure that the Marker had given her anything, beside Wildfire anyway, but at the same time they used their new position to delay Foster's research to the best of their abilities, though they couldn't assist Isaac and the other inmates as they were taken and forced into the machine while she sat in her cell. She would patiently wait for the guards to return, though every time Isaac returned from using the NoonTech machine Chrysalis noticed that he seemed to be spacing out and didn't seem to recognize the area he was in, reminding her of what she did to Shining, to an extent anyway. From what she could guess Foster and his men were injecting Isaac and the others with some sort of drug that was making them forget what they had seen, though why they wanted that she had no idea, but that didn't stop her from thinking about it while she studied the guards and her friend at the same time... though she had to restrain herself from attacking, since she hadn't figured out a way out of here yet.

Eventually Foster decided to stop bringing her to the machine and tried interrogating her with more common means, where they sat at a table and he asked her questions about what happened back on the Ishimura, to which Chrysalis offered him information on what happened while keeping some bits to herself for future use. He clearly wanted information on the Marker, though since all of her knowledge on the matter was secondhand, thanks to all the text logs she and Isaac had found, she could only repeat herself, since he and his men had likely read those logs. She was more than willing to waste the man's time in such a manner, as it prevented him from spending his time with Isaac and the others, but she could only do it for a few hours before he grew annoyed and went back to him main task, experimenting on Isaac and apparently asking him questions as well.

As time passed Chrysalis found that Foster was starting to ignore her and focused his time and effort on Isaac and the other inmates, though that gave her time to focus her mind on what she and Wildfire were doing, where she found it amusing that some of the inmates seemed to follow Wildfire, as if they could see her, while the guards definitely couldn't see her at all. That combination allowed Wildfire to influence the actual world, where she messed with the guards so Chrysalis could see how they reacted to noises that hadn't been in the area before, allowing her to silently plan her attack for when an opening revealed itself, where she reverted back to the persona she had used when she was planning her assault on Canterlot. She had learned from her mistakes and was making sure that her plans were open to change at a moment's notice, since literally anything could happen between now and the time the guards lowered their guard, but she had the suspicion that the men were going to unleash something terrible before she engineered her escape. Even Wildfire was willing to wait for the opening to reveal itself, despite the fact that she could attempt to force the men to create the opening, but Chrysalis didn't want something to happen to her... to which they patiently waited for that day to arrive.

It was on the third anniversary of her being contained in this cell, and she knew that by counting the days from when she arrived in this area and to the day that it happened, that their predicament changed, though it was the worst possible outcome that she had hoped would never happen... and yet, despite her wishes, it happened anyway, though she went with it and readied herself for some trouble.

After three years of remaining in the cell, and biding her time, Chrysalis' ears twitched at the sound of gunfire and the familiar sounds of Necromorphs screaming as they cut down the foes that were standing in front of them, though as she heard that she engaged her magic and undid the bindings on her arms, allowing her to stretch as she stood up. As first the other inmates stared at her, surprised that she could even do something like that, though at the same time she focused her mind and waited for trouble to happen before she made her move. Sure enough slashers invaded the area and dropped down into several of the cells, where they butchered the defenseless inmates that they surprised, though Chrysalis was more ready for them when the slasher invaded her cell. She spun around and kicked the slasher in the chest, avoiding it's claws for a moment, before she engaged her magic and ripped off it's arms, which she used to dismember the slasher before it could react... though she stripped the bone blades of the muscle bits until it was pure bone, like her first pair.

Once that was done she turned towards the glass door in front of her, which she couldn't open without the code combination being entered from the other side, though she had her own ways of getting through the door, as she extended a hand towards the door and applied her magic to it, where the glass shattered before her eyes and flew out into the middle of the room... though as she walked out she found a man, not dressed in the same attire as the guards, messing with a door to her right, one that she recognized instantly.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Chrysalis asked, causing the man to falter for a moment, though at the same time she held her bone blades at the ready, since it was possible that the man could be an enemy, "That cell you're trying to access is where my friend Isaac Clarke is being held, so I'm going to..."

"Oh, thank god that I'm not in the wrong area," the man said, to which he hit the enter button on the pad and the door opened before their eyes, though at the same time Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at the same time, "I was actually sent to rescue him, or assist in his escape since he did so well to survive on the Ishimura, especially with a skilled partner beside him all the time."

"Yeah, and that 'partner' was me," Chrysalis stated, causing the man to turn towards her again, though the smile that appeared on his face made her question what he was doing, as people who came searching for Isaac, and her as well, usually didn't have the best intentions in mind, especially since not a lot of people knew that there had been someone with Isaac the entire time.

"Chrysalis!" the man said, revealing that he already knew her name, though at the same time Chrysalis raised her guard, because she didn't trust the man at all and had no idea which side of the conflict that he was on, be it Foster's side or the Unitologist's side, before the man touched his radio, "Daina, I've located Chrysalis... or rather she found me."

"Really?" the voice on the other side of the connection, a lady by the sounds of it, exclaimed, as if she actually didn't believe that Chrysalis had been found, "That's great news Franco, but we still need to find Isaac Clarke."

"Don't worry, I just opened the door to his cell," the man, Franco, replied, to which he looked into the cell that he had opened, where Chrysalis did the same and found that Isaac was definitely inside it, though he seemed a little out of it once more, "I'm going to sync their RIGs and make sure they're still operational, like you ordered me to, and then we'll get out of here before the Necromorphs show up."

"A little late for that," Chrysalis commented, as she was facing the area behind her and could see that the slashers from earlier were making their way out of the cells they had jumped into, while at the same time some of the corpses got back up and revealed that they had been transformed into slashers as well, to which she held her bone blades out, "Look, do what you can to get Isaac up on his feet before the slashers realize that we're here, because the moment they notice us I'll start cutting them down."

Sure enough one of the slashers turned and looked in her direction, so while she used her magic and her bone blades to parry the incoming attacks, and eventually dismember the slasher entirely, Franco moved into the cell that Isaac was in and started to rouse him from his drug induced slumber. Chrysalis was happy to hear Isaac moan as reality came back to him, as it had been so long since she had actually heard him say or do anything on his won, though that smile only widened as she heard him ask where he was, and where his friend was. Franco immediately told him that he could explain everything and that they had to trust him, because the two of them were in incredible danger, which was in the ballpark of what happened on the Ishimura... before Chrysalis heard a gasp of pain, to which she turned around and watched as an infector latched onto Franco's back after impaling him through the chest.

Chrysalis grabbed onto the infector with her magic and pulled it away from Franco, knowing that he was in pain at the moment, and dismembered the Necromorph in seconds, though as she turned back to Franco she watched as he underwent a transformation, as slasher style limbs erupted from his back as he started to peer down at Isaac with the same look at all Necromorphs had given the duo in the past. Before Chrysalis could do anything, however, Isaac apparently regained himself and bashed his head into Franco's face, though as Franco fell to the ground he pulled himself from where he had been resting and moved out of the cell he had been in. It was then that he smiled when he noticed Chrysalis standing in front of him, though instead of saying anything at the moment they turned towards the path to Isaac's left and moved away from where the cell was located... though not before Chrysalis grabbed onto the slasher that Franco was becoming and caused it to explode, at least ending the man's suffering before he could fully transform.

She may not have trusted the man, since he knew where they were located and what their names were, but Franco had freed Isaac from his cell and was willing to get them out of where while explaining who wanted them dead, so the least she could do was offer what remained of the man a quick and final death... without the worry of fully becoming a Necromorph that existed to kill everyone around him.

"Franco? Franco, what happened?" Chrysalis heard Daina ask, meaning that Franco had connected both of their RIGs to Daina's before his death, which was why they were able to hear her speak at the moment, "Oh god... Isaac Clarke? Chrysalis? If either of you can hear me, the RUN!"

Chrysalis thought about replying that they were already doing that, she really wanted to do that as well, but with the number of Necromorphs being formed before their eyes, from a combination of slashers and infectors, she knew that running was the best thing at the moment since neither of them had a good weapon at the moment. Instead Chrysalis moved to the front of the pack and lead Isaac away from where his cell was located, where they headed towards the room that was connected to this one and turned to the left, since the other directions weren't any good due to slashers. They then passed through another door and headed to the right, where a few moments later they were forced to turn right once more and passed through the open door that was in front of them... where a slasher jumped onto Isaac's back and pierced his side with a bone blade, though before he and Chrysalis forced the slasher off of him, where it was crushed by the door slamming shut on it.

Chrysalis paused for a moment, to let the adrenaline fade to a more reasonable level, before she rushed to Isaac's side and used some of her magic for a basic healing spell, not enough to make his RIG go green again, but enough to stop the bleeding until they found a med pack.

"Isaac, can you hear me?" Chrysalis asked, as she had no idea whether the drugs were still in his system, or if he had burned through them thanks to the adrenaline that had been pumped into his body.

"Yeah, I hear you Chrysalis," Isaac replied, though he moaned for a moment before she helped him onto his feet, before she picked up the bone blades from where she had dropped them, "God, it's like the start of our visit to the Ishimura, only this time I have no idea what's happening or where we are."

"Well, we're inside a part of the Titan Station, which is commonly called the Sprawl these days," Chrysalis said, though as she smiled as the two of them walked down the hallway in front of them, while keeping their eyes open for supplies and other items that they might be able to use, "and, from what I was able to gather, you're missing the last three years of your life, no doubt due to the drugs that Foster and his men have been pumping you with. Fortunately they stopped trying with me after the first month and a half of failure, but they kept me around in case they could devise a way to get around why something was causing their machinery to break around me... and they never did."

"Wildfire, am I right?" Isaac asked, remembering the connection that Chrysalis had to her first and only love, one that apparently transcended time and death itself, and what the two were able to do before they returned the Marker.

"Correct." Chrysalis replied, as she was happy to see that he still remembered that portion of their journey through the Ishimura, though time would tell how much of his memory had been shattered by the scientists, "Since there's a Necromorph outbreak, just like what happened on Aegis VII and the Ishimura, I think it's safe to say that someone either built or found a Marker... and they foolishly activated it, unaware of what would happen to those around it."

"Great, that means we either have to return a second Marker or blow a new one up," Isaac said, to which he moaned for a moment as he looked down at his arms, before he realized that Chrysalis had freed her arms and that she hadn't done the same for him, "Um, a little held here?"

"Unfortunately your jacket is much tougher than mine was," Chrysalis commented, looking at the area that she could use to separate his arms, but the only blades she had were too large and could easily hurt him in the process, "Look, let's explore a little and see if we can't find something that will let us remove your jacket, because with all this medical equipment you would think there would be a scalpel somewhere."

To their sadness there weren't any scalpels in the area that they had stopped in, which was strange in Chrysalis' mind before she remembered that there was an active Marker somewhere and that whoever had taken them was likely killing whoever he or she came across, so that the infectors could bring them back as Necromorphs. Since they were out of luck in finding a scalpel, or anything to free Isaac's arms without hurting him, they approached the door at the end of the room and walked through it, intending to leave the slasher infested halls behind as they started a brand new adventure. On the other side of the door they found two soldiers standing guard, looking for someone, though Chrysalis had them crouch and silently walk, just in case they proved to be enemies. Despite that fact it appeared that the soldiers knew that they would be coming from the direction they came from, as they opened fire the moment the door closed, until they stopped when something in the vents pierced one of their chests and hauled the soldier into the vent... until his companion investigated the noise and was pulled up as well.

Chrysalis had been hoping that the soldiers would have dropped their Pulse Rifles when they were being grabbed, like what happened on the Ishimura, but this time around it appeared that she would have to settle with using her bone blades for a little while longer... though as they walked towards the open door the soldiers came from whatever was in the vent dropped the torso of one of the soldiers, which the duo ignored.

"This is Director Tiedemann to all project personal." they heard a voice say, though at the same time Chrysalis felt the urge to blast whoever the man was the moment they found him, as she had a sneaky suspicion that this was the superior that Foster had mentioned several times when she first met the man, "I want the key subjects terminated and the facility scrubbed. This is not a drill. Tiedemann out."

"Well, that answers who our enemy is," Chrysalis commented, though as she spoke she realized that the project must have been whatever they were doing with the Marker information they had taken from Isaac and the other inmates, the 'key subjects' as Tiedemann called them, "Come on, let's get out of here before more of his soldiers come looking for us and get past that horde of slashers."

They rounded the corner that was in front of them and walked up the set of stairs that were at the end of the short hallway, where they entered another short hallway that had only one open door, one that would allow them to enter the Observation Room, though Chrysalis entered the area first since she had a weapon. The duo entered the room that was right above the area that they had been housed in the entire time, something that Chrysalis had known about and studied while making her plans, but fortunately it appeared that there wasn't anyone around at the moment. There was a video log of a session that Foster had with a Nolan Stross, where Foster mentioned something about one of Nolan's eyes looking better while also scheduling him for another session the following day. After that Nolan talked about the Marker, describing it a deep black thing that was glowing red and had symbols that whispered to him, though he revealed the existence of a shard that filled his head with information... revealing that the Red Marker had been blown to pieces and that a single fragment of it had survived, only for someone to destroy it as well.

Chrysalis wasn't happy to hear all of this, but at the moment they paid it little attention as they accessed the door near them and walked down the hallway that they uncovered, before they opened another door and walked into a new area, one that had someone that Chrysalis immediately recognized... Foster Edgars, who happened to be staring down at something in the room in front of him. Isaac walked forward for a moment, though before Chrysalis could stop Foster the man turned around and grabbed Isaac, where he stopped when he was holding a scalpel near Isaac's neck, though at the same time Chrysalis growled as she readied herself.

"Come on man, let go of me." Isaac demanded, revealing that, while he remembered everything about the Ishimura and what happened on Aegis VII, he didn't recall anything that happened while the memory suppressing drugs had been inside his system.

"Patient Four... I remember you..." Foster said, staring down into Isaac's eyes for a moment, though both Isaac and Chrysalis knew that the Marker's insanity had already reached him, based on what they were seeing, "Tiedemann said we... all the key subjects... need to be eliminated... terminated... what's one more?"

"Touch him again and you die." Chrysalis replied, to which she rested a bone blade against Foster's shoulder, poised to swing and take his head off while she planned to engage her magic and stop the scalpel from harming Isaac, just in case the man forced her hand.

"I'd listen to her if I were you, because she's scary when she's provoked." Isaac commented, remembering what had happened to the brute after it had killed Hammond, or what had happened to Kendra once Chrysalis finally caught up with her on Aegis VII, "How about you use that scalpel to cut me loose? And then we can all escape before the Necromorphs come looking for us!"

"No one's getting out of here..." Foster said, though that was when he moved the scalpel and drove it between Isaac's arms, cutting into the straitjacket like a surgeon, to which a few seconds later Isaac moved backwards, with his arms now free from their bindings, and stared at the man as Chrysalis joined him, "There is no escaping from what I've done... Your RIG is red. It's red. There's a health pack and a flashlight in that wall locker... you should take them."

Chrysalis floated a bone blade into Isaac's hand as she walked over to the locker in question, as she suspected that the moment one of them went to investigate the locker Foster would attack, though she found that the two items in question were where the man said they were be, to which she gave the health pack to Isaac, who used it to heal the wounds that had been inflicted on his body since Franco had opened the door to his cell. She then handed him the flashlight, which he turned on and off to be sure that it worked before he held it in his right hand, like he would if he had the Plasma Cutter that had been his main weapon on the Ishimura.

"Isaac... we're all going to burn for what we did to you." Foster stated, to which Isaac and Chrysalis stared at the man for a moment, as they still didn't trust him, before he drove the scalpel into his neck and slashed his neck wide open, killing himself in a matter of seconds with the amount of blood that erupted from the wound while he collapsed on the floor and finally went still.

"You know, oddly enough that's what I would have commanded him to do if I seized a portion of his mind," Chrysalis commented, remembering what happened to Kendra, which brought a light smile to her face as she turned towards Isaac once more, "oh well, no use crying over something you can't change. Let's get going before something comes and brings Foster back to life."

Once Foster was taken care of Isaac and Chrysalis opened the door that he had been standing near and headed towards the Patient Rec Room, though as they reached the elevator that would take them to that room they were stopped by their RIGs becoming active as a video link opened before them... and a lady appeared in front of them.

"Clarke!" the lady said, staring at the duo for a moment, almost as if she couldn't believe that she was seeing them in the flesh, though both of them remained silent for a few seconds, "Isaac Clarke, is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm Isaac Clarke, and this is Chrysalis," Isaac replied, already slightly annoyed that this lady didn't seem to care about his companion, despite the fact that he was sure that he wouldn't have gotten through the Ishimura on his own if it hadn't been for her assistance, "Who are you exactly?"

"My name is Daina." the lady answered, causing Chrysalis to remember the name that Franco had said when he first discovered that she was there, where she was happy to have a face to associate with the name, "I'm the one trying to rescue you and Chrysalis..."

"That's good to know, but why only the two of us?" Chrysalis inquired, because while she would have liked to believe what Daina was saying she also knew better than to blindly trust people, as her lesson from Kendra resurfaced within seconds, but she only played along in case her feelings were wrong.

"You're suffering from a unique form of dementia, Isaac... something you contracted on Aegis VII." Daina said, though there was something about her tone that made Chrysalis feel that she was right to be paranoid about her feelings towards the lady, "This type of dementia will kill you, Isaac, but not if you can get to me first, so I can get you and Chrysalis to safety and heal you at the same time. And, if the two of you need a reason for why you should trust me, I'm not the one shooting at either of you."

Isaac glanced over at Chrysalis and knew that she was likely thinking about the situation at the moment, considering whether or not Daina was worthy of their trust or not, and knew that he would follow her lead, no matter what she decided about the situation. Besides, Chrysalis was a changeling, a shapeshifting spy of sorts on her home world and had been one of the best since she impersonated a princess, which he wasn't going to hold against her, but she seemed to know when people were lying and when they were trying to trick someone. The look in her eyes suggested that she might have figured something out at the moment, which was why he was remaining silent as he listened for any Necromorphs, especially since they hadn't walked into the elevator yet.

"You make a compelling argument," Chrysalis finally said, though her tone told Isaac all he needed to know, that she still didn't trust Daina and watched to see what she did before she determined what to do with her, "I'm sure that you already have a route in mind for us to take?"

"That I do," Daina replied, to which both of their RIGs beeped for a moment, indicating that the route she wanted them to take had been uploaded into their suits, "Just follow that and you'll get to me in no time."

Isaac and Chrysalis walked into the elevator the moment Daina was done talking to them and rode up to the floor it was supposed to take them to, though when they arrived they found that it was slightly dark in front of them, to which Isaac stepped forward and used the flashlight to help them move around. They took a few moments before they entered the room on their right, where some dead scientists were sitting in chairs, but they paid the dead no mind as they made their way to a hallway were some wheelchairs were sitting. From there they found a door that they could open and entered a more lit room, though even as they made that discovery they kept their guards up as the two of them explored, as they needed all the resources they could find at the moment. Unfortunately they didn't find anything useful in the area around them and, as they passed through an opening that would take them to a door, Isaac paused and grabbed his head, indicating that something was happening... but it quickly passed and he was quick to ensure a worried Chrysalis that nothing was wrong with him.

That was followed by Chrysalis discovering what she thought was a door was actually an engineer vent, which they used to get around places if she was remembering her original reading correctly, which presented a problem for them, as she wasn't an engineer and didn't have the authority to use the vent at all... or at least they thought it was a problem, as a few moments later they got a brief message from Daina. It appeared that she had anticipated such a problem and had hacked into the CEC computers long before she and Franco put their rescue plan into action, as it appeared that she inserted the signature of Chrysalis' RIG into the systems and made it appear that she was actually an engineer as well, at the same level that Isaac was at. The voice that acknowledged them as they entered the engineer vent hailed them both as CEC Engineers Isaac Clarke and Chrysalis, though neither one of them really said anything about that as they made their way through the vent... especially since it appeared that she wasn't interested in hearing them thank her, which made Chrysalis wonder about Daina once more.

They moved through the engineer vent for a few moments before the next area that Isaac moved onto collapsed and dropped him inside a medical room, one where some guy was being kept in one spot by some equipment, though he moved out of the way and let Chrysalis drop into the area as well, so they could advance together.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, what happened?" Daina asked, speaking over the audio link instead of the video link, though at the same time the duo surveyed their surroundings before they moved forward, "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, we just fell out of the engineer vent and landed in a medical wing," Isaac replied, though as they looked around he decided to ask something to see if he could get Chrysalis more information about the lady that was talking with them, especially since she might not be trustworthy, "So besides trying to combat my dementia, why else did you and Franco decide to save the two of us?"

"Because if Tiedemann finds the two of you, more people will die." Daina said, though the duo had been expecting something like that, especially since it appeared that Tiedemann might have done something will all of the Marker information Foster had acquired from Isaac and the other inmates, "Though the two of you need to hurry before you get locked into the area that you're currently in."

Isaac glanced over at the man that the machine was currently levitating and noticed that he was already dead, so he walked over to the terminal that was powering the machine and pulled off the cover that was in his way, where he fiddled with the interior of the machine before he pulled out a Kinesis Module and attached it to his left arm. With the module in place, and the machine deactivated, Isaac grabbed one of the machine pieces that were already resting on the ground with his Kinesis and hurled it at a glass wall, opening the way forward for them. Of course that was when a slasher revealed itself, but he smiled as he used his Kinesis to lift a second piece of machinery and impaled the Necromorph on the wall that it was passing by, where he noticed that Chrysalis was smiling as well. Even the second slasher that showed up wasn't a match for the power of an object thrown by Kinesis, as it was impaled as well, though as they walked away Chrysalis lifted a few of the pieces that Isaac had been using with the express purpose of giving her companion a weapon until they found him a real weapon... and pulled the parts out of the wall they were in at the same time.

They found the elevator that would take them to the Surgery Observation Area and walked onto the lift, where they rode it up towards the floor that it was connected to and walked out into the area in front of them, to which Isaac spotted some slashers coming towards them and started grabbing the rods with his Kinesis... where he rapidly flung one and impaled his target, before latching onto the rod or the bone blade and used that to impale the next target until all three of them were dead.

Chrysalis, having searched the bodies of the dead along the way since they found the Kinesis Module, made sure Isaac took the few health packs that she had picked up, where they finally restored his RIG to full green, which she was happy to see again as they continued on their way. She also collected some credits for the two of them as they opened a door on the far right of the elevator, though as they walked into the hallway they found more dead bodies that they looted, since they were in need of supplies, but all they ended up finding was credits and health packs, which they were happy to take. When they entered the next area they discovered that someone was calling for help, though when the duo found the man they found out that he had been operated on and that the process was half complete, as there was an exposed area that was leaking blood at the moment. The duo already knew that the man was a goner anyway, on account of the injury that neither of them knew how to fix, but Isaac told the man that they would get him out of his predicament... to which he started messing with the nearby terminal as he wondered if he might have found a Plasma Cutter.

As Isaac did that a slasher huffed into the room and stared at the man that was resting on the table, though Chrysalis surprised the Necromorph and dismembered it with her floating bone blades, which allowed Isaac to power down the operation and retrieve the weapon... where he aimed the Plasma Cutter at the doorway and blasted the slasher that was entering the room in the leg, separating it from the main body, before removing an arm as well. The man, thankful to be alive, ran out of the room with the injury still on his chest, though that was when one last slasher cut him down before he had a chance to do anything else, though Chrysalis and Isaac sighed as they walked out of the surgery area and removed the slasher from existence, just like the others they had encountered so far.

There was also the unfortunate person who seemed to be halfway between a slasher and a person, how Chrysalis didn't even want to know, but they put the poor man out of his agony and moved through the door that he had been placed in front of, where they carefully moved forward, because last time they got an actual weapon the enemies appeared in larger groups. As they entered the area Daina apparently found out about their fight with the slashers and proceeded to tell the duo how to permanently end them, where Isaac politely reminded her that they had a lot of experience in this field, especially since they were the only survivors of the incident on the Ishimura and Aegis VII. That promptly caused Daina to tell them to stay in one piece, like a commander telling a soldier something instead of an operative speaking to an asset, which got on Chrysalis' nerves a little bit... and only reminded her of her own failings with her hive, back when she was the queen of the changelings.

It was one of those rare instances where Chrysalis really thought about how terrible of a queen she had been, to every changeling since she took the throne when her mother passed it to her, but she shelved the thought as she and Isaac moved through two doors and entered the Intense Care Waiting Area, where Isaac lifted his weapon and kept an eye open for any enemies that might be waiting for them. Parts of the area in front of them, including the hallway they had to walk through, appeared to be on fire, though as they walked under one of the sprinkles something turned on and the fire was extinguished in a matter of seconds, allowing them to move forward once more. That, of course, required that they blast and cut their way through three slashers that wanted them dead, but they remembered how they worked back on the Ishimura and repeated their previous tactics, though as that happened Chrysalis hoped to find a store so she could see if she could buy her own Plasma Cutter this time around.

After exploring the area, and looting all the ammunition and credits off the dead bodies, Isaac and Chrysalis headed towards the only door that they could use and opened it up, which was a small office room that they quickly walked through, though as they exited through the other door they heard someone complaining about shooting off the legs of something and it was still coming at him. There was a response about shooting the limbs, which they already knew, but as it turned out it was a communicator of some kind, one that was worthless to them as they opened the door to their left and walked into the hallway it connected to. Instead of immediately heading to the right, however, Chrysalis opted to explore a little and found a text log that detailed the effects of continued exposure to the memory erasing drugs, where people forgot who they were entirely... and had to be told who they were each day and why, in some cases, that they were in pain, to which she counted herself lucky that neither of them had this sort of thing happen to them.

A few moments later they approached the door that would take them to the Upper Lobby and walked through it, though as they walked into the new area someone called out to Isaac, telling him that they had to hurry before mentioning that someone was after them, which he and Chrysalis knew had to be Tiedemann's followers. They followed the man down some stairs and into an area that proclaimed that the hospital bulkheads were closing, though when they finally found the man they were too late as the barrier door closed between them and him. It was at that point that the man revealed that his was Patient Five, though Chrysalis knew him better as Nolan Stross, the man they had seen on the video earlier, though before Nolan could say anything else the heavier door closed in front of them... trapping Isaac and Chrysalis in the area that they were in, until they figured out a new path to take.

Isaac knew that both he and Chrysalis hated to do this, but since they were left with little choice he opened up their audio links with Daina, since she needed to know what was going on.

"Hey Daina, we've got a bit of a situation," Isaac said, though at the same time he and Chrysalis faced the area they had come from, as they knew that something would be coming at them soon enough, "We're going to need another route, because the one you sent us lead us straight into a security lockdown."

"I told the two of you to hurry!" Daina replied, though Chrysalis detected a hint of anger in the lady's voice, which was understandable since she was trying to 'save' them at the moment, "How did you two morons manage to miss it?"

"It's easy to miss our opening when the door's locked by the time we got there," Chrysalis said, not even bothering to mention Stross or the fact that she could have teleported them to the other side, as she didn't trust Daina enough to give her that information yet, "Look, we either need a new route or someone has to bypass the lockdown... there aren't any other options left on the table."

Daina said nothing as she left Isaac and Chrysalis to fight the slashers that were coming in from the left and right hallways that converged in the area that they were standing in, to which Isaac faced the right side while Chrysalis took the left side and engaged their foes. Oddly enough Chrysalis counted that there were only six enemies overall, as she would have thought there would have been more considering that this place was a hospital, but she wasn't about to question it since the lack of enemies made things much easier for the two of them. With the number of enemies being small they were able to clear the area and turn off the quarantine lights, what Chrysalis assumed were part of the Titan Station's quarantine procedure, to which they waited for Daina to get back to them with some information.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, I know I haven't given you a reason to trust me, but we're stuck together," Daina told them, to which the duo nodded, as she was literally the only person trying to help them at the moment, but at the same time they were prepared for what she had to tell them, "Tiedemann is your true enemy, don't forget that. Now then, I've found a new route for the two of you to take."

"That's good to hear," Isaac said, though at the same time they started to salvage what they could, as they had done back on the Ishimura, before something came to mind, "Hey Daina, I've got two questions. First, where in the hell are we? And secondly, how in the hell did another Necromorph outbreak occur?"

"The two of you are on Titan Station, orbiting Saturn," Daina replied, telling Chrysalis what she already knew, but she knew that Isaac trusted her and was merely asking their new 'friend' some questions so they could better form an opinion of her before they openly trusted her, "as for the outbreak... shit, Tiedemann's jamming my signal."

Sure enough the connection dropped and they lost Daina, but fortunately they had the route she had programmed for them and continued on their way, heading behind the counter that was in front of them and picked up another text log, this one detailing some anxiety and tensions between the Unitologists and EarthGov. From there they followed the new route as it brought them to the Triage Room, where Chrysalis noticed that some Stasis Beds were in use, which meant Isaac was going to have both of his gadgets at the beginning of their journey, instead of picking them up some time down the road like they did on the Ishimura. Fortunately the first terminal they came to had the module in question, to which Isaac pulled the cover off the machine and hacked into it, allowing Chrysalis to watch as Stasis blasts were thrown around before he pulled the module from the machine and hooked it up to his left arm... while at the same time slowing down a slasher with the intensity of the Stasis Pulse that had emitted from the machine it had been hooked up to.

Isaac took a moment to dismember the unfortunate slasher, as this would have happened either way, before he and Chrysalis continued along the path that Daina had created for them, which included tapping the console that opened the door in front of them, though it started to close moments later. Chrysalis remembered something from the last time they did this and opened the door again, where Isaac loosed a Stasis blast and slowed it down, allowing them to pass through the opening before it closed, to which they smiled before they opened the door on their right and continued forward. That was when they found a poor person being corroded by some sort of vile liquid that was on his back, though when they turned to look in the room he came from they found a new type of enemy, one that puked up corrosive bile at whoever it was targeting... though Chrysalis was quick to take it, and the second one of it's kind, out before they could even register that they were under attack.

"Great, and now we've got pukers... just wonderful," Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she and Isaac were careful as they explored the area, looking for anything of use, before they returned to the path that they had been carefully following this time around.

Fortunately they found a Power Node in the room with the two pukers, something that they planned on saving till later, before they climbed into the elevator that would take them to Patient Care, while at the same time making the duo wonder how many elevators they would have to ride before they could take a short break. As they rode down to the level they were heading towards the lights seemed to go out for a few moments, though as they came back on the duo heard the song Chrysalis had pointed out on the Ishimura, the 'twinkle twinkle' song. They ignored it, to the best of their ability, before they reached their destination, where the two of them walked out into the reception area that they discovered, which happened to contain a text log that talked about secrecy and that someone was going to tell Tiedemann about some policies that seemed to be failing... though once they reached the end they stored it away and kept moving.

They passed through the door that took them into the East Wing and kept following the path in front of them, where they walked into a room that clearly had some flames in the middle of it, though that was when the glass shattered and the flames were sucked out, to which they grabbed onto something as the area began to decompress. A slasher rose up at the same time, since Necromorphs weren't affected by this sort of thing, but Chrysalis smiled as she noticed that an icon appeared before the broken glass. She raised a hand and blasted the slasher with magic, knocking it out of the room, which Isaac followed up with shooting the icon, causing a metal wall to rise and prevented them from being sucked out of the room as well, to which they settled down for a few seconds before moving through the door on their left. That was followed by them entering a short hallway that opened up to a larger room, with a slasher faking being dead until Chrysalis tapped it with the tip of her bone blades... allowing Isaac to dismember the creature as they walked into the room that it had tried, and failed, to guard.

That was when Chrysalis smiled when she noticed the store on their left, as that meant that they could finally put their credits to good use and, hopefully, buy two new armor sets so that they could really take this battle to the Necromorphs that were in front of them, and hopefully a gun for her as well. Unfortunately the only weapon the shop was selling was a Force Gun, which did what Chrysalis could do with a force of her magical energies, but she smiled when she noticed that there was an engineering suit available and only cost a thousand credits, where she discovered that they had more than enough for two sets. Isaac entered the command and stepped into the area that he needed to step into, where Chrysalis stepped back and watched as everything closed on him, though a few seconds later Isaac emerged, where they noticed that he was wearing a new variation of the Level 3 RIG they found back on the Ishimura, only it seemed to be more orange colored than the other suit... to which Chrysalis smiled as she repeated the process.

A few moments later Chrysalis emerged from the machine with her modified suit of armor on, surprised that the machine fit it according to what her body looked like, but now she and Isaac were ready for total war with the enemies that would be waiting for them.

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